west virginia university seng 530 verification & validation slide 1 part iii: execution –...

West Virginia University NG 530 Verification & Validation Slide 1 Part III: Execution – Based Verification and Validation Katerina Goseva - Popstojanova Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV [email protected]. edu www.csee.wvu.edu/~katerina

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Page 1: West Virginia University SENG 530 Verification & Validation Slide 1 Part III: Execution – Based Verification and Validation Katerina Goseva - Popstojanova

West Virginia University

SENG 530 Verification & Validation Slide 1

Part III: Execution – Based Verification and Validation

Katerina Goseva - PopstojanovaLane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV

[email protected] www.csee.wvu.edu/~katerina

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Introduction Definitions, objectives

and limitations Testing principles Testing criteria

Testing techniques Black box testing White box testing Fault based testing

Fault injection Mutation testing

Hierarchy for test adequacy criteria

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Testing levels Unit testing Integration testing

Top-down Bottom-up

Regression testing Validation testing

Non-functional testing Configuration testing Recovery Testing Safety testing Security testing Stress testing Performance testing

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Black box testing

Also called behavioral or functional testing The program test cases are based on the

system specification Test planning can begin early in the software


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Black box testing


Input test data

OeOutput test results


Inputs causinganomalousbehaviour

Outputs which revealthe presence ofdefects

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Black box testing - Equivalence partitioning

Input data and output results often fall into different classes where all members of a class are related

Each of these classes is an equivalence partition where the program behaves in an equivalent way for each class member

An equivalence class represents a set of valid or invalid states for input conditions

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Black box testing - Equivalence partitioning

Equivalence classes may be defined according to the following guidelines: If an input condition specifies a range, one valid

and two invalid equivalence classes are defined If an input condition requires a specific value,

one valid and two invalid equivalence classes are defined

If an input condition specifies a member of a set, one valid and one invalid equivalence class are defined

If an input condition is Boolean, one valid and one invalid class are defined

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Black box testing - Equivalence partitioning

Example If input is a 5-digit integer between 10,000 and

99,999 (input condition range) equivalence partitions are

less than 10,000 (invalid) between 10,000 and 99, 999 (valid) more than 99,999 (invalid)

Choose test cases at the boundary of these sets9,999; 10,000; 99,999; 100,000

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Black box testing – Boundary value analysis

Boundary value analysis (BVA) requires selection of test cases that exercise bounding values

Most software engineers intuitively perform BVA to some degree

BVA is a technique that complements equivalence partitioning

Rather than focusing solely on input conditions, BVA derives test cases from the output domain as well

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Black box testing – Random testing

Random testing is essentially a black box testing technique in which a program is tested by randomly selecting some subsets of all possible inputs

The distribution of the inputs may be arbitrary or may reflect the distribution of the inputs in the application environment (i.e., operational profile)

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Also called glass-box testing or structural testing

Derivation of test cases according to program structure Control flow coverage Data flow coverage

Higher coverage is better White box testing is not an alternative to black box

testing. Rather, it is a complementary approach

White box testing

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White box testing

The starting point for white box testing is a program flow graph Nodes represent one or more statements Arcs (also called edges or links) represent flow

of control

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class BinSearch {

// This is an encapsulation of a binary search function that takes an array of// ordered objects and a key and returns an object with 2 attributes namely// index - the value of the array index// found - a boolean indicating whether or not the key is in the array// An object is returned because it is not possible in Java to pass basic types by// reference to a function and so return two values// the key is -1 if the element is not found

public static void search ( int key, int [] elemArray, Result r ){

int bottom = 0 ;int top = elemArray.length - 1 ;int mid ;r.found = false ; r.index = -1 ;while ( bottom <= top ){

mid = (top + bottom) / 2 ;if (elemArray [mid] == key){

r.index = mid ;r.found = true ;return ;

} // if partelse{

if (elemArray [mid] < key)bottom = mid + 1 ;

elsetop = mid - 1 ;

}} //while loop

} // search} //BinSearch

Binary search (Java)

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while bottom <= top

if (elemArray [mid] == key

(if (elemArray [mid]< key8


bottom > top

Binary search program flow graph

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Control flow coverage

All-paths coverage – traverse all possible paths Equivalent to exhaustively testing the program In general, all-paths coverage is not possible

Loops result in an infinite number of possible paths If there are no loops, but only branching instructions,

the number of possible paths increases exponentially with the number of branching points

