welcome to traditional chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine is the oldest professional, continuously practised medicine in the world. It can be traced back more than 3000 years. It is now the second largest medical system in the world and it is currently used by one third of the world's population.

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Post on 08-Feb-2017



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Page 1: Welcome to Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine is the oldest professional, continuously practised

medicine in the world. It can be traced back more than 3000 years. It is now the

second largest medical system in the world and it is currently

used by one third of the world's population.

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Traditional Chinese Medicine is a holistic medicine that considers the "whole" person - body, mind, diet, environment, emotions, lifestyle, and exercise.

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"A human being results from the Qi of Heaven and Earth".

A basic concept of TCM is Qi (pronounced "chee"). It can be most closely translated as "energy".

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There are many kinds of Qi within our bodies. There is our congenital Qi (genetics), Qi from foods we eat, Qi from the air we breathe, pathogenic Qi that attacks our bodies and causes illness, defensive Qi that attacks these offenders, Qi that moves our blood, and Qi that belongs to our internal organs, to name a few.

"A human being results from the Qi of Heaven and Earth".

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5 Element Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine

• There are 5 main elements drawn for nature that help in TCM diagnosis. They are water, wood, fire, earth, and metal

• Excess or deficiency in the energy of one element will influence the other elements.

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There are 12 main "organs" that are paired in TCM - Spleen/Stomach, Lungs/Large Intestines, Heart/Small Intestines, Kidneys/Urinary Bladder, Liver/Gallbladder, and Pericardium/Triple Warmer (San Jiao).

5 Element Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine

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Interesting Methods of Diagnosis

There are four main techniques to diagnosis in TCM.

The first is observing demeanour, vitality, and physical appearance of a person. This includes the health of the hair, skin, nails, and complexion.

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The second diagnostic technique is hearing- tone and volume of the person's voice, sound of the breathing, and the type of cough.

Touch tells us temperature, moisture, and texture.

Less frequently used is sense of smell. Each of the five elements is related to a smell.

Interesting Methods of Diagnosis

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Tell Me About My Tongue…

• Tongue diagnosis is important, as it is the only internal organ that we can see!

• It reflects the health and functioning of the other internal organs.

• Observation of the tongue is based on four main items: the colour of the body of the tongue, the shape, the coating, and the moisture. Each area is also related to an internal organ.

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Can I Check Your Pulse?

• Pulse diagnosis can inform on the state of the internal organs.

• There are three positions on each wrist, with each relating to a specific organ system.

• There are three depths of pulse taking-superficial, medium, and deep.

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Each of the 28 pulses can be different from the others according to its location, depth, and side of the body.

Can I Check Your Pulse?

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TCM Education Facts

• In BC, a Registered Dr. of TCM now has to complete 5 years of TCM studies in addition to 2 years of post-secondary schooling.

• Registered Acupuncturists, Registered TCM Practitioners, and Registered Dr. of TCM must continue to take a minimum of 50 hours of continuing education completed every 2 years.

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• For the Dr. TCM examination, we must know the details of 476 Chinese herbs and 222 Chinese herbal formulae.

• For the Dr. TCM registration, applicants need to have completed 3250 hours minimum of study, including 1050 hours minimum of clinical instruction.

TCM Education Facts

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Acupuncture sensation is called "de qi" and it can include numbness, aching, tingling, warmth, distension, heaviness, or lightness. The sensation can be local or it may radiate.

Many people find acupuncture is actually very relaxing and often fall asleep.

Acupuncture Needles – Do they hurt?

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Acupuncture Needles – Do they hurt?

The needles are so thin that ten to twenty acupuncture needles can be placed in one hypodermic (injection) needle. The sensation from acupuncture is not painful & not what you would expect from a needle.

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Acupuncture has been shown to release endorphins--feel good hormones that are also valuable for pain relief.

It also improves blood flow, releases tight muscles, and changes pain signals.

Can acupuncture treat my pain?

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Can acupuncture treat my pain?

TCM doctors have used acupuncture and herbs to treat warriors, martial artists, emperors and empresses, farmers, children, and more for over 5000 years!

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How does Dr. Carr know where to put the needles?

• There are 365 channel acupuncture points on the body, plus many “extra” points.

• Sometimes points are chosen as “local” points, where you experience the symptoms.

• Sometimes points are chosen as “distal” points, away from the symptomatic sites.

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Custom TCM Herbs made just for you!

• There are over 3000 different herbs to choose from!

• The formula is determined based on the patient's TCM diagnosis and it may change frequently as the patient's constitution changes.

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The herbal powders are simply mixed in warm or hot water and consumed two to three times daily.

Pre-made Chinese herbal formulas are also available in capsule, tablet, and tincture forms.

Raw herbs can also be cooked at home or consumed as food.

Custom TCM Herbs made just for you!

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Safe, Effective Herbal Remedies with TCM

• Most of the herbs are grown in China as the soils affect the constituents of the herbs.

• To ensure their quality and safety, the herbs are tested, processed, and packaged in plants that comply with GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) requirements.

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Most of the Chinese herbal companies that we use are located in the United States and have their own regulations through the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). When the herbs are imported into Canada, they must again pass rigorous Canadian standards and testing.

Safe, Effective Herbal Remedies with TCM

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Is diet important in TCM?

Consider the balance…• An over-abundance of foods

hot in property (not temperature; e.g. beef) or too pungent (e.g. chilli peppers) will create too much fire and cause heartburn, excessive hunger, etc.

• Conversely, too much cold, raw food puts out the stomach fire and impairs digestion.

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Greasy and overly sweet foods also impair the digestion.

As with every other part of TCM, food cures vary from person to person as each individual's constitution is different.

Is diet important in TCM?

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What About Facial Rejuvenation?

I offer microcurrent facial rejuvenation treatments are a safe, comfortable and cost effective way to:– Reduce wrinkles and signs of aging

Lift sagging skin. – Stimulate natural collagen

production.– Relax tight muscles – Tighten and reduce pore size – Diminish puffiness and nourish skin– Relieve chronic jaw pain and

related issues with Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ)

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Can you guess which TCM treatment made these spots?

If you guessed body cupping…you’re “spot on” !!

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What is Body Cupping?

• Suction of the glass cups is created with either a flame (quickly inserted and removed generating negative pressure suction) or by use of a small pump on a plastic cup.

• The cup can then either be left stationary or moved with the assistance of oil.

• The purpose is to relax muscles, improve circulation, reduce swelling and pain, detoxify, and stimulate the immune system.

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Acupressure PointsAsk me, or look up the following points:- Headache? LI4 (hegu)- Nausea? P6 (neiguan)- Insomnia? K1 (yongquan)- Stress? Yintang- Stomachache? ST36


This is just the beginning. Come learn more about TCM and your health.
