well br wfd maturity toolkit v0.2

BR Project: WELL and iWoBLE WFD Maturity Toolkit - for LLL and WFD Festival of Assemblies Oxford - 20 October 2010 (14.00- 16.00)

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BR Project: WELL and iWoBLE

WFD Maturity Toolkit - for LLL and WFD

Festival of AssembliesOxford - 20 October 2010 (14.00-16.00)

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The WELL BR Project Partnership

• University of Bradford • Middlesex University• Craven College• ELRAH (Edinburgh, Lothians , Fife and Borders Regional Articulation Hub)

• UWIC (University of Wales Institute, Cardiff)

• University of Westminster • JISC• Peter Chatterton

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Development of a WFD Maturity Toolkit

Project introduction (10 mins)

• Background, context and rationale.• What will the WFD Maturity Toolkit

look like?• How will it be used (methodology)?• Initial research study.• Project deliverables.• The proposed development

approach.• Q&As

Workshop activities

• Plenary (45mins)

Discuss and update the framework & toolkit criteria.

• Groups (45 mins)

Develop level statements for chosen criteria.

• Plenary (20 mins)Groups to present level statements – and discuss.

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Background, context and rationale• WFD:

– Varies in “maturity”.– Good practice in pedagogic models, use of ICT, partnership working & how best for institutions to

“prepare for WFD” is slowly emerging – but is not widespread.

• A need for HE & FE institutions to:– Better understand what “maturity” in WFD looks like.– Assess their maturity in WFD.– Better inform their strategy and plans for WFD.

• The HE & FE sectors have experience in developing and using maturity toolkits:– HEA/JISC National e-learning benchmarking programme.– HEA/JISC Pathfinder (change) programme.

• A need for JISC to:– Support institutions in collaborative activities, resource-sharing and learning from each other.– Better understand how to support institutions.

Those institutions experienced in WFD can distil their knowledge into a maturity toolkit to help others.

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What will the WFD Maturity Toolkit look like? – the Framework

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Criteria and level statements

Criterion name

Level 1 statement

Level 2Statement

Level 3 statement

Level 4 statement

Level 5 statement

Level 6 statement

Notes Evidence areas

WBL Pedagogy

WBL pedagogy not understood throughout the institution

WBL pedagogy understood within the learning & teaching core team and among a few academic staff

WBL pedagogy well understood within the learning & teaching core team and among some academic staff

WBL pedagogy well understood within the learning & teaching core team and among most academic staff

WBL pedagogic guidelines for the whole institution with permitted variants and understood and acted upon by all staff

A culture where WBL pedagogic decisions are made naturally within guidelines.

Level of practical but evidence-based knowledge and application of instructional design and pedagogic principles

Interviews, focus groups, staff surveys.

…. based on a Pick&Mix approach

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Ideas for Criteria & criteria groupings

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How will it be used (methodology)?


Identify Evidence

Collect evidence

“Levelling” workshops(led by senior management)

Analysis and reporting

“Change/Actions” workshop

• Identify dimensions (slices).• Identify and co-opt stakeholders.• Develop project plan, including defined roles & responsibilities & resources required.

• Hold meetings with stakeholders to gain buy-in and understanding.• Adapt and amend criteria as appropriate.

“Appreciate methodology” workshop

• Identify evidence needed.• Identify techniques and methods for evidence gathering.• Develop plan for evidence gathering.

• Review evidence.• Undertake “levelling” – assessing performance against criteria and level statements. • Record commentary i.e. issues, constraints, opportunities, vision.

• Implement evidence collection plan.• Analyse evidence.• Distil evidence into usable reports.

• Analyse workshops and evidence.•Write report.

• Review and reflect on the report.• Develop a change management/action plan.

