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  • 7/31/2019 Weinstein Jason 200911 MASc Thesis





    Jason Weinstein

    A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of

    Master of Applied Science

    Graduate Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

    University of Toronto

    Copyright by Jason Weinstein, 2009

  • 7/31/2019 Weinstein Jason 200911 MASc Thesis




    Plug-and-Play Digital Controllers for Scalable Low-Power Switch-Mode Power Supplies


    Jason Weinstein

    Master of Applied Science

    Graduate Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

    University of Toronto


    The purpose of this thesis is to present a novel controller structure for scalable switch-mode

    power supplies targeting low power applications. The design employs masterless control,

    where each phase is responsible for its own control in a multiphase system. The controller is

    capable of automatically configuring itself to work with a single phase system or a

    multiphase system. The configuration process allows each controller to determine the

    number of phases in the system, as well as to synchronize and sequence the phases. With

    this architecture, the same controller design can be used in many types of applications

    requiring different numbers of phases, resulting in a decrease in cost and design effort. The

    proposed design has been verified experimentally on FPGA and IC implementations.

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    Dedicated in memory of my mother, Livia Singer.

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    I could not have completed this work without the help of others. First, I would like to thank

    my supervisor, Prof. Aleksandar Prodi , for providing me with this opportunity. His

    guidance, knowledge, and support have truly gone above and beyond my expectations.

    I would also like to thank my friends in the Laboratory for Low-Power Management and

    Integrated Switch-Mode Power Supplies. In particular I would like to acknowledge Zdravko

    Lukic, Amir Parayandeh, and Massimo Tarulli for their invaluable assistance with

    completing this work.

    Finally, I would like to thank the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering as well

    as Toshiba Corporation for sponsoring this project.

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    1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1

    1.1 Thesis Objectives ................................................................................................... 1

    1.2 Thesis Overview .................................................................................................... 2

    2. Prior Art and Motivation ................................................................................................. 3

    2.1 Multiphase SMPS Systems .................................................................................... 3

    2.2 Scalable SMPS Systems ......................................................................................... 8

    2.3 Modular DC-DC Converters for Medium to High Power Applications ................ 9

    2.4 Scalable Low-Power SMPS Systems ................................................................... 10

    2.5 Auto-Tuning Controllers for SMPS ..................................................................... 13

    3. System Description .......................................................................................................... 15

    3.1 System Overview ................................................................................................. 15

    3.2 System Benefits .................................................................................................... 19

    3.3 Component Descriptions ...................................................................................... 20

    3.3.1 Communication Block .............................................................................. 20 Communication Protocol ............................................................. 22 Transmitter and Receiver ............................................................. 24 Transmission Gate ....................................................................... 26

    3.3.2 Phase Detector .......................................................................................... 29 Phase Detection Process .............................................................. 29 Starting Phase Identification ........................................................ 31

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    3.3.3 LC Estimator and Sequencer .................................................................... 36 Charged-Based Inductance Estimation Method ........................... 37 LC Estimator and Sequencer Architecture .................................. 41

    3.3.4 Digitally-Controlled DLL ......................................................................... 46 Selection of the Timing Phase ..................................................... 47 Clock Generation Architecture .................................................... 48

    3.3.5 Regular Operation .................................................................................... 53

    4. Experimental Verification and Results ......................................................................... 56

    4.1 Experimental Systems .......................................................................................... 56

    4.1.1 FPGA-Based Implementation .................................................................. 56

    4.1.2 IC Implementation .................................................................................... 57 Chip Overview ............................................................................. 57 On-Chip Components .................................................................. 60

    4.2 Experimental Results ........................................................................................... 62

    4.2.1 Single Phase Operation ............................................................................ 63

    4.2.2 Multiphase Operation ............................................................................... 65

    4.2.3 Phase Sequencing ..................................................................................... 69

    4.2.4 Communication Protocol .......................................................................... 74

    5. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... 76

    5.1 Thesis Summary and Contributions ..................................................................... 76

    5.2 Future Work ......................................................................................................... 77

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    Appendix A: Verilog HDL for Digital Blocks ............................................................... 80

    Appendix B: Gate-Level Netlist for Communication Block ...................................... 128

    Appendix C: PCB Board and Schematics ................................................................... 135

    References ............................................................................................................................ 140

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    Table 3.1: Communication block inputs and outputs ................................................................... 27

    Table 3.2: An example of phase reordering based on charge times with 4 phases. ...................... 46

    Table 3.3: Required output frequencies and periods for a system operating at a switching

    frequency of 1 MHz for various numbers of phases. .................................................................... 48

    Table 4.1: Chip area required by each component ....................................................................... 60

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    Figure 2.1: Multiphase buck converter with n phases .............................................................. 4

    Figure 2.2: A comparison of interleaved and non-interleaved switching ................................. 6

    Figure 2.3: Centrally controlled scalable SMPS system ......................................................... 11

    Figure 3.1: System overview .................................................................................................. 16

    Figure 3.2: Block diagram of the plug-and-play controller .................................................... 17

    Figure 3.3: Flowchart showing the general operation of each plug-and-play controller ........ 18

    Figure 3.4: Communication block diagram ............................................................................ 21

    Figure 3.5: Example of a data transmission of the value 4b1010 .......................................... 24

    Figure 3.6: A comparison of series mode and bus mode with four phases ............................ 28

    Figure 3.7: The phase detection process with four phases ...................................................... 31

    Figure 3.8: PCB routing for starting phase identification ....................................................... 33

    Figure 3.9: PCB routing for starting phase detection using a RC filter .................................. 34

    Figure 3.10: Starting phase detection done with an RC filter ................................................. 35

    Figure 3.11: Ripple cancelation for a 6-phase system with identical inductances ................. 39

    Figure 3.12: Combined ripple for a 6-phase system where 2 consecutive phases have

    different inductance values ..................................................................................................... 40

    Figure 3.13: Ripple cancelation in a 6-phase system with optimized phase sequencing ....... 40

    Figure 3.14: The charging and discharging process for estimating the LC products ............. 43

    Figure 3.15: Flowchart for the phase sequencing algorithm ................................................... 45

    Figure 3.16: Digitally-Controlled DLL block diagram ........................................................... 49

    Figure 3.17: Flowchart of the operation of the Digital Frequency Compensator .................. 52

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  • 7/31/2019 Weinstein Jason 200911 MASc Thesis



    Chapter 1


    The topic of this thesis is the design and practical implementation of plug-and-play digital

    controllers for scalable low-power switch-mode power supplies (SMPS). The objective is to

    produce a controller capable of operating both in single phase mode as well as multiphase

    mode, with a variable number of phases. As a result, the same controller design can be

    reused in applications requiring one or only a few phases in addition to those requiring many


    1.1 Thesis Objectives

    The aim of this thesis is to develop a scalable architecture for low-power applications.

    Scalable controllers have been adopted for medium to high power applications, but have not

    yet been widely employed for low-power SMPS (applications consuming between several

    watts and several hundred watts of power) partly due to the challenges relating to auto-

    configuration and synchronization of power modules. The goal of this work is to introduce a

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    solution to these challenges that is cost-effective for a wide range of low-power applications.

    Another objective is to allow the design to be easily modified to work with other features in

    the future, such as current-programmed mode control and auto-tuning compensation.

