what can we learn from the book of esther? volume 4, …


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Growing Good FoodScriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2021

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Greetings in the blessed Holy Name of our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ. Continuing on from Volume 3 to expose evil in the Heavenly realm, here are a few things to think on. Unlike the current acting President “JOE BAMA-OBIDEN,” the upper-level parallel secret government does not operate from dark basements or secret underground facilities. It places itself out in the open and in full view, namely in the White House, both Houses of Congress and in the Houses of British Parliament. These are the servants of the One World Government, the New World Order. An excellent example of this can be found in a man that was openly praised by most conservatives, George Herbert Walker Bush. On the surface he appeared to be a good and kind man, doing the work of his Republican constituents, when in reality he was doing the bidding of the Parallel Government, who in turn were and continue to do the work of their father, the Devil. He always requires a blood sacrifice. Think back to the Iraq War. While most people were watching with their eyes glued to the TV screen, (shamefully myself included) cheering on at the destruction of Sadam Hussein’s army, when in reality what took place was the slaughter of 150,000 Iraqi troops, in a convoy of military vehicles, all carrying white flags, on their way back to Iraq, strictly adhering to the Geneva Convention rules of agreed disengagement and withdrawal. Imagine the horror of the Iraqi troops when, in spite of waving their white flags in surrender, they were mowed down by American aircraft. Not to mention what took place in another part of the war front, were 12,000 Iraqi soldiers were buried alive in trenches they occupied. Where did President Bush get his orders to commit these atrocities? From the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA) who received it’s mandate from the Committee of 300, who long ago decreed that there shall be a smaller, much smaller, and better world. What is their idea of a better world? The myriad’s of “useless eaters” consuming scarce natural resources must be culled, eliminated (killed). Industrial progress supports population growth. Therefore, God’s command in Genesis 1:28 to His people to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it, had to be subverted at any cost. Their final objective; the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution, and then merge America (meaning Heavenly Kingdom), the True Promised Land, JerUSAlem, with a Satanic, One World, New-World-Order Government. Which if successful will return the world to the Dark Ages. They long ago decreed that there shall be a smaller, much smaller, and better world, that is, their idea of what? To accomplish these goals, they understood they must launch an all-out attack against Christianity and even more so against the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian and kindred descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, with whom God made an everlasting covenant with. They understand that they are the only ones that can derail their wicked, vile, evil plans. Their plans include the slow but sure disintegration of industrial nation states; the destruction of hundreds of millions of people, referred to by the Committee of 300 as “surplus population,” and the removal of any leader who dares to stand in the way of the Committee’s global planning to reach the foregoing objectives. One of the Committee’s earliest targets was Italy, which was very important to the conspirators› plans because it is the closest European country to the Middle East and linked to Middle East economics and politics. It is also the home of the Roman Catholic Church, not to mention the gateway for drugs entering Europe from Iran and Lebanon. All of which would lead to the targeting the Italian Prime Minister, Aldo Moro, a leader that openly opposed the “zero growth” and population-reductions planned for his country. He thereby incurred the

From The Ram Rod @ SFA

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2021

Inside this IssueNEW BOOK: Growing Good Food 2

From the RamRod 3

Lessons from the Book of Esther 5


God’s Good Plansfor You 13

NEW BOOK: Farming on the Wild Side 18

Emergency Radios 19

NEW 2021 Catalog 20

S/W Schedule and S/W Radio 23

Contact/About SFA 24

SFA Order Form 26



wrath of an agent of the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), who just so happened to be a member of the Committee of 300, while he was still the U.S. Secretary of State. That man was none other than Henry Kissinger. Prime Minister Moro was kidnapped by the Red Brigades in 1978 and subsequently brutally murdered. Moro’s death accomplished its goal, removing the roadblocks to the plan to destabilize Italy, and as we now know, also enabled conspiracy plans for the Middle East to be carried out in the Gulf War, 14 years later. During the trial, several members of the Red Brigade testified to the fact that they knew of high-level U.S. involvement in the plot to kill Moro. This explosive testimony was broadcast over Italian television and radio on November l0th, 1982, and printed in several Italian newspapers, yet all of this vital information was suppressed in the U.S. Those famous bastions of freedom, The Washington Post and The New York Times, did not think it important to even print a single line of the sworn testimony. The fact that Italy’s Prime Minister Aldo Moro was kidnapped in broad daylight in the Spring of 1978, and all of his bodyguards butchered in cold blood, was not deemed newsworthy, even though the then Secretary of State of the United States Kissinger stood accused as an accomplice to these crimes? America’s “nobility” doing their part to destroy the Republic of Italy, a major contributor was then President Jimmy Carter’s Ambassador to Rome, Richard Gardner. Operating under the direct control of Bettino Craxi, the conspirators’ hierarchy’s leading player who successfully pushed divorce and abortion through the Italian Parliament, resulting in the most far-reaching and destructive religious and social changes ever to strike the Christian Church, and consequently, the morals of the entire Italian nation. After President Ronald Reagan was elected, an important meeting was held in Washington D.C. in December 1980 . The main agenda was to formulate ways and means of how to neutralize the Reagan Presidency. A group plan was adopted and, as we look back, it is perfectly clear that the plan the conspirators agreed to follow has been very successful. In order to understand how vast and how all-pervasive this conspiracy for the pending conquest and control of the world is, there are at least 40 known “branch offices” of the Committee of 300. Once this is exposed, it becomes easy to understand how one central conspiratorial-body is able to operate so successfully and why it is that no power on Earth can withstand their onslaught against the very foundations of a civilized world, based on freedom of the individual, especially as it is declared in the United States Constitution. Kissinger was then, and still is to this day, an important agent in the service of the (British) Royal Institute for International Affairs, a member of the Club of Rome and the (U.S.) Council on Foreign Relations. Kissinger’s role in destabilizing the United States by means of three wars; the Middle East, Korea and Vietnam, is well known, as is his role in the Gulf War, in which the U.S. Army acted as mercenaries, bringing Kuwait back under its control and at the same time making an example out of Iraq, so that other small nations would not be tempted to attempt to work out their own destiny. This is just more exposing of the head of the snake, so that we, the Remnant, can cut it off! May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob bless those of you that are His, bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you, lift up His countenance to you and grant you peace. In Jesus Christ’s service first,Pastor Peter John Peters’ second, Jonathan RR

