welcome to the catholic parishes of immaculate conception ... · head mrs c crosse nineteenth...

Welcome to the Catholic parishes of IMMACULATE CONCEPTION SAINT THOMAS MORE Sisters of St Joseph of Peace 54 New Street Oadby Leicester LE2 4LJ Primary School: Saint John Fisher CVA 0116 288 2203 Head Mr A Gallagher Parish Priest: Fr Michael Moore Assistant Priest: Fr John Owens 0116 221 8385 stthomasmoreknighton @gmail.com Deacon: Vince Kelly Secondary School: Saint Paul’s 0116 241 4057 Principal Mrs S Conaghan Parishes Website http://www.le2catholicparishes.info 75 Knighton Road Knighton Leicester LE2 3HN Primary School: Saint Thomas More CVA 0116 270 6365 Head Mrs C Crosse Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time 9th August 2020 Holy Mass The obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days is removed during these emergency circumstances of the lockdown, and for as long as they last. This pandemic is the serious reason why this obligation does not apply at this time. The Vatican II document Lumen Gentium (“Light of the Nations”) describes our homes as “the Domestic Church” for this is the first place we learn about our faith and continue our journey of faith through our daily living. We are encouraged to develop ways in which we can renew and deepen still more our spiritual relationship with God in our homes at this time when we are unable to gather or pray in our Churches. Sacrament of Reconciliation The Congregation for Sacred Worship, speaking about the pandemic, reminds the faithful who cannot receive sacramental absolution, that ‘perfect contrition, rooted in love of God who is to be loved above all things, expressed in a sincere request for forgiveness, insofar as the penitent is able to make it at that moment, and accompanied by the firm intention to go to confession as soon as is possible, obtains forgiveness of all sins, including grave sin (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church 1452). Confessions cannot be heard over the telephone. Services of General Absolution cannot be held as this involves travel and the gathering of people. All liturgies, parish activities and meetings are postponed until further notice. Leicester Churches previously opened for private prayer only have been closed in line with the local lockdown

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Page 1: Welcome to the Catholic parishes of IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ... · Head Mrs C Crosse Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time 9th August 2020 Holy Mass The obligation to attend Mass on Sundays

Welcome to the Catholic parishes of

IMMACULATE CONCEPTION SAINT THOMAS MORE Sisters of St Joseph of Peace 54 New Street Oadby Leicester LE2 4LJ

Primary School: Saint John Fisher CVA 0116 288 2203 Head Mr A Gallagher

Parish Priest: Fr Michael Moore Assistant Priest: Fr John Owens

0116 221 8385 stthomasmoreknighton

@gmail.com Deacon: Vince Kelly

Secondary School: Saint Paul’s 0116 241 4057

Principal Mrs S Conaghan Parishes Website


75 Knighton Road Knighton

Leicester LE2 3HN

Primary School: Saint Thomas More CVA

0116 270 6365 Head Mrs C Crosse

Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time 9th August 2020

Holy Mass The obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days is removed during these emergency circumstances of the lockdown, and for as long as they last. This pandemic is the serious reason why this obligation does not apply at this time.

The Vatican II document Lumen Gentium (“Light of the Nations”) describes our homes as “the Domestic Church” for this is the first place we learn about our

faith and continue our journey of faith through our daily living. We are encouraged to develop ways in which we can renew

and deepen still more our spiritual relationship with God in our homes at this time when we are unable to gather or pray in our Churches.

Sacrament of Reconciliation The Congregation for Sacred Worship, speaking about the pandemic, reminds the faithful who cannot receive sacramental absolution, that ‘perfect contrition, rooted in love of God who is to be loved above all things, expressed in a sincere request for forgiveness, insofar as the penitent is able to make it at that moment, and accompanied by the firm intention to go to confession as soon as is possible, obtains forgiveness of all sins, including grave sin (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church 1452). Confessions cannot be heard over the telephone. Services of General Absolution cannot be held as this involves travel and the gathering of people.

All liturgies, parish activities and meetings are postponed until further notice.