    1.2 Thesis Overview

    The thesis proceeds in Chapter 2 with an overview of multiphase systems and existing

    solutions for scalable power systems. Motivation for the masterless approach for scalable

    low-power SMPS controllers is provided. Chapter 3 proposes a novel design for a scalable

    controller. An overview of the system is provided, as well as descriptions of its key

    components. In Chapter 4 FPGA and IC prototype systems are presented and experimental

    results are demonstrated, verifying the functionality of the proposed system. Finally, Chapter

    5 highlights the major elements of this thesis and recommends potential related work for the


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    Chapter 2

    Prior Art and Motivation

    In this chapter, the goals of multiphase SMPS are explained. The tradeoffs between

    multiphase and single phase systems lead to the desire for scalable solutions. Existing

    solutions for scalable converters have allowed flexibility in terms of the number of phases in

    a converter, but have several drawbacks that limit their use in a wide range of practical low-

    power applications.

    2.1 Multiphase SMPS Systems

    A popular practice in the implementation of SMPS systems is to place two or more power

    stages, or phases, in parallel to form a multiphase system, as shown in Figure 2.1.

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    Figure 2.1: Multiphase buck converter with n phases

    In a multiphase system, two or more power stages are arranged such that they share a

    common input voltage source and a common output load. This is in contrast to a single

    phase system, which contains only one filter and requires only one switching signal (or one

    set of switching signals in the case of a synchronous rectified single phase system). The

    phases are connected in parallel and have separate switching networks and LC filters. This

    paralleling results in many important advantages compared to a single phase system [1]:

    The output voltage ripple is reduced through the interleaving of the phases.

    Interleaving denotes that the switching sequences of the phases are evenly spaced

    from each other over the course of one switching cycle. As an example, Figure 2.2

    illustrates interleaving with 3 phases, where the switching signals of the phases are

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    placed 120 apart from each other. This advantage has an important implication: the

    value of the output filter can be reduced while still satisfying the maximum ripple

    requirement, resulting in a reduction in cost and size.

    The dynamic response of the system can be improved. For a multiphase system with

    n phases each with an inductance L, the total equivalent inductance is L/n, which

    enables the system to respond faster to load changes. Also, with interleaved

    switching signals, oversampling (sampling more than once per switching cycle) can

    allow a faster system response since the duty ratio can be effectively updated more

    than once per switching cycle. The input filter requirements are minimized through interleaving. In Figure 2.2, the

    current drawn from the input source is shown for the case with 3 phases where an

    interleaved switching pattern is used and for the case where all phases are switched

    simultaneously, in phase with each other. In the case where interleaving is employed,

    the peak magnitude of the current is 3 times smaller compared to the non-interleaved

    case. Also, the frequency is 3 times larger. As a result, the size of the input filter

    capacitor can be reduced. The purpose of this filter is to minimize noise as well as to

    ensure that the input voltage remains stable.

    Power efficiency can be improved by dynamically adding or dropping phases. For

    applications with widely varying load conditions, high efficiency can be achieved

    over the full operating range by turning phases on or off depending on the output

    current, resulting in a higher and flatter efficiency curve. For example, at light loads,

    running a SMPS with fewer phases will generally result in better efficiency.

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    Multiphase systems can provide redundancy. With an intelligent controller, if one or

    more phases fail, the remaining phases can continue to deliver the required power.

    Heat distribution is improved in multiphase systems. Since the current is shared

    among a number of phases, heat dissipates across a larger area, often eliminating the

    need for a heat sink. Further, the need for expensive semiconductor switching

    devices with very high current ratings is eliminated.

    Due to improved heat distribution, for a given area multiphase systems have higher

    current ratings.

    Figure 2.2: A comparison of interleaved and non-interleaved switching

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    The above advantages apply when comparing multiphase systems to single phase systems, as

    well as when comparing a multiphase system with a large number of phases to another with

    fewer phases.

    The advantages of multiphase operation, however, come at a cost. Multiphase systems have

    the following drawbacks compared to their single phase counterparts:

    A larger number of components is required as each phase is added. Specifically,

    additional power switches, gate drivers, and LC filter components are needed for each

    additional phase (although the total size of the components does not necessarily grow

    linearly with the number of phases).

    The control of multiphase systems is more challenging, resulting in higher complexity

    and cost in the controller. This is due mainly to the presence of multiple switching


    Due to the many tradeoffs between single phase and multiphase systems of various sizes,

    there is no single optimal number of phases for all SMPS applications. The number of

    phases should be chosen only after carefully considering the requirements of each particular


    For example, a desktop computer would likely employ a multiphase SMPS to deliver power

    to its state-of-the-art multicore processor. Modern processors can draw peak currents of 70

    A or more [2]. In this type of application, the high current rating of the load would likely

    outweigh the extra cost and space requirements of the multiphase converter. A cellular

    phone, on the other hand, would most likely use a single phase power supply to deliver

    power to its components. This type of application would have a relatively small current

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    requirement. Furthermore, the size restriction due to portability combined with the

    downward pressure on price would make a single phase system the better choice.

    2.2 Scalable SMPS Systems

    The advantages and disadvantages between multiphase and single phase systems (or between

    multiphase systems with larger and smaller numbers of phases) bring about the appeal for

    scalable SMPS systems. The idea is to allow a controller to be used in a system with a

    number of phases that can vary within a specified range. This results in two significant


    Firstly, the same controller can be used for many different kinds of applications. If the

    controller is capable of operating with, for example, anywhere from 1 to 10 phases, it can be

    used in both low current and high current applications. The controller could be used in single

    phase mode for powering a cellular phone. On the other hand, the controller could

    alternatively be configured with more phases to deliver the necessary current to a computer

    processor. In these cases, multiple unique, non-scalable controller designs could be replaced

    with one scalable controller design. The advantage in this is the design re-use of the

    controller. A single scalable controller design can be used in many different applications,

    whereas a non-scalable controller with a fixed number of phases would need to be designed

    with a specific number of phases for each new kind of application. A scalable design could

    result in a significant savings in cost and time with the design and verification process.

    Secondly, with a scalable controller, the number of phases can be changed as the power

    requirements of an application vary. With a traditional non-scalable controller, when the

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    current requirements of the load exceed the rated maximum value, the entire power supply

    needs to be replaced. In contrast, with a scalable system, phases can be added or removed as

    needed. For example, in the past it has often been the case that a new generation of computer

    processors has a larger current requirement compared to the previous generation. If a

    processor is upgraded to the latest generation, the new current requirements may exceed the

    power supplys rating. With a non-scalable system, the entire power supply would need to

    be replaced as well. On the other hand, with a scalable system, one or more phases could be

    added, with the original hardware remaining intact. This could result in a considerable

    savings in cost compared to a non-scalable system. There could also be a decrease in theenvironmental impact over the life cycle of the computer. With a non-scalable system, the

    hassle of needing to replace the power supply in the future could be avoided by

    overdesigning the system to have a power rating exceeding the present requirements,

    however, this would result in an increase in cost.

    2.3 Modular DC-DC Converters for Medium to High

    Power Applications

    Modular solutions have been developed for dc-dc conversion suitable for medium to high

    power applications [3,4,5,6,7]. These solutions offer the advantage of allowing the user to

    plug in additional modules to deliver the necessary power for a specific application. This

    allows the same design to be reused in different kinds of applications and for the power

    system to be easily changed as the applications power requirements vary over time.

