what does 4-h mean to me? - university of kentucky 1 what does 4-h mean to me? reflections by state...

Page 1 What Does 4-H Mean to Me? Reflections by State 4-H Teen Council Members and Others from 2006 2015 District One 4-H has always been a place where I can go to improve myself and learn more about who I am as an individual. I’ve learned to cook, to speak, to fire an arrow, to canoe, and to accept myself because of the experiences and positive people I’ve encountered in the program. As an agent’s son, 4-H has always been present in my life and almost synonymous with my personal growth. Kiernan, Montgomery County 4-H means acceptance and redemption. 4-H has really helped me learn how to accept and appreciate myself as well as others. It means unconditional love and always knowing you have a pair of open arms to run to when you need a shoulder to cry on, reassurance, or a pat on the back for a good deed. Also, it always means hope and family to me. Della, Robertson County As a member of 4-H for almost 10 years now, I feel as if 4-H is not just a club or an organization but a family. In the 10 years I have been a part of Kentucky 4-H I have met not only teens and children I admire, but also adults. As a person grows in 4-H, they not only learn leadership skills, but they learn the true meaning of unconditional love in the different projects, councils, and opportunities they have in this wonderful club. In 4-H, you truly learn how to “make the best better” in your new family. Nancy, Pike County 4-H has been my world since I was in the 4 th grade. 4-H has taught me so many things from how to be a leader, to public speaking skills. Over the past 9 years, I have made many new friends from all around the state and nation. I can truly say that without 4-H, I would not be the man I am today. Bryant, Lawrence County 4-H makes me feel alive, it makes me believe in who I really am. After being bullied in school, I always felt too different for school, until I came to 4-H. 4-H has taught me to always be who you are, and you deserve to be loved by who you are. In 4-H, I finally fit in somewhere. Whitney, Magoffin County To me, 4-H means friendship. Throughout the course of one’s life, they will encounter many people. But it is not after when you encounter people with the same passions. This is what 4-H brings to the table. 4- H is a place where lifelong friendships are generated because of the same goal of all the delegates. Because of that goal, we all come together as a family with great intentions. We, as a family, wish to not only better influence other 4-Hers, but also better influence all people we encounter. Without 4-H, I would not be the person I am today. Alex, Montgomery County 4-H is what makes me happy. I have friends, I have learning opportuniti es, I have a “family”. I find myself being better friends with people that are in 4-H opposed to my friends from my county. 4-H has impacted me in more ways than I could ever imagine. I owe so much to the organization that has greatly impacted me. Breanna, Lawrence County At the age of nine, I entered the amazing world of 4-H. My first experience was 4-H camp. I strictly remember being shy, awkward girl, afraid of the world. Then it hit me, 4-H wouldn’t judge someone for who they are, they cherish you being yourself, because that’s you! Now at the age of 16, 4-H has shaped me into the person I am today. It’s not just a hobby; it’s something I yearn for all the time. It makes me feel at home, that I know I’m accepted or who I would be at this moment if it weren’t for joining the family- love of 4-H. This program has given me leadership skills, memories, and opportunities of a life time. I couldn’t be more thankful for this program and all that it’s given me! I hope when I’m older, I can contribute back to this amazing program.

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Page 1: What Does 4-H Mean to Me? - University of Kentucky 1 What Does 4-H Mean to Me? Reflections by State 4-H Teen Council Members and Others from 2006 – 2015 District One 4-H has always

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What Does 4-H Mean to Me? Reflections by State 4-H Teen Council Members and Others from 2006 – 2015

District One 4-H has always been a place where I can go to improve myself and learn more about who I am as an individual. I’ve learned to cook, to speak, to fire an arrow, to canoe, and to accept myself because of the experiences and positive people I’ve encountered in the program. As an agent’s son, 4-H has always been present in my life and almost synonymous with my personal growth. Kiernan, Montgomery County 4-H means acceptance and redemption. 4-H has really helped me learn how to accept and appreciate myself as well as others. It means unconditional love and always knowing you have a pair of open arms to run to when you need a shoulder to cry on, reassurance, or a pat on the back for a good deed. Also, it always means hope and family to me. Della, Robertson County

As a member of 4-H for almost 10 years now, I feel as if 4-H is not just a club or an organization but a family. In the 10 years I have been a part of Kentucky 4-H I have met not only teens and children I admire, but also adults. As a person grows in 4-H, they not only learn leadership skills, but they learn the true meaning of unconditional love in the different projects, councils, and opportunities they have in this wonderful club. In 4-H, you truly learn how to “make the best better” in your new family. Nancy, Pike County 4-H has been my world since I was in the 4th grade. 4-H has taught me so many things from how to be a leader, to public speaking skills. Over the past 9 years, I have made many new friends from all around the state and nation. I can truly say that without 4-H, I would not be the man I am today. Bryant, Lawrence County 4-H makes me feel alive, it makes me believe in who I really am. After being bullied in school, I always felt too different for school, until I came to 4-H. 4-H has taught me to always be who you are, and you deserve to be loved by who you are. In 4-H, I finally fit in somewhere. Whitney, Magoffin County To me, 4-H means friendship. Throughout the course of one’s life, they will encounter many people. But it is not after when you encounter people with the same passions. This is what 4-H brings to the table. 4-H is a place where lifelong friendships are generated because of the same goal of all the delegates. Because of that goal, we all come together as a family with great intentions. We, as a family, wish to not only better influence other 4-Hers, but also better influence all people we encounter. Without 4-H, I would not be the person I am today. Alex, Montgomery County 4-H is what makes me happy. I have friends, I have learning opportunities, I have a “family”. I find myself being better friends with people that are in 4-H opposed to my friends from my county. 4-H has impacted me in more ways than I could ever imagine. I owe so much to the organization that has greatly impacted me. Breanna, Lawrence County At the age of nine, I entered the amazing world of 4-H. My first experience was 4-H camp. I strictly remember being shy, awkward girl, afraid of the world. Then it hit me, 4-H wouldn’t judge someone for who they are, they cherish you being yourself, because that’s you! Now at the age of 16, 4-H has shaped me into the person I am today. It’s not just a hobby; it’s something I yearn for all the time. It makes me feel at home, that I know I’m accepted or who I would be at this moment if it weren’t for joining the family- love of 4-H. This program has given me leadership skills, memories, and opportunities of a life time. I couldn’t be more thankful for this program and all that it’s given me! I hope when I’m older, I can contribute back to this amazing program.

