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Welcome to COMP1100 — Introduction to Programming and Algorithms Clem Baker-Finch & Malcolm Newey Australian National University Semester 1, 2006 COMP 1100 — Introduction & Outline 1

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Welcome to

COMP1100 — Introduction to Programming and Algorithms

Clem Baker-Finch


Malcolm Newey

Australian National University

Semester 1, 2006

COMP 1100 — Introduction & Outline 1

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What is this course about?

• Introduction to the basic principles of programming

• First part of a sequence COMP1100 + COMP1110

• About 2/3rds programming concepts using Haskell ,

a functional programming language, followed by . . .

• About 1/3rd introduction to Java ,

an object-oriented programming language, leading on to . . .

• COMP1110 using Java .

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Core Topics

• Types and data structures

• Control structures

• Abstraction

• Modularisation


• Data-directed program design

• Programming as a human activity

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Learning to program is a lot like learning a foreign language.

You must

practice, practice, practice . . .

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COMP1100 Web Site


The main information resource and communication tool for the course.

Lecture notes, lab exercises, assignments, announcements, discussion

forums, etc.

Linked from the WebCT pages.

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There will be at least 30 lectures, 3 each week:

• Monday 4–5pm

• Thursday 9–10am

• Friday 2–3pm

Attend all lectures — check web site regularly for schedule.

Lecture slides and sample programs on the web site.

Lecture recordings on WebCT pages.

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Laboratory Classes

10 two-hour weekly laboratory classes, beginning in week 2.

You must register in a lab class as soon as possible.

Registration is on-line at http://cs.anu.edu.au/streams/

Check your timetable to avoid clashes.

Logging on to StReaMS will automatically create an account for you on the

DCS Student System.

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DCS Student Computing Environment

Different to other labs and InfoPlace at ANU – (Linux and KDE).


• Student Computing Environment User Guide

• Student Computing Environment Familiarisation Exercises

Once you have a DCS student account, work through the familiarisation

exercises sometime this week .

This will help prepare you for the first supervised lab classes in week 2.

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Main textbook:

Haskell: The Craft of Functional Programming (2nd edition) – Simon

Thompson (Addison-Wesley)

Later in the semester:

Big Java (2nd edition) — Cay Horstmann (Wiley)

This is also the textbook for COMP1110 in second semester.

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Assignments: 35% – three assignments

10% + 15% + 10% due near weeks 6, 9, 12

Lab participation: 5% – satisfactory completion of exercises

Mid-semester quiz: 10% – week 7, open book

redeemable against final exam

Final Exam: 50% – exam period, two A4 sheets of notes allowed

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Learning how to program

• There will seem to be an endless number of minor details to be

remembered. You can be a successful programmer without knowing

them all.

• There will be many frustrations.

• Computers won’t handle ambiguity.

• Abstraction: at different times in the process, different aspects are

(temporarily) irrelevant.

• Practice and experiment.

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What to do now:

• Make sure you have the four handouts:

– COMP1100 General Course Information

– Student Environment User Guide

– Student Environment Familiarisation Exercises

– DCS Student Handbook

• Check you timetable and register in lab classes at


• Get the textbook and read Chapter 1

• Go to the DCS labs

Work through the familiarisation exercises sometime this week

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Computers, Programs, Programming Languages

COMP1100 — Introduction to Programming and Algorithms

Clem Baker-Finch

Australian National University

Semester 1, 2006

COMP 1100 — Computers, Programs, Programming Languages 1

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Reminders from last lecture:

• Register in prac groups at http://cs.anu.edu.au/streams/.

• Make sure you have a copy of the Student Computer Environment User


• Work through the Student Computer Environment familiarisation

exercises before your first prac class (week 2).

• Read chapter 1 of the textbook.

COMP 1100 — Computers, Programs, Programming Languages 2

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What is a computer?

1940s: A human being — job description.

1950s: John von Neumann — stored program computer.

Not a calculator: Before von Neumann there were calculators which had a

store and a processor. The instructions to calculators are externally

controlled (by a human).

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Von Neumann’s brilliant idea:

• Store + processor

• Data and instructions in store — the instructions are the program .

• Two aspects to the processor:

– Fetch instructions, decode and execute the instructions

– Do the calculations to modify the data in the store

By loading the instructions into the computer,

it can complete the calculation independently .

In contrast, calculators require separate control and supervision.

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Binary representation

In 1697, Leibniz discovered the binary numeral system and binary


(Binary: base-2 number representation. Digits 0 and 1 only.)

Convenient for electronic devices:

charge versus no charge; current versus no current.

All data is represented using binary digits (bits). E.g. in the ASCII encoding,

character ‘A’ has the same representation as integer 65.

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What is a programming language ?

Writing programs as sequences of machine instructions in binary notation is

obviously very inconvenient for human programmers.

A programming language is a notation for expressing a program.

Fortran: The first programming language (late 1950s). Based closely on the

operations of a particular machine (IBM 704).

LISP: The second programming language (late 1950s). Based on the

lambda calculus — programs consist of evaluations of expressions and

applications of functions.

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Modern programming languages

Fortran and LISP are still widely used.

Programs are now much, much more complex —

languages are now (supposedly) designed to help manage that complexity.

There are hundred of different programming languages – some general

purpose, most oriented towards a particular problem domain.

What is programming?

The human activity of designing and constructing the instructions to make a

computer achieve some particular task.

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Kinds of programming languages

Imperative: A sequence of commands —

Step-by-step description of intended changes to the computer store.

Declarative: Focus on what is to be computed rather than the details of

how this is achieved.

Functional: Subset of the declarative languages —

Computation is expressed as functions from input to output values.

Haskell is a functional language.

Object-oriented: Usually imperative, but not necessarily —

Structure programs around the idea of objects and messages.

Java is an imperative object-oriented language.

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Computers can only execute its own set of instructions.

No matter what language we use to write our programs, we eventually want

to run it on a computer. So our programs must be translated to the

instructions of the machine.

We use a program called a compiler to do the translation.

The input to the compiler is a program written in a high-level language. The

output is the ‘same’ program as machine instructions.

For Haskell we will be using the Glasgow Haskell Compiler, GHC .

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A Haskell program

HelloYou.hs is a little Haskell program. Don’t worry about trying to

understand it for now.

We can use GHC to translate HelloYou.hs to machine instructions. Type:

ghc HelloYou.hs

This will create some new files, including a.out which is the machine

language version of HelloYou.hs.

Run this program by typing a.out

(or possibly ./a.out).

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Why Haskell?

• It is easy to get started writing Haskell programs.

The simplest Java program requires you to know about I/O, libraries and

many syntactic details.

• GHC has an interactive interface that works more like a calculator. We

don’t need to write whole programs.

• It is easy to understand how Haskell programs work — they evaluate

expressions. To understand Java programs, first you need to understand

the underlying machine model.

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Why Haskell? (ctd)

• Problem-oriented data structures are easy to define in Haskell.

• Types are a fundamental organising principal in programming

languages. Haskell’s type system is the most advanced and

well-designed of any programming language.

• The aim is not to become highly skilled Haskell programmers.

The aim is to learn some fundamental principles of programming .

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Introducing GHCi

Reading: Thompson Ch.2

COMP1100 — Introduction to Programming and Algorithms

Clem Baker-Finch

Australian National University

Semester 1, 2006

COMP 1100 — Introducing GHCi 1

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GHC has an interactive mode that we will use a lot in this course.

Start it up by typing ghci in a terminal window.

Your computer responds with some messages as it starts up, ending with:


This is a prompt . You can type in an expression at the prompt.

GHCi will print its value and then prompt for another expression.

The ‘language’ or notation in which you write the expression is Haskell.

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The expressions can be simple:

Prelude> 1+3-2



or not so simple:

Prelude> scanl (*) 1 [1..]

[1,1,2,6,24,120,720,5040,40320,362880,3628800, ...

GHCi knows about lots of functions and operators that can be used in

expressions. They are defined in the Standard Prelude which is just a

Haskell module (Prelude.hs) containing a collection of definitions.

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Example: Resting metabolic rates

Use GHCi to calculate your resting metabolic rate.

(How much energy you use being totally idle.)

From the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet book:

women: (655.1+9.56×weight+1.85×height−4.68×age)×4.2

men: (66.47+13.75×weight+5×height−6.76×age)×4.2

Weight in kg, height in cm, age in years. Result in kJ per day.

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Haskell scripts

A GHCi session is like a calculator, but using it is not really programming.

Programming in Haskell centres around defining functions in a script.

[A program is a particular kind of script. We’ll get to that later.]

A script is a file that contains definitions, declarations and comments.

By loading a script into GHCi, you can use the session to evaluate

expressions containing functions and operators that are defined in that

script, as well as those in the Prelude.

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Resting metabolic rate, revisited. . .

Write a Haskell script with functions to calculate resting metabolic rates.

An algebraic expression with unknowns directly correspond to a function.

In the formula for males:


weight, height and age represent values that we substitute into the formula

to do the calculation.

That is, they are supplied as arguments to a function which calculates

resting metabolic rate.

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If we call the function maleRestRate we can write its definition in Haskell

as an equation:

maleRestRate weight height age =


Create a Haskell script containing this definition.

If we load the script into GHCi, we can evaluate expressions that apply the

function maleRestRate to arguments:

*Main> maleRestRate 85 190 21


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A note on the form of a Haskell function definition:

The right had side of the definition is called the body and is just the formula

with unknowns:


The left hand side is called the head and consists of the names of the

function and its arguments:

maleRestRate weight height age

[You might have preferred maleRestRate(weight,height,age)

but you’ll get used to it . . . ]

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The textbook refers to another Haskell system called Hugs.

It is almost identical to GHCi but does not include some features of Haskell

that we will be using later in the course.

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Values, Functions, Types

COMP1100 — Introduction to Programming and Algorithms

Clem Baker-Finch

Australian National University

Semester 1, 2006

COMP 1100 — Values, Functions, Types 1

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• Lab classes commence this week .

You should have registered by now.

• Lab class exercises are available on the comp1100 web site.

– Hard copies will not be handed out in lectures.

– You should at least read them and think about them before attending

your lab session.

– We expect you to come prepared.

• Workload: average 10 hours per week for 16 weeks.

– Attending lectures and labs is not enough.

– Doing (writing bit of programs) is much more effective than just

reading about it.

• Extra assistance — drop-in labs will commence soon.

COMP 1100 — Values, Functions, Types 2

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Values are things such as 42 (an integer), "Hello, it’s 2pm" (a string of

characters) and 3.1412 (a floating point number).

Values may be passed to functions which return other values, eg:

• (*) takes two numbers and produces a number: 13 * 5⇒ 65

• ++ takes two strings and produces another string by concatenating them.

• length takes a string and produces a number: the length of the string.

We can combine values and functions by using the result of a function

application as input to another function, e.g.

• length ("Hello, " ++ "it’s 2pm")

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What’s the difference between 42 and "Hello, it’s 2pm"?

What does 2 + "abc" mean?

Values may naturally be grouped together in different categories.

We call these categories types . For example:

Type Example values

Int ...-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...

Float 1.0, 3.1412, ...

String "Hello", "The time is 11 o’clock!", ...

Char ’a’, ’A’, ’x’, ’S’, ’%’, ’8’, ...

Bool True, False

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GHCi can tell you the type of any Haskell expression with the command

:type (or just :t)

Prelude> :type 7 + 3 < 5

7 + 3 < 5 :: Bool

In Haskell we can also define our own types , and build compound types

by collecting types together into data structures .

Much more on this later . . .

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Functions — canned computations

The central activity in writing Haskell programs is defining functions.

In Mathematics, a function f associates each member of a set A (the domain

of f ) with a single member of a set B (the codomain of f ) and we write

f : A→ B

If a∈ A then f (a) is the associated member of B.

Haskell uses this same concept and similar notation.

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How to define our own functions?

Let’s start simple: a function whose result is the input number times 2.

We’ll call it double.

The algebraic expression x + x computes double x for any x, so our

function definition looks like:

double x = x + x

On the left of the = sign, double is the name of the function and x is the

name of the argument.

On the right of the = sign is the body of the function definition.

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The result of applying the function double to an argument value is

computed by replacing all occurrences of x in the body by that value.

for example:

double 5 ⇒ 5 + 5 ⇒ 10

The arrows indicate steps in the computation.

Another example:

double (double 3) ⇒ double (3 + 3) ⇒ double 6

⇒ 6 + 6 ⇒ 12

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Parentheses around arguments

One notational difference to be aware of is that in Haskell we can write f x

instead of f(x)

The brackets serve no real purpose. Leaving them out makes for less

cluttered notation, but it can take some getting used to . . .

Suppose you write: double 3+1

The spacing may suggest: double (3+1)

but in fact it means: (double 3)+1

The best way to remember this is that function application is just like any

other operator, but it has higher priority than all other operators and it is left


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Type signatures

Functions take arguments of certain types and give results of certain types.

For example, double takes argument values of type Int and return values

of type Int.

So functions have type, too. The type of double is Int -> Int.

The complete definition of the function is:

double :: Int -> Int

double x = x + x

[double 3.1412 also works, but 3.1412 is not an Int. We’ll get to that later.]

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Multiple arguments

In last week’s lectures we wrote function definitions for resting metabolic rate

which took 3 arguments: weight, height and age:

maleRestRate weight height age = ...

The type signature for functions with more than one argument separates the

argument types with (->):

maleRestRate :: Float -> Float -> Float -> Float

and we write applications: maleRestRate 85 190 21

rather than: maleRestRate(85,190,21)

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Reading type signatures


maleRestRate :: Float −> Float −> Float −> Float

weight height age rate


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Another simple function definition:

add :: Int -> Int -> Int

add x y = x+y

We write applications: add 3 4

Haskell functions take their arguments one at a time.

It is legal to write an expression like add 3. (Try it.)

The value of the expression add 3 is a function of type Int -> Int

which adds 3 to its argument. (Try it.)

So add 3 4 is the same as (add 3) 4.

(Function application is left-associative.)

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Type checking

GHC will work out the type of every expression and every function from its


If you declare the type of a function, GHC will check whether you are right.

You should always declare the type of every functions you define in your


• The type of a function is a basic part of its design.

• Type declarations are an important part of program documentation.

• Type declarations help you to find errors.

If GHC figures that the type of a function is different to what you expect,

then you have made an error.

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Suppose you want to design a function isEven such that isEven x

returns True if x is divisible by 2 and False otherwise.

What’s wrong with this:

isEven ::Int -> Bool

isEven x = x ‘div ‘ 2

(What is a correct definition?)

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Introducing overloading

Values of type Int can be added using the (+) operator.

Values of type Float can be added using the (+) operator.

Using the same symbol or name for different operations is called

overloading .

The function (+) simultaneously has types:

(+) :: Int -> Int -> Int

(+) :: Float -> Float -> Float

But every Haskell expression has one type.

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If we had type variables (and we do) we might say:

(+) has type a -> a -> a where a is either Int or Float

In fact Haskell allows (+) to be applied to any numeric type

(which includes Double and Integer as well as Int and Float)

The set of numeric types form a type class called Num

If we ask GHCi for the type of (+) we get:

(+) :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a

which means (+) has type a -> a -> a

for any type a in class Num

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Comments in scripts

Haskell allows us to annotate scripts with comments . There are two kinds:

• everything on a line following the symbol --

• everything between the symbols {- and -}

The computer ignores comments but they may help humans reading our

programs — including ourselves — to understand them.

Programming is a human activity

COMP 1100 — Values, Functions, Types 18

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Write your comments as you code

Write your comments at the program design phase and maintain them

through the development phase.

• Do not add them to your scripts later

• They are for your benefit, too

Always include an identifying banner comment in every script, including:

• author’s name

• date

• the purpose of the script

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Choosing names for functions, variables, etc.

People read programs , not just computers.

During development, maintenance, testing, review, etc. you and other

programmers read your programs.

metabolicRestRate sex weight height age

is much better than:

rate sx wt ht yr

is much better than:

f x y z u

(The computer doesn’t care but humans do.)

