west wales mason magazine spring 2011

Story Page Grand Charity 4 Samaritan Fund 10 Kandahar Air Field 24 Romans & Celts 26 Candlewick Makers 40 Quaff my Bluff 46 Rae of Sunshine 56 Top Cop 58 Spring 2011 Volume XXX B o o k i n g F o r m Page 33 Provincial Meeting

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West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011


Page 1: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

Story Page

Grand Charity 4

Samaritan Fund 10

Kandahar Air Field 24

Romans & Celts 26

Candlewick Makers 40

Quaff my Bluff 46

Rae of Sunshine 56

Top Cop 58

Spring 2011

Volume XXX

Booking Form

Page 33

Provincial Meeting

Page 2: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

[email protected]

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 2222

Much has changed since we introduced this column. The original intention was to put

out information coming from meetings of the Executive, and to generally talk about

events and new initiatives. With the increasing use of other means of communication,

such as the Provincial website ( www.westwalesmason.com ) , there is potentially less

for me to write about, because we now try to get this information out much more quickly.

What follows is therefore more of a summary of recent events and reminder of events to


In the last edition of the West Wales Mason I wrote about the intended appointment of

a brother to be Database Administrator for the Province. The Provincial Grand Master

has appointed Bro Mark Bell-Davies of St Peter’s Lodge to that office, and he has already

undergone training in the UGLE Adelphi system at Freemasons’ Hall. He is now active

in processing data from various sources and is a welcome addition to the team.

We are now putting more and more news items on the website, but we still need articles

to keep the site fresh. When you do have any articles please send them direct to the

Webmaster, Bro Robbie Done, ([email protected] ). If you require any

assistance in putting the article together you might like to contact the Provincial

Information Officer, W Bro Ian Lucas, ([email protected]) or even me

([email protected]) .

We are also using the website to carry out an opinion poll. During the course of our visits

and conversations around the Province we do sometimes get a feel for some matters that

warrant further investigation to find out the wishes of the Brethren and Companions at

large. One such matter that has surfaced relates to the day on which the annual meetings

of Provincial Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Chapter are held each year. That day

is currently the first Thursday in July. It has been intimated that more Brethren and

Companions might attend if the meetings were moved to a Saturday. We have made

some enquiries, and the venue at Trinity College would be available on the first Saturday

in July, so there is no obstacle there to moving the date of the meetings. The members of

the Provincial Executive have no preference as to which day of the week the meetings

are held, but before deciding whether or not to proceed with any change we now seek

your opinion, and look for a general indication as to what you would like us to do. There

is a voting box on the first page of the website. Please visit the site and record your

preference. Once you have voted the box will not appear again on subsequent visits to

the site.

Page 3: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 3333Launched in April was the Freemasonry Cares initiative, details of which appear

elsewhere in the magazine from the pen of the Provincial Grand Almoner, W Bro Roy

Leett. Please make yourself aware of what this is all about, and support it whenever you


Later in the year, on the weekend of 20th / 21st August is the “Romans & Ancient Britons”

event details of which again appear elsewhere in this magazine. This is another event

enthusiastically organised by W Bro Bob Darkins and his team, which needs all of the

support it can get. These events generate income for the 2015 Festival as well as providing

a great source of entertainment for the family.

It is that time of year again when I am busy with the Provincial Assistant Grand Secretary,

W Bro Peter Scoble, organising the Provincial Meetings to be held this year on Thursday,

7th July 2011. Please make every attempt to attend and support the Province, your Lodge

or Chapter and those Brethren and Companions who are receiving appointments and

promotions. The booking for the luncheon appears in the centre of this magazine.

One change that will occur after July relates to the way in which we intend to operate

the Warden of Regalia scheme. Many years ago the additional appointment of Warden

of Regalia was created, and since then it has been filled by W Bro Reg Jenkins, who has

become a familiar sight at many installation meetings with his case of Masonic goodies

for sale. The Provincial Grand Master has decided to take a fresh look at how we deal

with the question of recycling regalia, and more detail on that will be given once the

outcome of his deliberations is known. However, he will not be re-appointing W Bro Reg

in July. This does not mean that Reg is out of the regalia business, and he is still available for

the supply of new regalia and other Masonic items. Indeed, the Provincial Grand Master

has stated that Reg may still bring his case of goodies along to meetings to ply his trade,

so we look forward to seeing him on several occasions each year. We thank Reg for his

sterling work for the Province over many years, and wish him well for the future.

And Finally............

Writing this column signals to me that we are again racing toward the end of the current

Masonic Year. As always I have thoroughly enjoyed travelling around the circuit and

being in the company of many of you. I thank you all for your continuing support and

warmth of welcome.

My congratulations go to all of those brethren and companions who will be receiving

honours at the meetings in July, and I look forward to travelling around with them next


Steve HookeyProvincial Grand Secretary & Provincial Grand Scribe E

Page 4: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

[email protected]

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 4444

Grand Charity celebrates over £100 million in giving

during last thirty years

This year The Freemasons’ Grand Charity is celebrating thirty

years of grant making. The Grand Charity took over the

responsibilities of the Board of Benevolence in April 1980 and has

since helped over 40,000 Freemasons and their dependants with

financial relief grants. Other priorities have been assisting

Masonic charities when necessary, as well as providing millions

in funding for the wider community.

Increase in Masonic giving over time

In its first year of operation, financial relief grants were given to

assist 645 Freemasons

and their dependants.

Thirty years later roughly three times as many

people are assisted with financial grants on an

annual basis. These grants are given to assist

with unexpected needs or to help with essential

daily living costs. The largest group of people

to be assisted over the years have been widows

and similar dependants. However, in recent

years there has been an increase in assistance

given to Freemasons who have found

themselves in difficult situations, compounded by the recent economic decline. In total,

over £50 million has been given in financial

relief grants for Freemasons and their

dependants since the Charity’s inception.

A wealth of support for the wider community

The Grand Charity is concerned with

assisting charitable projects and services,

which assist people in need. The Charity

supports a wide range of causes, including:

medical research, support for vulnerable

© Fotolia

© Fotolia

© Fotolia

Siobhan McCarthy

Page 5: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 5555

people, youth opportunities, air ambulance services, hospice services and worldwide

disaster relief. Over £40 million has been spent towards helping hundreds of charities

over the last thirty years. Nearly £600,000 has been donated by the Grand Charity to

national charities based in Wales. These have included: SSAFA Forces Help, Pilotlight

Cymru, Scouts Association, St John’s Cymru, Christian Lewis Trust, Tyddyn Bach Trust,

Bobath Children’s Therapy Trust, Farms for City Children, POD Charitable Trust,

POPSY, RNID, Harvest Trust, Shelter Cymru, Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Associa-

tion, Teenage Cancer Trust, Fairbridge Cymru, Touchstones 12, Western Beacons Moun-

tain Search and Rescue Team, Welsh Initiative for Conductive Education and Cardiff

University School of Medicine.

Thanks to those who have supported the Grand Charity

The Council of the Grand Charity wishes to thank all those who have contributed to the

funds of The Freemasons’ Grand Charity, which has enabled it to achieve so much over

the first thirty years. The Charity has created a special leaflet in commemoration of the

last thirty years of grant making. If you would like to receive a copy please contact

Siobhan McCarthy at [email protected].

Keep up-to-date with Charity news

For further information about the Charity’s grant giving programmes and other news

please visit: www.grandcharity.org. The Charity also now has a facebook page – please

find us and join the discussion.

© Air Ambulance

Page 6: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

[email protected]

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 6666

In my view the work of the Lodge Charity Steward is the most important

and demanding job in Freemasonry. Without his untiring efforts, we

Almoners would find it very difficult to perform our duties. It is essential

therefore for the sake of our Brotherhood, that we all give our full and

continued support to our Charity Stewards.

One-way to lighten his burden, which springs to mind. Is for all of us to try to re-engage

our Brethren who no longer attend Lodge on a regular basis. I am sure That at one time or

other we all must have sat in the Lodge, looked round and wondered ‘why are so many of

our Brethren missing?’ Just think, if we all made an effort to contact at least one absent Brother,

tried to rekindle the flame of Freemasonry and encouraged him to start attending Lodge

again, how much easier the Charity steward’s job would be.

Secondly, if we all took out a covenant to the Provincial Relief Chest of just £10 per

month, £10 multiplied by the number of Brethren in the lodge (and then hopefully Province

wide) would make the Charity Stewards job that much easier. I know times are difficult at

the moment but surely £10 a month is not a lot to ask.

Brethren, you give so generously to the charities, I think it is important that you and

your family should be aware of what they do with your donations. When I was appointed

PGA two years ago I was invited by Grand Charity to sit on an appeals panel. These meet on

the third Wednesday of the month 12 months a year. On that particular day we reviewed 161

appeals and £312,000 was paid out. That year £3.5 million had been put aside to cover the

cost. The following year £4 million had been allocated. Last November I spoke to the chairman

of the appeals panel who told me that in October last year £423,000 had been paid out and

there were 230 applicants.

So Brethren, you can see how important it is for our Lodges to keep a constant flow of

cash to the Provincial Relief Chest. Especially during this Festival period. Also, I would

respectfully urge all Lodges to consider moving any large amounts of cash held in reserve to

the PRC, while obviously keeping a modest amount for day-to-day needs. Finally, remember

that in the last 5 years £517,000 has been paid by the charities to the Brethren and their

dependants of our Province. Far in excess of what we have paid to London.

So please support your Charity Steward. Try to re-engage an absent Brother, take out a

covenant to the Provincial relief chest and consider persuading your Lodge to release any

surplus cash in accounts, which are attracting negligible interest. You know it makes sense.

In need of Help?

Contact your Lodge almoner, if this is difficult or embarrassing, try the Provincial Almoner or

Ring Freemasonry CaresFreemasonry CaresFreemasonry CaresFreemasonry Cares 0800 035 60 90

CONNECTRoy Leett, Provincial Grand Almoner

‘Freemasonry Cares’‘Freemasonry Cares’‘Freemasonry Cares’‘Freemasonry Cares’

Page 7: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 7777

W Bro Benjamin Victor Rees was born on

the 30th of July 1920, in the village of St

Dogmaels. He received his early education

in the local village school and from there

gained a scholarship to Cardigan Grammar

School. Upon leaving school he served his

apprenticeship as a motor mechanic from

1935 to 1939.

In March 1939 he joined the Territorial

Army and was called to active service on

the outbreak of war. He quickly rose to the

rank of Sergeant Artificer with

responsibility for the maintenance

of various military vehicles. In June 1942

his Regiment took part in the Battle of

Alamein and later when it

was incorporated into the elite 7th

Armoured Division, the famous Desert

Rats, he saw action during the invasion of

Italy and later during the D-Day landings

in Normandy. Having advanced through

France, Belgium, Holland and Germany his

Unit had reached the Kiel Canal when

Armistice was signed in May 1945. When

demobilized a year later he returned to St.

Dogmaels and married Esther in 1948.

He was initiated into the Teifi Lodge

in February 1970 after being on the waiting

list for ten years, the lodge having forty-two

applicants at that time. Within six years he

was installed as Master and the following

year was appointed Treasurer. During

his first sojourn of eight years in that office

he turned an £8,000 overdraft into a healthy

balance, at the same time was instrumental

in having the building re-plastered, central

heating installed, a kitchen added and the

bar extended.

He joined the Frenni Lodge in 1972, was

installed as Master in 1986 and appointed

Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden in


He was advanced into the Teifi Royal

Arch Chapter in 1971 and was

appointed Zerubbabel in 1984. In 1994 he

was appointed 3rd Provincial Grand


Whilst achieving high office in many

other orders his first concerns have always

been to Ceredigion Masonry and to the

upkeep of, and improvements to, the

Masonic Hall in Cardigan. He is justly

proud that for over forty years, and with

the help of some of his fellow members, his

foresight and leadership has been a key

factor in not only transforming the building

from its poor state of repair to one of the

finest temples in the Province, but also in

turning the lodge finances around from a

high deficit to a healthy credit balance..