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Whitney, Magoffin County To me, 4-H is not just a club; it’s a family. It’s my family. When I first started 4-H, I knew two people. Before I knew it, I was beginning to call each and every person at every 4-H event apart of my 4-H family. Any time I told a 4-H story at school or was leaving for a 4-H event, I referred to my 4-Her’s as my “4-H family.” No matter where I go, what challenge I face, or what I do, I know that my 4-H family is behind me every step of the way. These people that I have become so close to, have greatly impacted my life and I am simply blesses to call them my family. Breanna, Lawrence County When I think of 4-H, I think of the multi-nation organization that molds young minds into tomorrow’s leaders. But in actuality, 4-H is much more than that. 4-H is the home I go to for comfort. All across the nation, I always know a 4-H’er will be nearby. Cody, Pike County 4-H is more than an organization. 4-H is home; it’s where I feel safe to be myself. It’s my safe haven: I can connect with so many people on a personal level through 4-H. It’s such a huge part of my life and it will always have its own section of my heart. My life would be completely opposite if it weren’t for 4-H. I would not be as outgoing or friendly; 4-H made me who I am. And for that, I am forever grateful to the program. Courtney, Morgan County 4-H is an outstanding program that helps create the leaders of tomorrow. This program also helps create friendships that last a lifetime. The love, life lessons, Mark Mains, and leadership is something unique of all teen programs. Cody, Pike County To me, 4-H is a way to become outgoing. 4-H has helped me come out of my shell and become a leader. 4-H is something that anyone can relate to and have fun with. It helps people find their true selves. 4-H creates amazing memories that last a lifetime, especially ones with Mark Mains. 4-H includes family, friends, and anyone that wants to have fun and create memories. Seeing kids become leaders makes anything 4-H does worth the time. Breanna, Lawrence County To me, 4-H is my past, present, and future. 4-H had the most positive and prominent influence on my development into who I am today. It has given me countless opportunities to meet people whom I wouldn’t have otherwise. Some of these people have become my best friends- 4-H is family: the most supportive, loving, dependable family anyone could possibly have; and for that. I am extremely lucky. My future is also bright, all due to social skills and work ethics I have gained through my experience in the 4-H program. I completely owe my entire being to 4-H. Courtney, Morgan County 4-H is an ever-open door; one that’s always offering new opportunities to go different places and meet new people. 4-H is a reason to fall in love with places you’ve never been and people you’ve never met because of the common ground. 4-H sets an example: only the best of the best. 4-H is passion and commitment, the driving force behind everything I do as well as the goal I’m always striving for. 4-H supplies everything necessary to be a leader and instills a tradition of excellence within each one of its members. I’ve gained uncountable memories and learned priceless lessons through 4-H and I would never wish one of those moments away. 4-H is love. It is family. It is everything that has helped me blossom into the person I’m becoming. 4-H is forever. Courtney, Morgan County To me, 4-H means a family. I don’t get along with my true family and I don’t have many friends at home, and when I came to 4-H I found the family I never had but always wanted and friends that I never had. I got a Mother (Caryn McCreary) and a role model and hero (Mark Mains). I have had many friends through 4-H and I hope I keep making them. 4-H has taught me tolerance and how to keep calm. I have

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learned so many life lessons and developed so many skills through 4-H and without it I wouldn’t be the person I am today. Wyatt, Lawrence County 4-H has been the largest component of my life since age 9. 4-H has contributed to, or directly caused, most of the most successful, meaningful, and memorable moments of my life. Thank you, 4-H, for making me who I am. Josh, Lawrence County For the rest of my days on Earth, 4-H will be a huge part of my life. Through 4-H I have made friends that will last a lifetime. I feel like it doesn’t matter where I am in Kentucky; I will be able to find friends through the 4-H program. Celsey, Carter County 4-H is that little family sitcom that we watch every week. We all do and say crazy stuff and even fight, but at the end of the episode we all get together and have a cheesy, happy ending. James, Lawrence County 4-H has been like a family to me. It means this place that I can just chill and have a good time. It’s one of the few places I actually don’t have to worry. James, Lawrence County 4-H should be synonymous with “opportunity”. The opportunity to make new friends, to serve your community, to change your life. It has taught me to be a better person and to seize every opportunity I have the privilege of encountering. Kaitlin, Lawrence County 4-H means so much to me, I almost want to say that it is like my second life, however, I don’t really think I would have much of a life without 4-H. About 60% of the fun things I do and social events I go to are through or by 4-H. 4-H has had a huge impact on my life. 4-H also allows me to have a huge impact on the lives of many others, which is an incredible thing, and also has amazing effect on me. I have never been connected to any other organization that is able to convey so much important information and love to so many people than 4-H. Joshua, Lawrence County 4-H is much more than just an organization, it is a reason to smile, laugh, and become a better leader. Throughout my many years in 4-H I have learned a new lesson each year. Some small and some really huge but nonetheless important. I wouldn’t be who I am today if it wasn’t for the people and the 4-H organization itself. Every step of the way is a new journey. Brooke, Pike County 4-H is so diverse. It means so many things in my life. It means having a sense of family. Becoming a responsible adult. Learning how to better yourself and set priorities. It means being able to do anything you put your mind to because of all the years you were involved in the program and your confidence has blossomed. 4-H is a way of life, as corny as that sounds, it’s true. McKenzie, Pike County 4-H has helped me form pretty much every close relationship in my life. The opportunities it presents to me are exponential, and something I am so grateful for. I can’t explain my passion for 4-H in words. But I know it’ll stay with me throughout my lifetime. Kaitlin, Lawrence County 4-H means more to me than what I could ever write on this paper. It’s leadership for a lifetime, something that inspires me to strive to do better in my community, county and world. I can honestly say that 4-H has impacted me more than any youth organization has every influenced me. I cannot thank the 4-H Foundation enough for the leader it’s made me. Casey, Carter County

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4-H means the world to me. Literally the world. All the aspects of life in general have been improved by 4-H. Most importantly my leadership skills have advanced and my shyness has dwindled. Brooke, Pike County To me, 4-H is all about having a fun learning experience. Yes you do make friends, goof around and leave every 4-H event with amazing memories, but at the core of all that awesome experience, you walk away knowing more about poultry judging or crocheting or something else pretty random. The 4-H program is a wonderful way to get people to try new/different things while having them enjoy the experience. McKenzie, Pike County To me 4-H is a massive family encompassing an entire state, it brings people together like nothing else can and nothing else ever will. To some 4-H is what they do, to me 4-H is who I am. James, Pike County 4-H is a place, inspiration, love, friends, and hugs when you are sad! 4-H to me is an outlet a place to go to get away from life. It’s “I went green shirt year”. It’s beautiful and passionate. Home away from home, it’s just as hard to leave. 4-H is life between souls that gravitate to each other. I’m 4-H and 4-H is me, imperfect but full of life and happiness! Gerri, Pike County 4-H means a lot to me. It represents vision, integrity, dedications, openness, creativity, fairness, assertiveness, service I have been in 4-H since I could walk and I love it! Alyson, Fleming County 4-H means a family of people from all backgrounds that mean the world to me. 4-H has more to me who I am and even though I age out this year 4-H will always be a part of my life. 4-H has given me so much and has become my life, I will always bleed green. Hannah, Johnson County 4-H is a HUGE family across the state made up of friends, family, fellowship, and fun! 4-H is not only a family, but a support system. James, Pike County 4-H means my state office. A 100 years, A 100 years of officers. I love 4-H. Caroline, Mason County 4-H means A LOT to me! I’ve been involved with it since I was younger than 9. So, it’s been part of my life for a long time. It has taught me so much. I have learned many leadership skills, responsibility, and social skills as a member of 4-H. Without camp, poultry judging, and STC I don’t know what I would do. Through the years, 4-H has become a part of me and has helped me become the person I am today! Chelsey, Lawrence County 4-H means so much to me that I cannot put it to words. When I think of 4-H I think of friendship, love, amazing memories, and belonging. Never have I ever been a part of something that has made such an impact on my life. Without 4-H I would not be the person I am today. Natasha, Carter County 4-H to me means a place where people of many backgrounds can come together to form a “family” of friends. Everyone has the chance to learn new things and have fun at the same time. Hannah, Johnson County What 4-H means to me cannot entirely be described. I have a passion for 4-H and a desire to make the most of it. But, if I had to answer this question, I would say that it would be a great organization to get involved in.

