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The little black book of transformation




Contents ......................................................................................................................................... 2

Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 3

How to create a fit body & fierce mind ...................................................................................... 4

1. Mindset – Are you ready to change your story? .................................................................... 5

2. Nutrition - What we eat and drink impacts us physically and emotionally ........................ 6

3. Exercise – Move your body like you love it! ........................................................................... 7

4. The Importance of Water – The elixir of life .......................................................................... 9

5. Consistency – “Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out” .......... 10

6. support – Surround yourself with those who see the greatness within you. ................... 12

Meet Shelley & Kylie. .................................................................................................................. 14

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The little black book of transformation




If you are sick of feeling frustrated, overwhelmed and off track and you’re putting in

all the effort an still not achieving the health and fitness results you wish for then this

is for you. We will cover 6 key areas that must be addressed with what we know works

for successful and lasting change.

Our mission is YOU. To motivate, inspire and empower you to step into your greatness

and create the healthy body you desire.

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The little black book of transformation



How to create a fit body & fierce


1. Mindset

Are you ready to change your story? This is where the Magic Happens.

2. Nutrition

What we eat and drink impacts us physically and emotionally.

3. Exercise

Move your body like you love it.

4. Water

The elixir of life!

5. Consistency

Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out!

6. Support

Surround yourself with those who see the greatness within you.

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The little black book of transformation



1. MINDSET – Are you ready to

change your story?

Mindset is everything. But, it is often the area that is neglected and a reason why many

people struggle to gain control and be consistent with their health and fitness; to live

the life that leads you on the path to be your best version.

Our brain is like an unsupervised child and requires our daily attention or it will run

wild. We need to have the ability to bring our thoughts back to focus and direct our

mind where we want it to go. So, if you are sick and tired of the rollercoaster ride of

diet and exercise, lacking confidence or feeling out of control, get prepared to change

your story. It’s starts with you. And your Mindset.

We all have a story. In fact, we have many stories that make up who we are and how

we present ourselves to the world. Our stories are created unconsciously, generally

from an early age where we are influenced by our parents, teachers and environment.

We adopt these thoughts and behaviours which then become our beliefs, our identity,

our self- image. For example, if you were always told that you were not smart, you may

have grown up believing that you simply were not intelligent so it stopped you from

going to Uni, or going for the job interview you really want, or putting your hand up for

that major promotion, all because your self-belief was coming from a place that you

‘just were not smart enough’.

Another example might be that you were always told that you were not good at sport

and so you never tried out for that netball, basketball or soccer team, let alone any

dance audition. All because you had a limiting belief that you wouldn’t be good at any

type of exercise. It’s that ‘little voice’ that makes you question yourself, self-sabotage,

create excuses and stops you from living life your best, healthiest life.

We’re here to focus on your Health and Fitness Story.

If you feel like you just can’t seem to stay consistent with healthy habits and your

‘story’ is having a negative impact, we need to begin by making the changes to your

‘little voice’, that create those limiting beliefs that stop us from living our best life.

The good news is, you can change these negative thought patterns and start creating

the healthy lifestyle that will enable you to believe that you truly are the Fit and Fierce

Warrior, waiting to be unleashed. This will be your New Story.

If you want to change your story, we can help. Join our members only online tribe

to get results with confidence so you can feel good and look great, and love the skin

you are in.

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The little black book of transformation



2. NUTRITION - What we eat and

drink impacts us physically and


It is critical to understand what your

relationship is with food. Most of us

emotionally eat to some degree but if

you have an unhealthy relationship

then this needs to be addressed

otherwise lasting changes are difficult

to make. Many of us eat mindlessly

throughout the day without any

thought of the effect it is having on our


Did you know that up to 90% of

serotonin (responsible for maintaining

mood balance) is made in the gut.

Whatever is going on in your gut is

going to affect your mood, anxiety levels, and focus.