There may be paths that are never executed (quite likely, the program contains a fault in this case)

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Control flow coverage

All-statements coverage – covers all possible statements Rather weak criterion It is relatively easy to achieve 100% statement


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Control flow coverage

All-branches coverage – all possible branches are chosen at least once Nodes that contain a condition, such as the boolean

expression in an if statement, can be a combination of elementary predicates connected by logical operators

i>0 V j>0 requires at least two tests to guarantee that both branches are taken. For example: i=1,j=1 and i=0,j=1. Other possible combinations of through values of the atomic predicates (i=1,j=0 and i=0,j=0) need not be considered to achieve branch coverage

Extended branch coverage – requires that all possible combinations of elementary predicates in conditions to be covered

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All-independent paths coverage Independent path is any path through the program

which traverses at least one new edge in the flow graph (exercising one or more new conditions) 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 2 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 2 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 2, 8, 9

If all independent program paths are executed we can be sure that Every statement has been executed at least once Every branch has been executed for true and false


Control flow coverage

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The number of independent paths in a program can be discovered by computing the cyclomatic complexity

Cyclomatic complexity = Number of edges - Number of nodes + 2 = 11 - 9 + 2 = 4

For programs without goto statements cyclomatic complexity equals number of conditions in a program

Design test cases to execute each of these paths A dynamic program analyser may be used to check

that paths have been executed

Control flow coverage

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Data flow coverage

Data flow testing selects test paths of a program according to the location of definitions and uses of variables in the program

A variable is defined in a certain statement if it is assigned a (new) value

DEF(S) ={X | statement S contains a definition of X}

After that, a new value will be used in subsequent statements

USE(S) ={X | statement S contains a use of X}

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Data flow coverage

Variable definition in statement X is alive in statement Y if there exists a path from X to Y in which that variable does not get assigned a new value in some intermediate node; such a path is called definition-clear

Two types of variable use: P-uses – predicate uses (like those in the conditional part

of an if-statement) C-uses – all other uses (like uses in computations or I/O

statements) With data flow analysis too, we may define test

adequacy criteria and use these criteria to guide testing

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Data flow coverage

All-uses coverage – traverse a definition-clear path between each definition of a variable an each (P- or C-) use of that definition and each successor of that use Each successor is included to force all branches

following a P-use to be taken All-DU-paths – requires that each definition-

clear path is either cycle-free or a simple cycle Slightly stronger criterion than all-uses coverage

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Data flow coverage

All-def coverage – requires each definition to be used at least once

All-C-uses/Some-P-uses coverage – requires definition-clear paths from each definition to each computational use; if definition is used only in predicates, at least one definition-clear pat to a predicate use must be executed

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Data flow coverage

All-P-uses/Some-C-uses coverage – requires definition-clear paths from each definition to each predicate use; if definition is used only in computations, at least one definition-clear path to a computational use must be executed

All-P-uses coverage – requires definition clear paths from each definition to each predicate use

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Telcordia’s ATAC – white box testing tool


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ATAC is a coverage analysis tool that aids in testing programs written in the C or C++ programming language

Using ATAC focuses on three main activities: instrumenting the software to be tested

occurs at compile-time large systems can be instrumented a-piece-at-a-time

executing software tests determining how well the software has been tested

display uncovered source code generate reports that reveal the current coverage measures for

each criteria

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Program instrumentation, test execution and coverage analysis

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ATAC highlights the covered and uncovered blocks in the source code and prioritizes them into an order in which you should try to cover them

Constructing the tests is the role of the tester – ATAC does not construct the tests or determine what inputs are needed to cover the uncovered code

ATAC, however, simplifies the tester's job by guiding him or her into creating a small set of high-efficiency, high-leverage test cases that yield high coverage quickly

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ATAC – Display of uncovered source code

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ATAC - Display of uncovered source code

Each color represents a certain weight If, for example, a block has weight 30, it means any test

case that causes that block to be exercised, or covered, is guaranteed to cover a minimum of 29 other blocks as well

White represents zero weight and red represents the highest weight among all blocks in the file

If a block is highlighted in white, it means that it has already been covered by a test case and covering it again will not add new coverage

If, on the other extreme, a block is highlighted in red, it means that it has not been covered by any test case so far and covering it first is the most efficient way to add new coverage to the program

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ATAC - Display of uncovered source code

