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  • 7/22/2019 WFRP3F - False Pretenses - Scenario


    WFRP3 Scenario: False Pretenses


    False PretensesThe dog wags his tail not for you, but for your bread

    ~Nordlander Moral

    By Jay A. Hafner([email protected])

    Based on an adventure hook by Anthony Ragan

    Version: December 7, 2009

    Thanks to the following for all of their great ideas: DylanOwen (major editing), Carl Stanford, [email protected],[email protected], Old [email protected] Clive Oldfield,Tryon Mitchell, Sumit Sarkar, Steve Darlington (gang ofthugs hook), and Todd Landrum.

    Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Games Workshop Limited 1986, 2005. Thisedition Games Workshop Limited 2009. Games Workshop, Warhammer,

    Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, the foregoing marks' respective logos and all

    associated marks, logos, places, names, creatures, races and raceinsignia/devices/logos/symbols, vehicles, locations, weapons, units and unit

    insignia, characters, products and illustrations from the Warhammer World and

    Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay game setting are either , and/or Games

    Workshop Ltd 1986-2009, variably registered in the UK and other countries

    around the world. This edition published under license to Fantasy FlightPublishing Inc. Fantasy Flight Games and the FFG logo are trademarks of

    Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.


    This Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd editionscenario is designed for characters in their 1st or2nd careers. This scenario is set in early spring,2521 in the Imperial province of Nordland, but caneasily be adapted to other areas.

    It is based on an adventure hook from theWFRP2 Sigmar's Heirs supplement by AnthonyRagan and the Realms of Sorcery supplementmaterials on Waystones. Neither of thesesupplements is required to run this scenario.


    This scenario is deliberately left without partystress indicators, progress-trackers and creaturestat blocks (beyond referencing the WFRP3:Tomeof Adventure bestiary). This allows a GM flexibilityto better fit his group. Specifics may be released ina later version.

    ADVENTURE BACKGROUNDThe standing stones in the village of Schlaghgelwere originallycreated by the high

    elves of old to travelto the new worldlands (nowNaggaroth). Theyare calledWaystones or Faystones. TheWaystones at whatis now Schlaghgelnever really workedquite right however.They could be

    activated under theinfluence of comets,but hadunpredictable anddangerous resultsso they were buried, abandoned and mostlyforgotten by the elves.

    About 70 years ago (2451), the town ofSchlaghgel was formed and the people found themound and stones to be a suitable place for ashrine to Rhya. Unknown to the settlers, occasionalcomet appearances would activate the stones andanimals or people would go missing. On thefrontiers of the dangerous Witches Wood,disappearances werent unusual.

    Five years ago (2016), the Waystones activatedunder the influence of a red comet and took all ofthe living from the village and suspended them intime and space. The baron and the wood elvessuspect that the people fled because of high taxesor the madness of frontier life.

    Five days ago (2521), the Waystones re-activated and released the villagers. The people of

    the village are unaware that time has passed andfeel that the overgrowth of vegetation anddilapidation of their village is due to a terriblecurse. Within minutes of them walking out of thefog that day, their priestess of Rhya went missing.The people searched for the missing priestess, butfound nothing. When they caught some scavengingrivermen in their village and discovered elvenpackages on their boat, the angry mob accused the

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    WFRP3 Scenario: False Pretenses


    men of witchcraft and burned them at the stake.One of the rivermen got away to tell the tale to thelocal baron. The baron has become very interestedin getting taxes flowing from the area again.

    Later that evening of the first day, a hauntingbegan. People are reporting chains rattling and

    moaning in the night. The activation of theWaystone sucked in several human slaves fromNaggaroth, transforming them into Crypt Ghouls.

    With all that has happened, they are leaderless,paranoid and terrified.

    To complicate matters, a disgraced, Druchii(dark elf) spy in the Laurelorn discovered the secretof the Waystones just days before the villagersreturned. He had excavated a door to the tunnelsunder the mound and the key Waystonesunderneath. He hopes to be able to re-activate thestones and create a magical doorway to Naggaroth

    (the home of the Dark elves). This would help himregain face amongst his kind and create all mannerof malevolent opportunities.

    Several things stand in his way however. First,the crypt ghouls prevent him from performing thefinal high magic rituals to control the Waystone.

    Second, the priestess of Rhya discovered himwithin minutes of walking out of the fog. Heknocked her unconscious and kidnapped her, buthe suspects that he was seen. He has beeninterrogating the priestess in the woods, but shehas revealed little.

    Lastly, the villagers now have an extremeparanoia towards elves and he was almost killedupon being seen near town. He could sneak inunder the cover of darkness, but he is afraid thatany battle with the crypt ghouls may alert thetownsfolk and he could end up like the rivermen.He realizes that needs allies to infiltrate the moundand kill the undead so he can sneak back into themound and complete the ritual.

    ABOUTNORDLANDERSNordlanders tend to be happy, but loud, blunt andsay exactly what's on their mind (to a fault). TheNordlanders' tales and stories can be epic, witheach storyteller trying to outdo the last.

    Taal is not worshipped in the Hargendorf barony,only the aspect of Rhya. Rhya is also known asHaleth in Nordland.

    ADVENTURE SYNOPSISThe PCs are hired to travel to Schlaghgel by thedespicable bailiff of the baron to find out where thevillagers went and if they will be able to pay taxes.They are also to meet with the local wood elf envoy

    and gather what information they can.At the traditional river ferry crossing, the PCshave the opportunity to test their skill to save theferryman, whose ferry has suffered a calamity inthe icy spring river waters. The ferryman relatessome information to the PCs about the recentdisturbance.

