weight & body session 6

Understanding Wellbeing Week 6: Weight management & Body image

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Understanding Wellbeing Week 6: Weight management & Body image

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No session next weekWe’re back in on the

26th of February


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Define key terms (1.1) Outline associated health issues (1.2, 1.3, 1.4) State what is meant be ‘body image’ (2.1) Outline what can have a positive and negative effect on body

image (2.2) Give examples of how body image can effect weight

management (2.3) List characteristics of a healthy eating plan (3.1) Outline the role of different factors on weight management

(3.2, 3.3, 3.4) List common weight loss myths and effective weight loss

strategies (3.5, 3.6)

Session 6 Objectives

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4 reasons for misusing alcohol 4 psychological and physical effects of alcohol

misuse 3 ways in which alcohol misuse can effect family,

friends and society 3 organisations that can offer help 3 effects of alcohol withdrawal

Recap – Group buzzers

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What makes an ideal body?


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This unit focuses on an uncomfortable aspect of our contemporary lifestyles and culture …weight management and body image.

In the UK we buy approximately 41 million tonnes of food every year Between 11p & 17p per £1 spent goes on food shopping We throw away approximately 15 million tonnes every year (one third) The average household throws away about £470 worth of food every year 25% of adults are obese, and a further 37% are overweight Our National Health Service is finding it increasingly difficult to cope with

the extent of health issues associated with high-consumption lifestyle choices and habits

Food Statistics Pocketbook 2015

Read the BBC report, and complete the questions on side 2


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Research what is meant by weight management and body image

Provide a paragraph to show what you understand of both topics

Please share with the rest of the class

HomeworkYou needed to…

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Diabetes cases soar by 60%

‘The number of people living with diabetes has soared by nearly 60% in the past decade, Diabetes UK warns’

1) Diabetes is a condition where the amount of sugar in your blood is too high because the body cannot use it properly. This is because your pancreas doesn’t produce any insulin, or not enough insulin, to help glucose enter your body’s cells – or the insulin that is produced does not work properly.

2) It is closely linked to diet and obesity – type 2 accounts for 85-95% of diabetes cases

3) 135 people have a foot amputated each week as a result of their diabetes4) Neuropathy or nerve damage can cause constant pain5) Diabetes costs the NHS just under £10bn per year6) Lifestyle choices!

Meet John (intimately)… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpdlJ79ACCo …

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Activity 1 - Definitions and issues (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4)

This is an individual comprehension task. Read the information materials provided and complete page 26 in your unit booklet. (healthy BMI: 18.5 – 24.9 (adult))Obese Emaciated MalnourishedThis is a term used to describe somebody that is very overweight, with a lot of body fat.BMI Range: 30 – 39.9

This is a severe form of malnourishment in which most of the subcutaneous fat and muscle has wasted away.BMI Range: 15 and under

Sometimes referred to as malnutrition – it is a serious condition that occurs when a person’s diet does not contain the right amount of nutrientsBMI Range: under 18.5

Type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, increased risk of some cancers, stoke, amputation…

Irritable, impulsive, exhausted, depressed, organ damage/failure, decreased mental function, muscle atrophy, heart failure…

Feeling weak and tired, low mood, increased risk of infection, obesity, failure to grow (children)…

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Group 1 – Provide positive examples of what can have an effect on an individual’s body image (For example; Healthy diet)

Group 2 – Provide negative examples of what can have an effect on an individual’s body image (For example; Poor diet)

Activity 2

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"Body image" is the way that someone perceives their body and assumes that others perceive them (2.1). This image is often affected by family, friends, social pressure and the media.Give examples of factors that could have a potentially positive and negative impact on an individual’s body image (2.2)

Now provide examples of how a positive, negative or fluctuating body image may impact on an individual’s ability to manage their weight (2.3). Individual reflection and comprehension task

Complete Page 27 of your workbook

Body image (2.1, 2.2, 2.3)

Positive NegativeHealthy diet, regular exercise, compliments, cultural awareness, healthy relationships, good mental health, positive role models

Poor diet, no exercise, hurtful comments, unrealistic expectations, unhealthy relationships, poor mental health, lack of positive role models

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15 minutes = Plenty of time for a brew, chat, drink of

water, toilet visit


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Research the characteristics of a healthy eating plan by typing the following into Google: ‘Eight tips for healthy eating’ http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/Goodfood/Pages/eight-tips-healthy-eating.aspx List at least 5 characteristics at the top of page 28 (3.1).

How do balanced diet, exercise and lifestyle choices impact on weight management? In small groups develop a list of points relating to one of these factors (3.2, 3.3, 3.4).

Activity 3 - Weight management (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4)

Factor Role in weight managementBalanced diet Provides essential nutrients, contains the right amount of

calories, gives us energyExercise Strengthens muscles, increases flexibility, burns excess

calories, improves body imageLifestyle choices Negative example: smoking tobacco may impair one’s ability to

exercisePositive example: getting enough sleep improves metabolism, (food-related) decisions making & increases energy levels

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Use the internet to find a media report about weight management and body image – this can be someone’s battle to put weight on or to lose weight.

Once you have found it, print it out and we will discuss them and the impact this may have on other people and their own body image

Activity 4 - Find a media report

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With a media obsessed by body image, we are constantly bombarded with ‘advice’ on how to lose weight.It is important to be able to make a distinction between effective strategies and weight loss myths. Complete page 28

What to believe? (3.5, 3.6)

Myths Effective featuresYou must have a tough exercise regime

20-30 mins. of physical activity per day

Take weight loss pills and supplements

Drink 1-2 litres of water per day

Drinking lots of water makes you lose weight

Eat healthy snacks (fruit, veg, nuts etc.) & regular meals

Avoid carbohydrates Follow the healthy plate guidelines*

Skip meals and don’t snack Reduce alcohol intake

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You are going to design a weight management plan for a fictional character.Follow the instructions on the hand outs provided…Ensure that you create a detailed and varied plan for your character…You will be appraising each other’s plans when we return to class on the 26th of February – 2 weeks’ time

*Healthy plate & plan (4.1, 4.2, 4.3)Spend 10 minutes looking over this to ensure you know what needs

doing – Make notes before you go to give you a head start

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2 health issues associated with obesity 2 positive examples of what can have an effect on

an individual’s body image 2 health issues associated with emaciation 2 negative examples of what can have an effect on

an individual’s body image 2 health issues associated with malnourishment 4 characteristics of a healthy eating plan

Recap – Group buzzers

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See you on the 26th of February with your detailed weight management programme
