welding dictionary & drawings

Welding Dictionary  MTE  = Miller Technology Exclusive Select the first letter of the term you are looking for: A C D E F G H I K L  ! " # S $ % & A Accu-Pulse™ (MTE) - IG 'rocess that (eli)ers 'recise control of the arc e)en o)er tack *el(s an( in tight corners+ "ro)i(es o'timum an( 'recise molten 'u((le control+ Accu-Rated™ Power (MTE) - $he stan(ar( for measuring engine,(ri)en generator  'o*er+ Guarantees (eli)ery of all 'o*er 'romise(+ Active Arc Stabilier™ (MTE) - Enhances arc starts an( 'ro)i(es a softer arc throughout all ranges- *ith less 'u((le tur.ulence an( less s'atter+ Ada!tive "ot Start™ (MTE) - Automatic ally incr eases t he out'ut am'erage at the start of a Stick *el(- shoul( the start re/uire it+ Hel's eliminate sticking of the electro(e at arc start+ Advanced Active #ield $ontrol Technology™ (MTE) - A sim'le an( relia .le 'atente( *ay of accurately controlling an engine (ri)e0s generator  *el( out'ut+ Air $arbon Arc $utting %$A$-A& - A cuttin g 'roces s .y *h ich metals are melte( .y the heat of an arc using a car.on electro(e+ olten metal is force( a*ay from the cut .y a .last of force( air+ Alternating $urrent %A$& - An electr ical curr ent that r e)erses its (irect ion at regular inter)als- such as 12 cycles alternating current 3AC4- or 12 hert5+ Alu'inu' Pulse "ot Start™ (MTE) - Automat ically 'r o)i(es mor e arc 'o* er to the illermatic6 782" to eliminate a 9col( start9 that is inherent *ith aluminum starts+ A'!erage - $he measurement of the amount of electricity flo*ing 'ast a gi)en 'oint in a con(uctor 'er secon(+ Current is another name for am'erage+ Arc - $he 'hysical ga' .et*een the en( of the electro(e an( the .ase metal+ $he 'hysical ga' causes heat (ue to resistance of current flo* an( arc rays+ Arc-Drive (MTE) - Automatic ally enh ances Stick *el(ing- es'ecially on 'i'e- .y focusing the arc an( 're)enting the electro(e from going out+

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Welding Dictionary 

MTE  = Miller Technology Exclusive 

Select the first letter of the term you are lookingfor: A C D E F G H I K L  ! " # S $ % & 

A Accu-Pulse™ (MTE) - IG 'rocess that (eli)ers 'recise control of the arc e)eno)er tack *el(s an( in tight corners+ "ro)i(es o'timum an( 'recise molten'u((le control+

Accu-Rated™ Power (MTE) - $he stan(ar( for measuring engine,(ri)engenerator  'o*er+ Guarantees (eli)ery of all 'o*er 'romise(+

Active Arc Stabilier™ (MTE) - Enhances arc starts an( 'ro)i(es a softer arcthroughout all ranges- *ith less 'u((le tur.ulence an( less s'atter+

Ada!tive "ot Start™ (MTE) - Automatically increases the out'ut am'erage atthe start of a Stick *el(- shoul( the start re/uire it+ Hel's eliminate sticking of theelectro(e at arc start+

Advanced Active #ield $ontrol Technology™ (MTE) - A sim'le an( relia.le'atente( *ay of accurately controlling an engine (ri)e0s generator  *el( out'ut+

Air $arbon Arc $utting %$A$-A& - A cutting 'rocess .y *hich metals aremelte( .y the heat of an arc using a car.on electro(e+ olten metal is force(a*ay from the cut .y a .last of force( air+

Alternating $urrent %A$& - An electrical current that re)erses its (irection atregular inter)als- such as 12 cycles alternating current 3AC4- or 12 hert5+

Alu'inu' Pulse "ot Start™ (MTE) - Automatically 'ro)i(es more arc 'o*er tothe illermatic6 782" to eliminate a 9col( start9 that is inherent *ith aluminumstarts+

A'!erage - $he measurement of the amount of electricity flo*ing 'ast a gi)en'oint in a con(uctor 'er secon(+ Current is another name for am'erage+

Arc - $he 'hysical ga' .et*een the en( of the electro(e an( the .ase metal+$he 'hysical ga' causes heat (ue to resistance of current flo* an( arc rays+

Arc-Drive (MTE) - Automatically enhances Stick *el(ing- es'ecially on 'i'e- .yfocusing the arc an( 're)enting the electro(e from going out+

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Auto-$rater™ (MTE) - Allo*s a $IG arc on the $rail.la5er6 Series to crater,out-allo*ing time for the a((ition of filler- *ithout the loss of shiel(ing gas+ Eliminatesthe nee( for a remote control at arc en(+

Auto-(ine™ (MTE) - Allo*s for any 'rimary in'ut )oltage *ithin a range- single,

or three,'hase- 82 or 12 H5+ Also a(usts for )oltage s'ikes *ithin the entirerange+

Auto-(in)*  (MTE) - Internal in)erter 'o*er source circuit that automatically linksthe 'o*er source to the 'rimary )oltage .eing a''lie( 3;72 % or <12 %4- *ithoutthe nee( for manually linking 'rimary )oltage terminals+

Auto'atic Start at +dle (MTE) - I(les engine imme(iately *hen starte(-eten(ing engine life an( re(ucing fuel consum'tion an( noise+

Auto'atic Welding - >ses e/ui'ment *hich *el(s *ithout the constant

a(usting of controls .y the *el(er or o'erator+ E/ui'ment controls ointalignment .y using an automatic sensing (e)ice+

Auto-Re,ire™ (MTE) , Automatically controls the 'ilot arc *hen cuttinge'an(e( metal or multi'le 'ieces of metal- *ithout manual re,triggering+

Auto Re'ote Sense™ (MTE) , Automatically s*itches machine from 'anel toremote control *ith remote connecte(+ A)aila.le on Dimension? @$ <82- $6782- $rail.la5er6 Series- an( "#! 722+ Eliminates confusion an( nee( for'anelBremote s*itch+

Auto-Sto!™ (MTE) - Allo*s a $IG arc to .e sto''e( *ithout the loss of shiel(inggas on the $rail.la5er6 Series+

Axcess™ #ile Manage'ent (MTE) - Soft*are that turns a stan(ar( "almhan(hel( into a (ata car( an( a remote 'en(ant for all Acess systems+ Allo*se,mailing- storage- an( transfer of *el(ing 'rograms+

$ $onstant $urrent %$$& Welding Machine - $hese *el(ing machines ha)elimite( maimum short circuit current+ $hey ha)e a negati)e )olt,am' cur)e an(are often referre( to as 9(roo'ers9+

$onstant-S!eed Wire #eeder - Fee(er o'erates from ;< or 8 %AC su''lie(.y the *el(ing 'o*er source+

$onstant oltage %$&. $onstant Potential %$P& Welding Machine - $his ty'eof *el(ing machine out'ut maintains a relati)ely sta.le- consistent )oltageregar(less of the am'erage out'ut+ It results in a relati)ely flat )olt,am' cur)e+

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$ool-/n-De'and™ (MTE) - Integrate( cooler runs only *hen nee(e(on Syncro*a)e6 ;82 D  782 L+

$urrent - Another name for am'erage+ $he amount of electricity flo*ing 'ast a'oint in a con(uctor e)ery secon(+

D De,ect - !ne or more (iscontinuities that cause a testing failure in a *el(+

Dig - Also calle( Arc Control+ Gi)es a 'o*er source )aria.le a((itional am'erage(uring lo* )oltage 3short arc length4 con(itions *hile *el(ing+ Hel's a)oi(sticking Stick electro(es *hen a short arc length is use(+

Direct $urrent %D$& - Flo*s in one (irection an( (oes not re)erse its (irection offlo* as (oes alternating current+

