welcome to toulouse

Welcome to Toulouse

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Page 1: Welcome to Toulouse

Welcome to Toulouse

Page 2: Welcome to Toulouse

WELCOME TO TOULOUSE - BLAGNAC Guide for Newcomers in Airbus Central Entity

Dear Newcomer,

This document presents the most important items concerning

life in France and more particularly in Toulouse.

It cannot claim to give all information related to everyday

issues you may have to face.

Nevertheless we are sure it will help you discover

differences between your home country and France.

Thus it will ease your integration in your new environment.

The International Mobility and Integration team wishes you

all the best in Toulouse !

Jean-François LasmezasInternational Mobility and Integration


Welcome to


Page 3: Welcome to Toulouse

WELCOME TO TOULOUSE Guide for Newcomers in Airbus Central Entity

32 TransportRCars

RBus and underground


RAir transport


38 Postal systemRPostage Stamps



R“Chronopost” Service

RForeign Exchange

RForwarding Mail

RPost Codes

40 ActivitiesRPress and books

RCultural activities

RShops and shopping

46 Discovery of the regionRAlbi






RTourist guides

50 AppendixREmergency Phone Numbers

RUseful Phone Numbers and Addresses

6 Introducing Toulouse

8 GeographyRPlans of Blagnac and Toulouse

12 Entry formalitiesRNecessary documents

RResidence Permit

RWork permit

RImporting Household Goods

14 Accommodation in ToulouseRRenting a flat or a house

RBuying a flat or a house

RConnecting water, gas and electricity

RConnecting telephone and television

20 HealthRMedical cover

RChemists and laboratories

RDoctors and hospitals

RCivil liability

24 Children and educationRChildminding

RThe French school system

RInternational Schools

RFrench lessons

28 Domestic animalsRImportation of animals

RVeterinary treatment

30 BankingRHow to open a bank account?

RWhich type of account?

RResident accounts in euros

R“Carte Bleue”

RFrench Cheques

RMoney Exchange


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WELCOME TO TOULOUSE Guide for Newcomers in Airbus Central Entity


Toulouse facts and figuresThe fourth city in France after Paris, Marseille and Lyon with a population of 398.000 people and over 760.000 includingthe suburbs.

Area surface: 12.000 hectares –Latitude: 43°48’ North – Longitude: 1°27’ East – 1.000 km of streets and avenues,3.000 different streets, 12.000parking places, 160 public gardens, 40 cinemas, 9.000 hotel rooms, 16 cultural centres, 32 libraries, 679 km from Paris, 400 km from Barcelona, 250 km from the Atlantic and 150 from the Mediterranean, 110 km from the Pyrénées and the nearest ski resorts.

Extensive railway, highway and air network that links Toulouseto the major French, European and international cities.

European leaderToulouse is the European capital of the aeronautical industry and second centre in the world for the space industry, involvingmore than 20,000 jobs.

A leading French cityFirst city in France for the healthindustry (hospitals and researchfacilities) 12.000 hospital beds, 400 laboratories (pharmaceutical,chemistry, physics, biology,engineering).First centre in France forbrickmaking, bricks give Toulouseits name of “La Ville Rose”(Pink city).Second university town after Paris, more than 120.000 students, 4 universities, 14 “grandes écoles”.

MiscellaenousMany other industries like textile,clothing, building… make Toulousea major city especially tourism.Toulouse and its region with itspleasant climate (2.027 hours of suneach year) attracts a growingnumbers of visitors whether for:

RIts well preserved architecturaland cultural heritage

RIts theatres

RIts festivals

RIts technical and industrial culture

RIts food and wines

RIts green spaces and naturallakes…

Toulouse is twinned with Atlanta(United States), Kiev (Ukraine),Bologna (Italy), Elche (Spain), Tel Aviv (Israel), Chongqing(China).

RTourist OfficeDonjon du Capitole31000 TOULOUSETel: 05 61 11 02 22Fax: 05 61 22 03 63

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AIRBUS sites

RN 20












WELCOME TO TOULOUSE Guide for Newcomers in Airbus Central Entity


Les Jacobins

St Sernin

Rue d


ace Lorr



Rue du Languedoc

Pont Neuf

Pont St Michel


t St












Allée C

harles de Fitte

La G



La GaronneMusée du Bazacle

rue des Lois





St Étienne

Bd d'Arcole

Boulevard de Strasbourg

Centre de CongrèsPierre Baudis


Université desSciences Sociales




n Ja



AIRBUS FranceSt Éloi

Parc et Foiredes Expositions

Grand Rond

Jardin desPlantes

Hôtel duDépartement

Canal du Midi

Canal de Brienne


Musée desAbattoirs

Canal du Midi

Canal d

u M


Musée desAugustins

Métro Ligne A



Métro Ligne Ben construction













Toulouse area Center of Toulouse

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M90 (Working Parties)





WELCOME TO TOULOUSE Guide for Newcomers in Airbus Central Entity

10 11

RueDidier Daurat




RuePierre Nadot

AvenueLucien Servanty

Rond pointMaurice Bellonte

RueGabriel Clerc


AIRBUS Staff Councilbuilding. M05

Foot Bridge


Car park




Car Park

Car Park

Car Park

Car ParkPeriport

The Airbus sitesin Toulouse

Airbus Central Entity (Blagnac)

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WELCOME TO TOULOUSE Guide for Newcomers in Airbus Central Entity


Necessary documents

European Community citizens needtheir passport. Non-EC citizens need their passport and, in somecases, a 1 year visa (obained at anyFrench Consulate).

See Work permit below.

Residence Permit

It is compulsory to obtain a carte deséjour for a stay of longer than threemonths.

Work permit

Only non-EC citizens need a workpermit. When you agree to work for Airbusthe Human Relations Directoratewill contact you for the following(needed for each member of thefamily), in order for you to obtain both visa and work permitfrom the French Embassy or Consulate in your Country, before departing to France.

RDate and place of birth


R3 passport photos

Rcopy of passport

You will have to undergo a medicalexamination in your country ofresidence.

You will receive your visa and the countersigned application form,whch you must bring with you to Airbus. The whole procedure lasts from 3 to 4 months.

Importing Household Goods

You can import all items that you’veowned for 6 months free of tax andduty (both EC and non-EC citizens).

If you want to bring firearms, largequantities of alcohol or medecineyou’ll have to pay an import tax .

Cars, motobikes, campers and boatscan also be imported tax free butmake sure you mention and describethem on your inventory.

If you sell any of your householdgoods within 1 year after you arriveyou’ll have to pay import taxes on them.

You are only exempt from import tax and duties once, ie you can’timport part of your household goodsduty free at a later date.

You’ll need :

RAn inventory list (2 copies)

RA copy of your passport or carte de séjour

RA certificate of change of residence (from the prefecture) or if applicable, an employer’stransfer statement

RA form stating that you won’t sellyour goods within 12 months

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Accommodation in


WELCOME TO TOULOUSE Guide for Newcomers in Airbus Central Entity

Renting a flat or a houseThe rent

Property to rent can be foundthrough estate agents (agentsimmobiliers) or through propertyadverts in local papers including thefree ones such as “Publi-Toulouse”and “le 31”. Addresses can also befound on the Airbus intranet site(Airbus Staff Council). It may be also worth making a fewenquiries at your local town hall(Mairie).