    However, the previously presented architectures are only suitable for medium to high power

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    loads, such as automotive and telecommunications applications. They cannot be used

    directly for portable or low-power applications such as cellular phones or laptop computers

    due to their size, cost, losses, and voltage capabilities. [3] offers a scalable DC-DC solution,

    but only provides output voltages of 24V, 28V, and 48V, making it unsuitable for portable

    applications. A dynamic response of 1ms is achieved, which is poor compared to existing

    state-of-the-art low-power switch-mode power supplies. [4] provides an output voltage of

    46-52V, also too high for portable applications. Its dimensions (112mm x 44mm x 282mm)

    and weight (1.1kg) also make it unsuitable for the applications of interest. In [5], the system

    is designed for higher voltage and higher power automotive applications. The semiconductor components of the power stage are unsuitable for low-voltage applications. [6] presents

    another modular dc-dc converter targeted for automotive applications that would require

    overly complex hardware and would be too large for portable applications. It would also not

    be suitable for producing the low output voltages required in many of todays portable


    2.4 Scalable Low-Power SMPS Systems

    Solutions for scalable low-power SMPS controllers have been recently developed

    [8,9,10,11,12,13]. These systems employ centralized control, meaning that one chip is

    responsible for controlling all phases present in the system. This type of system is depicted

    in Figure 2.3.

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    Figure 2.3: Centrally controlled scalable SMPS system

    In this system, a central controller capable of operating with a variable number of phases is

    employed. The key outputs of the controller are the pulse-width modulated switching signals

    transmitted to each of the power stages ( MS 1, SR1, ..., MS n, SRn). These signals would be

    connected directed to the gate drivers of the phases in Figure 2.1. The central controller is

    responsible for compensating the pulse-width modulated switching signals for all phases in

    order to achieve the desired output voltage. Ideally, the central controller should produceinterleaved switching signals in order to realize many of the advantages of multiphase

    systems discussed in 2.1.

    The central controller in Figure 2.3 can be made scalable, meaning that it can be capable of

    operating with any number of phases from 1 to n, where n is the maximum number of phases

    supported. The centrally controlled SMPS system of Figure 2.3 achieves the advantages of

    scalability described in 2.2. The same controller can be used for different applications where

    the number of phases ranges from 1 to n. Also, if the power requirements vary over time,

    power stages can be added or removed and the controller can be reprogrammed to support

    the new number of phases.

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    However, the centrally controlled method results in a major drawback. In order to support a

    large number of phases, the pin count of the controller must be sufficiently large. For a

    multiphase synchronous buck converter system, there must usually be at least 2 pins

    dedicated on the controller chip for each phase supported (one pin for each of the switching

    signals). In practice, each supported phase would likely require more than 2 pins. To

    measure the current of each phase, 2 additional pins would most likely be required, for a total

    of at least 4 pins per phase. Measuring phase currents might be required for current-

    programmed mode control, for achieving even current distribution among all phases, and for

    over-current protection. This means that the pin requirements of the chip grow proportionally with the maximum number of phases supported. As the pin count of the

    controller grows, the chip area will become pad-limited, meaning that extra silicon area

    would be required, even if the additional area is not required for the controllers circuitry.

    This extra silicon would result in a higher cost for each controller produced. As a result, a

    scalable central controller that supports many phases would not be economically feasible for

    applications requiring only a few phases. In addition, the power consumption of such a large

    chip would be too high to achieve adequate efficiency for a single phase low power SMPS.

    A centrally controlled scalable system would only be cost effective if it were scalable over

    only a small range of phases, which would partially negate the advantages of scalable


    Also, it is not be feasible to integrate gate drivers and MOSFETs into a centralized controller

    that is scalable to support a large number of phases. The integration of gate drivers and

    MOSFETs is a desirable feature because it reduces the component count of the power supply.

    To support, for example, up to 10 phases, the controller would require 10 gate drivers and 10

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    MOSFETs. If these components were integrated with the controller, this would result in an

    extremely large chip area requirement, which would make the chip too costly for operation

    with a single phase or only a few phases. Also, this solution would result in poor heat


    2.5 Auto-Tuning Controllers for SMPS

    In recent years, auto-tuning algorithms have been developed for digital SMPS controllers

    [14,15,16,17,18]. These auto-tuning algorithms allow the operation of the controller to be

    tuned dynamically, such that near optimal performance can be achieved even if the power

    stage parameters vary. In [18], for example, information about the power stage is extracted

    by intentionally introducing oscillations through limit cycling. This information is

    subsequently used to adjust the compensator. In [15] the compensator is adjusted using

    information obtained through relay operation of the system.

    Auto-tuning is a desirable feature because the parameters of a power stage can vary greatly

    from their nominal values. For example, if the capacitor or inductor values differ from their

    nominal values, the power stage will have a different corner frequency, which would affect

    the dynamic performance of the power supply. As a result, systems without auto-tuning

    usually need to be designed with the worst case scenario in mind to ensure stability, resulting

    in sub-optimal dynamic response and efficiency. An alternative to auto-tuning could be to

    use power stage components with very tight tolerances. However, this would lead to an

    increase in cost and may not necessarily mitigate fluctuations due to temperature and aging.

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    In the context of scalable multiphase systems, these auto-tuning algorithms can be valuable

    since the dynamic characteristics of the system can vary not only due to component

    tolerances but also due to the number of phases present in the system. The addition or

    removal of phases results in different plant characteristics due to the interleaving switching

    pattern in a multiphase converter as well as the parallel placement of multiple output filters.

    Auto-tuning controllers could potentially be used to re-tune the systems compensation as

    phases are added or removed from a multiphase system, resulting in optimized performance

    over a wide phase count range.

    Auto-tuning can also be used to configure the phases in a multiphase system in such a way

    that the output ripple is reduced. In [19] a method is presented to minimize the ripple by

    sequencing the phases in a manner that ensures that the output ripple is minimized.

    These auto-tuning controllers, however, can potentially provide only a part of the solution for

    the realization of plug-and-play scalable controllers. They do not address other practical

    issues such as phase counting, phase synchronization, and inter-phase communication, which

    are the main focus of this thesis.

    The design of plug-and-play digital controllers can be divided into two challenges:

    communication/system management and system control. The problem of system control is

    being investigated by other members of our lab and does not fall within the scope of this

    thesis. The thesis will investigate the communication and system management for plug-and-

    play digital controllers for scalable converters.

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    Chapter 3

    System Description

    3.1 System Overview

    In this chapter, an overview of the systems design and operation is provided. The system,

    shown in Figure 3.1, consists of one or more phases operating in an interleaved fashion.

    Each phase comprises a power stage and a controller. The power stage includes a pair of

    switches and a filter. The controllers of each phase are identical. The system operates

    masterlessly, such that each phase is responsible for the control of its own switching pulses.

    In order to synchronize the operation and provide a means for sharing information, the

    controllers are linked through a one-wire communication line.

    The design is a plug-and-play system, meaning that any number of phases can be

    configured and the system will operate appropriately. It should be noted that the system does

    not support hot-swapping, where phases can be added or removed while the system is

    operating and supplying power.

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    Ln L1

    L5Phase 5

    L2Phase 2

    vout (t )

    L3 L4

    Phase 1

    Phase 4 Phase 3

    Sync/ comm.line

    Phase n

    Plug & playcontroller

    line 1

    line 2

    vout (t )

    V g


    Out 1

    Out 2

    Out 3

    L o a



    V g

    Out 4

    Out 5

    Out n

    Figure 3.1: System overview

    Figure 3.2 illustrates the structure of each phase. It is a modification of a conventional

    single-phase voltage mode controller. Since all controllers are identical, they each contain

    the same components depicted in Figure 3.2. Data is transmitted and received using the dual-

    mode Communication Block . The Communication Block is responsible for both transmitting

    and receiving data. It is capable of operating in two modes: bus mode and series mode. The

    communication mode in use at any point in time depends on the state of the switch S 1.

