welcome [otaresources.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com] · close your group in prayer, thanking god for...

1 Introduction / A Note for Leaders I’m thrilled that you’re starting this adventure of leading a group of women through the book Bible and Breakfast: 31 Mornings with Jesus | Feeding Our Bodies and Souls Together! As you start out, I pray that in leading women to the Bread of Life, you yourself will be satisfied with the sweetness of Jesus’ presence. Truly, what a blessing to lead women to Him! Whether this is your first time leading a Bible study group or you’re a seasoned teacher, let me encourage you that God has already equipped you to love this particular group of women, and His Spirit within you will direct you in all truth. You don’t have to be a Bible scholar—it really is okay to say, “I’ll get back to you on that” while you research the answers to their questions. All you need to get started is a desire to love the women God has brought to you in this group, and to point them to Jesus again and again. Welcome

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Page 1: Welcome [otaresources.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com] · Close your group in prayer, thanking God for each woman by name, and praying for His Spirit to draw each of you to Himself over


Introduction / A Note for Leaders I’m thrilled that you’re starting this adventure of leading a group of women through the book Bible and Breakfast: 31 Mornings with Jesus | Feeding Our Bodies and Souls Together!

As you start out, I pray that in leading women to the Bread of Life, you yourself will be satisfied with the sweetness of Jesus’ presence. Truly, what a blessing to lead women to Him!

Whether this is your first time leading a Bible study group or you’re a seasoned teacher, let me encourage you that God has already equipped you to love this particular group of women, and His Spirit within you will direct you in all truth. You don’t have to be a Bible scholar—it really is okay to say, “I’ll get back to you on that” while you research the answers to their questions.

All you need to get started is a desire to love the women God has brought to you in this group, and to point them to Jesus again and again.


Page 2: Welcome [otaresources.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com] · Close your group in prayer, thanking God for each woman by name, and praying for His Spirit to draw each of you to Himself over


How to Guide Readers through Bible and BreakfastBefore we begin, a few notes about how this book is different: the primary goal of Bible and Breakfast is not accumulating information, but establishing a habit of reading God’s Word every day with the purpose of knowing and loving Him more. Everything about this book has been carefully crafted to aid that habit formation.

Readers may choose between the “Snack on the Go” and the “FEAST at the Table” each day, depending on how much time they have. Both options focus on the same passage, though the Snack option singles out a verse and takes about 5 minutes, while the FEAST option studies the surrounding context and requires about 30-40 minutes. Encourage women at the beginning to commit to whichever option fits their current season of life, but to allow for flexibility.

Though the FEAST study will lead readers deeper and teach them inductive study skills, it’s not inherently “better” than the Snack—remember: the primary goal is to help women establish a habit of reading the Bible every day, that they may feast on the Bread of Life for the rest of their lives. If they’re just beginning, smaller is often better because consistency in a tiny habit will make them more likely to stick with their habit long-term.

For more seasoned Bible study participants who have already established a daily Bible reading habit, encourage them to commit to the FEAST option and strengthen their Bible study skills. Some women may even want to complete the FEAST in the morning and the Snack at night, or vice versa.

The daily Scripture readings stand on their own, so readers don’t feel like they have to “catch up” if they’ve missed a few days. Simply encourage them to pick up with the current reading and stay current.

Every seven days, you’ll find a habit formation worksheet titled “Develop a Healthy Habit” (pages 63, 101, 145). These pages help readers reflect on what they’ve learned in the previous week and celebrate progress. These reflections also allow readers to tweak their morning time with Jesus to create a stronger and more enjoyable habit. Reserve time each meeting to discuss the questions on these pages and to help each other think through current challenges and come up with creative solutions to remain consistent in reading the Bible each day.

At the end of the study, you’ll find “Where do we go from here?” which again prompts readers to record what they learned about Jesus and respond to Him in worship and adoration. You’ll also find suggested next steps. We’ll discuss this more in the last week’s discussion guide.