    When the PCs arrive at Schlaghgel, they findthe villagers superstitious and terrified. They areattempting to restore their village, but without anyguidance from their village priestess. The villagersare unaware that they have been missing and they

    havent aged a day.If the PCs are able to find and meet with the

    wood elves, they will find out that the ambassadordoes not deal face to face with outsiders and theyare to await written messages. It is revealed thatthe wood elves are concerned about a recent gravedisturbance. Otherwise, the elves have decided tostay out off the matter.

    While the characters are in the area, they areapproached by the Druchii. He fabricates a storythat he needs to re-bury some elven bones underthe mound to stop the curse from happening again

    to the villagers. In truth, he has only a few highincantations remaining to finish the ritual toactivate the Waystone. If he completes the ritual,he will rush through to his homeland of Naggaroth.The player characters will then need to decide ifhow they want to proceed regarding the Waystonegate.

    Their return to Hargendorf will reveal that theBailiff is very suspicious of their activities in thetown and how the PCs deal with this will determinehow much blame the Bailiff can place on themwhile he sets himself up to skim off some of the taxrevenue.

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    WFRP3 Scenario: False Pretenses



    A pulpy, one-liner approach sometimes works bestto get the party to the location of the adventure:

    Intrepid Explorers- Your adventures have led you to the portof Hargendorf in Nordland.

    Swords for Hire Promise of booty and battle have led you to

    the frontiers of Nordland.

    Gang of Thugs Rumours of innocent money being

    imprisoned by the folk of Hargendorf have led you to itsborders." ~ (by Steve Darlington)

    Servants of Justice "Rumours of wrongs being committedagainst the innocent folk of Hargendorf have led you to its

    borders." [email protected]

    Brash Young Fools - "You wake up in the gutter in Hargendorf

    in a pool of vomit, some of it your own." ~ [email protected]


    CHAPTER 1 - HARGENDORFThe Lantern tavern is only known for twothings: It's a place where the bawds lurk,hoping to find sailors to take to their

    brothels and ale that doesn't taste likeballast water. In Nordland, Hargendorf isn'texactly a roaring trade port, but it's theonly place west of Salzemund to find a job.

    Lady Dania has been working over agroup of Imperial sailors for some business,when the door opens and in steps alaughing, haughty Nordlander. He's dressedlike a riverman, but with clean work glovesand two pistols. Following in behind himare two others, who he slaps on the backand roars laughter and slurred, spittle-

    driven speech into their ears. They laughand nod nervously and say, Yes captain.Absolutely.

    Lady Dania immediately drops herusual business and heads over to thebraggart, hoping to stroke his ego. You hearthe name Dankmar come past her lips.

    The braggart and his attendants take aseat nearby your table and you can easily

    hear his boasts. Why I'm going to be sorich. Can you imagine? The whole town ofSchlaghgel is back after 5-years missing?

    It happened in the blink of Mannans eye!The Azzzzz....the Azzzaazza...the elvesaren't even touching this one so we can do

    what we want! Now we just got to' getsome sods to HEY! He looks over atyour group and smiles a greasy smile,completely ignoring Lady Dania. He slidesa noisy stool over to your table and makes aproposition...

    The PCs will be offered employment by DankmarSpelman to investigate and report on Schlaghugel.

    NPC: DANKMAR SPELMAN BAILIFFPhysical description: Dankmar is a large,haughty, frequently inebriated tax collector for thebaron.

    Personality:The corrupt and despicable bailiff tothe Baron is arrogant and knows that no one cantouch him. He flashes coin and his attitude aroundhoping for someone to cross him and then pusheshis two goons, Casper and Calvin on the offenders.

    Knowledge: He works for The Much HonoredBaron Klement Gunther von Hargenfels ofHargendorf. The Baron instructed him to find some

    outsiders to investigate Schlaghgel villagersmiraculous return so that taxation may be enforcedagain.

    Secrets: Dankmar is athoroughly corruptbailiff who skimssignificant amounts ofmoney off the top of alltaxations and blames iton lazy or greedypeasants. The localtraders of cod, salt,

    sheep and wool are hisusual targets.Dankmar fully intends to take significant advantageof the PCs since he and his men are involvedmembers, however he won't reveal any hint of thisprior to the tasks beginning. He also secretlywishes to skim money off the top of the future taxesand he will later need scapegoats if he is revealed.

    Stat block: (use Day Late Shilling Short

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    WFRP3 Scenario: False Pretenses


    scenario p.12: Klaus von Rothstein)

    Dankmar can reveal the following to the PCs:

    The villagers in Schlaghgel went missing 5years ago (2516). The most likely villagers fledinto the woods 5 years ago to avoid paying legal

    and necessary taxes. A Demst river traderindicated that the villagers returned a few daysago, sacked his boat and burned two of hisfellow at the stake. He escaped with his life.

    The baron needs to re-establish connections tothe town and make sure that they are able topay their protection taxes.

    Dankmar cannot go because the people arejealous of him and will not talk to him. Heneeds to hire outside help.

    The town elder is Mistress Frederika Handel of

    Rhya. He drools with pleasure just saying hername, as he would lech after her during taxtime.