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Haskell lexical rules

• Haskell is case sensitive so restRATE is different from restrate.

• Names of functions, variables, type variables must begin with a lower

case letter

• Names can contain letters (upper and lower case), digits, underscores ‘ ’

and apostrophes ‘’’

• Names of types must begin with an upper case letter

• Names of “data contructors” must begin with an upper case letter

so far we have only seen data constructors in enumerations. For

example, True and False are the data constructors of type Bool.

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• The name of a function should describe what is being calculated (a

noun), rather than how it does it (a verb).

• Often names are made up of several words (or obvious contractions).

Make the name by stringing the words together, starting each new word

with a capital.

• Look (on the web) for some coding standards to see what others do.

• Whatever you do, develop a good style, and be consistent .

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Conditionals and Tuples

Reading: Thompson Ch.3

COMP1100 — Introduction to Programming and Algorithms

Clem Baker-Finch

Australian National University

Semester 1, 2006

COMP 1100 — Conditionals and Tuples 1

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Conditional Expressions

So far, all our example scripts have unconditionally performed the same


How would we implement a function: max :: Int -> Int -> Int

which returns the greater of its two arguments?

We want max x y to return x if x >= y, otherwise it should return y.

Haskell has conditional expressions to allow us to make such a choice:

if 〈condition〉 then 〈value if true〉 else 〈value if false〉

so we can write:

max x y = if x >= y then x else y

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Example evaluation:

max 5 3 ⇒ if 5 >= 3 then 5 else 3 ⇒if True then 5 else 3 ⇒ 5

Sometimes the choice is not so simple:

signum :: Int -> Int

signum x = if x<0 then -1 else if x==0 then 0 else 1

Nested conditionals can be hard to read, but layout can help:

signum x = if x<0 then -1

else if x==0 then 0

else 1

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Some languages (Haskell included) have guarded expressions as an

alternative notation for conditionals:

signum :: Int -> Int

signum x

| x < 0 = -1

| x == 0 = 0

| x > 0 = 1

GHC evaluates each guard in turn, first to last until it finds one that equals

True. The right hand side that corresponds to that guard is chosen.

If none of the guards are true, GHC will report an error (at run time).

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Haskell provides a special guard otherwise that is always true.

(Experiment: evaluate otherwise in GHCi.)

otherwise is used as a catch-all at the end of a sequence of alternatives:

min x y

| x <= y = x

| otherwise = y

Another example: How many premiership points does a team get, given the

score at the end of the match?

points :: Int -> Int -> Int

points for against

| for > against = 2

| for == against = 1

| otherwise = 0

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Tuples — Combining Different Data

to represent real-world data, we often want to combine types. For example,

an item in a supermarket may need a bar code, a name and a price.

Haskell lets us combine any n types into an ordered n-tuple.

(723476, "Peanut Butter", 375)

has type:

(Int, String, Int)

Notice that the type is written in a way that corresponds to the way we

write the expressions .

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Tuple Patterns

Functions on tuples are usually defined using pattern matching .

For example, here is a function to add a pair of Ints:

addPair :: (Int ,Int) -> Int

addPair (x,y) = x + y

The pattern (x,y) matches any pair and sets x to be the first element

of the pair and y to be the second element.

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For example, representing cartesian coordinates:

type Point = (Int ,Int)

-- The origin of the coordinate system

origin :: Point

origin = (0,0)

-- Move a point a distance to the right

moveRight :: Point -> Int -> Point

moveRight (x,y) distance = (x+distance ,y)

-- Move a point upwards

moveUp :: Point -> Int -> Point

moveUp (x,y) distance = (x,y+distance)

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Definitions with where clauses

It is often possible to simplify an expression by extracting some part and

naming it. This can help in two ways: putting a name to a sub-expression

can make it easier to understand; a repeated sub-expression may only be

evaluated once.

Suppose we wanted to compute the real roots of a quadratic:

ax2 +bx+c = 0

The standard formula is



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The formula b2−4ac is the discriminant.

The discriminant must be ≥ 0 for the roots to be real.

roots :: Float -> Float -> Float -> (Float , Float)

roots a b c

| discrim >= 0 = ((-b + (sqrt discrim ))/(2*a),

(-b - (sqrt discrim ))/(2*a))

| otherwise = error "No real roots"

where discrim = b^2 - 4*a*c

(This isn’t a particularly satisfactory design — a quadratic may have 0, 1 or 2 real

root. We may revisit this example later.)

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Layout of function definitions

In any programming language, the layout of your program is important for the

readability of your programs.

In Haskell, layout rules help to get rid of the annoying punctuation used in

many other languages (semicolons, braces, etc.).

Haskell uses indentation to decide the ends of definitions, expressions and

so on.

Once you get into good habits, it will be very natural.

When you are learning, you might need to be a bit careful.

(Emacs Haskell mode helps with indentation. Hit the TAB key a few times. . . )

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The Off-Side Rule

A definition ends when a (non-space) symbol appears in the same column

as the first symbol of the definition.

See textbook pages 47 & 48.

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Recommended layout

Something like:

fun p_1 p_2 .. p_n

| guard_1 = e_1

| guard_2 = e_2

. . .

| guard_k = e_k


local_1 a_1 .. a_m = r_1

local_2 = r_2

. . .

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How To . . .

Reading: Thompson Ch.4

COMP1100 — Introduction to Programming and Algorithms

Clem Baker-Finch

Australian National University

Semester 1, 2006

COMP 1100 — How To . . . 1

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How To Design a Function

We will go through some very basic ideas about how to come up with a

function definition to solve a particular problem.

When learning to program, the biggest hurdle is knowing how and where to


The running example will be to design and define a function to convert

integers to English phrases corresponding to how we say numerals.

(The script we are going to develop will be different to NumWords.hs used in

Week 2 lab classes.)

COMP 1100 — How To . . . 2

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Understand the Problem

Analyse the problem.

Think about all the details. Is the problem fully specified?

For example, we want our program to say numerals properly , not like

telephone numbers etc.

Do we want it to work for all integers? No matter how big? Negative as well

as positive?

There is no right answer to these questions. It’s up to the person specifying

the requirements — that is, the “customer.”

For this exercise, we will only deal with positive numbers between 0 and 100.

(It will be fairly easy to extend, once we have finished.)

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What is a good name for the function?

I chose convert.

Not a very informative name — can you suggest a better one?

What is the Function’s Type ?

What are its inputs and outputs?

convert :: Int -> String

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Abstraction — Reducing Complexity

You can’t figure it out all at once!

This is the KEY ACTIVITY in software development!

1. Does the problem break down into smaller parts?

2. Is there a simpler version you can do first?

3. Have you seen a similar or related problem?

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For our exercise, thinking about (1) and (2) in the list, we can start by

working on the problem of converting single digit numerals: 0 to 9.

(Why do I think that will help? Common sense and experience . . . )

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What Tools Do We Have?

• What does the programming language give you that might be


– In Haskell, the Prelude functions and other libraries.

– (This knowledge improves with practice.)

• Do you know of any other programs or functions that may be

similar or otherwise useful?

– I routinely cut and paste code from programs I have written earlier.

– I routinley look at old programs for clues and details.

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Test As You Go!

Writing a whole program means writing lots of different self-contained bits of

code (functions) . . .

because we have broken the problem down into simpler parts, or . . .

because we have tackled a simpler problem first.

Make sure those parts work correctly before proceeding!

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The key to reducing complexity is to focus on a well-defined andwell understood sub-problem . . .

while temporarily ignoring the rest of the problem.

When we have solved that subproblem, we can forget abouthow it works and only think about what it does.

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Reading: Thompson Ch.5

COMP1100 — Introduction to Programming and Algorithms

Clem Baker-Finch

Australian National University

Semester 1, 2006

COMP 1100 — Lists 1

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Tuples allow us to combine a fixed number of values of various types .

Lists allow us to combine a varying number of values of the same type .

1, 2, 3 are all of type Int, so [1, 2, 3] is of type [Int].

(Say [Int] as “list of Int.”)

String is a synonym for [Char].

"dog" is another way to write [’d’, ’o’, ’g’].

[[1,2,3],[1,99],[0],[]] has type [[Int]].

That is, “list of list of Int”.

We can have lists of ANY type, so long as all elements are the same type.

COMP 1100 — Lists 2

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Which of the following are valid lists?

What are their types?


Invalid because the elements of a list must all be of the same type.

1 :: Int but ’2’ :: Char


Invalid because the first element is [1,2] :: [Int] and the other

elements have type Int. This is not a valid list because the elements do not

all have the same type.


Valid and has type [String] or equivalently, [[Char]].

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Invalid because the elements are of different types: (Int,Int) and

(Int,Int,Int) respectively.


Valid and has type [(Int,Char)].


Invalid because Bool and [Bool] are different types.


Valid expression of type [[Int]].

Try some experiments for yourself.

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Constructing Lists

The cons function

Lists are constructed by adding elements to the front:

42:[7,65,3] =⇒ [42,7,65,33]

EVERY LIST is constructed by a sequence of elements cons-ed onto the

front of the empty list : [].

[42,7,65,3] is another notation for 42:7:65:3:[]

The cons operator can only add elements at the front .

[7,65,3]:42 =⇒ error!

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Other Useful List Functions

Concatenate: Join lists together using (++):

[3,5,7] ++ [7,8,9] =⇒ [3,5,7,7,8,9]

Index: Select elements from a list using (!!):

[’a’,’b’,’c’,’d’] !! 2 =⇒ ’c’

Indexes start from 0.

Head and tail: Together, the dual of (:)

head [’a’,’b’,’c’,’d’] =⇒ ’a’

tail [’a’,’b’,’c’,’d’] =⇒ [’b’,’c’,’d’]

Remember "abcd" is the same as [’a’,’b’,’c’,’d’] .

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More Useful List Functions

Length: The length function:

length [42,7,65,3] =⇒ 4

Sum, product: Add or multiply the elements of a list of numbers:

sum [2,3,4] =⇒ 9

product [2,3,4] =⇒ 18

Reverse: the order of list elements:

reverse [42,7,65,3] =⇒ [3,65,7,42]

Lots more in the Prelude and the List library.

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Arithmetic Progressions

We sometimes want a list of values in an arithmetic progression.

Haskell provides a special syntax:

[5..10] =⇒ [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

To specify step sizes other than 1, give the first 2 numbers. For example:

[1, 3..10] =⇒ [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]

[0, 10..50] =⇒ [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50]

Remember that only arithmetic progressions work.

[2, 4, 8..128] is illegal.

The notation works for other types in Haskell such as Float and Char.

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Example: roots of a quadratic, revisited

A quadratic may have 0, 1 or 2 real roots.

In the earlier version, we raised an error if there was 0, and returned a pair

containing the same value twice, if there was 1.

Alternatively, we can return a list of 0, 1 or 2 elements, depending on the


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roots :: Float -> Float -> Float -> [Float]

roots a b c

| discrim == 0 = [ -b/(2*a) ]

| discrim > 0 = [ (-b + (sqrt discrim ))/(2*a),

(-b - (sqrt discrim ))/(2*a) ]

| otherwise = []


discriminant = b^2 - 4*a*c

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What are the types of (:), (++), (!!), length . . . ?

Since a list can have elements of any type, (:) has to work for any type.

(Infinitely many of them.)

Notice that all these functions change or inspect the structure of the list

without touching the elements .

In other words, you don’t need to know what the list elements are to work out

its length:

length [ �, �, �, �, � ] =⇒ 5

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Functions like these are generic as they work on lists of any type. We call

them polymorphic functions, and we write their types using type variables.

A single definition of a polymorphic function is sufficient for all types.

For example, a function to return the first element of a pair can be defined

like this:

fst (x,y) = x

and works in exactly the same way, no matter what are the types of x and y.

(In languages without polymorphism, you would have to write separate definitions for

fst for each different pair of element types that you wanted to handle. Each time the

code would be identical, possibly apart from a type declaration.)

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Polymorphic Types

How do we write the types of polymorphic functions? With type variables :

(:) :: a -> [a] -> [a]

(++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]

length :: [a] -> Int

fst :: (a,b) -> a

We say length has type [a] -> Int for all types a.

When we apply a polymorphic function all occurrences are instantiated to

the same type, so (++) can have types like:

(++) :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]

(++) :: [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]

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Polymorphism or Overloading?

Recall that (+) works on different types: Int, Float, etc.

We said (+) was overloaded and had type

(+) :: Num a => a -> a -> a

What’s the difference between polymorphism and overloading?

A polymorphic function has a single definition that works on all


An overloaded function has different definitions for different types.

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Polymorphism or Overloading? (ctd)

The definition of fst above works for any types a and b.

In contrast, the equality operator (==) has a different definition for different

types. Equality on Int is a built in operation, but equality on pairs depends

on there being an equality operation on its component types, and has a


(x,y) == (a,b) = (x == a) && (y == b)

There is another different definition of (==) for lists, triples, and so on.

Not every type has an equality operation.

There is a class of types that have equality operations. The type of (==) is:

(==) :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool

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Repetition, Recursion, Induction

Reading: Thompson Ch.7

COMP1100 — Introduction to Programming and Algorithms

Clem Baker-Finch

Australian National University

Semester 1, 2006

COMP 1100 — Repetition, Recursion, Induction 1

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So far all our functions have used a fixed number of operations .

There are some functions that require an different number of operations,

depending on the input.

An obvious example is the factorial function:

factorialn = 1×2×·· ·×n

Another is the standard sum function that sums the elements of a list of


sum [x1,x2 . . .xn] =⇒ x1 +x2 + · · ·+xn

How can we define such functions in Haskell?

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• The number of operations to calculate both factorial and sum depends

on the input (n in this case);

• A certain computation (× in factorial, + in sum) is repeatedly used


The fundamental way to implement this kind of repetition is by a

programming technique called recursion .

It is intimately related to the mathematical idea of induction .

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Calculating factorial n

The elipsis (. . . ) in the description of factorial gives us the general idea, but

how to write a precise definition?

Looking for clues:

fact 0 = 1

fact 1 = 1

fact 2 = 1 * 2

fact 3 = 1 * 2 * 3

fact 4 = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4

fact 5 = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5


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See the pattern?

fact 5 = 5 * fact 4

fact 4 = 4 * fact 3

fact 3 = 3 * fact 2

fact 2 = 2 * fact 1

fact 1 = 1 * fact 0

fact 0 = 1


Generalising all except the fact 0 case, they are of the form:

fact n = n * fact (n-1)

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Combining the special case and the general case:

fact 0 = 1

fact n = n * fact (n-1)

Which is a correct Haskell definition — Too easy!

Notice the correspondence to mathematical induction:

• The definition has a base case, fact 0 , and

• a step case, fact n defined in term of fact (n-1)

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Another example

The standard prelude has a function

replicate :: Int -> a -> [a]

where replicate n x gives us a list of n occurrences of x:

replicate 0 x = [] = []

replicate 1 x = [x] = x : []

replicate 2 x = [x,x] = x : x : []

replicate 3 x = [x,x,x] = x : x : x : []

replicate 4 x = [x,x,x,x] = x : x : x : x : []


COMP 1100 — Repetition, Recursion, Induction 7

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See the pattern?

replicate 4 x = x : replicate 3 x

replicate 3 x = x : replicate 2 x

replicate 2 x = x : replicate 1 x

replicate 1 x = x : replicate 0 x

replicate 0 x = []

So the definition is

replicate 0 x = []

replicate n x = x : replicate (n-1) x

( Again, notice the induction on n. )

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Lists are Recursive Structures

Every lists is constructed by a sequence of elements cons-ed onto the

empty list.

[ x1,x2,x3, . . .xn ] = x1 : (x2 : (x3 : . . . : (xn : [ ])))

A list is either:

1. the empty list []

2. constructed by cons-ing an element onto the front of another list

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List Patterns

Every list has either of the forms:

• []

• (x:xs) where x is an element and xs is a list

Last week we used pattern matching to define functions on tuples:

fst :: (a,b) -> a

fst (x,y) = x

When we evaluate an expression like:

fst (10 ,66)

10 is bound to x, and 66 is bound to y in the definition of fst.

