weight loss secrets that actually work 123

Weight loss secrets that actually work written by: Laura_UK Losing weight naturally has been a major concern to many people. Many of us would like a program which will help them lose the extra kilos easily. Although some programs may promise this, the only ultimate and safe way to lose weight is by doing it naturally. There are many ways in which one can lose weight naturally to obtain that coveted figure and size. However, for you to obtain results from these natural means, you should be ready to sacrifice a lot and stick to the plan for as long as it takes. Although it may be straining at times, the results are amazing and longer lasting as compared to using pills and other supplements. The first method on how to lose weight is by physical body training. This can either be in a gym, at home or riding a bike for long, especially in the morning. The idea behind training hard, whether by using dumb bells or running is the fact that, the body gets a chance to burn excess fats in the body. Bike riding in the morning for example is the best tool to use if you want to lose weight fast . This is because when you ride a bike in the morning for a certain number of miles, almost all the muscles are active and you will notice this with increased heart and breathing rate. The longer you can ride the bike, and mainly in level or hilly grounds, the higher your chances of burning these excess fats. Nevertheless, if you like indoor activities better, then a mounted bike, and some weights will help you better. If you prefer taking indoor activities while training, you might then have to grab a program which will govern you and guide you in training well and effectively. Another natural way to lose weight is swimming. Swimming is one outdoor activity that consumes and burns more fats that any other activity. The reason why it is so is because, while you are swimming, almost all muscles in the body are active, and although you may not sweat, lots of fat are burned in the process. If you have a swimming pool in your backyard, and are looking for ways on how to lose weight naturally, you can then start by utilizing the swimming pool. However, for optimal results using this method, you will need a program or plan to govern you while swimming. You can decide to be swimming at specific times of the day, for a timed period. While undertaking these natural ways to lose weight, you need to keep one thing in mind; water intake . Remember that, the harder you involve your body to physical activities and training, the body excretes toxic materials through sweat, and needs a lot of water for respiration. This is the reason why you will continually feel thirsty even in chilly mornings.

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Weight loss secrets that actually work written by: Laura_UK

Losing weight naturally has been a major concern to many people.  Many of us would like a program which will help them

lose the extra kilos easily. Although some programs may promise this, the only ultimate and safe way to lose weight is by

doing it naturally. There are many ways in which one can lose weight naturally to obtain that coveted figure and size.

However, for you to obtain results from these natural means, you should be ready to sacrifice a lot and stick to the plan for

as long as it takes.  Although it may be straining at times, the results are amazing and longer lasting as compared to using

pills and other supplements.

The first method on how to lose weight is by physical body training. This can either be in a gym, at home or riding a bike

for long, especially in the morning. The idea behind training hard, whether by using dumb bells or running is the fact that, the

body gets a chance to burn excess fats in the body.

Bike riding in the morning for example is the best tool to use if you want to lose weight fast. This is because when you ride a

bike in the morning for a certain number of miles, almost all the muscles are active and you will notice this with increased

heart and breathing rate. The longer you can ride the bike, and mainly in level or hilly grounds, the higher your chances of

burning these excess fats.

Nevertheless, if you like indoor activities better, then a mounted bike, and some weights will help you better.  If you prefer

taking indoor activities while training, you might then have to grab a program which will govern you and guide you in training

well and effectively.

Another natural way to lose weight is swimming. Swimming is one outdoor activity that consumes and burns more fats

that any other activity. The reason why it is so is because, while you are swimming, almost all muscles in the body are

active, and although you may not sweat, lots of fat are burned in the process. If you have a swimming pool in your backyard,

and are looking for ways on how to lose weight naturally, you can then start by utilizing the swimming pool.

However, for optimal results using this method, you will need a program or plan to govern you while swimming. You can

decide to be swimming at specific times of the day, for a timed period.

While undertaking these natural ways to lose weight, you need to keep one thing in mind; water intake. Remember that, the

harder you involve your body to physical activities and training, the body excretes toxic materials through sweat, and needs

a lot of water for respiration. This is the reason why you will continually feel thirsty even in chilly mornings.