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2021

From The Ram Rod @ SFA



What can we learn from the Book of Esther?The story begins 100 years after the Babylonian exile. While some Israelites returned to Jerusalem,

(for example, Ezra and Nehemiah), some had decided to make their home in Susa, the Capitol of the Persian Empire. The main characters in the book of Esther are Mordecai, his niece Esther, the king of Persia, Xerxes (The son of Darius the Great who reigned from India to Ethiopia over 127 provinces, in 486-465 B.C.) and Haman, the wicked instigator behind the scenes.

One of the most interesting facts about the book of Esther is that God is not mentioned once in the entire 10 Chapters, which is kind of odd since it did make it into the Bible. But perhaps the author, which is unknown by the way, purposefully did not mention God for a specific reason? Possibly to illustrate how God chooses at times to work to accomplish His purpose behind the scenes.

For the purpose of this illustration, I will give you the ‘Readers Digest’ version of the Book of Esther, what I believe to be key Scriptures.

The story begins with the king throwing two rather elaborate feasts, that together last a total of 187 days; all for one purpose and one purpose only-to display to the world all of the riches of his glorious kingdom and the splendor of his great majesty.

He then decides to hold another banquet, a seven-day feast in which he invited the greatest of importance all the way down to the least important in the land. On the last day, King Xerxes (pretty well inebriated by now) calls for his wife, Queen Vashti, to leave the women’s banquet she was holding and appear before the king and his guests. This was so that he could show off her elegance, beauty and charm to all the army officers of Persia and Media, the nobles and the officials of the provinces that were there in his presence.

But Queen Vashti (in the true Jezebel spirit, one of the most evil, vile, wicked and demonic spirits that still permeates throughout the land to this day) refuses the king’s request. The king then becomes extremely angry and burned with rage. He then seeks the advice of his wise council, seven men that the king trusted the most, which offered the king these words of advice.

Pastor Peters did several messages going into much greater detail regarding these circumstances. However, that is not the focus of this message.

Esther 1:16-20 in the Amplified And Memucan answered in the presence of the king and the officials, “Vashti the Queen has not

only wronged the king but [also] all the officials (royal representatives) and all the peoples who are in

Lessons Lessons from the Book of Estherfrom the Book of Esther

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2021



all the provinces of King Ahasuerus. For the queen’s conduct will become known to all women,

causing them to look on their husbands with contempt (disrespect), since they will say, ‘King Ahasuerus commanded Queen Vashti to be brought before him, but she did not come. This [very] day the ladies of Persia and Media who have heard of the queen’s refusal will speak [in the same way] to all the king’s officials, and there will be plenty of contempt and anger. If it pleases the king, let a royal command be issued by him and let it be written in the laws of the Persians and Medes so that it cannot be repealed or modified, that Vashti is no longer to come before King Ahasuerus; and let the king give her royal position to another who is better and more worthy than she.

So when the king’s great decree is proclaimed throughout his [extensive] kingdom, all women will give honor to their husbands, from the great to the insignificant.

So, the decision was made by the king to shun Queen Vashti and her Jezebel spirit and take her crown. Ultimately her betrayal would cost her her own head.

The king then makes the declaration to all of his subjects that from this day forward all men are to be masters of their homes. (Like I said, that is not the focus of this message.) He then decides to hold a series of contests to find a beautiful virgin that was to be the next queen.

Enter Esther, who at the advice of her Uncle Mordecai, decides to hide her Israelite identity, compete in and win the contest! The king then becomes so obsessed with her that he makes her his new queen. Next, Esther’s Uncle Mordecai hears two of the king’s eunuch’s as they plot to kill the king. He then tells Queen Esther, who in turn tells the king, and Mordecai becomes the hero.

Enter Haman, who was not actually a Persian but an Agarite, a descendant of Agag, the king of the Amalekites whom King Saul spared in 1 Samuel 15. (Which was a large part of Saul loosing favor with God; it wasn’t until later on in the chapter that we read that it was Samuel who would finally carry out God’s order.)

1 Samuel 15:32-33 Then said Samuel, Bring ye hither to me Agag the king of the Amalekites. And Agag came unto

him delicately. And Agag said, Surely the bitterness of death is past. And Samuel said, (Guess Again!) No, he said,

As thy sword hath made women childless, so shall thy mother be childless among women. And Samuel hewed Agag in pieces before the LORD in Gilgal.