Deposit guarantee charges(caution)

The tenant must pay a deposit as a guarantee to the landlord or his representative. The landloard or his representative keeps this sum(usually 1 to 2 months rent) duringthe entire leasing period. No interestis paid to the tenant concerning thissum.

Service charges

Housing tax is due once a year. It’s calculated according to the location and size of youraccommodation. And is paid by thetenant living in the apartment or houseon the 1st of January of that year.


You should make sure that yourhome is adequately insured, whetheryou have bought or leased it andwhether it is a house or a flat.

RAs a home owner:You need to insure yourself. The household comprehensivepolicy (multi-risque habitation)is recommended. This policy coversyour home against theft, fire, storms,floods, etc. and your liabilitiestowards your neighbours.

RAs a tenant:If you are a joint owner (co-propriétaire) then the insuranceis different. The building containing the flat you occupy is divided intocommon and private parts.

U NoteCertain people can benefitfrom a rent rebate dependingon their income (inquire atthe Caisse d’AllocationsFamiliales). They also dealwith family allowances andbenefits.

Caisse d’allocationsfamiliales de la Haute-Garonne24 rue Riquet31000 TOULOUSETel: 05 61 99 77 00


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Any damage that you cause to yourflat is your responsibility forinsurance purposes. On the otherhand, damage caused to your flat bythe building itself (e.g. a leak) is thejoint owners’s responsibility. Youwill be told what you must cover andwhat will be covered by jointowners. You will, in any event, needto cover your own liability towardsyour neighbours.

Tenant agreement (bail)

A deposit equivalent to 2 monthsrent is usually required and rent isusually paid monthly.

As a tenant (locataire) you willusually be required to give 3 monthsnotice of departure or, exceptionally,one month (for reasons such as jobtransfer or loss of employment).

Unfurnished accommodation is fairlybasic (sink, bathroom fixtures etc,and sometimes built-in cupboards).Furnished accommodation containsfurniture, domestic appliances, rarelycrockery and never linen.

Once you have found suitableaccommodation make sure that youread the contract thoroughly beforeyou sign it. To avoid delays it is agood idea to have certain documentswith you:

RA statement (attestation) fromyour employer confirming full timeemployment in France includingsalary details,

RA relevé d’identité bancaire(RIB): document giving details of your bank account,

RYour passport or other proof of identity.

You should also ask yourlandlord/estate agent to draw up aninventory of the fixtures and fittings(état des lieux). It is much easier to sort this out before you move inbecause when you leave a secondinventory will be made and if thereare any differences between the twolists then the cost of any damage willbe taken out of your deposit. Also make sure that you have got thename and phone number of someoneto contact in case of emergency.The accommodation and its contentsmust be insured by the tenant.

Buying a flat or a houseA notary (notaire) is responsible for preparing the document whichtransfers a property from one partyto another and ensures that the stampduty and registration fees (droitsd’enregistrement) are paid on theproperty. He does a lot of the workwhich, in other countries, is done bya solicitor or lawyer and he oftenacts for both the buyer and the seller.

Once you have decided to buy aproperty you will have to sign a saleagreement (compromis de vente

often also called a sous seing privé).This ties the buyer and seller down,but you can insert clauses(conditions suspensives) whichallow that, if certain conditions arenot fulfilled, then you do not have togo through with the sale. The notairewill cancel the operation and willreturn any deposit which has beenpaid.

You should insert such clauses if youforesee any obstacles which mightprevent you buying a property, e.g.not getting a loan, not being able tobuy a neighbouring plot of land etc.You should take advantage of theseconditions suspensives becauseafterwards it will be difficult toimpose others in the real contract.

The notaire is the only person who can register the appropriatedocuments in France and collect the taxes for the state but thesedocuments can be signed withouthim. The buyer has the prerogativeof choosing him to perform thetransaction and always pays thenotaire’s fees. If the seller hasanother notaire to act for him, the two notaires share the fee.

The next step is the preparation of the sales contract (acte de vente)which is done by the notaire. Both parties are required to bepresent at completion. They do notneed to be there in person, they canboth appoint a representative toattend on their behalf.

Upon completion of the contract youcan sign it and it is at this momentthat you’ll have to pay notaire’s fees,the tax on registering the sale andvarious miscellaneous and estateagents fees.

How to find a notaire

You can go to the Notary Chamberof Haute Garonne (Chambre desNotaires de la Haute Garonne)and ask for a list of the notairesestablished in the Département de la Haute Garonne:

RChambre des notaires de la Haute-Garonne51 Rue Raymond IV31000 ToulouseTel : 05 62 73 58 68

Water, gas and electricitySome of these costs may be includedin the rental cost of your house/flat,but if not, contacting the local watercompany (Compagnie Générale desEaux) or the combined gas andelectricity company (Electricité etGaz de France – EDF-GDF) will getsupplies turned on or transferred toyour name.


Consumption is metered. The cost may be included in thefixed rent of rented accommodation;

if not make sure the meter is read in your presence when you move in (état des lieux).

If you own the accommodation go to your local water company to request connection. There will be bills about twice ayear, the cost depends on your localwater company, but is not high.

RApartments: water charged may or may not be included in yourservice charges. For a meter readingcontact the managing agent.

RHouses: water consumption isindicated on the meter.

RInvoicing: every 6 months, from the

RCompagnie Générale des EauxTel: 05 62 15 03 03

Gas and Electricity

For connections, transfers andgeneral information the customerservice centre is at:

REDF-GDFTel: 08 10 13 10 00

If you are moving into a new blockof flats, then it is important toinform the companies of the exactaddress of your flat (e.g. number,floor).

If you are moving into a flat which is new to you, inform the companiesor your new address and if possiblegive the name of your predecessor.

WELCOME TO TOULOUSE Guide for Newcomers in Airbus Central Entity

U NoteAsk for a summary of the costs before signing.

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If you change your address you mustinform the companies and they willwork out the bill for your previousaddress and send it on to you at yournew one.

Gas and electricity bills

Connecting costs and electricity/gasconsumption feature on the same bill.You will receive a bill every 2months. It can be every six monthsin case of a very low consumption.

Payment of gas/electricitybills

There are three possibilities to payyour bill:

RSend a cheque to the addressshown on the bill.

RPay in cash at your local PostOffice (but you will be charged a small fee by the Post Office forthis service).

RIf you have a Bank account thenyou can send off your account detailswith the date and your signature andthe amount will be debited fromyour account accordingly (directdebit: prélèvement automatique).

RTIPThe details of these various methodsof payment are shown on the bill.

The French electricity supply is220V, 50Hz. Appliances from mostEuropean countries are compatible,but not those from North Americawhich may be 110V, 60 Hz.

Telephone and televisionPublic telephones

You’ll need to buy a phone card(télécarte) to operate a publictelephone booth in France. These cards are available in 50 or120 units and can be bought fromyour local post office, FranceTelecom sales branches, tobacconists (bureaux de tabac)and other retail outlets displaying the télécarte sticker.

You can also buy a carte pastelwhich is a similar card butautomatically debits your phone bill every 2 months.Although coin-operated booths exist, they are becoming rare.You can find pay phones in yourlocal post office and also in bars,restaurants and hotels, but the chargein these may be higher than theofficial rate.

Private phones

For connecting and disconnectingservices you should contact yourlocal France Telecom office.

You will need a copy of thepurchasing/rental agreement of yourhouse, your passport or residencepermit (Carte de Séjour) and thename of the former owner/tenant of your house.