At the august meeting of Teifi Lodge

W. Bro. Victor Rees receives the ‘Order of

Merit’ from R. W. Bro. Eric Mock plus a

beautiful set of cut glass decanter and

whisky glasses. This honour is well

deserved and shows how much W. Bro. Vic

Rees is appreciated in Freemasonry.

Page 8: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

[email protected]

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 8888

Glyn Daniels was born near the banks

of the river Teifi in the village of Drefach


After leaving school he worked for a

year in the offices of the Ministry of Food

before joining the Royal Air Force in 1947.

In 1948 he was posted to the Far East.

Whilst serving in Northern Malaysia dur-

ing the Malaysian Emergency he was in a

military convoy ambushed by Communist

insurgents, and was wounded and hospi-

talised for six months.

Soon after demobilisation he joined the

Pembrokeshire Police Force. For the first

few years of his career he was stationed

in Tenby, Milford Haven and Neyland,

later serving as a constable in Crymych

where the locals still speak of him as the

quintessential village bobby. In 1968 he

was on the move again, this time on four

wheels, when he joined the Police Traffic

Unit in Haverfordwest. In 1983 he retired

and made his home in Spitall where

he and his wife, Meriel, still live.

He was initiated into Strumble Lodge

on the 14th of June 1967. In 1982 he was

appointed Assistant Almoner and after

serving a twenty-year apprenticeship

became Lodge Almoner in 2002.

In 1998 he was appointed Past Provincial

Assistant Secretary and in 2007 was

promoted to the rank of Past Provincial

Junior Deacon.

In Royal Arch Masonry he was exalted

into the Abergwaun Chapter in 1994 and

appointed Almoner in 2009.

In 2002 he was appointed by the

Provincial Grand Almoner to be the

Province's Official Visitor to Withybush

Hospital. This is a duty to which he has

been fully committed and has carried out

his responsibilities with compassion and

sensitivity. There has not been a Brother or

a dependant unfortunate enough to be a

patient - whether from this Province or

beyond – who has not received the good

offices of Glyn Daniels and his wife Meriel.

Bro. Glyn has also been almoner in

many other degrees and his commitment

and dedication to the Office are legendary

throughout the Province.

R. W. Bro. Eric Mock presented Bro.

Glyn Daniels with his ‘Order of Merit’ at

the Provincial annual Meeting in July along

with a cut glass decanter and glasses. Bro.

Glyn has been a tireless and dedicated

Lodge Almoner who not only visited

Brethren from his own Lodge but others

too. Glyn is an outstanding almoner and

should be emulated.

Page 9: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

Comment West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 9999

As we have more and more requests for

financial help from a variety of charities

and good causes, we have the unenviable

task of choosing which to donate our


The Province and Lodges can only give

what they’ve got. Grand lodge, the

Province and Lodges are all trying to raise

money from the same people. To our credit,

unlike other organisations, we do not ask

the public for money.

Unfortunately, we have a problem. Due to

greed, corruption and pure incompetence

the country is in a financial mess, and those

having to pay the price are the very people

not responsible for the troubles.

Charity donations come out of disposable

income, whether we are employed, self-

employed or retired, what we have to

spend is getting less and less. Who would

have guessed that to fill a car with petrol

now costs more than many of us paid for

our first car.

Despite all the gloom and doom we must

do our very best to make the Festival of

2015 a resounding success.

*******What do you do when a Brother is

progressing ‘up the ladder’, but finds

learning ritual a difficult task? The answer

of course is easy, he is given all the help he


There are some very good Freemasons who

choose not to progress through the fear of

the amount of ritual they have to learn. Try

as they may, they struggle and as a result

do not enjoy their time in the Chair.

Is it such a crime to share the work? Very

often once a Brother has completed his year

as IPM he ends up sitting ‘on the back

benches’, trying to stay awake. Let the Past

Masters get involved with ritual if they

want. Let them be Past Masters not Passed


In December 2010 Worshipful Brother John Rees was

installed into the chair of Neyland Lodge for the third time.

W. Bro John had been Master of the Lodge in 1981 and

again in 1989. When due to unforeseen circumstances

Neyland found themselves short of a Master for 2010/11

W. Bro John, after a little “friendly persuasion” and

consultation with his wife Shirley, agreed to accept the

nomination, much to pleasure of the Lodge. Neyland

Lodge consider themselves very fortunate to have a stalwart such as W. Bro

John in the chair and are extremely grateful to him, he has already conducted

ceremonies and has shown that he has lost none of his ability to deliver ritual

of the highest level. For Neyland Lodge this is indeed third time lucky.

Page 10: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

[email protected]

Masonic Samaritan FundJohn Williams

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 10101010

Your health is

our concernPlease help us to reach all those who need our help.

Call 020 7404 1550

or visit www.msfund.org.uk

As it enters its 21st year the Masonic Samaritan Fund continues to

support the health and care needs of Freemasons and their dependants.

Support is available to:

• Freemasons

• The wives, partners and dependants of Freemasons

• The widows, surviving partners and dependants of deceased


Who have an identified health or care need and, faced with a long wait

for treatment or care, cannot afford their own private provision without

incurring financial hardship.

Medical The Fund will consider applications for a wide variety of medical

treatments from hip replacement to cardiac surgery, from digital hearing

aids to drug treatment for cancer or degenerative diseases, from

stomach banding to macular degeneration.

Dental Applications are welcome where NHS treatment is unavailable

or where costs are in excess of NHS charging rates. Financial help is

provided in support of dental treatment that

is clinically necessary, in the most cost-

effective and efficient manner. Grants are

not available where the proposed treatment

is purely cosmetic or where an applicant

simply prefers to receive private treatment.

Page 11: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 11111111Respite If you look after someone who needs

support because of a physical or learning

disability, mental illness or whose health is

impaired by sickness or old age, and who,

without help, would not be able to cope with

the demands of basic living, then you are a

carer. It is important that, as a carer, you take

time off for yourself. Grants are available from

the MSF to support carers. Funding is available

towards the cost of short periods of residential

care or to provide regular short breaks at home.

Mobility The Fund is also able to

provide grants for the supply and

maintenance of mobility equipment,

specialist equipment or home

adaptations in response to a specific

medical need.

For further information about any of the above please contact the Fund

or your Lodge, or Provincial Grand Almoner.

In addition to the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping to support those with a medical, respite, dental or mobility need, by donating a total of £100 or more you will be entitled to purchase (£5), the MSF Jewel. This is a permanent Jewel and can be worn at all Lodge meetings.

Donor RecognitionDonor RecognitionDonor RecognitionDonor Recognition

Page 12: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

W Bro James

Vaughan was

born on the

23rd August

1930 in the

rural village of


in the former

County of


Bro James, or

Jim as he is

usually known, spent his formative years

attending school in Llandrindod Wells and

on leaving full time education went to work

on the family farm.

In 1946 Jim, with other members of his

family, moved to Carmarthenshire but seeing

a fairer land beyond the

Preseli Mountains decided in 1949

to purchase Springfield House Farm in

Pembrokeshire whose land, situated near the

town of Haverfordwest, was later bought in

order to build Withybush Hospital.

Some three years later the Vaughan family

moved to the village of Rosemarket. Here

James, initially with his father, ran the Post

Office and shop. When Mr. Vaughan Senior

retired Jim and his wife Enid continued to

manage the business.

When the General Post Office ceased its

traditional operations in country areas

and closed Rosemarket Post Office Jim joined

the Gulf Oil Refinery in Milford Haven where

he was employed as a Head Operator

overseeing the pumping ashore of crude oil

and other liquids.

He was initiated into the Neyland Lodge

in 1966 and after progressing through all the

offices was installed as Worshipful Master in

1973. Now in his 80th year he still attends all

meetings and is ever present at Lodges of

Instruction where he acted as Preceptor for

nearly 30years. Appointed Chaplain in 1977

he retired from that office in 2009 after 32

years of faithful and valued service.

In 1980 he was appointed Past Provincial

Assistant Grand Secretary and promoted to

the rank of Past Provincial Grand Junior

Warden in 1996.

In the Royal Arch he has been a faithful

member of the Kensington Chapter since 1974.

A Trustee of Neyland Masonic Hall he is

as ready as ever to offer his services for the

repair and maintenance of his much

loved. Temple.

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason

Accountancy and Tax Services1, Parc y Cwm

Glan yr Afon Industrial Estate

Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3JQTelephone: 01970 627 561 Fax: 01970 627 560

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M. B. Samuel & Co.


Page 13: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

[email protected]

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason

Wines from around the WorldChris Samuel

07816 857 [email protected]


It is always an emotional time

when a father Initiates his son, but

in this case there were three gener-

ations present, grandfather, father

and son. The Phillips ‘boys’ all have

sea in their blood (in fact, when it

comes to John, we can see where it

gets in!) It will only be time when

grandfather John, father Christo-

pher witness son Benjamin being

Installed into the Chair of this pres-

tigious Lodge.

At the St David’s Lodge No.366

Christmas meeting held on the 7th of December 2010 where as the current Worshipful

Master, Capt Christopher Phillips had the pleasure and honour of initiating his son,

Benjamin J Phillips, aged 18 years, who was granted a dispensation by the Provincial

Grand Master, Right Worshipful Brother Eric Mock.

The photograph shows, Brother Benjamin J Phillips, the W.M. Captain Christopher F

Phillips and the ‘daddy’, Brother Captain John F Phillips. 75 brethren of which 7 Officers

of United Grand Lodge, 21 visiting lodges were represented making it a very well

attended meeting.

The St David’s Lodge warrant is dated 1821 and apparently Ben is the youngest person

ever to be initiated into the lodge and that this is the first time in the history of St David’s

Lodge that three generations have been members of the lodge at the same time.

Page 14: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 14141414

Association of Friends of the Albert Edward Prince of Wales Court


To be held at the CourtOn

Saturday 4th June 2011Commencing at 2.30 p.m.

Ticket Price: £3.50 per headContact your Lodge Friends’ Representative

Aeron and Peterwell Chapter

David elsley

The Installation Convocation of the Aeron

and Peterwell Chapter on October 22nd 2010

was notable for two special reasons. Firstly

the Chapter was delighted and honoured that

our Past Grand Superintendent, E. Comp. Dr

John Lloyd had agreed to fill the void left by

the unfortunate resignation of Rev D Brian Thomas and take the office of First Principal.

Dr John was the most senior founder of the Chapter and its first Director of Ceremonies.

Mind you it was a bit daunting for the Installing Principal, E. Comp. Percy Evans,

knowing that his “candidate” knew every word of the ritual backwards and forwards.

A fact that was amply proved by his word-perfect installation of E. Comp. Richard

Bambrey as Second Principal. Nevertheless E. Comp. Percy hung in there and inducted

the new MEZ with dignity and sincerity. Not to be outdone, E. Comp Richard Bambrey

also performed well in his job of installing Comp. T Harri Davies, better known as “Harri

bach”, as Third Principal.

The second notable reason was that we had a very senior visitor from Canada in the

person of

ME. Comp. John Leyshon the Past First Grand Principal of the Grand Chapter of

Saskatchewan. He was born in Bridgend and attended the University College of Wales,

Aberystwyth, where he graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural Biochemistry.

It was while he worked for the British Ministry of Agriculture near Aberystwyth as a

soils analyst that he met and married his wife, Myra, a librarian in the National Library

of Wales. They immigrated to Canada in 1970.

The whole afternoon and evening proved to be a joyful occasion for all those present.

Page 15: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

[email protected]

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 15151515

In 2005 the

M a l a y s i a n

G o v e r n m e n t

approached the

British and


offices in order to

seek approval to

present a medal to

personnel who

served in Malaya

during the

peacekeeping campaign 1957-1965.

The Pingat Jasa Medal was approved

by the Queen in 2006 and is awarded to

personnel for distinguished chivalry,

gallantry,sacrifice and loyalty for their

part in upholding Malaysian


W. Bro. Bob Stokoe and W.Bro. Alan

Waters of Cambrian Lodge no. 464 were

involved with the peacekeeping forces

supporting the Malaysian government

during the communist insurgency in the

1950’s and 60’s.

They were professional servicemen

and members of the

Fleet Air Arm.