Direct $urrent Electrode 0egative %D$E0& - $he (irection of current flo*through a *el(ing circuit *hen the electro(e lea( is connecte( to the negati)eterminal an( the *ork lea( is connecte( to the 'ositi)e terminal of a DC *el(ingmachine+ Also calle( (irect current- straight 'olarity 3DCS"4+

Direct $urrent Electrode Positive %D$EP& - $he (irection of current flo*through a *el(ing circuit *hen the electro(e lea( is connecte( to a 'ositi)eterminal an( the *ork lea( is connecte( to a negati)e terminal to a DC *el(ingmachine+ Also calle( (irect current- re)erse 'olarity 3DC#"4+

Dual Power /!tion™ (MTE) - Gi)es the o'tion on the "i'e"ro? 72< engine

(ri)e to use ;72 )olt single, or three,'hase electric in'ut 'o*er- eliminatingengine *ear- noise an( emissions- as *ell as fuel costs+

Duty $ycle - $he num.er of minutes out of a 2,minute time 'erio( an arc*el(ing machine can .e o'erate( at maimum rate( out'ut+ An eam'le *oul(.e 12 (uty cycle at 722 am's+ $his *oul( mean that at 722 am's the *el(ingmachine can .e use( for 1 minutes an( then must .e allo*e( to cool *ith the fanmotor running for < minutes+

E Engine Save Start™ (MTE) - I(les engine 7 , < secon(s after startingon $rail.la5er6 ;8 DC an( 72;+ Eten(s engine life an( re(uces fuelconsum'tion+

# #an-/n-De'and™ (MTE) - Internal 'o*er source cooling system that only*orks *hen nee(e(- kee'ing internal com'onents cleaner+

#asTi!™ $ontact Ti! (MTE) - "atente(- single,turn for /uick change , no tools

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#ixed Auto'ation - Automate(- electronically controlle( *el(ing system forsim'le- straight or circular *el(s+

#lexible Auto'ation - Automate(- ro.otically controlle( *el(ing system forcom'le sha'es an( a''lications *here *el(ing 'aths re/uire torch,anglemani'ulation+

#lux $ored Arc Welding %#$AW& - An arc *el(ing 'rocess *hich melts an( oins metals .y heating them *ith an arc .et*een a continuous- consuma.leelectro(e *ire an( the *ork+ Shiel(ing is o.taine( from a flu containe( *ithinthe electro(e core+ A((e( shiel(ing may or may not .e 'ro)i(e( from eternallysu''lie( gas or gas miture+

1as Metal Arc Welding %1MAW& - See IG &el(ing+

1as Tungsten Arc Welding %1TAW& - See $IG &el(ing+

1round $onnection - A safety connection from a *el(ing machine frame to theearth+ See &ork'iece Connection for the (ifference .et*een *ork connectionan( groun( connection+

1round (ead - &hen referring to the connection from the *el(ing machine tothe *ork- see 'referre( term&ork'iece Lea(+

1un-/n-De'and™ (MTE) - Allo*s you to use either a stan(ar( gun ora S'oolmatic6 gun on illermatic6 ;2- ;8- an( 782 *ithout fli''ing a s*itch+$he machine senses *hich gun you are using *hen you 'ull the trigger+

" "ert - Hert5 is often referre( to as 9cycles 'er secon(9+ In the >nite( States- thefre/uency or (irectional change of alternating current is usually 12 hert5+

"igh #re2uency - Co)ers the entire fre/uency s'ectrum a.o)e 82-222 H5+ >se(in $IG *el(ing for arc ignition an( sta.ili5ation+

"ot Start™ (MTE) - >se( on some Stick 3SA&4 machines to make it easier tostart (ifficult,to,start electro(es+ >se( for arc starting only+

+ +nverter - "o*er source *hich increases the fre/uency of the incoming 'rimary'o*er- thus 'ro)i(ing for a smaller si5e machine an( im'ro)e( electricalcharacteristics for *el(ing- such as faster res'onse time an( more control for'ulse *el(ing+

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S!ray Trans,er  , @ame( for a s'ray of tiny molten (ro'letsacross the arc- usually smaller than the *ire (iameter+ >sesrelati)ely high )oltage an( am'erage )alues- an( the arc is onat all times after the arc is esta.lishe(+ %ery little if any s'atter is'ro(uce(+ >sually use( on thicker metals in the flat or hori5ontal

*el(ing 'ositions+Pulsed-S!ray Trans,er  J For this )ariation of s'ray transfer- the*el(ing machine 'ulses the out'ut .et*een high 'eak currentsan( lo* .ackgroun( currents+ $he *el( 'ool gets to cool slightly(uring the .ackgroun( cycle- making it slightly (ifferent thanS'ray $ransfer+ $his can allo* for *el(ing in all 'ositions oneither thin or thick metals+

For more information on IG &el(ing- 'lease see IG $ech $i's+

MP™ %Multi-oltage Plug& (MTE) - Allo*s connection of illermatic6

D%I? or "ass'ort? to 8, or ;72,)olt rece'tacles *ithout tools , ust choosethe 'lug that fits the rece'tacles *ithout tools , ust choose the 'lug that fits therece'tacle+

/ /!en-$ircuit oltage %/$& - As the name im'lies- no current is flo*ing in thecircuit .ecause the circuit is o'en+ $he )oltage is im'resse( u'on the circuit-ho*e)er- so that *hen the circuit is com'lete(- the current *ill flo* imme(iately+

P Pal'™ /S $o'!atibility - #e'laces the nee( for (ata car(s an( remote control

'en(ants on Acess mo(els+

Plas'a Arc $utting - An arc cutting 'rocess *hich se)ers metal .y using aconstricte( arc to melt a small area of the *ork+ $his 'rocess can cut all metalsthat con(uct electricity+ For more information on "lasma Cutting- 'leasesee "lasma $ech $i's+

Pounds Per S2uare +nch %!si& - A measurement e/ual to a mass or *eighta''lie( to one s/uare inch of surface area+

Power E,,iciency - Ho* *ell an electrical machine uses the incoming electrical


Power #actor $orrection - @ormally use( on single,'hase- constant current'o*er sources- to re(uce the amount of 'rimary am'erage (eman(e( from the'o*er com'any *hile *el(ing+

Pri'ary Power - !ften referre( to as the in'ut line )oltage an( am'eragea)aila.le to the *el(ing machine from the sho'0s main 'o*er line+ !ften

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e'resse( in *atts or kilo*atts 3K&4- 'rimary in'ut 'o*er is AC an( may .esingle,'hase or three,'hase+

Pulsed M+1 %M+1-P& - A mo(ifie( s'ray transfer 'rocess that 'ro(uces nos'atter .ecause the *ire (oes not touch the *el( 'u((le+ A''lications .est

suite( for 'ulse( IG are those currently using the short circuit transfer metho(for *el(ing steel- < gauge 3+ mm4 an( u'+

Pulsed T+1 %T+1-P& - A mo(ifie( $IG 'rocess a''ro'riate for *el(ing thinnermaterials+

Pulsing - Se/uencing an( controlling the amount of current- the fre/uency- an(the (uration of the *el(ing arc+

R Rated (oad - $he am'erage an( )oltage the 'o*er source is (esigne( to

'ro(uce for a gi)en s'ecific (uty cycle 'erio(+ For eam'le- 722 am's- 7; loa()olts- at 12 (uty cycle+

Regulated Metal De!osition %RMD& (MTE) - "recisely controlle( short,circuittransfer technology- a)aila.le as an o'tion on Acess? mo(els+ For s'atterre(uction- u' to ;2 re(uce( heat in'ut- or filling ga's+