If the previous owner of your newaccommodation had a phone then try to find out his name andphone number before contacting the Telecom office as thisinformation speeds things up and you may even be given your new number and connection datestraight away.


Charges vary according to the timeof day (for both public call boxesand private phones). For most destinations cheap rate isfrom 9.30 pm onwards Monday toFriday, after 2 pm on Saturdays andall on Sunday and Bank Holidays.See your yellow pages for all detailsconcerning charges.

Telephone directory

Towards the end of the month youwill be sent a letter with details ofwhen you can collect your newtelephone directory. Normally thereare two books: one with white pagesand one with yellow pages forbusiness numbers. These areavailable from the Post Office. You must take the letter and your old directories and then you will be given new ones in exchange.The directories are available in 2 sizes-large and small print.

All telephone numbers in Franceare composed of 10 digits, beginningwith a 0. When dialling one number

to another in France, all that isrequired is the 10 digit number.However when phoning France fromabroad the initial 0 must be omittedafter the country code 33.

To telephone abroad the digits 00must be dialled before theinternational code for the country.For dialling mobile phones the digits06 must be used in front of the 8 digit number.


Minitel is a compact computerterminal with a screen linked viayour telephone to several databases.It contains a vast amount ofinformation such as the yellowpages, phone books, timetables,weather and driving conditions etc.Your bank may also offer you accessto check your account, order a newcheque book, etc.

In its basic form there is no chargefor the supply of this terminal.Invoicing is calculated according to the length of consultation.

Television and radio

You must have an annual licence for a television set.

If you buy a new set in France, the seller will automaticallydeclare it to the authorities. If you buy a second-hand set, you must declare it to:

RTrésor Public Redevance de l’Audiovisuel19 Place des Carmes31000 ToulouseTel: 05 62 25 41 00

Send a letter giving details, nameand address, or go in person. The price depends on whether yourset is colour or black and white.

One licence covers all receivers inthe house, including video recorders.No licence is required for radios.Unless they are multistandard,imported sets may not function inFrance, which uses the SECAMstandard. British, German, US TV sets or video recorders are not compatible and can not be modified.

WELCOME TO TOULOUSE Guide for Newcomers in Airbus Central Entity

U NoteAddresses and telephone numbers

Customer service EDF-GDF30 Boulevard Lascrosses – ToulouseTel: 0 810 13 1000

Gas GDFTel: 08 10 13 14 33

Electricity EDFTel: 08 10 13 13 33

WaterTel: 08 01 14 71 47

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WELCOME TO TOULOUSE Guide for Newcomers in Airbus Central Entity


Medical coverCoverage is obligatory for all wageearners. Before arriving in France,study any agreements which mayexist between your home countryand France, there exist severalpossibilities.

You are seconded

RIf agreement exists: upon yourarrival file a document with theFrench Health Care Office (CaissePrimaire d’Assurance Maladie -CPAM) in your city or town.

RIf no agreement exists: you have no automatic coverage.

You are a French WageEarner

RA declaration is made to the FrenchHealth Care Office by your employer.The employee then receives a healthcare card. The French Wage Earner’sunemployed wife or common lawwife, as well as their children, mayalso be beneficiaries.

The medical cover system in France is called “SécuritéSociale”. This is a system that provides the reimbursement of medical costs and compensation in the caseof work stoppage due to illness,maternity, or a work related accident.

A medical certificate or prescription from your doctors is required in order to benefit from this reimbursement which has to be sent to your local medicalcover office “Caisse Primaired’Assurance Maladie”.

At the doctors, you will receive your prescription and health careforms, give these to your chemistwho, after stamping them andsticking them the price labels,will then give them back to youwith the medecine.

The health care form needs to becompleted for refunding and senttogether with the prescriptionenclosed to the CPAM.

Chemists and laboratoriesChemist

Chemist supply medecines whichhave been prescribed by your doctorand only delivered with aprescription except for certainchemist medecines such as aspirincough mixtures, etc.

French law also allows the chemiststo help you in case of an accident.

Payment for medecines must bemade at the monument they areprovided. Unless you have acomplementary medical insurancecover, in this case you may havespecial stickers or booklets thatreplace direct payment.

Reimbursement is then made by the Health Care System “Sécurité Sociale” and depends onthe medecine price labels which youstick to the health care form,

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“feuilles de maladie”, provided by your doctor.

In case of emergency:

RNight Chemist “Pharmacie de nuit”76, allées Jean Jaurès –TOULOUSETel: 05 61 62 38 05

Laboratory analysis(for blood, urine tests, scans and “X” rays)

Operate only upon medicalprescriptions and are refunded eitherfully or partially by the Frenchhealth care system.

Doctors and hospitalsDoctors

Paid medical consultations in adoctor’s surgery are partiallyreimbursed by “Sécurité Sociale”.The cost of a consultation variesfrom doctor to doctor, according towhether the doctor in question is ageneral practitioner or a specialistand according to whether he isworking under Social Security tarifsor as a private practitioner.Most general practitioners operate asystem whereby half of the day theyconsult in their surgeries and theother half-day they visit at home.Specialists usually only consult in

their surgerys or at the hospital orclinic.You are free to select at any time the doctor of your choice whetherhe’s a specialist or general doctor.

Doctors and hospitalsThere are two different sorts of hospitals:


RGroupe hospitalier La GravePlace Lange – ToulouseTel: 05 61 77 78 33(Specialising in maternity andgynaecology)

RCentre hospitalier universitairePurpan/CasselarditPlace du Docteur Baylac – ToulouseTel: 05 61 77 22 33(All services and main geriatric,emergency and paediatric services)

RHôpital des enfants330, avenue de Grande-Bretagne –ToulouseTel: 05 34 55 86 33(Paediatric services for children up to 15)

RCentre Hospitalier Universitaire RangueilAvenue Jean PoulheToulouseTel: 05 61 32 25 33(All services and a emergencyservice except paediatrics)

RHôpital Joseph Ducuing15 rue de VarsovieToulouseTel: 05 61 77 34 00(All services on a smaller scale)


RClinique Pasteur45 avenue de Lombez – ToulouseTel: 05 62 21 31 31

RClinique du Château34 Quai de Tounis – ToulouseTel: 05 61 33 20 20

RClinique Ambroise Paré387 route de Saint Simon –ToulouseTel: 05 61 50 18 18

RPolyclinique du Parc31 rue des Buchers – ToulouseTel: 05 61 36 66 66

RClinique Saint-Jean Languedoc20 route de Revel – ToulouseTel: 05 61 54 91. 91

RClinique Sarrus Teinturiers49 Allée Charles de FitteToulouseTel: 05 61 77 33 33

SAMUThe SAMU is a medical emergencyservice (with ambulances). They can be contacted by free callnumber on 15 or the fire departmenton 18 who also have a medicalemergency service. Each ambulancehas a fully qualified doctor.

RDoctors emergencyservices

SOS médecinTel: 05 61 33 00 00

RHospital emergencies

CHU PurpanPlace du Docteur BaylacToulouseTel: 05 61 77 22 33

CHU RangueilAvenue du Professeur Jean PoulhesToulouse Tel: 05 61 32 25 33

Hôpital des enfants330 Avenue de Grande-BretagneToulouseTel: 05 34 55 86 33

WELCOME TO TOULOUSE Guide for Newcomers in Airbus Central Entity

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Children and


WELCOME TO TOULOUSE Guide for Newcomers in Airbus Central Entity


ChildmindingIn order to benefit from statechildminding facilities both parentsmust be in full time work oreducation. For the employment of aregistered childminder informationcan be given from:

RCaisse d’Allocations familiales24 rue Riquet – ToulouseTel: 05 61 99 75 02Who may partially reimburse somecosts depending on your financialsituation.