Leicester Churches previously opened for private prayer only

have been closed in line with the local lockdown

Page 2: Welcome to the Catholic parishes of IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ... · Head Mrs C Crosse Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time 9th August 2020 Holy Mass The obligation to attend Mass on Sundays


Entrance Antiphon Cf. Ps 73: 20, 19, 22, 23 Look to your covenant, O Lord, and forget

not the life of your poor ones for ever. Arise, O God, and defend your cause, and forget not the cries of those who seek you. The Gloria Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen. Collect Almighty ever-living God, whom, taught by the Holy Spirit, we dare to call our Father, bring, we pray, to perfection in our hearts the spirit of adoption as your sons and daughters, that we may merit to enter into the inheritance which you have promised. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

First reading 1 Kings 19:9,11-13 When Elijah reached Horeb, the mountain of God, he went into the cave and spent the night in it. Then he was told, ‘Go out and stand on the mountain before the Lord.’ Then the Lord himself went by. There came a mighty wind, so strong it tore the mountains and shattered the rocks before the Lord. But the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind came an earthquake. But the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire. But the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire there came the sound of a gentle breeze. And when Elijah heard this, he covered his face with his cloak and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave. Responsorial Psalm Psalm 84(85):9-14

Let us see, O Lord, your mercy, and give us your saving help.

I will hear what the Lord God has to say, a voice that speaks of peace.

His help is near for those who fear him and his glory will dwell in our land.

Let us see, O Lord, your mercy, and give us your saving help.

Mercy and faithfulness have met; justice and peace have embraced.

Faithfulness shall spring from the earth and justice look down from heaven.

Let us see, O Lord, your mercy, and give us your saving help.

The Lord will make us prosper and our earth shall yield its fruit. Justice shall march before him

and peace shall follow his steps.

Let us see, O Lord, your mercy, and give us your saving help.

Page 3: Welcome to the Catholic parishes of IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ... · Head Mrs C Crosse Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time 9th August 2020 Holy Mass The obligation to attend Mass on Sundays

Second reading Romans 9:1-5 What I want to say now is no pretence; I say it in union with Christ – it is the truth – my conscience in union with the Holy Spirit assures me of it too. What I want to say is this: my sorrow is so great, my mental anguish so endless, I would willingly be condemned and be cut off from Christ if it could help my brothers of Israel, my own flesh and blood. They were adopted as sons, they were given the glory and the covenants; the Law and the ritual were drawn up for them, and the promises were made to them. They are descended from the patriarchs and from their flesh and blood came Christ who is above all, God for ever blessed! Amen. Gospel Acclamation cf.Ps129:5 Alleluia, alleluia! My soul is waiting for the Lord, I count on his word. Alleluia! Gospel Matthew 14:22-33 Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead to the other side while he would send the crowds away. After sending the crowds away he went up into the hills by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, while the boat, by now far out on the lake, was battling with a heavy sea, for there was a head-wind. In the fourth watch of the night he went towards them, walking on the lake, and when the disciples saw him walking on the lake they were terrified. ‘It is a ghost’ they said, and cried out in fear. But at once Jesus called out to them, saying, ‘Courage! It is I! Do not be afraid.’ It was Peter who answered. ‘Lord,’ he said ‘if it is you, tell me to come to you across the water.’ ‘Come’ said Jesus. Then Peter got out of the boat and started walking towards Jesus across the water, but as soon as he felt the force of the wind, he took fright and began to sink. ‘Lord! Save me!’ he cried. Jesus put out his hand at once

and held him. ‘Man of little faith,’ he said ‘why did you doubt?’ And as they got into the boat the wind dropped. The men in the boat bowed down before him and said, ‘Truly, you are the Son of God.’ The Nicene Creed I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, At the words that follow, up to and including ‘and became man’, all bow. and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins

Page 4: Welcome to the Catholic parishes of IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ... · Head Mrs C Crosse Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time 9th August 2020 Holy Mass The obligation to attend Mass on Sundays

and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen Prayer over the Offerings Be pleased, O Lord, to accept the offerings of your Church, for in your mercy you have given them to be offered and by your power you transform them into the mystery of our salvation. Through Christ our Lord. Communion Antiphon Ps 147: 12, 14 O Jerusalem, glorify the Lord, who gives you your fill of finest wheat. Communion Reflection Written by Fr Michael Joncas, who also wrote, On Eagles Wings. He has offered this to the world free of charge for one year to help us cope with the pandemic. The version played today is by a choir of young people in the Philippines but various versions are available online.

Shepherd and sheep, my God and I: to fresh green fields you led my steps in

days gone by. You gave me rest by quiet springs

and filled my soul with peace your loving presence brings.

O shelter me, O shelter me:

the way ahead is dark and difficult to see. O shelter me, O shelter me:

all will be well if only you will shelter me.

