west isle news | august 2014 - clover...

West Isle News | August 2014 13274 Stewart Road | PO Box 3929 | Galveston, TX 77554 (409) 737-9611 (church) | (404) 583-1902 (Dr. Bob's cell) www.westislepres.org | [email protected] Dr. Bob Bullock, Pastor From the Shepherd's Heart ... Visiting Megiddo and the Valley of Jezreel I was awestruck. I couldn't believe we were actually standing atop Mt. Megiddo gazing at the vast Valley of Jezreel that overlooks the Plain of Esdraelon. Megiddo is the famous "Armageddon" or "hill of battles" (Zechariah 12:11, Revelation 16:16), which dominates the strategic intersection of two ancient trade and military routes. Dr. Wayne Dehoney, a great pastoral leaders, wrote, "Across these plains marched the conquerors of history: Xerxes, Sennacherib, Alexander the Great, the Maccabees, The Romans under Titus, the Arab invaders, the Crusaders under Richard the Lionhearted, Saladin, the Turks, Napoleon, the British in World War I, the Israelis and the Arabs, and most significantly, where the Bible's prophecy of the final conflict between Christ and the Anti- Christ will finally occur." Megiddo is mentioned in numerous places in the Bible: Joshua slew the King of Megiddo in conquest of the land (Joshua 12:21) Megiddo and the Valley of Jezreel

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West Isle News | August 2014 13274 Stewart Road | PO Box 3929 | Galveston, TX 77554 (409) 737-9611 (church) | (404) 583-1902 (Dr. Bob's cell) www.westislepres.org | [email protected]

Dr. Bob Bullock, Pastor

From the Shepherd's Heart ...

Visiting Megiddo and the Valley of Jezreel I was awestruck. I couldn't believe we were actually standing atop Mt. Megiddo gazing at the vast Valley of Jezreel that overlooks the Plain of Esdraelon. Megiddo is the famous "Armageddon" or "hill of battles" (Zechariah 12:11, Revelation 16:16), which dominates the strategic intersection of two ancient trade and military routes. Dr. Wayne Dehoney, a great pastoral leaders, wrote, "Across these plains marched the conquerors of history: Xerxes, Sennacherib, Alexander the Great, the Maccabees, The Romans under Titus, the Arab invaders, the Crusaders under Richard the Lionhearted, Saladin, the Turks, Napoleon, the British in World War I, the Israelis and the Arabs, and most significantly, where the Bible's prophecy of the final conflict between Christ and the Anti-Christ will finally occur." Megiddo is mentioned in numerous places in the Bible:

Joshua slew the King of Megiddo in conquest of the land (Joshua 12:21)

Megiddo and the Valley of Jezreel

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The army of Deborah and Barak defeated the Canaanite King Jabin at Megiddo in 1150 B.C. (Judges 4)

Solomon made the city his headquarters for his horseman and chariots (II Kings 9:15, 10:26-29) and enlarged it to 400 horses and 150 chariots

It was [in Megiddo] that King Josiah met his untimely death at the hands of the Egyptians (II Kings 23:29)

As you stand atop Megiddo, the panorama is amazing. If you think of the view as the face of a clock, you'll see the following:

12 o'clock ~ Galilee and Nazareth

1 o'clock ~ the dome-shaped Mount of Transfiguration (Mathew 17:1-8); in the foreground is

Endor, where the witch prophesied the defeat of King Saul at the fatal battle of Gilboa (I Samuel 28:7-8); and six miles to the left of Endor is Nain, where Jesus restored the life of the widow's son (Luke 7:11-17)

2 o'clock ~ the site of ancient Jezreel, where the evil King Ahab built a palace from which his evil queen, Jezebel, was thrown from one of the windows (II Kings 9:10-17)

3 o'clock ~ the mountains of Gilboa, where King Saul and Jonathan fought their last battle with the Philistines (II Samuel 1:17-21)