For each criteria:•Level statement•Issues and constraints•Opportunities/vision•Recommendations


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Initial research study

• Review of lessons learnt from:– LLL-WFD projects.– Business & community engagement programme.– Curriculum design/delivery programme (inc. the Design Studio)– Advanced services and e-portfolio programmes

• This will involve capturing input from:– Support and synthesis teams.– Critical Friends.– Project/programme outputs.– Case studies.– Exemplars.

• This will all feed into the maturity toolkit – Overall framework.– Criteria.– Level statements.

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The proposed development approach

Wp1Project set-up


Wp3Develop the


Wp4Feedback and improvement


and engagement

• Initial planning meetings.•Create online community.

•Review and distil lessons learnt from LLL-WFD projects and other JISC programmes..•Produce guidance for creating the Toolkit.

(1) Develop draft Toolkit (with outline criteria).(2) 2-day workshop to develop most criteria and level statements.(3) Complete Toolkit.

• Further consultation with the CAMEL cohort.

(1) Engagement with the core JISC community(2) Engagement with the wider HE/FE community. All CAMEL

partners to use the Toolkit

Reflective Elluminate


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Project deliverables

• A review of the lessons learnt from LLL-WFD projects and related programmes.

• WFD Maturity Toolkit:– Criteria and level statements.– Guide to using the toolkit.– Resources.

• Online community site.

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Online Community site


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How you can participate

• Engage with the Cloudworks online community…..to help develop the toolkit

• Use the toolkit in your institution/faculty/school/department (preferably in CAMEL cohorts) to:

– Better understand what "maturity" in LLL-WFD looks like.– Assess maturity in LLL-WFD.– Better inform strategy and plans for LLL-WFD.

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• Any questions?

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Workshop Activities (1)

1. Plenary Discuss – and enhance - the: (1) Toolkit framework (2) Toolkit criteria

(resources at http://cloudworks.ac.uk/cloud/view/4640)

2. Groups Develop level statements for chosen criteria

3. PlenaryGroups to present level statements

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What will the WFD Maturity Toolkit look like? – the Framework

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Criteria and level statements

Criterion name

Level 1 statement

Level 2Statement

Level 3 statement

Level 4 statement

Level 5 statement

Level 6 statement

Notes Evidence areas

WBL Pedagogy

WBL pedagogy not understood throughout the institution

WBL pedagogy understood within the learning & teaching core team and among a few academic staff

WBL pedagogy well understood within the learning & teaching core team and among some academic staff

WBL pedagogy well understood within the learning & teaching core team and among most academic staff

WBL pedagogic guidelines for the whole institution with permitted variants and understood and acted upon by all staff

A culture where WBL pedagogic decisions are made naturally within guidelines.

Level of practical but evidence-based knowledge and application of instructional design and pedagogic principles

Interviews, focus groups, staff surveys.

…. based on a Pick&Mix approach

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Ideas for criteria & criteria groupings

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Workshop Activities (2)

1. Plenary Discuss the framework & toolkit criteria

2. Groups Develop level statements for chosen criteria(resources at http://cloudworks.ac.uk/cloud/view/4640)

3. PlenaryGroups to present level statements

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Criteria and level statements

Criterion name

Level 1 statement

Level 2Statement

Level 3 statement

Level 4 statement

Level 5 statement

Level 6 statement

Notes Evidence areas

WBL Pedagogy

WBL pedagogy not understood throughout the institution

WBL pedagogy understood within the learning & teaching core team and among a few academic staff

WBL pedagogy well understood within the learning & teaching core team and among some academic staff

WBL pedagogy well understood within the learning & teaching core team and among most academic staff

WBL pedagogic guidelines for the whole institution with permitted variants and understood and acted upon by all staff

A culture where WBL pedagogic decisions are made naturally within guidelines.

Level of practical but evidence-based knowledge and application of instructional design and pedagogic principles

Interviews, focus groups, staff surveys.

…. based on a Pick&Mix approach

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Workshop Activities (3)

1. Plenary Discuss the framework & toolkit criteria

2. Groups Develop level statements for chosen criteria

3. PlenaryGroups to present level statements

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• Any questions?