Group day nurseries(Crèche collective)

Childminding by paediatric nursesand educators. Costs are determinedaccording to your income.Information can be given from:

RCentre Communal d’ActionSocialeTél: 05 61 58 85 92

Mini day nurseriesRDirection des Affaires SocialesTél: 05 62 27 65 00

Family day nurseries(Crèche familiales)

Children stay at the home of aregistered childminder but aresupervized by a paediatric nurse.

Parental day nurseries(Crèche parentale)

A special system wherein the parentsmust give some of their time tocaring for the children in the nursery.

For occasional childminding(Halte garderie)

Usually, two half days are allowedevery week and the cost for eachhalf day depends on your income.

Private Baby-sitters services

These services assure the availabilityof a selected childminder within 2 hours of the request.

RBaby-sitters Services:06 07 32 17 77

RBébé et compagnie: 05611400 88

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WELCOME TO TOULOUSE Guide for Newcomers in Airbus Central Entity

26 27

The French school systemSchooling in France is obligatory up to age 16 and free in nationaleducational establishments. The following gives only a briefoverview of the possibilities in theFrench school system.

Pre-school education(Education Pré-scolaire)

This is available from age 3 – 6 in the Nursery School (ÉcoleMaternelle) and a large number of children go to these schools.Attendance is not obligatory.

Primary Education(Enseignement Primaire)

This obligatory period starts at age 6and comprises:

Rpreparatory (préparatoire): 1 year

Relementary (élémentaire): 2 years

Rintermediate (moyen): 2 years

Secondary Education(Enseignement Secondaire)

This takes place in collèges(Collèges d’EnseignementSecondaire, or CES) over a 4 yearperiod divided into two periods of 2 years.

Robservation (1st and 2nd year)

Rorientation (3rd and 4th year)finishing around age 15

The 1st year is called sixième, the 2nd year cinquième, and so on.After the age of 15 the pupilcontinues full time in a:

RProfessional training college(Lycée d’EnseignementProfessionnel or LEP)

Ror Lycée, to prepare, in 3 years(2nd, 1st and terminal classes), the Baccalauréat examination in a chosen discipline.

Higher Education(Enseignement Supérieur)

Possession of the Baccalauréatentitles the student to apply to enter:

RUniversity, where diplomas areawarded after 2, 3 or 5 years;

RUniversity Institute of Technology(Institut Universitaire de Technologieor IUT) for a 2 year diploma.

ROr to undertake 1 or 2 yearspreparatory education with a view toentering one of the High Schools(Grandes Écoles) specializing inliterary, economic, political,commercial, technical or scientificstudies and which are highlyselective.

English / German SpeakingChildren

In these schools certain lessons aregiven in English to maintain a certainlevel of English language and culture.These English lessons are the resultof cooperation between the Frencheducational authorities and theassociation “English 31”,

and are available to children whoseparents are working in the Airbusprogramme and who have anadequate command of English.The lessons enable the pupils to take examinations of the Britisheducational system and therebyprove their English capability shouldthey re-enter the British system.(it is not compulsory to possess a British secondary educationqualification such as “A-level” to enter a British University, the French Baccalauréat beingrecognized as an equivalent).

German speaking pupils have the opportunity of a completeGerman schooling from“Grundschule” to “Abitur”, also in schools in Colomiers.The purpose is to enable pupils to continue schooling started in theirhome country and to reintegrate intotheir national system when required.The scheme is the result ofcooperation between the Frenchauthorities and Airbus Germanschool system and the lessons areavailable to German speakingchildren who have a good commandof the German language.

For children speaking otherlanguages the possibility exists in certain other local schools ofaccelerated French lessons in orderto join the French educationalsystem. Of course, the younger thechildren are, the easier it is for themto pick up the French language.

International SchoolsRInternational School of Toulouse2, allée de l’HerbaudièreRoute de Pibrac31770 ColomiersTel: 05 62 74 26 74

R“English 31”c/o British SectionLycée Victor HugoLe Perget31770 Colomiers

RDeutsche Schule Toulousec/o Lycée Polyvalent InternationalBD. Victor Hugo – BP 31731773 Colomiers Cedex Tel: 05 61 78 36 40

French lessonsWhere you can learn French

RAlliance Francaise9, place du Capitole – ToulouseTel: 05 34 45 26 10

RMaison de l’Europe12, rue Pouzonville – ToulouseTel: 05 61 21 03 31Mme Saint Hubert

RHow to say…

How to spell your name:

a (ah) nb (bay) oc (say) p (pay)d (day) q (ku)e (uh) r (air)f (eff) sg (jay) t (tay)h (ahsh) u (oo)I (ee) v (vay)j (gee) w (dooble’vay)k (kar) x (eeks)l y (eegrek)m z (zed)

e.g. GRAY: g (jay)r (air)a (ah)y (eegrek)

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Domestic animals

WELCOME TO TOULOUSE Guide for Newcomers in Airbus Central Entity


Importation of animalsFrance is not a quarantine country.Information can be obtained from:

RDirection Départementale des Services Vétérinaires10 chemin des CapellesToulouseTel: 05 34 50 17 31

A maximum of three animals may be imported. The animal in question must:

Rbe at least 3 months old,

Rhave an anti rabies vaccinationcertificate from a registeredveterinarian in the home countrywhich dates from at least 15 daysand no more than one year.

To treat an animalNational Veterinary SchoolREcole Vétérinaire Nationale23 chemin des Capelles – ToulouseTel: 05 61 19 38 00

Animal care by students. The treatment is free of charge.

Lost animals

Contact a veterinary and the SPAorganisation.

RSociété Protectrice des Animaux4 rue des AmandiersToulouseTel: 05 34 60 15 15

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“Carte Bleue”A service offered by the Frenchbanks is the French Debit Card(Carte Bleue). This card is not acredit card: all you spend in onemonth will be automatically debitedto your French bank account. A Carte Bancaire (Visa orMastercard) can be used in cashdispensers all over France,regardless of the bank which issuedthe card. However, banks also issuecards which can only be used at theirbank (but at all branches).

If you lose your Carte Bleue, youshould inform the National BankCards Association voice mail,

RRépondeur vocal du Groupementdes Cartes Bancaires (24 hour service)Tel: 08 92 705 705

What about other cards ?

Credit cards like Barclaycard,American Express,… are allaccepted in France.

French ChequesFrench cheques, unsupported bycheque cards, are accepted virtuallyeverywhere in France.

However, for cheques over a certainlimit, you will be required to showproof of identity e.g. passport,residence permit (carte de séjour).

Money ExchangeYou can change money, travellerscheques and euro cheques at mostbanks and large post offices.

You will also find currencyexchange offices in Toulouse towncentre and of course at the airport.

How to open a bank accountGo to the bank of your choice andask to open an account. There are awide variety of banks in theToulouse area. The largest banksinclude Crédit Mutuel, CréditAgricole, Banque Populaire, BNP-Paribas, Caisse d’Épargne,Crédit Lyonnais, Société Généraleand La Poste. You should take proof of identity (e.g. passport),proof of residence in France (or proof that you have applied for a Residence permit) and proof of employment in France (e.g. contract or pay slip).