    During initialization, the Phase Detector sets the scalable controllers into a ring

    configuration in order to determine the number of phases present in the system. Once the

    phase detection process has been completed, the Phase Detector closes the switch S 1 to allow

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    bus communication. Next, the LC Estimator and Sequencer Block uses a charge-based

    algorithm to detect the relative ratios of the phase inductor values. Based on this

    measurement and those of the other phases, which are shared on the bus, each phase

    independently determines its own unique position in the switching sequence of the entire

    structure. The goal of reordering the phases is to minimize the total output ripple of the


    Figure 3.2: Block diagram of the plug-and-play controller

    Next, one of the phases is selected as the timing phase. The timing phase uses its Digitally-

    Controller DLL to produce a clock signal with a frequency of nf s, where n is the number of

    phases in the system and f s is the switching frequency. This clock signal is used to time when

    data is transmitted onto the bus. The timing of the data transmissions is important in order to

    achieve interleaved operation. After the Digitally-Controlled DLL has locked to the correct

    frequency, regular operation of the system begins. At this point, all phases constantly

    monitor the bus to determine when they should begin their respective switching periods. The

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    error signal, e[n], is also transmitted across the bus. As is the case in a conventional single-

    phase voltage mode controller, e[n] is sent to the compensator, which produces a control

    signal for the digital pulse-width modulator (DPWM). The DPWM outputs a pulse-width

    modulated signal for regulating the duty ratio of the power stage. The flowchart in Figure

    3.3 illustrates the procedure performed by each plug-and-play controller, from start up until

    regular operation.

    Figure 3.3: Flowchart showing the general operation of each plug-and-play controller

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    3.2 System Benefits

    The system described in 3.1 provides several advantages compared to existing solutions. The

    architecture is scalable, supporting both single phase and multiphase configurations.

    Consequently, the controller can be used in a wide variety of applications and can support

    future adjustments in the number of phases.

    The architecture achieves the advantages of existing systems described in 2.4, and the

    masterless control procedure allows scalability in a more cost effective manner. The silicon

    area required for the controllers is always proportional to the number of phases. Since the

    number of pins required per phase is fixed and no central controller is required, the system

    can be used as a cost effective solution for supplying a functional block of a miniature battery

    powered device in a single phase configuration. The design can also be used for a

    multiphase setup, allowing for a high current rating, reduced ripple, improved dynamic

    response, and superior heat distribution.

    To further minimize the pin count, the gate drivers of power MOSFET switches could be

    integrated directly with each phases controller. This would not be feasible in a system with

    a centralized controller that supports many phases as the required area would be too large.

    The gate drivers and power MOSFETs for each phase usually need to be on separate chips

    due to heat distribution requirements. If the digital controller of the proposed system could

    be integrated with each gate driver and MOSFET, the cost would be minimized if the area

    required for the controller is small in comparison to the gate driver and MOSFET.

    Furthermore, if a smaller CMOS technology is used for the digital controller, the space

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    required is reduced in proportion to the technology. However, the area requirements for the

    gate driver of MOSFET will remain relatively constant, since these devices must to sized to

    meet the current requirements.

    With a plug-and-play scalable system, higher efficiency can be achieved since the number of

    phases can be adjusted according to the load requirements. Switch-mode power supplies can

    achieve very high efficiencies, but the peak efficiency occurs only for a certain range of loads

    for a given configuration. With a scalable design, the number of phases can be configured to

    ensure that a high efficiency is achieved for the specified load, even if the load varies from

    application to application or over time.

    3.3 Component Descriptions

    3.3.1 Communication Block

    The Communication Block of Figure 3.4, present in each phases controller, receives and

    transmits data among the phases. The Communication Block is necessary for both the start-

    up configuration procedure as well as the regular operation of the system. It operates in two

    modes: bus mode and series mode. In bus mode, the communication lines of all phases are

    connected to each other. When one phase transmits data, the transmission is read by all other

    phases. In series mode, on the other hand, the communication lines are not all connected to

    each other. For a system with n phases, there are n communication lines, where each phases

    communication line is connected only to the next phase in the ring. As a result, a

    transmission from one phase can only be read by the very next phase in the ring. For

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    example, if the phases are arranged as in Figure 3.1, a transmission from Phase 1 is only seen

    by Phase 2 , a transmission from Phase 2 is only seen by Phase 3 , and so on.

    Figure 3.4: Communication block diagram

    Different communication modes are used at different steps of operation. During the phase

    detection stage, series mode is employed to count the phases. During the remaining stages,

    bus mode is enabled to allow information to be shared among all the phases. Communication

    is performed using a single line in bus mode. This type of protocol has been selected in order to minimize the pin count. Each controller only requires two pins for communication, no

    matter how many phases are present. An alternative parallel communication protocol would

    require more pins. Also, if bus mode were not available, each controller would need to be

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    directly connected to all other controllers, meaning that the pin requirements would grow

    significantly with the number of phases. Furthermore, a plug-and-play controller supporting

    a large number of phases would have many unused pins in applications with one or only a

    few phases.

    The communication line of each controller is connected to a pull-up network, meaning that it

    is connected to VDD through a resistor. When the communication block is not transmitting,

    it outputs a weak high signal or a high-impedance (Z). If no other phase is transmitting, the

    output will remain in a high-impedance state. On the other hand, if another phase transmits

    onto that node, the value is pulled to either a strong low (0) or a strong high (1).

    The details of the Communication Block are shown in Figure 3.4. It consists of three main

    components: a transmitter, a receiver, and a transmission gate. The communication protocol

    is described in the following section, followed by explanations of each of the components. Communication Protocol

    A single-wire communication protocol has been used in order to minimize the pin count of

    the controllers. With this protocol, only two pins on each controller are required for

    communication, regardless of the number of phases present. The communication block uses

    a serial timing-based protocol to transmit and receive data. Serial single-wire

    communication protocols, such as [20], have been proven to be efficient, reliable choices.

    The number of bits has been selected based on the minimum amount required to transmit

    most packets of information. In this application, only four bits of data are required for

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    transmitting most of the necessary information, such as the phase count and the ADC error

    value. For the few cases where more than four bits are required, multiple transmissions are


    Each phase is responsible for either transmitting or receiving data, depending on the stage of

    operation. At the beginning of a transmission, the transmitting phase pulls its

    comm_out_internal port low (see Figure 3.4). The receiving phase or phases observe this

    transition and prepare to receive the data. After a certain delay, the transmitting phase

    outputs the value of the first bit of data. This value is held, and after another short period of

    time, the transmitting phase outputs the value of the second bit, and so on. Shortly after the

    fourth bit is sent, the transmitting phase releases the output into a high-impedance state, and

    the transmission is complete. Meanwhile, the receiving phase or phases sample the output at

    specific times to read the data, one bit at a time.

    A data transmission is shown in Figure 3.5. In this example, the transmitting phase sends a

    value of 4b1010 (an arbitrary value in this example). The receiving phase or phases sample

    their respective comm_in ports at the appropriate times, based on the clock signals, to read

    the value of the transmission. The signal names correspond to the ports found in Figure 3.4.

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    Figure 3.5: Example of a data transmission of the value 4b1010 Transmitter and Receiver

    As described in the previous section, the transmitter uses a timing-based protocol to send 4

    bits of data at a time. Both the transmitter and receiver use a series of delay cells to produce

    clock signals indicating when the data should be changed to the next bit value (in the case of

    the transmitter) and when the communication line should be sampled (in the case of the

    receiver). These delay cells are illustrated in Figure 3.4. The first cell of the transmitter has

    half the delay of the first delay cell of the receiver. The purpose of this is so that the delay of

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    the receiver lags behind the transmitter, so that the sampling can occur at approximately the

    midway point of each bit.