Yet now I tread a diff’rent way; death dogs my path with stealthy steps from

day to day. I cannot find your peaceful place

but dwell in dreary darkness, longing for your face.

I will look back in days to come

and realize your faithfulness has led me home.

Within your house I’ll find my peace, trusting that in your mercy you have

sheltered me. Prayer after Communion May the communion in your Sacrament that we have consumed, save us, O Lord, and confirm us in the light of your truth. Through Christ our Lord. Scripture Readings from The Jerusalem Bible © 1966 by Darton Longman & Todd Ltd and Doubleday and Company Ltd. Excerpts from the English translation and chants of The Roman Missal © 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved

Page 5: Welcome to the Catholic parishes of IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ... · Head Mrs C Crosse Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time 9th August 2020 Holy Mass The obligation to attend Mass on Sundays

Please remember in your prayers… Cycle of prayer during Ordinary Time (Summer)

A deeper understanding between Christians and Jews; those who suffer Persecution, Oppression and Denial of Human Rights; Europe; Human Life; Seafarers

The names of our sick and housebound parishioners

as placed by the statue of our Parish Patrons… Immaculate Conception, Oadby

Patricia Briner, Barry Dobson, Rita Dobson, Tessa Ellis, Jean Farmer, Dr Mary Ginger, Bridget Harrigan

St. Thomas More, Knighton

Derek Allen, Jamie Cardwell, Natalie Ellis, Barbara Henry, Philomena Joyce, Geraldine McGlynn, Brian Neill, Patrick Maughan, Fr Michael Moore,

Kathleen Quinn, Patrick Quinn, Val Ratcliffe, Margaret Spence

Please note that we are only be able to publish in the newsletter/website/social media and display by our Patronal statues the names of those we have evidence of giving consent to do so. During the current situation please can the nearest relative or family member email the

Parish Office with consent to publish names if individuals are unable to do so.

Those whose anniversaries occur at this time… Mary Beck, Gertrude Buxton, Muriel Camacho, Leopoldo Campana, Luigi Centonze, Cecil

Cockburn, Christopher Collis, Mary Corby, Bill Doyle, Anne Fisher, Jeanne Hancock, Isabel Hill, Francis Holloway, Sarah Hunt, Dorothy Humphreys, Sarah Johnson, John Jordan, Patrick Kelly,

Mary McGuinness, Stanslous Kumadiro-Meki, Catherine Moore, Patrick Mulrenan, Eileen Okuniewska, Gina Petryszyn, Bernard Shaw, Benjamin Schelts, Angela Smith, Constance Stevens,

Jerzy Toloczko, Mathilde Tranter, Kevin Wheeler


Mass is streamed at 9.00am every Sunday on YouTube from St. Thomas More Church, Knighton

You can use either of the following ways to join the Mass –

Go to YouTube and search for “Saint Thomas More Leicester” and the page will appear. Press the “Subscribe” button. If you also click on the little Bell Symbol you will receive notifications from the page that will let them know when a new video or stream is happening

Use the link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrZu39_vJOmfp5OcVR4INiQ/ Press the “Subscribe” button. If you also click on the little Bell Symbol you will receive notifications from the page that will let them know when a new video or stream is happening.

Always ensure you are watching the “live” Mass and not a previously recorded celebration

From Wednesday 12th August weekday Mass will be celebrated by Fr John Owens and streamed at 9.00am every Wednesday on YouTube from St. Thomas More Church, Knighton

Page 6: Welcome to the Catholic parishes of IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ... · Head Mrs C Crosse Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time 9th August 2020 Holy Mass The obligation to attend Mass on Sundays

Parish Chat: a few parishioners dropped in to the Zoom chat after Mass at St Thomas More last Sunday. It was lovely just to say a quick hello and how are you? If anyone would like to give it a go this week, please join us for 20 minutes after Mass. The link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88961844469?pwd=VFhuZmNnMGlhcm9PRnUwMWd0OWpvQT09 Meeting ID: 889 6184 4469 Passcode: 473826 For other chat, including questions about using Zoom, there is a Facebook chat group run by Catherine Danaher on https://www.facebook.com/groups/parishchat

If the hyperlink in the newsletter is not working, or you are unsure how to get either, feel free to drop an email to Catherine on [email protected]

Opening of our Churches …

Following the local lockdown in Leicester, the decision has been taken that our Churches will remain locked at all times within the lockdown area. Bishop Patrick said that he considers it best

that we suspend the opening of Churches in the affected area for the foreseeable future. As I have previously said the Dean will then decide on which Churches will re-open in the first instance for private prayer in Leicester, so that there will be a reasonable distribution of

Churches across the city. Until then no Church in Leicester will be open for private prayer until further notice.