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We can similarly use list patterns to define functions on tuples:

head :: [a] -> a

head (x:xs) = x

tail :: [a] -> [a]

tail (x:xs) = xs

When we evaluate

tail [11,12,13,4,5]

11 is bound to x, and [12,12,4,5] is bound to xs,

so the result (xs) is [12,12,4,5]

(Notice that neither head nor tail has a case for []. They are partial functions.)

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There are two basic list patterns, so in general functions over lists will

use both of them.

null :: [a] -> Bool

null [] = True

null (x:xs) = False

If we evaluate

null [11,12,13,4,5]

Haskell will first attempt to match [11,12,13,4,5] to the pattern [] in

the first clause of the definition and fail. Haskell will then attempt it match it

to the pattern (x:xs) in the second clause and succeed (as in the

previous slide). Hence the result will be the right hand side of the successful

clause — False.

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Recursive List Functions

Return to our initial question: how to define a function to sum the elements

of a list of numbers.

Compare the sum calculation with the structure of the list:

x1 + (x2 + (x3 + ... (xn + 0 )))

x1 : (x2 : (x3 : ... (xn : [])))

(I admit choosing the parentheses and including the “+ 0” to make this look right.)

Notice the direct correspondence:

• instead of [] we have 0

• instead of (:) we have (+)

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The list patterns immediately suggest a starting point:

sum [] = ...

sum (x:xs) = ...

The correspondence on the previous slide suggests the right hand sides.

The sum function substitutes 0 for [] and (+) for (:) to give

sum :: Num a => [a] -> a

sum [] = 0

sum (x:xs) = x + sum xs

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The evaluation of a call of sum proceeds as follows:

sum [2,5,7,1] =⇒ 2+sum [5,7,1]

=⇒ 2+(5+sum [7,1])

=⇒ 2+(5+(7+sum [1]))

=⇒ 2+(5+(7+(1+sum [])))

=⇒ 2+(5+(7+(1+0)))

=⇒ 15

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Another Example

Define a function to multiply every element of a list of numbers by 2.

Compare the double calculation with the structure of the list:

x1*2 : x2*2 : x3*2 : ... : xn*2 : []

x1 : x2 : x3 : ... : xn : []

Notice the direct correspondence:

• instead of each xi we have xi*2

• where we had [] we still have []

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The list patterns suggest a starting point:

double [] = ...

double (x:xs) = ...

The correspondence gives us the right hand sides:

double [] = []

double (x:xs) = x*2 : double xs

Applying the same function to every element of a list is a very common


This pattern of recursion is coded up as the map function. (More later.)

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Modules and Assignment 1

COMP1100 — Introduction to Programming and Algorithms

Clem Baker-Finch

Australian National University

Semester 1, 2006

COMP 1100 — Modules & PPM 1

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• Assignment 1 is now available.

Due date: 12 noon, Monday 3rd April 2006.

See the COMP1100 web site.

• Reminder — Drop-in lab sessions.

For help with course material, practical exercises, assignments, etc.

– Monday 10-11am in N116

– Thursday 10-11am in N116

COMP 1100 — Modules & PPM 2

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Modules in Haskell

Programs can grow to hundreds of thousands of lines of code.

How can we manage such complexity?


Decompose the system into smaller strongly related modules .

Aim: details of each module are only relevant within that module.

Separation of concerns: HOW versus WHAT.

All(?) programming languages provide a mechanism for splitting a program

into separate modules .

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Benefits of Good Modularisation

• Structuring tool to simplify program design

• Simultaneous development of modules by multiple teams

• Parts of the program can be understood in isolation

• Easier to change parts of the program without affecting others

• Code can be re-used — e.g. the Haskell library modules

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Modular Design

The fundamental activity in the software design process. But how?

• Each module should correspond to a single abstraction

• Each module should have a clearly defined purpose

• It should be possible to understand each module in isolation

• Modules should be easy to test individually

In most cases, modules should correspond to an abstract data type.

That is, a type that models some aspect of the problem domain .

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Modules in Haskell

A module in Haskell is a script where the first line of code is:

module Pixel where

The name of this module is Pixel. Module names begin with a capital letter.

In general, modules should be in files with the same name.

The Pixel module should be in a file called Pixel.hs.

To use the definitions of one module in another, it must be imported:

module PPM where

import Pixel

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Example – Assignment 1

Assignment 1: build some computer image manipulation tools:

rotate, flip, desaturate . . .

Step 1: Analyse the Problem

How are images represented on computers?

Computers represent images by a grid of coloured dots, called pixels.

The pixels are so small that, when displayed on a computer screen, they

appear to merge into a smooth image.

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Abstract Data Types

Immediately from a simple problem analysis we can infer:

• The problem involves a type of things called Pixel

• The problem involves a type of things called Image

• Pixels have a type of things called Colour

How do we represent these abstract data types in Haskell?

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There are many ways to represent colours. A simple one is RGB.

To specify a colour, you say how much red, how much green, and how much

blue is in the colour, and the usual range is 0 . . . 255 for each value.

White is 0 red, 0 green, 0 blue.

Black is 255, 255, 255.

Red is 255, 0, 0.

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Pixel Module

To represent the pixel abstract data type, what goes in module Pixel?

• A type for representing the values of pixel type

• All the core functions operating on pixels

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Representing Images

A “grid” of pixels . . . ?

In Haskell:

Each row can be a list of pixels.

Each image can be a list of rows.

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PPM File Format

As well as our internal Haskell image representation, we need to deal with

the external representation of images in files.

There are many file formats (jpeg, gif, eps, psd, pdf, . . . )

We will use a very (very) simple one: Portable Pixel Map (.ppm)

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PPM Module

The PPM module will include the (internal) representation of images.

Since images are made from pixels, module PPM will import Pixel

Core operations on images include:

• decoding PPM file format to values of type Image

• encoding values of type Image to PPM file format

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Image Transformation Modules

Each image transformation tool will be developed in a separate module.

User Interaction Module

Another module (module Main) contains the user interaction:

get an input file; apply the transformation; produce an output file.

(A whole program at last!)

Test Harness

module TestBed allows us to test our image transformation tools more

interactively and more conveniently than the Main module allows . . .

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Understanding Recursive Definitions

Through Interpretive Dance

(and other techniques)

COMP1100 — Introduction to Programming and Algorithms

Clem Baker-Finch

Australian National University

Semester 1, 2006

COMP 1100 — Understanding Recursive Definitions 1

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Recursion is ubiquitous in programming, including Haskell.

Recursion is the fundamental technique for implementing repetition in any

computation, any programming language.

Any other techniques (loops) can always be transformed to recursion.

General recursion cannot be directly implemented using loops.

Recursive definitions can be confusing at first, so here are some ideas that

might help you understand them.

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Understanding recursion by . . .

correspondence with the list structure

(We did this last week.)

Compare the sum calculation with the structure of the list:

x1 + (x2 + (x3 + ... (xn + 0 )))

x1 : (x2 : (x3 : ... (xn : [])))

Notice the direct correspondence:

• instead of [] we have 0

• instead of (:) we have (+)

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The sum function traverses the list:

• replacing [] with 0

• replacing (:) with (+)

sum [] = 0

sum (x:xs) = x + sum xs

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How about the length of a list?

1 + (1 + (1 + ... (1 + 0 )))

x1 : (x2 : (x3 : ... (xn : [])))

• instead of [] we have 0

• instead of (:) we have (+)

• instead of each xi we have 1


length [] = 0

length (x:xs) = 1 + length xs

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Understanding recursion by . . .

interpretive dance

• Get some friends together

• Each play a role in the computation

length [] = 0

length (x:xs) = 1 + length xs

(This is no fun by yourself.)

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Another one?

sum [] = 0

sum (x:xs) = x + sum xs

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Accumulating Parameters

Forget programming for a moment.

How would you count the elements in a list?

like this?

a : (b : (c : (d : [])))

4 3 2 1 0

or like this?

a : (b : (c : (d : [])))

0 1 2 3 4

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Length of a list — accumulating parameter

Use an extra parameter to keep a running total:

count :: [a] -> Int -> Int

count [] total = total

count (x:xs) total = count xs (total +1)

Start the count at zero:

length :: [a] -> Int

length xs = count xs 0

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Understanding recursion by . . .

trusting the recursive call

• Pick out the recursive call

• Suppose it works

• Think about the definition

length [] = 0

length (x:xs) = 1 + length xs

(This is like solo intepretive dance.)

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Another one?

sum [] = 0

sum (x:xs) = x + sum xs

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Sum a list of numbers — accumulator

addUp :: Num a => [a] -> a -> a

addUp [] total = total

addUp (x:xs) total = addUp xs (total+x)

sum :: Num a => [a] -> a

sum xs = addUp xs 0

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Patterns of Recursion

Higher Order Functions

Reading: Thompson Ch.9

COMP1100 — Introduction to Programming and Algorithms

Clem Baker-Finch

Australian National University

Semester 1, 2006

COMP 1100 — Higher Order Functions 1

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Patterns of Recursion

Polymorphism allows us to reuse code because the same function can be

applied to different types.

Another mechanism for reuse is to recognise patterns of computation and

design functions that embody those patterns.

For example, we often need to:

• transform every list element in some uniform way

• select out the list elements that satisfy some property

• combine the elements of a list using some operator

COMP 1100 — Higher Order Functions 2

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We often want to transform each element of a list in some way, eg:

• double every element of a list of numbers

• increment each element of a list of numbers

• convert each character of a string to upper case

For the PPM example, to select the red channel for an image, we apply a

function that selects the red channel of a pixel to every pixel in a row , then

apply that process to every row in the image .

We call this pattern of computation, mapping .

COMP 1100 — Higher Order Functions 3

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Three examples:

double :: [Int] -> [Int]

double [] = []

double (x:xs) = 2*x : double xs

incr :: [Int] -> [Int]

incr [] = []

incr (x:xs) = x+1 : incr xs

upperCase :: [Char] -> [Char]

upperCase [] = []

upperCase (x:xs) = toUpper x : upperCase xs

COMP 1100 — Higher Order Functions 4

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How do they differ?

double [] = []

double (x:xs) = 2*x : double xs

incr [] = []

incr (x:xs) = x+1 : incr xs

upperCase [] = []

upperCase (x:xs) = toUpper x : upperCase xs

• They all have the same form (pattern )

• Only differ in function applied to the elements

• Obviously, other functions could be used in the same way

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Change all the names to something meaningless to further emphasise

to pattern even more:

f [] = []

f (x:xs) = 2*x : f xs

g [] = []

g (x:xs) = x+1 : g xs

h [] = []

h (x:xs) = toUpper x : h xs

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Make those trasformation functions arguments to a function representing the

form of the definition. Such a mapping function will take two arguments:

• a function to transform the elements

• a list

This is exactly the function map defined in the prelude:

map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

map f [] = []

map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs

Functions that take other functions as arguments are called higher-order .

Notice that map is also polymorphic .

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Now we can use map to define double, incr and upperCase:

double xs = map (2*) xs

incr xs = map (+1) xs

upperCase xs = map toUpper xs

Sample trace of computation:

map (2*) [3, 9] =

map (2*) (3 : (9 : []))

=⇒ 2*3 : (map (2*) (9 : []))

=⇒ 2*3 : 2*9 : (map (2*) [])

=⇒ 2*3 : 2*9 : []

=⇒ [6, 18]

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What are the advantages of this approach?

• The map function is a good example of abstraction and generalisation .

• If you understand WHAT map does, definitions that use it are easier to

understand. You don’t need to think about HOW it works.

• Code re-use is a cornerstone of modern software engineering practices.

map can be re-used for all functions of this form.

(Similar advantage to polymorphism.)

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We may want to select the elements of a list with some property in common.

For example, we may wish to select the digits in a string:

getDigits [] = []

getDigits (x:xs)

| isDigit x = x : getDigits xs

| otherwise = getDigits xs

or the negative numbers in a list:

getNegs [] = []

getNegs (x:xs)

| x < 0 = x : getNegs xs

| otherwise = getNegs xs

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How do they differ?

getDigits [] = []

getDigits (x:xs)

| isDigit x = x : getDigits xs

| otherwise = getDigits xs

getNegs [] = []

getNegs (x:xs)

| x < 0 = x : getNegs xs

| otherwise = getNegs xs

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Extract a function to represent the common form of the selection algorithm:

filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]

filter p [] = []

filter p (x:xs)

| p x = x : filter p xs

| otherwise = filter p xs

filter takes a predicate (a Bool-valued function) and a list as arguments,

and returns the sub-list as result.

Now we can write:

getDigits xs = filter isDigit xs

getNegs xs = filter (< 0) xs

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We often want to combine all the elements of a list into a single value in a

uniform way.

For example, the standard function sum adds together all the elements of a

list. concat combines a list of lists by the operator (++).

Recall the sum computation:

x1 + (x2 + (x3 + ... (xn + 0 )))

x1 : (x2 : (x3 : ... (xn : [])))

which has the same pattern as concat:

x1 ++ (x2 ++ (x3 ++ ... (xn ++ [])))

x1 : (x2 : (x3 : ... (xn : [])))

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The pattern on the previous slide is fold right :

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b

foldr f z [] = z

foldr f z (x:xs) = f x (foldr f z xs)

which is a bit harder to grasp that map or filter.

Think of what it does, rather than the definition.

foldr (+) 0 [x1 , .. xn] = x1 + (x2 + .. (xn + 0)))

foldr (++) [] [x1 , .. xn] = x1 ++ (x2 ++ .. (xn ++ [])))

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There is also a fold left :

foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a

foldl f z [] = z

foldl f z (x:xs) = foldl f (f z x) xs

In fact, the standard Prelude definition of sum is in terms of foldl:

sum xs = foldl (+) 0 xs

For example, sum [x1, x2 .. xn] is:

foldl (+) 0 [x1 , x2 .. xn] = (((0 + x1) + x2) + ... xn)

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The fold functions are extremely general patterns of recursion (even map can

be defined using fold) . . .

. . . and they correspond nicely to some loop structures in procedural

languages . . .

. . . but I think they are harder to understand . . .

. . . so they might be a bit difficult for an introductory programming course.

Look for some other useful standard higher-orderfunctions, e.g.

zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]

takeWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]

dropWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]

COMP 1100 — Higher Order Functions 16

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Data Directed Design

Reading: Thompson Ch.6

COMP1100 — Introduction to Programming and Algorithms

Clem Baker-Finch

Australian National University

Semester 1, 2006

COMP 1100 — Data Directed Design 1

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• Mid-semester exam:

– Melville Hall 6 to 7pm Monday 3 April 2006

– Open-book (except ANU library books)

• Drop-in labs in N116:

– Week 5:

∗ Thursday 10 – 12am

– Week 6:

∗ Monday 10 – 12am

∗ Thursday 10 – 12am

– Week 7:

∗ Monday 10 – 12am

COMP 1100 — Data Directed Design 2

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Program Design

In earlier lectures we looked at how to think about designing functions.

The key idea was abstraction — breaking the problem into smaller parts to

reduce the complexity of components we need to manage at one time.

Now that we know a little about modules we should look again at how we

might go about analysing the problem to identify the manageable parts .

The approach we will take is called Data Directed Design .

A key step is to identify the types of data the problem involves.

COMP 1100 — Data Directed Design 3

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Example: Supermarket Docket

We will work through an example based on a part of a supermarket checkout


The full system involves hardware such as the scanner and till, software to

take the sequence of scans (barcodes) and produce the final bill, and lots of

other activities, organisational procedures such as the operation of the

checkout, management of the database of products and so on. This is part

of a larger integrated system to deal with stock management, bookkeeping,

and all the other matters to do with running a business.