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Joshua, Johnson County 4-H is Family, Friends, STC, 4-H Camp, being a Junior Counselor, Sally Down the Alley, Camp Fires, Jabez, First Loves, Showing cattle and horses, Being an officer, North Central, State Officers, Teen Conference, and just totally being in love with 4-H and putting your whole heart into it. Caroline, Mason County 4-H means the world to me. I’ve made friends who have become families and moments that have become memories. Natasha, Carter County To me 4-H means friends, memories, and love. Justin, Boyd County To me, 4-H is my family outside of home. We all work together and love what we are doing. 4-H and the people who work with it have made me who I am today, a great leader! The 4-h motto is “To make the best better” I believe we were the best, and now we are better! Paul, Pike County 4-H helped to define my teenage years. I started with the county council before I was even a teenager; it started to shape my life the moment I joined. When I count off my best friends and favorite memories in my head, 4-H is involved in almost all of them. It is something that will always stay with me and which I will always be involved in. Justin, Boyd County 4-H is a way for me to work with kids and to show them they can have a great time and meet awesome people without the need to do drugs or alcohol to fit it. Also, I can show kids to have the good time they may not be able to have at home. Jessica, Magoffin County To me 4-H is a chance to turn a life around. Kids come to me for advice from fishing to family life. I love knowing that I help. That’s all! Amber, Boyd County 4-H means family. We fight, argue, and cry but at the end of the day we still love each other. 4-H means unconditional, we will always be there for each other. 4-H means a life time of friendship, leadership, and family. 4-H means growth within ourselves, counties, districts and our state, Growth between friends, agents and STC members. 4-H means something to believe in, something to be proud of! Gerri, Pike County

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District Two 4-H has given me everything that makes me who I am. It has given me social skills from 4-H camp, all the conferences, workshops, competitions, and councils. Not only that, but it has also given me friendships that I will cherish for my entire life. I have met people from all 120 counties in the state. I am so happy to have had this opportunity, so 4-H to me is who I am. Savannah, Breathitt County When I am asked what 4-H means to me, it can be difficult to put into words. On the surface, 4-H is an amazing program that goes above and beyond in youth development. However, this program is so much more than that. 4-H is an experience that, if utilized, will create a powerful young adult and an easy thing to acquire. 4-H gives you that. It prepares you for “real world” experiences, unlike most high school classes. It is because of this that as a high school graduate. I feel more prepared than most for college, especially social settings. For that, I am forever grateful. Montana, Wolfe County 4-H to me means leadership, passion, and living, family away from home, friends, and friendships that will last a lifetime. It is a major part of my life. There are so many ways it has impacted me, from showing livestock to leadership. I will always value every opportunity I receive. I am beyond blessed to be an STC member. The friendships I have made and the bonds I have formed are unbeatable. 4-H is an experience you cannot receive from any other program. I truly would like to say that 4-H means life to me. Katelyn, Letcher County 4-H to me is more than just a club, it’s a lifestyle that you live every single day. My experiences in 4-H throughout the years has given me the patience, passion, and the perseverance to take to the skies; to reach my dreams. 4-H has taught me to never give up even if I fail. One quote I feel my 4-H experience most embodies is by our great president Richard M. Nixon. The quote reads “Defeat desn’t finish a man, quit does. A man is not finished when he’s defeated, he’s finished when he quits.” Austin, Leslie County 4-H to me is rather than just having fun at camp, it’s a lifestyle. Through 4-H I have met so many of my best friends and have learned a lot through these experiences. I have helped several communities and individual people. Without 4-H I wouldn’t have the knowledge, friends, or experiences. Being on the State Teen Council has brought me out of my shell and I wouldn’t trade anything for it. Tateton, Leslie County 4-H to me is a place where if you have no place to really fit in and really need love, it’s where you go. You get a real family with people that really, truly care about you no matter who you are. It’s a place where you can escape all the judging and unfriendly means of the world and really be yourself. 4-H is a place where everyone can fit in and be yourself, not get judged, and have all kinds of fun! Brady, Letcher County After being involved in 4-H my entire life, it is nearly impossible to answer this question, as it means everything. 4-H has taught me so many valuable skills over the years, from leadership skills, such as public speaking and communications, to life skills such as, cooking and sewing. 4-H makes its way into every part of my life, as I plan to become a 4-H agent later on in life. I hope to be able to impact children in the way 4-H has impacted me. I have always found 4-H to be where my home is. I find my family all around me at each event. I have never met a 4-H member that is not kind, caring, and a generous citizen. I find my parents as I look to my agents and advisors. I find my siblings in my fellow members of the State Teen Council and the delegation at every conference and meeting. This organization means everything to me. I couldn’t be more excited to dedicate my life to this organization and give back to it in any way that I can. Savannah, Breathitt County 4-H has many different meanings, each unique to each 4-H’er. To me, it means hard work, family, loyalty, and eternal.

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It means hard work because of all the sweat I’ve put into these years. Because all of the papers and speeches I’ve had to write. Because of ensuring campers are having a good time at camp. It means family because of all of the people I’ve grown extremely close to: enough to call my family. Loyalty, because we build unbreakable bonds, and would never turn our backs on each other. Eternal, because the memories will be with me until I walk this world no more. But in the end, 4-H means happiness. Cayden, Letcher County 4-H is an opportunity to learn valuable life lessons, including the importance of responsibility, confidence, leadership, and friendship. It has helped me grow and develop not only as a leader, but also as a person. The skills that I have learned while growing up as a 4-H’er will be the most adequate and essential tools that I will use throughout the rest of my life. Dakota, Harlan County 4-H is my family. Simply. I love everything this program has given me. From camp, to STC, to State Fairs, this world of 4-H has changed my life. Few things can compare. The thought of aging out soon makes me want to cry, actually. When at a 4-H event, I feel at home. I feel loved. 4-H is who I am. John, Wolfe County What 4-H means to me? This simple question has been asked by many people for over the years and everyone has a different answer. I feel that 4-H is like a second family to me. I have friends from all across the state that I would not have met if it had not been for 4-H. The friends that I have made in 4-H are like my brothers and my sisters. They are all truly like my family. Austin, Leslie County 4-H is me. 4-H is what keeps me waking up. It’s what keeps me excited and looking forward to the next day. 4-H is what has taught me how to socialize. 4-H is who I am. I am the clay and 4-H was my sculptor. Whether or not it was cool, 4-H and all the people in it welcomed me, accepted me, and even loved me. I love 4-H. John, Wolfe County Basically, 4-H means more to me than words can describe. Without 4-H, I wouldn’t be the young man I am today. It has helped me break away from my shyness, become a better leader, and meet a group of people that mean the world to me. People I’m proud to call my friends, and my family. Without Mark Mains, none of this would be possible. Cayden, Letcher County 4-H for me is my future. During my last STC meeting, we talked about always being a 4-H family. 4-H is really my past, present, and future. #realtalk. Dorothy, Letcher County 4-H means so much to me. It means community, friendship , loyalty, respect, leadership, involvement, and so much more. I would never change a single minute spent with 4-H for anything in the world. Dorothy, Letcher County To me, 4-H means meeting friends that become family, having experiences that become treasured memories, and learning things that become skills. 4-H means laughing, crying, and not sleeping. 4-H means not only having your life changed, but hopefully changing someone’s life. Keisha, Leslie County 4-H is more than just a youth organization. 4-H to me is a way to get youth active in positive things. This in return gives them a sense of family, teaches them responsibility, leadership and many more things. I love 4-H! Trevor, Letcher County