Bob was attached

to 656 Squadron

Army air Corps

from 1959 to 1962

which was

operating all over

Malaya at that time.

He also served on

899 Sea Vixen

squadron on the

aircraft carrier

H.M.S. Eagle 1964


Alan was

serving on the

aircraft carriers

H.M.S. Ark Royal

849 Squadron D

flight in 1963 and

H.M.S. Eagle 849

squadron D flight in 1965.

Bob and Alan are two of many Armed

Service personnel to be recipients of this


They were presented with their medals

in 2010 at a most moving ceremony by

Brigadier Generals of the Malaysian


Both are extremely proud to have been

presented with their Medal and wear

them with pride alongside their British


The two photos of the Brethren whilst

serving in the Fleet Air Arm.

Alan Bob

Page 16: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

[email protected]

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason

Quality Used Office Furniture

Hardware & Tools WarehouseCarmarthen road, Newcastle Emlyn

Carmarthenshire, SA38 9APTel: 01239 710 703


On Saturday 22nd January the

Prince of Wales Lodge held

their annual Ladies Evening at

the Masonic Hall, Llanelli. This

had been postponed from the

usual date in early December

owing to the illness of the

Master, W. Bro. Peter Williams

who, thankfully is making good

progress and was in attendance.

The event was attended by

almost 90 brethren and partners

and proved to be a most

enjoyable experience. As has become the norm in the Prince of Wales Lodge, the ladies,

who called themselves ‘The Lodgettes’, presented a Musical Interlude entitled ‘Master

of the Lodge’ which was greeted with a standing ovation by all.

A raffle was held on the night and over £520 was raised for the Cardiac Ward of the

Bristol Royal Hospital for Children. The reason that the Master and his wife chose this

charity was that during the summer of last year the Junior Warden’s wife, Victoria, gave

birth to a baby boy, Adam, and he needed surgery at the hospital. The baby is also the

grandchild of the Master and his wife.

The Ladies Evening was a bit of a ‘family affair’ as the Junior Warden, who proposed

the toast to the ladies was Andrew Jones, the son of Mrs Stephanie Williams, the Master’s

wife. Stephanie replied on behalf of the ladies to her son’s toast.

To further keep it in the family the Director of Ceremonies is me (Adrian Hallett),

brother to Stephanie with other members of the family in attendance as invited guests

together with the MP for Llanelli, Nia Griffith, who is a personal friend of the Master’s


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E R Hughes Consultancy Services

Box 32Cefn Esgair

Llanbadarn FawrAberystwyth SY23 3JG

Tel/Fax 01970 615 3054Mobile 07831 391 841

Emyr Rh Hughes F.S.Ag.S., A.I.Ag.S.A.

Email: [email protected].


W Bro Sydney Smith, Provincial Senior Grand Warden,

presents a cheque on behalf of Provincial Grand Charity for

£1050 to Sylvia and Peter Kingswood of The Friends of

Musicfest in Aberystwyth. The money is used towards the

cost of the Masterclasses for up to 100 young musicians,

held at the annual Musicfest festival in July.

W Bro Graham Thomas, Master of Saint Padarn Lodge,

presents a cheque for £200 to W Bro Iori Lewis of the

Aberystwyth branch of the Royal British Legion.

The Royal British Legion needs our support as much now

as it did when it was first formed. 1969 was the only year

in the 20th century in which there was no fatalities.

Agricultural Consultant

At Peterwell Lodge’s March Installation festive board their

Charity Steward, W Bro Percy Evans, presented a cheque for the

excellent amount of £15,000 towards the Provincial Festival 2015.

Watching the presentation is Master, W Bro Malcolm Davies

and seated is the IPM, W Bro Andrew Cater. This was a good

end to a wonderful afternoon and evening.

Quite a few lodges support scouts going to the World

Scouting Jamboree. Saint Padarn Lodge supported two

2nd Borth Scouts with £100 each to attend the 22nd World

Jamboree in Sweden. They are, left, 14 year old

Christopher Davies and, centre, 15 year old, Stewart

Gethin with Graham Thomas, Master of Saint Padarn.

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[email protected]

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 18181818

My first game for Llanybydder was against

Newcastle Emlyn on a wet Friday night in

September 1985. The thing that might

surprise you the most is the fact that I wore

the no.15 jersey and actually scored a try as

well on my debut. In those days you were

allowed to play senior rugby at the age of

16. The next 14 years were spent playing for

both the 1st xv and 2nd xv.

At the age of 29 I decided to “retire”

due to having a young family and increased

work commitments. I was at this time a

Territorial Army reservist who also

required a firm commitment and during

this period of service I was to represent the

TA in the British forces cup in Sennelager,

Germany, which we were fortunate enough

to win. During this tournament I was to

play against Rob Wainwright, the Scottish

international and Tim Rodber of England

both of whom had also represented the

British and Irish lions. The final was

broadcast on national German television

and as captain of the side still ranks as one

of my proudest sporting achievements. It

might interest you to know that a certain

Robert Mcknight was the Captain back at

the base in Carmarthen.

During my retirement I was persuaded

to put on the boots again for Llanybydder

who at this time were languishing near the

bottom of Division 8 west. It was a struggle

as some of the old guard had been put out

to pasture and the younger element of the

side found it difficult to cope with the

increased physicality of senior age group

rugby. It was at this juncture that I made

the transition to front row forward. There

is no better place than right there in the

coalface. I used to pray for rain which

would inevitably mean more “Knock on’s”

and the resulting scrum. There is something

special about getting the upper hand

against your opponent and afterwards

enjoying a recreational drink in the bar. I

can’t think of too many games where you

would witness that scenario.

After struggling for a couple of seasons

with limited resources we approached the

Carmarthen Quins club to set ourselves up

as one of their feeder clubs. At the time they

had a very strong 2nd xv but were struggling

to find games. By offering them a

competitive league structure they more or

Page 19: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 19191919less transferred their whole set up to “OJ

Park”, Llanybydder. At this point I was

made captain of the side, which went with

my existing duties of Vice Chairman, Team

Manager, Liaison Officer, Bus driver and

Programme editor. These were great times

for the club as we quickly gained successive

promotions and reached the dizzy heights

of Division 3 west. During the 2008 we also

reached the final of the Welsh Bowl only to

lose against Tycroes by 2 points. Not the

best feeling in the world. I also captained

the side against an Osprey’s xv.

At the age of 35 I was selected to play

for West Wales against Mid districts. What

an honour to follow in the footsteps of so

many players who would eventually

become full welsh internationals. After

winning my 5 caps, the only memento I had

apart from the memories was a cauliflower

ear playing against Felinfoel in a centenary


Every year the club has their annual

general meeting and at the end of the 2008

season I was fortunate enough to be made

an Honorary Life member of the club and

was youngest ever recipient of the honour

and awarded whilst I was still playing. At

this point I contemplated retirement once

again but was given some words of advice

by my father, he said; “A player does not

retire because he grows old, he grows old

because he retires”. Charming, I thought

from someone who never laced a pair of

boots in his life. Apparently he was quite a

player in his younger school days playing

on the open fields of Llanllwni. His words

not mine.

Last year I achieved another milestone

in making my 300th league or cup

appearance for Llanybydder 1st xv

(Altogether over 400 appearances as

friendly matches or 2nd XV games are not

included), another proud moment. This will

definitely be my last season as old father

time catches up with me. The head and

heart are willing but the back and legs send

out a different message. I can’t really

complain as I have had a good innings,

propped against some quality players like

John Davies, the Scarlets and Wales legend

and generally enjoyed every minute of

playing. Unfortunately all good things

come to an end.

During 2006 I followed up on my

interest in Masonry by approaching my

uncle, David Doyle of the Peterwell Lodge

in Lampeter with some questions on how

to progress my interest further. As a result

I was initiated the same year, next month I

will occupy the Junior Wardens chair. Time

has gone very quick especially as initially

it was to be something to occupy my time

once I had finished playing rugby.

Although I am now a member of the

Craft, Royal Arch and Mark degrees and

due for advancement in The Secret Monitor

and Royal Ark Mariners I am very much

conscious of the fact that the craft is

responsible for the core values and

principles that I practise and that the other

degrees offer further enlightenment. It was

important to me that I did not over commit

to the detriment of my craft duties and

especially my family. I do not believe in

joining anything for the sake of joining and

not being able to offer 100% support

thereafter. Hopefully I am seen as a worthy

and supportive member of all the orders

and in the long term am able to help make

a difference.

Regarding the rugby I can only say;”

Never say Never”. So watch this space.

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[email protected]

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 20202020

Regaining a quality of life after my

stroke was made easier with the sup-

port of the staff and treatment at the

Royal Masonic Hospital, London, and

my wife, Linda, with her expertise in

horsemanship made it possible to ride

my horse again.

Unfortunately, it soon became clear

that, although I managed to play the

church single manual pipe organ again,

using my right foot to operate the base

pedals, I would never again be able to

return to the standard of opera singing

I had enjoyed.

Having sung the title role in “The

Student Prince” at the Grand Theatre,

Swansea, and the tenor role in “The

Desert Song” at the New Theatre,

Cardiff, I joined the Welsh National

Opera (which, incidentally, was

conceived by Idloes Owen and Bill

smith over the festive board at a Cardiff

Masonic Lodge). The new musical

director, sir Charles Groves, chose me

to sing the tenor role in Verdi’s “The

Battle” to be broadcast from the Cory

Hall, Cardiff, for a Music to Remember

programme. This came about because

Ronald Dowd, who had sung the role

in the first performance, could not be

released from his contract at Saddlers

Wells to appear on that night.

Fortunately this went well for me and

as a result I was given more

understudying roles.

Among the parts I understudied was

a very nice tenor role in Rossini’s

“William Tell” which had an aria with

two top ‘Cs’, which I particularly

relished and practised thoroughly. On

the opening night at Saddlers Wells the

producer, John Moody, came rushing

into the canteen where we were having

a cup of tea awaiting the overture to

start and said, ‘David you’re on’. Ian

McFadian, the Covent Garden tenor,

was held up in traffic and could not get

there on time.



12 College Street, Ammandford, Carmarthenshire, SA18 3AF

Tel: 01269 592 306 Fax: 01269 596 127

S. Elfan Bell LL.B. Simon P. Morris B.A.

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The overture, by this time, had started

so without time to change my costume,

I was on. But, with my guide and

mentor, sir Charles Groves, conducting

the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra

(who seemed a little surprised to see

me) and the wonderful acoustics of the

Saddlers Wells Theatre my singing

seemed effortless.

I then went on to play tenor roles at

all Main Seasons and was still able to

continue my engineering career. My

claim to fame, however, came quite

unexpectedly when I was asked to play

the tenor role in the first ever complete

opera to be televised, which we

recorded in October, 1963, and was

transmitted in the first week of the BBC

Wales television opening on January

16th, 1964 form

Madame Patti’s

opera house at

Craig-y-Nos. This, of

course, was quite

different, as after

learning the opera

thoroughly one had

to sing to five large

stationary cameras,

turning to face the

correct camera a bar

before the red light

on top of the camera

came on. This was

performed in one

take with the expert

direction of the

producer, Howell

Williams, a super cast and chorus and

the BBC orchestra conducted by Ivor


Although I miss the thrill of

performing I feel quite at home in The

Royal Arch where the lodge is set up

remarkably like the second act of

“Nabucco” (one of my favourite

operas), the main difference being the

in “Nabucco”, Ishmael has two very

pretty sopranos sitting on thrones at

either side of me and, although my H

and J are quite smart, I am afraid that

they cannot compare with my Abigail

and Fenena, and so, as my good friend

Tony Morgan said when he came out

of the Chair in the Craft, ‘I am not a has

been, I am a have been’, and I hope I

can at least say that.

“Il Campanello Di Notte” recorded for the BBC

Wales at the Patti Theatre, Craig-y-Nos with the

BBC Welsh Orchestra conducted by Ivor John.