    The baron wants to know what the elfambassador knows. His name is Envoy RonethCaleaen. The envoy only communicates byletter, even through his guards.

    When discussing fees, Dankmar reads from adocument in a complex accounting tongue. Seethe contract handout in the Appendix.

    If the PCs agree to undertake the investigation,they are to sign a document of contract and are

    given (9) gold coins and (20) brass pennies eachas an advance with the usual Nordlanderwarning of You'll Be Salt Cod (dead) shouldthey take the money and run.

    NPC: CASPER AND CALVIN SOLDIERSPhysical description:These two unshavensoldiers are Dankmars goons. Both of themneglect their hygiene and instead wear too muchjewelry.

    Personality:They help him enforce taxes on the

    locals. They are loyal and well paid.Knowledge:They believe that the people of thevillage were cursed for doing nefarious things withthe elves.

    Secrets:They do smuggling and extortion forDankmar on the side.

    Stat block: WFRP3: Basic NPCs: Soldier

    NPC: LADY DANIA HANDEL COMMONERPhysical description:Lady Dania is anattractive harlot that dresses the part.

    Personality:She hates Dankmar, but he is a well-paying client and he sometimes rents her forweekends. He has struck her before, but she wont

    let his goons touch her. She uses the age-oldNordland saying, A soiledconscience only makesbrown britches: Only theguilty have something tofear.

    Knowledge:She has acousin in Schlaghgel, the priestess of Rhya, andfears for her safety. She thinks that the people ofthe village fled because of their fear of Dankmar,including her cousin, which Dankmar lusts after.

    Secrets:She knows that Dankmar and his goonsare skimming taxes and committing crimes. Shealso knows where he keeps his secret ledgers, butwont reveal this information until the PCs find outthat her cousin is safe.

    Stat block: WFRP3: Basic NPCs: Commoner

    CHAPTER 2 TIPPEDFERRYBOATThere are currently no riverboats heading up, so

    the party is likely going to have to travel overland.

    It's hard to call the Schlaghgel road anactual road. It's severely overgrown withonly light traffic having passed this way inthe past 5 years.

    13 miles from Hargendorf is the Demstriver ferry. The baron ordered it re-established with news that the villagers hadreturned, but something isn't right. Thenew ferry rope has broken and the

    ferryboat appears to be stuck some 100yards downriver on the massive roots of awashed out Elm tree. The ferryman waves

    for your assistance.

    The ferryman needs help and the rope willneed to be re-connected for safe passage to occur.The river is very active, due to recent rains. It isabout 9 feet deep here and 250 feet wide. Thecurrent is fairly strong. Appropriate Athletics skill

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    WFRP3 Scenario: False Pretenses


    tests should be made to overcome this obstacle(2


    NPC: HAGEN ROBY BOATMANPhysical description:Hagen is a wiry man,somewhat out of shape from not having had to run

    the ferry as often of late. He spits out a constantbrown tobacco.

    Personality: He is a workaholic and if he survives,will go right back to work repairing the ferry.

    Knowledge: The Bailiff sent him up here with oneaxe and barely enough rope and supplies to get themoorings secured. The PCs will need to supplysome rope if they are to help the boatman fullyrepair the ferry.

    He recently encountered the last survivingboatman from the village and will warn the PCs not

    to go to Schlaghgel. He can relate the same storyas the PCs heard in the village.

    Stat block: WFRP3: Basic NPCs: Commoner

    CHAPTER 3 VILLAGE OFSCHLAGHGELAhead is a stone sign, heavily overgrownwith moss and five years worth of vinesreads, Schlaghgel. Chiseled roughlybeneath are the words fog and mercy.

    Beyond the sign is the village proper. Itappears vibrant, however all of thebuildings are in various states of beingcleared of overgrowth and repaired ofdilapidation. The village is built around acentral mound upon which are some graystanding stones and some kind of shrine.

    Next to that appear to be two stakes withcharred human remains on pyres. Ariverboat is docked on a wide stream.

    The PCs are here to question the villagers and localelves, establish whether or not taxes might be paidand to return to the bailiff with their findings.Whether or not they decide to help the villagers willbe a test of their character.

    GENERALKNOWLEDGE BYALLVILLAGERSThe villagers will be paranoid, terrified, and

    helpless all at the same time about the haunting,

    elven threat, dilapidation and overgrowth in thevillage.

    Disappearance: All villagers can relate that theyhad been to the shrine and were led in prayer bypriestess Frederika to pray for a good planting andfrom relief from the barons taxes. Narn Frisby

    spoke next who rambled on about the elves andwhat a threat they are. Then a fog came in andwhen they walked out of it, they saw the curse hadoccurred. The priestess was with them in the fog,but then disappeared shortly after they emerged.

    There were three men in town when they returnedand they were looting and had obvious ties to theelves, so they were burned at the stake. Oneescaped.

    Taxes:They will become hostile at any threat ofrestoration of taxes, but are more threatening thanactual action. The villagers have no seeds to plant.

    If the PCs show the writ of the Baron, the villagerswill give them more authority. Many of them arehungry and will ask the PCs for food or tools torebuild.

    Elves:The elves are frightening. Narn Frisby saysthat they steal people and take them to the woods.Elven PCs will be barely tolerated by the townsfolkand only because they have the writ of the baron.Party tension meter starts at 3 if there is an elf inthe party.

    Haunting:There has been a haunting in the villagesince the curse began. Moaning and rattling chainsare heard in the night.