Then for some reason, King Xerxes elevates Haman to the highest position in the kingdom and he demands that everyone kneel before him. But Mordecai refuses and Haman becomes outraged. Haman later learns that Mordecai is not Persian but in fact that he is an Israelite. Haman then convinces the King to create a decree to destroy all the Israelite people. He even offers to the king to pay ten thousand talents

Lessons Lessons from the Book of Estherfrom the Book of Esther

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2021



of silver of his own money to the men that would carry out the order, undoubtedly believing he would recover the sum and much more from the spoils.

To determine the day of the Israelites annihilation, he rolls the dice. (The Hebrew word for dice is “Pur.”) As a result, the 13th of Adar was the day to annihilate all the Israelites, both young and old, women and children, and to seize their belongings as plunder.

The king then calls once again for a great celebration to commemorate their decision to wipe out all of the Israelite people.

Esther 4:1-3 Now when Mordecai learned of everything that had been done, he tore his clothes [in mourning], and put on sackcloth and ashes, and went out into the center of the city and cried out loudly and bitterly. He went [only] as far as the king’s gate, because no one was to enter the king’s gate dressed in sackcloth. In each and every province that the decree and law of the king reached, there was great mourning among the Israelites with fasting, weeping and wailing; and many lay on sackcloth and ashes. And so, because of the positions they were in, all hope rested on Mordecai and Queen Esther.

They then devise this plan to reveal to the king that Esther is really an Israelite and thus the king needs to reverse his decree or he will be wiping out all the people of the queen’s lineage.

There’s only one small problem with their plan. According to Persian law, approaching the king without a royal request was an offence punishable

by death. Queen Esther had not been summoned to the king for the last 30 days. But Mordecai believes that even if Esther remains silent, deliverance of the Israelites would come in another way. He tells her that, however, perhaps you have become queen for this specific purpose at this specific time?

Esther then makes the decision to adorn herself and go to where the king would see her. The king does see her, extends his scepter and offers her anything that she wants, up to half the kingdom. This is where we first see that God is working behind the scenes to reverse Haman’s wicked, evil, vile plans.

Esther then calls for her first banquet and invites Haman and the king, where she announces her plans to make a special request to both of them the next day at an exclusive banquet. Haman leaves the banquet quite inebriated, and he runs into Mordecai which infuriates him. But Haman manages to get control over his emotions and returns home.

Esther 5: 12-14 Haman exhibits his prideHaman also said, “Even Queen Esther let no one but me come with the king to the banquet she

had prepared; and tomorrow also I am invited by her [together] with the king. Yet all of this does not satisfy me as long as I see Mordecai the Israelite sitting at the king’s gate.” Then his wife Zeresh and all

Lessons Lessons from the Book of Estherfrom the Book of Esther

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2021


8Lessons Lessons from the Book of Estherfrom the Book of Esther

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2021

his friends said to him, “Have a gallows fifty cubits high made, and in the morning ask the king to have Mordecai hanged on it; then go joyfully to the banquet with the king.” And the advice pleased Haman, so he had the gallows made.

At that point it appeared that things couldn’t get much worse. That is the time, most often that God begins to work behind the scenes to shift the outcome the evil ones have planned.

So it turns out that night that the king couldn’t sleep, so he calls for the royal chronicles to be read to him. In it he hears the entry about how Mordecai had saved the king’s life! (Which over time he had totally forgotten about.) The next morning, according to the plan, Haman enters the king’s court to request that Mordecai be put to death. But quite the opposite happens. The king orders Haman to honor Mordecai publicly for saving his life. In fact, he orders Haman to lead Mordecai on the king’s white horse all through the kingdom so that all of the people can praise him.

Esther 6:12-13Then Mordecai returned to the king’s gate. But Haman hurried to his [own] house, mourning

and with his head covered [in sorrow]. Then Haman told Zeresh his wife and all his friends everything that had happened to him. Then his wise counselors and his wife Zeresh said to him, “If Mordecai, before whom you have begun to fall in status, is of Israelite heritage, you will not overcome him, but will certainly fall before him.”

Tell me that the enemies don’t know that the only thing that can destroy them and foil their plans are the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, Celtic and kindred people!

So, the next day is Esther’s second banquet and the king and Haman arrive. Esther then reveals to the king that she is an Israelite and how Haman had plotted to have Mordecai and all of the Israelites murdered. The king, then full of the spirit (of wine that is), then orders that Haman be hanged.

Esther 7:7-10 Then in his fury, the king stood up from drinking wine and went into the palace garden [to decide

what he should do]; but Haman stayed to plead for his life from Queen Esther, for he saw that harm had been determined against him by the king. When the king returned from the palace garden to the place where they were drinking wine, Haman was falling on the couch where Esther was. Then the king said, “Will he even attempt to assault the queen with me in the palace?” As the king spoke those words, the servants covered Haman’s face [in preparation for execution]. Then Harbonah, one of the eunuchs serving the king said, “Now look, there are gallows fifty cubits (75 ft.) high standing at Haman’s house, which Haman made for Mordecai, whose good warning saved the king.” And the king said, “Hang him on it.” So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. Then the king’s anger subsided.