Group ExpectationsConsider what you’d like the atmosphere of your group to be like, and craft a few “ground rules” so that everyone knows what to expect. Here are a few suggestions for group characteristics and expectations you could share with the ladies in your small group: • Welcoming: Every woman is welcomed to attend, whether or not you’ve completed all the study questions for the week. While we’ll encourage you to become consistent in your daily Bible reading, we also know that you’ll learn a lot from our conversation here in the group. So, come just as you are.

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• Gracious: We realize that we all come from different backgrounds, and we may not always agree on everything. We’re committed to being gracious and kind in the way we speak with one another, and to seek to build each other up in our conversations.

• Confidential: True relationships can grow only in the presence of authenticity and vulnerability, so what’s said in the group stays in the group.

• Biblically sound: We want every woman to feel free to share her insights and questions from her personal study of God’s Word. Where conversation begins to steer off course, we’ll bring it back to Scripture gently and lovingly.

• Prayerful: Transformation comes only through the work of God through prayer, so we’ll take time each meeting to pray for one another, and also commit to pray during the week, too.

Your Role as Group LeaderIf you’re wondering what your group time might look like, I’ve included a weekly guide for you that includes ice breakers, discussion questions, and prayer prompts. Feel free to follow the guide point-by-point, or to use it as a starting point to create your own weekly flow.

As mentioned earlier, the goal of this study is not necessarily to accumulate Bible knowledge, but rather to develop the habit of daily time with Jesus.

Ideally, you’ll be facilitating the conversation, guiding each group member to discover and share their “aha” moments of what God is teaching them each week. To aid in this kind of sharing, you could ask questions such as “What stood out to you this week?” or “How did you encounter Jesus in your study this week?” to get the conversation started.

Take time to talk through common obstacles that are getting in the way of developing their daily Bible and Breakfast habit, and brainstorm ways to overcome those obstacles.

Consider asking, “Did you have any questions that came up during this week’s study?” and encourage group members to answer each other’s questions with their own observations from their study of God’s Word.

As you prepare to begin this study, I invite you to pray for the women in your group. Each week I’ll offer you a specific prayer prompt, but I encourage you to pray throughout the week as you feel led by the Spirit.

For other tips and resources on leading a small group, check out “(Almost) Everything You Need to Know About Leading a Small Group,” which can be found at: (https://www.cru.org/us/en/train-and-grow/help-others-grow/leading-small-groups.html)

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Before Your First MeetingInvite your group members to watch the video trailer for Bible and Breakfast, found at www.bibleandbreakfast.com. This will help offer insights on what to expect from the study and also inspire enthusiasm and motivation to participate. You might also suggest that they buy their copy of Bible and Breakfast before your first meetup so they will be ready to start right away.

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week 1:

Opening SessionIcebreaker Activity Go around the circle and share your name and your favorite breakfast. Before each person introduces themselves, they need to repeat every other person’s name before them. The very first person will only say their own name and breakfast first, but once everyone has gone around the circle, the first person will conclude by naming everyone to bring the introductions to a grand finale.

Group ExpectationsShare your group’s ground rules (see Introduction for suggested rules or create your own).

IntroductionRead the following introduction:

“There was once a Chinese pastor who said, “No Bible, no breakfast.” He wouldn’t eat breakfast until he had first read the Word of God, and his rumbling stomach reminded him to seek Scripture before seeking sustenance.

As good as that rule was for him, many of us busy women need encouragement not to skip breakfast but to find ways to weave together our Bible reading with already established habits in our lives.

My prayer for us this next month is that we would develop a hunger for God that far surpasses our hunger for pancakes and smoothies, and that we would taste and see that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8), even while sitting at our breakfast tables.”

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Group ReadingTake turns reading the “Let’s Get Started” and “Frequently Ask Questions” sections out loud. Realize that there may be women who are unbelievers, first-time Bible study attenders, or come from different denominational backgrounds. Emphasize that you want everyone to feel welcomed, and caution participants to speak graciously about other denominations.