Resistance S!ot Welding %RSW& - A 'rocess in *hich t*o 'ieces of metal are oine( .y 'assing current .et*een electro(es 'ositione( on o''osite si(es of the'ieces to .e *el(e(+ $here is no arc *ith this 'rocess+ For more information on#esistance S'ot &el(ing- 'lease see #esistance S'ot &el(ing $ech $i's+

RMS %Root Mean S2uare& , $he 9effecti)e9 )alues of measure( AC )oltage oram'erage+ #S e/uals 2+2 times the maimum- or 'eak )alue+

S Se'iauto'atic Welding - $he e/ui'ment controls only the electro(e *irefee(ing+ $he *el(ing gun mo)ement is controlle( .y han(+

Shar!Arc* (MTE) - !'timi5es the si5e an( sha'e of the arc cone- .ea( *i(than( a''earance- an( 'u((le flui(ity+ A)aila.le on the illermatic6 782B782"+

Shielded Metal Arc Welding - See Stick &el(ing+

Shielding 1as - "rotecti)e gas use( to 're)ent atmos'heric contamination ofthe *el( 'ool+

Single-Phase $ircuit - An electrical circuit 'ro(ucing only one alternating cycle*ithin a 712 (egree time s'an+

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S'art #uel Tan) (MTE) - $ank0s (esign minimi5es chance of fuel .ackflo*+

S!atter - $he metal 'articles .lo*n a*ay from the *el(ing arc+ $hese 'articles(o not .ecome 'art of the com'lete( *el(+

S!ot Welding - >sually ma(e on materials ha)ing some ty'e of o)erla''ing oint(esign+ Can refer to resistance- IG or $IG s'ot *el(ing+ #esistance s'ot *el(sare ma(e from electro(es on .oth si(es of the oint- *hile $IG an( IG s'ots arema(e from one si(e only+

S2uarewave™ - $he AC out'ut of a 'o*er source that has the a.ility to ra'i(lys*itch .et*een the 'ositi)e an( negati)e half cycles of alternating current+

Stic) Welding %SMAW or Shielded Metal Arc& - An arc *el(ing 'rocess *hichmelts an( oins metals .y heating them *ith an arc- .et*een a co)ere( metalelectro(e an( the *ork+ Shiel(ing gas is o.taine( from the electro(e outer

coating- often calle( flu+ Filler metal is 'rimarily o.taine( from the electro(ecore+ For more information on Stick &el(ing- 'lease see Stick $ech $i's+

Sub'erged Arc Welding %SAW& 4PD#5 - A 'rocess .y *hich metals are oine(.y an arc or arcs .et*een a .are metal electro(e or electro(es an( the *ork+Shiel(ing is su''lie( .y a granular- fusi.le material usually .rought to the *orkfrom a flu ho''er+

Sun ision™ (MTE) , Allo*s easy rea(ing of (igital meters in (irect sunlight orsha(e on $rail.la5er ;8 DCan( 72;+

SureStart™ (MTE) - "ro)i(es consistent Acess? arc starts .y 'reciselycontrolling 'o*er le)els for s'ecific *ire an( gas com.inations+

Syncro Start™ (MTE) - Allo*s selecta.le customi5e( arc startson Syncro*a)e6 ;22- Syncro*a)e6 ;82 D an( 782 L

T Three-Phase $ircuit - An electrical circuit (eli)ering three cycles *ithin a 712(egree time s'an- an( the cycles are ;2 electrical (egrees a'art+

T+1 Welding %1TAW or 1as Tungsten Arc& - !ften calle( $IG *el(ing

3$ungsten Inert Gas4- this *el(ing 'rocess oins metals .y heating them *ith atungsten electro(e *hich shoul( not .ecome 'art of the com'lete( *el(+ Fillermetal is sometimes use( an( argon inert gas or inert gas mitures are use( forshiel(ing+ For more information on $IG &el(ing- 'lease see $IG $ech $i's+

Ti! Saver Short $ircuit Protection™ (MTE) - Shuts (o*n out'ut *henthe IG contact ti' is shorte( to the *ork- on the illermatic6 78 an( 8+Eten(s contact ti' life an( 'rotects machine+

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Trigger Reset - "ermits /uick reset at gun rather than at machine+

Torch - A (e)ice use( in the $IG 3G$A&4 'rocess to control the 'osition of theelectro(e- to transfer current to the arc- an( to (irect the flo* of the shiel(ing gas+

Torch Detection™ (MTE) - Syncro*a)e6 ;82 D an( 782 L (etect if $IG torchis *ater, or air,coole(+

Touch Start - A lo*,)oltage- lo*,am'erage arc starting 'roce(urefor $IG 3G$A&4+ $he tungsten is touche( to the *ork'iece *hen the tungsten islifte( from the *ork'iece an arc is esta.lishe(+

Tri-$or™ Technology (MTE) - Sta.ili5er (esign on the Mo.cat ;82 that (eli)erssmoother *el(s an( (ecrease( s'atter *ith E2 electro(es- *ithout sacrificing'erformance *ith E122 electro(es+

Tungsten - #are metallic element *ith etremely high melting 'oint37<2o Celsius4+ >se( in manufacturing$IG electro(es+

 oltage - $he 'ressure or force that 'ushes the electrons through a con(uctor+%oltage (oes not flo*- .ut causes am'erage or current to flo*+ %oltage issometimes terme( electromoti)e force 3EF4 or (ifference in 'otential+

oltage-Sensing Wire #eeder - Fee(er o'erates from arc )oltage generate( .y*el(ing 'o*er source+

olt-A'! $urve - Gra'h that sho*s the out'ut characteristics of a *el(ing'o*er source+ Sho*s )oltage an( am'erage ca'a.ilities of a s'ecific machine+

W WaveWriter™ #ile Manage'ent (MTE) - Inclu(es all Acess? Fileanagement functions- 'lus a sim'le- gra'hical *a)e,sha'ing 'rogram for themost (eman(ing 'ulse( IG a''lications+

Weld at +dle™ (MTE) - Allo*s "i'e"ro? 72< to automatically *el( at a /uieter-lo*er #"- using less fuel+ &hen more out'ut is re/uire(- he machine goes tohigh s'ee( *ithout a change in arc+

Weld Metal - $he electro(e an( .ase metal that *as melte( *hile *el(ing *astaking 'lace+ $his forms the *el(ing .ea(+

Weld Trans,er - etho( .y *hich metal is transferre( from the *ire to themolten 'u((le+

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Wet-Stac)ing - >n.urne( fuel an( engine oil collecting in the ehaust stack of a(iesel engine- characteri5e( .y the ehaust stack .eing coate( *ith a .lack-sticky- oily su.stance+ $he con(ition is cause( .y the engine .eing run at toolight of a loa( for eten(e( 'erio(s of time+ Caught early- this (oes not cause'ermanent (amage an( can .e alle)iate( if a((itional loa( is a''lie(+ If ignore(-

'ermanent (amage can occur to the cylin(er *alls an( 'iston rings+ Im'ro)e(emission stan(ar(s an( higher /uality fuel make engines less 'rone to *et,stacking in recent years+

Wind Tunnel Technology™ (MTE) - Internal air flo* on many iller in)erters-that 'rotects electrical com'onents an( "C .oar(s from contamination-significantly im'ro)ing relia.ility+

Wire #eed S!eed - E'resse( in inBmin or mmBs- an( refers to the s'ee( an(amount of filler metal fe( into a *el(+ Generally s'eaking the higher the *ire fee(s'ee(- the higher the am'erage+

Wor)!iece $onnection - A means to fasten the *ork lea( 3*ork ca.le4 to the*ork 3metal to .e *el(e( on4+ Also- the 'oint at *hich this connection is ma(e+!ne ty'e of *ork connection is ma(e *ith an a(usta.le clam'+

Wor)!iece (ead - $he con(uctor ca.le or electrical con(uctor .et*een the arc*el(ing machine an( the *ork+

