welcome []...she was built a harmony house for young people who study music. after that she had...

Thank you for visiting us today. We hope you enjoyed those Junzo Yoshimura's architecture with beautiful nature in Minamigaoka's villa area. This harmony house was consists with 5 acre ground and 840 feet building area. Miss Eloise Cunningham was laid Out hundreds of millions of yen to build music hall and hostel ”harmony house” for young people. In more than 30years from then ,serve house’s purpose and become older at the centuries roll by. However in 2015, we had launched some projects café, share house and rental villa to manage and conserve those beautiful Yoshimura’s architecture. But still necessary to repair works of these houses. Especially, around plumbing and roof. We realize people visit to harmony house is lead to helping for our projects. We highly appreciate your support and also for your future support to save those beautiful harmony house as well. NEXTRAIN Co., Ltd. 本日はご来店にただきまして誠にありがとうございます。南ヶ丘別荘地の豊かな自然と吉村順三作品の建築美はいかがでした か。 ハーモニーハウスはアメリカ人音楽教育家エロイーズカニングハム女史が数億円をかけ、約1000坪の土地に建坪140坪 にも及ぶ青少年のための合宿施設兼音楽ホールを建てられました。それから30余年が経ち、時代が進み、その役目を終え、老朽 化激しく滅失の危機にありました。しかしこの美しい吉村順三作品をなんとか残したいと考えた私たちは2015年、 「カフェ」「シェアハウス」「貸別荘」という3つの事業で保存に向けたプロジェクトをスタートしました。しかしハーモニー ハウスはまだまだボロボロです。ホールの屋根は雨漏れが始まり、その他の木部分も水が回り腐ってきています。 皆様がハーモニーハウスでカフェをご利用いただくことも、当プロジェクトへの支援につながっております。この素晴らしい 吉村順三作品・ハーモニーハウスの保存に向け、皆様のますますのご支援を賜りますようお願い申しあげます。 株式会社ネクストレイン Welcome ようこそ

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Post on 11-Mar-2020




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Page 1: Welcome []...she was built a harmony house for young people who study music. After that she had award “Order of the sacred treasure” from Japanese government.She was 101 years

Thank you for visiting us today. We hope you enjoyed those Junzo Yoshimura's architecture with beautiful nature in Minamigaoka's villa area. This harmony house was consists with 5 acre ground and 840 feet building area. Miss Eloise Cunningham was laid Out hundreds of millions of yen to build music hall and hostel ”harmony house” for young people. In more than 30years from then ,serve house’s purpose and become older at the centuries roll by. However in 2015, we had launched some projects café, share house and rental villa to manage and conserve those beautiful Yoshimura’s architecture. But still necessary to repair works of these houses. Especially, around plumbing and roof. We realize people visit to harmony house is lead to helping for our projects. We highly appreciate your support and also for your future support to save those beautiful harmony house as well.

NEXTRAIN Co., Ltd. 本日はご来店にただきまして誠にありがとうございます。南ヶ丘別荘地の豊かな自然と吉村順三作品の建築美はいかがでしたか。 ハーモニーハウスはアメリカ人音楽教育家エロイーズカニングハム女史が数億円をかけ、約1000坪の土地に建坪140坪にも及ぶ青少年のための合宿施設兼音楽ホールを建てられました。それから30余年が経ち、時代が進み、その役目を終え、老朽化激しく滅失の危機にありました。しかしこの美しい吉村順三作品をなんとか残したいと考えた私たちは2015年、 「カフェ」「シェアハウス」「貸別荘」という3つの事業で保存に向けたプロジェクトをスタートしました。しかしハーモニーハウスはまだまだボロボロです。ホールの屋根は雨漏れが始まり、その他の木部分も水が回り腐ってきています。 皆様がハーモニーハウスでカフェをご利用いただくことも、当プロジェクトへの支援につながっております。この素晴らしい吉村順三作品・ハーモニーハウスの保存に向け、皆様のますますのご支援を賜りますようお願い申しあげます。




Page 2: Welcome []...she was built a harmony house for young people who study music. After that she had award “Order of the sacred treasure” from Japanese government.She was 101 years

Please pay at your table. お会計はテーブルでお願いいたします。

Because it is dangerous, children should not run around. 危険ですのでお子様は走り回らないようお願いいたします。

Please do not move to another seat.


