westest 2 online writing

WESTEST 2 Online Writing Examiner’s Responsibilities

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WESTEST 2 Online Writing. Examiner’s Responsibilities. Prior to the Assessment Session. An examiner must. Examiner’s Responsibilities Prior to Assessment Session - Definition of Examiner. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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WESTEST 2Online Writing


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Prior to the Assessment Session

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be a currently employed educator and/or approved employee of the state, county or RESA, or a currently employed educator of a nonpublic school;

hold a valid West Virginia teaching license or certification granted by the Office of Professional Preparation;

An examiner must

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesPrior to Assessment Session - Definition of Examiner

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Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesPrior to Assessment Session – Who Can Be Examiner

Substitute teachersAides serving as

examiners for special needs students

must be instructionally assigned

must be pre-approved by WVDE

must be trained as examiners

Who else can be an examiner?

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Student teachersAides or other personnel who have not been

pre-approved by WVDEParent volunteersAnyone who has not been properly trained and

who has not signed the Examiner’s/Scribe’s Secure Materials and Test Procedures Agreement (Appendix E)

Who cannot be an examiner?

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesPrior to Assessment Session – Who Can’t Be Examiner

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An examiner may not administer WESTEST 2 Online Writing to his/her child(ren).

Special Note

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesPrior to Assessment Session – Special Note

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Each year prior to the administration of the WESTEST 2 Online Writing, your principal/building level coordinator is required to train individuals who will serve as examiners.

You must be trained to be allowed to serve as an examiner.

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesPrior to Assessment Session - Training

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Read and become familiar with Policy 2340: West Virginia Measures of Academic Performance, which establishes rules governing the administration and operation of assessments that are part of WV-MAP, including WESTEST 2.

Policy 2340 can be found by clicking on the following link and scrolling down to find the link for Policy 2340 under the heading “Educational Program Development”:


Policy 2340

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesPrior to Assessment Session – Policy 2340

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Read the WESTEST 2

Online Writing Administration


Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesPrior to Assessment Session – Administration Manual

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Read Appendix A: Testing Code

of Ethics

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesPrior to Assessment Session – Testing Code of Ethics

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Sign Examiner’s/Scribe’s Secure Materials and

Test Procedures Agreement

(Appendix E)

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesPrior to Assessment Session – Security Agreement

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Sign Verification of Training (Appendix


Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesPrior to Assessment Session – Verification of Training

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Read all documents carefully and thoroughly.Read all statements on the forms you sign.Understand the consequences of violating testing

administration procedures and test security.


Remember: Violations could result in possible suspension/termination and/or revocation of teaching license.

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesPrior to Assessment Session – Important Reminder

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Inform students of the date and general process of the assessment

Explain that student scores for the WESTEST 2 Online Writing session will be combined with student scores on the multiple choice sessions of WESTEST 2 RLA to obtain an overall RLA scale score and performance level

Provide testing schedule to studentsEncourage studentsMaintain a positive attitude

Informing Students

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesPrior to Assessment Session - Preparing Students

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Demonstrate the online assessment by using the Video and/or the PowerPoint presentation: “Administering the WESTEST 2 Online Writing Assessment”

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesPrior to Assessment Session - Preparing Students

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Check class rostersInform the principal/building level

coordinator of the names of students who are not listed on the class roster

Follow proper procedures for reviewing the WVS.326 Accommodations Provision Monitoring Forms to document that all proper accommodations have been provided during the test according to their IEPs, 504 Plans, or LEP Assessment Participation Forms.

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesPrior to Assessment Session - Preparing Materials

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Your school’s principal/building level coordinator will have a system for providing one examiner per testing room/lab with Passwords of the Day.

Passwords of the Day are secure material and must be kept in a locked, secure location for the duration of the testing window.

Remember: Security violations could

result in possible suspension/termination and/or revocation of teaching license.

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesPrior to Assessment Session - Handling Passwords

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Create an effective atmosphere for assessment in the testing room/lab

Ensure the testing room/lab is comfortable

Remove or cover any writing posters, graphic organizers, transitional expressions, etc., on display in the testing room/lab

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesPrior to Assessment Session - Preparing the Lab

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On the Day of Testing Before Students Enter

Testing Room/Lab

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Review the instructions in the WESTEST 2 Online Writing Administration Manual.