L to R Ellis Evans, David W Parker, Vera Adams

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By Tom Evans

Back in the early 1990’s W Bro Raymond

Birch PPGSwdBr, a member of the Temple

Lodge No 4963 in the Province of Yorkshire

– West Riding discovered a cloth scroll,

which when unrolled was nearly 6 feet

long, and over 2 feet wide. This proved to

have been produced in 1868 as a depiction,

in the form of a stream, of the history of

English Freemasonry from time

immemorial to 1866, and dedicated to the

Most Worshipful Grand Master of the

United Grand Lodge of England.

The scroll was framed, and has been in the

Masonic Hall of Temple Lodge since that

time. Realising the possible importance of

this scroll, W Bro Birch had two full size

facsimile copies made, presented one copy

to Grand Lodge, and the other copy was

kept in the entrance foyer of the Lodge.

In 2008, W Bro Richard Mathers

PPGSwdBr, a member of Temple Lodge

since 1979, became a joining member of the

Peterwell Lodge No 4713, and on finding

out that a new Masonic Hall was going to

be built in Lampeter, approached the WM

and Brethren of Temple Lodge, who all

agreed that when the new Masonic Hall

was built and occupied, the copy of the

Scroll should be presented to Peterwell

Lodge as a gift, if they would like to accept


Peterwell Lodge agreed that they would

like to accept it, and at the regular Lodge

meeting held on Thursday 17 February 2011

W Bro Mathers formally presented to Scroll,

and gave a short talk about it.

At the end of the presentation, W Bro

Mathers informed the Brethren that he had

a limited supply of copies of the Scroll in a

smaller format – roughly 2 feet by 1 foot –

which could be purchased for £5 – the

proceeds of any sale would be split between

the Peterwell Lodge building fund and the

2015 Festival. Several copies were sold on

the night, but a few are still available.

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[email protected]

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Quite a number of you will have received an

email, which was sent by Bro Bob Robinson of

Northern Light Lodge in Canada. Bob spent

many weeks in Aberystwyth and was a regular

visitor to Aberystwyth Lodge and the Saturday

’ coffee’ mornings. Over the years many Lodges

have been carried out during the course of

warfare. In some cases has brought Brothers

form opposing sides together. We can only

honour men like these who face the ultimate each

and every day so that others can live a better life. It is sad that those that the brave fight for cannot

themselves live in love and harmony. We can only pray they return home safely. God Bless Joe

and his Brothers.

“Canada Lodge held our first Ceremonies of Initiation on the evening of October 7, 2010

here at Kandahar Air Field. Initiated were Major Robert Kelly and Corporal Satraj Toor.

As you can see from the photos, our lodge

is now beautifully furnished thanks to the

generosity of the brethren from back home.

Due to operational requirements we did

not (all who had parts) have the chance

(though try we did) to do a complete run

through before the big night. If I may say

so myself, the ceremony was done as well

as any I have seen back home (in my

limited Masonic experience, mind you).

All of the parts came together seamlessly

and it was quite evident that all of the brethren had put their heart and soul into the

perfection of their work. I am truly honoured to have been a part of this historic Masonic


Our evening ended with a truly Afghan

flavour; as we were posing for photo-

graphs we came under rocket attack and

had to hit the floor (pictured)”.

S & F


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The strategy to make this event successful is de-

signed to show unity and support of each other with-

in the Province and support lodges in raising funds

to fulfil their commitment to the 2015 festival. It will

be a useful public relation exercise and will have a

great FUN packed historical day out.

On Saturday night there will be live music and

dancing (6pm to 10pm). Blast from the Past Minstrels

will provide musical entertainment and encourage dancing – as in the old days.

The event will show that if we all pull together we can raise a substantial amount of

money which each Lodge will be credited with pro rata, to their particular sales of tickets.

Thereby helping them to reach their suggested target.

This event will attract the general public to come and see and participate in the

proceedings being an opportunity for more public awareness.

A the last event held at the Carmarthen Showground made a profit of £18,000 which

enabled each Lodge to be credited with the full amount

of tickets sold plus a 25% extra.

Lodge representatives will manage ticket sales to

brethren within their Lodges and assist in finding

advertisers and sponsors. Pass on money to Area reps

with Masters, Wardens and charity Stewards promoting

the event at every opportunity in their Lodges, and

encourage the brethren to sell tickets to family members,

friends, neighbours in fact anyone else.

The event is being held at Scolton Manor, near

Haverfordwest. Scolton manor is the Museum of Pembrokeshire set in 65 acres of park

and woodland. Scolton Manor was built in 1842 and is now owned by Pembrokeshire

County Council. It was home to generations of the Higgon family with the last resident

being Lt Col John Henry Victor Higgon, 1902 – 1987. During the last war it served as a

convalescent home for servicemen. Scolton Manor

has some stunning and beautiful scenery where

you can relax in an almost another world.

Roman and Celtic Britons living history

re-enactment group

The Vicus is an Iron Age and early Roman re-

enactment society that interprets history through

the media of experimental archaeology,

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reconstruction and living history.

A ‘Vicus’ is a settlement that grows outside of Roman

military bases to cater to the needs of the soldiers (and their

money). These were likely to have been of a temporary

nature, these settlements quickly grow into communities

and later into permanent towns.

The period of interest is roughly the first two generations

after the Roman invasion of Britain AD43. This period is

one of great changes in the country as it makes the transition

into the province of Britannia; it includes the establishment

of the road systems, towns and villas, the guerrilla war of Caractacus (in Wales), the

rebellion of Boudicca and the final stand of the Caledonians at Moss Graupius (in modern

Scotland) in AD83.

Black Mountains Falconry in Wales

With an extensive range of Birds of Prey, offer any event an excellent added attraction

to be enjoyed. This is the only Falconry Display team in

Europe to fly Red Kites away from home; this ‘special’

is accompanied by some lovely music, as are our Vul-

tures when they fly.

Audience participation (children and adults) is an

integral part of all the displays, which include and

educational and humorous commentary from either

Roger or June, sometimes both if you are lucky.

Collegiate of Knights Templar & St Angelo Priory of Knights Hospitallers

Three enthusiasts, who over the years have seen the group go from strength to strength

and now have 18 passionate members ranging in ages from 16 to 70 years old, formed

the Collegiate of Knights Templar some 17 years ago.

The collegiate of Knights Templar built up a great

reputation and are well known throughout, having

attended numerous battle re-enactments around the

United Kingdom.

Support this very special charitable event for the

Festival of 2015. Have a good day or weekend out

with family and friends. Ask your Lodge Charity

Steward for tickets.

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[email protected]

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 28282828

The photograph shows Karen

Griffiths, mother of Jake Lacy, a

little 4-year-old boy from

Pembroke, who is receiving

groundbreaking treatment not

funded by the National Health

Service, receiving the Provincial


The parents of Jake sourced these

additional treatments, to improve

the quality of life that Jake, a

Cerebral Palsy sufferer, might expect, particularly for his later life.

The treatments are particularly effective at his current age as his Bone Structure is now much

easier for the physiotherapist to manage.

They are also engaged in a new treatment which repairs brain function. This is currently on

hold because the young lad has a Splint on his hips for a period of time.

His parents originally set up a Fund and raised themselves, some £8000 by way of Fund

raising (Parachute Jumps etc) They have seen such a remarkable difference in his ability to

start to walk and huge improvements in balance, posture etc. since the start of the treatments

which involve going to Oxford Three to Four times a year for three week periods, at which

intensive therapy sessions are given daily (3 Hour sessions) for each day of the three weeks.

Jake now attends Portfield Special School in Haverfordwest; something his parents thought

would never happen and can now walk with the assistance of a Frame.

The dedication of Jake’s parents to improve his future quality of life moved the Castlemartin

lodge Members to Donate £1000.00 over the last two years.

The Province at its last Charity meeting agreed to fund one of these sessions at a Cost of £3000.

Photgraphs show Mrs Karen Griffiths receiving the Provincial Cheque from Wo. Mike Bradney, Castlemartin

Lodge Charity steward accompanied by Wo. Bros, D.A. Howes, T. B. D. Rees and Peter Waddilove.

TEL: 01646 683181 FAX: 01646 622111 Email: [email protected]


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On Monday 14th March 2011, the Provincial Grand Master for the Mark Province of Dyfed,

R.W.Bro. D. Nigel Adams accompanied by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V.W.Bro.

Ron Jones, together with the Provincial Grand Charity Steward, W.Bro. Bob Darkins; the

Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro. Jim Doyle; W.Bro. Dilwyn Littlejohns and

W.Bro. Ernie Lawson (not a member of the Mark Degree) a member of the St. Teilo Craft

Lodge, attended the breast care unit of Prince Philip Hospital in Llanelli, to donate a cheque

for £60,000.00 - on behalf of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons Benevolent Fund - to

Mr. Simon Holt, Consultant Surgeon for Breast cancer, in respect of the purchase of a

Flaxitron Specimen X Ray System.

The Flaxitron Specimen X Ray System is an instrument, which allows the breast care unit to

X ray specimens collected in theatres and from their prone needle biopsies, so that they can

confirm that the correct part of the breast

tissue has been sampled or removed. In-

creasingly, they are diagnosing breast

cancer so early that it is not possible to be

certain by feel, or by what they can see

with the naked eye, that the correct piece

of tissue has been removed. The best way

of being certain is to use this portable X

ray machine, which is specially designed

to quickly produce detailed X rays of

small specimens. The instrument can be

placed in the room where the procedure is

taking place, so that there is minimal de-

lay (and so that the mammograms being taken on their main machine, can continue without


The Prince Philip Hospital in Llanelli, has just opened a state of the art ' breast care unit',

rated as one of the finest in the United kingdom. Resources were found to set up the unit and

also to provide the skilled staff needed to work the said unit, but there was urgent need for

an essential piece of equipment to be purchased, namely the Flaxitron Specimen X Ray

System and the amount needed, £ 60,000.00, unfortunately, was not available to make the


The original idea for fund raising was instigated by W.Bro. Ernie Lawson of the St. Teilo

Craft Lodge. W.Bro. Dilwyn Littlejohn, W.Master of the Lliedi Mark Lodge, then brought it

to the attention of the Provincial Grand Master of the Mark Province of Dyfed, R.W.Bro. D.

Nigel Adams, who immediately promised his assistance in making an application to the

Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons' Benevolent Fund, for funding, to which they were

more than happy to help.

This new unit, together with the new Flaxitron Specimen X Ray System, will be of great

benefit to the three counties that constitute the Province of Dyfed, namely, Ceredigion,

Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire, together with areas outside the Province.

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Provincial Grand Chapter of West WalesProvincial Grand Chapter of West WalesProvincial Grand Chapter of West WalesProvincial Grand Chapter of West Wales


Provincial Grand Lodge of West WalesProvincial Grand Lodge of West WalesProvincial Grand Lodge of West WalesProvincial Grand Lodge of West Wales

Thursday 7th July 2011Thursday 7th July 2011Thursday 7th July 2011Thursday 7th July 2011

Trinity CollegeTrinity CollegeTrinity CollegeTrinity College


Dining Booking Dining Booking Dining Booking Dining Booking

Form Page 33Form Page 33Form Page 33Form Page 33

Page 32: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

[email protected]

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 32323232IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL COMPANIONS & BRETHREN



The Annual Meetings of Provincial Grand Chapter and Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at the Halliwell Centre, Trinity College,

Carmarthen on Thursday, 7th July, 2011.

Who is allowed to be at these meetings?Provincial Grand ChapterAll Companions who are Officers of Provincial Grand Chapter (present or past), Principals of a Chapter in the Province, and Past First Principals, and who are subscribing members of a Chapter in the Province, are entitled to attend. However, all other Companions are invited to attend this Meeting, but they may not vote.Provincial Grand LodgeAll Brethren who are Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge (present or past), or Installed Masters or Acting Wardens, and who are subscribing members of a Lodge in the Province, are entitled to attend. However, all other Master Masons are invited to attend this Meeting, but they may not vote.

Please make a determined effort to attend the meeting. Actually, why not make up a party of your Chapter or Lodge Members, and come in numbers? In doing so you will be supporting not only your Chapter or Lodge but also those Companions and Brethren who will be invested with their Provincial Appointments and Promotions. It is a special day for those receiving honours, and it is rewarding to have a good number of brethren present to witness their achieve-ment.