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4-H means everything to me. It started as a fun camp as a child to a life growing experience that has lead me in the right direction every time. 4-H has made me so many true friends that I call family. Terry, Letcher County 4-H means family, hope, love and everything. 4-H means the world to me. 4-H has become my life in the short years I have been doing this amazing program. Angela, Jackson County 4-H means having a friend everywhere I go. It means having endless support from my peers. 4-H has helped me grow into the person that I am today. Kristen, Wolfe County 4-H is a family of wonderful people who are caring and just simply fun. It’s given me so many friendships, and the opportunity to be myself and come out of my shell. I love 4-H! Trevor, Letcher County 4-H means the world to me it’s everything. It’s friends, family, fun, love, music, laughter, growth, achievement, support. It means so many things to different people but it means everything to me. Angel, Johnson County 4-H means: fun, friends, knowledge, experience, larger service, loyalty, STC, conference, Issues Conference, and memories that will last a lifetime. Kolby, Perry County 4-H means many things to me. First of all it means making your best friends and making a new family. You can make friends from all over the state and keep them the rest of your life. Victoria, Perry County 4-H means going in as strangers and leaving as a family: It means always being able to count on someone to be there for you. Ellen, Perry County

4-H is the family that I never had. Whenever I feel stressed about life, I just grab a couple 4-H shirts and pants and stuff them into my 4-H duffle bag and I pray that my next STC meeting or conference will come quickly. It always calms me down and makes me miss my 4-H family even more. 4-H is my life. 4-H is my protector. 4-H is my teacher. SO NOT ready to give it up. But I know that I don’t have to. The transition from 4-Her to 4-H leader or advisor or volunteer is a rough one. But it’s been a great time. We’ve worked this whole time to make our mark on 4-H, but really 4-H has worked the entire time to make its mark on us. Richard, Bell County What does 4-H mean to me? 4-H is an organization that has given me a lot. 4-H has made me into the man I am today, I thank 4-H for what it has done for me. Shane, Bell County 4-H means family, new adventures, new best friends. 4-H means learning life lessons and making new memories! 4-H means a chance to learn about someone else while having fun. 4-H means to me to give back to people. 4-H means to me life! Kaitlyn, Perry County 4-H means everything to me. It’s not all about the hard work and dedication that I put into it; it’s also about the memories and fun activities that follow along. I like being a positive role model for teens and pre-teens. STC is another family to me and the present officers (Richard, Matt, J-Rose, Caroline) are like another mother, father, and grandparents to me. They have taught me how to be a better person. I love everyone the same and don’t anybody change. STC members take care. Charles, Leslie County

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4-H means…All of my best and closest friends who are more like a family. It means a learning experience like no other. Learning about people, places, activities, etc. around Kentucky has changed me immensely. I will never forget my 4-H memories because they are the best. I <3 4-H Tori, Perry County What does 4-H mean to me? It’s my anti-drug, my anti-trouble-maker, and my world. This is where I made my best friends, my family, and my world. I truly can say that it changed my life. Jimmy, Lee County 4-H means good times with even better friends. We make a difference and that is what matters. Justin, Breathitt County 4-H means that I can now get in front of 500 people and give a 3 minute speech. I have a network of almost 100 STC members state-wide. Richard, Bell County

4-H means being my true self. I am able to be myself when I am around State Teen Council. I have made lifelong friends and memories. I will never be able to forget them. I am the girl I am now because of who I’ve met in 4-H. This program has helped me to come out of my shell. I love 4-h and it has meant the world to me! State Teen Council is and will always mean so much that I cannot adequately put it in words. Lori Shea, Whitley County 4-H means being yourself and trying new things. If I would have never tried 4-H I would never have realized how much I love it. Ellen, Perry County 4-H means a lot to me. I have done so much and gone to so many new places and I will never forget it. I will take so much away that I will use and treasure for the rest of my life. Andrew, Jackson County What does 4-H mean to me? It’s more than just some club that you’re involved with. It’s a family. Having the opportunity of serving in the State Teen Council for the past three years I have friends that I call at random times just to say “Hi”. Taking random people and becoming great friends like that. It turns the club into family. Jimmy, Lee County 4-H has blown all other items in my life away. Almost all my stories in school begin with “one time in 4-H…”. Everything I do; livestock club, teen club, and STC; they outweigh every club and event I do outside 4-H. Richard, Bell County To me, 4-H means nothing short of good times. I have met so many amazing people through this program that it would take me five pages to thank all of them. But that only takes care of the tip of the iceberg, because 4-H really does make a difference. Sure, we have fun and all, but when it comes down to it we have helped someone through one of our numerous service projects. 4-H, in my opinion is unparallel and that’s the way it should be. Justin, Breathitt County 4-H which mean more to me then Head, Hands, Heart, or Health, 4-H is my life. When you get excited about coming and doing something good for people, even if it changes the person’s mind, you know you’ve done something great and it was worth the time. Jimmy, Lee County

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4-H has been an experience for me. I have been in 4-H for 9 years and I love it. I have learned so much from this experience. I was always the kid that had no friends, that was until my first year of camp. I can remember Ray Wilson coming over to me and introducing me to all these other kids. 4-H helps people meet new people. And the younger kids look up to you. I really enjoy being a member of 4-H. Monica, Leslie County 4-H to me is a program that I think everyone should be involved in. It helps kids believe in their selves when they think they can’t speak in front of 100 people or when they think they can’t do something. It also can take you to different locations around America and around the world. It also brings you closer to people and you develop a second family. Summer, Lee County Believe it or not, when I was in elementary school, I was the quietest and shyest kid in class. When I first joined 4-H, the school board was debating whether or not to put me in special education. Now, after all these years, I am loud, and funny, and serious about work. Well, maybe not the latter. Richard, Bell County

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District Three Words can’t begin to describe what 4-H means to me. 4-H has been an absolutely amazing experience that has helped me grow as a leader, friend, person and young adult. I have met so many great people, learned so many interesting things, and have created so many opportunities for myself and others through 4-H events. Seeing and hearing about the impact I can have on others in everything I do with 4-H is what has the biggest impact on me and what keeps me hungry and continue to strive to do more in every area of 4-H. Tyler, Oldham County 4-H means everything to me. I found myself through 4-H, and I will always remember and appreciate that. My very first 4-H event was camp when I was 10 years old and I fell completely and perpetually in love with the organization. To this day, I still am in love with it. I have found some of my closest friends through STC, teen club, camp, retreats, etc. Some of my favorite memories were when Bryant Payne told Savannah O’Neill and I that we were the first people to talk to him and make him feel like a part of council, and also when Noah Carter’s little brother Luke left summit and talked about me, even though he wasn’t in my group. I have found my passion through 4-H, and I will never leave. Even when I age out, I will still be here. 4-H is my home – I belong here. Brittnee, Jefferson County 4-H to me is a way of life. I have grown into a leader, a public speaker, a social butterfly, and a strong, independent young lady because of this magnificent program. Fitting in is very difficult to me, however. 4-H has so many opportunities to find people who share my same interests and hobbies. I have a place where I can fit in and be myself. I have found family, and lifelong friends. It’s all thanks to 4-H. Alyssa, Boone County 4-H means to me quite possibly the most loving, loyal, and supportive family I have ever known. Of course I have my blood family and regular friends that I love, but my 4-H family means something extraordinarily different. In 4-H I know there will always be someone to help me if needed, or be there for me when I don’t want to be alone. When my fiancé is across the country and when my best friend moves away, my 4-H family is there for me. So when asked what 4-H means to me = I‘ll say it means to me more than what words could ever describe, words could ever speak, and the heart could ever feel. Megan, Pendleton County To me 4-H means family. People, teams, clubs, or groups that I can go to when I need guidance. To me 4-H means happiness. NO matter how bad of a day I’m having, I can think back on memories I’ve made, that can always put a smile on my face. 4-H has shaped me into the person I am today, and I feel beyond blessed to have had the opportunities that have come along my journey, as well as the people I have met. If I could redo it all I would, and not change one single thing about my wonderful 4-H experience. Shelby Wertz, Spencer County If you would have asked me this question five years ago, I would have said, projects and summer fun. If you would have asked me this question a year ago, I would have said, friends for a life time. Now I have one word as an answer: HOME. The word home by definition means a familiar setting formed by a family living together. All of my county’s 4-Her’s and fellow members of the State Teen Council are my family. 4-H has helped me find somewhere I belong and can be myself. Everyone fully supports one another, and we are always there for one another. I never had a mom or dad around to know what family is like, but being in 4-H has made me realize that there is more to family than blood. Blood may be thicker than water, but would you drink it? I would not be half of the woman I am today if it was not for 4-H. My agents have mothered and fathered me, been shoulders to cry on, STC members have ran to hug me, and my county 4-Her’s come to my house for sleepovers. That’s family, and when I’m with them, I am at home. Brittnee, Jefferson County To me, 4-H means being yourself. When I first got into 4-H I used to walk around with my eyes wide and scared of the world. Through years of participation in 4-H, I have gained friendships, courage, and