You need to take an adequate amount of water while under a training session, and even after that. This will keep the body

cells rejuvenated, giving way to respiration of these fats. Alongside heavy water intake,  healthy dieting is required. Try as

much as possible to abstain from fast foods or factory manufactured foods and eat home cooked meals. This will help

maintain your body structure and stamina while training.

Decide to lose weight.How Much Should I Weigh?

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Struggling with extra weight and feeling frustrated? Learn about the many health benefits from losing just 10% of your body weight.

Is Your Weight Loss Goal Realistic?Learn why losing weight slowly is best for long-term results. Discover how to adopt new behaviors, like eating less and exercising more, to boost weight loss.

How to Lose Weight FastIf you want to be the next “biggest loser” -- and do it fast -- you have to read these rapid weight loss safety tips.

Weight control is all about making small changes that you can live with forever. As you incorporate these minor adjustments into your lifestyle, you'll begin to see how they can add up to big calorie savings and weight loss. Here are my top 10 habits to help you turn your dream of weight loss into a reality:


1. Evaluate your eating habits. Are you eating late at night, nibbling while cooking, finishing the kids' meals? Take a look around, and it will be easy to identify a few behaviors you can change that will add up to big calorie savings.

2. If you fail to plan, plan to fail. You need a strategy for your meals and snacks. Pack healthful snacks for the times of day that you know you are typically hungry and can easily stray from your eating plan.

3. Always shop with a full belly. It's a recipe for disaster to go into the grocery store when you are hungry. Shop from a prepared list so impulse buying is kept to a minimum. Eating right starts with stocking healthy food in your pantry and refrigerator.

4. Eat regular meals. Figure out the frequency of your meals that works best in your life and stick to it. Regular meals help prevent bingeing.

5. Eat your food sitting down at a table, and from a plate. Food eaten out of packages and while standing is forgettable. You can wind up eating lots more than if you sit down and consciously enjoy your meals.

6. Serve food onto individual plates, and leave the extras back at the stove.Bowls of food on the table beg to be eaten, and it takes incredible will power not to dig in for seconds. Remember, it takes about 20 minutes for your mind to get the signal from your belly that you are full.

7. Eat slowly, chew every bite, and savor the taste of the food. Try resting your fork between bites and drinking plenty of water with your meals.

8. Don't eat after dinner. This is where lots of folks pack on the extra pounds. If you are hungry, try satisfying your urge with a non-caloric beverage or a piece of hard candy. Brushing your teeth after dinner helps reduce the temptation to eat again.

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9. If you snack during the day, treat the snack like a mini-meal. The most nutritious snacks contain complex carbohydrates and a small amount of protein and fat.

10. Start your day with breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day. After a long night's rest, your body needs the fuel to get your metabolism going and give you energy for the rest of the day.


Sometimes losing weight can seem like a battle that you can never win. It's a constant struggle; but the main thing to remember is that you need to change the way you think about food. Believe it or not, following diets that has strict rules and regulations actually makes you more likely to gain weight rather than lose it! In addition to using the following methods to drop the pounds, you will be more likely to keep them off once and for all.

1. Make sure that you are motivated

Plan your weight loss. Ask yourself these questions: How much do I weigh now? How much should I weigh? Is my goal realistic? Be mentally prepared to take on the challenge. If you do not have the motivation to lose weight, it is not going to happen for you. If you only want to lose a few pounds to look good for a party for example, the weight loss will halt once you have reached this goal. There needs to be adequate planning involved for both meals and snacks. Motivation comes from within, you have to remember why you are doing it and it shouldn't just be to look good, it should be for health reasons too. You can keep yourself on track, by setting little reminders around your home. These could be things like post it notes on the

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fridge or a picture of your dream body. Once you know for sure that you are committed to changing who you are and getting healthier, it is time to begin. Eating right begins with having the right foods in your refrigerator and pantry. Prepare your list before grocery shopping and make sure you are not hungry; this reduces the risk of “impulse buying”

Tip: Put together three to four snacks that are healthy and you know you will enjoy. Have these between meals when you are most lightly to feel hungry and deviate from your plan.