Which type of account?There are two types of bankaccounts for foreigners in France,either a resident account or a non-resident account.

However, an individual who livesand/or works in France for a periodof at least 6 months is automaticallyconsidered to be a French resident.Therefore, a foreigner coming towork in France is entitled to open a resident bank account under the same conditions as a Frenchindividual.

Resident accounts in eurosMost French people hold a residentaccount which allows unrestrictedtransactions within France. You canalso transfer money abroad if youwish to do so.

You can of course keep your bankaccount open in your home country.There are certain advantages and it means that when you visit home,you do not need to change currencyback into that of your home country(for non-euro zone accounts).

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U NoteYou have 5 days to declare an accident to yourinsurance company (refer tothe chapter on “Motoring”for the procedure). If your car has been stolen,then the delay is reduced to 48 hours.


CarMotor insurance

French law requires obligatory thirdparty insurance (civil liability covere.g. towards pedestrians, passengers,the driver of another vehicle).As in any country, the price of a motor insurance policy depends on several factors. For example: thepower of the vehicle, the value of the vehicle, the age of the driver… There are several reductions forexperienced drivers and for peoplewho have had no accidents over a long period.

No-Claims (Bonus Malus)French motor policies provide a no-claims bonus.For every year, which is accidentfree, you are entitled to a bonus,which reduces your insurancepremium. On the other hand, if youcause an accident, then you will bepenalised and will incur a malus.This surcharge will increase the costof your premium for the following

year. For accidents for which you are totally blameless you are not penalised.If you have benefited from a bonusin your own country and wish tomake use of this in France, youshould bring a certificate from yourformer insurance company with you,stating how many accident-freeyears you have had and thepercentage bonus.

You must display the greeninsurance proof issued by yourinsurance company on thewindscreen of your car. You must also carry your green card(carte verte) insurance certificatewith you car at all times.Most motor insurance companiesoffer a supplementary “Assistance”which provides breakdown relief 24 hours a day, and also medicalcoverage including certain medicalfees, repatriation etc. It is also worthnoting that this medical assistanceusually covers any member of thefamily even when they are travellingoutside France and even when theyare not travelling in the insured car.

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U Note

The “constat amiable”document has the samelay-out for most of EUcountries. Then it is possible to findcorresponding translations of the different chapters.

Préfecture1 rue Saint-Anne31038 TOULOUSETel: 05 34 45 34 45

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Importing a vehicle

As part of your household goods(used and in your possession for morethan 6 months), your vehicle can beimported free of tax and duty. For thisyou will need your vehicle registrationand insurance papers. To import yourvehicle you will have to satisfy theFrench customs that you intend to takeup permanent residence. If you importyour vehicle during a removal, allformalities linked to the transportationwill be taken care of by the removalcompany. Only give the removercopies of the vehicle’s documents (so the originals do not get lost).

If you want to import your vehicle intoFrance yourself, make sure that you:

RHave filled in the necessaryimportation forms (Notice A) at the port of entry or in Blagnac.

RHave filled in a declaration formfor the importation of the vehicle(déclaration d’importation devéhicule).

At customs you will also needevidence that all taxes to which thevehicle was liable have been paid andnot refunded in the country of origin.French customs will give you aclearance certificate for theregistration of your vehicle at theadministrative center of thedépartement (Préfecture).Within 6 months of importing yourvehicle into France you must apply forFrench licence plates. Go to thePréfecture and pay the registration

stamp for your vehicle. You will thenbe asked to take your vehicle for atechnical check-up at the DRIR(which you will have to pay), about 4or 6 weeks later. On passing this testyou will receive a certificate ofconformity (attestation de conformité).

Then go and fetch your registrationdocument (Carte Grise) and theregistration number for your vehiclefrom the Préfecture. Once you havea registration number you can buyyour new French number plates(plaques d’immatriculation) frommany garages, hypermarkets, shopsand car centres.If you bring a vehicle from GreatBritain you will also have to changeyour headlights to meet Frenchrequirements, the costs for this cansometimes be quite high.

Driving licence

RFor non European (EU) citizens,if you have a residence permit andlive in France on a permanent basis,your national or internationaldriving licence is valid for 12months after your arrival. You mustexchange your licence for a Frenchone within these 12 months.

RIf you come from the EuropeanUnion, your driving licence is validduring its stated validity period.Before the end of validity of yourdriving licence, it would be better toexchange your current licence for aFrench one. If your licence is nolonger valid you must take a test.

RFor a UK driving licence, if youhold a new style UK driving licencewith a photograph you have no needto exchange it for a French one undernormal circumstances. If you havean old style (paper pink and green)licence without a photograph you caneither exchange it for a French oneor apply to the DVLC in Swansea for a new style licence before you change to your French address.

RHowever, if you commit a drivingoffence and incur penalty points youwill be required to exchange yourlicence for a French one. Penaltypoints cannot be taken from yournational licence.


For accidents which are not serious,you may wish to come to anagreement with the other driver andavoid going through your insurancecompany (in order to avoid losingyour no-claims bonus). For other accidents without casualties,you should fill in the “accident reportform” (constat amiable d’accident)immediately and make sure that it iscompletely filled in and signed byboth parties involved. It is notimportant whether you agree ordisagree with each other, each partyshould state the facts from their pointof view.

In the case of a multiple crash, youare advised to fill in a constatamiable with both the driver in frontof you and the driver behind you,

indicating if the vehicle behind youknocked you into the one ahead.

If you have the misfortune to have aserious accident in which people areinjured, you should call the policeand wait where the accidentoccurred until the police arrive. Thepolice will then handle everythingand fill in the documents.You can get a constat amiable fromyour insurance company and youshould always have one in yourvehicle.

Parking fines and how to pay them

If you park your vehicle in a noparking area, then you risk to get a fine on your windscreen. The amount due will be indicated.To pay this, either go to thePréfecture or a tobacconist (bureaude tabac) and buy a revenue stamp(timbre fiscal) equal to the amountof your fine. You should then sendboth the ticket and the revenuestamp to the address indicated.

Car pound (fourrière)

If your vehicle has been towed away by the police, then you willhave to go and collect it from thepound (fourrière) and pay the fine and charges. The pound is situated at:

R265 avenue des Etats-UnisToulouseTel: 05 61 47 43 21


Motorways (Autoroutes)Tolls (péages) are payable on mostof French motorways, but not nearlarge cities or towns they serve (like the rocade around Toulouse).All blue signs concern motorways:they are named by an “A” followedby a figure. Ex: A61 from Toulouseto Narbonne. On motorways, greenor white signs indicate towns, whichcan be reached by normal roads.

National Roads (Routes Nationales)These are the main trunk roads whichlink towns. They are recognisable bythe prefix “N” and are coloured red on the maps (e.g.: N20 from Toulouseto Andorra). Signs are white.

Regional roads (RoutesDépartementales)Many roads in France are RoutesDépartementales. These are theyellow or white roads on maps andthey can carry the prefix “D”.

Rules of the roadHeavy fines apply to driving underthe influence of alcohol (more than 0,5g per litre blood content). Breath tests are regularly conducted.To drive any motorized vehicle with an engine over 50cc, you must hold a full driving licence and carry this, insurance papers(carte verte = green card) andvehicle registration certificate (carte grise) at all times.French driving is on the right-hand

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side of the road and overtaking isdone on the left. Where there are nosigns, priority is given to the right atintersections, T-junctions and atcertain specific roundabouts.Seat belts must be worn in the frontand back seats at all times. Childrenunder 10 years old must be inappropriate harnesses/seats asspecified by law.It is an offence to sound a horn intowns other than as a warning.