Mass Intentions…

If you would like a Mass celebrated for a particular intention, please let me know of the intention by post or email. If you require a Mass Card signing please indicate this on your request and I will organise collection by prior arrangement or post the card to you, which ever is convenient.


offered by the Church Leaders of Churches Together in Leicester and Leicestershire

Loving God, ever-present with your people

through the highs and lows of life, we cry out to you for Leicester

in the face of prolonged suffering and hardship as a result of lockdown.

Grant us peace in our frustration; strength to our NHS and all who are called to care and help;

wisdom to our city leaders; and discernment for our churches in offering the medicine of your gospel.

Bless all caught in the grip of Covid-19 and comfort the grieving. In the name of the One who gives us hope, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Page 7: Welcome to the Catholic parishes of IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ... · Head Mrs C Crosse Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time 9th August 2020 Holy Mass The obligation to attend Mass on Sundays

Parish Finances…

All contributions made by parishioners are very much appreciated at any time, but the generosity of those of you who have continued to give via online banking and standing order, during this difficult time, has been valued greatly. We also realise that the current emergency is affecting many people’s income and they may not be able to continue their level of offerings. If this is the case, we fully understand.

Many parishioners contribute through Planned Giving Envelopes or loose plate and we are asking you, if your circumstances allow, to re-consider your way of giving and use either Online Banking or, if you are not online, the paper standing order method.

Thank you to all those who have changed to a standing order! Your support is very much appreciated

The advantages to this are:

Usually free of charge for both payer and payee

Quick and easy to set up

Useful for making recurring contributions

Helps the Parish to have a reliable income each month to assist in forward planning

You can increase or decrease your offering at any time by contacting your bank

Less cash handling within the parish

Increased security as less cash being kept on Church premises and being taken to the bank

Setting up a Standing Order with Online Banking If you have internet access and your bank account is online you can set up your standing order with the Parish bank details which can be given to you by the relevant Parish Office on the telephone or emailed to you on request. Please use as the reference your surname and first name with the prefix Z if you Gift Aid e.g. ZSMITHJANET with Gift Aid or SMITHJANET without Gift Aid. Please remember if you are a taxpayer gift aid can be claimed from your donations. If you donate £20.00 per month this would become £25.00 at no extra cost to yourself. If you wish to Gift Aid as a taxpayer, you will need to sign a Gift Aid declaration, again available from the Parish Office or downloaded from the Diocesan Website.

If you do not have access to Online Banking but still wish to contribute by standing order, please request a form from the Parish Office

If you would like your new supply of envelopes posting to your home address please contact Fr. Michael by email or telephone and we will arrange this for you

Swarthmore Lecture 2020…

The annual Swarthmore Lecture has just taken place entitled 'Hope in Troubled Times'. It can be accessed on the Leicester Quaker Website (under events):


Page 8: Welcome to the Catholic parishes of IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ... · Head Mrs C Crosse Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time 9th August 2020 Holy Mass The obligation to attend Mass on Sundays

Liturgical Calendar and Mass Intentions week commencing 9th August 2020 Sunday Readings Year A Weekday Readings II Prayer of the Church Week 3

NINETEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Saturday 8th August Mass Sunday 9th August Mass All Parishioners

Monday 10th August Saint Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr Mass Regina and Franciszek Siwek RIP

Tuesday 11th August Saint Clare, Virgin Private Intention

Wednesday 12th August Saint Jane Frances de Chantal, Religious Mass Mike and Helen Rawlinson (25th Wedding Anniversary)

Thursday 13th August Feria Mass Babs and Joss Collins RIP

Friday 14th August Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Priest and Martyr Mass Sarah Sexton RIP

Saturday 15th August Saturday Mass of Our Lady Mass Denis O’Connor RIP


Sunday 16th August Mass All Parishioners

With every good wish for the coming week Fr Michael

Prayer for the Year of the Word…

Living God, you walk alongside us and speak to us throughout the Scriptures.

Your Son, Jesus Christ, listens to our hopes and fears and shows us how to live for one another.

Send us the Holy Spirit to open our hearts and minds so that we may be your witnesses throughout the world. Amen.

NRCDT Company Number: 7151646 & Charity Number: 1134449