2. Change your food habits

Look at the foods that you currently eat and make changes to them. If you are a lover of junk food, then ditch the pizza and make an effort to start cooking foods that you know has good ingredients. If you have a sweet tooth, swap that candy and cake for things that have natural sugar like fruit. Perhaps you eat quite well and just need to cut down on the portion sizes, whatever it is you need to change - do it and you will see the results. You don't have to eat like a rabbit every single day, just be aware of what you are eating and try to make better choices. Add to your diet instead of taking away; make sure these additions are healthy goodies you will enjoy such as juicy cherries, plump grapes or fresh veggies you can eat without cooking. Add these to soups stews or cereal to make your meal interesting.

Tip: Be honest with yourself and evaluate your eating habits and identify those that could use a change. Is your last substantial meal of the day taken too late in the evening? (After 8pm), Are you eating the children’s leftovers to prevent waste? The frequent taste test and small portions you consume while cooking could add up. You could realise a huge reduction in your calorie count by making these small changes you probably weren’t even aware of.

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3. Eat only when you are hungry

Sitting around with not much to do and mingling with friends or watching the TV late at night - I bet that you reach for food and put it in your mouth without even thinking about it. This is known as boredom eating and lots of people do it, it is the reason why much of the population is putting on weight. Continuously eating this way will cause your waistline to gradually expand unless you do something about it. When bored or you find that you have extra time on your hands, think of something productive to do. Any type of exercise, gardening, a brisk walk or a chore around the house which you have put off for some time or a light workout for example, will keep you busy so you won't be thinking of food and it actually releases endorphins which naturally make you feel good. It is also important when you are eating a big meal especially, to eat slowly. Try to enjoy and savor the taste in every mouthful, pause and put your fork down regularly between mouthfuls and consume at least one 8oz glass of water with each meal. Listen to the signals that your body is telling you, understand the sensation of being full and obey it, remember that you don't always have to clear your plate.

Tip: Decide on how often you need to eat, which plan works best for your routine and stick to it. Eating regularly helps to prevent unnecessary snaking between meals and will yield maximum results. Start the day with a reasonable breakfast, if you prefer not to have a heavy breakfast, a light meal of fruits or a healthy shake is sufficient. After hours of rest you will need to refuel and boost your metabolism to start the day.

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4. Cardio exercises will definitely help you to lose weight

Weight loss comes down to 70% diet and 30% exercise, while eating well is important so is working out. Cardio is the best way to burn calories, some exercises that you can try includes running, jumping jacks, swimming and fast paced workouts (from DVDs), these are proven to work almost all the muscle groups while increasing heart rate and breathing. Another option is to join a gym but if you are more comfortable working out at home, that's fine - there are so many effective workouts that you can find for free on the internet and they can be just as effective as working out at the gym providing that you put the work in. Of course be guided by your doctor before starting any workout program. The word “exercise” or “workout” is sometimes a bit intimidating to many persons; it may instil fear and promotes avoidance. If you prefer to rename this activity feel free to do so, the general idea is to move around more in general. Try these simple changes: Park a short distance from your destination and walk the rest of the way, forget about the leaf-blower and rake the leaves, take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible, make the mop or vacuum your dancing partner the next time you clean and “pump up the volume” or conduct walking meetings at a convenient outdoor location rather than in the office building. These small changes could make a huge difference, just make sure to keep the momentum going and expand on these gradually.

Tip: A 10 minutes walk daily along with some of the previous suggestions could result in an overall 30 minute workout that you can be proud of.

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Count calories with ease

Do not be afraid to start counting your calories in order to be aware of how much you are eating and stick to certain guidelines. There are actually websites and apps online that tell you how what your caloric intake should be based on your weight and height, I highly recommend http://www.myfitnesspal.com. It makes calorie counting super easy because all the foods that you can imagine are in their online database. You can also add your exercises to see how many calories a day you are burning. A particularly good feature on this website is that it tells you how much you will lose over a specified period of time if you’re eating pattern does not change. Be honest when counting calories, logging your food will help to keep you motivated, pretty soon taking a close look at calories from every food source will become a way of life and it is most likely to help you “behave” when making choices on your weight loss journey.