    The example of Figure 3.5 demonstrates how the receivers clock lags behind the

    transmitters clock. This mitigates any issues related to metastability and delay variations

    between chips. If the communication line were sampled by the receiver at approximately the

    same time as the transmitter changes the value, this could lead to metastability problems,

    where the register outputs to not settle within the expected time and possibly record incorrect

    values. Also, process variations may lead to slightly different delays among different phases.

    Sampling at the midpoint allows for a margin of error in the delay. The transmissions have

    been limited to only 4 bits at a time to allow for a large margin of error. If a large number of

    bits where sent during each transmission, an error in delay time could accumulate after each

    sampling point, eventually resulting in an incorrect reading.

    If a very large number of phases were needed, further efforts could be put in place to improve

    the robustness of the communication. First, the line could be oversampled to compensate for

    mismatches in delay. Secondly, programmable delay cells could be used for producing the

    clock signals. The cells could be dynamically adjusted such that their delays match those of

    other phases.

    The receiver indicates when it begins and finishes receiving data through the signals RXStart

    and RXEnd . This serves two purposes. Firstly, the RXEnd signal indicates when the

    controller may read RXData , the data received during the transmission. Secondly, these

    signals are used for timing purposes. During regular operation of the system, these signals

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    are used to specify when each phase should begin its switching cycle. The timing of the

    starting point of each phases switching cycle is vital for proper interleaved operation. Transmission Gate

    The transmission gate, shown in Figure 3.4, allows the communication block to operate in

    two modes: bus mode and series mode. The purpose of the transmission gate is to function

    as an ideal switch, linking the communication input and output ports. When the mode is set

    to series mode, comm_in for a given phase depends only on the comm_out signal from the

    previous phase in the ring. For the example in Figure 3.1, this means that during series

    mode, the output of Phase 1 is only seen by Phase 2 . Similarly, the comm_in signal of the

    next phase in the ring depends only on the comm_out signal of the given phase. When bus

    mode is active, comm_in is shorted to comm_out in all phases. This allows data sent from

    any phase to be received by all the other phases in the ring. At any given time, all phases

    operate in either bus mode or series mode. During transitions between series mode and bus

    mode, the controllers do not transmit data for a certain period of time, to allow other phases

    to complete their mode transitions. Table 3.1 summarizes all the possible scenarios for

    different port values for each mode of operation. It shows the corresponding input and

    output values for different values of comm_in , comm_out_internal , bus_mode , and

    comm_out . A value of Z indicates high impedance and a value of X indicates an arbitrary

    value. Cases which would require multiple phases to be transmitting data at the same time

    are omitted, as this does not occur due to the design of the controllers.

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    comm_in comm_out_internal bus_mode comm_out X Z 0 (series) ZZ 0 0 (series) 0Z 1 0 (series) 1Z Z 1 (bus) Z

    0 0 1 (bus) 01 1 1 (bus) 1

    Table 3.1: Communication block inputs and outputs

    The transmission gate is made up of two transistors in parallel: one NMOS transistor and one

    PMOS transistor. In series mode, the bus_mode signal is set such that both transistors are in

    their off states. When comm_in is driven to a certain value, it will have no effect on

    comm_out , and vice-versa. On the other hand, in bus mode, the bus_mode signal is set to

    turn on both transistors. In this case when comm_in is driven to a certain value, comm_out

    will be driven to that value, and vice-versa. This occurs because these ports behave as if they

    are shorted together during bus mode, which is the desired behaviour. In bus mode, a logic

    value of 1 is sent to the gate of the NMOS transistor and a logic value of 0 is sent to the gate

    of the PMOS transistor. The controllers have been designed such that multiple phases will

    never attempt to transmit data simultaneously. As a result, during bus mode, there is no

    concern with two phases fighting with each other to pull the bus to opposite strong values. In

    bus mode, the transmission gate is capable of relaying high, low, and high-impedance

    signals. Since PMOS transistors pass high values well but low values poorly, and NMOS

    transistors pass high values poorly but low values well, a parallel combination of both is


    A tri-state buffer would not be an appropriate choice for replacing the transmission gate

    because it is not capable of passing a high impedance signal. A tri-state buffer can output a

    high impedance signal based on its control signal, but not based solely on its input signal.

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    Figure 3.6 compares series mode and bus mode operation. In this example there are four

    phases, and thus four nodes (one node between phases 1 and 2, another between phases 2 and

    3, and so on). In series mode, the transmission gate is turned off and signals do not pass from

    one side to the other. In the example, Phase 1 sends a transmission, and Phase 2 , the very

    next phase in the ring, is the only phase that receives the transmission. In bus mode, the

    transmission gates are turned on and the phases behave as if comm_in is shorted to comm_out

    in each phase. In this case when Phase 1 transmits data, all other phases in the system

    receive the transmission.

    Figure 3.6: A comparison of series mode and bus mode with four phases

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    3.3.2 Phase Detector

    The Phase Detector , present in each phases controller, is responsible for determining the

    number of phases in the system. For multiphase operation, knowledge about the number of

    phases is necessary for the timing required for interleaved operation, and to ensure that

    proper communication occurs. The controller must also be capable of establishing whether

    single phase operation should occur, if only one phase is present. The phase detection step is

    the first process of the initialization procedure, occurring shortly after start-up.

    During start-up, one of the phases is uniquely identified as the starting phase. The starting

    phase is responsible for initializing the phase detection process. The other phases then

    perform their respective tasks and the number of phases is determined. Phase Detection Process

    At the beginning of the phase detection process, the communication mode of all phases is set

    to series mode. This is done so that each phase in the system can be uniquely counted, one

    phase at a time. The phase detection process begins when the starting phase (identified using

    one of the methods proposed in transmits a value of 1 to the next phase in the ring.

    Since series mode is used for communication at this point, only the next phase in the ring

    receives this value. The next phase receives a value of 1, stores it in a register, increments it

    to 2 and transmits this new value to the following phase. This process continues until the

    starting phase receives a transmission from the final phase in the ring. The value received by

    the starting phase corresponds to the total number of phases present in the system. After a

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    sufficient period of time, all phases switch the communication method into bus mode and the

    initial phase transmits the number of phases across the bus. At this point, each phase reads

    the number of phases and has previously recorded its own unique position in the ring. The

    next segment in the initialization procedure, the LC Estimation and Sequencing step, may

    now begin.

    Note that the limitation of the communication block sending 4 bits of data during each

    transmission restricts multiphase operation to 2 4 1 = 15 phases. However, the controllers

    could be designed such that the Phase Detector sends and receives two or more transmissions

    at each step, supporting a much greater number of phases. For example, with two data

    transmissions, the maximum number of phases would be 2 8 1 = 255 (although practical

    considerations, such as the physical area required for the power stages, would likely limit the

    number of phases to a number far less than 255).