A little Romans 8:28 being exhibited here.But even that did not solve the problem of the king’s decree to kill all of the Israelites. Remember,

Persian Law did not allow for the king to revoke a decree once it has been officially made. So, Esther and Mordecai, the king and his wise council, all get together to try to devise a plan to reverse the king’s decree and save the queen’s lineage, the Israelite people.


9Lessons Lessons from the Book of Estherfrom the Book of Esther

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2021

Then in a complete reversal to the previous plan, the king orders Mordecai to issue another decree, that on the day that the Israelites were to be eradicated, the 13th of Adar, the king ordered that all of Israelites are to defend themselves, fight back and destroy their enemies.

The king then calls for a massive banquet, inviting all of the Israelites to celebrate the new decree. Mordecai is then elevated to a high position in the kingdom. Eventually the day arrives, the 13th Day of Adar. On that day, the Israelites (with God working behind the scenes) triumphs over their enemies, first killing all of the household of Haman and then all the rest of the Persians as well as all the rest that had conspired with Haman against the Israelite people.

Esther 9:1-5Now in the twelfth month (that is, the month of Adar) on the thirteenth day when the king’s

command and edict were about to be executed, on the [very] day when the enemies of the Israelites had hoped to gain power over them and slaughter them it happened the other way around so that the Israelites themselves gained power over those who hated them. The Israelites assembled in their cities throughout the provinces of King Ahasuerus (Xerxes) to apprehend those who wanted to do them harm; and no one could stand before them,

Now look carefully!for the fear of them [and their God] had fallen on all the peoples. Even all the officials of the

provinces and the chief rulers (satraps) and the governors and those who attended to the king’s business supported the Israelites in defeating their enemies because the fear of Mordecai [and his God’s power] had fallen on them. For Mordecai was great and respected in the king’s palace and his fame spread throughout all the provinces; for the man Mordecai became greater and greater. So the Israelites struck all their enemies with the sword, killing and destroying them; and they did what they pleased to those who hated them.

75,000 in All. The king then said, “What else can I do for you my dear?” speaking to his queen, Queen Esther.

Esther 9:13-14Esther replied, “If it pleases the king, let it be granted to the Israelites who are in Susa to act

tomorrow also in accordance with the decree of today; and let [the dead] bodies of Haman’s ten sons be hanged on the gallows.” So the king commanded it to be done; the decree was given in Susa, and they hanged [the bodies] of Haman’s ten sons.

Why do you think that she called for Haman’s dead sons to be hanged as well? It was for all the people to see, to be a sign to anyone else who would ever even think of trying the same plot again.

And so God, working behind the scenes, used Esther and Mordecai, two far from perfectly moral people, to save the Israelite people. Mordecai is then elevated to the highest in command and Esther and Mordecai get together to establish, by decree, this 2-day feast called “Purim,” to commemorate God’s deliverance (from behind the scenes) of the Israelite people from destruction.

Esther 9:29-32Then Queen Esther, the daughter of Abihail, with Mordecai the Israelite, wrote with full power


10Lessons Lessons from the Book of Estherfrom the Book of Esther

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2021

and authority to confirm this second letter about Purim. He sent letters to all the Israelites, in the 127 provinces of the kingdom of Ahasuerus, in words of peace and truth, to establish these days of Purim [to be observed] at their appointed times, just as Mordecai the Israelite and Queen Esther had established for them, and as they had established for themselves and for their descendants with instructions regarding their times of fasting and their lamentations (expressions of needing help). The command of Esther established these customs for Purim, and it was written in the book [of the royal archives].

The Feast of Purim is a Judean holiday in celebration of the deliverance of the Judeans as recorded in the book of Esther. It is also known as the Feast of Lots (Purim being the Hebrew word for “lots”). The feast is not mentioned in the New Testament, although many Biblical scholars believe the unnamed feast referenced in John 5:1 could be Purim. Perhaps, like the Passover, we too, are to keep these feast days?

I’m not sure, but my position is that each follower of Jesus Christ should keep the days they are convicted by the Holy Spirit to keep!

One of the Acres of Diamond, Gideon-Elite men directed me to Romans 14:4-9, where it says, reading from the Amplified:

Who are you to judge the servant of another? Before his own master he stands approved or falls out of favor] And he who serves the Master, the Lord will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand. One person regards one day as better or more important than another, while another regards every day the same as any other. Let everyone be fully convinced, assured, satisfied in his own mind.

He who observes the day, observes it for the Lord. He who eats, eats for the Lord, since he gives thanks to God; while he who abstains, abstains for the Lord and gives thanks to God. None of us lives for himself for his own benefit, but for the Lord, and none of us dies for himself but for the Lord. If we live, we live for the Lord, and if we die, we die for the Lord. So then, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.

For Christ died and lived again for this reason, that He might be Lord of both the dead and the living.

That pretty much sums it up!In conclusion, let’s take a look at the ironic reversals that took place in the story from the Book of

Esther. The early feasts and decrees by the king are then mirrored by Mordecai’s and Esther’s feasts and decrees in the end. At first, Mordecai and Esther save the king, but in the end, ultimately, (God working behind the scenes) uses the king, Mordecai and Esther to save all the Israelite people.