Tip: Log drinks as well, try and stick to water as much as possible because it has no calories but has so many other benefits which when combined contributes greatly to your overall weight loss.

Set goals and rewards for yourself.

By setting mini goals and rewards for yourself, you will stay motivated and will also be able to pin point why and how fast the weight loss is taking place. For example,

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you could promise to treat yourself to a new dress once you drop another 5 pounds. These goals will give you the need to keep going and in the end, you will have a hot new outfit to show off your changing body. Make sure however that your "rewards" are not food related, this will only encourage you to slip back into your old habits. Do not set unattainable and unrealistic goals, everyone's body is difference and if you don't see the results as quickly as you would have liked then you might get disheartened and stop trying.

7. Eat plenty of protein

Protein has all the nutrients needed to give you that full feeling, it also provides added energy needed for exercising. Some foods that are high in protein and can be eaten regularly include chicken, fish, cheese, peas and beans, eggs and yogurt. By incorporating these foods into your diet as much as possible, you will be doing your body a world of good and weight loss results will be observed in no time. A perfect meal incorporating the right amount of protein would be a grilled chicken breast with vegetables and green beans. Mix it up though; use healthy recipes which can be researched online. Eating the same foods everyday can become rather boring for anyone. Carbohydrates along with some amount of fats are also important for maintaining a healthy and balanced diet while keeping in mind…everything in moderation.

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Allow yourself a 'cheat day'.

Maybe once a fortnight, you can have a break from counting calories and just eat whatever you want (within reason of course). Having a splurge now and again and maybe a naughty takeaway is actually thought to be good for you, it will give your metabolism the boost it is looking for. In addition, do not shy away from dine out occasionally or on special occasions, one bad meal is not going to make you gain 10 pounds overnight! As long as you eat well and exercise as much as possible, the cheat day will make you happy and will make absolutely no difference to your end goal. Just make sure that the cheat day does not derail your efforts and you get back on track the following day.

<li>9. Be patient with your body

Although, I have shared with you the best tips for losing weight as quick as possible, these are not magic cures and results will still take a little bit of time. The main thing is to remain consistent and patient with what you are doing and remember that you are making changes that are bettering your body and health. Don't weigh yourself too often either, your body will take time to drop them pounds and if you have started working out (particularly weight training) you are actually likely to gain weight at first because you will be gaining muscle. Pay attention to not just the scale but the way that your clothes fit and how you feel on the inside.</li>

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Simple lifestyle changes.Conclusion

By putting these weight maintenance tips into practice, you are going to see results on the weighing scales, the way that you look in the mirror and how you feel in your clothes. Soon the new habits will become like second nature to you - resulting in you automatically choosing better foods, only eating when you are hungry amongst other tricks that have been discussed. You will never need to try unhealthy fad diet again and you will still keep the weight off by adapting new and improved ways of eating.

Painless weight loss? If you're desperately trying to squeeze in workouts and avoid your favourite high-calorie treats, it can seem like there's nothing pain-free about it.

Yet while eating healthier and slipping in exercise does take some work, it really doesn't have to require heroic effort. Making just a few simple lifestyle changes can pack a big weight loss punch over time.

1. Add, Don't Subtract

Forget diet denial: Try adding foods to your diet instead of subtracting them.

Add in healthy goodies you really love, like deep-red cherries, juicy grapes, or crunchy snow peas. Slip those favourite fruits into your bag lunch and breakfast cereal; add the veggies into soups, stews, and sauces.

"Adding in really works, taking away never does," says registered dietician David Grotto, RD, LDN, author of 101 Optimal Life Foods, but do remember to keep an eye on overall calories. And don't forget to add in something physical, too, whether it's doing a few dance moves before dinner, shooting hoops, or taking a quick stroll.

