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Egypt LC GUC

IGCDP Projects


EGYPTIAN TRADITIONS AND CULTUREThe Culture of Egypt has six thousand years recorded history. Ancient Egypt was among the earliest civilizations. For millennia, Egypt main-tained a strinkingly complex and stable culture that influenced later cultures of Europe, the Middle East and Africa. After the Pharaonic era, Egypt itself came under the influence of Hellenism, for a time Christianity, and later, Arab and Islamic culture. Today many aspects of Egypt’s ancient culture exist in interaction with newer elements inculding the influence of modern Western culture.



Ancient Egyptian religion was a polytheistic system there was a strong cult of resurrection in the next life centered around the god Osiris. Coptic Christi-anity was popular in the Roman and Byzantine periods, and Egypt was indeed one of the stron-gest early Christian communi-ties. Today, Christians constitute from approximately 5-10% of the population.Islam in Egypt came to the country with the succes-sors of the Prophet Muhammad, and is today the dominant faith with over 90% of the population.


Egypt’s main language or mother tongue is Arabic. Arabic came to Egypt in the 7th century , and Egyptian Arabic has become to-day the modern speech of the country. Of the many varieties of Arabic, it is the most widely spoken second dialect, due to the influence of Egyptian cinema and media throughout the Arabic-speaking world.


Belly dance, or Raqs Sharqi (liter-ally: oriental dancing) in Arabic, may have originated in Egypt, and today the country is considered the international center of the art. The mamba is very popular in Egypt and can be found especial-ly in the country’s capital, Cairo. African music is a rich mixture of indigenous Egyptian, Arabic, African and Western influences. The most popular Egyptian pop singers are Amr Diab, Mohamed Mounir,Ali El Haggar, Mohamed

Hamaki and Tamer Hosny.


The most played most-watched sport in Egypt is Footbol (Soccer). Egyptian Soccer clubs especially El Ahly and El Zamalek are known throughout the Middle East and Africa and enjoy the reputation of long-time champions of the sport regionally. They enjoy popularity

even among non-Egyptians.



Egyptian cuisine consists of lo-cal culinary traditions such as Ful medames, Kushari and Molokhia. It also shares similarities with food found throughout the east-ern Mediterranean like kebab and falafel.


1st day of spring 2nd monday after Coptic Easter day

25th April

1st May

23rd July

6th October

13th October

23rd December

Eid El-Fitr Breakfast Feast

Eid EL-Adha Sacrifice feast


It’s Called Sham El-Nessim dayJust avoid going out on this day to national parls and the zoo

Sinai liberation day

Workers day

1952 revolution day

Armed forces day, victory day 1973

Suez liberation day

Victory day

Comes right after the Holy fasting month of Ramdan

Comes right after the pilgrimage season, it lasts for four days




AIESEC GUC was founded in 2009 with a starting number of 40 members, only to ever grow to 200 members in 2015.The name GUC stands for “The German University in Cairo” which is located in Cairo where AIESEC GUC has started.In 2011, AIESEC GUC was rewarded the fastest growing LC “Local Committee” in the MENA “Middle East & North African Region” in the MENA XLDS Confer-ence, and in the same year in IC 2011 “International Congress” – a conference held each year having the top leaders of the 126 countries where AIESEC is present”, AIESEC GUC won “Fulfilling the promise” award.In the next year’s MENA XLDS Conference 2012, AIESEC GUC again won another award but this time AIESEC GUC was recognized as the “LC of the year” award.Later that year in NIC 2012 “National Induction Conference”, AIESEC GUC won “Organiz-ing Conferences Excellence” award, and in 2013, in MENA XLDS 2013, AIESEC GUC won the “Absolute Growth” award, beside being “The most innovative entity” in NRM “National replanning Meeting Conference” 2013.Moving on to 2014, AIESEC GUC was ranked 1st nationally in Egypt and 2nd globally in number of exchanges done.