Between the meetings is a luncheon, the cost of which is £17.50 exclusive of wine. This is a relaxed occasion in the middle of the day’s events. Why not make the day complete by booking in for an enjoyable meal served in pleasant surroundings?

Do please try to attend and give your support to the Province and the

Provincial Grand Officers.

Steve HookeySteve HookeySteve HookeySteve Hookey

Provincial Grand Scribe E & Provincial Grand Secretary

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Please complete and return to:

Peter Scoble, “Ashgrove”, 134 Steynton Road,Milford Haven, Pembs, SA73 1AN

Tel : 01646 692120 (Contact hours : evenings 6pm to 9pm only)

I shall be attending the Luncheon and enclose a cheque for


(cheque to be made payable to "Provincial Grand Lodge PoWW")

Please tick this box if you have any special dietary needs

Details of dietary needs………………………………………………………..

FULL NAME .………………………………………………………………………………….



TELEPHONE NUMBER ……………….................... ……………….............................

e-mail address ……………….................... ………………....................................

LODGE……………………………………….LODGE NUMBER…………….............


GRAND OFFICERS …………………………………..…….


LODGE RANK (only complete if not Grand or Provincial Grand Rank) W.Bro.* / Bro.*

( * Delete as appropriate)

IMPORTANT NOTEIt is regretted that no reservations for dinner can be made unless the

application and remittance are received by 18th June, 2011. Please also

note that no dinner refunds will be made for cancellations made after 26th June, 2011.

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West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 34343434

A very well known Freemason in the Province

reached a milestone in November 2010 when

he achieved 40 years membership of Holy

Royal Arch. The person in question of course

is Dr John Lloyd, Past Grand Superintendent.

R. E. Comp. John Lloyd was Exalted into

Ystwyth Chapter No 1072 on the 10th

September 1970. The ceremony was carried out

by E. Comp. F W Moulton, M.E.Z, W A

Williams, H, and D Alun Davies, J. John was

Installed as Z on 10th March 1983 by E. Comp.

J R Lloyd., and Hiram Evans was Installed as H with George Bush as J. Dr John Exalted

candidates, George Gornall, John Ceredig Davies and Lynne Joseph.

In the photograph shows Dr John Lloyd and the Grand Superintendent with the three

Principals of his fortieth year, Chris Samuel, Z, Dr Elton Roberts, H, and Bob Davies, J.

West Wales had a very special day on Saturday 8th January 2011 at the Masonic Hall,

Carmarthen. It was the first Provincial meeting of the Provincial Grand Senatus of West

Wales of The Ancient and Masonic Order of the Scarlet Cord. The Order of the Scarlet

Cord is an appendant order of the Order of the Secret Monitor.

The Province of West Wales has three Consistories; Llanelli Consistory No 24 T.I.,

Aberystwyth Consistory No 25 T.I., and Pembroke Consistory No 27 T.I.

The first Provincial Grand Summus is Right Distinguished Companion Nigel Adams,

his Deputy Grand Summus is Distinguished Companion Lyndon Hughson and the

Assistant Grand Summus

is Distinguished Comp.

James Doyle..

The photograph shows

the first Provincial team

accompanied by guests

form other Provinces.

The Festive Board was

held at the Ivy Bush Hotel

and was as excellent as

ever and the atmosphere

was A plus.

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At Their February Meeting Strumble

Lodge were delighted to make three

presentations to Local Charities from

donations made during the year in

office of their I P M, W Bro Robert

Davies. The presentation party was

made up of W Bro Basil Phillips- The

Worshipful Master, W Bro Robert

Davies - the I P M , W Bro Dr Bryn

Barton - Charity Steward and W Bro

David Price - Almoner.

Representatives of the charities were

invited to join members of the Lodge

in the temple before the meeting. W

Bro Robert presented a cheque for

£350 to W Bro John Hardwicke for

West Wales Air Ambulance. It was

particularly gratifying that a member

of Kemes Lodge who was able to join

us for the meeting and the festive

board represented this charity. W Bro

Robert then presented a cheque for

£350 to Mr Bryn Davies of the

Goodwick and Fishguard Stroke Club.

The Reigning Master, W Bro Basil

Phillips, then presented a cheque for

£238 to Mr Islwyn Rees in his capacity

as Chairman of the Gateway Club. It

was pleasing to note the goodwill

generated by helping these charities

that do so much good work in the local

community.Wales Air Ambulance - £350

Gateway Club - £238

Fishguard Stroke Club - 350

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[email protected]

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 36363636

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[email protected]

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Joint Secretaries Wo. Bro Clive Pitten, Tel 01646 684986 e-mail---([email protected]) Wo. Bro Mike Bradney Tel 01646 683967 e-mail---([email protected] )

Dear Bro/Guest.

The concluding qualifying competition for the 2010/2011 Competitions

will be Held at

Milford Haven Golf Club on Friday 6th, May 2011.

(at the conclusion of which the 2010/2011 Golf Trophy winners will have

been determined.)

To help us with the Tee time arrangements and meals, will you please

complete the attached Form below and return to either Clive or myself by

March 30th, 2011

NB. A reply form is also available on the web and may be sent


A bacon roll/ Tea-Coffee on arrival, Golf and Meal on conclusion together

with prizes. Cost £25.00 (please send cheques payable to Masonic Golf

Society to save time on day)

The Competition will be a Single stable-ford format This will be followed

by the meal and Presentation. (Tee times are from 11.30 till 13.30)

News Report.After a very successful meeting at Derllys Court Golf Club, Bancyfelin. near

Carmarthen in September, at which 41 Golfers participated and enjoyed the first of

the 2010/2011 qualifying meetings for the Trevor Kelway trophy (individual) and

The W Bro Sydney Hughes cup (Champion Lodge trophy)

The Provincial Grand Master presented the prizes.

Winners on the Day were-:

Guests 1, Geoff Rosser 33Pts

2. Danny Overend 32 Pts (BB9)

3. Bob Wilson 32 Pts.

Masons 1. Mike Davies (St. Peters 476) 34 Pts

2. Brian Williams (Castlemartin 1748) 32 Pts (BB9)

3. Chris Hine (Frenni 8427) 32Pts.

Remember all scores will be carried over for calculation in May.

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West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 39393939

Milford Haven Golf Club Friday 6th, May 2011I/We would like to play in the above event. (Please indicate your preferred Tee Time (no guarantees)

Name__________________________ Lodge Name/Number___________

Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Preferred Tee Time_________________ Tel:_______________________

Home Club_______________________ H/Cap_____________________

The following Guest will accompany Me.

Name______________________ Club________________ H/Cap________

Name______________________ Club________________ H/Cap________

Cost £25.00 to include entry Fee, Bacon Roll, Tea /Coffee, Golf & Meal(all players to pay the same fee)

It would be helpful if Payments were received before the Day,(Cheques payable to (Masonic Golf Society)

Lodge Placings after First Round -: (Best three cards to count)

1) Castlemartin 90Pts - 2) Cambrian 89Pts - 3) Frenni 80 Pts.

As you can see there should be some excellent competition at our next meeting,

which will be held at

Milford Haven Golf Club on Friday 6th May 2011.

Cost will be £25.00 for all players, to include Bacon Roll/ tea or Coffee on

arrival Golf and two Course meal on Completion together with Prizes.

Further details will be sent in

march /April, By e-mail to those

who have provided their

addresses, by letter to Lodge

secretaries and by letter to

members who have provided their

postal addresses.

I trust we will have another

excellent day which will be well


Mike Bradney - 01646 683967 -

[email protected]

Clive Pitten - 01646 684986 -

[email protected]

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[email protected]

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 40404040

At the November meeting of the

Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and

Families Association held at the

Barracks, Picton Place, Carmarthen,

Gethin Lewis MBE, treasurer of the

Provincial Grand Lodge of West

Wales presented a cheque for £5,000

to Lt Col Chris Downward MC,

Branch Chairman of SSAFA Dyfed.

The grant is part of a £250,000

award donated by The Freemasons'

Grand Charity, to fund the specific

needs of servicemen and their families throughout the various regions of Wales

and England.

"The Immensely valuable work carried out by SSAFA Forces Help is widely

supported within the Masonic Community, and this latest grant is further

evidence of our benevolent commitment in support of the armed services".

(Laura Chapman, Chief Executive of the Freemasons' Grand Charity.)

Pictured, together with the soldiers of 224 (Pembrokeshire Yeomanry) Squadron, Welsh

Transport Regiment from left to right are:

Mrs Valerie Griggs, Divisional Secretary of the SSAFA Pembrokeshire. Lt Cdr David

Griggs MBE, Branch Secretary of the SSAFA Dyfed. Mr Gethin Lewis MBE,

Treasurer of the West Wales Province of Freemasons. Lt Col Chris Downward MC,

Branch Chairman of the SSAFA Dyfed Mr Paul Amor, Branch Training Officer of

the SSAFA Dyfed. Together with the soldiers of 224 (Pembrokeshire Yeomanry)

Squadron, Welsh Transport Regiment.

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West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 41414141

Turned over by Edgar Jones Yet another disaster at the Candlewick Makers tonight! Where, I ask myself, are we

going wrong?

I had particular hopes of tonight’s candidate, legal feller called Uriah Heep; and indeed

it might all have gone swimmingly had it not been for the antics of our two Fellow Crafts,

with whom Coffin our D C left him while we upstairs were attending to Third Degree


These two, Probert (corsets) and Legge (undertaking) so terrified him with tales of what

was in store, tales in which a donkey alas featured prominently, that Heep was on the

edge of taking wing and could only be prevailed on to stay the course with the aid of

copious draughts from the hip-flasks of these two fly-by-nights.

The result was predictable. Our two Deacons were obliged to carry him round the

Temple, his little legs going like clockwork between them. Worse was to come! For primed

at the Festive Board with our W. M’s Chateau Latour Pau ’57 (went down a treat with

the roast peacock; but £5 a bottle - whew!) when Heep got up to make his speech there

was no stopping him.

‘These hard times,' he hiccupped, ‘hitting us all hard . . . that spendthrift Disraeli – ’

Cries of outrage at this, the Lodge being Tories to a man.

‘Slip of the tongue. That spendthrift Gladstone who’s now in charge . . . nobody got

two pennies to rub together . . . but not to despair . . . yours truly’s got the answer . . .

loans at the shortest notice . . . only sixty per cent per annum . . . cheapest on the market

. . .favourable terms to all gents present!’

At this point up starts our W. M. Bracegirdle-Tudddenhall, face purple, arms swinging

side to side like he was a gorilla about to take off for the tallest tree. ‘Sit down, sir! Touting

for business! Not done, sir, not done! Your job – just tell us how grateful you are to us

for havin’ you and sit down!’

‘And furthermore,’ went on the unspeakable Heep, ‘preferential terms for gents present

at house of mine in Canterbury (train times available on request) . . . popular among the

Cathedral clergy . . . charming young ladies . . . known throughout Kent as the Cathedral

Belles - !’

Our W.M. now on the edge of spontaneous combustion tromboned:

‘Have you, sir, the effrontery to invite us to a disorderly house?’

‘Far from it, Worshipful Masterful. No more orderly house in Canterbury. Big chap at

the door sees to that. Any disturbance and – right hook straight away in the miscreant’s


Bracegirdle-Tuddenhall, whose collar had now burst, managed to gasp out, ‘Press his

Stop Button someone! Now!’

Heep mishearing through the din continued:

Continued on next page

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West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 42424242

‘That’s the feller! Prescott. Battling Jack we calls him. Eye for the lasses too. Straight

hook to where it hurts most. Has to be seen to be believed . . . You must have met him,

Most Worshipful Squire, at his last shop where he was assistant Bouncer!’

At this last, our speechless W.M. brought his gavel down so hard on the table a bottle

at the end of it hit the ceiling. Then a great swig of his Chateau Latour Pau giving him

inspiration, he bellowed, ‘Bouncers! That’s the answer – Bouncers!’