Suggested Questions for Discussion• Have you ever tried to read the Bible daily? What worked well? What didn’t work so well?• What attitudes or beliefs about “Quiet Time” did you grow up with? Were there any “formulas” that were upheld as better than others?• What are some of the challenges in your life right now that make it difficult to consistently read the Bible? • Why did you join this Bible and Breakfast study? What compelled you to say “yes”?• What do you hope for over the next 31 days? (Consider taking notes on each woman’s answer, and use these as cues to pray for each one specifically and to follow up with them over the next month.)• What’s one thing that would help you as we embark on this challenge together?

Day 1 ExerciseWork together through the Day 1 “Snack on the Go: Start Fresh.” Take turns reading the devotional, and pause to look up the verse references included in parentheses.

Allow time for each participant to rewrite Psalm 34:8 in their own words, and invite them to share their paraphrase if they’d like.

Encourage them to finish Days 2-7 before you meet again.

Close your group in prayer, thanking God for each woman by name, and praying for His Spirit to draw each of you to Himself over the duration of the study.

Optional Email or Social Media Post to Share Before the Next MeetingIf you plan on connecting with your group during the week, here are some made-for-you posts you can share:

Reading PlanVisit www.bibleandbreakfast.com to sign up for access to the resource library, which includes a 31-Day printable reading plan to correspond with this study.

Featured RecipeWatch a one-minute video on how to make Mason Jar Omelets at www.bibleandbreakfast.com or on YouTube at https://youtu.be/CpwWbwYZSxg.

Featured ResourceHave you seen the FEAST bookmark that is included in the resource library at www.bibleandbreakfast.com? If you have a printer, take some time this week to print a copy to keep in your Bible as a helpful reminder.

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week 2:

Days 1-7Icebreaker Question Go around the table and reintroduce yourselves by name, also sharing one thing that’s most unique about you, such as “I’ve never left the state I was born in” or “I am one of 10 kids.”

Suggested Questions for Discussion • How and when have you tasted and seen that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8)? • In your own words, why did Jesus die? • When have you had to practice God’s call to “walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7)? • In situations when you find it difficult to “rejoice in the Lord” (Philippians 4:4), what helps you turn your mind and heart toward worship and praise? • In what area(s) of your life do you need to deny yourself and surrender to Jesus (Luke 9:23)? • In what ways have your disappointments affected your view of God?• What competing loves do you need you let go of in order to more fully experience God’s love, like Jesus invited the rich young ruler to do? • What is one attribute of God that has stood out to you from your reading this past week?

Develop a Healthy HabitTime permitting, choose one or two questions found on page 63, titled “Develop a Healthy Habit,” and invite interaction from your group members:

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• What have you learned about Jesus so far? • What are you enjoying about your Bible and Breakfast habit? • What’s not working so well with your Bible and Breakfast habit, or what would you like to do differently? • What tweaks can you make to your morning time with Jesus to create a stronger and more enjoyable habit? • What would you like to say to Jesus as you reflect on the past week together? Spend some time in worship, praise, gratitude, or rededication.

Ways to Pray this WeekUse some of the Scripture passages, spiritual lessons, and convictions from this past week to guide your prayer time:

• Praise God for the gift of His Word, and for the privilege of being able to read it in your own language• Praise God for sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for your sins• Confess the times that you have struggled to rejoice in the Lord and walk by faith• Ask God to help you deny yourself and surrender to Jesus• Pray for those who have not yet confessed Jesus Christ as Lord – “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9, ESV).

Optional Email or Social Media Post to Share Before Next WeekIf you plan on connecting with your group during the week, here are some made-for-you posts you can share:

Featured RecipeWatch the one-minute video on how to make Sugarfast Powerballs at www.bibleandbreakfast.com or on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8k4nxHyDxM.

Featured ResourceVisit www.asheritah.com/videos and watch “No Guilt in Quiet Time.”

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week 3:

Days 8-13You’ve made it through the first two weeks of the challenge; well done! I’ll be honest: in many ways, this coming week (Days 14-20) is the hardest, because the initial excitement has worn off. If you or your group members are struggling, be assured it’s a normal part of the habit-formation process. Best of all, you can help each other persevere and stay accountable!