5 o'clock ~ the foothills of Samaria where Joseph's jealous brothers seized him, threw him into a cistern, then sold him to a caravan and into slavery to the Midianites; and nearby is Dothan, where Elisha saw the "chariots of fire" as the Syrian army surrounded the city (II Kings 6:13ff)

10 o'clock ~ Mt. Carmel, where Elijah defeated the prophets of Baal

Besides just being there, it was amazing to see so much important biblical history unfold before our very eyes.Upon descending Megiddo, we travelled on to Solomon's stable, and Nazareth, the hometown of Jesus. Then we ate lunch in Cana, where Jesus performed his first miracle -- turning water into wine. Exciting days indeed! Yours & His,

Dr. Bob

The army of Deborah and Barak defeated the

Canaanite King Jabin at Megiddo in 1150 B.C.

(Judges 4)

The Mount of Transfiguration: "While [Peter] was speaking, a

bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said, "This is my Son, whom I love;

with Him I am well pleased. Listen to Him!"

(Matthew 17:5 NIV)

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From the Pastor's Wife ...

The first week of August is Simplify Your Life

Week. When asked to name one thing I've done

this year to simplify my life, my first thought was

to scoff ... But then, I really started thinking about


-- and the answer became clear ...

I've truly turned over to God my beautiful "prodigal" daughter,

placing her in His hands and trusting Him with her life.

This was not easy, but I finally realized that my best strategies

for helping her are to just love her exactly as she is -- faults,

addictions, bad choices, and all --

and let her learn from her own


I pray for her every day, but I

know that I cannot live her life

for her. Daily prayer for God's

protection in her life and for

provisions has given me a

tremendous amount of freedom.

And, I have found so much love

and support from my Christian sisters. I can share with them

and ask for prayer when needed -- without judgment.

It's amazing how things change once you accept a situation.

It's as if the door to your heart opens and allows others in ...

Once you get to the point of not being embarrassed or

ashamed, you can begin sharing your story, your dismay and

heart break. You'll be surprised by the people you will meet

who are going through

-- or have gone through -- a similar situation.

I will continue to simplify my life by praying, accepting, and

letting go. And I will refrain from feeling guilty about it. Guilt is

from the devil. Grace is from God. Amen.

And, what can I do next week to simplify my life? I will clean

out my garage and feel lots better!

In God's Love,


In This Issue

* From the Pastor's Wife ...

* Simplify Your Life Week

* Vacation Bible School

* Summer Mission Program

* Tenets of ECO

* Upcoming Events

* Bible Studies

* Potluck Luncheon

* Birthdays & Anniversaries

Communion Servers

August 3

Mary Ann Barnett Merri Edwards Beth Shriner

Tommy Weathersbee _______________

August Greeters

August 3

Maxine Alfei & Boots Galli

August 10 Tom & Janice Hendrix

August 17

Maxine Alfei & Boots Galli

August 24 Tom & Janice Hendrix

August 31

Maxine Alfei & Boots Galli


August Birthdays

2 - Olivia Sjostrom

3 - Angelo Tolentino 19 - Marilyn Pehnke

23 - Coletta Weathersbee 24 - Benny Holland

27 - Nancy Wills 27 - Larry Wagner 30 - Tom Hendrix


Happy Anniversary

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National Simplify Your Life Week August 1-7, 2014

The first week of August is National Simplify Your Life Week. Some

confuse living simply with living in poverty. That is not what it's about. According to Wendy Priesnitz, editor of Natural Life Magazine, "Simplifying is about gaining control of your life and your possessions, creating more time to do the things you want to do, and to spend with the people you love." Last weekend during fellowship, members were asked how they

have/could simplify their lives. Here are a few of the responses:

What is one thing you've done this year to simplify your own


> worked harder remembering God is in control, not me ~ Beth Shriner

> stopped going to the gym ~ Barbara Hankins > learn to say "NO!" ~ Merri Edwards

> ask for help ~ Mary Ann Barnett

> love myself ~ Jose Duran > moved! ~ Maxine Alfei

> gotten rid of things I don't need ~ Boots Galli > Women's Bible Study ~ DJ Newsom

> let go of negative relationships ~ Annie Demary

> moved to Galveston ~ Sally Cannon > turn my "prodigal" daughter over to God ~ Beth Bullock (read more above) > stopped watching local TV news ~ Harold Hebert

> take better care of my health & work on home repairs ~ Myrna Black

What is one thing you can do next week?