2. Forget About Working Out

If the word "exercise" inspires you to creative avoidance, then avoid it. Maybe the trick to enjoying a workout may be to never call it working out.

"There's some truth to that," Grotto tells WebMD, and once you start your not-calling-it-exercise plan, Grotto says you'll discover "the way good health feels knocks down the roadblocks that were preventing you from exercising in the first place."

So burn calories and invigorate muscles by beachcombing, riding bikes, grass skiing, making snow angels, hiking, washing the car, playing Frisbee, chasing the dog around the yard, or even enjoying great sex. After all, a rose by any other name ...

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3. Go Walking

Walking when the weather's nice is a super-easy way to keep fit, says Diane Virginias, a certified nursing assistant from New York. "I enjoy the seasons," she says, adding that even when she's short on time she'll go out for a few minutes. "Even a five minute walk is a five minute walk."

No sidewalks in your neighbourhood? Try these tips for slipping in more steps:

Trade your power mower for a push version. Park your car at the back of the lot.

Get out of the office building and enjoy walking meetings.

Sweep the drive or rake the leaves instead of using a leaf-blower.

Get off the bus a few stops earlier.

Hike the mall, being sure to hit all the levels.

Take the stairs every chance you get.

Sign up for charity walks.

Crank the music and get your heart rate up the next time you mop or vacuum.

It all adds up. If you walk twice a day for 10 minutes and try a few of these tips, you may find yourself with a low-impact, 30-minute workout easily tucked under your belt.

Weight loss without pain % 3F If you are desperately trying to squeeze in workouts and avoid your favorite high-calorie treats % 2C it may seem that nothing is pain free.

However, while eating healthier and slipping in exercise does not work % 2C really does not have to require heroic effort . Making a few simple changes in lifestyle can pack a big weight loss punch over time.

1. Add % 2C not subtract

Forget diet denial % 3A try adding foods to your diet instead of subtracting .

Add healthy gifts you love % 2C as deep cherry red % 2C% 2C juicy grapes and crunchy peas. Favourite fruits skating bag lunch and breakfast cereal % 3B add the vegetables in stews soups % 2C% 2C and sauces.

"Adding works out really % 2C % 2C never " says dietitian David Grotto RD % 2C% 2C% 2C LDN food author of 101 Optimal Life% 2C but remember to keep an eye on calories. And do not forget to add in something physical % 2C% 2C if it is to make a few dance moves before dinner % 2C% C 2echar some hoops or take a short walk.

Two . Forget processing so that

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the word "exercise " inspires you to avoid % 2C creative , then avoid . Maybe the trick to enjoy a bit of exercise can never be called .

" There is some truth in that % 2C" Grotto tells WebMD % 2C and once you start your not - calling -it- exercise plan % 2C Grotto says you'll discover how good health considered down the barriers that prevent them from performing in first . " thus

burn calories and tone muscles by walking around % 2C% grass skiing 2bicicletas C % 2C snow angels hiking % 2C% 2C % 2C wash the car playing Frisbee % 2C and the dog in the yard % 2C or even enjoy a sexual relationship. After all % 2C a rose by any other name ...

Three . Go walk

walk when the weather is nice is a super- easy way to keep fit says Diane Virginias % 2C % 2C A certified nursing assistant in New York. " I love the seasons % 2C" says % 2C adding that even when she is leaving him little time for a few minutes. "Even a five minute walk is a five minute walk . "

There are no sidewalks in the neighborhood % 3F try these tips for slipping in more steps % 3A

• • • • grocery trade your push mower .

• Park your car in the back lot .

• Out of office building and enjoy walking .

• The unit sweep or rake the leaves instead of using a leaf blower .

• Get off the bus a few stops earlier .

• Walk around the mall % 2C for all levels .

• Take the stairs every chance you get .

• Sign up for charity walks .

• Turn the music and get your heart rate up the next time you rp or empty.

It all adds up . If you walk twice a day for 10 minutes and try some of these tips % 2C you may find yourself with a low impact % 2C 30-minute workout easily tucked under his belt.