Speed Limits (limitations de vitesse)On motorways the speed limit is 130 km/h (80 mph) and 90 km/h(56 mph) on national/departmentalroads (except where marked 110 km/h (68 mph). The speed limitis restricted to 50 km/h (30 mph) in towns and built-up areas. In wet weather (windscreen wipersworking) speed must be sloweddown respectively to 110 (instead of 130), 100 (instead of 110) and 80 (instead of 90).

Bus and undergroundSEMVAT is the urban metro and buscompany which serves Toulouse andits suburbs. Since the opening of thefirst metro line (line A) in 1993,Toulouse has now a completenetwork of public transportationmeans. This line A links thenorthern and southern suburbs ofToulouse, passing through the main

central areas.To get all information on the bus andmetro services, enquiries can bemade at the main SEMVAT office:

REspace Transport7 place Esquirol - 31000 ToulouseTel 05 61 41 70 70www.semvat.fr

Bus No. 66 and 71 can be used to godirectly to and from the Airbus mainbuilding (for instance you can take bus66 at metro station “Patte d’Oie”).

Night buses (daily after 9pm): The following services leave GareMatabiau: 2, 5, 10, 12, 16/22, 16/10and 148.

You can buy a ticket:

Ron the bus from the driver (cash only)

Rat all metro stations (with creditcards)

Rin advance from the SEMVATkiosks or other retail outlets displayingthe “Relais-SEMVAT” sticker.

There are various types of tickets:For example:

RRed ticket (ticket rouge) for 1 or2 journeys, with no validity date.

RGrey ticket (ticket gris) for 10journeys in 1 week.

Please go and see the SEMVATOffice to get further information.It is cheaper to buy a ticket for 10 or 12 journeys than to buy a ticketevery day. Students, large familiesand war veterans can travel at areduced rate with a card (carte clé).

To get this you must apply at theSEMVAT office. Pensioners, onproduction of a card issued by thebus company, usually travel free. The same ticket can be used for thebus or metro or both. The ticketcan be used twice within a 45 minjourney. Whether travelling by trainor bus/ metro in France, all ticketsmust be punched (compostés)in the machine provided in theentrance to the platform or in themachine on the bus. It is illegal totravel without punching first yourticket.

Coach Station (GareRoutière)

All information related to coachlines joining different cities in Midi-Pyrénées can be obtained at:

R68-70 boulevard Pierre Sémard31500 ToulouseTel: 05 61 61 67 67

TrainThe French National railways(S.N.C.F.) are very frequentas well as punctual. The main railway station (Gare) is:

RGare Toulouse-MatabiauTel: 08 36 35 35 35

There are several special cardsavailable from the SNCF (especially for young people under26 and families), which means thatyou can benefit from reductions of

up to 50% (in a blue period).Special rates are available once a year from the SNCF for holidaytravel, with a reduction of 25% or 50% and can be used by allthe family (spouse, children andparents in the case of unmarriedpersons). These rates are availableto salaried employees (especiallyfor annual paid leave, congés payés). Forms and more information areavailable at railway stations andtravel agencies.

RWebsite: www.sncf.fr

Air transport“Air France” is the main air servicein France. Ticket prices will ofcourse depend on the age oftravellers, period of booking, date ofdeparture, … To get all necessary information,please contact:

RAir France :Tel: 08 20 820 820www.airfrance.com

There are many other airlineslinking Toulouse to other cities in Europe and in the world.You can go to their repectivewebsites to get further information(e.g. Lufthansa, British Airways,Iberia, KLM, …).To contact the Toulouse-Blagnacairport (Aéroport de Toulouse-Blagnac) :

RTel: 05 61 42 44 00 (switchboard)

Shuttle bus service

The Navette Aéroport runs from theToulouse coach station (just next tothe railway station Gare Matabiau)and from Allées Jean-Jaurès(bus stop by the Air France office) to the airport approximately every 20 minutes everyday.

RTel: 05 34 60 64 00www.courrier-garonne.com

TaxisTaxi are usually ordinary cars with asign “TAXI” attached above the car

Reservation by telephone:

RTaxi radio toulousains:05 61 42 38 38 (24 hours)

RTaxi Union: 05 61 35 89 00

RTaxi Muret: 06 08 80 19 92

RCapitole taxi: 05 34 25 02 50

RTaxi aeroport blagnac:05 61 30 02 54 (24 hours)

There are several taxi stands in Toulouse:

RDay and night: Square Wilson,Gare Matabiau, Place Esquirol

RDuring the day only: Place Jeanned’Arc, Place des Carmes, PlaceSaint- Cyprien, Place du Capitole

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Post offices are identified by theyellow logo La Poste (PTT or P&Tcan also be seen on some offices).

They are normally open Monday-Friday from 8.00 am to 6:00 or 7.00 pm, to 12:00 on Saturdays.

Post boxes are yellow in France andyou will find them both inside andoutside the Post Offices and in manybusy areas.

Postage StampsYou can buy stamps in Post Offices, tobacconists (bureaux de tabac) or from the coin-operatedmachines outside some Post Offices.

TelegramsHand in your text at the counter of any Post Office or alternativelyphone it through.

ParcelsIf you are sending a parcel abroadweighing up to 1kg (or 2 kg at letterpost rate), then it must bear a greencustoms label (showing the contentsand value the parcel). Large parcelsare accepted at the main Post Officein each town. Air mail up to 10 or 20 kg depending on the destinationand surface mail up to 10 or 20 kg.

“Chronopost”ServiceThis is a high speed service for bothparcels and letters intended forFrance and abroad.

Foreign ExchangeIn larger towns, you can change yourmoney in Post Offices displaying a“Change” sticker. You can also use

the Post Office to cash travellerscheques and if you have a Visa card or a Eurocheque guarantee card, thenyou can withdraw money from PostOffices displaying a CB/VISA or ECsticker. However, you will probably be asked to show your passport oridentity card for counter operationswhich involve withdrawing money.

Forwarding MailIn case of change of address, eithertemporary (holidays) or permanent (moving) your mail can be forwardedto you by the Post Office for amoderate charge.

Post CodesLike most countries, France has a post code system, with 5 digitnumbers placed before the townname. The first two digits indicatethe “département” and are the sameas those on car number plates.E.g.: 31707 Blagnac Cedex forAirbus.

Postal system

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Press and booksLocal press

RDaily: La Dépêche du Midi

RFree – classified ads: Publi Toulouse/ Plus Affaires/Toulouse Hebdo.

Foreing press

Foreign Press can be found in moststationary and tobacconists shopswhich distribute daily papers. Weekly and monthly magazines areavailable in the shops listed below:

RLe temps de lire8 rue du Poids de l’HuileToulouseTel: 05 61 22 71 37

RRelais HGare MatabiauBd. Pierre SemardToulouseTel: 05 61 22 21 76

RLibrairie du Capitole3 rue des LoisToulouseTel: 05 61 22 51 97

The kiosks installed in the streets of Toulouse and the presscentre found in Matabiau Stationand the airport also offer a largeselection of foreign newspapersand magazines.