WHY IGCDP AIESEC GUC?Our IGCDP team is well known for their outstanding projects, activi-ties, and R&S team. This year we come with seven projects. Here are some more details on what we offer:

RECEPTION & SERVICING TEAM:The reception and servicing team is an initiative that is taken by AIE-SEC GUC in order to ensure that the experience provided to our in-terns is the best possible. A team made up of some of AIESEC GUC’s most dedicated members, they are responsible for providing the qual-ity we promise and strive for. Responsible for interns’ accommoda-tion, interns’ help on a day to day basis, interns’ cultural experience within the country, trips, outings & much more, this team is basically the Standards & Satisfaction insurance team. AIESEC in GUC has one of, if not the best reception & servicing team in the whole MENA region and is proud of it. A number of people solely dedicating a big portion of their year in order to assist our interns, AIESEC GUC could never thank this team enough, the same goes for a lot of the interns whose lives were touched by this team.


Yet another attempt in order to provide S&S fulfillment, we in AIESEC GUC, believe that an Exchange should never be just the job descrip-tion in whichever project you are in. With the R&S team contributing to the Cultural part of the Exchange, the last pillar left would be Edu-cation & Self Development. AIESEC GUC focuses on this last pillar by providing the Interns Preparation Seminar. Held in the beautiful coastal city Dahab for our Summer Realizations, the Interns Prepa-ration Seminar is a full AIESEC conference attended by our AIESEC GUC interns. This conference aims at developing our interns through sessions and activities as well as providing them with the basic AIE-SEC knowledge. The job description and work pillar fulfilled through impactful work experience, the cultural exposure pillar tackled by the outings & trips provided and the education and self development pro-vided by IPS, thus fulfilling what we see are the pillars of a good life changing experience Exchange.



Global VillageThe Global Village is an event implemented by AIESEC GUC in order to bridge the gap between the Local Chapter members and AIESEC GUC’s very own foreign change makers, however this is not the only reason. It also connects the interns with our community, being an open event that anyone can attend, discussing a number of topics with different mindsets, getting insight on each of the other interns’ cultures through their presentation as well as getting insight on their own culture through the Egyptian mindset, learning more about the Egyptian mindset and much more. It is a cultural event that is at-tended by many, in which a number of shows are performed by both interns and AIESECers.


Airport Pickup & Drop-offUpon arrival to Egypt, you never have to worry about being picked up from the airport, as one of the AIESECers will be waiting for you when you arrive to take you to your accomodation as well as to your work on your first day. Moreover, one of the AIESECers will also drop you off at the airport when you complete your project and ready to return to your country.

Arabic Sessions:In our attempts to provide a strong cultural experience, what could be more cultural than learning the language of the country you’re in and communicating with people using it? Of course it isn’t that easy as Arabic is a challenging language, but that just makes these les-sons that much more fun, you get to learn enough Arabic to interact with people you see in the streets normally. This is something that we pride ourselves in and that we provide, totally free of any charge whatsoever, for any intern who wants to attend.

Accommodation:In AIESEC in GUC we do our best to provide our interns with the best Exchange accommodation there is. We allocate our interns in their respective accommodation according to their work place, we find the closest available accommodation, we as AIESEC in GUC, have and al-locate the intern to in order to provide an easiness in transportation and to save the intern’s time and provide him with a satisfying jour-ney. Our accommodation are divided into two sectors, the first being apartments and the second being hostels. Apartments: We’ve been doing this for quite some time now, we rent apartments for our interns in which they stay during the duration of their Exchange, the locations of which are decided based on how close they are to the place of work.Hostels: This is something that we as AIESEC in GUC piloted the past year and it has been something that proved extremely successful, we have contacted a number of hostels, having reached agreements with which in order to host our interns, providing them with a cozy family like feeling of staying together at all times.


Trips & Outings

As mentioned, AIESEC GUC is one of the few LCs globally that has a re-ception and servicing team, which besides making sure of the interns› comfort, is also sure that the experience of exploring the country and discovering all its cultural and touristic aspects and spots. All the trips the interns might have planned in mind are probably already planned by reception and servicing team before their arrival, so they don’t have to worry about how they are going to reach the pyramids or the Egyptian museum for example. Besides, there are trips to cities outside Cairo like Dahab, Alexandria and Luxor. Even more, the reception and servicing team will arrange outings for the interns in Cairo’s best hangout spots because fun besides work is a crucial part of the IGCDP experience.