Then comes Haman’s elevation, edict and banquet, which is ultimately reversed and cancelled by Mordecai’s elevation, edict and banquet, followed by Esther and Mordecai’s planning, leading to two banquets that set the stage for the greatest moment of reversal in the entire book; Haman’s humiliation and ultimately his execution, and Mordecai’s exaltation.

But what’s also interesting, as you read the story, is that God chose to use the two main characters, Esther and Mordecai that were far from perfect moral examples. While I don’t believe that God intended this story as an endorsement of their behavior, I do believe the Book was written as a sign of trust and


11Lessons Lessons from the Book of Estherfrom the Book of Esther

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4 2021

hope when things get really bad.Now, why do you think that God is not mentioned in the Book of Esther? Perhaps it’s to show us,

His people, that when God seems absent, when His people are in exile because they have been unfaithful, compromising with the world and not following His Laws, His Commandments and His Statutes, that He is still there, behind the scenes, always looking after His people.

Does it mean that God is done with Israel? The Book of Esther says otherwise. In fact, it shows us that God can even choose to use morally-conflicted people to accomplish His purposes. He’s showing us to trust His Providence, even we can’t see His work in the physical realm.

That no matter how bad things may get, He is committed to redeeming His people and that He never has nor will He ever abandon His Covenant, His promises that He made to true Israel, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.



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13God’s Good PlansFor You

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2021

God has a purpose and a plan for you. His plans are sure, true, and faithful. This doesn’t mean that you, fellow Christian, will never experience problems or trials in life, but you do have an eternal future in Christ spiritually. God’s plan for you is to prosper and grow spiritually in Christ in the very situation you are in right now. God’s plans for you are sure. God’s plans for you are great. What plans have you made? Are they going as planned? We should consider our plans in light of God’s plan. God’s plans for you are sure, true, and faithful!We all make plans in life regarding the future. Don’t we? But not all of our plans work out the way we want. We become influenced by people, circumstances, and opportunities. Proverbs 16:9 The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps. We all make choices both good and bad, and they can influence whether we succeed with our plans or not. The plans we make are based on our limited knowledge and often with self-interest in mind and can change as our interests or circumstances change. Thankfully, He does not change. Jeremiah 29:11, NASB ‘For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.’ God’s plans for you are sure. They do not change. His plans for you are great. Israel’s choices had an effect on their future. It did not matter what they had planned; or the choices they made; God’s plan for them would not change. His plan was sure. God used Nebuchadnezzar to bring about hardships in the lives of the Israelites to bring them to a point of crying out to God once again. For those that read the Word, today’s events are proving to be a repeat of this very situation. God used the Israelites’ time of captivity in Babylon for their good, so that the Israelites would cry out to God once more and turn back to God.


14God’s Good PlansFor You

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2021

Rebellion and sin have consequences. They did then, and they still do today. Both the Old and New Testaments reveal God’s plans; His love and promise of a hope and future for those who are faithful and call out to the LORD. God does not stop us from making bad decisions. He does not turn His back on us forever, even if we have turned our backs to Him. God’s plan for you is not to harm you but to give you a hope and future. That hope and future is for all who seek God and call on the name of the LORD. There is a great deal of emphasis in the New Testament on spiritual growth. We are not meant to stand still. Our faith and love should grow. God is trying to increase the muscles of our faith. Is your faith getting stronger? Is your love increasing? Do you react differently from two or three years ago? Are you growing and getting stronger in Christ? So often, it is our struggles rather than our ‘successes’ that make us stronger. The Thessalonians’ faith and love was growing in spite of – maybe even because of – the persecution and trials that they were enduring. 1 Thessalonians 1:6-7 …having received the word in much tribulation with the joy of the Holy Spirit, so that you became an example to all the believers in Macedonia and in Achaia. Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. 2 Timothy 2:11-12 It is a trustworthy statement: For if we died with Him, we will also live with Him; If we endure, we will also reign with Him; If we deny Him, He also will deny us; If God’s good plan is to make us more like Jesus, then we can expect trials. After all, Jesus’ life was marked by trials. Can you picture a “comfortable” way to carry a cross? But that’s exactly what Jesus did. And He asks us to do the same. Therefore, we need to accept our trials, instead of run from them. Thankfully, we know from Jesus’ life that there’s purpose to our pain. God doesn’t waste anything, including suffering. He doesn’t always remove us from trials, because He plans to use them.


15God’s Good PlansFor You

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2021

God didn’t rescue Noah by stopping the flood; God kept him safe in the waves. God didn’t save Daniel from the lion’s den; He protected him with the beasts at his side. God didn’t save Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego from going into a fire; He saved them in the midst of the flames. And do you remember their faith-filled words in Daniel 3:17-18? After they proclaimed, “the God we serve is able,” Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego said these two words: “even if.” Daniel 3:17-18 “If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.” Even if God didn’t rescue them from the fire, they chose to trust His plans for them. Wow! OH LORD, give each of us that kind of faith and blessed assurance today! Even though God is able, we can trust Him when He doesn’t do what we think should be done. Even if God’s plans for our lives aren’t what we hoped for, learning to trust God is part of His good plan for us. God is not saving us from trials; He’s wanting to transform us through them.

And I don’t just know this from studying Scripture; I know this from my own life.