    A map in the appendix shows the general layout ofthe village.

    1. SMOLDERING PYRENear the center of town are two smoldering

    pyres with human remainson stakes. Two mangy cursfight over a foot.

    2. BLACKSMITHYThe local blacksmiths roofis caved in. The smith,Gotzin Ringe, lounges outfront drinking a brown slurpfrom a bottle.

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    WFRP3 Scenario: False Pretenses


    NPC: GOTZIN RINGE BLACKSMITHPhysical description: He is usually dirty anddrunken. On a good day, hes covered with soot.

    Personality: Although Gotzin could be convincedto do some work, he's too wasted most days and thesudden loss of his tools and collapse of the roof of

    his smithy have given him an excuse to loungearound. He can typically be found lounging abouton log stools out front with Swain & Twing swillingbatches of homebrewed spirits. Lucky for them,they had buried a large batch and it wasundisturbed upon their return.


    Disappearance: standard

    Taxes: standard

    Elves: He rambles drunkenly that it's his job towatch the elves that have been watching the

    town so he can't go back to work just yet. Helets newcomers know that no one is allowed toenter the Witches Wood under pain of deathbecause the elves don't want them to discovertheir secret golden-glass city. The elvesprobably took the priestess.

    Haunting: I dont know, Im usually passed outby then

    Secrets: none

    Stat block: WFRP3: Basic NPCs: Commoner

    3. GOAT'STAILTAVERNThe only tavern in the village demonstrates wherethe towns priorities lie. It seems to have beendiligently cleared of growth, swept and somewhatcleaned. There are usually 2-3 people in heregossiping and drinking spirits. The spirits wereobtained from the boatmens supplies.

    NPC: NARN FRISBY BARKEEP - AGITATORPhysical description: Narn is a grumpy-looking,red-haired woman with a

    permanent scowl.Personality: She was a flat-out racist against elves priorto the calamity and incitedthe riots that got the twoboatmen burned at the stakefor collaborating with elves.She makes up pseudo-factsand spreads half-truths about

    the elves to continue to gain an audience.


    Disappearance: Blame the elves

    Taxes: she will rouse the locals in the tavern toget hostile and motion the PCs out

    Elves: She has used the recent episode as an

    excuse to gripe and moan even more about theelves and her paranoia about how they are inleague with the baron to enslave everyone andsteal their babies. Her favorite saying is thatElves charm humans and dance them to deathin the witches wood. She thinks that the elvestook the priestess of Rhya.

    Haunting: blame it on the elves trying to scareus out of our legal and rightful homeland

    Secrets: Her father was foraging into the woodsand angered malign forest spirits, who later

    attacked many in the town. Her father becamewounded and Landen Leafwind, the wood elf envoyat the time, was unable to save him during thebattle. Now it is she that fuels the anti-elf, anti-tax,and anti-noble sentiment. She chiseled Landensname from his memorial marker in the village.

    Stat block: WFRP3: Basic NPCs: Commoner

    4. GRAIN& SUPPLYBINSThe villagers are helping Donald Bing clear thestone & clay provision bins of moldy grains and the

    town's rotten supplies. A significant amount ofprovisions are sitting nearby wrapped in clean oil-canvas, new crates and new barrels.

    NPC: DONALD BING PROVISIONERPhysical description: Donald has friendly eyesand brown hair. He suffers from allergies and sohis trade is of course to handle dusty grain.

    Personality: He is friendly but firm. He ismeticulous about measurements of the townssupplies. After all, it is up to him to get them

    through the winter.Knowledge:

    Disappearance: The towns supplies went badseemingly overnight. They were completelymolded in and the rats had eaten the rest.Supplies from the traders boat have helped,although hes saddened to admit how they wereobtained. There little time to use the townsremaining resources to purchase enough grain

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    to plant for the coming season. If this doesnthappen, the town will starve this winter.

    Taxes: standard

    Elves: He has a strong liking for Narn Frisbyand believes all of her claims. He duplicatesand repeats all the same ignorant, bigoted

    statements of Narn only they sound much moresilly coming from his mouth.

    Haunting: standard

    Secrets: none

    Stat block: WFRP3: Basic NPCs: Commoner

    5. FISHHOUSES NEAR THE STREAMThe fishing over the past few days is the best it hasever been and people around Mama Kierstad arehappy and content in general regardless of whathas happened.

    NPC: MAMA KIERSTAD COMMONERPhysical description: Mama Kierstad is a rotund,smiling woman.

    Personality: She is a wealth of information. Sheis always gossipy and willing to share.

    Knowledge:The people of Nordland aredescended from the Was Jutone tribe that was latermixed with the blood of the Norscans. They battledthe elves for the right to live in the forests. TheBaron's grandfather founded Schlaghgel on the

    day of his father's birth, about 65 years ago. 40families were sent here, totaling about 139 people.About 50 people didn't stick it out and went back toHargendorf, went mission, or died starting the hardlife. That left 89 souls remaining on the day of thechange.

    Disappearance: Mama Kierstad thinks that thepriestess of Rhya has left to talk to the elves tosee exactly what they know, but she would haveat least let someone know where she was going.The priestess severed ties to the Taal portion ofthe religion a decade ago, which has left herunpopular with other religious leaders.

    Taxes: The villagers have always been a tax-protesting and freedom-loving lot.