Our Search tool:https://goo.gl/yXkg7p


Enlighten EgyptThe project is about supporting Egypt in achieving Quality Education, which is one of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (Goal #4). Quality education is a must to ensure a promising and secure future for Egyptians. Through your efforts, we aim to enhance the qual-ity of the education in Egypt and increase the number of Egyptians who have relevant skills for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship. You will get the opportunity to work in an organization that directly contributes to enhancing the quality of the education in Egypt. You will support the organization’s operations in the area you choose: teaching different subjects, marketing for the organization, web de-velopment… etc

Explore EgyptThis project is about supporting Egypt in achieving Decent Work and Economic Growth, which is one of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (Goal #8). Tourism is a key contributor to Egypt’s economy due to the country’s rich culture and history, as well as diverse attractive sites and cities. Through your efforts, we aim to promote Egypt’s local culture and improve its tourism rates over the next years. You will get the opportunity to travel around Egypt, visiting different cities. As you travel around, you will document your whole experi-ence. Through the pictures you take, videos you shoot, and blogs you write, you’ll get the opportunity to the show the whole world Egypt through your eyes and help improve the country’s tourism rates.


Empower EgyptThis project is about supporting Egypt in achieving Gender Equality, which is one of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (Goal #5). Gender equality is must in order to ensure all forms of discrimination against women and girls are eliminated, and ensure equal opportunities. Through your efforts, we aim to spread aware-ness on the issue within the Egyptian community, as well as sup-port women in overcoming the challenges they face on a daily basis.

You will get the opportunity to work in an organization that di-rectly contributes to enhancing gender equality in Egypt. You will support the organization’s operations in the area you choose: research, training, event planning, marketing, IT… etc

Enable EgyptThis project is about supporting Egypt in achieving no poverty, which is one of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (Goal #1). Eradicating poverty is a must to ensure that all Egyptians’ basic needs are met, and that they are able to pursue better lives. Through your efforts, we aim to empower impoverished Egyptian communities, ensure their basic living needs are addressed, and support them in cre-ating better futures for themselves.The project aims to bring the com-munities’ basic wishes to life by using the already available resources. You will get the opportunity to work on developing ideas and im-plementing initiatives aimed at enhancing underprivileged com-munities in Egypt. You will heavily engage with locals and local organizations to come up with and implement solutions that can address the local community’s needs. You will support the proj-ect’s operations in the area you choose: Media, Marketing, Cre-ative recycling, training.. etc. All of the project team will work on bringing the ideas reached to life. The project team will consist of international volunteers, local volunteers, and AIESEC members.


Lead GreenWe aim to give back to our environment and to lead green” In recent years, Egypt has been faced with a major issue; Lack of environmental awareness, and as a result there has been a fast increase in pollution in Egypt, and such lack of awareness has prompted us. AIESEC GUC decided to do something about it. We all drink the water, breathe the air, and cultivate the land, all of which are being affected by the lack of environmental aware-ness, and as a result, AIESEC GUC is presenting Lead Green project, where our aim is to reverse this trend, and help NGOs reach more people than ever before and spread the message

Culture VibesCulture vibes is a culture awareness project created by AIESEC GUC to help break all the cultural stereotypes, and the cultural barriers be-tween people from different countries Interns will be introduced to the Egyptian ,culture through working in culture centers engaging in their daily work schedule, helping them plan for cultural events, and workinghand-in-hand with Egyptians. They will get to unleash Egypt’s hidden identity. They will also be introduced to different cultures through working with the other interns and getting to know them. It’s a great opportunity to discover the Country’s traditions and culture in their ac-tual form.


Sheryn Gamal



[email protected]

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Mohamed Abo El Magd LCP [email protected] +201112644333