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confidence in myself. I have learned that people will love you for it. I don’t have many friends in 4-H, but I do have a lot of extended family who loves me for me. This is why 4-H to me, is about being yourself. DaJuan, Jefferson County The impact the 4-H program has had on my life is beyond what I can convey in written words. When I think and reflect on the different experiences 4-H has afforded me, I am overwhelmed by the thoughts and memories that come to mind. 4-H has been a tradition in my family for many generations. My mom can still tell stories growing up about attending different conferences and completing projects. She says that 4-H taught her skills she has had for life; this is the same for me. Growing up in the 4-H program gave me once in a lifetime opportunities. From developing leadership skills to meeting people who I now consider family, 4-H is and always will be an integral part of my life. Each moment had been filled with learning and making my best even better. My enthusiasm and love for the program and I will never forget what an impact 4-H has had on my life! Hannah, Campbell County To me, 4-H means family. It means being able to meet new friends that you can bond with, that you can work with, through good times and bad and truly have a special bond with. When you have 4-H family, you know that they will accept you for who you are. They know your strengths and weakness, encouraging the strengths and helping with the weaknesses are what they do best. In a 4-H family you support one another no matter what and that’s what 4-H means to me. Megan, Pendleton County 4-H means so much to me. It is my family away from home. Before 4-H I was a really shy guy and didn’t speak to people outside my group of close friends. 4-H has really helped me open up to new people. I am not afraid to talk to anyone anymore. I would not be anywhere near the guy I am now if it wasn’t for 4-H. Clay, Pendleton County To me 4-H means family. J-Crew and the rest of Jefferson County provide constant support and motivation to another. 4-H has taught me to be a leader. I developed knowledge and grew a family. Without J-Crew and all my 4-H experiences I would not be who I am today. Caleb, Jefferson County 4-H is family, friends, and lifelong memories. I feel so lucky to have the support from my parents, agent, and other 4-H members. Shelby, Spencer County 4-H means a world of opportunities for my life! I can still remember being a cloverbud waiting to turn 9 and now I’ve done so much through the program. 4-H has given me a world of opportunities to expand my life skills and experiences. I’ve loved all the projects, conferences, people, and events I’ve been involved in. STC has been the most amazing 4-H experience. The people I’ve met will be lifelong friends! I’m never going to forget the impact 4-H has made in my life. Hannah, Campbell County 4-H is my life and I love it tremendously. I’ve been so blessed to have had the opportunities to be a part of many of the great things this organization has to offer including Teen Conference and State Teen Council. Through 4-H, I’ve gained leadership and communication skills that I’ll use the rest of my life. 4-H has truly made me the person I am today. Elizabeth, Oldham County 4-H means everything to me. There have been so many experiences I wouldn’t have gotten without 4-H. It has truly made me into the person I am today. I am stronger, more social, a better leader and so much more because of 4-H. 4-H is life. 4-H is family. 4-H is home. Kelsey, Pendleton County

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4-H means so much to me. 4-H has helped me get through so much. My family is really close because of 4-H shows and projects. Without 4-H I would not be the outgoing person that I am today. 4-H is great! Clay, Pendleton County 4-H means fun and family and friendship and feelings. So it’s really 4-F, not 4-H. Evan, Bullitt County 4-H means family to me, because everyone could be a brother or sister to me. Everyone loves everyone, even people that have just arrived from places not in Kentucky. Jordan, Henry County I bleed green. To say the least, 4-H to me means family. 4-H has made me who I am today and I truly mean that. 4-H in any capacity was by far the best memories of my life. The 4-H program has done so much for me. I only hope I could still be in 4-H, even though my involvement will never end. Easton, Grant County 4-H means a life changing foundation that teaches youth life skills they will cherish the rest of their life! Mary Beth, Jefferson County 4-H means learning, opportunities, and friends to me. 4-H has given me many opportunities throughout the years as a member. 4-H has made me a better leader, and more outgoing, I have gotten many chances to do the things I love through 4-H. 4-H means the world to me. Danielle Montgomery, Spencer County To me 4-H is one big family and I wouldn’t know what to do without it, and it’s the greatest. Nick, Jefferson County 4-H is a way to get away from home and meet new people from new places. It’s also a way to hang out with old friends that are all over the state; also it’s a way to make the best better. Jordan, Henry County 4-H is the most impactful organization that I’ve ever been part of. The growth and development that I have felt and gone through during my 4-H tenure will never leave me, and I am very grateful for these opportunities that I have had. Evan, Bullitt County 4-H to me means new challenges to face. 4-H is a way of life not just a phase to go through. Christina, Jefferson County 4-H means a family I can depend on. Life skills I will always use. The people you meet are life-long friends. 4-H is a huge part of my life because I can’t make it through each day without a reminder of my lucky clover. W-H is more than just agriculture and camp. It’s teen conference, Jabez, STC, Etc. Mary Beth, Jefferson County 4-H means the world to me 4-H has become my live long family and friends that I will never forget. 4-H gives you leadership and hope for the future. People are always smiling and happy. Mark makes STC what it is. He is a wonderful person and believes in the function of 4-H and kids themselves. He makes the best better. Our 4-H program will grow stronger cause of our great agents and STC members and without the love of our agents this family of 4-H would not be possible. I love 4-H and this is good bye. I’m so sad to leave the green behind but more doors will open for me. These past years have been a blast I have everyone that made 4-H years the best with love. Kaitlin, Spencer County A family for life, people that are respectful and smart. They all care for one another. 4-H means new opportunities that will help you in life. 4-H means Jabez, KY a getaway a place you can call home. 4-H