    An example of the phase detection process is shown in Figure 3.7, for the case with four

    phases. For the case where there is only one phase, that phases comm_in port is directly

    connected to its own comm_out port. In this case, the phase will transmit a value of 1 and

    will immediately receive this transmission through its comm_in port, indicating that no other

    phases are present in the system. With only one phase the LC Estimation and Sequencing

    and Digitally-Controlled DLL steps are unnecessary and therefore omitted. Regular

    operation begins immediately after the Phase Detector recognizes that only a single phase is


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    Figure 3.7: The phase detection process with four phases Starting Phase Identification

    A major challenge with this design is to ensure that exactly one phase begins the phase

    counting procedure during start-up. If no phases begin the process, the system will fail to

    start. On the other hand, if more than one phase begins, erroneous operation can occur. This

    problem stems from the fact that all controllers are identical and are therefore expected to

    behave in the exact same way. A solution is necessary that uniquely identifies one phase,

    and only one phase, as the starting phase. One possible solution is to program one of the

    phases as the starting phase. However, the process of programming all chips will result in an

    increase in cost and extra pins may be required. Another solution would be to provide

    unique master and slave controllers. In this case, each application would require one master

    controller and as many slave controllers as necessary. However, this would require the

    design of two distinct controllers. Also, the system would not be able to continue to operate

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    if the master chip were to fail. These drawbacks may be unacceptable for high volume

    applications. Another approach is to rely on random behaviour to select one phase as the

    initial phase. However, random behaviour may not be a desirable solution since there may

    be a risk of a conflict, where two phases select themselves as the initial phase. These

    conflicts must either be avoided or handled appropriately, which presents a further challenge.

    Two solutions which address these issues are proposed.

    The first solution is illustrated in Figure 3.8. The controllers and power stages are connected

    and routed on a printed circuit board (PCB). One of the phases has its comm_in pin

    connected to the output of a tri-state buffer. The tri-state buffer is enabled only when reset is

    active. When the reset signal is activated, each phase immediately reads the value of its

    comm_in port. The one phase that sees its comm_in port pulled low at the instant that reset is

    activated will designate itself as the starting phase. Since only one phase has its comm_in

    port connected to the reset signal as a result of the PCB layout, only that one phase will

    designate itself as the starting phase. This allows the initial phase to be uniquely identified in

    a simple fashion, based on its arrangement on the PCB. This method does not rely on

    random behaviour or programmability, yet the goal of using identical controllers is achieved.

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    Figure 3.8: PCB routing for starting phase identification

    An alternative solution is presented in Figure 3.9. In this case, the reset signal is connected

    through a RC filter to one phase, and directly connected to the other phases. When the reset

    signal is activated, the signal change propagates almost immediately to the phases with direct

    connections to reset. However, for the phase connected to reset through the RC filter, the

    signal change is delayed due to the time required to discharge the capacitance.

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    Figure 3.9: PCB routing for starting phase detection using a RC filter

    As soon as a phase receives a reset signal, it checks whether its comm_in port has been pulled

    low. If so, it designates itself as the starting phase. Otherwise, it is not the starting phase and

    pulls its comm_out port low. In the example in Figure 3.9, the reset signal for the initial

    phase ( Phase 1 ) passes through a RC filter, causing a delay. The reset signal immediately

    passes to the other phases, which pull down their respective comm_out ports. As a result, by

    the time the reset signal reaches Phase 1 , Phase 4 has already received the reset signal and

    has pulled its comm_out port low. Phase 1 sees that its comm_in port (connected to the

    comm_out port of Phase 4 ) has been pulled low and designates itself as the initial phase. An

    example of waveforms for the reset procedure is shown in Figure 3.10 for a case with 4

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    phases. In this case Phase 1 is the starting phase. The RC filter produces a delay of t d in the

    reset signal, causing Phase 1 to sample comm_out 4 after it has been pulled down.

    Figure 3.10: Starting phase detection done with an RC filter

    Either of these methods results in one phase being uniquely identified as the starting phase.

    In both cases, the controllers of all phases are identical, but one phase has a slightly different

    arrangement on the PCB. The advantage of the first method is that an RC filter is not

    required, although it requires an external tri-state buffer. The tri-state buffer method would

    be suitable for cases where external digital hardware already exists, such as in cases where a

    supervising FPGA or microprocessor is employed. In cases where no digital hardware exists,

    the simplicity of an RC filter would be advantageous.

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    3.3.3 LC Estimator and Sequencer

    One of the primary advantages of multiphase operation in switch-mode power supplies is

    ripple cancelation. In order to achieve this advantage, the phases must be interleaved,

    meaning that the starting positions of the switching signals are evenly spaced over the course

    of each switching cycle. By interleaving the phases, the rising slope of one inductors

    current can coincide with the falling slope of another inductors current, thus reducing the

    total ripple. However, variances in the inductance values among the phases can greatly

    mitigate the effects of ripple cancelation, due to differences in the current slope. Due to non-

    idealities in production, an inductance may vary from its nominal value [21]. The work

    presented in [19] introduces a method of measuring the inductor current ripple in each

    individual phase during start-up, and re-ordering the phases in such a way that the ripple is

    minimized even in the presence of inductor non-idealities. The idea is to re-order the phases

    such that phases with similar current ripples are switched 180 apart from each other. In this

    way, similar variances in ripple between pairs of phases can cancel each other out, which

    results in a reduction in total current ripple.

    Reducing the output ripple in this manner introduces two requirements: the controller must

    be able to place phases into an arbitrary sequence and it must be able to estimate and

    compare the values of the inductors in all phases. The design of the Communication Block

    allows the phases to be sequenced in any order because bus mode is employed after the phase

    detection process is complete. During bus mode, the arrangement of the phases on the PCB

    is no longer relevant and, as a result, the phases can be sequenced in any order. The

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    introduction of the LC Estimator and Sequencer allows the inductances to be estimated and

    the phases to be placed in an arrangement that mitigates the total output ripple. Charged-Based Inductance Estimation Method

    The method presented in [19] allows the inductances of all phases in a multiphase converter

    to be estimated. The method employs current sensors to measure the steady-state current

    ripple contribution of each of the phases. The steady-state peak-to-peak current ripple

    contribution from one phase can be found to be the following, using a low voltage ripple

    approximation [22]:

    Equation 1The steady-state peak-to-peak current ripple is defined as the difference between the

    maximum and minimum values of a current waveform over the course of a switching period

    during steady-state operation, when the input voltage source and output load have remained

    constant for a sufficient period of time. Equation 1 indicates that the peak-to-peak current

    ripple contribution of a phase is inversely proportional to its inductance. The method of [19]

    measures the current ripple of each phase directly using current sensors during a start-up

    procedure and places phases with similar inductance values 180 apart from each other. The

    specification that is most important is the peak-to-peak output voltage ripple. However, the

    voltage ripple directly depends on the current ripple, since the current ripple from the

    inductors flows into the output capacitor, causing a proportional fluctuation in output voltage.

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    The size of the total output current ripple directly depends on the following conditions: the

    number of phases, the inductance of each phase, the duty ratio, and the order of the phases.

    Uneven current sharing among phases in a multiphase system does not affect the ripple. The

    phase shift of each current waveform also affects the total current ripple, however, for this

    analysis it is assumed that the phases are evenly shifted over the course of a switching cycle

    (with n phases the phase shift is equal to 360/ n). Uniform phase shifting is achieved with

    the Digitally-Controlled DLL , described in 3.3.4.

    Of the parameters that affect the total output current ripple, the order of the phases is the one

    which is most feasible to vary. It would be possible to alter the ripple by varying the duty

    ratio; however, the duty ratio is set by the compensator in order to achieve the desired output

    voltage. The number of phases is selected for various reasons including cost and dc current

    requirements. The inductances of all phases may not be equal due to manufacturing

    dissimilarities, temperature, and aging. On the other hand, the design of the dual-mode

    Communication Block allows the phases in a multiphase setup to be placed into any

    sequence, thus making it feasible to vary the phase order dynamically.