> stay out of the heat ~ Harold Hebert

> find time to be still; read more ~ Beth Shriner

> take a vacation! ~ Barbara Hankins > focus on God ~ Merri Edwards

> quit working ~ Lance Stewart

> love myself ~ Jose Duran > get rid of more stuff!! ~ Myrna Black

10 - Ann & Jimmy Choate 13 - Lisa & Craig Gentry 24 - Terry & Bill Peterek

25 - Crystal & Angelo Tolentino


August Holidays

3 - International Friendship Day

Week 1 - National Simplify Your Life Week

National Catfish Month Try the catfish recipes in this

issue ... straight from Louisiana!


Hurricane Season

Hurricane Season

is upon us.

Do you have a plan?

Page 5: West Isle News | August 2014 - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/westislepresbyterianchurch...National Simplify Your Life Week August 1-7, 2014 The first week of August is National

> quit worrying ~ Boots Galli

> take a day off - DJ Newsom > organize my office ~ Sally Cannon

> clean my garage ~ Beth Bullock

> do more journaling in my gratitude journal ~ Annie DeMary > take life one day at a time ~ Mary Ann Barnett

In her book, 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life, Joyce Meyer list things that we can do each day to make our lives easier and more fulfilling: Live for God. Do one thing at a time. Be satisfied with what you have. Live to glorify God. Don't worry about tomorrow. Let go of what lies behind. Learn how to say no. Choose quality over quantity. Refuse to start what you cannot finish. Don't make mountains out of mole hills. Get your mind off yourself. Stop procrastinating. Clear out clutter. Avoid excess. Stay out of debt. Establish boundaries. Choose your battles. Be quick to forgive. Mind your own business. Be decisive. Think before you speak.

Refuse to live in fear. Follow your heart. Have simple friends. Keep strife out of your life. Be positive. Avoid excessive reasoning. Don't worry about your children. Find the most efficient way to do things. Be grateful. Count the cost before you commit. Pray about everything. Don't fret over evil-doers. Be easy to get along with. Organize. Give up control. Don't try to take care of everybody. Be willing to adapt. Be generous. Don't be easily offended. Don't be so hard on yourself. Resist the devil. Stay spiritually strong. Have faith. Be yourself.



* We value the Lordship

of Christ as the Head

of the church and the center of our lives.

* We value a Christ-centered church where Biblical values

are taught, nurtured, and lived in everyday life.

* We value Christian

fellowship where the love of Christ

is practiced in all its dimensions.

* We value evangelism to bring everyone into

God's family.

* We value faithful, responsible stewardship

of all that God

has given to us.


West Isle

Presbyterian Church



Island Magazine



Member Directory Updates

To update your information, call or email Sally Cannon at (785)

806-2019 or [email protected].


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New crosses added to wall ...

... and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross ... (1 Peter 2:24)

We're delighted to have new crosses add to our Cross Wall. The large

Jerusalem Cross was donated by those who went on the Holy Land

Pilgrimage in May. This central cross surrounded by four smaller crosses is symbolic of Christianity's spread to all four corners of the world; and

the five wounds suffered by Christ at His crucifixion. This cross is also known as the Crusader's Cross and is used as a symbol of the

Crusader's who fought against Islamic forces.

The Christian Cross, seen as a representation of the instrument of

the crucifixion of Jesus, is the best-known symbol of Christianity. It is related to the crucifix (a cross that includes a usually three-dimensional

representation of Jesus' body) and to the more general family of cross symbols.

Cross 1 was donated by Mary Ann Barnett.