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesDay of Testing: Before Students Enter - Procedures

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Have all materials readily on hand:• 1. WESTEST 2 Online Writing Administration Manual• 2. Password of the Day (assigned examiner)• 3. Student Rosters• 4. Testing Schedule• 5. WVS.326 Forms• 6. Steps for Completing the WESTEST 2 Online

Writing• 7. Writing Checklist• 8. Appropriate Grade-Level WV Writing Rubric• 9. Pens and Pencils• 10. Blank Scratch Paper

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesDay of Testing: Before Students Enter - Materials

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Have all usable computers turned on and ready for use.

Launch the secure website by clicking on the WESTEST 2 Online Writing icon on each computer’s desktop.

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesDay of Testing: Before Students Enter - Computers

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Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesDay of Testing: Before Students Enter - Computers

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Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesDay of Testing: Before Students Enter - Password

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On the Day of TestingAs Students Enter

Testing Room/Lab and Before Beginning Test

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1. Make sure students do not bring any materials with them into the testing room/lab, including:• Textbooks• Notebooks• Dictionaries• Thesauruses• Classroom handouts• Pre-prepared graphic organizers• Pre-prepared rough drafts• PDAs• MP3 players• Cell phones• And other such items

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesDay of Testing: As Students Enter - Monitor Material

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Remind students that the use of personal cell phones and other electronic devices during testing and breaks is strictly prohibited.

Remember that examiners also may not use their personal cell phones or other electronic devices during testing and breaks.

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesDay of Testing: As Students Enter - Monitor Material

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1. Seat students at computer stations in a manner that limits potential disruptions or distractions.

2. Use student rosters to take attendance.

3. Double check WVS.326 forms to determine if students who are present for testing require accommodations.

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesDay of Testing: As Students Enter - Procedures

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Distribute to students:1. Pens and/or Pencils for pre-writing and writing

rough draft2. At least three pieces of blank scratch paper for pre-

writing and writing rough draft. (Note: Students may use this paper to create their own graphic organizers, but pre-prepared graphic organizers are not allowed.)

Remember: All scratch paper, pre-writing and rough drafts must be collected after student has tested. These items must be shredded.

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesDay of Testing: Before Beginning Test - Materials

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Distribute Steps for Completing the WESTEST 2 Online Writing (Form 1)

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesDay of Testing: Before Beginning Test - Materials

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Distribute Writing Checklist (Form 2)

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesDay of Testing: Before Beginning Test - Materials

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Distribute appropriate grade-level WV Writing Rubric (available in the WESTEST 2 Online Writing File Cabinet, http://tinyurl.com/OWA-File-Cabinet)

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesDay of Testing: Before Beginning Test - Materials

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After students have been seated and materials have been distributed, examiners may choose to show the video and/or the PowerPoint “Administering the WESTEST 2 Online Writing Assessment” (if not shown previously during class time).

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesDay of Testing: Before Beginning Test - PowerPoint

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Provide students with their WVEIS numbers (public school) or their WV Student Assessment Identification Numbers (home-school and nonpublic school) if necessary.

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesDay of Testing: Before Beginning Test – ID Numbers

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During Assessment Session

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Check WVS.326 report and Accommodations Provision Monitoring Forms to make sure all students who require accommodations receive the appropriate accommodations according to their IEPs, 504 Plans and LEP Assessment Participation Forms.

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesDuring Assessment Session - Accommodations

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Have each student log on to the secure testing website by entering his/her username (WVEIS numbers for public school students; WV Student Assessment ID Numbers for home-instructed and nonpublic school students) Note: Students should not delete or type anything into the spot intended for the Password of the Day.

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesDuring Assessment Session - Accessing Website

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Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesDuring Assessment Session - Entering Username


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Check to make sure the student who is taking the assessment is the student whose name appears on the computer screen and that the student’s grade level is correct. (Note: If either is incorrect, DO NOT allow the student to proceed and DO NOT hit submit. Instead, log off or shut down the computer and notify the principal/building level coordinator.)

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesDuring Assessment Session - Accuracy of Student Info

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Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesDuring Assessment Session - Accuracy of Student Info

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Contact the principal/building level coordinator if a student experiences difficulty logging onto the testing site

Ensure every student is given the time he or she needs within the confines of the testing session

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesDuring Assessment Session - Monitoring

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Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesDuring Assessment Session - Monitoring

Monitor the assessment for irregularities.

Monitor students at all times.

Note: During monitoring, examiners should circulate around the lab periodically in a non-distracting manner. Do not engage in other activities that might interfere with close monitoring.