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ATAC - Display of uncovered source code

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Coverage criteria Block - a sequence of instructions that, except

for the last instruction, is free of branches and function calls

a block may contain more than one statement if no branching occurs between statements

a statement may contain multiple blocks if branching occurs inside the statement

an expression may contain multiple blocks if branching is implied within the expression (e.g., conditional, logical-and, and logical-or expressions)

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ATAC – Basic blocks

Block 1 consists of a logical-expression embedded within a compound conditional-expressionBlock 2 consists of

an entire conditional expression

Block 3 consists of the entire body of an if-statement

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ATAC – Report on current coverage

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ATAC – Report on current coverage

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Coverage criteria Decision (i.e., branch coverage) C-uses P-uses All-uses (sum of P-uses and C-uses coverage


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ATAC - An example C-uses

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ATAC - An example P-uses

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Other coverage criteria function-entry - all functions are called at least once function-return - all explicit and implicit returns or exits

from a function are executed at least once complete function- return coverage usually guarantees complete

function-entry coverage, since, a function usually has at least one return or exit

function-call - each call to a function is covered at least once

Complete function-call coverage does not guarantee complete function-entry coverage since it is possible to have a function that does not contain any function calls

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ATAC – Report on current coverage

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Fault based testing

Aimed at finding a test set with a high ability to detect faults

Two techniques Fault injection Mutation testing

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Fault injection

Non-software example We want to estimate the number of pikes in

Lake Soft1. Catch a number of pikes, N, in Lake Soft

2. Mark them and throw them into Lake Soft

3. Catch a number of pikes, M, in Lake Soft

Suppose that M’ out of the M pikes are found to be marked, the total number of pikes originally present in Lake Soft is then estimated as


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Fault injection

Fault injection Artificially inject (seed) a number faults in

program When program is tested, we will discover both

injected faults and new ones Total number of faults is then estimated from

the ration of those two numbers

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Fault injection

Several assumptions underlie this method Injected faults are representative for real faults Both real and injected faults have the same

distribution The results can be trusted if we find many

injected faults and relatively few others The opposite in not true

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Mutation testing

A large number of variants (mutants) of a program is generated Each of these mutants slightly differs from the original

version Usually mutants are obtained by mechanically applying a

set of simple transformations called mutation operations Replace a constant by another constant Replace a variable by another variable Replace a constant by a variable Replace an arithmetic operator by another arithmetic operator Replace a logical operator by another logical operator Insert a unary operator Delete a statement

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Mutation testing

Next, all these mutants are executed using a given test set When a test produces a different result for one of

the mutants, that mutant is said to be dead Mutants that produce the same results for all the

tests are said to be alive Mutation adequacy score of a test set is given by

D/M, where D is the number of dead mutants and M is the total number of mutants

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Mutation testing

Suppose we have a program P with a component T

Two variants of mutation testing strong mutation testing

Requires that tests produce different results for program P and a mutant P’

weak mutation testing Requires that component T and its mutant T’ produce

different results; at the level of P this difference need not crop up

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Mutation testing

Several assumptions underlie mutation testing Incorrect versions of a program differ from a

correct version by relatively minor faults Tests that can reveal simple faults can also

reveal complex faults

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Comparison of test techniques

Most techniques are heuristic in nature and lack a sound theoretical basis

Manual test techniques rely heavily on the qualities of the participants in the test process

Relating different test adequacy criteria Sound theoretical answer to the questions such

as “Is All-uses adequacy criterion stronger or weaker that the All-branches adequacy criterion?”

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Comparison of test techniques

First, let us define the notion of ‘stronger’ Criterion X is stronger than criterion Y if, for all

programs P and all test sets TS, X-adequacy implies Y-adequacy

In testing literature this relation is known as subsume In this sense, All-uses criterion is stronger than All-

branches criterion A problem with any graph-based adequacy criterion

is that it can only deal with paths that can be executed (feasible paths)

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Hierarchy for test adequacy criteria










All-independent pathsExtended branch Weak mutation

Strong mutation



• An arrow AB indicates that A is stronger than (subsumes) B• Arrows with an asterisk (*) denote relations which hold only for the infeasible version

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Hierarchy for test adequacy criteria


Function-return Function-call


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Experiments indicate that there is no “best” testing technique Different techniques tend to reveal different

types of faults The use of multiple testing techniques results in

the discovery of more faults