Section +6 Print Reading7-86 1E0ERA(

a+ Dra*ings+ Dra*ing or sketching is a uni)ersal language use( to con)ey all necessary information to the

in(i)i(ual *ho *ill fa.ricate or assem.le an o.ect+ "rints are also use( to illustrate ho* )arious e/ui'ment

is o'erate(- maintaine(- re'aire(- or lu.ricate(+ $he original (ra*ings for 'rints are ma(e either .y (irectly

(ra*ing or tracing a (ra*ing on a translucent tracing 'a'er or cloth using *ater'roof 3In(ia4 ink or a s'ecial

'encil+ $he original (ra*ing is referre( to as a tracing or master co'y+

.+ #e'ro(uction etho(s+ %arious metho(s of re'ro(uction ha)e .een (e)elo'e( *hich *ill 'ro(uce 'rints

of (ifferent colors from the master co'y+

34 !ne of the first 'rocesses (e)ise( to re'ro(uce a tracing 'ro(uce( *hite lines on a .lue .ackgroun(-

hence the term 9.lue'rints9+

3;4 A 'atente( 'a'er i(entifie( as 9M&9 'a'er 'ro(uces 'rints *ith .lack lines on a *hite .ackgroun(+

374 $he ammonia 'rocess- or 9!5ali(s9- 'ro(uces 'rints *ith either .lack- .lue- or maroon lines on a *hite


3<4 %an(yke 'a'er 'ro(uces a *hite line on a (ark .ro*n .ackgroun(+

384 !ther re'ro(uction metho(s are the mimeogra'h machine- (itto machine- an( 'hotostatic 'rocess+

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7-96 PARTS /# A DRAW+01

a+ $itle Mlock+ $he title .lock contains the (ra*ing num.er an( all the information re/uire( to i(entify the 'art

or assem.ly re'resente(+ A''ro)e( military 'rints *ill inclu(e the name an( a((ress of the Go)ernment Agency or organi5ation 're'aring the (ra*ing- the scale- the (rafting recor(- authentication- an( the (ate+

.+ #e)ision Mlock+ Each (ra*ing has a re)ision .lock *hich is usually locate( in the u''er right corner+ All

changes to the (ra*ing are note( in this .lock+ Changes are (ate( an( i(entifie( .y a num.er or letter+ If a

re)ision .lock is not use(- a re)ise( (ra*ing may .e sho*n .y the a((ition of a letter to the original


c+ Dra*ing @um.er+ All (ra*ings are i(entifie( .y a (ra*ing num.er+ If a 'rint has more than one sheet an(

each sheet has the same num.er- this information is inclu(e( in the num.er .lock- in(icating the sheet

num.er an( the num.er of sheets in the series+

(+ #eference @um.ers an( Dash @um.ers+ #eference num.ers that a''ear in the title .lock refer to other

'rint num.ers+ &hen more than one (etail is sho*n on a (ra*ing- (ashes an( num.ers are fre/uently use(+

If t*o 'arts are to .e sho*n in one (etail (ra*ing- .oth 'rints *ill ha)e the same (ra*ing num.er 'lus a

(ash an( an in(i)i(ual num.er such as 72;, an( 72;,;+

e+ Scale+ $he scale of the 'rint is in(icate( in one of the s'aces *ithin the title .lock+ It in(icates the si5e of

the (ra*ing as com'are( *ith the actual si5e of the 'art+ @e)er measure a (ra*ing,,use (imensions+ $he

'rint may ha)e .een re(uce( in si5e from the original (ra*ing+

f+ Mill of aterial+ A s'ecial .lock or .o on the (ra*ing may contain a list of necessary stock to make an

assem.ly+ It also in(icates the ty'e of stock- si5e- an( s'ecific amount re/uire(+

7-76 $/0STR:$T+/0 (+0ES 

a+ Full Lines 3A- fig+ 7,4+ Full lines re'resent the )isi.le e(ges or outlines of an o.ect+

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*a)y- semi'arallel lines cutting off the o.ect outline across a uniform section+ Long .reak lines are long

(ash 'arallel lines *ith each long (ash in the line connecte( to the net .y a 9;9 or shar' *a)e line+


7-;6 1E0ERA(

&el(ing cannot take its 'ro'er 'lace as an engineering tool unless means are 'ro)i(e( for con)eying the

information from the (esigner to the *orkmen+ &el(ing sym.ols 'ro)i(e the means of 'lacing com'lete

*el(ing information on (ra*ings+ $he scheme for sym.olic re'resentation of *el(s on engineering (ra*ings

use( in this manual is consistent *ith the 9thir( angle9 metho( of 'roection+ $his is the metho(

're(ominantly use( in the >nite( States+

$he oint is the .asis of reference for *el(ing sym.ols+ $he reference line of the *el(ing sym.ol 3fig+ 7,;4 is

use( to (esignate the ty'e of *el( to .e ma(e- its location- (imensions- etent- contour- an( other

su''lementary information+ Any *el(e( oint in(icate( .y a sym.ol *ill al*ays ha)e an arro* si(e an( an

other si(e+ Accor(ingly- the terms arro* si(e- other si(e- an( .oth si(es are use( herein to locate the *el(

*ith res'ect to the oint+

$he tail of the sym.ol is use( for (esignating the *el(ing an( cutting 'rocesses as *ell as the *el(ing

s'ecifications- 'roce(ures- or the su''lementary information to .e use( in making the *el(+ If a *el(er

kno*s the si5e an( ty'e of *el(- he has only 'art of the information necessary for making the *el(+ $he

'rocess- i(entification of filler metal that is to .e use(- *hether or not 'eening or root chi''ing is re/uire(-

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as sho*n in figure 7,<+

3;4 &hen the use of a (efinite 'rocess is re/uire( 3fig+ 7,84- the 'rocess may .e in(icate( .y one or more of

the letter (esignations sho*n in ta.les 7, an( 7,;+

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Letter (esignations ha)e not .een assigne( to arc s'ot- resistance s'ot- arc seam- resistance seam- an(

'roection *el(ing since the *el( sym.ols use( are a(e/uate+

374 &hen no s'ecification- 'rocess- or other sym.ol- the tail may .e omitte( 3fig+ 7,14+ reference is use( *ith

a *el(ing

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.+ "lug- Slot- Arc S'ot- Arc Seam- #esistance S'ot- #esistance Seam- an( "roection &el(ing Sym.ols+ For

these sym.ols- the arro* connects the *el(ing sym.ol reference line to the outer surface of one mem.er of

the oint at the center line of the (esire( *el(+ $he mem.er to *hich the arro* 'oints is consi(ere( the

arro* si(e mem.er+ $he other mem.er of the oint shall .e consi(ere( the other si(e mem.er 3fig+ 7,4+

c+ @ear Si(e+ &hen a oint is (e'icte( .y a single line on the (ra*ing an( the arro* of a *el(ing sym.ol is

(irecte( to this line- the arro* si(e of the oint is consi(ere( as the near si(e of the oint- in accor(ance *ith

the usual con)entions of (rafting 3fig+ 7,; an( 7,74+

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(+ @ear em.er+ &hen a oint is (e'icte( as an area 'arallel to the 'lane of 'roection in a (ra*ing an( the

arro* of a *el(ing sym.ol is (irecte( to that area- the arro* si(e mem.er of the oint is consi(ere( as the

near mem.er of the oint- in accor(ance *ith the usual con)entions of (rafting 3fig+ 7,4+