16God’s Good PlansFor You

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2021

When your baby boy is born dark-blue from his waist to his head, from lack of oxygen, and he spends his first 10 days in Neonatal ICU, and there is nothing you can do but pray and cry out to God, you do. And hopefully you learn. When your job of 16-years ends, and you don’t have a back-up plan, but you do again cry out to the LORD for direction and Hope, HE does not ignore. HE is faithful, always. When your parents pass away, or any of your loved ones, and your grief and sorrow and pain is just overwhelming, we are told to seek His comfort and His peace. We are told to cast our cares upon Him, and He will direct our paths and send His Comforter. And He does. We KNOW of the peace that surpasses all of our understanding. We have had it poured out upon us at times of unimaginable grief and pain. And He is faithful in His promised comfort towards us, taking us through those times of sorrow…. And the words of 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 are proven true, for the followers of Jesus. 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For just as the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance, so also our comfort is abundant through Christ. What a great comfort and reminder that is found in the Book of Romans... Romans 5:1-5 Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God. And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. God has good plans for you. They are not plans for your failure or defeat. They are plans to, ‘prosper you.’ They are not average or mediocre plans. They are ‘good, pleasing and perfect.’ Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. But God will not force his plans on you. He requires your cooperation. If you want his plans to be fulfilled in your life, you need to seek Him. He promises that, if you do so, He will be found by you (Jeremiah 29:13–14). As you spend time with Him, in His Word and with His people, you will become like Him and He will lead you into the good plans He has for your life. Jeremiah 29:13–14 ‘You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you.’


17God’s Good PlansFor You

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2021

God has great plans for His people, but we, as His people, have to work HIS PLAN. We see that throughout our Bible history. With Noah, Noah followed God’s plan, and was saved. With Daniel, as well as with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, they were NOT going to turn from God’s Will and plan just to save their lives. How about Joseph? In Genesis 39:9, Joseph, replies to an unprovoked advance, “How then could I do this great evil and sin against God?” He KNEW God had better plans for him… And the examples I gave you… -That newborn baby boy that was half blue at birth, he is now happily married, healthy and recently graduated corpsman school. -That job loss with no back-up plan? It was one of the BEST things that ever happened to him and his family…countless blessings and great times. -And the pain and sorrow of losing loved ones… our loved ones are always with us in our heart and in our memories, and we do have the comfort and peace that we will see them again, in His perfect Kingdom. God uses the trying times and the trials that we face in all of our lives to make us better Christians. 1 Peter 5: 10 After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you. I have read that the trip that the Children of Israel took in their 40+ years of wilderness-wanderings could have been accomplished in a three-week trip, three weeks of worshiping with their LORD, their Deliverer... But because they were rebellious to God, unbelieving and disobedient, a three-week camping trip became a lifetime of wandering and wondering. The Promised Land was still there after those long years, but the unbelievers and disobedient didn’t make it in. God’s plan is still to preserve and protect and greatly bless His people. But it will only be done according to His good and perfect plans, and not by ours. If you are the type of person whose has color-coded, bullet-pointed, well-thought out and scheduled plans, that’s ok. Just make sure they line up with His plan for you.



The Evolution of a Regenerative Organic Farm and

NurseryOne farm’s decades-long journey into regenerative agriculture—and how these methods enhance biodiversity, pollinators, and soil health Northern Vermont’s Nancy and John Hayden have spent the last 25 years transforming their draft horse–powered, organic vegetable and livestock operation into an agroecological, regenerative, biodiverse, organic fruit farm, fruit nursery, and pollinator sanctuary. In Farming on the Wild Side they explain the philosophical and scientific principles that influenced them as they phased out sheep and potatoes and embraced apples, pears, stone fruits, and a wide variety of uncommon berry crops; turned much of their property into a semi-wild state; and adapted their marketing and sales strategies to the new century. As the Haydens pursued their goals of enhancing biodiversity and regenerating their land, they incorporated agroforestry and permaculture principles into perennial fruit polycultures, a pollinator sanctuary, repurposed greenhouses for growing fruit, hügelkultur, and ecological “pest” management. Beyond the practical techniques and tips, this book also inspires readers to develop greater ecological literacy and respect for the mysteries of the global ecosystem. Farming on the Wild Side tells a story about new ways to manage small farms and homesteads, about nurturing land, about ecology, about economics, and about things that we can all do to heal both the land and ourselves. 272 pages, $29.95

$29.95$29.95Click Here To Order.Click Here To Order.

NEW BOOK:Farming on the Wild Side

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2021



Kaito Voyager Pro KA600 Digital Solar Dynamo, Wind Up, Dynamo Cranking AM/FM/LW/SW & NOAA Weather, Emergency Radio with Flashlight, Reading Lamp Alert, Smart Phone Charger & RDS and Real-Time Alert, with AC Adapter, Green. What is RDS? Radio Data System, or RDS, is a communications protocol standard for embedding amounts of digital information in conventional FM radio broadcasts. RDS standardizes several types of information transmitted, including time, station identification and program information. What is NOAA Alert? Connected to the Emergency Alert System (EAS) through NWR (National Weather Radio) network provided by NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association), this feature will automatically activate the radio to inform you of any hazardous weather conditions or warnings including natural, environmental and public safety while the radio is set at the “Alert” mode. $89.95