Cross 2 was donated by Bill and Patti Hummell. Bill was shopping for new picnic tables for their store when he saw this cross ... but left

without it. He kept thinking about it -- and went back to get it for

WIPC's wall. In the intertwining of the wood, Bill saw the intertwining of all those who are born again of the Holy Spirit growing together into

one ... through Jesus and His sacrifice for us ... to become one in unity of love for each other as His body. "We dedicate it to WIPC and to all Christians of the world," wrote Patti.

Cross 3 was donated by Tim Ekberg.

Cross 4 was donated by Tom and Mary Pafford. Mary says, "We saw this cross in the King Ranch Saddle Shop catalog and knew it was the right one for us. We love turquoise. We just gave it to the glory of God."

Cross 5 was donated by Geney Heaton. It is a handmade glass cross that was created by a friend who lives on the island. It is dedicated to

her young grandchildren and their parents (her children) for whom she is always asking for prayers.

We all look forward to filling up our wall with crosses -- and sharing the

stories behind each one. Please give crosses to Beth Shriner or Beth Bullock to be prepared for the wall.

Flowers may be given

in honor or memory of a loved one. Please sign up

in the Fellowship Hall. _______________


Please have all praises

and prayer requests in by 5 p.m. Mondays for Tuesdays' distribution. All prayer requests are removed after 4 weeks

unless updates are received to continue.


West Isle mugs

on sale now ...

* On sale now

for $5 each * Complimentary gift to first-time visitors _______________

When my 11-year-old great-

niece, Maddy,visited a few weeks ago, she joined Nancy Attaway

for children's Bible study. She had a great time and said Nancy

made it fun! Thank you, Nancy, for doing God's work for our


And thanks to Mike and Beth

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Summer Mission Program

Our Summer Mission Program began on Memorial Day and runs thru Labor Day. According to Mike Shriner, "Our goal for this summer is to raise $7,000. We're off to a great start, with $2,300 collected so far. We've got six more weeks until Labor Day ... so let's challenge ourselves so we can help those at home and around the world."

Here's a spotlight on three of this year's recipients: St. Vincent's House - Galveston St. Vincent's House serves the disadvantaged, under-served, and working- poor population of the greater Galveston community with essential programs and services to enhance their mental, physical and spiritual well being. Their services are designed to meet the real and immediate needs of their clients for food, shelter, healthcare, and childcare. For more information, visit www.stvhope.org/.

1. 1.

Chi Alpha Campus Ministries - West Virginia Chi Alpha is an organization that focuses on discipleship, evangelism, and a relationship with Christ for college students. The members create a relationship of believers with accountability to each other in order that students can go to college and not get lost in the university culture. We are specifically supporting Katie and Jordan Goodie (Esther Mancilla's children). Jordan is now a licensed leader and they have started a chapter at West Virginia University.

Meijer Family with Wycliffe Bible Translators - Africa Today, about 340 million people do not have any Scripture in

their own language. Wycliffe's vision is to see the Bible accessible to all people in the language they understand best. To make this vision a reality, Wycliffe also focuses

Shriner for inviting her to visit their granddaughter, Chloe.

God bless the cockroaches -- and all the gifts they continue to bring

me at WIPC!

~ Sally Cannon newsletter editor


A little humor


When God sends you help, don't ask

questions ...

She hurried to the pharmacy to get medication, got back in her car, and found that she had locked her keys inside.

The woman found an old rusty coat hanger on the ground. She looked at it and said, "I don't know how to use this." She bowed her head and asked God to send her some HELP.

Within five minutes, a beat-up old motorcycle pulled up. It was driven by a bearded man who was wearing an old biker skull rag. He got off his motorcycle and asked if he could help.

She said, "Yes. My daughter is sick. I've locked my keys in my car. I must get home. Please, can you use this hanger to unlock my car?"

He said, "Sure," and walked over to the car. In less than a minute, the car door was open.

She hugged the man and, through tears, said, "Thank you so much! You are a very nice man!"

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on community development, literacy development, and church partnerships. For more information, visit www.wycliffe.org. Next month, we'll feature our final recipients: Tolentino Ministries with Angelo Tolentino, Jr. providing pastoral training in India and ECO Mission Funds.