We will look at a small part of the overall system:

• the scanner produces a sequence of barcodes

• we produce an itemised docket with a total cost

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For example, the scanner produces a sequence of barcodes, like:

4719 1112 1113 3814 1234

and our program will print:

Alonzo’s Mega-Mart

Frozen Pizza..............6.49

Mars Bar..................1.60

Unknown Item..............0.00

Hokkien Noodles...........2.05

Chianti, 1lt.............17.95


COMP 1100 — Data Directed Design 5

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The strategy we will follow is Data Directed Design .

I strongly recommend that you follow this strategy. It consists of a

sequence of well-defined steps.

1. Understand the Problem

• Thoroughly analyse the aims and requirements of the problem.

• Work some examples by hand.

• Ask questions (of yourself and others) and look for special cases.

For example, what should be done if the barcode does not appear in the


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2. Identify the Objects

What are the “things” that the problem involves?

Abstract Data Types (ADTs) are “types” related to the problem domain

rather than the programming language.

For the supermarket problem, I identified:

• barcodes, names and prices of items

• sequences of barcodes from the scanner

• the database linking barcodes to items and prices

• the docket itself

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These ADTs are not all independent concepts, and some are much simpler

than others.

The hierarchy and relations between the ADTs:


barcode itemname




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Choose some names for the ADTs

TillType : sequence of barcodes

BarCode : bar codes

Name : name of item

Price : price of item

Database : database of supermarket stock

Docket : printed bill

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3. Identify Basic Operations on Objects

All data types are completely determined by the operations on that


TillType: Process in sequence — extract the first bar code, then the

second etc.

BarCode: Compare for equality. Depending on Database representation,

we may want other relational operations.

Price: Arithmetic and reading.

Database: Look up information about an item, using Barcode as an index.

Realistically, we would want other operations to maintain and update the

database, too.

Name and Docket: No operations in program, but read by system users.

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There is never only one correct answer. For example, I keep talking about

“items” so they should probably be included as another ADT.

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4. Choose Representations of Objects

Based on the operations identified above, choose appropriate types to

represent the ADTs.

TillType: Only needing sequential processing suggests that a simple list

would be sufficient:

type TillType = [BarCode]

BarCode: I don’t know enough about bar codes to make an informed

judgement. Why an integer? Do we ever do arithmetic on a bar code?


type BarCode = Int

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Name: A string of characters is sufficient.

type Name = String

Price: The obvious choices are Float (number of dollars) or Int (number

of cents). In general, Int is preferred.

type Price = Int

Docket: A string, a sequence of lines (strings), a “file” or such like.

type Docket = String

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Database: There are various standard representations for look-up tables.

The simplest is an association list — an unordered sequence of records ,

each with a key and other data fields. This representation would be far too

inefficient for anything other than a tiny database. For this exercise we will

take the simple approach.

The key is Barcode. The records need to contain the bar code, the name

and the price. (We can infer that from the problem requirements.)

type Database = [ (BarCode ,Name ,Price) ]

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Two observations about the Database ADT:

• The operations are not so straightforward;

• It is easy to imagine the database ADT being used for purposes other

that this specific exercise.

Generally, for all but the simplest ADTs, it is appropriate to build them in their

own module.

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There are several advantages to packaging ADT in modules:

• While developing that module we can concentrate on HOW and ignore

WHY it is needed;

• In the main application we can ignore how the ADT is implemented as

long as we understand WHAT it does;

• Modifications to the ADT are confined to that module, rather than being

scattered through a program;

• Module systems allow the programmer to control misuse of an ADT

through export restrictions. That is, only certain operations are


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5. Implement Basic Operations on Objects

TillType = [BarCode]

The operations (sequential processing) are simple enough that the standard

functions (list patterns) correspond.

BarCode = Int

No other operations other than equality comparison (==).

Price = Int

Standard arithmetic operations. We also need to display the price as dollars

and cents. This formatting could also be considered a Docket operation.

formatCents :: Price -> String

formatTotal :: Price -> String

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Docket = String

Name = String

Standard string processing operations.

Database = [ (BarCode, Name, Price) ]

A lookup function: given a bar code, return the record with that key.

find :: Database -> BarCode -> (Name ,Price)

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6. Factor Process into Manageable Parts

We now have some objects (types) and basic operations with which to

construct our solution.

We need to break the overall solution process down into manageable parts.

The top-level function is:

printBill :: TillType -> Docket

How can we break that down into smaller parts?

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One possible approach is to factor it into two parts:

1. look up the items

2. create the docket from the name and price information

This suggests the following operations:

makeBill :: TillType -> BillType

formatBill :: BillType -> Docket

where the list of item information is a new type:

type BillType = [(Name ,Price)]

Design is an iterative process. We have introduced a new data type into

the design, so steps 2, 3, 4 and 5 must be repeated for that type.

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The main operation (printBill) is just makeBill and formatBill in


“Sequencing” corresponds to function composition, so we have:

printBill codes = formatBill (makeBill codes)

Now we can concentrate on the two simpler functions.

Do they need to be factored down further?

Can they be easily implemented (in terms of the basic operations on the


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makeBill obviously operates on TillType and the Database, so its

definition will involve the look-up function and operations to retrieve bar

codes from lists of bar codes.

printBill needs to construct a heading, a body and a total line. The body

and the total line will depend on the names and prices of the items

purchased (BillType):

formatLines :: BillType -> String

totalLine :: BillType -> String

totalLine will be further factored into a function to compute the total and a

function to display that value:

makeTotal :: BillType -> Price

formatTotal :: Price -> String

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The design process is never that straightforward.

We learn as we design, so we make mistakes and omissions.

You should always expect to review , revisit and redesign .

Software development is an iterative process, gradually refining to a final


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Process (Function) Hierarchy


find formatLines





makeTotal formatTotal


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Summary of Data Directed Design Process

1. Understand the Problem

2. Identify the Objects

3. Identify the Basic Operations on Objects

4. Choose Representations of the Objects

5. Implement the Basic Operations on Objects

6. Factor the Process into Manageable Parts

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Input and Output

COMP1100 — Introduction to Programming and Algorithms

Clem Baker-Finch

Australian National University

Semester 1, 2006

COMP 1100 — Input and Output 1

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Assignment 1 hint, clarification, advice

Tutors and I have been asked by lots of students for help with transformation

functions that take more than one argument, such as

threshold :: Int -> Image -> Image

In TestBed.hs, you can’t pass threshold to the transform test function

because it’s the wrong type.

Partial application is the key idea.

(threshold 100) is a function of type Image -> Image, which is the

right type for transform. You should evaluate

transform (threshold 100)

COMP 1100 — Input and Output 2

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The same advice holds for the function arguments to map.

If you have a threshold function for pixels, like:

thresholdPixel :: Int -> Pixel -> Pixel

which you want to map over every element of a list of pixels (i.e. a Row),

again you need to partially apply that function to get the right type:

(thresholdPixel 100) is a function of type Pixel -> Pixel.

I don’t want to give too much away, but:

thresholdRow :: Int -> Row -> Row

thresholdRow level rows = map (thresholdPixel level) rows

COMP 1100 — Input and Output 3

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What’s a Program?

So far, we have concentrated on pure functions — they take arguments,

perform a computation , and return a result.

To use such functions we have used the program GHCi which interacts

with the user.

A program running on a computer interacts with its environment .

The most basic kinds of actions are input and output :

• input from the keyboard or a file (e.g. ppm image files)

• output to the screen or a file (e.g. ppm image files)

(Other interactions include communication with devices, networks etc.)

COMP 1100 — Input and Output 4

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A Haskell Program

• A module called Main, containing

• a function main of type IO ()

module Main where

main :: IO ()

main = print (map factorial [0..10])

factorial :: Int -> Int

factorial 0 = 1

factorial n = n * factorial (n-1)

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Compiling Programs

We use the GHC compiler to translate the Haskell program to machine


ghc Factorials.hs -o factorials

This produces a machine-language program (in the file factorials) which

can be run independently:



COMP 1100 — Input and Output 6

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print is a function which prints any value which has a text representation.

What happens if we apply print to a string?

print "Hello World"

If we want to print the contents of a string we use

putStr "Hello World"


putStrLn "Hello World"

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Interaction and Computation

Programs are generally composed of an inner computational kernel and an

outer interaction shell:







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Haskell Separates Interaction from Computation

Most languages don’t clearly distinguish these two aspects.

Haskell does it by means of types .

All the types we have seen so far are “computation” types.

For example, the expression

"Hello " ++ "World!"

denotes a computation, and the function

(++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]

is a pure function — it only computes a result string from two input strings.

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IO types

Input/output actions always have a type of the form IO a

where a is the result of the I/O operation.

For example, the expression

putStr "Hello World!"

has type IO () where the () indicates that no result is returned.

The type of putStr is

putStr :: String -> IO ()

The result of the putStr function is not only a value (),

but also an IO interaction.

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Combining Actions

Unlike pure functions, we cannot combine IO functions by composing them.

putStr getLine

doesn’t work, because getLine has type IO String but putStr expects a

pure String, not an IO action that produces a String.

Haskell distinguishes between computations and interactions by types.

Order of execution

In pure computations, there is some freedom for the system to choose the

order in which subcomputations are performed. That is not the case with IO

actions. We must specify the sequence.

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The do Notation

When we want to combine IO actions we use the do notation:


<statement #1>

<statement #2>


<statement #n>

where each statement is an IO action.

Whenever we want the result of an action, we can use a statement of the


v <- <action>

to bind the result of the action to some variable v .

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Now we can combine getLine and putStr as follows:


input <- getLine

putStr input

Since getLine has type IO String, the variable input has type String,

which can be passed to putStr.

Of course, IO types can be used in function definitions:

echoLine :: IO ()

echoLine = do

input <- getLine

putStr input

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Defining Interaction Functions

As with computations, we can define functions that encapsulate useful

interaction patterns. The following ask function poses a question and waits

for the user’s response.

The question is passed as a String argument, and the result is an IO

action that produces a String:

ask :: String -> IO String

ask question = do

putStr question


An example using ask is in HelloYou.hs

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Showing and Reading Values

IO actions getLine and putStr allow us to read and write Strings.

The functions readLn and print read and write lots of other types of


askNumber :: String -> IO Float

askNumber question = do

putStr question


Examples using askNumber include Sum2Nums.hs and


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Conditions and Repetition in IO Actions

We want to write a program that reads a line of text, then outputs it after

converting all characters to upper case (see week 4 lab exercises).

The program should repeat the process until an empty line is entered.

The computational part should be familiar:

stringToUpper :: String -> String

stringToUpper chs = map toUpper chs

The whole program is Upper.hs

Notice how the computational part (stringToUpper) is quarantined from

the interaction part.

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The upperLine Function

The repeated interaction is:

1. get a line

line <- getLine

2. if it’s empty, return (that is, escape the repetition)

if line == "" then return ()

3. otherwise convert to upper case, print, and repeat the process (recurse)

else do

putStrLn (allUpper line)

upperLine -- recursive call

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Notes on upperLine syntax

• The then and else branches are indented because they belong to the

statement starting with if.

(Remember the off-side rule.)

• As there are two statements in the else branch, we need another do to

put them together.

SumNums.hs is another program, similar to Upper.hs, which adds up a

sequence of numbers entered at the keyboard.

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File I/O

All examples so far have been about reading from the keyboard and writing

to the screen.

Programs must also be able to access and modify files on disk, etc.

(For example, assignment 1 manipulates ppm files.)

The three simplest standard functions are:

type FilePath = String

writeFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()

appendFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()

readFile :: FilePath -> IO String

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• Values of the FilePath denote files using the usual path syntax, eg


• WriteFile path str creates a new file called path and writes str

into the file.

If a file with that name already exists, it is overwritten.

• appendFile path str adds str to the end of an already existing file

called path.

• readFile path reads the entire contents of the file called path and

returns it as a string.

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A simple program to read the name of a file from the keyboard, read the file,

then print it to the screen:

main :: IO ()

main = do

putStr "Name of file: " -- to screen

path <- getLine -- from keyboard

contents <- readFile path -- from file

putStrLn contents -- to screen

Example: Cat.hs

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File contents as a single string. . .

readFile returns a single string being the contents of the file.

Demonstration: Contents.hs

Often we want to deal with each line separately. The standard, pure function:

lines :: String -> [String]

breaks a string into a list of lines at each new line character ’\n’

The dual of lines is

unlines :: [String] -> String

Example: PickLine.hs

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There is also a pure function that breaks a string into separate “words” by

looking for space or newline characters:

words :: String -> [String]

unwords :: [String] -> String

Example: Alpha.hs

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Showing and Reading Values . . . Revisited

Recall the functions readLn and print that can read and write non-string

values of various types.

In fact they are defined in terms of string I/O functions and two standard

pure functions, show and read.

• show converts values to their string representation.

e.g. show 42 =⇒ "42"

• read is the dual of show: it converts string representations to values.

e.g. read "42" =⇒ 42

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Not every type of value has a string representation so the types of show and

read are not:

show :: a -> String

read :: String -> a

because not every type can be substituted for a. show and read are not

polymorphic. They are overloaded, so their types are:

show :: Show a => a -> String

read :: Read a => String -> a

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print is defined using show and putStrLn:

print :: Show a => a -> IO ()

print value = putStrLn (show value)

readLn is defined using read and getLine:

readLn :: Read a => IO a

readLn = do

line <- getLine

return (read line)

Advice: Don’t always try to write programs from scratch.

Re-use code that you have written, I have written, from textbooks, etc.

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Algebraic Data Types

COMP1100 — Introduction to Programming and Algorithms

Reading: Thompson Ch.14

Clem Baker-Finch

Australian National University

Semester 1, 2006

COMP 1100 — Algebraic Data Types 1

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Assignment 1 Submission and Marking

• Assignment 1 is due on Monday 3rd April at 12 noon

• Submission is on-line using the command:

submit comp1100 Asst1 <files>

• Assessment is in two parts:

1. Demonstrate your programs to your tutor during week 7 lab



2. Your tutor will mark your submitted scripts for correctness, style

and technique.

COMP 1100 — Algebraic Data Types 2

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Defining Our Own Data Types

So far we have only used the pre-defined and constructed types of Haskell.

For representing “real-world” data types, we can do a lot with just those

types, possibly re-naming them with synonyms.

However, some “real-world” data types do not naturally correspond to

standard types and requires some kind of coding.

For example, to represent the months of the year or the days of the week, we

could use the integers 1–12 and 1–7 respectively.

In that case, it is not clear whether a literal 3 represents March, Tuesday,

Wednesday, the value 3, . . .

COMP 1100 — Algebraic Data Types 3

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Other examples where data type “coding” is inconvenient, unclear and


• A type which is either a number or a string (for example, in some areas

houses may have names rather than numbers).

• A tree data structure:"Freak"


"Allures" "Fury"



Any type can be represented using the pre-defined types, but the

representation may not be very natural.

Haskell’s Algebraic Data Types let us define new types to more naturally

model types like those above.

COMP 1100 — Algebraic Data Types 4

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Defining Algebraic Types

The simplest definition of an algebraic type:

• begins with the word data

• followed by the name of the new type

• followed by =

• followed by one or more alternatives separated by |

The alternatives each introduce a new constructor function which takes 0

or more arguments.

It is also possible to define polymorphic algebraic types where the

constructor functions are polymorphic.

COMP 1100 — Algebraic Data Types 5

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Enumerated Types

The simplest algebraic type definitions are just an enumeration of the

elements or values of that new type.

For example, the months of the year and the days of the week could be

defined as follows:

data Day = Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat

data Month = Jan|Feb|Mar|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec

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Another example:

data Temp = Cold | Hot

data Season = Spring | Summer | Autumn | Winter

These are new types.

Type Temp consists of only two values: Cold and Hot.

Cold and Hot are called constructors of type Temp.

Note: Constructors must begin with a capital letter (to distinguish them from

variables). Remember that type names also begin with a capital letter.

