wfn newsletter july 15

Edition 7 • July 2015 It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves. Sir Edmund Hillary WHY THREE BREWS AKA Sue's Mountain Our long-standing client Sue Patel (back in 2003, Sue was our first ever maintenance client!) is going to Peru to climb the Inca Trail. Sue hasn’t really told anyone yet so this article could be a shock for some! In fact it kind of means that there’s no backing out, although that would have been cruel of me don’t you think? Anyway, some say that the brave streak started when she first employed WFP when it was just me and some tools (and I don’t mean Barry!), although for those who know Sue then you’ll know that wasn't anything in the scheme of things. Sue will be travelling to Peru in October 2015 to raise money for the British Heart Foundation following the recent loss of her father-in-law. For those who like to see this spirit of adventure, she has some space in her backpack... only kidding. To sponsor Sue, scan the link to her just-giving web page: For those who want to know more about how she’s doing then we’ll be updating our facebook page with her adventures. Do you have a ‘mountain’ story? We’d love to hear from you for future issues of WFN. Drop me an email today: [email protected] Paul WIRE FREE NEWS Call us on: 01277 724779

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Edition 7 • July 2015

“It is not the

mountain we

conquer, but


Sir Edmund Hillary



Sue's Mountain Our long-standing client Sue Patel(back in 2003, Sue was our first evermaintenance client!) is going to Peruto climb the Inca Trail.

Sue hasn’t really told anyone yet so thisarticle could be a shock for some! In fact it kind of means that there’s no backingout, although that would have been cruelof me don’t you think?

Anyway, some say that the brave streakstarted when she first employed WFPwhen it was just me and some tools (and Idon’t mean Barry!), although for those whoknow Sue then you’ll know that wasn'tanything in the scheme of things.

Sue will be travelling to Peru in October2015 to raise money for the British Heart

Foundation following the recent loss ofher father-in-law. For those who like to seethis spirit of adventure, she has some spacein her backpack... only kidding.

To sponsor Sue,scan the linkto her just-givingweb page:

For those who want to know more abouthow she’s doing then we’ll be updatingour facebook page with her

Do you have a ‘mountain’ story? We’dlove to hear from you for future issuesof WFN. Drop me an email today:[email protected] Paul




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Call us on: 01277

WHAT THE THRIP?Summer's here (both days) and so arethe problems in the fire and securityworld that are associated with it.

THRIPS: Tiny insects that can makea comfortable home inside yoursmoke detector.

Our Top Tip: Give all employee’s chopsticks and a copy of karate kid, or makeregular checks for insect infestationsand take the necessary precautions.

DUST: The most common reason forfalse alarms.

Our Top Tip: Move to Scotland, plentyof wet weather there to keep the dustdown. Or more practically, good house-keeping - cover during building works.

LIGHTNING: Lightning strikes arealways a potential killer for electronicalarm systems.

Our Top Tip: Check you have suitablepanel protection and lightningconductors installed on your building.


HEAT: Everyone loves the open viewsthat atriums and glass walled designsoffer on buildings, but a poorlydesigned fire system can end up withfalse alarms due to heat build-up.

Our Top Tip: Brick up your windows. Ormore practically, any unwanted or falsealarm should always be inspected by asuitably trained engineer. Don’t suffer it.

SUN: Finally, we are all keen to get a bitof sun into our working environment.So many are tempted to wedge openexternal doors, normally fire exits andnormally with a chair or fire extinguisher.

Our Top Tip: Give everyone moreholiday (Barry's idea of a joke - Paul), ormore practically enforce a door securitywith a door alarm. Baz

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You can help by letting us know what you

like or don’t like too - we really are listening,

just email us: [email protected]

or complete our feedback form online:

@WORKGary Bigland is an electrician bytrade and likes nothing more thanproving me wrong when I say “you'llnever get that wire across there...”

Gary first worked for WFP in 2013, he leftand went to the dark side for a while - butwe don't talk about that anymore, no timeto be bitter... much!!!. Well the good newsis; he rejoined us this year! Gary also becamea family man with a wonderful baby daughter- Faith, who was born 7 weeks early andnow she is the centre of his universe.

Q&AQ1. If you were stuck on a desert

island and could only bring threethings with you, what would they be? My family (not sure how many),iPhone and tools.

Q2. If you were 80 years old whatwould you tell your grand children?You only have one life - live it!

Q3. If there were a movie about your life,who would play you and why? Robert Downey Junior - because I amIron Man!.

Q4. What was the last gift you gave?Flowers for my wife (ahhhh).

Q5. If you were a box of cereal, whatwould you be and why? Crunchy Nut Cornflakes - becausethey’re nutty!.

WFP’s culture: As a business we believe indoing things properly; for our customersand also for our colleagues. We really wantall our people to be happy in what theydo. To support this, we promote continual,individual, development and promotehonest debate on how to improve ourservices to our customers.

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Contact Us:Tel: 01277 724779Email: [email protected] open hours:8am - 5pm Mon - Fri (Excluding Bank Holidays)

Call Outs 24/7

Wire-Free Protection Limited,t/a WFP Fire & SecurityUnit 8 Oaklands Farm EstateGoatsmoor Lane, StockEssex CM4 9RS

Feedback is always welcome, so if you think there are ways we can improve this newsletter, please let us know. Have we got it right?Do you like what we've done, and has it been helpful? Please letus know too.

Top TipsFluorescent lighting no longer ‘LED’s’ theway... Many emergency light fittings usefluorescent tubes to light your path to safety,but as technology progresses, LED lighting israpidly taking over. Here’s 10 reasons why:-

1. Wrong direction - Light from fluorescent

tubes is non-directional; this means that

30-40% of light is wasted.

2. Controlling - LED light output intensity can be

controlled; giving reliable constant light level.

3. Health - Fluorescent tubes contain mercury;

there is no risk of contamination with LED.

4. Lifespan - On average LED lights last five

times as long as fluorescent lighting.

5. Energy saving - Consumption of LED’s is

approximately 30% less compared with

fluorescent tubes.

6. Loud, noisy ballasts - The device toregulate voltage and current during start

and throughout operation, makes the clinking

noise and can be pain, both physically and

electronically. LED’s do not use ballasts.

7. Good looking - Due to their great ability to

give directional light, LED lighting can be

made more aesthetically pleasing.

8. Environmental - Fluorescent tubes requirecorrect disposal.

9. Cost - Although LED’s are still higher inprice, the difference is reducing yearly as

technology improves. Currently about £4

higher than an equivalent fluorescent.

10.Greater control - Controllable from one

single control panel.

I hope this helps you make an informedlighting choice. Baz

And finally - WHY THREE BREWS? -Just a bit of fun with thenewsletter name - suggestionswelcome for future editions.As it happens there is a great bookcalled ‘Three Cups of Tea’ which iswell worth a read; “An inspiringand important story”.

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WHY THREE BREWS Edition 7 • July 2015

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