These being peculiar to our ancient Lodge, a word of explanation is called for. Bouncers

are bread rolls left over from the previous meeting, one being placed beside every

Brother’s side-plate, to be used as ammunition against unpopular speakers.

Well I can tell you, in a trice the dreadful Heep was fleeing for the door under a hail

of rock-hard shot and shell.

Home pretty late to find the usual note pinned on our locked bedroom door. But, to

my horror, underneath the usual complaints about ‘unrespectable hours’ and ‘non-stop

accounts of the night’s proceedings’ I read:

‘Had a visit from the wife of your candidate, Mr Heep, Alice by name. Nice woman,

if a bit “fast”. Afraid the Lodge would lead her husband astray. Keep a firm hand on

him, I told her, just as the rest of us Freemasons’ wives do with ours. Preferably on the

coat collar. Have invited her and her husband Uriah to tea next Sunday.’

This time it’s Offa’s Dyke.This time it’s Offa’s Dyke.This time it’s Offa’s Dyke.This time it’s Offa’s Dyke.

170 miles from Chepstow to Prestatyn.

Starting on the 2nd June 2011 and hopefully finishing on the

12th June 2011.

All in aid of the 2015 Festival.

I would love to raise as much as possible and make my pain seem worthwhile

Please make donations payable to “Cambrian Lodge 464”And forward to me at .

Chris Harding. Grove House ,36 Pill Road, Hook, Haverfordwest, Pembs. SA62 4LU

Thanking you in advance for your generosity

Page 43: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason

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Page 44: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

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West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 44444444

At the May meeting of

Peterwell Lodge, VW Bro

Tom Evans presented a

reproduction Celtic

Sword to the Tyler, Bro

David Doyle. In doing so,

he said that he was

delighted that the Lodge

had been pleased to

accept this gift to replace

the French Bayonet with

which the Tyler was armed at present, and would more clearly define

the Lodge’s Welsh Heritage. In handing the sword to Bro David he

remarked that he could not have done so to a worthier Brother who was

not only a military man but whose Celtic roots encompassed both Wales and Ireland.

Following this simple ceremony Bro Gerwyn Jones presented the Lodge with a

‘freestanding’ sword holder that he had designed and crafted. In thanking him for his

generous gift to the Lodge the Worshipful Master, Andrew Carter, paid tribute to the

skill and craftsmanship displayed by Gerwyn in producing such a fine and indeed unique

addition to the Lodge furniture.

St Peter’s Lodge supports the Christian Lewis

Trust with a donation of £500. The photograph

shows Vernon Edwards receiving a certificate

from Julian Canning of the Christian Lewis

Trust in recognition of the £500 Donation.

In 2010 the Christian Lewis Trust commemorated

20 years of caring and supporting families

affected by children’s cancer. Since 1989 this

small Swansea based charity has raised over £6

million, helped more than 4000 families and

gained UK-wide recognition for its work and


The Trust philosophy on support is all about continuity; no matter what the prognosis.

Accordingly, the range of services include Play Therapy where children affected by cancer

and their siblings can tackle the deep issues through their natural medium of play and

Bereavement Support which helps families cope with prospect and the results of grief.

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West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 45454545

Prince of Wales Lodge No 671 Ladies

Evening on Saturday 22nd January 2011

Prince of Wales Lodge held their annual

Ladies Evening at the Masonic Hall, Llanelli.

This had been postponed from the usual date

in early December owing to the illness of the

Worshipful Master W. Bro Peter Williams

who, thankfully is making good progress and

was in attendance.

The event was attended by almost 90

brethren and partners and proved to be a

most enjoyable event. As has become the

norm in the Prince of Wales Lodge the La-

dies, who called themselves “The Lodgettes”, presented a Musical Interlude entitled “Master of the

Lodge” which was greeted with a standing ovation by all in attendance

A raffle was held on the night and over £520 was raised for the Cardiac Ward of the Bristol Royal

Hospital for Children. The reason that the Master and his good lady chose this charity was that

during the summer of last year the Junior Warden’s wife, Victoria, gave birth to a baby boy and

Adam needed surgery at the hospital, the baby being the grandchild of the worshipful master and

his wife.

The ladies evening was a bit of a “family affair” as the Junior Warden, who proposed the toast to

the ladies was Bro Andrew Jones, the son of Mrs. Stephanie Williams the Master’s wife. Stephanie

then replied on behalf of the ladies to the toast from her son.

To further keep it in the family the Director of Ceremonies was W Bro Adrian Hallett- brother to

Stephanie and other members of the family were in attendance as invited guests together with the

MP for Llanelli Ms Nia Griffith who is a personal friend of the Master’s wife.

As was reported in the Autumn 2010 edition of

the WWM, Gethin Lewis was awarded the MBE

in the Queen's Birthday Honours last year "for

services to the community in West Wales". He

received his medal at an investiture at Bucking-

ham Palace in October from HRH the Prince of

Wales who made special reference to Aberglasney

Gardens which Gethin had had the privilege of

showing to the Prince on two royal visits.

Gethin described the ceremony as most impres-

sive and the occasion as a truly unforgettable one

for himself and for his wife, Jenny, and their

children who accompanied him.

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[email protected]

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 46464646

It’s not often I actually get involved in the articles that appear in this periodical, that’s for you all

to do. But, this one is different. It is different for two reasons; one it involved wine and the other,

it raised money for charity. At Saint Padarn, we managed to involve both, with great success I

might add. I am a big fan of local newspapers, which means of course that if you live in the north

of the Province, the Cambrian News is the one for you. Wherever I go I always buy the local

newspaper. This reminds me of a time when I was staying in an hotel in Torquay (and before you

start, it wasn’t Faulty Towers) after breakfast I went into town for something to cure an

headache, caused by you know what, and bought a copy of the Torbay Times and settled down to

a strong tea. The headlines were ‘Hotel Guests Flee Blaze’. Crickey, there’s been a hotel fire. It

turns out that it was the hotel I was staying in. I slept through it. It’s a long story why I didn’t

leave the hotel to the safety of the car park. One day perhaps, maybe, I will spill the beans!

Anyway the Cambrian News was 150 years old last year and used the anniversary to raise

money for local charity. Saint Padarn Lodge agreed to support its fund raising with a wine tasting

with a difference. Called ‘Quaff my Bluff’ with the three panellists, Beverly Thomas (Managing

Editor of the Cambrian News) the Chirpy Chippy (Beverly’s husband) and me, the bacchant.

Beverly has her own wine column called ‘Bottoms up’, which is a must read. In fact, the Chirpy

Chippy now has a fan club! A two third page story appeared in the Cambrian News, which Beverly

has given me permission to reproduce. There now follows the story that appeared.

Bottoms up... Bev Thomas

The Chirpy Chippy, my long suffering other half, was recently thrust into the limelight…

He has always been happy to stay quietly in the background when I attend a flurry of

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West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 47474747functions in my role as managing editor of the Cambrian News.

But I was recently invited to take part in a wine tasting evening with a difference at

Aberystwyth’s Masonic Hall. And the Worshipful Master and his colleagues were

adamant that they wanted ‘the chirpy one’ involved as well.

The Saint Padarn Lodge of the Masons had offered to raise money to boost the Cambrian

News’ 150th Anniversary Charity Fund by holding said wine tasting evening for members

and guests. So Chip was ordered to attend.

But it wasn’t going to be any ordinary wine-tasting session.

Can you remember the TV series ‘Call my Bluff’? Well this was a ‘Quaff my Bluff’,

organised by the Lodge Charity Steward Chris Samuel, whose knowledge of wine makes

mine pale into insignificance.

Chris, the Chirpy Chippy and myself were the panel of ‘experts’ (in the very loosest

description of the word!). The audience got to sample six different wines, with each

panellist trying to convince them that

their description of each wine was the

right one. It was then up to the audience

to guess who was telling the truth.

It was an hilarious and very enjoyable

evening. Chip went down a storm and,

amazingly, many of those attending

thought it was he who was telling the

truth most of the time. They obviously

had decided that I, as a journalist,

couldn’t be trusted on anything!

I had practised for hours (well, 10

minutes, anyway) so I could properly

pronounce all my wine names, bluffs or

otherwise, while Chip didn’t even bother announcing his at all. Chris and I respectfully

stood up to describe our wines, while Chip flatly refused, saying he was tall enough

sitting down!

The Chirpy One didn’t bother to follow the five ‘S’s – see, swirl, sniff, sip, savour. He

just gulped the wine down and delivered the very basic tasting notes.

But he could do no wrong with the audience of wine lovers, who got much livelier as

the evening progressed (funnily enough). The Chirpy Chippy has come out of his shell

and I believe a star has been born.

There were some other stars on the evening. I’ve not forgotten you, the gentleman in

the yellow sweater! Or those tasters who had downed their wine before the panellists

even started their descriptions. And I must thank the two ‘sommeliers’, Graham Thomas

(Saint Padarn’s Master) and Adrian Tester (Aberystwyth Lodge, a Past Master), for

serving up the wines so expertly, and so generously to the panellists in particular!

It was a great way to spend an evening and it raised a fabulous £445 for the Cambrian

News Charity Fund. So an excellent result all round.

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West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 48484848

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W.M. of Saint Padarn Lodge, Graham

Thomas presented a cheque on behalf of

the Provincial Grand Charity for £1000 to

Cheryl Jones of the Mid Wales Colo-

rectal Cancer Fund. This is the first of and

annual donation covering five years.

The fund helps patients and their families

who suffer from Colo-rectal or bowl

cancer in mid Wales area served by

Bronglais Hospital.

The photograph shows from left to right, W Bro Graham Thomas, David Jackson, Lead

Colo-rectal Consultant, Owain Glyndwr Ward, Bronglais Hospital, Mrs Cheryl Jones,

secretary and founder of the Charity who works tirelessly to raise funds, and Owen

Peckover, one of the funds trustees.

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West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 49494949


Edward Morgan

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West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 50505050

[email protected]

Why Mexican? Simply because, Graciela,

the wife of Frenni’s Master Derek Taylor

hails from Mexico. A typical evening – if

there is ever such in Mexico – would see

people nibbling away at tacos, pork, salsas,

cajun beef, chocolate, shellfish, multi

coloured fruit rice, tostadas, onion, chicken,

chili, enchiladas, spicy potatoes, garlic,

Mexican Rice [with tomatoes and refried

beans], cheese, burritos, olives, ice cream

and fresh fruit.

Nevertheless, and

despite some initial

hiccups, the evening did

eventually prove to be a

success. All the available

seats had previously been

sold and therefore the

room was packed to its

maximum capacity,

allowing the members

and guests to savour the

atmosphere and enjoy the

finest Mexican dishes.

The cuisine of Mexico is

genuinely diverse – being true fusion

cuisine. When the indigenous peoples

merged their trio of essential ingredients,

corn, beans, and tomatoes, with their

flavourings, chocolate, vanilla, and, of

course, chillies, with the wheat, meats, rice,

citrus fruits, and spices introduced by the

Spanish, one of the world's most popular

and exciting cuisines was born. The foods

of Mexico, like the land itself, are widely

diverse. No two foods, alike no two

regions, are ever found the same. This vast

and expansive country, measuring more

than 2,000 miles from top to bottom,

embraces far-reaching stretches of arid

desert, high mountain ranges, verdant

seaside plains, steaming jungles, and fertile

plateaus surrounded by forested hillsides.

