welcome to rostraver elementary open house september 18, 2013

Welcome to Rostraver Elementary Open House September 18, 2013

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Welcome to Rostraver Elementary Open House September 18, 2013. 5 th Graders are “ PAWS”itively Awesome!. Mission Statement. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Welcome to Rostraver Elementary

Open HouseSeptember 18, 2013

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• Our mission is to empower students to be responsible, respectful, and productive citizens. We will model this behavior and treat our students with compassion, understanding, a positive attitude—and with a sense of humor. As we hold them to high expectations we will instill in our students the power to believe in themselves and the desire to become life-long learners.

Mission Statement•5th Graders are “PAWS”itively Awesome!

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•Grammar (English)•Spelling•Process Writing•Reading (Writing to Sources)

Language Arts

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WORK HABITS• Be prepared and ready to learn.• Follow Directions• Listen Attentively• Have materials and supplies for class.

• Complete assignments.

• Meet expectations for quality work in a timely manner.

• Follow school & classroom rules.

• Respect & cooperate with other students.

• Respect & cooperate with adults.

• Practice self control.


•Code of ConductRespect Self; Respect Others; Respect Our School.

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Language Arts - ProceduresStudents must have tests signed and returned promptly (within in 2 days) if they earn below a 72% in any subject. Failing to do so will result in a loss of recess for 2-days, a phone call home on the 2nd day the assessment is not signed and returned.

Signed Tests

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Language Arts - Procedures•Completed each morning; reviewed and corrected each day; •Content area related;•Used to enhance skills and supply practice;•Students may work on the Energizer when they enter their classroom in the AM. However, there is at least 10 – 15 minutes in the morning following announcements and prior to specials for students to complete the activities.•Energizers take the place of homework quite often. However, students having difficulty completing the Energizers in the AM can complete the work as homework.•Energizers will eventually receive points and be used as a class work grade.





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• Spelling Tests are every Day 2 unless otherwise noted.

• Challenge Words are used as part of the assessment.

• Occasionally bonus points will be a part of the test. Bonus points will only increase the score.

• Practice pages are assigned as homework.

• Students will write a weekly paragraph using challenge words. This is the only writing assignment that may be completed as homework.

•Language Arts - ProceduresSpellin


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Language Arts - ProceduresStudents will be exposed to a variety of writing genres including: narrative (fiction & nonfiction), informational/expository, opinion/persuasive, descriptive, and research writing. Students will write graded essays each 9-week period:• 2 essays the 1st 9-week period• 2 - 4 the 2nd, 3rd, & 4th 9-week periodProcess writing is part of the Language Arts grade (English/Writing)All student prewriting, rough drafts, and final copy must be completed in class.NO WRITING WILL BE ACCEPTED IF IT IS



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Language Arts - ProceduresStudents are creating a Language Arts Binder. The binder contains tips, ideas, grammar rules, writing strategies, and other information students will need now and in the future.Generally, instruction is class presentation, practice, and participation. Students will have worksheets and study sheets to use for studying and test prep. Tests are scheduled at the conclusion of a concept.



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•Writing on Reading Street:

Writing to Sources

(Fact Finding)Students will

substantiate their claims and

communicate in writing what they

have learnedfrom one text and then from other

related sources.

Writing is a slow and personal process. Students may be

working on several writing pieces at the

same time.

We are using the 6 + 1 Traits of Writing.

Students will focus on WOVSIC:

Word (WOWs) ChoiceOrganization

VoiceSentence Fluency



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•Writing on Reading Street:

The most important thing is to read as much as you can, like I did. It will give you an understanding of what makes good writing and it will enlarge your vocabulary.

J. K. Rowling

5th Graders take a PSSA in

Writing/English. The CCSS is heavily embedded with

application writing.

Power Writing

Writing Daily for Stamina & Fun

Students then share what they

have written.

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SW write routinely over extended time periods for a range of purpose, tasks, and audiences by power-writing for 2 minutes. (5.W.10)Power-Writing

1. Date2. Write…don’t stop the whole time3. Count words4. Write number and circle it

What would life be like if the dinosaurs

hadn’t died out?

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SW write routinely over extended time periods for a range of purpose, tasks, and audiences by power-writing for 2 minutes. (5.W.10)Power-Writing

1. Date2. Write…don’t stop the whole time3. Count words4. Write number and circle it

If I could design a planet, I would build it out of…

(describe your planet)

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A Word about Homework…Students will generally have some type of homework each evening. It is impossible to get everything done in school.

A 5th grader should expect about 50 minutes of homework each evening. That is an average. Agenda/Assignment Books: We are encouraging students to use their assignment/agenda books daily. Most students are keeping up with their assignment books. Assignments are written on the chalkboard in each homeroom.Many students have about 20 – 30 minutes in the AM to work on school work if needed. This is also a good time to take AR tests and seek extra support from their teachers if needed.Incomplete work will be made up during recess. Parents will be notified if students consistently come to class unprepared.

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Visit this site for updated information.


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Insist that he/she brings home the folders daily. Have him/her clean out old papers daily…NOT YOU!!!

•How can you help your child?Expect him/her to do his/her best, but don’t expect perfection.Check the assignment book daily and expect him/her to complete it.

Keep worksheets, study guides, etc. until after the tests are given.

Always remember: It is your child’s work, not your work. They need to assume the responsibility.

Contact the teacher immediately with any questions or concerns.

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And the # 1 thing to do:Be sure your child READS daily.

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When your child is sick…Please pick up your child’s missed work daily if possible.

Work can be ready by 3:00 PM. It can also be left in the office or sent home with another student…just let us know who.On occasion, students may miss a class presentation or demonstration. Sometimes these are difficult to make-up but every effort will be made to “ketchup” students!

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Slow and steady win the


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Don’t be

afraid to


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There are different rules for reading, for thinking, and for talking. Writing blends all three of them.Mason Cooley