We have a restroom outside. Please go up the stairs and you will find it on your left. お手洗いはカフェ入り口をでて階段を上がった左手にございます。

Please be sure to order one item per person, otherwise, there is a cover charge of ¥1,000 per guest. お一人様一品必ずご注文ください。ご注文のないお客様には席料として¥1,000いただく場合がございますので


Maximum 90 minutes for use of the seats during congestion. 混雑時のお席のご利用は最長90分までとさせて頂きます。

Please Read


Page 3: Welcome []...she was built a harmony house for young people who study music. After that she had award “Order of the sacred treasure” from Japanese government.She was 101 years

Food Menu


Page 4: Welcome []...she was built a harmony house for young people who study music. After that she had award “Order of the sacred treasure” from Japanese government.She was 101 years

Skillet Soufflé Omelet 信州産の卵を贅沢に使用したふわふわのスフレオムレツ。ポテトもついてボリューム満点の 一皿です。

Spam & Cheese Omelet ¥1,280

スパム&チーズオムレツ ¥1,280

Smoke chicken & Spinach Omelet ¥1,280

スモークチキン&ホウレンソウオムレツ ¥1,280

Special Omelet ¥1,530

スペシャルオムレツ ¥1,530

Toast ¥250

トースト ¥250

Half Salad ¥300

ハーフサラダ ¥300 ※Special : spam, smoke chicken, spinach, cheese


Page 5: Welcome []...she was built a harmony house for young people who study music. After that she had award “Order of the sacred treasure” from Japanese government.She was 101 years

Missionary Lover’s French Toast 一番人気の「宣教師が愛したフレンチトースト」は宣教師 直伝のイギリスパンを使用した当店看板メニュー!

Honey & Whip Cream ¥980

ハニー&ホイップクリーム ¥980

Vanilla Ice Cream ¥1,130 バニラアイスクリーム ¥1,130

Banana Caramel ¥1,130 バナナキャラメル ¥1,130

Seasonal Special ¥1,430 季節のスペシャル ¥1,430

※Special : honey, whip cream, vanilla ice banana, Fresh fruit(seasonal)

+ Ice Cream ¥150

+バニラアイス ¥150

+ More whip ¥150

+ホイップクリーム ¥150

Page 6: Welcome []...she was built a harmony house for young people who study music. After that she had award “Order of the sacred treasure” from Japanese government.She was 101 years

Eggs Benedicts マフィンに信州産卵のポーチドエッグ、濃厚な自家製オランデーズソースをトッピング。 信州産サラダはミルクランチドレッシングで。

Spam & Cheese Benedict ¥1,280 スパム&チーズベネディクト ¥1,280

Smoke Chicken & Spinach Benedict ¥1,280 スモークチキン&ホウレンソウベネディクト ¥1,280

Salmon & Avocado Benedict ¥1,430 サーモン&アボカドベネディクト


Page 7: Welcome []...she was built a harmony house for young people who study music. After that she had award “Order of the sacred treasure” from Japanese government.She was 101 years

Local Vegetable Salads


Honey Mustard Smoke Chicken¥1,080 ハニーマスタードスモークチキン ¥1,080

Blue Cheese Garden ¥1,080 ブルーチーズガーデン ¥1,080

Roast Nuts Avocado Tohu¥1,080 ローストナッツアボカド豆富 ¥1,080

Toast ¥250 トースト ¥250

Acai Bowl ¥980 アサイーボウル ¥980 ※フルーツは季節により変更あり

Page 8: Welcome []...she was built a harmony house for young people who study music. After that she had award “Order of the sacred treasure” from Japanese government.She was 101 years

MIKASA Hotel Curry 三笠ホテル伝統のカレーソースをオムカレー、キーマカレー、焼きチーズカレーにアレンジ!

Local Eggs Omelet Curry ¥1,480 ふわとろ卵のオムカレー ¥1,480

Vegetable Minced-meat Curry ¥1,280 野菜たっぷりキーマカレー ¥1,280

Grilled cheese Curry ¥1,280 焼きチーズカレー ¥1,280

Large Rice ¥150 ライス大盛り ¥150

Plus Cheese ¥150 トッピングチーズ ¥150

Half Salad ¥300 ハーフサラダ ¥300

Page 9: Welcome []...she was built a harmony house for young people who study music. After that she had award “Order of the sacred treasure” from Japanese government.She was 101 years


フレッシュな野菜や果物を贅沢に使った 体に優しいスムージー!

Green Smoothie ¥780 グリーンスムージー ¥780

Acai Smoothie ¥780 アサイースムージー ¥780


じっくり煮込んだスープにとろーりチーズ。 トーストとセットがおすすめです。

Onion Gratin Soup ¥780 オニオングラタンスープ ¥780

Minestrone Gratin Soup¥780 ミネストローネグラタンスープ ¥780

Toast ¥250 トースト ¥250

Orange Mango Smoothie ¥780 オレンジマンゴースムージー ¥780

Tohu Smoothie ¥780 豆富スムージー ¥780

Page 10: Welcome []...she was built a harmony house for young people who study music. After that she had award “Order of the sacred treasure” from Japanese government.She was 101 years

Eloise Cunningham エロイーズ・カニングハム She marked every summer in Karuizawa since when she had visit to Japan with her missionary father in 1900.After the WWⅡ, She had a charity concert for kids in most of every months.In 1983, she was built a harmony house for young people who study music. After that she had award “Order of the sacred treasure” from Japanese government.She was 101 years old at the time of her death in 2000.