Everyone, dare I say it, over-indulged

themselves on starters of Prawns in Garlic

Sauce, Spicy Chicken Pieces in a Pineapple

& Lime Sauce and Mexican Chips with a

Guacamole Dip – all of

which were accompanied

by Three Kings Fruit

Bread [see lead photo on

opening page]. Then after

a brief respite – to slacken

the waistbands – members

continued to enjoy the

main courses of Mexican

White Rice with Tomatoes

and Refried Beans, Multi

Coloured Fruit Rice, Beef

or Salmon, all of which

were accompanied by

Flour Tortillas, Spicy

Potatoes, sweetcorn, peppers, salsa dips,

boiled baby potatoes and vegetables and so


As a natural follow on, and being ever

mindful of the ladies' requests for low

calorie, slim-line, healthy food, the diners'

eyes focused on the display before they

commenced to try to eat their way through

the delicious desserts. The first being

Pineapple and Banana slices topped with

melted Monterey Jack hard Cheeses; the

second was a Soft Vanilla Ice Cream heavily

Page 51: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

[email protected]

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 51515151laced with pieces of chopped Mango,

Pineapple, Papaya and Banana and, finally,

the favourite, the pierce-de-resistance, the

universally popular and mouth watering

treat of Mexican Rum & Raisin Chocolate

Cake coated with a rich glossy chocolate


Not surprisingly, everyone from time to

time needed an accompanying sip of

sangria style wine and finally a refreshing

cup, indeed sometimes several cups, of tea

or coffee. The Master of our Mother Lodge,

the Teifi Lodge, Dic Savidge, accompanied

by his delightful wife, Jaci, were the main

guests and who in turn were supported by

the members' personal guests from the

Narberth and Fishguard Lodges, together

with several of the Frenni Lodge's widows.

Much later on in the evening, when

prompted by the ladies as the magical hour

of midnight was quickly approaching, Mike

Kilsby, Senior Warden rose to convey the

ladies' thanks to the organiser. However,

in true Frenni tradition, after much too-ing

and fro-ing together with some hastily

restructuring of the night and then this

reorganisation when coupled with the

excellent meal, as usual, the occasion

proved to be another successful evening for

the Frenni Lodge.

The more astute of my readers will have

quickly spotted I have christened the

occasion as, and I really would like to think

of it, being the Inaugural Ladies Supper.

However, will it be simply a "one off"

evening or will there be a repeat style social

function again next year – then the year

after that and hopefully, if there is the

continued support, so on ad infinitum?

After all said – really, of course, it is up to

the Master's wife to decide, obviously after

carefully listening to and taking serious

note of the ladies' wishes; but, if held, could

it be Italian? Chinese? Indian? or what? As

yet, nothing is fixed in tablets of stone, so

goodness knows what the future will bring;

however – to drop a heavy hint to the

regulars – the idea of a Norwegian

Smorgasbord has already been mused and

plans are afoot and awaiting their place on

the drawing boards. The Frenni faithful are

already booking their seats in eager


In the photo’ on the opposite page shows

W Bro Derek Taylor and his wife Graciela.

Page 52: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 52525252

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West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 53535353

Saint Padarn Lodge presented a £200 cheque to

the Friends of Borth Fire Service towards their

new fire station, seen in the background of the

photograph. Bore Fire Service is made up of

volunteers, some of who are also lifeboat men. In

the photo’, left to right are; firefighters, Martyn

Davies, Aled Jenkins, Peter Davies and Simon

Cashman. The cheque is presented by Graham

Thomas, Master of Saint Padarn.

Friends of Borth Voluntary Fire Brigade

Borth Voluntary Fire Brigade is the only voluntary Fire Brigade on mainland Wales. It was formed

in 1950 to relieve pressure on Aberystwyth Fire Brigade generated by a surge in tourism in the area,

which covers Eglwysfach, Tre’rddôl, Taliesin, Talybont, Rhydypennau, Llandre, Dôl-y-Bont,

Glanwern, Borth and Ynyslas.

The unit consists of 7 voluntary firemen who receive no remuneration whatsoever for their

services. They are trained and equipped by the Mid and West Wales Fire Brigade and attend

regular training sessions to keep up with new methods and equipment.

The old building was in a poor condition and had no running water or sanitation and the unit was

urged by Mid and West Wales Fire Brigade to meet Health and Safety Requirements.

Friends of Borth Voluntary Fire Brigade were established in 2004 to raise funds to build a new fire

station. Members of the local community have been invaluable with their support and we are very

grateful for all the donations and assistance we have received to date.

Upon completion of our project, we shall continue to raise funds to cover running costs and

additional costs and any contribution would be greatly appreciated.

Cyfeillion Frigâd Dân Wirfoddol y Borth

Brigâd Dân Wirfoddol Y Borth yw’r unig Frigâd Dân wirfoddol ar dir mawr Cymru. Fe'i ffurfiwyd

ym 1950 i leihau'r pwysau ar Frigâd Dân Aberystwyth a gynhyrchwyd gan ymchwydd mewn

twristiaeth yn yr ardal, sy'n cynnwys Eglwysfach, Tre'rddôl, Taliesin, Talybont, Rhydypennau,

Llandre, Dôl-y-

Bont, Glanwern, Borth ac Ynylas.

Mae'r uned yn cynnwys 7 diffoddwr tân gwirfoddol. Nid ydynt yn derbyn unrhyw dâl o gwbl

am eu gwasanaeth. Maent yn cael eu hyfforddi a'u cyfarparu gan Frigâd Dân Canolbarth a Gorllewin

Cymru ac maent yn mynychu sesiynau hyfforddiant rheolaidd i gadw i fyny gydag offer a dulliau


Dân Canolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru yn awyddus fod yr uned yn cwrdd â gofynion Iechyd a


Sefydlwyd Cyfeillion Frigâd Dân Wirfoddol Y Borth yn 2004 i godi arian i adeiladu gorsaf dân

newydd. Mae aelodau o'r gymuned leol wedi bod yn amhrisiadwy gyda’u cefnogaeth, ac rydym

yn ddiolchgar iawn am yr holl roddion a'r cymorth a gawsom hyd yma.

Ar ddiwedd y prosiect, byddwn yn parhau i godi arian i dalu am gostau rhedeg a chostau

ychwanegol a bydd unrhyw gyfraniad yn cael ei werthfawrogi'n fawr.

Page 54: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

[email protected]

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 54545454

Extracts from the address given by W. Bro.

Rev. J. Keith Davies P.A.G.C., Provincial

Grand Chaplain, at the annual Provincial

Service held at St Mary’s Church, Tenby, on

24th October 2010.

Text: Psalm 133 – verse 1: “Behold how good and

lovely a thing it is when brethren dwell together in


This psalm is very familiar to many of the

brethren. It is a psalm in praise of brotherly love. We learn in the Old Testament that god has

established a Covenant of his love upon certain people, in a certain place, at a certain time, in

a special way and for a special purpose. Their task, therefore, is to love others in that special


The model, which God uses, for us to copy, is the happy family. Brothers are all those who

are interrelated within the extended family. But brothers are also ‘brethren’ – as we use the

word today: - that is, members of any particular group; in our case, members of the fraternity

we belong to. It is when such a group co-operates in unity that it is pleasing to god.

Unity means, on the one hand, the absence of gossip, backbiting, petty jealously and hurt-

ful and cruel criticisms; and on the other hand, it means positive interest, care and concern

for one another within the group. A stranger entering such a group should feel at once the

friendly atmosphere of mutual interest and concern.

God has commanded us to live together as the true family of God. Unless the community of

believers is indeed a family, in this sense, then it will have no established order, resulting in


society in general breaking up, disintegrating, and falling into chaos and disorder.

But the problem of unity is really part of a greater problem of evil. We are forced to ask why

do men fight and quarrel, even to their own destruction. We are constantly brought face to

face not only with division and anti-social behaviour, but with such common factors as when

institutions become more important than spiritual reality and more concerned with customs

and rituals than with the will of God.

The path of those who seek wider fellowship will be

littered with failure if they have nothing but their own

ability to aid them. We need the power and will of

god in our lives, which casts out evil and creates

enduring fellowship.

When the Psalmist wrote, “Behold, how good and

pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in unity”,

he may have been thinking of members of the same

family, or perhaps of the whole nation. Whatever the

Page 55: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 55555555cause or causes, he makes his point. If only men would live

together in peace, how different life would be.

Our Brotherhood is no different to any other institution

or community. However, we have a system, which helps

us to achieve that unity. What is Freemasonry? “It is a

system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by


Morality is not easy to define. What is generally regarded

as moral by any community changes over the years. We live

in a fast changing world, but there are two things that should never change: - the need to

worship the Divine Creator and the need to establish standards which will allow us to live

together in peace, love and harmony - as individuals, families, communities, nations and as a

world. That is the great function of morality.

The level of behaviour which we expect from brethren in their dealings with their fellow

creatures is based on those virtues which we know as Brotherly Love, Relief, which is charity

or compassion, and Truth, which is moral behaviour. These three provide the basis of the

system of morality, which we profess and teach.

However, Brotherly Love and Relief do not mean love for brethren only. It is our duty as

Freemasons to help our fellow mortals, to provide comfort for the burdened heart. The option

of passing by on the other side, as in the parable of the Good Samaritan, is not open to us.

Relief, known to us as charity or compassion, neither begins or ends with your chequebook.

Truth, however, is more than morality; it is the basis of our existence, the answer to the riddle

of our existence and the standard by which we should live our lives in relation to one another.

It could be claimed that our system of morality could be agnostic, but the inclusion of Truth

proves that a Freemason believes that the universe and everyone and everything in it was

divinely created, and he is expected to retain and nourish that belief by the practise of his


Sympathy for others is the common denominator in each of the moral virtues in which we

sum up our system – love, compassion and moral behaviour. It is the factor, which down

through the ages has always brought out the best in humanity, and one, which the world needs

today more than ever before.

For me, Freemasonry teaches men to care for others and to adopt high standards for

themselves. I would not be standing here this afternoon unless I considered Freemasonry as

subordinate to my religion and as a code of conduct in perfect harmony with that religion.

And so, as we progress through life, if we walk with humility and spiritual awareness, we

should be repeating with ever growing emphasis the plea of the Psalmist, “Behold, how good

and pleasant it is when brethren dwell

together in harmony”.

If we can hold on to those words, then our

brotherhood will remain strong and faithful

to its precepts of Brotherly Love, Relief and

Truth, and by spreading those precepts in

our own communities, the world can become

a better, a more caring and a more peaceful

place in which to live.

Page 56: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

Rae will be four years old in July 2011. Her

grandparents are my close friends. When

she was born her parents were overjoyed

because her mother had undergone a

serious operation to enable her to conceive.

When Rae was less than nine months old

her father was killed in an argument over

a taxi he had ordered. Her mother has two

children by a previous marriage living at

home - a teenage girl and a teenage boy –

and she works with Autistic adults

promoting independent living.

A year after her father’s

death Rae was diagnosed with

Spinal Muscular Atrophy type

2. She will never walk, stand

or crawl. As the disease

progresses, it will affect her

feet, legs, arms, hands, spine

and the respiratory system. It

will not affect her brain and it

is said that SMA children are

usually of above average in

intelligence. The life

expectancy for SMA type 2

patients is from the age Rae is

now until her early adulthood. Research

into SMA is progressing, but at present

there is no known cure. Rae already has

difficulty swallowing and she will shortly

be fitted with a gastric peg that will enable

liquids to be passed directly into her

stomach from outside. She is also to have a

3-4 hour operation for a reflux problem. She

may soon be going into a back brace

because she is developing curvature of the

spine. Through all this she remains a lovely

little girl with a loving heart and a beaming


Tanya, Rae’s mother, is receiving support

from her friends, family and the residents

of Harlow (Essex) where she lives with her

children, but the huge cost of the welfare

of a child such as Rae is a serious worry.

Among the major items are alterations to

Tanya’s house, which will include

providing a bedroom, bathroom and car-

port. for Rae to be safely transported into

the home. The cost is estimated at £60,000.

The State will pay only half of this. Rae’s

wheelchair is of a special design and costs

over £21,000, and includes a 5

year maintenance plan,

insurance and public liability.

The car that will accommodate

her wheelchair is provided by

the State but its adaptation to

take the wheelchair has to be

funded by Tanya at a cost of

£8,000. This may have to be

repeated every five years as

the car is withdrawn and


I have tried to help Rae and

Tanya through my Masonic

connections, but unfortunately, the

Provinces of Essex and West Wales have

been unable to assist for various reasons,

but I am delighted that the Teifi Lodge and

my other Lodges in London and

Hertfordshire and my friends in Masonry

have enabled me to raise almost £4,500 in

total for the Rae of Sunshine fund. Should

ant individual or Lodge wish to help with

a contribution to the Rae of Sunshine Fund

it may be sent to me, Dick Savidge, care of

the Teifi Lodge. It will be thankfully

received and faithfully applied.