7-6 (/$AT+/0 /# T"E WE(D W+T" RESPE$T T/ B/+0T

a+ Arro* Si(e+ &el(s on the arro* si(e of the oint are sho*n .y 'lacing the *el( sym.ol on the si(e of the

reference line to*ar( the rea(er 3fig+ 7,<4+

.+ !ther Si(e+ &el(s on the other si(e of the oint are sho*n .y 'lacing the *el( sym.ol on the si(e of the

reference line a*ay from the rea(er 3fig+ 7,84+

c+ Moth Si(es+ &el(s on .oth si(es of the oint are sho*n .y 'lacing *el( sym.ols on .oth si(es of the

reference line- to*ar( an( a*ay from the rea(er 3fig+ 7,14+


(+ @o Si(e Significance+ #esistance s'ot- resistance seam- flash- *el( sym.ols ha)e no arro* si(e or other

si(e significance in themsel)es- although su''lementary sym.ols use( in conunction *ith these sym.ols

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may ha)e such significance+ For eam'le- the flush contour sym.ol 3fig+ 7,74 is use( in conunction *ith the

s'ot an( seam sym.ols 3fig+ 7,4 to sho* that the e'ose( surface of one mem.er of the oint is to .e

flush+ #esistance s'ot- resistance seam- flash- an( u'set *el( sym.ols shall .e centere( on the reference

line 3fig+ 7,4+

7-C6 RE#ERE0$ES A0D 1E0ERA( 0/TES 

a+ Sym.ols &ith #eferences+ &hen a s'ecification- 'rocess- or other reference is use( *ith a *el(ing

sym.ol- the reference is 'lace( in the tail 3fig+ 7,<4+

.+ Sym.ols &ithout #eferences+ Sym.ols may .e use( *ithout s'ecification- 'rocess- or other references


34 A note similar to the follo*ing a''ears on the (ra*ing: 9>nless other*ise (esignate(- all *el(s are to .e

ma(e in accor(ance *ith s'ecification no++++9

3;4 $he *el(ing 'roce(ure to .e use( is (escri.e( else*here- such as in sho' instructions an( 'rocess


c+ General @otes+ General notes similar to the follo*ing may .e 'lace( on a (ra*ing to 'ro)i(e (etaile(

information 'ertaining to the 're(ominant *el(s+ $his information nee( not .e re'eate( on the sym.ols:

34 9>nless other*ise in(icate(- all fillet *el(s are 8B1 in+ 32+2 cm4 si5e+9

3;4 9>nless other*ise in(icate(- root o'enings for all groo)e *el(s are 7B1 in+ 32+< cm4+9

(+ "rocess In(ication+ &hen use of a (efinite 'rocess is re/uire(- the 'rocess may .e in(icate( .y the letter

(esignations liste( in ta.les 7, an( 7,; 3fig+ 7,84+

e+ Sym.ol &ithout a $ail+ &hen no s'ecification- 'rocess- or other reference is use( *ith a *el(ing sym.ol-the tail may .e omitte( 3fig+ 7,14+

7-86 WE(D-A((-AR/:0D A0D #+E(D WE(D S=M>/(S 

a+ &el(s eten(ing com'letely aroun( a oint are in(icate( .y mans of the *el(,all,aroun( sym.ol 3fig+ 7,4+

&el(s that are com'letely aroun( a oint *hich inclu(es more than one ty'e of *el(- in(icate( .y a

com.ination *el( sym.ol- are also (e'icte( .y the *el(,all,aroun( sym.ol+ &el(s com'letely aroun( a oint

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in *hich the metal intersections at the 'oints of *el(ing are in more than one 'lane are also in(icate( .y the

*el(,all,aroun( sym.ol+

.+ Fiel( *el(s are *el(s not ma(e in a sho' or at the 'lace of initial construction an( are in(icate( .y means

of the fiel( *el( sym.ol 3fig+ 7,4+

7-886 ETE0T /# WE(D+01 DE0/TED >= S=M>/(S 

a+ A.ru't Changes+ Sym.ols a''ly .et*een a.ru't changes in the (irection of the *el(ing or to the etent of

hatching of (imension lines- ece't *hen the *el(,all,aroun( sym.ol 3fig+ 7,74 is use(+

.+ Hi((en Points+ &el(ing on hi((en oints may .e co)ere( *hen the *el(ing is the same as that of the

)isi.le oint+ $he (ra*ing in(icates the 'resence of hi((en mem.ers+ If the *el(ing on the hi((en oint is

(ifferent from that of the )isi.le oint- s'ecific information for the *el(ing of .oth must .e gi)en+

7-896 (/$AT+/0 /# WE(D S=M>/(S 

a+ &el( sym.ols- ece't resistance s'ot an( resistance seam- must .e sho*n only on the *el(ing sym.ol

reference line an( not on the lines of the (ra*ing+

.+ #esistance s'ot an( resistance seam *el( sym.ols may .e 'lace( (irectly at the locations of the (esire(

*el(s 3fig+ 7,4+

7-876 :SE /# +0$". DE1REE. A0D P/:0D MAR3S 


Inch marks are use( for in(icating the (iameter of arc s'ot- resistance s'ot- an( circular 'roection *el(s-

an( the *i(th of arc seam an( resistance seam *el(s *hen such *el(s are s'ecifie( .y (ecimal


In general- inch- (egree- an( 'oun( marks may or may not .e use( on *el(ing sym.ols- as (esire(+

7-8;6 $/0STR:$T+/0 /# S=M>/(S 

a+ Fillet- .e)el an( P,groo)e- flare .e)el groo)e- an( corner flange sym.ols shall .e sho*n *ith the

'er'en(icular leg al*ays to the left 3fig+ 7,4+

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f+ &hen the .asic *el( sym.ols are ina(e/uate to in(icate the (esire( *el(- the *el( shall .e sho*n .y a

cross section- (etail- or other (ata *ith a reference on the *el(ing sym.ol accor(ing to location

s'ecifications gi)en in 'ara 7, 3fig+ 7,;74+

g+ $*o or more reference lines may .e use( to in(icate a se/uence of o'erations+ $he first o'eration must

.e sho*n on the reference line nearest the arro*+ Su.se/uent o'erations must .e sho*n se/uentially on

other reference lines 3fig+ 7,;<4+ A((itional reference lines may also .e use( to sho* (ata su''lementary to

*el(ing sym.ol information inclu(e( on the reference line nearest the arro*+ $est information may .e sho*n

on a secon( or thir( line a*ay from the arro* 3fig+ 7,;84+ &hen re/uire(- the *el(,all,aroun( sym.ol must

.e 'lace( at the unction of the arro* line an( reference line for each o'eration to *hich it a''lies 3fig+ 7,;14+

$he fiel( *el( sym.ol may also .e use( in this manner+

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7-8<6 #+((ET WE(DS

Dimensions of fillet *el(s must .e sho*n on the same si(e of the reference line as the *el( sym.ol 3A- fig+


.+ &hen fillet *el(s are in(icate( on .oth si(es of a oint an( no general note go)erning the (imensions of

the *el(s a''ears on the (ra*ing- the (imensions are in(icate( as follo*s:

34 &hen .oth *el(s ha)e the same (imensions- one or .oth may .e (imensione( 3M or C- fig+ 7,;4+

3;4 &hen the *el(s (iffer in (imensions- .oth must .e (imensione( 3D- fig+ 7,;4+

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c+ &hen fillet *el(s are in(icate( on .oth si(es of a oint an( a general note go)erning the (imensions of the

*el(s a''ears on the (ra*ing- neither *el( nee( .e (imensione(+ Ho*e)er- if the (imensions of one or

.oth *el(s (iffer from the (imensions gi)en in the general note- .oth *el(s must .e (imensione( 3C or D-

fig+ 7,;4+

7-8?6 S+FE /# #+((ET WE(DS 

a+ $he si5e of a fillet *el( must of a fillet *el( .e sho*n to the left of the *el( sym.ol 3A- fig+ 7,;4+

.+ $he si5e the fillet *el( *ith une/ual legs must .e sho*n in 'arentheses to left of the *el( sym.ol+ &el(

orientation is not sho*n .y the sym.ol an( must .e sho*n on the (ra*ing *hen necessary 3E- fig+ 7,;4+

c+ >nless other*ise in(icate(- the (e'osite( fillet *el( si5e must not .e less than the si5e sho*n on the