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Constructors May Appear in Patterns

That is the standard way to define functions over algebraic types. For


weather :: Season -> Temp

weather Summer = Hot

weather other = Cold

weekend :: Day -> Bool

weekend Sat = True

weekend Sun = True

weekend other = False

COMP 1100 — Algebraic Data Types 8

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Algebraic types do not automatically have operators such as equality,

ordering, show and so on. For example, the following definition:

weather :: Season -> Temp

weather s

| s == Summer = Hot

| otherwise = Cold

gives the error message:


No instance for (Eq Season)

arising from use of ‘==’ at AlgDT.hs:37:8-9


COMP 1100 — Algebraic Data Types 9

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Defining Instances

If you need some overloaded operator such as (==) to apply to an algebraic

type, you can declare it as an instance of class Eq and define the equality

function yourself:

instance Eq Temp where

Hot == Hot = True

Cold == Cold = True

_ == _ = False

This can get tedious. (Try defining Month as an instance of Ord.)

COMP 1100 — Algebraic Data Types 10

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Deriving Instances

Haskell has a standard way of deriving instances for algebraic types. In most

cases it is satisfactory but sometimes you need to define your own operators.

data Season = Spring | Summer | Autumn | Winter

deriving Eq

data Temp = Cold | Hot

deriving Eq

The clause deriving Eq makes the type an instance of type class Eq in

the “obvious” way.

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If we want to show the new values as strings, we also need to derive an

instance of class Show. Otherwise:

> weather Autumn

No instance for (Show Temp)

Probable fix: add an instance declaration for (Show Temp)

We need:

data Season = Spring | Summer | Autumn | Winter

deriving (Eq , Show)

data Temp = Cold | Hot

deriving (Eq , Show)

Often we also want to derive an instance of classes Ord and Enum so that

we can use the relational operators and progressions, such as [Mon..Fri].

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Union Types

Example: A program may be concerned with various geometrical shapes.

Using an enumerated type we can distinguish between different kinds of

shapes, but we cannot carry other information such as dimensions.

data Shape = Circle | Rectangle

The alternatives in a data definition can include other types, rather than

being simple constants like Hot and Cold.

data Shape = Circle Float | Rectangle Float Float

deriving (Eq, Show)

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Now Circle is a constructor function .

> :type Circle

Circle :: Float -> Shape

In other words, Circle constructs a Shape from any Float value.

similarly, Rectangle constructs a Shape from two Float values:

> :type Rectangle

Rectangle :: Float -> Float -> Shape

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Constructor Functions May Appear in Patterns

Constructor functions are the only functions that can appear in patterns.

For example:

isRound :: Shape -> Bool

isRound (Circle r) = True

isRound (Rectangle l b) = False

area :: Shape -> Float

area (Circle r) = pi * r^2

area (Rectangle l b) = l * b

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Recursive Algebraic Types

It is possible to use the algebraic type being defined in a data definition

within its own definition. That means the type itself is recursive .

Lists are a common example of a recursive type. A list is either:

• empty , or

• it consists of a head and a tail where the tail is also a list .

An algebraic type declaration that mirrors the built-in type of lists:

data List = Empty | Cons Int List

deriving (Eq , Ord , Show)

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Another standard example of a recursive data type is the Tree structure

shown at the beginning of this section.

A Binary Tree is either:

• empty , or

• it consists of a node containing some value and left and right subtrees

where the subtrees are also binary trees .

An example where the node values are strings:

data Tree = Null | Node String Tree Tree

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Polymorphic Algebraic Types

The last two examples are constrained in the sense that type List

represents only lists of integers and Tree only represents binary trees of


It is possible to define lists and trees of any component type as follows:

data List a = Empty | Cons a (List a)

deriving (Eq , Ord , Show)

data Tree a = Null | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)

COMP 1100 — Algebraic Data Types 18

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Algebraic Data Types Case Study:

A Graphics Package

COMP1100 — Introduction to Programming and Algorithms

Clem Baker-Finch

Australian National University

Semester 1, 2006

COMP 1100 — Algebraic Data Types Case Study 1

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Algebraic Data Types Case Study

This section studies the development a graphics package written in

Haskell. The focus is on the use of algebraic data types in the program.

A Graphics Package

There are two important initial design questions:

• How to represent pictures in Haskell

• How to display those pictures

Our focus will be on the first question.

COMP 1100 — Algebraic Data Types Case Study 2

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The Graphics package is available at

/dept/dcs/comp1100/public/ANUPlot/. It provides simple 2-D

graphics and animation.

It is built on top of the Haskell OpenGL binding. OpenGL is widely used in

CAD, computer games, visualisation etc.

The week 7 practical exercises give basic directions on using ANUPlot.

There are also a number of examples in


COMP 1100 — Algebraic Data Types Case Study 3

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Representing Pictures in Haskell

The system will be based on plane co-ordinate geometry .

Each point will be represented as a pair of Float values:

type Point = (Float ,Float)

Each unit will correspond to a single pixel, so we could have chosen to

represent points as (Int, Int). There are advantages and disadvantages

but such a choice would be less extensible.

COMP 1100 — Algebraic Data Types Case Study 4

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Picture Components

The package will allow for the drawing of lines, text and polygons.

A picture will consist of a collection of such things, each of type Component.

A picture will be a list of Components. The order of the list indicate the

layering of components, if they overlap.

type Picture = [Component]

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Lines are specified by a sequence of points, representing the beginning and

end of each segment.

Polygons are similarly represented by a sequence of points being the

vertices of the polygon.

We call a sequence of points a Path:

type Path = [Point]

Text components consist of a string.

By default, text components always appear at the origin, which is the central

point of the window opened by the drawing function.

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Since pictures consist of different kinds of objects , an algebraic type

seems appropriate.

data Component = Line Path

| Polygon Path

| Text String

An example of a Line component:

square :: Component

square = Line [(72 ,72), (144,72), (144 ,144) ,

(72 ,144), (72 ,72)]

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An example of a Text component:

title :: Component

title = Text "A square"

Combining square and title into a picture:

picture :: Picture

picture = [square , title]


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Notice that the text component is at the origin, horizontal, and a

pre-determined size.

Obviously we need to be able to move things around in the window when

composing pictures.

We could transform individual Components, but it’s more convenient to

transform collections of components.

But a collection of components is a Picture, so we may as well transform


Often we want to apply several transformations at the same time

(in sequence).

COMP 1100 — Algebraic Data Types Case Study 9

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Which Transformations?

The most general notion of a transformation of the plane is an (onto) function

of type Point -> Point but that’s not really workable.

Design Influence

Since our graphics package will use OpenGL, it might be convenient for our

transformations to correspond to those in OpenGL:

• Translate

• Rotate

• Scale

COMP 1100 — Algebraic Data Types Case Study 10

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Data Type Transform

data Transform = Translate Float Float

| Rotate Float

| Scale Float Float


• Translate x-distance y-distance

• Rotate degrees clockwise

• Scale x-scale y-scale

(Why clockwise? Because the OpenGL default is that the z-axis is into the screen.)

COMP 1100 — Algebraic Data Types Case Study 11

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Applying Transformations

We want to apply sequences transformations to Pictures.

The result of the transformation is a Component of a Picture, so we add it to

the Component Algebraic Data Type.

data Component = Line Path

| Polygon Path

| Text String

| Transform [Transform] Picture

Note: in OpenGL transformations are represented by matrices, and there is

a notion of the Current Transformation Matrix.

Consequently Transform [ t1, t2, . . . tn ] applies tn first and t1 last .

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Finally, we also want to colour picture components, so:

data Component = Line Path

| Polygon Path

| Text String

| Transform [Transform] Picture

| Color Color Picture

where Color is another algebraic data type:

data Color = RGBA8 Int Int Int Int

| RGBA Float Float Float Float

(See Plot/Picture.hs and Plot/Color.hs for details.)

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Notice we are using the names Transform and Color to mean two different


• the names of types

• the names of constructor functions

Haskell won’t get confused, but you might . . .



(The library also has simple animation facilities.)

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Graphics Package Applcation:


COMP1100 — Introduction to Programming and Algorithms

Clem Baker-Finch

Australian National University

Semester 1, 2006

COMP 1100 — Fractals 1

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COMP 1100 — Fractals 2

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A cool application of the graphics package, and an interesting case of

general recursion.


Fractals are naturally recursive shapes — they are defined by rules that

specify how to make the shape from smaller and simpler copies of itself.

Fractals are widely used in computer animation (games, movies, . . . )

For example, see www.speedtree.com

Convincing images of clouds, topography, trees, swarms etc. can be created

using fractals.

COMP 1100 — Fractals 3

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A Simple Tree Fractal

An elementary tree can be a trapezium:

branch :: Picture

branch = [Polygon [(30 ,0) ,(15 ,300) ,( -15 ,300) ,( -30 ,0)]]

Which just looks like a rudimentary trunk.

(Stump.hs or trunk in Tree.hs)

COMP 1100 — Fractals 4

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COMP 1100 — Fractals 5

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We can make a more interesting tree by attaching limbs to the trunk.

Each limb is a just a smaller version of the trunk:

where limb = [Transform [Scale 0.5 0.5] trunk]

We put one limb on top of the trunk:

trunk ++

[Transform [Translate 0 300] limb]

and 4 others sticking out the sides of the trunk:

[Transform [Translate 0 240, Rotate 20] limb] ++

[Transform [Translate 0 180, Rotate (-20)] limb] ++

[Transform [Translate 0 120, Rotate 40] limb] ++

[Transform [Translate 0 60, Rotate (-40)] limb]

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Notice that this is constructed from several smaller versions of the original

shape — the essential idea of a fractal.

Putting it together:

limbs :: Picture

limbs =

trunk ++

[Transform [Translate 0 300] limb] ++

[Transform [Translate 0 240, Rotate 20] limb] ++

[Transform [Translate 0 180, Rotate (-20)] limb] ++

[Transform [Translate 0 120, Rotate 40] limb] ++

[Transform [Translate 0 60, Rotate (-40)] limb]

where limb = [Transform [Scale 0.5 0.5] trunk]

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COMP 1100 — Fractals 8

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Carrying on . . .

An even more tree-like shape . . .

Key idea:

Instead of small versions of trunk, attach small versions of limbs to the

trunk, using the same rules.

The definition of the tree picture is identical to limbs, except that we use a

half-size version of limbs instead of trunk:

where branch = [Transform [Scale 0.5 0.5] limbs]

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Putting it together again

tree :: Picture

tree =

trunk ++

[Transform [Translate 0 300] branch] ++

[Transform [Translate 0 240, Rotate 20] branch] ++

[Transform [Translate 0 180, Rotate (-20)] branch] ++

[Transform [Translate 0 120, Rotate 40] branch] ++

[Transform [Translate 0 60, Rotate (-40)] branch]

where branch = [Transform [Scale 0.5 0.5] limbs]

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COMP 1100 — Fractals 11

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We could make more and more interesting pictures by continuing this

process. For example, the next step would be to add half-size trees to the

trunk in the same arrangement, and so on.

What is the process? Can we generalise?

The trunk image is a fractal of degree 0

The limbs image is a fractal of degree 1

The tree image is a fractal of degree 2

How would we make a fractal of degree 3?

degree 4? degree 5?. . .

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Generalisation Idea:

Make the degree a parameter to the tree fractal function:

tree :: Int -> Picture

tree 0 will be the same as trunk.

tree 1 will be the same as limbs.

tree 2 will be the same as tree.

tree 3 will be more complex, and so on.

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Putting it together:

tree :: Int -> Picture

tree 0 = trunk

tree n =

trunk ++

[Transform [Translate 0 300] prev] ++

[Transform [Translate 0 240, Rotate 20] prev] ++

[Transform [Translate 0 180, Rotate (-20)] prev] ++

[Transform [Translate 0 120, Rotate 40] prev] ++

[Transform [Translate 0 60, Rotate (-40)] prev]

where prev = [Transform [Scale 0.5 0.5] (tree (n-1))]

-- ^^^^^^^^^^

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Playing around. . .

• Colour shading adds to the effect (TreeColour.hs)

• Making small changes to the parameters (limb locations and rotations)

gives a different looking tree (TreeColour2.hs)

• There are other simple fractals: Koch (Snowflake) curve, Sierpinski

triangle, Dragon Curve, etc. See Week 7 lab exercises. (Snowflake.hs,


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greyTree 5

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Reasoning About Programs

Reading: Thompson Ch.8

COMP1100 — Introduction to Programming and Algorithms

Malcolm Newey

Australian National University

Semester 1, 2006

COMP 1100 — Proofs 1

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Before we Start:-

Standard Postmortem Questions

• Did I pass the mid-semester exam?

Your marks are available through STREAMS

• Where does my score place me in the class?

Vital statistics are:

Mean = 69;

Distribution: 42% HD, 13% D, 15% Cr, 9% P, 22% Fail

• Did I do well?

Marks must be interpreted by YOU

• Are the results for the class acceptable?

Yes! The staff are very happy.

COMP 1100 — Proofs 2

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The Need for Proof

• Who can program without making errors?

(Errors can be subtle. .. and they can be expensive.)

• You need to be able to demonstrate correctness.

(All cases must be covered correctly.)

• Properties of a program must be validated.

But tests can rarely be exhaustive.

You must remember this:

Testing can only show the presence of bugs.

COMP 1100 — Proofs 3

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Proof and Haskell

• Proof is easier in functional languages.

• Clauses in a function definition specify computations

• They can also be used as mathematical properties.

• Symbolic execution can be used to show general properties.

• Induction is flip-side of Recursion.

This week is mostly about Induction. It is a powerful technique .

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Typical Proof by Induction

Theorem: For all natural numbers, n , the number n2 +n is even.


• Base Case

02 +0 is clearly even (by evaluation).

• Step Case

Assume n2 +n is even.

(n +1)2 +(n +1) = n2 +2n +1+n +1 = (n2 +n)+2(n +1)which is the sum of two even numbers and so is even.

(We know the first is even by the induction hypothesis.)

In summary, n2 +n is even implies (n +1)2 +(n +1) is too.

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Induction for Natural Numbers

To prove a property P(n) for all natural numbers n we must do these two


• The Base Case: Prove P(0).

• The Step Case: Prove P(n +1) on the assumption that P(n) holds.

In the step case P(n) is referred to as the induction hypothesis.

COMP 1100 — Proofs 6

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Proving Properties of Recursive Functions

Suppose that a function t is defined recursively on positive numbers as


t(1) = 1

t(n) = t(n-1) + n*n!

Theorem: t(n) = (n+1)!-1


• The Base Case:

LHS = t(1) = 1

RHS = 2!-1 = 1 = LHS

Why is n=1 in the base case (and not 0)?

Because t is only defined for +ve integers.

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• The Step Case:

The induction hypothesis is t(n) = (n+1)!-1

The goal for proof is t(n+1) = ((n+1)+1)!-1

LHS = t(n+1)

= t((n+1)-1) + (n+1)*(n+1)!

= t(n) + (n+1)*(n+1)!

= (n+1)! - 1 +(n+1)*(n+1)!

= (n+2)! - 1

RHS = ((n+1)+1)! - 1 = LHS


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Proving Properties of Recursive Functions

Suppose we were to define multiplication in terms of addition, coding it as a

Haskell function:

(*) :: Int -> Int -> Int


n==0 = 0 (base case)

n>0 = m*(n-1) + m (recursive case)


m*0 = 0 prop. 1

m*(n+1) = m*n + m (for n>0) prop. 2

(These re-express the clauses of the function definition.)

Theorem: 0*m = 0

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• The Base Case:

LHS = 0*0 = 0 = RHS

• The Step Case:

The induction hypothesis is 0*n=0 for n>0

The goal for proof is 0*(n+1) = 0

LHS = 0*(n+1)

= 0*n + 0 (using prop. 2)

= 0 + 0 (using ind. hyp.)