Foreign language books

Foreign language books, including novels, essays andspecialised works, as well as videocassettes, are available in the bookshops listed below:

RThe Bookshop17 rue LakanalToulouseTel: 05 61 22 99 92

Foreign libraries

French libraries employ a loansystem for books which requires


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an annual fee from members wishing to borrow works from the library.

The loan period varies according to the library in question.

RBibliothèque municipale1 rue du PérigordToulouseTel: 05 61 22 21 78

RBibliothèque américaine56 rue du Taur ToulouseTel: 05 61 22 58 25

RGoethe Institut4 bis rue Clémence IsaureToulouseTel: 05 61 23 08 34

RInstituto Cervantes31 rue des Chalets ToulouseTel: 05 61 62 80 72

Cultural activitiesCinemas

There are several cinemas in the centre of Toulouse. Foreign films are dubbed or subtitled. V.O. indicatesthat the film is shown in the original version with French sub-titles.

The main cinemas are:

RGaumont3 place Wilson31000 ToulouseTel: 08 92 69 66 96

RGaumont33 av Occitanie31670 LabègeTel: 05 61 00 83 00

RUtopia24 rue Montardy31000 ToulouseTel: 05 61 23 66 20

RABC13 rue Saint Bernard31000 ToulouseTel: 05 61 29 81 00

RU.G.C.9 all. Président Roosevelt31000 ToulouseTel: 05 62 30 28 30

RMega CGRzac Grand Noble31700 BlagnacTel:


Toulouse’s historic town has a number of varied museums.

RMusée des Augustins21 rue de MetzToulouseTel: 05 61 22 21 82

RMusée Paul Dupuy13 rue de la PleauToulouseTel: 05 61 14 65 50

RMusée Saint-RaymondPlace Saint SerninToulouseTel: 05 61 22 21 85

RMusée Georges Labit43 rue des Martyrs de laLibération ToulouseTel: 05 61 22 21 84

RMusée d’histoire naturelle35 allée Jules GuesdesToulouseTel: 05 61 22 21 86

RMusée du Vieux ToulouseHôtel du MayToulouseTel: 05 62 27 11 50

RRéfectoire des Jacobins69 rue PargaminièresToulouseTel: 05 61 22 21 91


Throughout the year a variety of plays, operas and concerts show in Toulouse.

If you want to find out what isplaying for a certain week you cancall or visit the places thataccommodate these.

Places to contact:

RThéâtre du CapitolePlace du CapitoleTel: 05 61 63 13 13www.theatre-du-capitole.org

RThéâtre Garonne1 avenue Château d’EauTel: 05 62 48 56 56http://theatregaronne.com

RThéâtre de la Cité1, rue Pierre BaudisTel: 05 34 45 05 00www.tnt-cite.com

RHalle aux GrainsPlace DupuyTel: 05 61 62 02 70

To buy tickets you can reserve over the phone with bankcards(English Visa or Eurocheque) or credit cards.

However to purchase tickets for concerts you can buy or reserve them at FNAC(music/electrical goods store)situated at Place Wilson.

RTel: 05 61 11 01 01

Restaurants and eating out

Eating and preparing meals are very important to the French.

Meals usually last 2 hours with at least 3 courses.

There are endless amounts of largeand small restaurants for you todiscover and enjoy.

You can find all sorts of different foreign food: Chinese,Mexican, Indian, Italian, Americanetc.

Lunch menus can be less expensivethan dinner menus. Quite oftenordering a complete meal: starter,main course, cheese or dessert, froma menu is also less expensive thanordering “à la carte”.

Fast food restaurants also exist suchas: Mac Donald’s, Quick and Flunch(cafeteria style).

Restaurants usually serve at lunchtime between 12.00 am/ 2.00 p.m. and the evening between7.30 p.m./ 8.00 p.m. to 10.30 p.m./11.30 p.m.

Some of the specialities of theregion “Midi-Pyrénées” are duckbased including:

R“Confit de canard”:fattened duck cooked and preservedin its own fat

R“Foie gras”:fattened duck and goose liver servedas a “pâté”.

R“Cassoulet”:haricots beans cooked with fattened duck and local sausage.

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The parking is free of charge and a deposit of 1 Euro is chargedfor trolleys.

These hypermarkets are situated:

RCarrefourPortet-sur-Garonne, Labège,Purpan

RCentre LeclercBlagnac, Rouffiac, Saint-Orens,Roques-sur-Garonne

RGéant CasinoFenouillet, Mirail à Toulouse

RAuchanCentre Commercial Gramont,Montrabe

Indoor and open air market

A Flea market and an antique market take place on Sundaymorning around the cathedral“Saint-Sernin” from 8.30 am to 1.00 p.m.The Crystal market is held everymorning except on Mondays alongthe Boulevard de Strasbourg sellingfresh fruit, vegetables, aromaticherbs and flowers, bread and somefresh products.

The indoor market of Victor Hugo,Carmes and Saint Cyprien wheregood quality meat, fish, poultry,bread, delicatessens, can be foundexcept on Mondays but only in themorning.

Another market around the church“Saint Aubin” on Sunday morningcan be found specialising in livepoultry, eggs, wild flowers and small farm producers withvaried goods.

On Wednesday the “CapitoleSquare” holds its weekly marketswith clothes, accessories, books and varied goods.

Each village and district usually has its own market at least once or sometimes twice a week on asmaller scale selling fresh produceand other items.

Shops and shopping In the very centre of Toulouse, all sots of shops and boutiques canbe found such as butchers, bakers,chemists, flower shops, shoe shops,and department stores(Nouvelles Galeries, GaleriesLafayette, Monoprix).

These shops are open from 10.00 amto close at around 8.00 p.m.,Monday to Saturday. During lunchtime, many small shops in the centreare closed. They are closed onSundays.

Recently, quite a few streets havebeen made pedestrianized such as“Rue de la Pomme, Rue Saint Rome,Rue des Changes, Rue du Taur” witha large quantity of small shops andboutiques to wander around.An antique quarter is situated in theSaint Etienne area.

The student quarter with librariesand specialised book shops are in the Saint Sernin area.


Large commercial shopping centres in shopping malls are openMonday to Saturday without lunchbreak, but are closed on Sunday.They usually open at 9.00 am andclose 9.00 p.m.

Can be found in the town centre andin areas around the centre after thelarge boulevards such as“Supermarché Casino, Champion,Intermarché” which have groceries, butchers counter,fishmongers counters, milk products and sometimes someclothes, frozen products, fruit andvegetables and household productsand facilities.

Small outlets such as “Casino,Spar” can be found very near inmost housing areas as convenientshops.

They all are on a ground floor level often with their own parkinglots free of charge (not in the centre) with a deposit charge of 1 Euro in order to use theshopping trolley.


(Carrefour, Centre Leclerc, Casino)

Hypermarkets are situated out of the town with hypermarketparticularities of being integrated in shopping malls containing up to a 100 boutiques: clothes, shoes,bakers, flower shops, hairdressers,perfumeries, banks cafés,restaurants, jewellers, sports shops,photo shops, book shops, householditems, in the hypermarkets the samethings are sold as well insupermarkets but on a much largerscale.

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Discovery of

the region

WELCOME TO TOULOUSE Guide for Newcomers in Airbus Central Entity


AlbiIt offers visitors a historicalsurrounding. The Cathédrale St. Cécile is a reminder that theCatholic Church is a definitiveauthority. Beside the cathedral stands the museum displaying the work of the famous artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.

