westminster abbey 1


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Post on 07-Jul-2015




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The Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster, which is almost always referred to popularly and informally as Westminster Abbey, is a large, mainly Gothic church, in Westminster, London, England (UK), located just to the west of the Palace of Westminster. It is the traditional place of coronation and burial site for English, later British and later still (and currently) monarchs of the Commonwealth Realms. It briefly held the status of a cathedral from 1546–1556, and is a Royal Peculiar.


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Prima biserică a mănăstirii a fost ridicată în secolul X. Structura prezentă datează în mare parte din sec XIII. Turnurile frontonului de vest au fost proiectate de Nicholas Hawskmoor şi terminate în 1745

It was the first church in England built in the Norman Romanesque style. It was restored by Edward the Confessor and was consecrated on 28 December 1065, only a week before the King Edward's death. He thus became the first Monarch to be buried in the Abbey on 6 January 1066.

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Page 4: Westminster Abbey 1

Central Hall (stil Beaux Arts) a fost construit în 1911 ca sală de întruniri metodiste. În 1946 aici s-a ţinut prima Adunare Generală a Naţiunilor Unite.

The Westminster Central Hall or Methodist Central Hall is a Methodist church, a multi-purpose building: a Methodist church, a conference and exhibition centre, an art gallery, an office building, and a tourist attraction. The Great Hall seats up to 2,352 people.

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Dean’s Yard, un patrat de gazon înconjurat de un amestec de clădiri din diverse perioade istorice, este proprietate particulară. Ea aparţine arhiepiscopului.

Dean's Yard, Westminster, comprises most of the remaining precincts of the former monastery of Westminster, not occupied by the Abbey buildings. It is known to members of Westminster School as Green

Turnul Victoria

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Intrarea dinspre Dean’s Yard

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Intrarea de nord Sculpturile în piatră sunt din perioada victoriană

North entrance of Westminster Abbey

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♦ Amazing grace


Daniela Iacob


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