    Elves: standard

    Haunting: standard

    Secrets: She is an elf sympathizer

    Stat block: WFRP3: Basic NPCs: Commoner

    6. YAGER'STANNERYThe tannery smells of oily preservatives and boiledflesh. Yager, the Tanner is working to clean andbuff his stock. He has neglected to clear most ofthe overgrowth around his small wooden building.

    NPC: YAGER THE HUNTERPhysical description: Yager is a lean man, alwaysdressed in buckskin.

    Personality: He is a determined salesman as wellas hunter. He will press anyone walking by topurchase his moldy skins or have them made intoleather equipment (armor, belts, shields, fixstrapping, etc.). There is a 50% discount onequipment. Charactersmust make an Easy (1d)Observation check to

    guarantee decentselection of materials.Otherwise, if a ChaosStar is rolled, theequipment fails during itsfirst use and is worthless.


    Disappearance: If asked about the recent goingson, he says that the priestess is probablymissing because her cult has wandered toofar from the truths of the forest and sheprobably took a river boat back to her loverDankmar the Taxman, in Hargendorf.

    Taxes: standard

    Elves: He has frequent dealings with the woodelves (they consider him buffoonish and rustic).They are strange and uncivilized but no danger.

    Haunting: He also spreads a rumor that atraveling Longshank, or Ranger of Taal camelooking for trouble here right before thechange. We dont worship Taal here. Theyprobably put the curse on us. That wholereligion is screwed up and we should go back to

    the old ways.Secrets: Yager's secret is that he is a follower ofthe ancient religion of Ahalt the Drinker. Ahalt isan ancient spirit god of the hunt and fertility whosecult is a blood-soaked mockery of Taal and Rhya.His symbol is a bloody sickle. Before the coming ofTaal and Rhya's cult to this region, it was home tothe cult of Ahalt and some of the symbols on thestones are of that cult.

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    He had been arranging a quiet murder for thepriestess in the woods, but she went missing. Heactually saw the dark elf take her and where she iskept, but says nothing. He prefers to see what theelf has in store for the priestess.

    Stat block: WFRP3: Basic NPCs: Specialist


    7. MOUND& SHRINE TORHYAA large mound dominates the central portionof the village. Huge trees grow from it andseveral gray stones poke, half-buried, fromthe top. Stairs lead up to a religious shrinebetween the stones.

    THE SHRINEThe open-

    aired shrine toRhya is on top of amillennia-buriedset of Waystones.Although there isa large recentlyadded hearth as aworship areathere is noworship space orrecognition of

    Taal. Rhya is alsoknown as Haleththe Huntress inthe northern partsof the Empire, which may confuse visitors evenfurther.

    During the day, there are typically a few peoplemaking offerings for home and safety. During theevening, fertility rites are sometimes performedwith the priestess in attendance.

    NPCS: LIBRECHTA AND LIBERT VIBBARDCOMMONERSPhysical description: They are a young couple.Librechta is pregnant with twins and due any daynow.

    Personality: They are worried and desperate.Without the priestess, they have no midwife.


    Disappearance: The priestesss abode will be

    pointed out to the PCs.

    Taxes: they look nervously at each other andwonder how they could have a baby withnothing and still pay taxes.

    Elves: standard

    Haunting: the dogs whine at night as if

    something is out in the darkness.Secrets: If there is anyone in the party that sharetheir ability with a healing skill that could midwife,the couple plead with them for assistance duringthe birth. If the PCs agree to help, Librechta willreluctantly reveal that she saw the priestessarguing with an elf when they were coming out ofthe fog.

    Stat block:WFRP3: BasicNPCs:Commoner

    PRIESTESSABODENEAR THESHRINEThe Priestessesabode is verynear the shrine.

    It is a smallhome,completelyovergrown with

    vines. In her abode near the shrine, she hasdrawings of the stones and what looks like a hearthon a sheet of parchment (see Handout).

    THE STONES& THE MOUNDThe stones themselves are overgrown, mostly

    buried in the mound and contain markings of Rhya

    worshippers (50-150 years old), Ahalt worshippers(2000 years old), Dwarfish Graffiti (3500) HighElvish (6000).

    The door under the mound has recently beenexcavated by the dark elf. Before leaving last, hecast misdirections and a locking spell on the door.This makes it very difficult to discover until thedark elf reveals it to the PCs. (See Chapter 6 Under the Mound for more details).

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    WFRP3 Scenario: False Pretenses


    8. THE GRAVEYARDWooden grave markers are all overgrown andundisturbed. The most recent grave marker was2516, the death of a mother and child to the pox.

    A small, well-crafted wreath has been placed

    over a broken stone memorial on the ground. Astonecraft check (easy 1d) will reveal the followingepitaph: 2515: Although he was an elf, he was ourlone ally in this dark place. The name has beenchiseled away probably prior to 2516. It is amemorial marker, not a grave marker, as the elvesmoved the body to their own burial place.

    If the elves are questioned about it, theyindicate that Landen Leafwind was an envoy fromthe elves that helped the villagers fight against evilforest spirits, but a man with the last name Frisbywas killed and his daughter became the voice of

    hatred of the elves.

    CHAPTER 4 SEEKING ELVES INTHE WITCHES WOODThe PCs are to gather information from the woodelves on what they know.

    The wood elves however are bound by treaty not toenter the area of Schlaghgel except for trade.