(+ &hen 'enetration for a gi)en root o'ening is s'ecifie(- the ins'ection metho( for (etermining 'enetration

(e'th must .e inclu(e( in the a''lica.le s'ecification+

7-8@6 (E01T" /# #+((ET WE(DS 

a+ $he length of a fillet *el(- *hen in(icate( on the *el(ing sym.ol- must .e sho*n to the right of the *el(

sym.ol 3A through D- fig+ 7,;4+

.+ &hen fillet *el(ing eten(s for the full (istance .et*een a.ru't changes in the (irection of the *el(ing-

no length (imension nee( .e sho*n on the *el(ing sym.ol+

c+ S'ecific lengths of fillet *el(ing may .e in(icate( .y sym.ols in conunction *ith (imension lines 3fig+ 7,


7-86 ETE0T /# #+((ET WE(D+01 

a+ >se one ty'e of hatching 3*ith or *ithout (efinite lines4 to sho* the etent of fillet *el(ing gra'hically+

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.+ Fillet *el(ing eten(ing .eyon( a.ru't changes in the (irection of the *el(ing must .e in(icate( .y

a((itional arro*s 'ointing to each section of the oint to .e *el(e( 3fig+ 7,;N4 ece't *hen the *el(,all,

aroun( sym.ol is use(+

7-8C6 D+ME0S+/0+01 /# +0TERM+TTE0T #+((ET WE(D+01 

a+ $he 'itch 3center,to,center s'acing4 of intermittent fillet *el(ing shall .e sho*n as the (istance .et*een

centers of increments on one si(e of the oint+

.+ $he 'itch of intermittent fillet *el(ing shall .e sho*n to the right of the length (imension 3A- fig 7,;4+

c+ Dimensions of chain intermittent fillet *el(ing must .e sho*n on .oth si(es of the reference line+ Chain

intermittent fillet *el(s shall .e o''osite each other 3fig+ 7,724+

(+ Dimensions of staggere( intermittent fillet *el(ing must .e sho*n on .oth si(es of the reference line as

sho*n in figure 7,7+

>nless other*ise s'ecifie(- staggere( intermittent fillet *el(s on .oth si(es shall .e symmetrically s'ace(

as in figure 7,7;+

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7-96 TERM+0AT+/0 /# +0TERM+TTE0T #+((ET WE(D+01 

a+ &hen intermittent fillet *el(ing is use( .y itself- the sym.ol in(icates that increments are locate( at the

en(s of the (imensione( length+

.+ &hen intermittent fillet *el(ing is use( .et*een continuous fillet *el(ing- the sym.ol in(icates that

s'aces e/ual to the 'itch minus the length of one increment shall .e left at the en(s of the (imensione(


c+ Se'arate sym.ols must .e use( for intermittent an( continuous fillet *el(ing *hen the t*o are com.ine(

along one si(e of the oint 3fig+ 7,;4+

7-986 S:R#A$E $/0T/:R /# #+((ET WE(DS 

a+ Fillet *el(s that are to .e *el(e( a''roimately flat- con)e- or conca)e face( *ithout recourse to any

metho( of finishing must .e sho*n .y a((ing the flush- con)e- or conca)e contour sym.ol to the *el(

sym.ol- in accor(ance *ith the location s'ecifications gi)en in 'aragra'h 7, 3A- fig+ 7,774+

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the *el( sym.ol 3fig+ 7,74+

g+ Details of Slot &el(s+ Length- *i(th- s'acing- inclu(e( angle of countersink- orientation- an( location of

slot *el(s cannot .e sho*n on the *el(ing sym.ols+ $his (ata must .e sho*n on the (ra*ing or .y a (etail

*ith a reference to it on the *el(ing sym.ol- in accor(ance *ith location s'ecifications gi)en in 'aragra'h 7,

3D- fig+ 7,774+

7-976 AR$ SP/T A0D AR$ SEAM WE(DS 

a+ General+ $he s'ot *el( sym.ol- in accor(ance *ith its location in relation to the reference line- may or

may not ha)e arro* si(e or other si(e significance+ Dimensions must .e sho*n on the same si(e of the

reference line as the sym.ol or on either si(e *hen the sym.ol is locate( astri(e the reference line an( has

no arro* si(e or other si(e significance+ $he 'rocess reference is in(icate( in the tail of the *el(ing sym.ol+

$hen 'roection *el(ing is to .e use(- the s'ot *el( sym.ol shall .e use( *ith the 'roection *el(ing

'rocess reference in the tail of the *el(ing sym.ol+ $he s'ot *el( sym.ol must .e centere( a.o)e or .elo*

the- reference line+

.+ Si5e of Arc S'ot an( Arc Seam &el(s+

34 $hese *el(s may .e (imensione( .y either si5e or strength+

3;4 $he si5e of arc s'ot *el(s must .e (esignate( as the (iameter of the *el(+ Arc seam *el( si5e shall .e

(esignate( as the *i(th of the *el(+ Dimensions *ill .e e'resse( in fractions or in (ecimals in hun(re(ths

of an inch an( shall .e sho*n- *ith or *ithout inch marks- to the left of the *el( sym.ol 3A- fig+ 7,74+

374 $he strength of arc s'ot *el(s must .e (esignate( as the minimum acce't,a.le shear strength in 'oun(s

or ne*tons 'er s'ot+ In arc seam *el(s- strength is (esignate( in 'oun(s 'er linear inch+ Strength is sho*n

to the left of the *el( sym.ol 3M- fig+ 7,74+

c+ S'acing of Arc S'ot an( Arc Seam &el(s+

34 $he 'itch 3center,to,center s'acing4 of arc s'ot *el(s an(- *hen in(icate(- the length of arc seam *el(s-

must .e sho*n to the right of the *el( sym.ol 3C- fig+ 7,74+

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3;4 &hen s'ot *el(ing or arc seam *el(ing eten(s for the full (istance .et*een a.ru't changes in the

(irection of *el(ing- no length (imension nee( .e sho*n on the *el(ing sym.ol+

(+ Etent an( @um.er of Arc S'ot &el(s an( Arc Seam &el(s+

34 &hen arc s'ot *el(ing eten(s less than the (istance .et*een a.ru't changes in the (irection of

*el(ing or less than the full length of the oint- the etent must .e (imensione( 3fig+ 7,7N4+

3;4 &hen a (efinite num.er of arc s'ot *el(s is (esire( in a certain oint- the num.er must .e sho*n in

'arentheses either a.o)e or .elo* the *el( sym.ol 3fig+ 7,<24+

374 A grou' of s'ot *el(s may .e locate( on a (ra*ing .y intersecting center lines+ $he arro*s 'oint to at

least one of the centerlines 'assing through each *el( location+

e+ Flush Arc S'ot an( Arc Seam &el(e( Points+ &hen the e'ose( surface of one mem.er of an arc s'ot or

arc seam *el(e( oint is to .e flush- that surface must .e in(icate( .y a((ing the flush contour sym.ol 3fig+

7,<4 in the same manner as that for fillet *el(s 3'ara 7,;4+


f+ Details of Arc Seam &el(s+ S'acing- etent- orientation- an( location of arc seam *el(s cannot .e sho*n

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on the *el(ing sym.ols+ $his (ata must .e sho*n on the (ra*ing+

7-9;6 1R//E WE(DS

a+ General+

34 Dimensions of groo)e *el(s must .e sho*n on the same si(e of the reference line as the *el( sym.ol

3fig+ 7,<;4+

3;4 &hen no general note go)erning the (imensions of (ou.le groo)e *el(s a''ears- (imensions shall .e

sho*n as follo*s:

3a4 &hen .oth *el(s ha)e the same (imensions- one or .oth may .e (imensione( 3fig+ 7,<74+

