welcome to the knitternet

Blogs, podcasts, Ravelry, and more! Welcome to the Knitternet Knitters Guild NSW - Inner City Group

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Blogs, podcasts, Ravelry, and more!

Welcome to the Knitternet

Knitters Guild NSW - Inner City Group

How this presentation will work:

Leaflets are available with all the links, hints, tips, etc.

Information will also be emailed to the group and posted on our website.

Please leave laptops aside for now; we’ll talk first and then play!

Topics for today:

Introduction - my history with the “knitternet”

Definitions - what do all these weird words mean?

Examples of useful sites on the “knitternet”

Search tips - how to find what you’re looking for

Security - staying safe when buying online

Ravelry - a guided tour

My Knitternet History

Working in IT and blogging for 10 years

Moved to Australia in 2001

Learned to knit in 2002

Discovered crafting messageboards and went to my first SnB

Worked at Tapestry Craft for 3 years

Involved in blogging, social networking, Ravelry, Twitter...

Some examples...

“web-log” - articles, links, and essays in chronological order

So what’s a blog, anyway?

Yarn Harlothttp://www.yarnharlot.ca/blog/

The Panopticonhttp://the-panopticon.blogspot.com/

There are loads of knitting podcasts...

a radio show you download and listen toon your computer or mp3 player

Then...what’s a podcast?

Requires a feed reader...

a way for blogs and podcasts to notify you when there’s something new available

RSS - "really simple syndication"

Google Readerhttp://www.google.com.au/reader

Think FaceBook, MySpace, LinkedIn...

a community website that allows users to create and identify, define relationships, and collaborate

Social Networking Site

Lots of knitters are tweeting...

a cross between a mini-blog and a chatroom;like people watching at a party!

Lastly... “Twitter”?

What are some useful knitting websites?


Everything from big corporations to small LYSes to independent spinners/dyers

If you want it, you can probably find it.

Be careful with the exchange rate!


Free patterns are everywhere if you look!

More and more online knitting magazines.

Technical Resources

Look up tutorials and videos for new techniques

Get tips and tricks delivered to your inbox

Translate new pattern symbols and acronyms

Search TipsHow to find what you’re looking for...

Use meaningful keywords that you think might appear on the page

Add a location or limit it to a country if necessary

Use “double-quotes” to highlight an exact phrase

Use a minus sign -before any words you want to leave out.

Use OR for words that are optional.

Remember - computers aren't as smart as people!

SecurityStaying safe when buying online...

If it’s a shop... do they have contact details listed?

If it’s a person... do they have good feedback?

What are the policies for shipping and returns?

SSL - “Secure Sockets Layer”

Look for https and a padlock on your browser

Be wary of computers you don’t own or trust

Remember to log out!

Use credit card instead of debit if you can

Sign up for a generic email address

Where to start?

It can be overwhelming when you first get in.

Ravelry - A Guided Tour

Set up a Flickr.com

accountIt’s free.

This is where you’ll store all your photos.

Set up your Ravelry profileUpload an avatar.

Tell everyone who you are!

Now what?

Start filling your notebook...

...and list all the details.Add photos. Record needles and yarn used.

Note errors and modifications.

Look up a pattern...Double-check the requirements.

Maybe even download the pattern!

...then see finished versions.Compare yarns and modifications.

Add to your queue.Bookmark patterns you’d like to knit later.

Research yarns.Check meterage and gauge, review colours, find

suitable patterns, see where to buy.

Set up a friends list.Befriend anyone you like!

Leave comments on their finished projects.

See what your friends are knitting and queueing.

Keep track of the books you own.

Add to your virtual library.

You can even flag items for sale or trade.

Upload your stash.

There’s a group for EVERYTHING.

Join a group (or several)...

Swaps, events, rants, chats, everything.

...and wade into the forums.

Perfect for small businesses.


That’s pretty much all of it!

Any Questions?

Then let’s have a play!

Special thanks to group members who sentfeedback, tips, and favourite sites.