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means work, but working together I have learned so much from my experience and I am still learning each day. I care so much about my 4-Hers because I know they are dependable. 4-H means: family, trust teamwork, a shoulder to cry one, fun, skills, get away, creativity, inspirations Mary Beth, Jefferson County I don’t know where to start… there are so many emotions that come to mind. I think of family, friends and so many other things. I love everything about STC. Evan, Bullitt County I have been in 4-H for the last 6 years. Yet after this STC meeting my entire life in 4-H just started. I know I’m not a true member, but these past 2 days have changed my life. I see the connect all you have, and I want to be a part of it so bad this past 48 hours has been by far the greatest point in my life so far. It will be burned in my memory forever. Please just keep doing what you do. Thanks Easton, Grant County 4-H means my world 2 new way of life for me! It’s changed me for the better in so many ways. It means new friends new experiences in life. Christina, Jefferson County To me 4-H means family, it means Jabez, Issues conferences, meetings, day camps, Summit , injuries and much more. It also means having friends for a lifetime that I can go to anytime. It means making the best better for everyone and it also means STC, camps, and some of the best times of my life. Ashley, Campbell County 4-H IS life. Without 4-H my life would be boring; I wouldn’t have half of my friends, or, half of my memories I have now. 4-H just opens up so many windows for any type of people. If every child in the US was involved in 4-H the world would be a better place. Kelsey, Pendleton County 4-H has been the most influential experience in my life. I have learned life skills, travelled the state, and made some of the closest friends in my life. I love 4-H and will continue to contribute to the program for the remainder of my days. Chastain, Grant County 4-H means friends, fun, love, laughing, and Jabez. It means making friends who you might only see a few times a year, but are some of the best you’ve ever had. And finally it means family. You make connections that I never would have foreseen with the people I met. I love 4-H! Evan, Bullitt County 4-H means family, life lessons, adventures, and friends. 4-H has influenced me to be the man that I am today. I’m thankful for the people I have met, the places I have been, and the lessons I have learned. Chastain, Grant County To me, 4-H means unity among people who might not normally get along. Just look at our STC this year, from Caroline who shows cows, to Sarah who lives in a subdivision in Berea, Derek who lives in the most Western part of KY next to nothing I’ve ever heard of before to Natasha who lives next to Virginia. Without these people, STC would be totally different. 4-H is a place where the youth can go and be themselves without having to worry about being judged by adults. Olivia, Campbell County 4-H means the world to me. It means love, friendship, and hope. It has been a family I have grown up to have that has made me a better person. As the year comes to an end, I’m glad I had a great few years. Kaitlin, Spencer County

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4-H to me means experience; every time we get together it’s something wild, new, and fun! There are tons of leadership programs but 4-H teaches it the best. It’s a friendly environment that accommodates to everyone no matter where they are from. J’Aron, Jefferson County 4-H is an amazing place to make lifelong friends. Everyone has their ups and downs, and some may fight but in the end you know what you are there for and that is to make the future world a better place to live for our youth. Tiffany, Jefferson County 4-H to me is friendship, leadership, and opportunity. Memories that last a lifetime and skills that help to make it through a lifetime. Curtis, Henry County Family and love. 4-H is the most wonderful thing on the face of the earth. 4-H has made me a better person and I wouldn’t know who I would be without 4-H. And my agents have made all the difference in my life. Kaitlin, Spencer County 4-H means so much to me I can’t begin to describe in words how it has impacted my life. Chastain, Grant County 4-H means the world to me. I have been able to meet a lot of amazing people that I have been able to build friendships with from all over the state of Kentucky. I was nine years old when I started 4-H. I have learned so much through 4-H. My 4-H agent is leaving in a few days and when she told me, I broke down in tears with the feeling of loss. I can’t believe she is leaving, but then a great thing happened and so many others stepped in to help me. Mark from the State Teen Council, Cathy from Henry County…they have helped me with paperwork that my agent had always turned in. I’m so thankful for 4-H and it means the world to me. Kaitlin, Spencer County 4-H means everything to me, for several reasons. Ever since I was 9 years old and got on that nasty old school bus to ride to Jabez I didn’t know that my life would change forever. From the bond I made with the camp to the fishy smell you get when you get out of the canoes I knew that my life would be different forever. Sarah, Henry County 4-H means the world to me, myself, my experiences, and my passion. Every leadership, teamwork, and compassionate skill I have came from 4-H. 4-H is one of the biggest ways I figures out what I wanted to do with my life; work with the children who are underprivileged in Africa. It was through our 4-H fundraisers, community service projects, and almost every experience that I figured out, to help those who need it is selflessly, just because it’s the right thing to do. I am 4-H and 4-H is me. Morgan, Jefferson County 4-H is getting out of the box making you do things you never thought you would do. It has opened so many doors and creates opportunity after opportunity, I have been privileged to take advantage of these open doors and opportunities and I am so thankful for 4-H and am honored to be a part of it. Curtis, Henry County 4-H is a group of friends together planning for one common goal…to make the best better. 4-H is like a family, we may not see each other or talk all the time, but when we do I like what we do. 4-H friendships last forever and help us grow. Tiffany, Jefferson County 4-H is more than fun it’s about personal growth. Through 4-H you not only grow as an individual, you aid in the growth of others. It’s helping others get things out of life they might not have without 4-H. Emma, Grant County

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4-H means a lot cause my mom is an agent and we wouldn’t be able to eat if she didn’t get paid. 4-H is awesome in a sense that it develops you from the beginning to the end. At first, as a camper, or a participant, you take advantage of the programs. Then as a volunteer, you help with the next generation. Ryan, Campbell County 4-H means fun and that’s about it. I want to make a difference and this is where I can. Evan Young, Bullitt County

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District Four 4-H means friendships, family, memories, and all-around happiness. 4-H has been shaping my life for almost seven years now. My first 4-H club opened doors for me to pursue my interests. The skills I have learned from 4-H are numerous. Skills that I will use for years to come. 4-H pushes me out of my comfort zone every day and I have become a better leader and person for it. The friends I have made will stay with me forever. Some of my favorite memories are from 4-H events and meetings. I couldn’t imagine my life without this program. My 4-H friends are my family. We’ve supported each other through thick and thin. 4-H means the world to me. Stephanie, Jessamine County 4-H tends to impact everyone differently. A young member of a horse club may stoke their love for horses, while a member of a STEM club will find a calling in mathematics. I, on the other hand, found my confidence. I was a very shy, unconfident child with low self-esteem. I was so introverted that it took 7 years for me to come out of my shell. Some parents send their children off to boot-camp to straighten them out… mine sent me to 4-H. I went from being the girl who faked a stomachache so she could get out of group activities, to a girl who will gladly speak in front of 600 people. Kaylie, Lincoln County 4-H is difficult to explain… it’s the paramount of youth organizations. For some, it’s a pastime or even a hobby, but for others, it’s a way of life – a culture if you will – one that is comprised of youth leaders that have strong morals and values. The youth and adults in this organization truly live to make the best better. To be better. 4-H is not only an organization of role models and leaders, it’s truly a family. The teen boards provide young leaders with the chance to grow and develop. To hone their skills and take on more responsibility in something they are invested in. I truly owe my confidence, passion for life, and newfound outgoing personality to this organization. Not to mention the friends I have made all over the state. MacKenzie, Franklin County 4-H to me means family, love, and commitment. 4-H members have a special place for everyone in their hearts. It’s an undying love for each other, the program and our world. 4-H also means commitment, to make the best better. 4-H is where I found where I belong. It has been the center of my life and means more to me than words can describe. Baylee, Clark County Family. It’s a very common popular response, but my ties are more in depth. I’ve been a 4-Her my whole life, being an agent’s kid, I have no choice. I have tagged along to so many camps, conferences, and retreats, that I have probably been in attendance to more 4-H activities than other agents. Going to camp was a family vacation, Dad was the Dean of Men, Mom the Camp Director and Paige and I JC’s, campers, and tagalongs. Most people, after a week of camp, 4-H is over, pushed to the side. But I, on the other hand, live, breathe and sleep it. And I, without a doubt, love it. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Haley, Mercer County 4-H is a place I can be myself. 4-H has given me an outlet to find what I want to do and see all the different options. I have been able to find myself through 4-H, it is a place to make lifelong friends and learn invaluable lessons. 4-H gives its members an opportunity to do something great. Calvin, Franklin County Taken from the Cheshire Cat, himself, “We’re all mad here.” That is how I feel about 4-H. We are a crazy program, but we love every minute of it. When I was younger, I was bullied a lot. My self-esteem was at an all-time low and I had no self-confidence. I was introduced to 4-H through my middle school club, and became exceptionally close with my program assistants, Katy Detoma and Mason Forsythe. My agent, Eric Comley pressured me to become involved with my teen club. Since then, I have been an avid member of the county, district, and state 4-H. Now I know what you are thinking and how typical and cliché’ my story thus far may sound. Maybe you’re right, but I hope that you see a little unique frame inside of me, that makes you interested. When I joined State Teen Council, I learned a lot. I learned that you should have a firm handshake and that you always pass the salt and pepper together. This year, as