    Likewise, the outsiders risk life and limb enteringthe dark, quiet forest of the Witches Wood. Unlikethe elegant and refined ancestral High Elves, thewood elves are somewhat barbaric and xenophobic.They keep most human foragers and explorers outof the forest through superstition promotion, but insome cases they have to resort to violence. It is forboth the protection of the elves and the humans,because the forest has dangers and evils of its own.

    If the PCs are not attempting to secretly enterthe woods, they will be spied and accosted (frombehind cover) almost immediately by the

    waywatchers spying on the village.

    THE WOODELVESThe Waywatcher leader, Ihash Caleaen, willinterrogate the PCs about who they are and whythey are here. He will not answer any questionsuntil he can be sure they are not spies or


    Once relations are established, he is morerelaxed and enjoys witty banter. If there is a dwarfor outsider elf in the party, the elves will regardhim with playful denigration. He especially pickson elves that are not knowledgeable as to what it

    means to be elvish.Ihash will take any messages to the Envoy to beanswered the next day in writing. The envoy doesnot personally meet with anyone.

    NPC: IHASH CALEAEN WOOD ELFWAYWATCHER KINBAND WINDSPIRITPhysical description: Ihash favors clothing withlots of accessory gear. He usually carriesmultiple, visible and accessible weapons as well asa wooden medallion typical of his Kinband.

    Personality: He is the cousin of the Envoy and hasbeen schooled in human culture. Like manyarrogant elves, he doesnt fail to point outinconsistencies of other races, but he balances withit self-deprecatinghumor about his ownrace.


    Disappearance: Thewood elves do notknow how the peopleleft and have not

    observed this placefor several years.They discovered the people had returned onlytwo days ago. They are keeping an eye on themand do not interfere.

    Elves: They are aware that the humans areblaming their problems on them. They arelucky to have been allowed to settle here, muchless remain after their return. The forest hasclaimed their village; it should be left that way.

    There were issues with the elves, namely the

    fallen Landen Leafwind, who felt that whentaxes were raised that more people wereforaging into the woods. He said that hecouldn't guarantee their safety. After thedisappearance, Leafwind was replaced byanother elf ambassador, Roneth Caleaen whosimply sends letters now, rather than appearingin person.

    Taxes: The elves believe that the villagers fled

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    WFRP3 Scenario: False Pretenses


    to avoid taxes. The elves were going to givethem a gift, however when they captured andburned the rivermen at the stake, they decidedotherwise.

    Haunting: They also relay that there have beenstrange noises at night around the village and

    that a spirit probably haunts the grounds. ThePCs may find out that a local elven burialground has been disturbed, coincidentally, thegrave of Landen Leafwind (old ambassador toHargendorf & Schlaghgel).

    Secrets: They know that the mound was an oldelven research area, but there are many suchplaces. They are unaware of the dark elf.

    Stat block: WFRP3: Basic NPCs: Specialist(Waywatcher)

    NPC: RONETH CALEAEN WOOD ELF ENVOYKINBAND WINDSPIRITPhysical description & Personality: If by chancehe is met in person, he is a tall, well-mannered elfwho has formalities beyond the nomadicpracticalities of the rest of his woodland race.

    Knowledge: All things elvish. He is kept abreastof activities near Schlaghgel and Hargendorf byhis kinbands Waywatchers.

    Secrets: Roneth will be observing from a distanceand will only appear if the PCs truly need help (seethe final chapter). He can get access to high magic

    through old kinband allies further west.Stat block: WFRP3: Basic NPCs: Specialist (ElfEnvoy)

    CHAPTER 5 THE ELF WHOWANTS TO BURY BONESDuring or after the PCs have heard the haunting,the PCs will be quietly approached by a secretive,lone dark elf (Druchii). The dark elf attempts to

    convince the PCs that they need to help him getinside the mound so he can re-bury some elvenremains. In reality, he wishes to finish the ritual tore-open the Waystone gate to Naggaroth (his home)and regain his dignity among the Druchii.

    NPC: ENKIBIS LOWFALCON ELVEN TRAVELERPhysical description: Enkibis appears as a highelf dressed in traveling clothes.

    Personality: As a Druchii, he is a perfectionist inthe art of lying. He always takes a second to thinkbefore answering questions. Hes been trained tointimidate both the Wood and High elf customs.This elf pretends to respect PC elves better thanregular elves and is willing to overlook elves with a

    weak traditional background.Knowledge: (all lies)

    Disappearance: he says that he feels the peoplefled into the woods to escape taxes.

    Elves: He explains that since he is a high elf, hecannot enlist the aid of the wood elves and thatthe priestess of the town is possibly the one whodisturbed the grave in the first place, makingroom for her new upstart religion. He also doesnot want to attract attention of the superstitiousor racist humans in the town.

    Haunting: He needs to convince the PCs to help

    him get inside the mound to put to rest a set ofancient high elven bones (just remains). If hecannot get the remains reburied, there is aguardian that will arise each night. Heindicates that he found the remains thrown nearthe river Demst while passing southward. Hecan demonstrate a bag of mostly dust and someancient bones that he stole from a wood elfburial ground.

    Secrets: He is a disgraced member of a Druchiihouse that was overthrown. He was put on thisduty as punishment as the dark elves do notconsider the wood elves to haveany more dignity than a human.He can reactivate theWaystones for about one moreweek while there is a comet inthe sky. If successful, he canalert Dark elf allies back homeof his discoveries. Although theWaystone gate may not bepowerful for an invasion, it maybe enough to redeem himself in

    other ways such as finding a regular supply of non-Druchii elves for sacrifice to the Murder-God,Khaine.