    An example showing the current ripple of a system with 6 phases is found in Figure 3.11. In

    this case, all phases have the same inductance, and hence have identical steady-state current

    ripples (1.0 A). The total or combined current ripple is the sum of the instantaneous

    individual ripples since the inductors are connected in parallel. The ripples of all phases

    nearly cancel each other out, resulting in a combined total ripple of only 0.33 A. This

    demonstrates how multiphase operation can result in reduced output ripple. Figure 3.12, on

    the other hand illustrates the case where 2 phases have different inductances than the other 4

    phases. These 2 phases have smaller inductances, resulting in a larger phase current ripple of

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    2.0 A, compared to 1.0 A in the other phases. When these phases are placed adjacent to each

    other in the switching sequence, a total current ripple of 3.22 A occurs. In Figure 3.13, the

    phases have the same inductances and current ripples as in the case of Figure 3.12. However,

    the 2 phases with smaller inductances have been placed 180 apart from each other in the

    switching sequence. This results in a large reduction in total current ripple; the total current

    ripple is now only 1.00 A. This illustrates how reordering the phases can result in a

    significant improvement in the output ripple. Note that other factors also affect the size and

    shape of the output ripple. For example, when the product of the duty ratio and the number

    of phases is an integer and the inductances are equal, the ripple is completely eliminatedthrough cancellations.

    Figure 3.11: Ripple cancelation for a 6-phase system with identical inductances

    0 0.5 1 1.5 2

    x 10-6




    A m p

    l i t u

    d e

    [ A ]

    Time [s]

    Individual Phase Waveforms

    Phases with 1.0 A ripple

    0 0.5 1 1.5 2

    x 10-6




    A m p

    l i t u

    d e

    [ A ]

    Time [s]

    Waveform Sum

    Total current ripple: 0.33 A

  • 7/31/2019 Weinstein Jason 200911 MASc Thesis



    Figure 3.12: Combined ripple for a 6-phase system where 2 consecutive phases have similar inductance values,mismatched with the other phases

    Figure 3.13: Ripple cancelation in a 6-phase system with optimized phase sequencing

    0 0.5 1 1.5 2

    x 10-6




    A m p

    l i t u

    d e

    [ A ]

    Time [s]

    Individual Phase Waveforms

    Phases with 1.0 A ripplePhases with 2.0 A ripple

    0 0.5 1 1.5 2

    x 10-6




    A m p

    l i t u

    d e

    [ A ]

    Time [s]

    Waveform Sum

    Total current ripple: 3.22 A

    0 0.5 1 1.5 2

    x 10-6




    A m p

    l i t u

    d e

    [ A ]

    Time [s]

    Individual Phase Waveforms

    Phases with 1.0 A ripplePhases with 2.0 A ripple

    0 0.5 1 1.5 2

    x 10-6




    A m p

    l i t u

    d e

    [ A ]

    Time [s]

    Waveform Sum

    Total current ripple: 1.00 A

  • 7/31/2019 Weinstein Jason 200911 MASc Thesis


    CHAPTER 3: SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 41 LC Estimator and Sequencer Architecture

    The proposed method for mitigating the systems output ripple involves estimating the

    inductance of each phase and subsequently reordering the phases to achieve a reduced ripple.

    An algorithm for reordering phases similar to the one presented in [19] is employed here.

    However, the method for estimating the inductance in each phase has been modified to work

    without current sensors. The process involves each phase charging and discharging the

    output capacitance before regular operation begins. During this process the charge times of

    the phases are recorded and compared.

    The load should not be connected during the LC product estimation process because the

    output voltage is lower than the rated value. As a result, this process works under the

    assumption that a Power-Good signal is present. This feature is quite common in many

    practical applications, such as CPUs. For example, [2,23] employ a Power-Good signal.

    During initialization, the phases each take turns independently charging the output capacitor,

    while the switching signals of the other phases are disabled and the load is disconnected.

    The phase that is currently active switches at a low duty ratio value and charges the output to

    a value well below the rated value. This is accomplished by setting the switch S 2 such that

    the ADC reference is set to V ref 1, which is lower than the steady-state output voltage, V ref 2, as

    shown in Figure 3.2. A low duty ratio is used to avoid a large inrush current that could

    potentially damage the power stage components. Once the specified output voltage is

    reached, the output capacitor is discharged until no energy remains in the inductor and

    capacitor. The time taken to charge the output capacitor to the specified value is measured,

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    and transmitted to the other phases, using the communication bus. The remaining phases

    repeat this process one at a time, such that in the end, the charge times of all phases are

    known. The phases perform this task in the order they were counted during the phase

    detection process. Consequently, all phases implicitly know when they should begin the


    The corner frequency of the power stage of a single phase buck converter is defined as


    Equation 2

    This frequency determines the system response speed of each phase operating individually.

    For a given capacitance, a larger inductance will result in a larger charge time. In a

    multiphase converter where only one phase is active, the corner frequency can be defined as

    the following:

    Equation 3

    In this case, Li is the inductance of phase i. The output capacitance is shared and therefore

    the same for all phases. For a fixed capacitance, the charge time depends only on the

    inductance. As a result, a phase with a large inductance will result in a long charge time, and

    this corresponds to a small steady-state current ripple contribution for that phase.

    The LC estimation process is illustrated in Figure 3.14. Before beginning the LC Estimation

    and Sequencing step, all controllers switch into bus mode to allow information to be shared

    among all phases. Switch S 2 in each phase is set such that the ADC reference is set to V ref 1,

    which is below the rated output voltage reference, V ref 2, as illustrated in Figure 3.2. The

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    starting phase begins the procedure by switching at a fixed duty ratio in open-loop while the

    other phases wait. As soon as an output voltage of V ref 1 is reached, the starting phase stops

    and discharges the output. The time taken to charge the output, in units of switching periods,

    is recorded. The initial phase transmits this charge time to all other phases in the system, and

    the other phases store the value in registers. Since only 4 bits of data are sent during each

    transmission, multiple data transmissions are used in case the charge time may exceed 2 4

    switching cycles. At this point the second phase repeats this process, and so on. When all

    phases have finished, each phase has knowledge of its own charge time and the charge times

    of all other phases. These charge times are now used to order the phases, minimizing thetotal ripple.

    Figure 3.14: The charging and discharging process for estimating the LC products

    The phases each independently determine their order in the switching cycle. A flowchart of

    the algorithm is shown in Figure 3.15. Each phase compares its own charge time to those of

    the other phases, and counts the number of phases with small charge times, or larger

    estimated inductances. To avoid a conflict arising from multiple phases having identical

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    estimated inductances, the ring order of each phase, found during the Phase Detection

    process, is appended onto the charge times. This avoids the problem where multiple phases

    place themselves in the same location of the switching sequence, which would lead to poor

    interleaving, contradicting the purpose of the phase sequencing procedure. Each phase takes

    the binary value corresponding to the number of phases with larger estimated inductances

    appended with its ring order, and performs a circular bit shift on this value. The result of this

    operation is a number ranging from 0 to ( n 1), where n is the number of phases in the

    system. This number corresponds to each phases order in the switching sequence. This has

    the effect of placing phases with similar estimated inductance values 180 apart from eachother in the switching sequence. Note that if the number of phases is odd, two phases cannot

    be placed 180 apart from each other; however, they will be placed approximately 180 apart.

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    Figure 3.15: Flowchart of the phase sequencing algorithm

    Table 3.2 provides an example of phase reordering based on measured charge times. In this

    example the first 2 phases in the ring have charge times of 10 switching cycles, the third

    phase has a charge time of 5 cycles and the fourth phase has a charge time of 6 cycles.