So, if your gut is unhappy or unbalanced then there’s a good chance your mind is too.

Eating healthy nourishing foods does not have to be boring or hard, however it does

require some planning and discipline.

Whilst most ‘diets’ work for a short time, they are often not sustainable or enjoyable

and most often they do not nourish your body, mind and soul. One of the best fat loss

strategies we love is Nutritional Cleansing. It has been a complete game changer within

ourselves and so many of our clients and friends have had incredible results too.

Nutritional Cleansing involves intermittent fasting – an ancient secret of health, that

has been practiced throughout all human history. Some of the epic benefits include fat

loss, increased energy and performance, mental clarity, improved sleep, reduced

inflammation and overall health and wellness.

We are all beautifully unique and it’s important that you find out what works best for

you. It can be hard to do this on your own. We have a wealth of knowledge and we’ve

got your back.

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The little black book of transformation



3. Exercise – Move your body like

you love it!

When it comes to exercise many of us workout with a mindset to punish ourselves. If

your thoughts around exercise are negative, it’s fair to say that it will be the exact

experience you will have. It’s all about having a positive mindset and perspective. Here

at Urban Warriors we see exercise as a gift. We are grateful that we have the

opportunity to move our bodies and in return feel the amazing benefits.

We believe you can find a way to move your body that makes you happy. It doesn’t

have to be hard and it doesn’t have to be in the gym. There are so many options. Focus

on the good stuff and think about the gains both physically and mentally. Nothing beats

that natural endorphin high from moving your body like you love it! Changing your

Mindset can change your life!

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The little black book of transformation



We have helped hundreds of people on their

Health and Fitness Transformation Journey and

90% come to us wanting fat loss. When it comes to

training for fat loss, metabolic training is your

friend. We will help you build a foundation of

strength and fitness to become a warrior with a fit

body and fierce mind.

Metabolic training is high intensity training using a

combination of weights and cardio. Let’s break it


Metabolic Resistance Training (MRT) - Involves

completing your weights in a superset format,

(doing two exercises one after the other with no rest in between) or in a circuit format

(numerous exercises in a row with little to no rest). This type of training really gets

your heart pumping and burns loads of energy (calories). You can use a variety of

equipment including dumbbells, barbells, kettle bells, battle ropes, resistance bands,

sleds and of course your own body weight.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) – is short bursts of cardio at a high intensity.

This can include sprints, hill sprints, skipping, stairs or using equipment or machines

such as the rowing machine, treadmill, elliptical, bike etc.

Combining these two strategies into one workout is the most time efficient way to

exercise and quite simply phenomenal for fat burning.

The key to Metabolic training is working at intensity. The harder you work the more fat

you will burn. You must get out of your comfort zone. A good indication is if you are

unable to hold a conversation or you can give yourself a score out of 10, you want to

be working at 7 or higher. Depending on your fitness level we recommend 3-4 sessions

per week at 30 -45mins.

And let’s not forget the importance of Incidental Fitness. Most people get stuck sitting

at their desk in front of a computer all day which is not helpful for your fat loss mission.

If you can relate then it’s time to make the effort to step it up a notch and start taking

the stairs or getting off the bus/train a stop earlier than you usually would and walk

that extra bit further to work or home. Aim for a minimum 10,000 steps each day.

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The little black book of transformation



4. The Importance of Water – The

elixir of life

Water makes up an incredible 70 – 75% of human body weight and is vital for our body

to function.

Our liver is our major fat burning organ. It must be hydrated at all times to function

optimally. Every system in your body depends on water. Water flushes toxins out of our

vital organs and carries nutrients to our cells.

Water is not only a natural appetite suppressant, but it actually helps the

body metabolise stored fat. Every day you lose water through your breath, perspiration,

urine and bowel movements. For your body to function at its best you must replenish

its water supply. A good sign to tell if you’re hydrated is by the colour of your urine.

Water should be 80 -90% of your daily fluid intake. 2 – 4litres per day is ideal.