1900年、宣教師の父ウィリアムと来日。以降、毎年夏を軽井沢で過ごす。戦後から子供たちのための無料コンサートを毎月行う。1983年、音楽を学ぶ若者たちのためにハーモニーハウスを建設。四等瑞宝章勲を受章。2000年に西麻布の自宅で生涯を閉じる。享年101歳。 Junzo Yoshimura 吉村順三 In 1931, after graduated Tokyo University of the art, he was studied modernism architecture under A-Raymond. He initiated the apanese architecture to Raymond at the same time. He had designed and leaded building team of harmony house build.For his representative work, an extension of the Nara national museum and Yatugatake kogen music hall are most famous.He had award for cultural merit and order of the sacred treasure.

現東京芸術大学を卒業後、1931年にA・レイモンドに師事。モダニズム建築を学ぶと同時に、レイモンドに日本建築を伝える。1983年、ハーモニーハウスを設計。主な作品として奈良国立博物館新館や八ヶ岳高原音楽堂が有名。文化功労賞、勲二等瑞宝章などを受章。 Hans J Wegner ハンス・J・ウェグナー He was graduated Danish school of and crafts and the architecture in Copenhagen.In 1943, after he got independent from Arne Jacobsen, he designed over 500 different chairs in his life time.Our “Eloise’s café” has 10 conference chairs and 2 arm chairs which designed and fabricated by Hans and Denmark company “GETAMA”.




Page 11: Welcome []...she was built a harmony house for young people who study music. After that she had award “Order of the sacred treasure” from Japanese government.She was 101 years

Drink Menu


Page 12: Welcome []...she was built a harmony house for young people who study music. After that she had award “Order of the sacred treasure” from Japanese government.She was 101 years

Specialty Coffee

Cunningham Blend (full city) ¥880 カニングハム ブレンド(深煎り) ¥880


South Hills Blend (city roast) ¥880 南ヶ丘ブレンド(中煎り) ¥880


スペシャルティ コーヒー

Single Origin ¥980 シングルオリジン ¥980

・Guatemala Pampojila farms(City) グアテマラ パンポヒラ農園(中煎り)


・Ethiopia Yirgacheffe G1(City) エチオピア イルガチェフ G1(中煎り)


Hawaii Kona Extra Fancy (full city)¥1,080 ハワイコナ エクストラファンシー(深煎り)¥1,080

Hand drip carefully of first class beans directly purchased from “Rooster Farms” organic plantation.ハワイ島コナ地区の中では一番歴史の長いオーガニック農園「ルースターファーム」から直接仕入れた最高級豆を丁寧にハンドドリップで。 桃のような甘みと、オーキー(オーク樽)で自然な心地よい香味。

Decaffeinated ¥930 カフェインレス ¥930

・Indonesia BALI ”Decaffeinated”(City) バリ島 神山 カフェインレス(中煎り)


Page 13: Welcome []...she was built a harmony house for young people who study music. After that she had award “Order of the sacred treasure” from Japanese government.She was 101 years

Premium tea

東八重製茶 Toubae seicha(鹿児島県志布志市 Shibushi city Kagosima)

In Kagoshima Prefecture, which has been known as a tea producing area for 700 years ago, we buy tea leaf directly from Tobae Farm, who carefully produces no chemicals, while talking with nature and the environment. 700年前から茶の生産地として知られる鹿児島県において、無農薬にこだわり、自然や環境と会話しながら丁寧に生産している東八重さんから茶葉を直接購入。


Benifuki Satsuma Tea ¥880 べにふうき薩摩紅茶 ¥880

Organic Oolong Tea ¥880 オーガニックウーロン茶 ¥880

Satsuma Green Tea ¥880 薩摩緑茶 ¥880

生産農家 東八重さん


Page 14: Welcome []...she was built a harmony house for young people who study music. After that she had award “Order of the sacred treasure” from Japanese government.She was 101 years

Soft Drink

Dry Ginger Ale ¥680

ジンジャーエール ¥680

Spicy Ginger Ale ¥680

ジンジャーエール(辛口) ¥680

Local Apple Juice ¥680

信州りんごジュース ¥680


100% Orange Juice ¥680

100%オレンジジュース ¥680

100% Grapefruit Juice ¥680

100%グレープフルーツジュース ¥680

Ice Coffee ¥680

アイスコーヒー ¥680

Ice Tea ¥680

アイスティー ¥680


The Karuizawa Beer ¥780

The 軽井沢ビール ¥780

Non-Alcohol Beer ¥680

ノンアルコールビール ¥680


Page 15: Welcome []...she was built a harmony house for young people who study music. After that she had award “Order of the sacred treasure” from Japanese government.She was 101 years

Thank you !


Page 16: Welcome []...she was built a harmony house for young people who study music. After that she had award “Order of the sacred treasure” from Japanese government.She was 101 years