3.4 &hen the *el(s (iffer in (imensions- .oth shall .e (imensione( 3fig+ 7,<<4+

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374 &hen a general note go)erning the (imensions of groo)e *el(s a''ears- the (imensions of (ou.le

groo)e *el(s shall .e in(icate( as follo*s:

3a4 If the (imensions of .oth *el(s are as in(icate( in the note- neither sym.ol nee( .e (imensione(+

3.4 &hen the (imensions of one or .oth *el(s (iffer from the (imensions gi)en in the general note- .oth

*el(s shall .e (imensione( 3fig+ 7,<<4+

.+ Si5e of Groo)e &el(s+

34 $he si5e of groo)e *el(s shall .e sho*n to the left of the *el( sym.ol 3fig+ 7,<<4+

3;4 S'ecifications for groo)e *el(s *ith no s'ecifie( root 'enetration are sho*n as follo*s:

3a4 $he si5e of single groo)e an( symmetrical (ou.le groo)e *el(s *hich eten( com'letely through the

mem.er or mem.ers .eing oine( nee( not .e sho*n on the *el(ing sym.ol 3A an( M- fig+ 7,<84+

3.4 $he si5e of groo)e *el(s *hich eten( only 'artly through the mem.er mem.ers .eing oine( must .e

sho*n on the *el(ing sym.ol 3A an( M- fig+ 7,<14+

374 $he groo)e *el(s- si5e of groo)e *el(s *ith s'ecifie( root 'enetration- ece't s/uare must .e in(icate(

.y sho*ing the (e'th of chamfering an( the root 'enetration se'arate( .y a 'lus mark an( 'lace( to the leftof the *el( sym.ol+ $he (e'th of chamfering an( the root 'enetration must rea( in that or(er from left to

right along the reference line 3A an( M- fig+ 7,<4+ $he si5e of s/uare groo)e *el(s must .e in(icate( .y

sho*ing only the root 'enetration+

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3<4 $he si5e of flare groo)e *el(s is consi(ere( to eten( only to the tangent 'oints as in(icate( .y

(imension lines 3fig+ 7,<4+

c+ Groo)e Dimensions

34 #oot o'ening- groo)e angle- groo)e ra(ii- an( root faces of the > an( P groo)e *el(s are the user0s

stan(ar( unless other*ise in(icate(+

3;4 &hen the user0s stan(ar( is not use(- the *el( sym.ols are as follo*s:

3a4 #oot o'ening is sho*n insi(e the *el( sym.ol 3fig+ 7,<N4+

3.4 Groo)e angle of groo)e *el(s is sho*n outsi(e the *el( sym.ol 3fig+ 7,<;4+

3c4 Groo)e ra(ii an( root faces of > an( P groo)e *el(s are sho*n .y a cross section- (etail- or other (ata-

*ith a reference to it on the *el(ing sym.ol- in accor(ance *ith location s'ecifications gi)en in 'aragra'h 7,

3fig+ 7,;;4+

(+ Mack an( Macking &el(s+ Mea(,ty'e .ack an( .acking *el(s of single,groo)e *el(s shall .e sho*n .y

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means of the .ack or .acking *el( sym.ol 3fig+ 7,824+

e+ Surface Contour of Groo)e &el(s+ $he contour sym.ols for groo)e *el(s 3F- fig+ 7,84 are in(icate( in

the same manner as that for fillet *el(s 3'ara 7,;4+

34 Groo)e *el(s that are to .e *el(e( a''roimately flush *ithout recourse to any metho( of finishing shall

.e sho*n .y a((ing the flush contour sym.ol to the *el( sym.ol- in accor(ance *ith the location

s'ecifications gi)en in 'aragra'h 7, 3fig+ 7,8;4+

3;4 Groo)e *el(s that are to .e ma(e flush .y mechanical means shall .e sho*n .y a((ing the flush

contour sym.ol an( the user0s stan(ar( finish sym.ol to the *el( sym.ol- in accor(ance *ith the location

s'ecifications gi)en in 'aragra'h 7, 3fig+ 7,874+

374 Groo)e *el(s that are to .e mechanically finishe( to a con)e contour shall .e sho*n .y a((ing .oth the

con)e contour sym.ol an( the user0s stan(ar( finish sym.ol to the *el( sym.ol- in accor(ance *ith the

location s'ecifications gi)en in 'ara 7, 3fig+ 7,8<4+

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3;4 elt,thru *el(s shall .e sho*n .y 'lacing the melt,thru *el( sym.ol on the si(e of the reference line

o''osite the groo)e *el(- flange- tee- or corner *el( sym.ol 3fig+ 7,814+

374 Dimensions of melt,thru *el(s shoul( rot .e sho*n on the *el(ing sym.ol+ If it is (esire( to s'ecify these

(imensions- they must .e sho*n on the (ra*ing+

.+ Surface Contour of elt,thru &el(s+ $he contour sym.ols for melt,thru *el(s are in(icate( in the same

manner as that for fillet *el(s 3fig+ 7,84+

7-9@6 S:R#A$+01 WE(DS

a+ General+

34 $he surfacing *el( sym.ol shall .e use( to in(icate surfaces .uilt u' .y *el(ing 3fig+ 7,84- *hether .uilt

u' .y single,or multi'le,'ass surfacing *el(s+

3;4 $he surfacing *el( sym.ol (oes not in(icate the *el(ing of a oint an( thus has no arro* or other si(e

significance+ $his sym.ol shall .e (ra*n on the si(e of the reference line to*ar( the rea(er an( the arro*

shall 'oint clearly to the surface on *hich the *el( is to .e (e'osite(+

.+ Si5e of Muilt,u' Surfaces+ $he si5e 3height4 of a surface .uilt u' .y *el(ing shall .e in(icate( .y sho*ing

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the minimum height of the *el( (e'osit to the left of the *el( sym.ol+ $he (imensions shall al*ays .e on

the same si(e of the reference line as the *el( sym.ol 3fig+ 7,84+ &hen no s'ecific height of *el( (e'osit is

(esire(- no si5e (imension nee( .e sho*n on the *el(ing sym.ol+

c+ Etent- Location- an( !rientation of Surfaces Muilt u' .y &el(ing+ &hen the entire area of a 'lane or

cur)e( surface is to .e .uilt u' .y *el(ing- no (imension- other than si5e- nee( .e sho*n on the *el(ingsym.ol+ If only a 'ortion of the area of a 'lane or cur)e( surface is to .e .uilt u' .y *el(ing- the etent-

location- an( orientation of the area to .e .uilt u' shall .e in(icate( on the (ra*ing+

7-96 #(A01E WE(DS

a+ General+

34 $he follo*ing *el(ing sym.ols are use( for light gage metal oints in)ol)ing the flaring or flanging of the

e(ges to .e oine( 3fig+ 7,8N4+ $hese sym.ols ha)e no arro* or other si(e significance+

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3;4 E(ge flange *el(s shall .e sho*n .y the e(ge flange *el( sym.ol 3A- fig+ 7,8N4+

374 Corner flange *el(s shall .e sho*n .y the corner flange *el( sym.ol 3M- fig+ 7,8N4+ In cases *here the

corner flange oint is not (etaile(- a .reak in the arro* is re/uire( to sho* *hich mem.er is flange( 3fig+ 7,


.+ Dimensions of Flange &el(s+

34 Dimensions of flange *el(s are sho*n on the same si(e of the reference line as the *el( sym.ol+

3;4 $he ra(ius an( the height a.o)e the 'oint of tangency must .e in(icate( .y sho*ing the ra(ius an(

height- se'arate( .y a 'lus mark- an( 'lace( to the left of the *el( sym.ol+ $he ra(ius an( height must rea(

in that or(er from left to right along the reference line 3C- fig+ 7,8N4+

374 $he si5e 3thickness4 of flange *el(s must .e sho*n .y a (imension 'lace( out*ar( of the flange