Kaito KA500, 5-way Powered Emergency AM/FM/SW, NOAA Weather Alert Radio with Solar, Dynamo Crank, Flashlight and Reading Lamp With AC adapter, BlackThe KA500 is the perfect radio for emergencies and disasters. -Receives a wide range of broadcasting, such as AM, FM, shortwave, and 7 pre-programmed NOAA weather stations. It also has the NOAA Alert function, which allows you to receive emergency broadcasts in the event of any severe weather conditions in your area. -Different methods to power the radio’s built-in rechargeable Ni-MH battery pack include: Dynamo hand crank, USB cable (ex. computer), Solar (utilize energy from the sun or natural light using the 180 degree adjustable solar panel), 3 AA batteries (not included) and an AC adapter. -Can charge cell phones, iPhones, Blackberry, iPods/MP3s and etc., by utilizing the USB port. Plug in device and it will charge via crank handle, solar panel or AC adapter. -Can turn into a five LED adjustable reading lamp, a LED flashlight and a SOS emergency light-Easily operated due to the large tuning knobs and function buttons -Dynamic wide range speaker for superb sound quality$65.00

New Emergency NOAA Weather Radios:

Do You Have One?Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2021



The newest, larger-than-ever,

124 page updated

and informative listingof all of the CD’s,

DVD’s, books, Bibles, reference materials, health supplements

and more, available from SFA,

theScriptures for

America 2021 Catalog is hot off the press

and in-stock now.

Remember to join us LIVE on Wednesday nights for “Wednesday Night Prayer Meetings,”

7 pm mtn., 8 pm central, 9 pm eastern.Join us for “COFFEE with the Wranglers,” LIVE on Saturday mornings

at 7 am mtn., 8 am central, 9 am eastern.


SFA 2021 Resource Catalog

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2021



See Order Form for Details

This tried and true FLU BUSTER PAC is being made available to all to help get ahead of and stay ahead of the yearly flu season that is fast approaching, and it is now on sale at 20% off the regular price. Maintaining our God-given immune system is one of the best ways to stay healthy in these days of viruses and sickness. However, with our foods depleted of the nutrients and minerals, supplementing is a necessity. The FLU BUSTER PAC helps with that, by supplying good vitamins, mineraqls and more to help maintain and overcome the deficiencies and viruses that we all face day to day. Just so you know, these supplements are what we and our families take here

at SFA Ministry. Now on sale at 20% off the regular price when you order the 4 pack. Each item is 10% off when ordered separately...

Available now from SFA Ministry.See the order form for details

IM-COMP on Sale NOW!• Promotes a healthy immune response

• Supports seasonal immune health

• Encourages macrophage activity and natural killer cell function

• Provides potent antioxidants as well as Vitamin C




Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2021

FLU-COLDSeason Help



The SDG Lignan not only has anti-cancer properties, it also has anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and is a potent anti-oxidant! It has been shown to enhance immune system functioning and is effective against many different diseases. “It is my wish that the information provided in this book will motivate you to take control of your health and become your own Doctor.” Dr. Dan Junker, N.D.

Included FREE with any Lignan purchase is the above book,

FLAXSEED LIGNAN, by Charles Weisman and Dr. Dan Junker. Also, the DVD, ROOTS, that explains Biblically and historically WHO the Hebrew/Israelite people of the Bible truly are and where they have

migrated to!

See Order Form for Details See Order Form for Details

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2021

The Power ofSDG Lignans!



Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2021

S/W Schedule & RadioS/W Schedule & Radio

Frequency Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 9.475 10:00AM-10:00PM 9:00AM-9:00PM 8:00AM-8:00PM 7:00AM-7:00PM 5.830 10:00PM-10:00AM 9:00PM-9:00AM 8:00PM-8:00AM 7:00PM-7:00AM

Phone number to listen in: (712)-775-5613

SFA-1103 SW Radio: This high quality world receiver receives all the sta-tions in shortwave spectrums; Scriptures for America frequencies 9.475 and 5.830 come in loud and clear; plus side bands, SSB. This unique digital radio starts FM from 76.0MHZ. The SFA-1103 can decode (SSB) Single

Side Band broadcasts though its SSB circuitry, 1 kHz tuning steps and clarifier. It is much better than other radios costing much more and in a smaller size. This radio also comes with 3 Ni-MH AA rechargeable bat-teries, and an AC adaptor. The SFA-1103 uses LCD to simulate the analog dial on the radio. $119.00



Scriptures For America Ministry PO BOX 766,

LaPorte Colorado 80535 USA Office # 307-742-7582

Email [email protected] www.scripturesforamerica.org

Satellite and Internet Radio BroadcastingWe are broadcasting on the internet & satellite (audio) 24 hours per day,

7 days a week, heard all across North America and the world! The satellite is digital audio, Galaxy 19, KU band, Transponder 5.

Church Broadcast & Video StreamingThe Sunday morning Church services

at the LaPorte Church of Christ are video streamed live to our website,

www.scripturesforamerica.orgfrom 08:30am until noon, Mountain time.

(a high-speed internet connection is suggested). IPhone and Ipad accessible.

You can also attend our ‘Early Morning Church(the previous weeks’ sermon) at our website from

6:30—8:30 am, Eastern Time.