Note: If paying with check, please write "Summer Mission" on the Memo line or write "Summer Mission" on your envelope.

The Essential Tenets of ECO - Part 3

"The Mystery of the Incarnation" A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians:

The Essential Tenets, # 3

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. ...The Word became flesh and dwelt among us." (John 1:1-4, 14) If the Trinity is the first great mystery, then the Incarnation is the second great mystery of the Christian faith. This is affirmed by all Christians everywhere -- Jesus Christ is both truly God and truly human. As to His divinity, He is eternally begotten of the Father; as to His humanity, He is born of the virgin Mary, conceived by the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:26-36). He is the Son, the second person of the Trinity, being of one substance with the Father (Luke 3:21-23). As to His humanity, He is like us in every way but sin, of one substance with us, like us in having both a human soul and a human body

The man replied, "Lady, I am NOT a nice man. I just got out of prison yesterday -- for car theft."

The woman hugged the man again, sobbing, and replied, "Oh, thank you, God! You sent me a professional!"


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(Hebrews 2:9-18). As to His divinity, His glory fills heaven and earth; as to His humanity, His glory is shown in the form of a suffering servant, most clearly when He is lifted up on the cross in our place (Hebrews 4:14-16). We confess the mystery of His two natures, divine and human, in one person. We insist upon sufficient distinction between the two natures to preserve the truth of the incarnation, that Jesus Christ is indeed Immanuel, God-with-us, not one who used to be God, nor one who has merely been sent from God. Rather, in His coming we have seen God's glory, for Jesus is the exact imprint of God's very being and in Him the fullness of God was pleased to dwell. The divinity of the Son is in no way impaired, limited, or changed by His gracious act of assuming a human nature, and that His true humanity is in no way undermined by His continued divinity. This is a mystery that we cannot explain, but we affirm it with joy and confidence (Colossians 1:15-23). This mystery of the Incarnation is ongoing, for the risen Jesus, who was sent from the Father, has now ascended to the Father in His resurrected body and remains truly human (Luke 24:36-43; John 20:24-31; 21:1-25). He is bodily present at the right hand of the Father (Mark 16:19-20; Acts 7:55-56). When we are promised that one day we will see Him face to face, we acknowledge that it is the face of Jesus of Nazareth we will someday see. The one who, for us and for our salvation, was born of Mary, died at Calvary, and walked with disciples to Emmaus is the same Jesus Christ who is now ascended and who will one day return visibly in the body to judge the living and the dead (John 14:1-14; Luke 24:13-24; Acts 1:1-11; Philippians 2:5-11; 2 Peter 3:8; 10; Revelation 19:11-21). In Jesus' name, Dr. Bob

UPCOMING EVENTS * Worship Service--every Sunday at 10 a.m. in Sanctuary * Communion--Sunday, August 3; 1st Sunday of each month * Choir Practice--every Sunday at 8:45 a.m. in Sanctuary * Adult Sunday School--every Sunday at 9 a.m. in Fellowship Hall; currently studying

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the Book of John * Group Bible Study--1st & 3rd Sundays at 11:30 a.m in Fellowship Hall; currently studying Living Into the Life of Jesus, chapter 5 (page 115)

* Island Men's Fellowship (IMF)--every Thursday at 7:30 a.m. at Galveston Country Club * Women's Bible Study--postponed until further notice * New Members Class--presentation of new members to Session in August | contact Bob Bullock for details * Stephen Ministries--contact Beth Bullock * Potluck Brunch--Sunday, August 31; last Sunday of each month following worship service in Fellowship Hall * Session Meeting--Special Session Meeting on Sunday, August 3, to interview prospective new members; Sunday, August 10; 2nd Sunday of each month following worship service in Fellowship Hall

Adult Bible Studies

Living Into the Life of Jesus -- Group Bible Study meets 1st & 3rd Sundays Join us for this life-changing study as we focus on the book, Living Into the Life of Jesus: The Formation of Christian Character by Klauss Issler. We're now discussing Chapter 5 (page 115).