As you gather with your group this week, share these pieces of advice and encouragement with them:

1. Celebrate growth. Looking back on the last two weeks, in what ways have you grown closer to Jesus? Celebrate that! Pause right now to thank Him for His work in your life, or get up to do a happy dance. It doesn’t have to be perfect to be progress.

2. Tweak your habit. Which mornings did you struggle, and how can you tweak your Bible and Breakfast habit to minimize the struggle? Maybe it’s hard to read aloud with the kids while you’re trying to shove food in your mouth at the same time. If that’s the case, perhaps you could try listening to the audio Bible together while you eat. Brainstorm as a group to help each other come up with creative solutions to the challenges you’re facing.

3. Stay accountable. Call or text a friend from this group to share what you learned in your daily Bible and Breakfast moment, or share it on social media. Or if you’re really brave, jump on a live video *gasp* and share one thing you learned about Jesus with your friends on social media! The accountability of showing up for others will help you keep going on those days you’re dragging.

The three steps above can be a turning point as you establish this habit of meeting Jesus around your breakfast table for life.

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Icebreaker QuestionWhat is one characteristic you received from your parents that you want to keep and one you wish you could change?

Suggested Questions for Discussion• Have you ever questioned God’s methods of dealing with you, or later realized ways in which He was working in your life in the midst of a difficult situation or circumstance? • What steps can you take to practice speaking more kindly to others (Ephesians 4:29)? • What fears hold you back from boldly talking about Jesus (2 Timothy 1:7-8)? • In what ways did you enjoy God and His presence this past week? • Have you ever felt far from the Lord? If so, what helped you to sense His presence again?• In which areas or situations have you struggled to trust God and experience His peace?

Develop a Healthy HabitTime permitting, choose one or two questions found on page 101, titled “Develop a Healthy Habit,” and invite interaction from your group members: • What have you learned about Jesus so far? • What are you enjoying about your Bible and Breakfast habit? • What’s not working so well with your Bible and Breakfast habit, or what would you like to do differently? • What tweaks can you make to your morning time with Jesus to create a stronger and more enjoyable habit? • What would you like to say to Jesus as you reflect on the past week together? Spend some time in worship, praise, gratitude, or rededication.

Ways to Pray this WeekUse some of the Scripture passages, spiritual lessons, and convictions from this past week to guide your prayer time:

• Praise God for the gift of being able to spend time in His presence• Thank the Lord for His perfect plan, and that He is always working out His purposes, even if we can’t see it or understand it• Confess the times you did not speak kindly to others• Confess your fears regarding sharing the gospel with others and ask God to give you boldness to proclaim His name and truth• Thank God for the times you sensed His presence this past week• Pray for others to hear and receive the word of Christ – “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17, ESV).

Optional Email or Social Media Post to Share Before the Next MeetingIf you plan on connecting with your group during the week, here are some made-for-you posts you can share:Featured RecipeWatch the one-minute video on how to make the Good Morning Smoothie at www.bibleandbreakfast.com or on

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YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yA4jplaHp_c

Featured ResourceVisit www.asheritah.com/videos and watch the video “Created for Creative Worship.”

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week 4:

Days 14-20Icebreaker QuestionIf you knew you couldn’t fail and money were no object, what would you like to do in the next five years?

Suggested Questions for Discussion• Which “rules” do you struggle to remove from your spiritual list of dos and don’ts as you seek to live in the freedom that Christ offers? • What keeps you from seeking God’s face (Psalm 27:8)? • What have you been asking God for this past week? How have you seen Him answer those prayers so far? (Matthew 7:7-11)• How have you seen God change you or humble you with regard to a difficult relationship? (Philippians 2:5-8)• What did you see or experience this past week that made you marvel at God? (Psalm 19:1-2)• When do you find it most difficult to trust in the Lord’s strength and provision, instead of relying on yourself to do it all? (Psalm 127:1-2)• What is your favorite song to help you focus on Jesus as the light of the world? (See page 143 for suggestions and visit www.bibleandbreakfast.com to access a worship playlist in the resource library.)