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2021




Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2021

SFA Ministry

Below are Some Of the Many

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Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2021

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QTY ITEM # HEALTH AND WELLNESS UNIT PRICE LINE TOTALNEW BOOK The TRUTH About COVID-19 by Joseph Mercola $24.95 BOOK CORONA: FALSE ALARM: Facts and Figures @ the Coronavirus (By Dr. Karina Reiss & Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi) BOOK $14.95 BOOK Seed to Seed: Seed Saving & Growing Techniques $24.95NEW BOOK Farming on the Wild Side $29.95 NEW BOOK Growing Good Food: A Guide to Victory Gardening $19.95 BOOK How To End the Autism Epidemic $19.95 BOOK Vaccines & Auto-Immunity… $24.95 BOOK Recovery from Injury, Surgery and Infection $24.99 BOOK NO-Till Intensive Vegetable Culture $29.95 BOOK Dirt to Soil: Regenerative Agriculture $19.95 BOOK FLAXSEED LIGNAN book (free with product) $6.00 ON SALE 10% OFF FLAX LIGNANS HEALTH PRODUCT 1 MONTH $35.99 ON SALE 10% OFF FLAX LIGNANS HEALTH PRODUCT 3 MONTHS $89.99 ON SALE 10% OFF FLAX LIGNANS HEALTH PRODUCT 5 MONTHS $134.99 EMB EM-Balance Micro-Nutrients bottle $35.00 2021 SPECIAL IM-COMP & Vitamin C Special combo $50.00 C100 Vitamin C 500 mg 100 tablets 100 $10.00 ON SALE 10% OFF Vitamin C 500 mg 300 tablets 300 $25.00 ON SALE Selenium Supplement bottle $14.00 ON SALE LDM (Lomatium Dissectum 2 oz.) bottle $25.00 The LDM Story Printed Pamphlet n/c NEW (see pg 22 for details) Kaito K-600 Emergency Radio GREEN $89.95 NEW (see pg 22 for details) Kaito K-500 Emergency Radio BLACK $65.00 Vitamin D3 ON SALE 10% OFF bottle $18.00 ON SALE FLU BUSTER PAC 20% OFF REGULAR PRICE (LDM, Selenium, Vitamin C & D3) $74.00 NEW Pau D’Arco 2 oz. tincture bottle $29.00 NEW Pau D’Arco 1/2 pound of bulk tea bulk $20.00 NEW Pau D’Arco 1 pound of bulk tea bulk $36.00 Potassium Iodate bottle $20.00 Anointing and Un-Anointing Oil oil n/c Donation for Scriptures for America Donations Total Enclosed

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SFA Order FormSFA Order Form



QTY ITEM # BOOKS AND INFORMATION UNIT PRICE LINE TOTALNEW 2021 SFA Resource Catalog Catalog $5.00 SPECIAL Solar Sanity -vs- Lunar Lunacy book AND Communion Book, both by Pastor Peters SPECIAL $10.00 A-020 The Sabbath 4-CD Series SERIES $16.00 PS-026 Revealing the Man of Sin booklet $1.00 DVD ROOTS-From Abraham to America DVD $8.00 PS-004 The Stolen Birthright & Coming Destruction pamphlet $3.00 PS-006 AUTHORITY: Resistance or Obedience? pamphlet $3.00 PS-012 The Four Stages to Spiritual Truth pamphlet $3.00 PO-025 Davy Crockett’s Message to Congress pamphlet $3.00 DVD Creation of a Nation, by E. Raymond Capt DVD $8.00 B-040 Scriptural Directory 56-page book BOOK $7.00 SALE B-206 The Unseen War, by Pastor Peters BOOK $10.00 M-9 God Save America Again DVD DVD 10/$10 B-071 The Greatest Love Story Never Told BOOK $8.00 B-015 The Light and the Glory BOOK $22.00 B-029 From Sea to Shining Sea BOOK $20.00 B-018 The Abrahamic Covenant BOOK $5.00 B-002 The Covenant People BOOK $10.00 B-054 Everything You Wanted To Know @ Gun Control BOOK $6.00 B-193 Terrible, Tare-able Stories, by Pastor Peters BOOK $15.00 B-079 BAAL WORSHIP (* issues with binding *) BOOK n/c B-080 WHORES GALORE (* issues with binding *) BOOK n/c A-015 The Mind of an Overcomer - 4-CD Series SERIES $16.00 CD419 He IS Able to Deliver CD $5.00 CD281 Choice of Champions CD $5.00 Gun Control Packet (4 CD’s & 2 booklets) packet $20.00 PS-010 A Double-Minded People by Pastor Peters pamphlet $3.00 B-118 Rejoice Always by Pastor Peters booklet $1.00 B-033 You Have Been Warned BOOK $6.00 A-033 Ask Gideon CD Series SERIES $42.00 A-035 The Answer to Ask Gideon CD Series SERIES $36.00 B-199 Children’s Manners and Morals BOOK $7.00 PUB-1 Public Law 97-280 (suitable for framing) N/C B-031 The Greatest Discovery of Our Age by PP BOOK $5.00 B-064 America the Conquered, by Pastor Peters BOOK $12.00 A-018 America the Redeemed, 8 part CD series SERIES $32.00 M-4 Westward Trek Map MAP $1.00 Anointing and Un-Anointing Oil oil N/C Psalm 91 Bookmarker N/C Donation for Scriptures for America Total Enclosed

Thank you for your prayers and financial support.

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2021

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