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a council, our theme was “over-coming adversity.” This truly hit home for me. Now I don’t want you thinking that I have had a bad like, because in reality, I have had a pretty good life. I have parents and siblings that love me. But for a long time, I didn’t love myself. On the council, I am the baby. So from the beginning, I was adopted as a child by the older members. This was something that I wasn’t used to. As a teenage girl, I was never the one with a lot of friends. I was more of an “independent spirit,” and didn’t worry about others’ opinions. But, when people took the time to make me feel wanted and loved, it made me change my perspective on a lot of things. Through the people in this inspiring program who loved/love me, I learned to love myself. It’s not a club, or a group, or just a council, it’s a family that independently works cohesively. Faith, Fayette County Metamorphosis is defined as, “the process of transformation of a person into a completely different one.” On June 10, 2013, almost a year ago, I began my metamorphosis. This change was directly caused by the Kentucky State Teen Council. Compare the person I was last year to the person I am today, and you will see a completely different person. At our first STC meeting in September, I was quiet and reserved, but by the end of the year, I had made countless friendships. To begin with, I was also scared of even introducing myself to the entire council, but by June of 2014, I was more than comfortable in front of a crowd. Although these may seem like rather minor changes, they have been monumental in my life. Because of this council, I have grown as a leader and know I will continue to do so. 4-H has been a major part of my metamorphosis, and for that I will always be grateful. Alexa, Clark County 4-H is home to me. It’s the people I call my family. It’s the place where everyone is accepted and included. Not only that, 4-H is a place where those people can grow. Grow as leaders, citizens, and friends. I owe everything to 4-H, and I will carry my experiences with me forever. Allie, Jessamine County Words cannot describe what 4-H means to me. I found my voice, confidence, and personality. I always had a drive to lead others and make a way for myself. However, I never had the opportunity to let it shine. Then, I joined 4-H, gave my first demonstration, and my 4-H career took off from there. Because of 4-H, I got over my fear of storms, toured the “Show Me State,” and nursed a homesick camper back to the ability to function. Without 4-H, I would probably be shy, overweight, and self-conscience. But, because of 4-H I am outgoing, fit, and bubbly. Kaylie, Lincoln County 4-H means a safe place to express myself. When I joined 4-H I love how I could walk into a room full of people, not knowing anybody. Then by the end of the conference/meeting, I would leave knowing everyone. 4-H is connections to people across the state and nation. Meeting new friends is one of my favorite parts of 4-H, because we’re a family. 4-H has made me stronger and more confident in my ability to lead and speak in front of others. These newly developed skills have pushed me to become a better competitor in local and state competitions. And now I have the ability to give back to the 4-H program through State Teen Council, by inspiring the youth of Kentucky to “Make the Best Better.” Makayla, Lincoln County 4-H is an organization that changes lives for the better every day. 4-H helped me become the person I am today. Without this organization I would be lacking the leadership skills that have helped me get where I am as well as continue to be beneficial for the rest of my life. This organization is not only a place to learn but a place to build friendships that will last a lifetime. It is full of leadership, determination, compassion, and love. It is a place where you can learn who you truly are. 4-H is home. Aubrey, Jessamine County My love for 4-H cannot be described in words. My love for this organization can be measured in my countless memories and life-long friendship. My love for 4-H is evident by how my eyes light up when I talk about my favorite projects or the adventures I’ve experienced. Simply describing 4-H as the nation’s largest organization doesn’t do it justice; 4-H should be described as an enabler of dreams, a place to discover passion, and a way to find yourself.

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Rachel, Madison County It’s hard to describe what 4-H means to me. As such a vast part of my life, I can only begin that it is my life. It has been my mothers and fathers, my sisters, and brothers. This organization has fostered my growth and development, and I can proudly say that 4-H has made me who I am today. Being able to call this organization my family, and my friends for life. Mackenzie, Franklin County 4-H is my life. It is not only a place where you make lifelong friendships, but you create a 4-H family. 4-H has taught me essential skills that I never would have learned without this program. Aubrey, Jessamine County 4-H is crazy, stressful, busy, time consuming, and amazing. Everyone in 4-H is able to connect to each other at least one way. We’re a huge family that has its fights and love. Without 4-H in my life I wouldn’t be the person I am because it truly has changed me for the better. Haley, Clark County

4-H is family. 4-H is friendship. 4-H is love. I have gained lifelong friends through the 4-H program and I’ll never forget the memories I have made. As an STC member, I have had the opportunity to travel to different places, meet all sorts of people, and even be adopted by counties and a district that aren’t mine. But they are now. I love each and every person, memory, and lesson I have learned. They will be in my heart and as they say, home is where the heart is. 4-H is home. <3 Bryce, Madison County 4-H really is my family. We work together, play together, laugh together, and even cry together. I love them to pieces! Allie, Jessamine County I never have been a star athlete, talented singer, or fantastic piano player. However, I still found a way to keep myself busy and stay involved in the community. 4-H has always been my outlet when all of my friends are busy with sports, musicals, or school events. I feel so welcome, loved, and cared about at 4-H events. But, it doesn’t end there- even after camps, conferences, or exchange trips I still feel the love associated with 4-H. Kaylie, Lincoln County When I first Joined 4-H (unofficially) at age 3 ½, I obviously had no idea how much this organization would mean to me. When I first began getting involved in the leadership programs at age 13, I entered as a shy, awkward, insecure middle schooler. I later joined State Teen Council in 2011, when my 4-H career really took off. Since then, I have developed as a leader, citizen, and person exponentially. I wouldn’t be the same person I am today without 4-H. 4-H is not just an organization- it’s a home. State Teen Council isn’t just a council- we’re family. Rachel, Madison County 4-H means opportunity, family, consumer life skills, and a career path of success. Ryan, Franklin County Ever since the age of three, 4-H has played a huge role in my life. 4-H has presented me with numerous wonderful opportunities that have changed my life. 4-H isn’t just an organization, it’s a family. Rachel, Madison County 4-H has given me a chance to step out of my comfort zone and make friends and memories that I will always hold close to my heart. 4-H is something that I can feel a part of, and I would not be the person I am today without it. Allie, Jessamine County