Develop a Healthy HabitTime permitting, choose one or two questions found on page 145, titled “Develop a Healthy Habit,” and invite interaction from your group members:

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• What have you learned about Jesus so far? • What are you enjoying about your Bible and Breakfast habit? • What’s not working so well with your Bible and Breakfast habit, or what would you like to do differently? • What tweaks can you make to your morning time with Jesus to create a stronger and more enjoyable habit? • What would you like to say to Jesus as you reflect on the past week together? Spend some time in worship, praise, gratitude, or rededication.

Ways to Pray this WeekUse some of the Scripture passages, spiritual lessons, and convictions from this past week to guide your prayer time:

• Praise God for being the light of the world, and for rescuing believers from darkness• Praise God for answered prayers• Confess any lack of faith in the Lord’s strength or provision• Ask God to reveal any legalism in your heart that is preventing you from living in the freedom Christ offers• Pray that God would give people the desire to seek and know Him – “God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us” (Acts 17:27, NIV).

Optional Email or Social Media Post to Share Before the Next MeetingIf you plan on connecting with your group during the week, here are some made-for-you posts you can share:

Featured RecipeWatch a one-minute video on how to make the BLT Breakfast Salad at www.bibleandbreakfast.com or on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALdpcrGBnuI.

Featured ResourceHave you seen the REST bookmark that is included in the resource library at www.bibleandbreakfast.com? Take some time this week to print a bookmark to remind you of the REST prayer method as you continue this study and beyond.

Next week, Asheritah is going to encourage us to use the REST method of prayer:

In the Feast section of Day 24, under the subheading Turn to God in Worship (p. 169), you’ll find the following acronym and outline for prayer in response to God’s Word:

• Recite God’s goodness: Praise God for something you learned about Him in today’s passage.• Express your neediness: Is there something you need to confess to Him?• Seek His stillness: Pause for a few moments to simply be still with God. Listen to Him in the silence.• Trust His faithfulness: What area(s) of your life do you need to surrender and entrust to God’s loving care today?Start practicing this method in your own prayer life this coming week so we can share and discuss our experiences when we meet.

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week 5:

Days 21-27Icebreaker QuestionThis one’s called “Two roses and a thorn.” Ask each person to share two great things that happened in the past week (their “roses”) and one hard thing that happened (their “thorn”). Consider writing down notes for prayer or follow up in the week to come.

Suggested Questions for Discussion• Is there a situation in your life that you need to entrust to God? (Proverbs 3:5-6)• In what way(s) were you able to serve as God’s “salt of the earth” this past week? (Matthew 5:13)• In what way(s) were you able to show hospitality this past week? • Is there something from your past that you need to let go of or confess to Jesus? (Philippians 3:13b-14)• Which spiritual blessings that we have received in Christ are most striking to you? (Ephesians 1:3)• Who is God calling you to show love toward this week? (1 Thessalonians 2:7b-8)• How can you practice showing love “with actions and in truth” this week? (1 John 3:18)

Ways to Pray this Week

• Praise God for the spiritual blessings He gives through Christ• Praise the Lord for the opportunities He gives to be the salt of the earth• Confess your sins to the Lord• Ask God to reveal specific ways you can be more hospitable and loving in the coming weeks

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• Pray that the Lord would cause His people to repent from their sins and turn toward Him – “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord” (Acts 3:17, NIV).

Optional Email or Social Media Post to Share Before the Next MeetingIf you plan on connecting with your group during the week, here are some made-for-you posts you can share:

Featured RecipeInstead of a featured recipe this week, ask your group members to share what is their favorite recipe from Bible and Breakfast!

Featured ResourceVisit www.asheritah.com/videos and watch the video, “From Duty to Delight.”