= 0 = RHS


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Proving Properties of List Functions

The length of a list can be calculated using this function definition:

length :: [a] -> Int

length [] = 0

length (x:xs) = 1 + length(xs)

The most basic property of the function is that the value returned can never

be negative. This can be stated formally and proven as follows:

Theorem: length(xs) >= 0

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• The Base Case:

(length []) >= 0

= 0>=0

= True

• The Step Case:

The induction hypothesis is length(xs) >= 0

The goal to be proved is length(x:xs) >= 0

and its proof is this:

length(x:xs) >= 0

= 1+length(xs) >= 0

= True


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Structural Induction for Lists

To prove a property P(xs) for all finite lists xs we must do these two things:

• The Base Case: Prove P( [] ).

• The Step Case: Prove P( x:xs ) on the assumption that P( xs ) holds.

In the step case P( xs ) is referred to as the induction hypothesis.

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Induction on Lists

• Note that the induction principle for lists has identical structure to that for

natural numbers.

• As with mathematical induction, structural induction for lists is a good

proof technique for recursively defined functions.

• In later courses you will encounter other structural induction principles -

induction trees, for example

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Another Example

• If we append a list of length 9 to one of length 7,

the result will be a list of length 16.

• That illustrates a fundamental characteristic of the length function:

length(xs++ys) = (length xs) + (length ys)

• It doesn’t depend on the type of the elements.

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Proof of ‘length-of-append’ Theorem

Here is the definition of append:

(++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]

[] ++ ys = ys

(x:xs) ++ ys = x:(xs ++ ys)

Theorem: length(xs ++ ys) = length(xs) + length(ys)


• The Base Case:

LHS = length([] ++ ys )

= length(ys)

RHS = length([]) ++ length(ys)

= 0 + length(ys) = LHS

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• The Step Case:

The induction hypothesis is

length(xs ++ ys) = length(xs) + length(ys)

The goal for proof is

length((x:xs) ++ ys) = length(x:xs) + length(ys)

LHS = length((x:xs) ++ ys)

= 1 + length(xs ++ ys)

= 1 + length(xs) + length(ys)

RHS = length(x:xs) + length(ys)

= 1 + length(xs) + length(ys) = LHS


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What is the Proof Strategy

See page 144 of Thompson’s text.

• State clearly the goal of the induction and the main subgoals, namely

the base case and the step case.

• If any confusion is possible, change variable name in the definitions to

be used.

• Use clauses from the function definitions to simplify the subgoals.If a

subgoal is an equation, simplify its let and right hand sides separately.

• You should expect to use the induction hypothesis in your proof.

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Yet Another Example

We now make use of the even-ness predicate which is standard in Haskell

and also the map function.

• (map even [1,2,3,4]) = [False,True,False,True]

• (map even [1,2]) = [False,True] and

(map even [3,4]) = [False,True]

• map even ([1,2] ++ [3,4])

= (map even [1,2]) ++ (map even [3,4])

A generalization should be obvious. It is:

map even (xs ++ ys) = (map even xs) ++ (map even ys)

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Proof of map Example

Here is the definition of map:

map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

map f [] = []

map f (x:xs) = (f x):(map f xs)

Theorem: map f (xs ++ ys) = (map f xs) ++ (map f ys)


• The Base Case:

LHS = map f ([] ++ ys)

= map f ys

RHS = (map f []) ++ (map f ys)

= [] ++ (map f ys) = LHS

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• The Step Case:

The induction hypothesis is

map f (xs ++ ys) = (map f xs) ++ (map f ys)

The goal for proof is

map f ((x:xs) ++ ys) = (map f (x:xs)) ++ (map f ys)

LHS = map f ((x:xs) ++ ys)

= map f (x:(xs ++ ys))

= (f x):(map f (xs ++ ys))

= (f x):((map f xs) ++ (map f ys))

RHS = (map f (x:xs)) ++ (map f ys)

= ((f x):(map f xs)) ++ (map f ys)

= (f x):((map f xs) ++ (map f ys)) = LHS


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Surely not Another Example

• We’ve done three simple ones quite successfully

• What about harder ones?

No. They make for boring lecture material.

• The Thompson text book (page 146) proves that:

reverse(xs++ys) = (reverse ys) ++ (reverse xs)

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Time for Perspective

• The use of induction is clearly a very solid basis for making an argument

that some property holds.

• We have seen some examples that you might say are ‘almost automatic’.

• There are decision procedures which will produce many such proofs

completely mechanically.

• They can’t prove everything.

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A Hard Problem

• It is a theorem about the reverse function that you may well say is


reverse(reverse(xs)) = xs

• The next slide shows why it is hard.

• The text book gives a way of proving it (page 149) but it relies on on

redefining the reverse function and using another mathematical

technique - generalization.

• This section of the text is not examinable in COMP1100.

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Attempted Proof of the Rev-Rev Property

Here is the definition of reverse:

reverse :: [a] -> [a]

reverse [] = []

reverse (x:xs) = (reverse xs) ++ [x]

Theorem to be proved: reverse(reverse(xs)) = xs

Proof: The base case is easy;

reverse(reverse []) = reverse [] = []

so we focus on the step case:

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• The Induction Hypothesis:

reverse(reverse(xs)) = xs

• The Goal in the Step Case:

reverse(reverse(x:xs)) = x:xs

• The attempt at simplification:

LHS = reverse(reverse(x:xs))

= reverse((reverse xs) ++ [x])

= ????

• So we find the RHS is in its simplest form and there are no definitions

that simplify the left side.

We are apparently at a dead end.

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Important Lessons So Far

– Review –

COMP1100 — Introduction to Programming and Algorithms

Clem Baker-Finch

Australian National University

Semester 1, 2006

COMP 1100 — Important Lessons 1

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About the mid-semester exam:

• How hard was it?

• Will the final be that easy?

• Some advice . . .

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About Assignment 2:

• Due Friday 12th May

• Windows users be warned!

– DOS puts both carriage return and line feed at the end of the line.

When you read a line, GHC only looks for line feed, so the carriage

return becomes part of the string!

– If you save the Marks.txt file in a Windows editor, your program will

seem to overwrite lines of output!

– Solution: Don’t edit or save Marks.txt! If this problem occurs,


1. Get a fresh copy of Marks.txt

2. Stop using Windows . . .

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Does everything seem a bit hazy?

Yes? That’s okay — this is complicated and we’ve got all year. . .

(The nature of university education?)

No? Either you’re not trying or you’re kidding yourself.

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Can’t See the Woods for the Trees?

This course is about programming .

Fundamental concepts — what programming is .

It is not about Haskell or any other programming language .

It is not utilitarian. It is not skills-based.

But . . . to learn about programming, you need to experiment, so a

programming language is a necessary vehicle.

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Programming Languages

Programming languages are complicated things.

Like human languages, some are more complicated than others.

Complexity is caused by irregular special cases.

Programming languages seem to have masses of details (special cases)

that can obfuscate the basic concepts. Some programming languages are

more orthogonal (less irregular) than others.

Why Haskell?

• Not so complicated;

• Orthogonal design; not so many details; Few (no?) special cases.

• Express basic concepts more directly and therefore more clearly.

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Important Lessons So Far

Mostly, I have tried to focus on some fundamental concepts of programming.

I have also talked about some details and some less important things. Why?

• Because programming is complicated and you need a certain amount of

stuff to put the basic concepts into practice;

For example, input-output is difficult in every useful language . . .

but you can’t write a whole program without it.

• Because some students are interested in more than the basics;

For example, writing programs to draw fractals.

• Because we need some examples to reinforce the important lessons.

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What have been the important lessons so far?

Types and Values

What’s a value ? What’s a type ? Why are types important?


Making choices is a necessary part of any non-trivial algorithm.

Different languages may have different ways of expressing choices, but the

fundamental idea is the same.

Structured Data

Tuples, lists, user-defined (algebraic) data types.

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An extremely important data structure.

Lists are built-in in some languages (e.g. Haskell).

Lists are provided in libraries in some languages (e.g. Java).

Lists are DIY (do it yourself) in some languages.


The fundamental technique for expressing repetition in computation.

Repetition is the essence of computation.

All other means of expressing repetition (e.g. loops) are special cases —

patterns of recursion.

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Data Directed Design

Program design is largely independent of the implementation language.

Bottom Up and Top Down design focus on the problem . When we are

writing the implementation we work with the same ideas, but express them

differently depending on the language.

Algebraic Data Types

Not many programming languages have features corresponding to Haskell’s

algebraic data types, but they can be represented by classes, objects and

inheritance in Object-Oriented languages (like Java).

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Where Now? Java!


Java is an object-oriented programming language .

(Flavour of the month?)

Java is a widely used programming language. (Why? Libraries and hype.)


Mostly, we will repeat the important lessons we have seen in Haskell.

The emphasis is on the concepts rather than the individual language.


I’m afraid so — another bunch of details to overcome.

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The Functional Model of Computation (Haskell)

• Everything is a value

• Every value has an explicit type

• We can give names to values

• Functions take values as arguments and return new values as results

• Computations are defined by composing functions

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The Functional Model of Computation

functionvalue value







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The Imperative Model of Computation (Java)

• There is a single store consisting of a collection of locations which can

contain values

• We can give names to locations and say what types of values they may


• Computations are defined by a sequence of commands

• Each command may change the store in some way

Fortunately for us, imperative programs can have functions, too . . .

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The Imperative Model of Computation

command 2

command 3

command 1Store







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Introduction to Java

COMP1100 — Introduction to Programming and Algorithms

Reading: Big Java Ch.2

Clem Baker-Finch

Australian National University

Semester 1, 2006

COMP 1100 — Java Introduction 1

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Where We Are Going?

We have looked at some key ideas about programming, using Haskell.

These key ideas also occur in Java.

The rest of the course will be structured around these correspondences.

The idea is to emphasise the concepts by seeing them from another angle.

Important Correspondences:

types: types, classes

values: values, objects

functions, type signatures: functions, type declarations

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lists: various list library classes

data-directed program design: data-directed program design

modules: classes

polymorphic types: generic classes

recursion: recursion, loops

map, fold, etc: for-each loops

show function: toString() method

read function: java.util.Scanner class

algebraic data types: abstract classes, inheritance

libraries: libraries

COMP 1100 — Java Introduction 3

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Defining Functions in Java

Remember this Haskell function definition?

restRate :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double

restRate weight height age =

(66.47+13.75* weight +5* height -6.76* age )*4.2

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How do we write it in Java?

Double restRate(Double weight ,Double height ,Double age)


return (66.47+13.75* weight +5* height -6.76* age )*4.2;


(Java has a Float type, but usually stops you using it. . . )

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Type Signatures Correspond

The type signature and the left side of the defining equation in Haskell

contain exactly the same information as the function definition header in


restRate :: Double −> Double −> Double −> Double

Double restRate(Double weight, Double height, Double age)

restRate weight height age = ...

(In Java, we always write the type before the identifier we are describing.)

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Java Commands Describe Actions

In Haskell, the body of a function is just an expression which is evaluated to

give the result value:

(66.47+13.75* weight +5* height -6.76* age )*4.2

In Java, the body of a function is a (sequence of) commands (statements).

So we have to instruct the function to return a value — it is an action.

Hence the return statement:

return (66.47+13.75* weight +5* height -6.76* age )*4.2;

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Java is not Layout Sensitive

Some languages (like Haskell) use indentation to indicate where things like

function definitions end.

Other languages (like Java) use punctuation to indicate where things like

function definitions end.

The end of a statement (command) is indicated by a semicolon :

return ... ;

Things (e.g. statements) are grouped together using braces:

Double restRate (...) {



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People Reading Java Programs are Layout Sensitive!

How readable is this?

public class Point{Double x; Double y; public Point()

{x = 0.0;y =0.0;} public Point(Double xVal , Double

yVal){x = xVal;y = yVal;} public Double xCoord

(){ return x;} public Double yCoord (){ return y;}

public void moveRight(Double distance ){x=x+distance

;} public void moveUp(Double distance ){y=y +

distance; }}

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A Java Program?

Haskell programs all have a function:

main :: IO ()

which handled the input-output interactions.

Similarly, Java programs have a function:

public static void main(String args [])

which handles the input-output interactions.

Warning : If you thought Haskell I/O was difficult, wait until you see Java I/O!

[Example: RestRate1P.java]

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Compiling Java Programs

The simplest way to compile a Java program is on the command line:

> javac RestRate1P.java

That is, javac is the Java compiler program.

A successful compilation produces a .class file with the same name

(RestRate1P.class in this case).

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Running Java Programs

Unlike ghc and many other compilers, javac does not produce a machine

executable version of the program.

Javac produces a version of the program that runs on the JVM (Java Virtual

Machine). The JVM is another program.

To run your (compiled) program on the JVM, use the command:

> java RestRate1P

(Make sure to leave off the .class suffix.)

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Other ways to Experiment with Java Programs

Unfortunately, there isn’t anything as convenient as GHCi for Java.

You might like to try DrJava, which does allow some experimentation with

parts of programs.

Eclipse is a fully featured integrated development environment available on

the student system. The COMP1110/1510 lecturer uses Eclipse quite a lot.

(Eclipse also supports Haskell. . . )

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Classes and Objects

COMP1100 — Introduction to Programming and Algorithms

Reading: Big Java Ch.2 & 3

Clem Baker-Finch

Australian National University

Semester 1, 2006

COMP 1100 — Classes & Objects 1

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Types, Values and “Variables” in Java

As in Haskell, every value in Java has a type . For example:

• 42 is of type Integer

• "Hello, sailor!" is of type String

But the concept of a variable in Java is different from Haskell and


In Java, a variable is a location in the store.

Locations contain values.

COMP 1100 — Classes & Objects 2

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• We give names to variables by declaring them:

String greeting;

and say that greeting has type String.

• We put values into variables by assignment :

greeting = "Hello , World!";

• Usually, we initialise variables when we declare them:

String greeting = "Hello , World!";

COMP 1100 — Classes & Objects 3

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What does “Object-Oriented” Mean?

Three fundamental constructs:

• Classes

• Objects

• Methods

Object-oriented programs manipulate objects .

In a pure object-oriented language, every value is an object.

Java is not purely OO, but we’ll try to pretend that it is. . .

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What’s a Class?

A class in Java is like a data type in Haskell.

Haskell has various types provided by the Prelude (e.g. Int, Bool, lists,

tuples) and others provided in the libraries.

There are lots of predefined classes in the Java libraries (e.g. Integer,

Boolean, about a dozen different kinds of lists, and so on.)

(Java doesn’t have any specific tuple classes. In a sense, every class corresponds to

a tuple.)

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What’s a Class? — Part 2

A class in Java is also like a module in Haskell.

In Haskell, a common use of modules is to group together a user-defined

data type with the functions that operate on that data type.

For example, in Assignment 1 the Pixel module contained the data type

representing pixels and the functions that operate on pixels. The PPM

module contained the data type representing ppm images and the functions

that operate on those images.

(Of course, we expect your Assignment 2 submissions to be structured this

way, too!)

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Java forces you to structure your programs that way!

A Java class groups together the data needed to represent things of that

type with the operations defined for values of that type.

The class definition will include instance fields to store the data

representing things of that type.

The operations are just functions.

In OO terminology, these functions are called methods .

Classes also contain constructors , which directly correspond to the

constructor functions for algebraic data types in Haskell.

Java constructors create new objects that are instances of that class.

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What’s an Object?

If a class is like a type, an object (of a class) is like a value (of that type).

In Haskell, a value is just the data .

In Java, an object also comes with it’s own copy of the methods of the class.

In Haskell, the result of functions is always new data .

In Java, methods may change the values stored in the instance fields .

Another viewpoint:

A class is like a template . An object is like an instance of that template.

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An Example

Java allows classes to be grouped together and organised in packages .

The standard Java libraries include a package called java.awt

(awt stands for abstract windowing toolkit).

One of the classes in that package is java.awt.Rectangle which allows

us to represent rectangles in 2D coordinate geometry.

Objects of type Rectangle allow us to represent rectangles in Java


(Exercise: How would you represent rectangles in Haskell?)

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java.awt.Rectangle Fields:

The position and the dimensions of the rectangle are specified:

int height;

int width;

int x; // x coord of top left corner

int y; // y coord of top left corner

(Sadly, we’re already seeing Java is not purely OO . . . )

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java.awt.Rectangle Constructors:

In fact, the class provides 7 different constructors!