[email protected]

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 56565656

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West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 57575757

By Elton Lloyd Roberts

On Saturday 16th October, Aberystwyth Lodge in

conjunction with St. Padarn Lodge held a social evening

to raise funds for the forthcoming Festival. The theme of

the evening was “Tasty Dishes from the Far and Middle


The Brethren and their wives were greeted with a glass

of sparkling wine and sat down to appetisers of humus

with pitta bread, popadoms with mango chutney, Bombay crunch and Japanese rice


The main menu consisted of an assortment of exotic home made side dishes

including black-eyed beans and mushrooms, red beans with a walnut dressing,

Egyptian salad, bean sprouts with egg strands and Nepalese potato salad.

The main dishes included chicken curry, mung bean curry, Chinese style steak and

onions and a lamb tajine served with rice and bulgur wheat. However, the faint

hearted and delicate stomachs were not forgotten and a sausage casserole with roast

new potatoes was also available under the counter.

Despite the level of hot peppers included in the dishes the diners largely ignored

the cooling yoghurt raiti on offer but preferred to wash down their pallets with

examples of the extensive wine list available.

The sweet consisted of a specialist Cornish vanilla ice cream with honeycomb

pieces to offset the spices, garlic and herbs that had come before.

The function as well as raising a number of waistlines also raised a total of £400.

The ‘photo shows John Fitzpatrick and Elton Roberts, the two ‘chefs de cuisine’, who prepared

the evenings Oriental pabulum.

Page 58: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

[email protected]

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 58585858

Dyfed Powys Police have appointed Gary

Hicks, a retired civil engineer from Milford

Haven, and perhaps better known as the

Provincial Secretary for Dyfed Mark Mas-

ter Masons, as their new Chief Officer in

charge of the Volunteer Special Constabu-

lary operating within the force.

Gary started his new role in February,

and his is the first in a series

of appointments in a newly

formed rank structure de-

signed to further profession-

alism the Special

Constabulary within the

Force. The rank structure,

based on the national frame-

work, will see the introduc-

tion of other ranks such as

Special Inspector and Special

Sergeant, which will help to

effectively manage over 170

specials that currently oper-

ate across the force area.

Special Chief Officer Gary Hicks is look-

ing forward to supporting the force during

the difficult times ahead. He said, "I am

obviously delighted to be given the oppor-

tunity to play a key part in the develop-

ment of the new structure for the Special

Constabulary within Dyfed-Powys, I’ve

served as a Special for thirty years, and I

know that simply providing an additional

police presence and an extra pair of hands

can really help”, “There are many chal-

lenges ahead for the police service and the

Special Constabulary has an important role

in providing additional resources to sup-

port the regular police officers."

Superintendent Simon Powell who is the

force lead for the Special Constabulary

said. “It is almost univer-

sally acknowledged that

volunteers are best man-

aged by volunteers, and the

rank structure which has

been introduced provides

visible recognition of the

valuable service our Special

Constables provide. I am

delighted with Gary’s ap-

pointment and look for-

ward to him leading our

Special Constabulary.”

DCC Jackie Roberts said,

”Our volunteer Special Constables are an

important part of our Force and they do a

an excellent job supporting our regular

officers and staff. The implementation of

this rank structure will provide enhanced

levels of leadership and management

within the Special Constabulary and pro-

vide additional support to the very real

contribution they provide to the force and

communities they serve..”

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West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 59595959

By Dr Kate Bullen

I was delighted to receive a donation from the Saint Padarn Lodge towards the

penile cancer research project we are currently undertaking at Aberystwyth

University, Psychology Department. Penile cancer, although relatively unusual in

the UK population, has profound

and dramatic consequences for the

men who develop the disease. To

date, little research has been con-

ducted into the psychological im-

pact of the condition. The help of

the Saint Padarn Lodge will enable

me to provide travelling expenses

for data collection for one of our

PhD students, Mrs Susan Carnes

Chichlowska, who is currently in

the final year of her research degree. I have no doubt that Sue’s work will have

benefits for enhancing our understanding of this difficult and challenging


Dai Griffiths, W.M. Dr Bullen Prof Grattan

On the 22nd November the Rhys ap Gruffydd Chapter was honoured by

a visit from the Sovereign Grand Commander, the Grand Secretary

General H.E. and the Grand Director of Ceremonies for the purpose of

re-presenting his Patent to our Inspector General V.Ill. Bro. Dr. John Lloyd


The evening proved to be most successful and enjoyable for all present,

both Temple and dining room filled to capacity.

The Ceremony conducted by the Sovereign Grand Commander was

followed by the Enthronement of E&P.Bro. J.T. Keith Davies 18° by the

M.W.S. Ill.Bro. David Elsley 30°.

Following the banquet the Inspector General for the District of Dyfed

V.Ill.Bro. Dr. John Lloyd 33° , in response to his toast , thanked the team

from Supreme Council and stated that he looked forward to the ensuing

5 years in office at which point the Grand Secretary General was

overheard to state ‘ at least ! ‘.

Page 60: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

[email protected]

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 60606060

The Knight Templars of Monmouth and South

Wales were in a joyous and festive spirit on De-

cember 8th this year as they attended the Installa-

tion meeting of their new Prior, R. E. Knight P

Gordon W France.

The Installation meeting took place at the Masonic

Hall, Coychurch Road, Bridgend and was attend

by visitors from all over the country and every

Preceptory in the Province was represented.

The ceremony was conducted by the Very High

and Right Eminent Great Seneschal Malcolm Ear-

nest Slater GCT assisted by the Great Marshall

Right Eminent Knight Paul Clement.

E. Kt. P Gordon W France was presented, obligat-

ed and installed according to established custom, and then as the Newly installed Prior he

appointed and invested E. Kt. Gareth Gait as his Sub Prior and E. Kt. Robert S Darkins as his

Vice Chancellor. All other current officers who were appointed and invested at Provincial

Priory on 15th May 2010 remain in Office until their term ends at the next Provincial Priory to

be held on Tuesday 17th May 2011.

After the Installation meeting ended the Knights repaired to the dinning room for the festive

board. The Very High and Right Eminent Great Seneschal proposed the toast to the Provincial

Prior wishing him every success and good health to enjoy his new Office as Provincial Prior.

R. E. Kt. P Gordon W France responded by thanking him for his good wishes and

conducting the installation ceremony, which had been a first for both of them. The Provincial

Prior then thanked the visiting dignitaries and the knights of his Province for the support and

good wishes.

Right Illustrious Knight Graham Spencer Gubb has become the

sixth Intendant-General for the Division of South Wales and

Monmouthshire. in the Masonic and Military Order of the Red

Cross of Constantine. His Installation was conducted by the Most

Illustrious Grand Sovereign Richard Victor Wallis, G.C.C. at

Bridgend Masonic Hall on 15th September 2010, supported by

Officers of Grand Imperial Conclave and attended by over one

hundred Knights of the Order.

Graham, who is a retired Environmental Health Officer has

previously held the Offices of Divisional Recorder, Divisional

Marshal and Deputy Intendant-General and is no stranger to

heading a Masonic Order having recently retired after serving

Page 61: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 61616161

The month of September heralds the start of a New Masonic

season and September 2010 also brought a New Grand

Superintendent for Wales District 34 in the Order of Holy Wisdom

or The Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priest.

On a bright and sunny Wednesday of September 8th 2010 the

Most Illustrious Grand High Priest Ernest Peter Donnison, KGC

(Hon Causa) GCA declared an Especial Assembly of Grand

College to be held at the Masonic Hall, Coychurch Road, Bridgend

at 1700hrs for the purpose of investing Illustrious Knight Priest

David John ELSLEY as Right Eminent Grand Superintendent of

Wales, District No 34.

The investiture was conducted by the Most Illustrious Grand

High Priest Peter Donnison, with M.Em. Kt Pt Christopher Gavin

Maiden Deputy Grand High Priest as the Presiding Officer,

together with officers of Grand College at the St Crallo Tabernacle

No 164 meeting.

The festive board after the Investiture was well attended by 82 Knight Priest and the newly

installed Grand Superintendent Illustrious Knight Priest David John Elsley expressed his

appreciation for all those Knight Priests who attended his investiture and thereby contributed

by their presence to a most memorable evening. He also told the Knights that the Grand High

Priests and his executive team of officers had thoroughly enjoyed themselves. He was also

particularly pleased that the Provincial Grand Master of the Province of South Wales The

Right Worshipful Bro Captain Sir Norman Lloyd Edwards and the Provincial Grand Master

of The Province of West Wales Right Worshipful Bro. Eric G S Mock, were able to attend the

Festive Board.

nine years as Provincial Prior for the United Orders of the Temple and St. John of Jerusalem,

Palestine, Rhodes and Malta, in the Province of Monmouth and South Wales. He is a member

of most of the Masonic Orders operating throughout the three Craft Provinces of West Wales,

South Wales and Monmouthshire and is also presently the Senior Passed Master and Deputy

Grand Master Mason of the Worshipful Society of Freemasons (Operatives), for Western

Counties and South Wales, encompassing six Assemblages covering a widespread geograph-

ical area that includes Wiltshire, Somerset, Gloucestershire, Bristol and South Wales.

The Red Cross of Constantine has twelve Conclaves in the Division of South Wales and

Monmouthshire, two of which operate in Cardigan (Aberteifi Conclave) and Carmarthen

(Maurice Conclave). Admission to the Order is open to all Royal Arch Companions who

profess the conventional Trinitarian Christian belief. Candidates are first admitted and

Installed as a Knight of the Red Cross of Constantine and on a later occasion they receive the

Appendant Orders of St. John of Jerusalem and the Holy Sepulchre, which completes their

membership. Regalia consist of an embroidered sash worn over the right shoulder and two

breast jewels, some officers also wear swords suspended from the sash.

Page 62: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

[email protected]

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason 62626262

With the adverse weather conditions

experienced this winter in the Province, the

Provincial Grand Almoner, W.Bro Roy Leett,

applied for funding to purchase a 4x4 for the

Assistant Provincial Grand Almoner, W.Bro

John Watson, to enable him to carry out his

duties in visiting widows and Brothers who

are not in the best of health, with particular

regard to those living in remote country

areas where normal vehicles were unable to

cope with the conditions. John has just taken

delivery of his new vehicle giving it a test

drive. John stated that in his opinion the road

holding was outstanding, but the engine did

appears to have its best years behind it and

fuel consumption (5 pints of Guinness per

mile) did seem to be on the high side.1/4/11

Page 63: West Wales Mason Magazine Spring 2011

West Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales MasonWest Wales Mason

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Cliff was Initiated into Teifi Lodge 14 April 1960.

The W. Master and his officers certainly worked hard in those days because Cliff was

initiated in a double ceremony with Jason Wynne Lewis, sadly deceased in 1971, and a

double Second Degree for John Sands Evans and Daniel Gethin James who became W.

Master of Frenni Lodge in 1975. He was Passed to the Second Degree on 9 November 1960

again as a double ceremony with JW Lewis and one month later on 8 December 1960 was

Raised to the Degree of Master Mason.

Cliff was a Bank Clerk in Cardigan when he was initiated and as he had set his sights on

promotion within the Banking world he was obliged to forgo the pleasures of rising to the

Chair of Teifi Lodge as he was moved away to other towns like Llandovery and Talgardd

and his skills eventually led him back to Cardigan as Manager.

It was whilst he was away from home in Cwm Cou that he visited a certain garage in St.

Dogmaels where he saw a very nice Triumph car, but being a canny Banker was a bit careful

in spending money so he did not do a deal. The proprietor of said garage on seeing a potential

customer leaving and knowing where he lived took another Triumph car to where Cliff was

living, did the deal and drove Cliff’s old car back to Cardigan. Now that is a car salesman

for you. The salesman? Yes you have guessed it, was none other that W. Bro B. V. Rees.

The love of Cliff’s life is his wife Glenys whom he married on 9 May 1950 and they celebrated

their Diamond Wedding Anniversary last year.

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