Note:In preparation for the next meeting, read the section titled, “Where Do We Go from Here?” on pages 213-215. Prepare to have a conversation with your group members about plans for personal or group quiet time and Bible study when the Bible and Breakfast Study ends. Also discuss with your group whether you’d like to make your last meeting a breakfast potluck, perhaps each signing up to bring one recipe from Bible and Breakfast.

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week 6:

Days 28-31 & CelebrationThis is it! The last meeting for the Bible and Breakfast group study. As I wrote in the introduction, my heart’s desire has been for you and your group to develop a hunger for God that far surpasses a hunger for pancakes and smoothies, and that each individual woman would taste and see that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8) even while sitting at the breakfast table.

I trust that God has done increasingly more than I could have asked for or imagined. During your gathering this week, invite your group members to share at least one way that God has worked in their lives through this study.

• Hopefully, some have developed a daily habit of reading the Bible.• Perhaps some have placed their burdens at Jesus’ feet.• Praise God for any who may have prayed to receive Jesus as their Savior.• Some may have experienced freedom from spiritual strongholds.• Perhaps some have invited the Holy Spirit to work in difficult situations.• Some might have gained confidence in studying Scripture.• Hopefully some have found peace in resting in Jesus.• And hopefully some have invited other women to join them in starting a Bible study.

Whatever the case may be, join together in praising God for His goodness and grace to your group, and for His faithfulness to hear and answer your prayers according to His will.

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Next Steps It’s common to finish a program or Bible study and not have anything lined up to take its place. Have a discussion with your group about “What’s next?” What’s the Bible reading plan for the next several weeks or months? Upcoming study?

Coach the members of group to evaluate the habits that were formed during this study, and what they learned about themselves and their strengths and weaknesses. What did you learn about this habit of reading the Bible? What works well for you?

Here are some suggestions you might consider for your group’s next steps: • Read together through a book of the Bible using the YouVersion Bible Reading Plans (app available on smartphones; daily email devotionals also available)• Learn more about the following books and studies at www.asheritah.com/books: • Quiet Time for Busy Women Workbook: 6 Weeks to Becoming Consistent in Your Daily Devotions • Walking with God: Enjoying God’s Presence from Morning to Night• Full: Food, Jesus, and the Battle for Satisfaction• He is Enough: Living in the Fullness of Jesus (A 6-week Study in Colossians)• Unwrapping the Names of Jesus: An Advent Devotional• Unwrapping the Love of Jesus: A Lent Devotional• Check out Moody Publisher’s Women’s Bible studies at www.moodypublisherswomen.com

Icebreaker QuestionIf you could have dinner with one person from the present or the past, who would it be and what one or two questions would you ask them?

Suggested Questions for Discussion• Where or how do you need to be more self-controlled? What would your life look like if you exhibited more self-control in this area? (Proverbs 25:28)• In what area of your life do you need to trust God’s love? His power? (Psalm 59:16-17)• How or where have you seen God’s faithfulness over the past several weeks of this study? (Psalm 92:1-2)• Which of the four disciplines mentioned in Acts 2:42-47 comes easiest to you? Which is the most difficult?• What changes do you plan to make in your life as a result of this study? • Bible Habit Check-in: • What have you learned about God this past month?• What have you learned about yourself?• What have you learned about spending daily time with God in His presence?

Ways to Pray this WeekAs we conclude this Bible and Breakfast group study, take some time to reflect on everything God has been revealing to you and your group members during the past several weeks, and thank Him for the many ways He has been at work.

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Here is a suggested prayer for your group, adapted from Paul’s word to the Colossian church in Colossians 1:3-14:

“Father, thank You for these precious women who have sought You and found You this month. Please continue to fill them with all spiritual wisdom and understanding, that they may live a life worthy of You and please You in every way. May they bear fruit in every good work, growing in knowledge of You and being strengthened with all power according to Your glorious might. Help them endure with patience and joyfully give thanks to You in all things. Thank You for rescuing us from the dominion of darkness and bringing us into the kingdom of Your Son. We love You. Amen.”