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Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesDuring Assessment Session – Assisting with Site Navigation

Assist students who have problems with site navigation, connectivity or computer hardware.

Under no circumstances should the examiner change a student’s composition because it is a violation of the Testing Code of Ethics (Appendix A)

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Record on the WESTEST 2 Online Writing Irregularity Form (Form 4) any irregularities that may affect a student’s or the group’s performance

Assist students who have problems with site navigation, connectivity or computer hardware

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesDuring Assessment Session - Monitoring

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Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesDuring Assessment Session - Monitoring Submission

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Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesDuring Assessment Session - Monitoring Submission

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Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesDuring Assessment Session - Monitoring Submission

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The sun glistened on the crystal clear blue ocean water, creating a dazzling array of sparkling flickers on the waves. The dolphins shot up out of the water like a professional basketball player springing up to grab a rebound, and the seemingly infinite beauty of this paradise stretched far beyond the horizon. Looking left and right, all you could see were scantily-clad young ladies relaxing on the beach, buff men surfing and playing beach volleyball, and little children playing in the sand. This appeared to be an ideal place to take a family vacation; at least, that’s what the virtual tour on the Seaside Resort’s website made it out to be.

“What do you guys think?” I said. “Sound like a good place to take our summer vacation?” In unison, my parents replied, “It’s beautiful. That looks like a great place to spend our summer.”“Okay, so it’s official. Pack your bags and let’s leave first thing in the morning,” I screamed with excitement.

Within the hour of finding our vacation destination on the internet, I was packed and ready to go. It was only 6 P.M. I thought to myself, “What am I going to do till it’s time to leave?” After contemplating some possibilities, I decided to browse the World Wide Web once more just to see what other vacation spots there were; you know, just in case my parents would decide they didn’t want to go to the Seaside Resort for some reason.

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesDuring Assessment Session - Monitoring Submission

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Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesDuring Assessment Session - Monitoring Submission

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After the Assessment Session

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Ensure all computers have been exited properly.

(Note: After the last session of the day, be sure all computers are shut down properly.)

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesAfter Assessment Session – Exiting Computers

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Complete and sign the WVS.326 Accommodations Provision Monitoring Form for any students tested with accommodations

Follow proper procedures for returning the forms.

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesAfter Assessment Session – WVS.326 Report

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Collect all scratch paper and rough drafts so that they can be destroyed

Collect a copy of all rosters and return to the principal/building level coordinator

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesAfter Assessment Session – Collect Materials

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Report on the WESTEST 2 Online Writing Testing Irregularity Form (Form 4) any irregularities that may invalidate results for a student or group of students and submit the form to the principal/building level coordinator

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesAfter Assessment Session – Irregularity Form

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Return to the principal/building level coordinator a copy of the following:• Rosters• Test irregularities forms

for the school’s record• WVS.326 forms

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesAfter Assessment Session – Returning Material

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• Maintain Security of Test Materials– Password of the Day– Passages and Prompts

• “Do not retain, copy, reproduce, paraphrase, distribute or discuss” (Testing Code of Ethics)

• Maintain Security of Student Responses– Rough Drafts

• “Do not retain, copy, reproduce, paraphrase, distribute or discuss” (Testing Code of Ethics)

Security Reminder

Examiner’s Responsibilities:Important Reminder - Maintaining Security

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For Questions About• Testing Policies

• Accommodations• Test Security (including Password of the Day)

• Return of Test Materials

Contact Your principal/building level coordinator

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesWESTEST 2 Online Writing Contact Information

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For Questions About• Technological Problems

Contact Your principal/building level coordinator and

your school technology coordinator

Examiner’s ResponsibilitiesWESTEST 2 Online Writing Contact Information

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West Virginia Department of EducationOffice of Assessment and Accountability

Dr. Vaughn RhudyReading/Language Arts and Online Writing

Assessment [email protected]


WVDE Support/Contact

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CTB/McGraw-HillProduct Support Staff


Last ResortSupport/Contact Information

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http://www.ctb.com/wt2West Virginia WESTEST 2 Assessment Program

http://wvde.state.wv.us/West Virginia Department of Education

http://wvde.state.wv.us/oaa/Office of Assessment and Accountability

https://sites.google.com/a/wvde.k12.wv.us/westest-2-online-writing-technical-assistance-website/WESTEST 2 Online Writing Technical Assistance Website

Key Websites

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