    Therefore, the first two phases have inductances that are larger than those of the last two

    phases. Each phase counts the number of phases with smaller charge times compared to its

    own charge time. In this example the first two phases would place themselves into the same

    order. To resolve this issue, the charge times are appended with each phases position in the

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    ring (found during the Phase Detection process), and these values are used during the

    comparisons. The charge time appended with the ring position is unique for all phases since

    the ring positions are unique and, as a result, the resulting phase orders are unique. Each

    phase then performs a circular bit shift operation on this value to determine its switching

    sequence order. The circular bit shift operation was chosen because its digital hardware

    implementation is very simple. This has the effect of placing phases with similar values

    calculated in column 4 of

    Table 3.2 opposite each other in the switching sequence. The result of this operation will be

    unique for each phase and the values will range from 0 to ( n 1). This operation also works properly with an odd number of phases; unique phase orders ranging from 0 to ( n 1) will

    still be produced in these cases. Once the LC Estimation and Sequencing procedure is

    complete, the Digitally-Controlled DLL step begins.

    1. Phase ID 2. Charge Time

    3. ChargeTime


    Phase ID

    4. Number of Phases with

    Smaller ChargeTimes

    5. Switching

    Sequence Order

    Decimal Binary Decimal Binary Binary Decimal Binary Decimal Binary0 00 10 1010 1010-00 2 10 1 011 01 10 1010 1010-01 3 11 3 112 10 5 0101 0101-10 0 00 0 003 11 6 0110 0110-11 1 01 2 10

    Table 3.2: An example of phase reordering based on charge times with 4 phases.

    3.3.4 Digitally-Controlled DLL

    The Digitally-Controlled DLL is used for timing the switching signals of the phases for

    interleaved operation. In the proposed design, one of the phases is selected as the Timing

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    Phase . This phase is responsible for dictating the timing of the beginning of the switching

    cycles of all other phases, such that the switching pulses of all phases are evenly spaced. Selection of the Timing Phase

    The timing operations for interleaved operation are centralized in one of the phases in order

    to ensure that the switching signals are evenly spaced. If the timing procedure were to be

    distributed among all phases, there could be small discrepancies in timing due to process

    variation among the controllers. In other words, the switching signals would not necessarily

    be evenly spaced over the course of a switching period. Although this would still result in

    approximate ripple cancelation, undesirable harmonic noise could be produced.

    Another advantage of using only one phase for timing is that an external reference clock is

    not required. This reduces the pin requirements of the controllers. The only requirement is

    an internally generated clock signal with a frequency equal to the desired switching


    In the proposed design, all controllers are identical and they are therefore all capable of

    producing the timing signals necessary for interleaved operation. The selection of the Timing

    Phase could be arbitrary; it does not matter which phase is selected as long as exactly one

    phase is designated as the Timing Phase . In the proposed design, the first phase in the

    switching sequence is selected.

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    CHAPTER 3: SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 48 Clock Generation Architecture

    The purpose of the Digitally-Controlled DLL is to produce a clock signal with a frequency of

    nf s for a system having n phases and a switching frequency of f s. A clock with a frequency of

    nf s is required to evenly space the switching signals of all phases for interleaved operation.

    Since the plug-and-play controllers are designed to function with an arbitrary number of

    phases, the Digitally-Controlled DLL must be capable of producing clock signals of different


    Table 3.3 lists the required output clock frequencies and periods of the Digitally-Controlled

    DLL for a system operating at a switching frequency of 1 MHz (corresponding to a switching

    period of 1s) with different quantities of phases.

    n (number of phases) nf s (output frequency)[MHz] 1/( nf s) (output period) [ns]2 2 500.003 3 333.334 4 250.005 5 200.006 6 166.677 7 142.868 8 125.009 9 111.11

    10 10 100.00

    Table 3.3: Required output frequencies and periods for a system operating at a switching frequency of 1 MHzfor various phase counts

    The Digitally-Controlled DLL , shown in Figure 3.16, has two main components: a

    Programmable Ring Oscillator and a Digital Frequency Compensator . The Digital

    Frequency Compensator adjusts the inputs to the Programmable Ring Oscillator such that

    the desired output clock frequency is achieved. The inputs to this module are n, a digital

    value corresponding to the number of phases, and a clock with a frequency of f s. the

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    switching frequency. The outputs are a clock with a frequency of nf s and a signal indicating

    when the correct output frequency has been achieved.

    Figure 3.16: Digitally-Controlled DLL block diagram

    The Programmable Ring Oscillator of Figure 3.16 consists of number of digitally

    programmable delay cells arranged in a ring configuration and connected through 2-to-1

    multiplexors. The delay cells are similar to the current-starved delay cells presented in [24].

    A NAND-gate is also included in the ring for the inversion required to produce an oscillating

    clock signal. The NAND-gate also allows the ring oscillator to be disabled, conserving

    power when not needed. There are two methods of changing the output clock frequency: the

    programmable delay cell control signals and the multiplexor inputs. Each programmable

    delay cell has a digital control input that varies the propagation delay through the cell. The

    multiplexors allow the number of programmable delay cells in the ring to be varied.

    Depending on the multiplexor control signal, the previous delay cell can either be omitted or

    included in the ring.

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    The Digital Frequency Compensator is responsible for adjusting the delay cell and

    multiplexor control signals in order to achieve the desired output clock frequency. The

    module compares the frequency of the output to that of the input by measuring the number of

    output clock cycles over the course of a large number of input clock cycles. Using this

    feedback, it iteratively adjusts the Programmable Ring Oscillator control signals to produce

    an output clock with a frequency as close as possible to nf s. Although the controller cannot

    lock to a frequency of exactly nf s due to the quantization of the control signals, it behaves in a

    similar fashion to a standard analog delay-locked loop. However, its control is performed in

    a completely digital fashion.

    A flowchart presenting the operation of the Digital Frequency Compensator is shown in

    Figure 3.17. The delay cell and multiplexor control signals are first set to a starting value.

    Next, a counter is enabled that counts the number of cycles of the output clock, clk_out .

    Simultaneously, a counter is enabled that counts the number of cycles of the input clock,

    which has a frequency of f s. After a period of M input clock cycles, the counters are disabled

    and there outputs are compared. If the output clock counter is greater than nM , where n is the

    number of phases, the ring oscillator is too fast. In this case, the control signals are adjusted

    such that the delay of the ring oscillator is increased. The counting process repeats itself

    until the output clock counter is less than nM . The reverse occurs for the latter case. In this

    way, the control signals are adjusted in an iterative manner until an output frequency close to

    the desired value is achieved. At this point, the Locked output of the Digitally-Controlled

    DLL is raised and regular operation of the system may now begin.

    The range and resolution of the Digitally-Controlled DLL depend on a number of factors. A

    larger number of multiplexors and Programmable Delay Cells with shorter delays will result

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    in a wider range of possible output frequencies. Also, adjusting the number of control

    signals for the Programmable Delay Cells can increase the delay resolution and therefore can

    allow the output frequency to be more closely matched to a frequency of nf s. It should be

    noted that changing the specifications can result in different chip area and power

    requirements, so a reasonable compromise should be chosen. Also, the Digitally-Controlled

    DLL only needs to be capable of generating frequencies larger than 2 f s since the input clock

    is used for timing with a single phase.

    In the prototype design, the Digitally-Controlled DLL begins locking the output clock signal

    only after the LC Product Estimation and Sequencing step is complete. However, in order to

    reduce the time required for the initialization process, the Digitally-Controlled DLL could be

    activated simultaneously with the LC Product Estimation and Sequencing block, directly

    after the Phase Detection process is complete (the correct frequency can only be produced

    once the number of phases is known).

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