welcome father alex and father kauffmann

Welcome Fr. Alexander Muddu & Fr. James Kauffmann! SAINT BEDE CATHOLIC CHURCH WILLIAMSBURG, VIRGINIA

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Page 1: Welcome Father Alex and Father Kauffmann

Welcome Fr. Alexander Muddu& Fr. James Kauffmann!


Page 2: Welcome Father Alex and Father Kauffmann

Introduction to Fr. Alexander Muddu

Born: March 23 1982Birth Place:

Namiryango Grew up: Makindye

divisionSiblings: Three

brothers and one sisterStudied In: Uganda

and CaliforniaOrdained: August 13th


Page 3: Welcome Father Alex and Father Kauffmann

Favorite Movie: Marcelino Bread and Wine

Favorite Book: Things Fall Apart (Chinua Achebe)

Favorite Food: Grilled chicken, rice, yucca, sweet potatoes and plaintain

Fr. Alex’s Favorites

Favorite Scripture: Psalms 23 and 91

What are your favorite things?

Page 4: Welcome Father Alex and Father Kauffmann

What are your favorite activities?

Favorite Sport: Basketball

Favorite Olympic Sport: Running

Favorite Childhood Pastime: Learning how to ride a bike

Favorite Hobby: Hiking

Father Alex’s Favorites Continued

Page 5: Welcome Father Alex and Father Kauffmann

Makindye Division, Uganda

“I love my country,

Uganda, and proud to be

Roman Catholic.”

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In His Own Words

“I love being Catholic because there is nothing greater to love. Being

present to my people in good and sad moments gives me the joy and

satisfaction.” ~ Father Alex

Page 7: Welcome Father Alex and Father Kauffmann

Introduction to Fr. James Kauffmann

Born: March 8, 1950Grew up: Princess

Anne County, Virginia Siblings: 2 older

brothers.Undergrad: William

and MaryStudied In: Rome,

Jerusalem and Catholic University

Page 8: Welcome Father Alex and Father Kauffmann

Favorite Movies: Vintage Movies; “On the Waterfront” and “Casblanca”

Favorite TV: Inspector Lewis and Agatha Christie

Favorite Book: Recently finished Dante’s Divine Comedy

Fr. Kauffmann’s Favorites

Favorite Music: Opera and Symphony & Gregorian Chant

Favorite Food: Italian, seafood and fresh fruits and veggies

What are your favorite things?

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What are your favorite activities?

Traveling: Visiting ancient Christian sites

Favorite Childhood Pastimes: Climbing trees, playing cards and board games and crabbing on the river.

Favorite Olympic Sport: Swimming

Favorite Hobby: Languages; Italian, German and learning Spanish and French.

Father Kauffmann’s Favorites Continued

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Princess Anne Country, VA

“Growing up in the 50’s in a rural county in Virginia means

a lot of freedom….just simple

and plain fun!”

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In His Own Words

“My 40 years of priestly ministry have been a joy because of the many serious-minded

believers I have met over the years. Being Catholic is important to me because I feel

rooted in an ancient theological tradition that brings me much joy and confidence in my

faith which is essential to my identity.

My blogsite, The Wonder of Truth, and Facebook have given me a way to share my

travels and interests”~ Father Kauffmann

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Welcome to Our Parish!