    Stat block: WFRP3: Basic NPCs: use Wizard stats.Guile = Fel (6), expertise.

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    WFRP3 Scenario: False Pretenses


    CHAPTER 6 UNDER THEMOUNDThe warrens under the mound are made up of acentral area and two side rooms. Numerous and

    roots from the trees above hang down from theceiling, obscuring all vision to anything more than afew feet. The roots constantly tug and pull oncharacters and their equipment in all areas

    The Schlaghgel village map details locations of thefollowing significant locations.

    A) THEEXCAVATEDENTRANCEOn the opposite side of the mound, hidden

    between the roots of a massive oak tree, there is a

    very obscure stone-door entrance to undergroundwarrens. It is protected by Druchii high magicspells that include misdirections and a lockingspell. The PCs are not going to be able to find theopening until after they meet the Druchii.

    The door to the underside of the mound isengraved with only elven script and has onlyrecently been disturbed. It is locked with a spellthat can be undone by knocking on it 17 timesrapidly (a secret the Druchii knows).

    B) EXCAVATION SUPPLYROOMThis room contains a hazard set by the dark elfagainst would-be intruders. During his excavations,he brought in a barrel with some equipment suchas rope, chalk, shovel, bucket, etc. Inside arevoracious Lashworms, which will attack if the PCsroot around in the barrel. PCs gain an extramisfortune die to attacks due to the obscuring rootsand small size of the worms.

    CREATURE: LASHWORMS ~TOC:118The Lashworm is a small, carnivorous creaturethat lurks in shadowy crevices and fissures. Whensomething comes within range, the hairs of aLashworm trigger the creatures' impossibly long,thin, saw-like organ, which it fires at the intruder.The "lash" tears a piece of flesh and then retracts,bringing the meal back to its lair. One such attackis enough to sustain the Lashworm for hours. AllLashworms have two distinct body parts. The first

    is the "anchor," which holds the Lashworm's mouthand stomach as well as hundreds of tiny claws thatfix it to one place. The other part is the lash. Whennot used, the creature keeps its lash curled upwithin its body. Tome of Corruption:118-119.

    Creature: Lashworm (Converted from ToC:118-119)

    St(Dr) To(So) Ag(Df) Int WP Fel A/C/E W Stn

    1(0) 1(0) 2(0) 0 0 0 3/3/1 7 R-2

    Action Cards: Mindlesss (immune to mind-effects),Motion sensitive (can sense anything close), Tiny(extra misfortune dice)

    C) THE WAYSTONEROOMIt is difficult to see because of all of the

    roots hanging down from above, but a small5x5 area has been cleared ahead. On thestones are what appears to be some kind ofhearth-looking carving. There is a 2x5hole, 5 inches deep in the ground in front ofthe carvings. There is a bronze medallionlying next to the hole. It has a symbol ofthe hearth of Rhya on it.

    Moments after the PCs arrive, the crypt ghoulswill attack them. There is only room for one personin the cleared area and they will be standing in thehole. All other characters will be in areas with theobscuring tree roots.

    The Druchii dug the hole in front of the carvingas part of hisexcavations,but he saysthat it iswhere theelven remainsmust be put torest. The

    bronzemedallion felloff of thepriestesswhen theDruchiicaptured her.

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    WFRP3 Scenario: False Pretenses


    CREATURE: CRYPT GHOULSPhysical description: The rapidly decayingghouls still wear the collars and chains of theirslavery.

    Stat block: WFRP3: Undead: Crypt Ghouls

    ENKIBISENTERSTOLAYTHEBONESTORESTThe Druchii intends to arrive in the mound uponthe destruction of the crypt ghouls inside andlistens intently for evidence of how the battle isgoing.

    When the Druchii arrives, he says they mustact quickly before the things rise again. If notstopped, he makes some wavy-motions with his

    hands and gently lowers the fake bones to thenearby dig. He then speaks some elven high magicand at once the Waystone gate will open toNaggaroth.

    Read the following to the players:

    The elf finally covers the last of theremains with dirt and stops with a sigh.Suddenly, the mound above you all blastsoff like a volcano bathing the bunker in redlight from a comet between the moons.

    Shimmering magic opens a glowing portalin the hearth-looking stones near the elf.

    Beyond can be seen a seen a frozen, snow-caked land with a black-walled city nearby.The elf hides his face in his hands yellingwhat have I done?

    Give the PCs a moment to decide what to do.They may not yet suspect the elf or may startquestioning him. He feigns surprise for a momentand but cannot help grinning as he runs throughthe gate to his homeland laughing like a madman.

    How the PCs handle this situation determines theoutcome:

    tell the elves. They might come and seal it orthey might consider it too dangerous to messwith; that could be a while depending on howconvincing the PCs are.

    The PCs could chase down/capture the Druchii.

    The goal of the Dark elf is to get to his side andtake advantage of the open gate.

    If they scout inside, there appear to be elves inblack, dragon-eel skin cloaks with humanslaves. After some of the local fog clears, blackships can be seen on a cold sea.

    EPILOGUEWhen the players have essentially stopped the

    Dark elf from contacting Druchii allies, they shouldattempt to close the gate. Dark elves may still findthe other side of the gate. Wood elves mostlyconsider the Druchii menace to be the High Elves'problem, however they can see the gravity of thissituation and will send a high magic user to try toclose it.