The most natural is this one:

Rectangle(int x, int y, int width , int height)

which just sets the instance fields to the values passed in as arguments to

the constructor.

Note: since this class is part of the Java libraries, we don’t see the

implementation of the constructors. That will have to wait until we build our

own classes.

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How do we Use Constructors?

The expression:

new Rectangle(5, 10, 20, 30)

constructs a new Rectangle object at (5,10) with width 20 and height 30.

Usually, the resulting object is stored in a variable:

Rectangle box = new Rectangle(5, 10, 20, 30);

This statement declares a new variable box of type Rectangle, and stores

the newly constructed Rectangle object in that variable.

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java.awt.Rectangle Methods:

There are dozens of them!

(Again, since this is a library class, we don’t see the implementation of the

methods. Soon, we will look at building our own classes.)

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Interlude — What’s a Method?

Methods are just the operators (functions) that allow us to manipulate

objects of this class (or equivalently, values of this type).

Methods come in two flavours:

Accessor Methods

Accessor methods return some information about the object without

changing it.

Mutator Methods

Mutator methods change the state (the instance fields) of the object.

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(Back to the example. . . )

Some java.awt.Rectangle Accessor Methods:

It is common to provide accessor methods to return the values in each of

the instance fields:

double getX()

double getY()

double getHeight ()

double getWidth ()

(Returning double rather than int is a decision I’ll leave it to the implementers to


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Some java.awt.Rectangle Mutator Methods:

To change the dimensions of the rectangle:

void setSize(int height , int width)

To move the rectangle a distance to the right and a distance down:

void translate(int x, int y)

Notice these methods do not return a result. They change the object.

This is a fundamental difference from the functional approach.

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Calling Methods

Suppose we have constructed a new Rectangle object as before:

Rectangle box = new Rectangle(5, 10, 20 ,30);

Remember that the methods are associated with the object .

If we want to access the x field of box we use the getX() method.

The syntax is like this:

box.getX ();

which is an expression that will return the double value 5.0

For example:

Double area = box.getHeight () * box.getWidth ();

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Calling Methods — ctd

How do we call mutator methods? For example, how do we use

void translate(int x, int y)

to change box?

Notice (again) from the type declaration that translate doesn’t return

another Rectangle.

To change box using the translate method we use the statement :

box.translate (15, 25);

(See the example test program: MoveTester.java.)

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Tricky . . .

In Java, variables whose type is a class don’t actually hold an object — they

hold a reference to the object.

So What?


r1 = new Rectangle(5, 10,20, 30);

r2 = new Rectangle(5, 10,20, 30);

Is r1 == r2 true or false?

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A picture helps:









The rectangles are identical, but r1 and r2 refer to separate objects .

So r1 == r2 evaluates to false !

This is called reference equality .

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How can we test whether two objects are equal?

There is a standard method equals(...)

In class Rectangle we have:

boolean equals(Rectangle r)

Now we can ask:


which evaluates to true .

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Writing Our Own Classes

The Java libraries contain lots of useful classes.

But mostly they are general purpose in some way — they are a programming


When designing programs, we begin by identifying and representing the

“things” — the abstract data types — that our program needs to

manipulate .

O-O Ideas Come From Data-Directed Design

which we looked at a few weeks ago . . .

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Recall the Data Directed Design Process:

1. Understand the Problem

2. Identify the (Classes of) Objects

3. Identify the Basic Operations on Objects

4. Choose Representations of the Objects

5. Implement the Basic Operations on Objects

6. Factor the Process into Manageable Parts

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In O-O languages, steps 2–6 correspond to designing and

implementing classes.

1. Understand the Problem

2. Identify the (Classes of) Objects

3. Identify the Basic Operations on Objects

4. Choose Representations of the Objects

5. Implement the Basic Operations on Objects

6. Factor the Process into Manageable Parts

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Example: Bank Account

Suppose that in the process of developing a particular system using the

DDD method, one of the abstract data types identified in step 2 is a bank

account .

(There are many different kinds of accounts, but let’s keep it simple.)

Step 3: Identify the Basic Operations

• Deposit money

• Withdraw money

• Check the current balance

(We will leave the matter of interest to the lab exercises.)

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Making a deposit changes a bank account, so it will be a mutator method .

The argument to the deposit method will be the amount of money being


Similarly withdraw is also a mutator method and its argument is the amount

of money being withdrawn.

Checking the current balance doesn’t change the account, so that will be an

accessor method .

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These observations give us the following skeleton for the BankAccount


class BankAccount {

void withdraw(Double amount) ...

void deposit (Double amount) ...

Double getBalance () ...


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Setting up a new bank account is also a basic operation, so we also need to

consider the BankAccount constructors at this point.

Suppose we decide that a bank account can be set up with an initial deposit

of money, or (by default) with a balance of 0.

That suggests two constructors, one taking an argument being the initial

amount, the other taking no argument.

BankAccount(Double initialBalance) ...

BankAccount () ...

Notice that constructors never have a result type. Notice that constructors

always have the same name as the class.

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The outline of the class now looks like:

class BankAccount {

BankAccount(Double initialBalance) ...

BankAccount () ...

void withdraw(Double amount) ...

void deposit (Double amount) ...

Double getBalance () ...


We have now identified the basic operations on bank accounts and

determined their types.

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The next step is . . .

Step 4: Choose a Representation

That is, what data do we need to represent a bank account?

For our simplified example, the only thing we need to keep track of is the

balance , which we have already decided will be a Double.

In OO languages, the data representation appears as the instance fields of

the class:

class BankAccount {

Double balance;



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Finally . . .

Step 5: Implement the Basic Operations

That is, fill in the bodies of the methods and constructors we have identified.

The mutator methods (deposit, withdraw) will change the balance


The accessor method (getBalance) will not change the balance field.

The constructor methods will initialise the balance field.



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Lists in Java

COMP1100 — Introduction to Programming and Algorithms

Reading: Big Java Ch.8.2 – 8.4

Clem Baker-Finch

Australian National University

Semester 1, 2006

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Recall that lists allow us to combine a varying number of values of the

same type .

Lists are an extremely important data structure in programming, so we spent

a lot of time working with lists in Haskell.

In Haskell, lists are built in so we have some nice notation like [3,5,7] and

list comprehensions.

In Java, lists are supplied by the Java Class Libraries in the package


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Java Lists

The Java API has several different kinds of lists.

(For example, ArrayList, LinkedList, Vector, Stack . . . )

They all have a large collection of methods in common — see the

java.util.List interface.

So how do they differ?

The main difference is in terms of their implementations.

How do we know which version to choose for a particular application?

Wait until COMP1110/1510!

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In this course we will choose to use ArrayList and not worry about its


Some of the basic ArrayList methods:

add (elem) an element to the end of this list.

get (index) the element in the indexth position in the list.

isEmpty () tests if the list has no elements.

size () returns the number of elements in the list.

and so on.

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Notice that the basic Java list operations have a different style to those used

to in Haskell.

In Haskell, we built lists by cons-ing elements on to the front of a list, like


Java adds them to the end .

In Haskell we took lists apart by breaking them into their head and tail .

Java accesses list elements with the get .

Haskell has an equivalent operator (!!) but we didn’t use it much.

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The Stack version of lists in Java does have methods more like the

operations we are used to in Haskell.

peek is like head .

pop is like tail .

push is like cons .

It also has all the other standard Java list methods.

But Stacks are “special purpose” lists, so we won’t use them here.

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Generic Classes

The ArrayList class has heading ArrayList<E>.

What’s the <E> mean?

Since Java 1.5, classes may be generic , which is a similar concept as

Haskell’s polymorphic types.

In Haskell, if we want a list of Ints we write [Int].

If we want a list of Strings we write [String].

In Java, if we want a list of Integers we write ArrayList<Integer>.

If we want a list of Strings we write ArrayList<String>.

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DrJava Demonstration . . .

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Traversing Lists in Haskell

In Haskell many of the list algorithms we studied were structured around

traversing the list.

That is, the algorithm visited each element of the list (in order), processing

the elements in some way.

Sometimes we used a recursive definition, e.g.

sum [] = 0

sum (x:xs) = x + sum xs

Other times we used some of the higher-order functions that represent

patterns of recursion , like map, fold, filter and so on.

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Traversing Lists in Java

In Java, we can also define recursive methods to traverse lists.

Java also has patterns of recursion , but they don’t occur as higher-order


Java’s patterns of recursion occur as language features.

In particular, Java has a variety of loop statements .

In this course, we will concentrate on a single loop statement: the “for

each” loop.

This loop corresponds exactly to a simple list traversal .

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For-each Loop Structure

Suppose we have a list whose element are objects of some class Elem.

That is, we have:

ArrayList <Elem > list = ...

To traverse list the loop structure is:

for (Elem elt : list) {



Inside the loop, we can refer to the current element of the list as elt.

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Example: Summing a List of Integers

Suppose we have a list of integers:

ArrayList <Integer > list

To sum them, we add each one in turn to a running total, like this:

Integer sum() {

Integer total = 0;

for (Integer x: list) {

total = total + x;


return total;


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Accumulating Parameters in Haskell

Loops like the one in sum above correspond closely to the approach of using

accumulating parameters in Haskell definitions.

For example, a few weeks ago we looked at this version of a function to sum

the elements of a list:

addUp [] total = total

addUp (x:xs) total = addUp xs (total+x)

sum xs = addUp xs 0

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Accumulating Parameters (ctd)

Corresponding to the parameter total in the Haskell function,

the Java version has a variable total.

In the Haskell version, we change the total parameter at each step to

(total+x). That is, we add the current element x to total.

In the Java version, we change the total variable at each step with the

statement, total = total+x. That is, we add the current element x to


In the Haskell version, we initialise the parameter total to 0 in the

“wrapper” function, sum.

In the Java version, we initialise the variable total to 0 with the assignment

total = 0.

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Other examples in ListInt.java

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The next day . . .

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Comparing Java Classes to Haskell Modules

In this lecture we will compare typical (good) Haskell and Java

implementations of:

• Cartesian coordinate points

• Triangles (determined by their 3 vertices)

• Paths (i.e. sequences of points)

The aim is to emphasise their commonalities and their differences .

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In Haskell, a good module structure will gather together the representation of

points with the operations on points in to a module .

A natural representation of a point is as a pair :

module Point where

type Point = (Double ,Double)


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In Java, we will develop a class to represent points and the operations

(methods) on points.

Since the class “is” the type, it will include fields to represent the data – i.e.

the x and y components:

class Point {

Double x;

Double y;


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In Haskell we can just write values and expressions of type Point. For

example, (0.0,3.0).

In Java we must explicitly construct objects of class Point. The class has a

constructor :

Point(Double xVal , Double yVal) {

x = xVal;

y = yVal;


which we use like this:

Point p = new Point (0.0, 3.0);

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Accessing Fields

In Haskell, we can access the x and y components of values of type Point

using patterns , e.g.:

distance (x1,y1) (x2 ,y2) = ...

In Java, we provide explicit accessor methods :

public Double xCoord () {

return x;


public Double yCoord () {

return y;


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Functions vs. Methods

In Haskell, we write functions to operate on points. For example, to

compute a x,y translation of a point:

translatePt :: Double -> Double -> Point -> Point

translatePt xDist yDist (x,y) = (x+xDist , y+yDist)

Notice that there is an input Point and an output Point, which is the

result of the translation.

In Java we write methods to manipulate points.

Point objects may be changed by mutator methods .

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The translate method is part of each Point object.

The Translate method changes the point.

The point is not passed as an argument to the method — the point being

affected is this point.

The method does not return a result — it affects this point.

public void translate(Double xDist , Double yDist) {

x = x + xDist;

y = y + yDist;


The method changes the x and y fields of this object.

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A path is a sequence of points, so in Haskell a natural representation is as a

list of points:

module Path where

type Path = [Point]


In Java, the data field in the Path class will be a list of points:

class Path {

ArrayList <Point > path;


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Constructing Paths

In Haskell we may simply write values of type Path, e.g.

[(0.0 ,0.0) ,(1.0 ,0.0) ,(0.0 ,1.0)]

In Java we must explicitly construct new Path objects:

Path() {

path = new ArrayList <Point >();


which gives us an empty path.

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We also need to provide a mutator method to build paths point by point:

public void extend(Point point) {



To build a path equivalent to the Haskell one


Path myPath = new Path ();

myPath.extend(new Point (0.0 ,0.0));

myPath.extend(new Point (1.0 ,0.0));

myPath.extend(new Point (0.0 ,1.0));


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Functions vs. Methods

In the Haskell Point module we wrote a function to translate a single point.

To translate a Path we want to apply the same translation to each point. The

obvious approach is to use the map higher-order function:

translate :: Double -> Double -> Path -> Path

translate xDist yDist path =

map (translatePt xDist yDist) path

The corresponding “pattern of recursion” in Java is the for-each loop.

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A loop beginning with:

for (Point point: path)

will traverse the path list. At each step, the current element of the list will be

referenced by the Point point variable.

So applying the translate method to point inside the loop will have the same

effect as map in Haskell: to apply the method to every element of the list :

void translate(Double xDist , Double yDist) {

for (Point point: path)

point.translate(xDist , yDist);


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Assignment 3

The representation of PPM images in Assignment 3 uses lists of lists of

pixels, just as we did in Assignment 1. In Java it looks like this:

class PPM {

int width;

int height;

ArrayList <ArrayList <Pixel >> image;

Most of the manipulations are list traversals, so the for-each loop is a good


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On the other hand, sometimes we want more control.

For example, in the flip manipulations we may want to go through the rows

or pixels in reverse order.

In that case, the more general (and standard) version of the for-loop can be

more appropriate.

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Public, Private, Static

and all that . . .

COMP1100 — Introduction to Programming and Algorithms

Clem Baker-Finch

Australian National University

Semester 1, 2006

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The Interface to a Class

In the data directed design approach, a key step was:

Identify the Basic Operations on Objects

These basic operations become the methods of the class.

Users of such objects are often called client classes .

Client classes access and manipulate objects through the methods. . .

. . . but they may also be able to directly access and modify the fields of


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Controlling Client Access

Often we want to limit the ways in which clients can access and manipulate

objects. For example, some methods of a class may only be intended for by

other methods of the class — that is, they are “helper” functions.

As an example in Assignment 3, you may want a function which doubles a

row of an image:

ArrayList <Pixel > doubleRow(ArrayList <Pixel > row)

This may be used internally to help define the method to double the scale of

an image, but you don’t want to make this function available to the client.

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Controlling Client Access

Almost always we want to stop clients directly accessing the fields of an



• Because how we choose to represent the data is our choice, not the


• In the design process we identified the operations that were needed

(and made sense) on objects of this class. That is, the methods of the

class must be sufficient for all proper uses of the object.

• Giving clients access to the fields means they can circumvent the proper

use of the object (via the methods).

• Sometimes, controlling access to fields is a security issue.

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An Example

In a recent lecture and prac class we looked at a simple bank account class,


The operations we identified were

• Create a new account, BankAccount(Double initialBalance)

• Get the current balance, Double getBalance()

• Make a deposit, void deposit(Double amount)

• Make a withdrawal, void withdraw(Double amount)

so we expect that clients will use only those methods to work with bank


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However. . .

There is nothing stopping clients accessing the balance field directly !

What’s wrong with that?

Unscrupulous programmers can defraud the bank by changing their account

balance without going through the proper channels (deposit and withdrawal).

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Still not convinced?

Let’s extend the BankAccount class to include a record of all transactions.

Each time a deposit is made, record the amount, and each withdrawal is

recorded as a negative quantity.

ArrayList <Double > transactions;

We also want a method to check that the current balance is consistent with

the transaction record.

(See OpenAccount.java)

Will that stop the fraud? No, if those naughty programmers can change the

balance field, they can also change the transactions field.

(See Naughty.java)

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Public and Private

Most programming languages provide a means of controlling which

aspects of a module or class are accessible to client classes .