CahorsFamous for its wines, visitors to Cahors are offered ampleopportunity to taste its product.Although a fairly small town, it is worth a visit if only for thebreathtaking scenery on the waythere.

CarcassonneAs with all places Carcassonne alsohas its history to tell. Carcassonneis a walled city and inside you will

discover a castle, shops, restaurants,hotel and even an outdoor theatre.Guides are available for the castle inboth French and English who willtell you how Kevin Costner used thecastle for Robin Hood: Prince ofThieves. Carcassonne is most busyaround Bastille Day (14 July) when acomplete show is made for thebenefit of all visitors. If you happento be there you will be exposed tocelebrations including a spectacularfireworks display.

FoixIt is the ideal place for hiking and kayaking. The château isadmired for its condition and isanother opportunity to discoverFrench history.

SkiingThe skiing season starts at thebeginning of December and can goon until April depending on theclimate and if there is any snow!

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Recommended places to go are:

RAx-Bonascre: approx. 2 hoursfrom Toulouse. This is the nearestplace to travel from Toulouse.

REyne: This is further away but is abrilliant place to ski. There are 5 skistations to choose from. Specialrates apply at different times, but itis more on the expensive side.

RAndorra: The tax free paradise. It offers a choice of stations (e.g. Pas De La Casa or Soledo) and is ideal for beginners. You alsohave the chance to spend money ongoods without the tax intrusion.

Ski rental

In France the closer you get to themountains the more expensive it isto rent skis. If you have the facilitiesto carry skis try and rent them froma sports shop in Toulouse before yougo away.

For each skiing day you have to buya ski pass and you will also beoffered some insurance. It isadvisable to purchase insurance asyou never know what could happen,especially, if you have never skiedbefore. Each resort will provide youwith a map of the various slopes,each slope is indicated with a colour.Green means easy, blue is moreintermediate level, red is for expertand black is reserved for ultra-experttrails. If you have never skied before

stick with green slopes and either go with someone who is willing to teach you or get lessons.

Swimming The Mediterranean

Here you will find a range ofbeaches each offering white sandsand water sports.

RNarbonne: popular for its twobeaches Narbonne-Plage andGruissan-Plage. Narbonne is theclosest from all the places mentionedand an ideal place for weekend trips.Like any other beach town it is fullof authentic shops, restaurants and a handful of bars.

RPerpignan: Situated between the Mediterranean and the Pyrenees,Perpignan offers a resort for sunseeker and mountains for walkers.Each street has an authentic name.To the south of this city in Spain(Figueras) is the famous museumthat accommodates the work ofSalvador Dali himself.

RCollioure (near Perpignan): A small port on looking theMediterranean. It is known for itshistorical acquaintance with certainartists. The likes of Dali, Picasso,Dérain and Dufy were known tobarter their work for meals andlodgings. This work can be seen inhotels from that time.

RMontpellier: Described as“Mediterranean Eurocity”Montpellier offers culture andentertainment. There is an annualinternational dance festival, whichproduces theatrical compositions.

RCannes: The film festival is oneof the biggest highlights in the year.1997 was the 50th anniversary of thefilm festival. Other festivals includeFête Americaine and the FêteNationale (July 4 and July 14), when everyone takes to the streetand fireworks are displayed. Here you will discover the EuropeanBeverly Hills. The streets aredecorated with palm trees and arefull of trendy cafés. The beach is abig attraction for the thousands ofpeople who flock there.

The Atlantic

Known for its gigantic waves and deep blue seas the Atlantic coast should not be missed. All thefollowing resorts are approximately300km from Toulouse.

RAnglet: Here you will find a population of surfers and sunworshippers. There is a total of seven beaches for which each has a name and a story to be told. Be warned that the waves bring with them the strong currents.

RBiarritz: Famous for its luxury,Biarritz today welcomes all travellersand provides for all budget needs.

Not known for its cheapness Biarritz harbours a casino for peopleprepared to take their chances.Chassin not far from Biarritz has an international folklore festivalmid-July. This attracts dancers,singers and actors from aroundFrance.

RBayonne: Famous for its Gothiccathedral dominating the skyline,Bayonne is a fishing town and offersa calm and relaxed stay in contraststo its neighbour towns Anglet andBiarritz which are in visitingdistance.

Touristic guides RPlan guide de ToulouseBLAY

R“Guide du Routard” Toulouse Hachette Tourisme

RGuide du “Petit Futé”Midi-Pyrénées

R“Guide Vert” Midi-PyrénéesMichelin Editions des Voyages

RStatutory and NationalHolidays in France

1st January, New Year’s Day(Jour de l’An)1st May, Labour Day (Fête du travail)8th May, Victory Day (Victoire 1945)14th July, Bastille Day (Fête Nationale)15th August, Assumption(Assomption)1st November, All Saint’s Day(Toussaint)11th November, Armistice Day(Armistice)25th December, Christmas(Noël)

RMoveable Dates

Easter Monday(Lundi de Pâques)Ascension (Ascension)Whit Monday(Lundi de Pentecôte)

If the holiday falls on a Saturday,the following Monday is not a holiday. On the other hand, if a national holiday falls on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, then the day(s)adjoining the weekend may also be given as extra holiday(s).The French expression is faire le pont, badly translated by “to make a long week-end of it”.

Page 26: Welcome to Toulouse


WELCOME TO TOULOUSE Guide for Newcomers in Airbus Central Entity


Emergency Phone NumbersThroughout France, the emergencytelephone number for the police is 17,for the fire brigade 18 and forambulance 15.

PoliceIn case of need, you can contact:

RCentral Police StationTel: 05 61 12 77 77

Fire BrigadeRTel: 05 62 25 44 00

AmbulancesRSAMU: phone 15 for emergencymedical care

RSOS Médecins ToulouseTel: 05 61 33 00 00

RSOS Médecins Colomiers Tel: 05 61 30 00 00

HospitalsRCentre Hospitalier de PurpanPlace du Dr. Baylac31052 Toulouse CedexTel: 05 61 77 20 18

RCentre Hospitalier de RangueilAvenue Jean Poulhes31054 Toulouse CedexTel: 05 61 32 27 95

RHôpital de la Grave (gynaecology)Place Lange31052 ToulouseTel: 05 61 77 78 33

RClinique des Pyrénées10 Chemin Cournaudis31770 ColomiersTel: 05 61 15 32 00

RClinique Pasteur49 Allées Charles de Fitte31076 Toulouse Cedex 3Tel: 05 62 21 31 31

RClinique Ambroise Paré387 Route de St Simon31082 Toulouse Cedex 1Tel: 05 61 43 01 40

Night ChemistRPharmacie Aubas17 rue de Rémusant (in police station)Tel: 05 61 21 63 66 (from 8pm to 8am).

Useful Phone Numbers and AdressesRConsulate of Spain16 rue St Anne – ToulouseTel: 05 34 31 96 60

RConsulate of Great BritainVictoria Center20 chem Laporte – ToulouseTel: 05 61 15 02 02

RConsulate of Germany24 rue Metz – 31000 ToulouseTel: 05 61 52 35 56

RMairie de ToulousePlace Capitole – 31000 ToulouseTel: 05 61 22 29 22

RMairie de Blagnac1 place Jean Louis Puig31700 BlagnacTel: 05 61 71 72 00

RPréfecture de la Haute-Garonne1 rue Saint Anne31038 ToulouseTel: 05 34 45 34 45

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Page 27: Welcome to Toulouse