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The little black book of transformation



5. Consistency – “Success is the

sum of small efforts repeated

day in and day out”

Consistency is King. For long term success in any endeavour you must be consistent.

Speak to any high achiever, that being an athlete or business person and they will tell

you that talent won’t get you far without consistency. You must be prepared for the

daily process if you are serious about being successful

Consistency with clean eating and daily exercise will soon become a habit and part of

your daily routine, a part of who you are and what you do, and soon you won’t have to

think about it, it will be automatic. You will get to a point where you can’t imagine

your life without it.

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The little black book of transformation



There will be times you might miss a workout or two and maybe stray away from your

healthy eating plan. You’re only human. Life is about balance and enjoying little

indulgences along the way, but it’s so important to get back on track, don’t beat

yourself up over one bad meal or big night out.

Never give up on yourself or your goal.

Stay focused and celebrate seeing small changes as you go along your journey. This will

help motivate and inspire you to stay on track and be the best version of you and in

return look back on what you have achieved and feel proud and accomplished.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an

act but a habit”


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6. support – Surround yourself

with those who see the

greatness within you.

Change can be tough if you’re on the journey alone. Anytime we step outside of our

comfort zone we will face challenges and obstacles that will try and stop us from moving

forward. That nagging little voice in the back of your head will at some point try and

weaken you, telling you it’s not worth it, making excuses for you, trying to get you back

into your old habits that are no longer serving you.

The consistent daily motivation, love and support in our members only online tribe is

where results happen. We have witnessed the epic energy which creates an abundance

of confidence and self-love, lifting each other up and we love seeing our warriors shine.

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The little black book of transformation



Being able to talk about how you are feeling in a safe environment, can quickly put

things back into perspective and keep you on the path to success. One of the biggest

motivational factors for achieving your health and fitness goals is to have others on

board with you.

If you’re ready to get results. If you want to feel empowered and step into your

greatness with confidence. If you truly want to be your best version, join us now and

bring out your Inner Warrior.

We will help you break through any barriers holding you back from your reaching your

true potential.

We provide gym and home- based programs to get you started on building a solid

foundation of fitness and strength. You can work at your own pace with our total

support 24/7.

Join our beautiful community of likeminded warriors in our private Facebook group full

of daily tips, recipes, love and support.

Are you ready to be the Fit and Fierce Warrior full of energy, confidence, health and


We can’t wait to meet you.

Your Warrior Coaches,

Kylie & Shelley x


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The little black book of transformation



Meet Shelley & Kylie.

Badass Warriors, Personal Development junkies and lovers in life and business. Together

they live a life of health and fitness with a thirst for knowledge in all areas of Nutrition,

Fitness and most of all Self Love. Their passion is helping others, empowering epic

humans to step in to their greatness and live life on their terms. This is what the Urban

Warrior Tribe is all about.

Shelley Gorman

• Seoul 1988 Olympic Games – 4th Place

• Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games – Bronze Medal

• Sydney 2000 Olympic Games – Silver Medal

• 2010 – Inducted in to the Australian Basketball Hall Of Fame

• Personal Trainer & Health Coach with experience in the gym and outdoors since 2005

Kylie Jackes

• 2014 – Figure Novice – ANB Nationals

• 2012 – Fitness Model, 3rd Place – INBA Lifestyle Classic

• 2012 – Fitness Model, 4th Place - INBA NSW

• 2011 – Sports Model, 4th Place – Lifestyle Classic

• 2011 – INBA (International Natural Body Building Association Australia) Lifestyle Classic 2011 – Client won the overall Body Transformation

Disclaimer: This report is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor as a substitute for medical treatment.

Programs outlined herein should not be adopted without consultation with your health professional. Use of the programs herein is

at the sole choice and risk of the reader. The author is neither responsible, nor liable for any harm or injury resulting from this

program or the use of the advice described herein.