Java has “access modifiers”: public and private.

If a field or method declaration is preceded by private, it cannot be

accessed or modified by client classes.

If a field or method declaration is preceded by public, it can be accessed

and modified by all other classes.

(If we don’t specify public or private, they may be accessed and modified by all

other classes in the same directory.)

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Make All Fields Private

It is considered good practice to make all fields private. This ensures that the

objects of the class are only accessed and manipulated by the methods


Reworking the bank account example (again), we see that making the

balance and transactions fields private (and the methods public)

prevents improper access and manipulation.

(See SecureAccount.java)

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Make “Local” Methods Private

In the PPM example mentioned above, we don’t want clients to have access

to the doubleRow method because it’s a helper function only intended for

internal use.

Note also that it is not one of the operations that would be identified as a

basic operation on PPM images .

By making the method private we prevent clients from calling it:

private ArrayList <Pixel > doubleRow(ArrayList <Pixel > row)

Also, when client programmers see that the method is private, they know

that they can ignore it completely.

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(Treat this as an advanced topic — it will not be in the final exam.)

In earlier lectures I stressed the point that in Java:

An object has its own copies of the methods and fields of the class.

For example,

BankAccount jimsSaving = new BankAccount ();

jimsSaving.deposit (2000);

jimsSaving.withdraw (500);

System.out.println(jimsSaving.getBalance ());

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I lied. . .

We have written things like

Math.sqrt((x - p.xCoord ())*(x - p.xCoord ()) ...

Math.cos(theta) ...

but Math is a class , not an object. (See java.lang.Math.)

We didn’t say

Math thing = new Math ();

thing.sqrt (...

What’s going on?

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The Truth

(According to Clem. . . )

In an earlier lecture I also made the point that Java classes are like Haskell

types an also like Haskell modules .

Sometimes we use modules to group together logically related functions

and operations. In that case they don’t correspond to abstract types in any


Since Java conflates (confuses?) the two ideas, we have to use classes for

both purposes.

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The java.lang.Math library is a good example.

It doesn’t represent a type — it is a collection of mathematical operators.

In that case, it doesn’t make sense to construct an object of class Math.

We want a way to refer to the methods of these module-like classes.

Putting static in front of the declaration of methods and fields of a

class means that they are associated with the class , not an object.

To refer to a static method, we use the class name, not an object.

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All the methods in java.lang.Math are declared static so we write

things like

Math.sqrt (...)

We never write

Math thing = new Math ();

(In fact java.lang.Math doesn’t have any constructors, which makes sense.)

Find some other Java library classes like this — there are plenty of them.

(In tomorrow’s lecture, we will develop our own module-style class.)

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Structuring Java Programs

— Data Directed Design —

COMP1100 — Introduction to Programming and Algorithms

Clem Baker-Finch

Australian National University

Semester 1, 2006

COMP 1100 — Structuring Java Programs 1

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• If you’re still having trouble installing Java on your Windows machine, I

have put some more detailed instructions on the course web site, linked

from the Java page.

• We need a 1st year representative for the Department of Computer

Science Forum.

– Solicit views of students (e.g. on 1100.talk and 1200.talk phorums,

then . . .

– Offer feedback on DCS educational issues (teaching infrastructure,

policies etc.)

– Next meeting: 4–5pm, 31st May, N101 (One per semester)

– Contact me or Peter Strazdins [email protected]

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The Supermarket Docket again . . . but in Java

In an attempt to bring all these Java threads together, today we will go

through the development of the supermarket docket program we wrote in

Haskell, weeks ago.

Reminder: The checkout scanner produces a sequence of bar codes. Our

program is to look up each of those codes in a database to retrieve the

information about the product, then generate an itemised docket including

the total price.

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For example, if the scanner produces a sequence of bar codes like:

4719 1112 1113 3814 1234

our program will print something like:

Gosling’s Sunny-Mart

Frozen Pizza..............6.49

Mars Bar..................1.60

Unknown Item..............0.00

Hokkien Noodles...........2.05

Chianti, 1lt.............17.95


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Summary of Data Directed Design Process

Here we go again. . .

1. Understand the Problem

2. Identify the Abstract Data Types

3. Identify the Basic Operations on the ADTs

4. Choose Representations of the ADTs

5. Implement the Basic Operations on the ADTs

6. Factor the Process into Manageable Parts

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2. Identify the ADTs

• Products

• Bar codes

• Prices

• Names (of products)

• Database

• Docket

• Sequence of bar codes from scanner

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3. Identify the Basic Operations on the ADTs


• What is its bar code? Name? Price?

• Construct a new product record.

Bar codes

• Equality comparison.

• Anything else?


• Arithmetic.

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Names of products

• Print or display them.


• Retrieve a product, given a bar code.

• Add a new product to the database.

• Delete a product, etcetera, etcetera!!


• Print or display.

Bar code sequences

• Traverse.

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4. Choose Representations of the ADTs

Let’s do the easy ones first:

• Dockets and Names can just be strings.

• Prices can just be integers.

• Bar codes?

Some context information: the UPC (Universal Product Code) is a

sequence of 12 digits. It is not a number, so representing them as

integers is not a good idea, especially on a computer.

But this is just a demonstration exercise, so we will ignore reality and

represent bar codes as integers.

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Considering the operations we have identified, a simple class with fields for

the product’s bar code, name and price is an obvious choice.


There are lots of choices, and lots of advantages and disadvantages of

different representations. But we don’t know about that yet. . .

Choose something we do know about. We know how to search through a

list, so we will represent the database as a list of products.

(In next week’s lab, you are invited to use a hash table instead.)

So, we need to implement two Java classes:



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Sequence of bar codes:

Since all we want to do is traverse the sequence, a list of bar codes suffices.

An interesting question is whether we really need to physically represent

these sequences — that is do they need to be stored in the program?

From one viewpoint, the answer is no — the scanner gives us one bar code

of the sequence at a time and we process them as they arrive. The

sequence is purely transitory.

However, for the purpose of testing (during development of the program) it

may be convenient to set up fixed dummy lists of bar codes, rather than have

to worry about generating them dynamically.

That’s what we’ll do today.

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5. Implement the Basic Operations on the ADTs

We have identified the operations and the representations for each ADT.

This part is just writing code. . .

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6. Factor the Process into Manageable Parts

For each bar code:

1. Look it up in the database to retrieve the product information;

2. Format (and print?) a line of the docket

3. Add the product price to the total

After processing all of the bar codes, format and print the total cost line of

the docket.

We also want to print a header for the docket first.

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The sequence of actions making up the process will appear in the driver

class. Since we are only going as far as testing, we’ll call it Test.java.

Since it’s a test program, we’ll construct a small sample database, and a

dummy list of bar codes representing the sequence of scanner inputs.

The repeated actions for each bar code will be in a loop traversing the list of

bar codes.

But first...

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A Docket Module

Notice that in the process sequence we had three activities related to

formatting stuff for the docket:

• Format each line representing a purchase

• Format the total cost line

• Format a header for the docket

It makes sense (to me at least) to collect these operations together, but they

aren’t really operations on an ADT — we want a module, but all we have in

Java is classes.

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In yesterday’s lecture we saw how the Math library class is this kind of

module — a class where all methods are static , so they are related to the

class, and we don’t construct objects of such a class.

We can build a module Docket.java with all methods declared static.

It also has some helper methods for internal use, so they are declared


(As is often the case with formatting stuff, it gets a bit messy and tedious, so don’t

worry too much about the code. . . )

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A Haiku . . .

Nice little program.

We thought about its structure.

I feel satisfied.

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Algebraic Data Types in Java

COMP1100 — Introduction to Programming and Algorithms

Clem Baker-Finch

Australian National University

Semester 1, 2006

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Algebraic Types in Haskell

Recall that one of the ways we can define our own types in Haskell is as

algebraic data types .

The simplest kind of algebraic types are enumerations . For example:

data Day = Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Sat

data Temp = Cold|Hot

data Season = Spring|Summer|Autumn|Winter

Can we do that in Java?

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Enumerations in Java

enum Day {SUN ,MON ,TUE ,WED ,THU ,FRI ,SAT};

enum Temp {HOT ,COLD};


(It is a convention to write constants in upper case. It is not a rule.)

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Java enum actually defines a new class, so you have to write


Temp weather(Season s) {

if (s.equals(Season.SUMMER ))

return Temp.HOT;


return Temp.COLD;


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Union Types

Haskell’s algebraic data types can be more interesting than simple

enumerations — the alternatives can be structured .

Here is a type of different shapes, together with their dimensions:

data Shape = Circle Float

| Rectangle Float Float

| Ellipse Float Float

| Square Float

For example, (Rectangle 12.0 8.0) represents a rectangle of length

12.0 and height 8.0

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In Haskell we define functions on union types, case by case:

area :: Shape -> Float

area (Circle rad) = pi * rad^2

area (Rectangle l b) = l * b

area (Ellipse maj min) = pi * maj * min

area (Square side) = side^2

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Can we do that in Java?

Yes, but of course it looks a bit different.

Pick out just one alternative first — Rectangle

Based on the Haskell code on previous slides, rectangles alone can be

represented as:

data Rectangle = Rectangle Float Float

and we can define functions like this:

area :: Rectangle -> Float

area (Rectangle l b) = l * b

(See Rectangle.hs)

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How to Represent Rectangles Alone in Java?

One of the first Java classes we looked at was java.awt.Rectangle.

Here we will build our own version:

class Rectangle {

Double length , height;

public Rectangle(Double l, Double h) {

length = l;

height = h;



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Notice that in Haskell we refer to Rectangle (in the expression Rectangle

12.0 8.0) a constructor function as it constructs a rectangle.

Which corresponds exactly to the constructor (method) in the Java

rectangle class. The expression new Rectangle(12.0,8.0) constructs

the same rectangle.

Corresponding to the functions we define in Haskell, we have methods like

public Double area() {

return length * height;


and so on.

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We can build a Java class corresponding to each of the alternatives in

a Haskell algebraic type.

(Circle.java, Rectangle.java, Square.java, Ellipse.java)

In Haskell, that’s like

data Circle = Circle Float

data Rectangle = Rectangle Float Float

data Ellipse = Ellipse Float Float

data Square = Square Float

which is not quite what we want.

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In Haskell we can have variables of type Shape which may be circles,

rectangles, ellipses or squares.

How can we do that in Java?

Abstract Classes

Abstract classes don’t have objects .

Abstract classes can be “extended” by concrete classes of the same

“signature.” That is, the concrete classes implement all the methods of the

abstract class.

(See Shape.java)

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The methods in Shape.java are declared abstract and do’t have bodies.

Each of the concrete classes Circle.java, Rectangle.java,

Square.java and Ellipse.java starts like this:

class Rectangle extends Shape {

to indicate that it is related to Shape.

We can have variables, parameters and function results of type Shape.

For example:

public Shape normalise () {

which will return an object of class Circle, Rectangle, Square or


So we have achieved something corresponding to the Haskell algebraic data


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A more complex example of an algebraic data type was used to represent

pictures in the ANUPlot library. Corresponding Java classes are given on the

Lectures page of the course website.

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UML Class Diagrams

An aspect of UML (the Universal Modelling Language) is class diagrams to

graphically represent the relationship between classes in a system. Classes

are represented by boxes and the relations are represented by lines or


On of the main arrows represents the “is-a” relationship:

In the shapes example, each of Circle, Rectangle, Square and Ellipse

“is-a” Shape.

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+ area() : double+ perimeter() : double+ isRound() : boolean

Circle+ radius : double+ area() : double+ perimeter() : double+ isRound() : boolean

Square+ side : double+ area() : double+ perimeter() : double+ isRound() : boolean

Rectangle+ length : double+ height : double+ area() : double+ perimeter() : double+ isRound() : boolean

Ellipse+ major : double+ minor : double+ area() : double+ perimeter() : double+ isRound() : boolean

Diagram: class diagram Page 1

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The End.

• Summary lecture Thursday 25 May 9.30am

• Sample exam questions in the next week or so. . .

• Watch course website for drop-in labs schedule between now and


• Pre-exam massed tutorials/lectures in week prior to exam. Watch

website for announcement.

• Thanks and good luck.

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— Summary —

Core Themes & Unifying Principles

COMP1100 — Introduction to Programming and Algorithms

Clem Baker-Finch

Australian National University

Semester 1, 2006

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Types, Types, Types!

• Types classify program behaviour according to the kinds of values they


• Types are a basic organising principle of Computer Science.

None of this is language specific.

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Types are good for:

• Detecting errors

• Documentation

Since types “classify program behaviour,” reading the type signature of a

function sets a framework for understanding its detailed behaviour.

• Abstraction

The fundamental activity in Data Directed Design is to identify the

“types” of things involved in the problem domain.

• Other stuff you might find out about later, e.g. efficient implementations.

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Data Directed Design

Designing and constructing programs is about identifying and characterising

abstract data types in which to express the problem or application.

(Data Directed Design steps 2 and 3.)

That word again: Abstraction .

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Data Structures Suggest Algorithms

For example, if we choose to represent an ADT using a tuple then we should

expect the algorithms on that ADT to be in terms of selection.

If we are using a list then we should expect the algorithms to use traversal.

If we are using an algebraic data type then we should expect to have

separate cases for the alternatives and to select the components from each


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Lists consist of a variable number of elements of the same type.

So. . .

Algorithms on lists consist of doing the same thing with each of the elements.

Since there is a variable number of elements, that process will occur a

variable number of times.

We have repetition!

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Lists consist of a number of elements of the same type,

so. . .

List algorithms are structured around repetition.

Recursion is a fundamental way of expressing repetition.

Recursion is all we ever need to express any repetitive algorithm.

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Patterns of Repetition

With experience, we observe the same patterns of repetition occur again

and again in different algorithms.

We can abstract and identify the pattern.

By using the pattern (instead of its implementation using recursion)

programs are easier to develop and understand.

In Haskell such patterns appear as higher order functions.

In Java such patterns appear as (built-in) loops.

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Reasoning: safety critical systems

In some applications there is a need for formal proof of properties of

programs — “correctness.”

(For examples, see Peter G. Neumann : Computer-Related Risks.)

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Reasoning: your understanding

More generally, when we think about programs (e.g. when we are writing

them) we are reasoning about them, perhaps informally.

There is a very close relationship between inductive proof, recursive data

structures (such as lists) and recursive algorithms:

• The clauses of a recursive algorithm reflects the form of the recursive

data structure

• The cases of an inductive proof reflect the form of the recursive data


• The cases of an inductive proof reflect the clauses of the recursive


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The problem-domain data types identified in the Data Directed Design

process suggest a clean and coherent way to break the overall program into

modules — conceptually independent components of manageable size and


This is the fundamental motivation behind object oriented languages such as


Classes correspond directly to the problem-domain data types.

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We mostly used Haskell to present the core concepts of the course.

We reinforced the concept by expressing them in Java .

This was the main reason for looking at Java in this course.

The other reason: to provide a bridge to COMP1110/1510.

Don’t forget about Haskell!

Don’t stop using it!

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Study Focus

• Don’t over-emphasise Java just because we have been using it for the

last few weeks.

• Most of the course used Haskell and most of the final exam will be in

terms of Haskell, or perhaps not language specific.

• Don’t be overwhelmed by the intricacies of Java — you have all next

semester for that.

• Try to focus on the core concepts.

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Aiming for a Particular Result?

(Be realistic.)

Pass or Credit: Focus on the material and concepts in (***) lectures.

For example, in Java concentrate on the concept of a class and an

object, and on the alternative view of list processing.

Distinction: Material and concepts in (***) and (**) lectures.

High Distinction: Material and concepts in (***), (**), some (*) lectures. . .

. . . and cross your fingers.

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Study Advice:

• Prioritise your focus based on your aims.

• Re-work prac exercises.

• Experiment with sample code from lectures.

• Study groups can be much more effective that a solitary effort.

• Study groups can provide extra motivation.

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Good Luck!

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