Meets 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month in Fellowship Hall.


The Book of John -- Group Bible Study meets every Sunday We all long for a full, rich, satisfying life. But how do we fill up the emply places in our soul? How do we quench our thirst for something deeper, more lasting, more meaningful? John urges us to take a fresh look at Jesus. He invites us to renew our faith in the One who promises to be the way to true life.

We're currently studying the Book of John. Tom Hendrix and Nancy Attaway are the facilitators. Join us any Sunday.

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"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life."

(John 3:16) Meets Sundays at 9 a.m. in Fellowship Hall.


Island Men's Fellowship (IMF) Join men from all parts of the island as we enjoy food, fellowship, and faith! Thursdays at 7:30 a.m. Galveston Country Club

Bring a friend, enjoy breakfast, and share devotional thoughts. Call Tommy Weathersbee for details

at (817) 475-6505.

Potluck Luncheon | Sunday, August 31, 2014 Grab your recipe book, make your favorite dish, and share it with everyone on the last Sunday of each month. Since it's National Catfish Month, I asked my friends who were visiting from Louisiana to share their favorite catfish recipes with us. Enjoy fishing, cooking -- and eating them!

Catfish Savanna (low-calorie version) by

Gena Wyble from Louisiana 2 large catfish fillets salt and pepper to taste cooking spray (such as Pam) 1 green onion, chopped 1 garlic, chopped 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 pound ready-to-cook shrimp olive oil fresh parsley (or parsley flakes)

1. Season fillets with salt and pepper. Place in a baking dish that has been sprayed with cooking spray.

2. In skillet, saute onion and garlic in olive oil. Add shrimp. Saute until shrimp are pink.

3. Place shrimp mixture on top of fillets. Cover with foil and bake at 350° for 45 minutes or until fish is flaky.

Fried Catfish by Charles Wyble from Louisiana

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catfish fillets, cut into 1-inch strips Louisiana Fish Fry garlic powder to taste onion powder to taste salt and pepper to taste peanut oil

1. In large bowl, mix all dry ingredients. 2. Coat fish in fish-fry mixture. 3. Place fish in hot oil until golden brown.

Catfish Barrios contributed by Donna

Lively* 6 mushrooms, sliced 1 small onion, sliced 4 stalks celery, sliced 1 block butter 1 tablespoon flour 1 cup white wine salt and pepper to taste 2 pounds catfish, salted and peppered

1. Slice mushrooms, onion, and celery.

2. Place butter in deep frying pan and melt. Add mushrooms, onions, and celery. Cook on low until tender.

3. Add flour and wine to mushroom mixture to make gravy. Add salt and pepper to taste.

4. When gravy begins to thicken, add fish which has been salted and peppered. Cook until fish is firm. * from one of Donna's favorite cookbooks: Pots, Pans & Pioneers II, Councils of Louisiana, Chapter #24

To submit recipes to share, please email to [email protected].

Church Contacts * New Members--Dr. Bob Bullock | (404) 583-1902 | [email protected] * Choir--Angelo Tolentino | (409) 256-7729 | [email protected] * Worship--Angelo Tolentino | (409) 256-7729 | [email protected] * Ministry--Mary Pafford | (713) 468-0457 | [email protected] * Denominational Relations--Louie Davis | (713) 962-2349 | [email protected] * Mission--Tommy Weathersbee | (817) 475-6505 | [email protected] * Bulletins--Esther Sjostrom | (409) 771-6466 | [email protected] * Newsletter--Sally Cannon | (785) 806-2019 | [email protected] * Website--Barbara Hankins | (409) 789-8077 | [email protected] * Sermon CDs--Crystal Tolentino | (409) 939-9619 | [email protected] * Education--Nancy Attaway | (409) 974-4870 | [email protected] * Women's Bible Study-- * Stephen Ministries--Beth Bullock | (409) 771-8010 | [email protected]