    The priestess of Rhya is discovered by a localhunter and may be available to aid the PCs.

    Afterwards, the PCs may still have to deal withsome aftermath of the baron wanting 5 years ofback taxes and the Bailiff trying to frame them forthe whole thing by being in league with thevillagers, etc.

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    WFRP3 Scenario: False Pretenses




    As agents of Baron von Hargenfels:

    Agents shall (1) travel to the village of Schlaghgel,(2) investigate the reasons for the missing andreturning villagers, (3) question and report onelvish involvement, (4) establish the proper andestimates of tax possibilities of the villagers.

    Consideration: a portion of estimated tax revenuenot to exceed 97 gold crowns with advance not toexceed 10% of estimated amount and remainder to

    be paid upon completion of the job to be splitamongst any involved and surviving members.Advance shall consist of (9) gold coins and (20)brass pennies each.

    Absconding or absquatulation shall result in violentrecovery measures, which may include any or all ofthe following: disembowelment, rat-bagging,drawing and quartering, evisceration, flaying,castration-by-caning (if applicable), and partialburning at the stake.

    Signatures of involved agents:


    By Haleths Hand? Where doth the hearth lead?Is it to the family or to Ahalt?..



    B. Gate room & crypt ghouls

    C. Supply Room

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    WFRP3 Scenario: False Pretenses


    ORIGINAL TEXT FROM SIGMAR S HEIRSP. 67 68NordlandSchlaghgel1Twenty-five miles south of Hargendorf on the west bankof the River Demst sits the abandoned village off

    Schlaghgel. Founded in the time of the current Baronvon Hargenfel's grandfather, the village was an attemptto slowly begin colonization of the lands west of theDemst. One attraction at a time was the presence of anold stone circle, of the kind build by the followers of theOld Faith long ago. The Baron, himself a member of theCult of Mother Rhya, felt this was a holy site and wantedto preserve it and make it active again. Forty familieswere sent there to start new lives. At first garrisoned,after a few years of quiet it seemed like the Elves ofLaurelorn would tolerate this settlement; some evencame to trade.

    Then, one summer night five years ago, the people ofSchlaghgel vanished: Traders reported the village

    empty. Klement the current Baron von Hargenfels, senthis bailiff to investigate. He confirmed the reports: Allthe people were gone. There were no signs of violence orstruggle, no corpses, no indication of where they hadgone. Even the animals were missing. The only clueswere two words carved on the tree in the villagecommons: fog and mercy.

    ADVENTURE HOOKSWhere Did You Come From?

    The people of Schlaghgel disappeared five long yearsago. Investigations turned up nothing, and the villagewas written off as a mystery. The official explanationclaimed the people fled into the woods to escape taxes,

    but no one really believes this. When the subject comesup, the word cursed is most often heard, and aconnection to the ancient circle that should have beenleft alone.

    Now, traders along the Demst are reporting that thepeople of Schlaghgel have come back! Odder still, theyact as if they have never been gone. Baron vonHargenfels is concerned. If true, then this story tells ofbizarre and possibly threatening goings on. The Baron,therefore wants and explanation. The PCs are hired toact as his agents and investigate the mystery ofSchlaghgel.

    When they arrive, they find all as described: prosperous,happy, villagers with no memories of ever being gone.Two things stand out, however: the village priest hasnot returned, and there is a door into the hill on whichthe stone circle sits that was not there before. And whyare the Elves watching from the woods?

    1. Anthony Ragan, et al., Schlaghgel, Sigmar's Heirs: A

    Guide To The Empire (Nottingham, UK: Black Industries,2005),



    Anthony Ragan, et al., Schlaghgel, Sigmar's Heirs: A GuideTo The Empire (Nottingham, UK: Black Industries, 2005),67-68.

    T.S. Luikart and Ian Sturrock, Elven Corsairs, Old WorldBestiary (Nottingham, UK: Black Industries, 2005), 42-43, 93.

    Andreas Blicher, Map of Nordland,(

    T.S. Luikart, et al., Waystones & Leylines, Realms of Sorcery(Nottingham, UK: Black Industries, 2005), 41-42.

    Warhammer Fan Website, Timeline,

    T.S. Luikart, et al., The Old Ones, Realms of Sorcery(Nottingham, UK: Black Industries, 2005), 16-18,41,49.

    T.S. Luikart, et al., True Dhar, Realms of Sorcery

    (Nottingham, UK: Black Industries, 2005), 38.

    R.F. Schwalb, Lashworms, Tome of Corruption (Nottingham,UK: Black Industries, 2005), 118-119.

    Chris Pramas, et al., Dark Lores, Warhammer Fantasy CoreRulebook 2nd Edition, (Nottingham, UK: Black Industries,2005), 159+.

    Anthony Ragan, et al., Ahalt, the Drinker, Sigmar's Heirs: AGuide To The Empire (Nottingham, UK: Black Industries,2005),100-101.

    Anthony Ragan, et al., The Old Faith, Sigmar's Heirs: A GuideTo The Empire (Nottingham, UK: Black Industries, 2005),40.

    Anthony Ragan, et al., Nordland, Sigmar's Heirs: A Guide ToThe Empire (Nottingham, UK: Black Industries, 2005),63-68.

    Anthony Reynolds and Matthew Ward, Wood Elves (WarhammerArmies) , (Nottingham, UK: Games Workshop, 2005).