(imensions 3C- fig+ 7,8N4+

3<4 #oot o'ening of flange *el(s are not sho*n on the *el(ing sym.ol+ If s'ecification of this (imension is

(esire(- it must .e sho*n on the (ra*ing+

c+ ulti'le,Point Flange &el(s+ For flange *el(s in *hich one or more 'ieces are inserte( .et*een the t*o

outer 'ieces- the same sym.ol shall .e use( as for the t*o outer 'ieces- regar(less of the num.er of 'ieces



a+ General+ #esistance s'ot *el( sym.ols 3fig+ 7,74 ha)e no arro* or other si(e significance in themsel)es-

although su''lementary sym.ols use( in con,unction *ith them may ha)e such significance+ #esistance

s'ot *el( sym.ols shall .e centere( on the reference line+ Dimensions may .e sho*n on either si(e of the

reference line+

.+ Si5e of #esistance S'ot &el(s+ #esistance s'ot *el(s are (imensione( .y either si5e or strength as


34 $he si5e of resistance s'ot *el(s is (esignate( as the (iameter of the *el( e'resse( in fractions or in

(ecimals in hun(re(ths of an inch an( must .e sho*n- *ith or *ithout inch marks- to the left of the *el(

sym.ol 3Qfig+ 7,124+


3;4 $he strength of resistance s'ot *el(s is (esignate( as the minimum acce'ta.le shear strength in 'oun(s

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'er s'ot an( must .e sho*n to the left of the *el( sym.ol 3fig+ 7,14+

c+ S'acing of #esistance S'ot &el(s+

34 $he 'itch of resistance s'ot *el(s shall .e sho*n to the right of the *el( sym.ol 3fig+ 7,1;4+

3;4 &hen the sym.ols are sho*n (irectly on the (ra*ing- the s'acing is sho*n .y using (imension lines+

374 &hen resistance s'ot *el(ing eten(s less than the (istance .et*een a.ru't changes in the (irection of

the *el(ing or less than the full length of the oint- the etent must .e (imensione( 3fig+ 7,174+

(+ @um.er of #esistance S'ot &el(s+ &hen a (efinite num.er of *el(s is (esire( in a certain oint- the

num.er must .e sho*n in 'arentheses either a.o)e or .elo* the *el( sym.ol 3fig+ 7,1<4+


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e+ Flush #esistance S'ot &el(ing Points+ &hen the e'ose( surface of one mem.er of a resistance s'ot

*el(e( oint is to .e flush- that surface shall .e in(icate( .y a((ing the flush contour sym.ol 3fig+ 7,74 to the

*el( sym.ol- 3fig+ 7,184 in accor(ance *ith location s'ecifications gi)en in 'aragra'h 7,+


a+ General+

34 #esistance seam *el( sym.ols ha)e no arro* or other si(e significance in themsel)es- although

su''lementary sym.ols use( in inunction *ith them may ha)e such significance+ #esistance seam *el(sym.ols must .e centere( on the reference line+

3;4 Dimensions of resistance seam *el(s may .e sho*n on either si(e of the reference line+

.+ Si5e of #esistance Seam &el(s+ #esistance seam *el(s must .e (imensione( .y either si5e or strength

as follo*s:

34 $he si5e of resistance seam *el(s must .e (esignate( as the *i(th of the *el( e'resse( in fractions or

in (ecimals in hun(re(ths of an inch an( shall .e sho*n- *ith or *ithout inch marks- to the left of the *el(

sym.ol 3fig+ 7,114+

3;4 $he strength of resistance seam *el(s must .e (esignate( as the minimum acce'ta.le shear strength in

'oun(s 'er linear inch an( must .e sho*n to the left of the *el( sym.ol 3fig+ 7,14+

c+ Length of #esistance Seam &el(s+

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34 $he length of a resistance seam *el(- *hen in(icate( on the *el(ing sym.ol- must .e sho*n to the right

of the *el(ing sym.ol 3fig+ 7,14+

3;4 &hen resistance seam *el(ing eten(s for the full (istance .et*een a.ru't changes in the (irection of

the *el(ing- no length (imension nee( .e sho*n on the *el(ing sym.ol+

374 &hen resistance seam *el(ing eten(s less than the (istance .et*een a.ru't changes in the (irection

of the *el(ing or less than the full length of the oint- the etent must .e (imensione( 3fig+ 7,1N4+

(+ "itch of #esistance Seam &el(s+ $he 'itch of intermittent resistance seam *el(ing shall .e (esignate(

as the (istance .et*een centers of the *el( increments an( must .e sho*n to the right of the length

(imension 3fig+ 7,24+

e+ $ermination of Intermittent #esistance Seam &el(ing+ &hen intermittent resistance seam *el(ing is use(

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.y itself- the sym.ol in(icates that increments are locate( at the en(s of the (imensione( length+ &hen use(

.et*een continuous resistance seam *el(ing- the sym.ol in(icates that s'aces e/ual to the 'itch minus the

length of one increment are left at the en(s of the (imensional length+ Se'arate sym.ols must .e use( for

intermittent an( continuous resistance seam *el(ing *hen the t*o are com.ine(+

f+ Flush "roection &el(e( Points+ &hen the e'ose( surface of one mem.er of a 'roection *el(e( oint isto .e ma(e flush- that surface shall .e in(icate( .y a((ing the flush contour sym.ol 3fig+ 7,74 to the *el(

sym.ol- o.ser)ing the usual location significance 3fig+ 7,N4+

7-786 PR/BE$T+/0 WE(DS

a+ General+

34 &hen using 'roection *el(ing- the s'ot *el( sym.ol must .e use( *ith the 'roection *el(ing 'rocess

reference in the tail of the *el(ing sym.ol+ $he s'ot *el( sym.ol must .e centere( on the reference line+

3;4 Em.ossments on the arro* si(e mem.er of a oint for 'roection *el(ing shall .e in(icate( .y 'lacing the

*el( sym.ol on the si(e of the reference line to*ar( the rea(er 3fig+ 7,;4+

374 Em.ossment on the other si(e mem.er of a oint for 'roection *el(ing shall .e in(icate( .y 'lacing the

*el( sym.ol on the ,si(e of the reference line a*ay from the rea(er 3fig+ 7,74+

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(+ @um.er of "roection &el(s+ &hen a (efinite num.er of 'roection *el(s is (esire( in a certain oint- the

num.er shall .e sho*n in 'arentheses 3F- fig+ 7,4+

e+ Etent of "roection &el(ing+ &hen the 'roection *el(ing eten(s less than the (istance .et*een a.ru't

changes in the (irection of the *el(ing or less than the full length of the oint- the etent shall .e

(imensione( 3fig+ 7,4+

f+ Flush #esistance Seam &el(e( Points+ &hen the e'ose( surface of one mem.er of a resistance seam

*el(e( oint is to .e flush- that surface shall .e in(icate( .y a((ing the flush contour sym.ol 3fig+ 7,74 to the

*el( sym.ol- o.ser)ing the usual location significance 3fig+ 7,4+

7-796 #(AS" /R :PSET WE(DS

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a+ General+ Flash or u'set *el( sym.ols ha)e no arro* si(e or other si(e significance in themsel)es-

although su''lementary sym.ols use( in conunction *ith then may ha)e such significance+ $he *el(

sym.ols for flash or u'set *el(ing must .e centere( on the reference line+ Dimensions nee( not .e sho*n

on the *el(ing sym.ol+

.+ Surface Contour of Flash or >'set &el(s+ $he contour sym.ols 3fig+ 7,74 for flash or u'set *el(s 3fig+ 7,

24 are in(icate( in the same manner as that for fillet *el(s 3'aragra'h 7,;4+

content 'ro)i(e( .y US Army Ordnance Center and School R