welcome ima hbi 2015 the story so far... dr ravi wankhedkar national secretary ima hbi

WELCOME IMA HBI 2015 The story so far . . . Dr Ravi Wankhedkar National Secretary IMA HBI

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Page 1: WELCOME IMA HBI 2015 The story so far... Dr Ravi Wankhedkar National Secretary IMA HBI


The story so far . . .

Dr Ravi WankhedkarNational Secretary IMA HBI

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Envisioning IMA

Hospital Board of India

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Political objective

To maintain the benign influence

of the medical profession on the

healthcare industry

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The healthcare delivery system in India is in transition. In a country where large percentage of healthcare expenditure is outside the Government system it is important to have institutions to give direction to the growth and activity all players. Over the sixty plus years of independence, the leadership in healthcare delivery has been slowly and steadily passing into the hands of entrepreneurs of all backgrounds. It is important to moor the industry strongly on the ethics and dynamics of the medical profession. To achieve the political objective of maintaining the benign influence of the medical profession on the healthcare industry, IMA steps in with the initiative of Hospital Board of India. IMA will strive to improve quality of services and ensure better patient safety

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• 1. To assist and equip all healthcare institutions to

provide quality healthcare to people by facilitating accreditation.

• 2. To facilitate all healthcare institutions to play their effective role in public health.

• 3. To represent and safeguard the interest of all health care institutions and their personnel irrespective of their affiliation.

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Office Bearers of IMA HBI

• Dr Marthanda Pillai-National President• Dr. K K Aggarwal - Hon Sec General HQ• Dr. R N Tandon – Hon Finance Secretary HQ• Dr R V Asokan – Chairman IMA HBI• Dr. Ravi Wankhedkar- Hon Nat Secretary HBI• Dr Shivkumar Utture – Hon Treasurer HBI• Dr Anil Pachnekar – Hon Secretary HQ HBI

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Board members of IMA HBI

• Dr Vinay Aggarwal-Delhi• Dr.V.Varadarajan-Tamilnadu• Dr.C. Srinivasa Raju-Andhra Pradesh• Dr Vinod C Shah - Gujarat• Dr. Vijay Aggarwal -Delhi• Dr Anand Kate -Maharashtra

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Health :The Out of Pocket Nation

Source :National Sample Survey 2015

In Rural In Urban

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The bottom Line

The unpredictability of illness requiring

substantial amounts of money at short

notice are impoverishing an estimated 3.3%

of India's population every year.

Source :Report of the National Commission on Macro Economics and

Health MOH, GOI 2005

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Health Care CostThiruvananthapuram Medical College

and KSSP study

The average out-of-pocket expenditure

of a person in visiting OP (out-patient)

clinics in the Government sector was

Rs. 4,034 in an year. In the private

sector, this OP expense was not very

different at Rs. 4,739.

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Thiruvananthapuram Medical College

and KSSP study• However, when it came to IP expenditure

(in-patient), the average annual out-of-

pocket expenditure was Rs. 6,267 against

the figure of Rs. 30,800 in the private sector.

Here again, this escalation in expenditure

was mostly due to tertiary care.

• When tertiary care is deducted the

expenditure in public and private sector are

the same

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The silver Lining

“This would mean that the IP

expenditure in Government and

medium-level private hospitals are

quite comparable and that these

middle-level private hospitals are

actually holding the price line down,”

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Small and Medium private

hospitals are an Asset and

not a liability

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Point of no return ?Private Hospitals and hospital bed facilities in Kerala1986,1995 and 2004

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Healthcare institutions in


OAE (own account enterprises) : 10,77, 347

Establishments : 2,30,304


Source : 57th round NSS 2001-02

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Healthcare institutions in India

• Modern Medicine doctors : 721553

• Nurses ,Physiotherapists : 163502

• Ayurveda : 160166

• Unani : 24941

• Homeopathy : 145536

• Others : 91953


Source : 57th round NSS 2001-02

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Objectives• To assist hospitals to achieve

international standards in patient care and safety.

• To assist hospitals to countenance CEA .

• To increase the viability of small and medium hospitals by value addition.

• To provide hospitals an affordable access to accreditation.

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SHCOs (Less than 50 beds)

• Pre Accreditation Entry Level standards:

No of Standards :41

No of Objective Elements:149• Full Accreditation Standards

No of Standards : 61

No of Objective elements : 289

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Hospitals(More than 50 beds)

• Pre Accreditation Entry Level standards:

No of Standards :45

No of Objective Elements:167• Full Accreditation Standards

No of Standards : 102

No of Objective elements : 636

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Copy NABH Pre Accreditation Entry Level Standards for hospital : Rs. 1500/-

OrganizationAssessment Criteria Certification Fee (Rs.)




Hospital One man-day Rs. 2,000/- Rs. 25,000/-

Note : The man days given above for assessment are indicative and may change depending on the facilities and size of the hospital.

Service Tax applicable from time to time (currently @ 12.36%) will be charged on all the above fees.

NABHFinancial Terms and Conditions

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NABH Financial Terms and Conditions


Assessment Criteria

Certification Fee (Rs)


Application Fee

Certification Fee


One Man day

Rs 1000/-

Rs 10,000/-

Copy of NABH Pre Accreditation Entry Level Standards for SHCO : Rs. 1000/-

Note: The man days given above for assessment are indicative and may change depending on the facilities and size of the SHCO.

Service Tax applicable from time to time (currently @ 12.36%) will be charged on all the above fees. You are requested to please include the service tax in the fees accordingly while sending to NABH.

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Expenses of IMA HBI (Entry level accreditation) 




Sharing of IMA’s


SHCO (1-25 Beds) Rs 30,000/-

SHCO(26-49 Beds) Rs 40,000/-

50-100 Beds Rs 65,000/-

100+Beds Rs 1,30,000/-

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1. Baseline assessment

2. Training of Nodal Person

3. Technical assistance in formulating

SOPs etc

4. Onsite training

5. Hand holding

6. Mock assessment

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IMA NABH InitiativePreliminary discussion

28.01.15,New Delhi

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Directors Board Meeting05.07.15,Delhi

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Parley with Delhi Nursing Home Board,Chairman

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1st Training ProgrammeIMA NABH Initiative,


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