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4-H has impacted my life in so many ways. I have been made better as a friend, person and leader through all of the amazing programs, clubs, and leadership opportunities. I honestly cannot picture my life without 4-H. I don’t know where or who I would be without it. I have made so many friends from across the state. These friendships will last a lifetime. To me, 4-H means fun, work, leadership, life, friendship and love. Stacie, Madison County 4-H to me means a diverse family that comes together no matter what the case/event may be. Through 4-H I have met amazing people that will be lifelong friends. The memories are so special to me and others. Haley, Clark County 4-H, one simple analogy, which can transform a person into a caring and compassionate person, and I am a complete example of how 4-H can shape one’s life. I know this is very cliché but 4-H has honestly made me into the person I am today, I can’t even begin to imagine my life without 4-H. 4-H has helped me in so many different ways in all aspects of my life. Paige, Mercer County

4-H means making lifelong friendships with people across the state. 4-H means growth, growth as a person, leader, and friend. 4-H is collaborating with a group to accomplish something big. 4-H is somewhere where everyone is accepted for who they are. 4-H provides opportunities you wouldn’t normally have. 4-H means leadership, friendship, and fun. 4-H is not an activity or club; it is a way of life. 4-H = Love. Stacie, Madison County 4-H means many things to me. Inspiration, dedication, commitment, family, acceptance. It’s a home away from home and is looked at as a parent who guides us into the right direction of our life. 4-H is a reason to be who you are without the need of society’s pressure. I love 4-H. Will, Jessamine County 4-H means many things to me. Inspiration, dedication, commitment, family, acceptance. It’s a home away from home and is looked at as a parent who guides us into the right direction of our life. 4-H is a reason to be who you are without the need of society’s pressure. I love 4-H. ~Will Reddington, Jessamine Co Friends, family, leadership, life skills, fun events, camp; all these things and many others complete the picture of 4-H. 4-H is a place that no matter where or when you can pick up where you left off. There is a place for everybody, but it also lets people step out of their norm. Aubrey, Jessamine County Learning leadership in fun ways with Mark Mains and the state officers. Zack, Fayette County 4-H is the opportunity to grow as a person by becoming a better leader, speaker, and member of society. 4-Hhas helped me to meet new people all over the state and still become friends, even living hours away from each other. 4-H has enhanced my leadership abilities and helped push me out of my comfort zone to make me a more rounded person. Katie, Clark County 4-H means to me so much, I’m not even sure where I can start. I joined 4-H in the 4th grad in Ms. Couch’s class. And have been involved every year since. 4-H means hard work, determination, sweat, satisfaction, nervousness, friendships, relationships as well as happiness. I am grateful for being involved in 4-H. Ryan, Franklin County 4-H means family and a place where everyone is welcome and feels comfortable enough to be themselves. 4-H teaches teens how to be leaders and develops their personalities into a hard working

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diverse group of citizens. 4-H to me has made me who I am and given me so many opportunities and new friends it’s been the very best thing for me to be a part of while growing up. Sarah, Madison County 4-H means, love, laughter and learning. I grew up giving speeches, demonstrations and fair projects. These taught me confidence, life skills, diligence and to “make the best better”. My 4-H experience broadened as a 4-H senior. I learned leadership from the teen councils. State Teen Council showed me the broad impact of 4-H in Kentucky. STC became my second family. Now I have my officers they are my family. Anna, Jessamine County 4-H is a place for me to get away from the pressures of high school and life. A place where I’ve developed great friendships and amazing memories. 4-H allows me to stand out and become a leader. I <3 4-H! Hannah, Woodford County 4-H is a great way to better myself among the best people. Zachary, Fayette County 4-H means many things to me, it means family most importantly. I love how I can truly be myself around fellow STCers and know that they’re always there to talk to about anything. When I think of 4-H I instantly go to the conference room in Jabez in my mind and all the memories there. 4-H has been my life. Sarah, Madison County 4-H to me means meeting new friends and gaining relationships that will last a lifetime. 4-H also teaches life lessons and has helped me to develop more as a person mostly 4-H has helped shape me into the person I am by holding me to higher standards. Katie, Clark County 4-H has made me the person I am! Without it I would be a shy awkward homeschool kid. I have developed skills like public speaking, leadership, and many more. 4-H = Love and friends. Aubrey, Jessamine County For me, 4-H has been about finding out who I am as a leader, and stretching myself in ways I never expected. By constantly putting me in unfamiliar situations, 4-H challenged me to roll with the punches and continue to be open to new friends and possibilities. I was strengthened by 4-H and have been truly improved as a person Jessica, Fayette County What 4-H means to me is “everything”. I have spent the last 4 years of my life, pouring my soul into it. It is by far the best thing I have ever done and I wouldn’t trade a moment of it. It truly means family to me. I know I can call any of the many friends I have made in 4-H at any time and they would be there. There is so much love in a 4-H family and I for one am proud to be a past. Quaid, Jessamine County 4-H means opportunity. It has opened so many doors for me and provided me with amazing friends, hard-working advisors, and trustworthy confidants. I can honestly say that I would not be the person I am today if it were not for this organization. 4-H has ALWAYS been part of my life and I do mean always. I do not plan on that changing even though I have “aged out”. 4-H has given me so much and I plan on giving back in any way possible. Stephanie, Lincoln County To me, 4-H means the world. It has given me the family I love, whether it is State Teen Council, District 4 Teen Council, or Jessamine County Teen Council. 4-H has brought me the things that make me who I am, and gave me the tools to be successful in this world. I have seen the impact 4-H has made on youth and teens just like me and it is truly a great thing.

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Quaid, Jessamine County To me, 4-H is a family away from my own. My family means everything to me (Both families). Without 4-H, I truly don’t know what my life would be like. 4-H is learning from somebody, and teaching what you learn to other people so that they can teach somebody else, and the chain can keep growing. Aubrey, Jessamine County To me 4-H is more than just one of the many extracurricular activities I’m involved in. 4-H is my life; it’s taught me so many things about myself and about growing up. In 4-H I’ve met some of the most amazing people and have lifelong friendships because of all the things its gotten me involved in. There have been times when things felt like they were crashing down around me and 4-H has been an escape from it all. 4-H has made me the person I am today. I just hope that one day I might be able to give back to 4-H as much as it’s given me. Sarah, Madison County 4-H to me is the chance to grow as an individual, meet new friends, and learn valuable new skills. As a young cloverbud I was a very shy person. 4-H, through public speaking and other experiences, has given me the confidence to stand in front of large groups of people without being intimidated. This program has helped to shape me into the person I am today. I would not trade my 4-H experience for the world. Angel, Mercer County It is hard to put into words what 4-H means to me. Family, love, friendship, everything! Without 4-H I wouldn’t be who I am today. Gretta, Boyle County Wow! Such a small word with a powerful meaning! 4-H has pushed me past many limits, stretched me farther than I ever thought possible, and it brings more joy and struggle, which has made me a better person. So from the bottom of my heart 4-H is part of my family and my life. Anna, Clark County There is no way to sum it up other than the word “everything”. It is anything you want it to be. Every opportunity can be given through 4-H. It allows people to make it their own unique experience. Lesley, Woodford County I have been in 4-H for as long as I can remember, and I have enjoyed every second of it. My bestest friends are people that I met through 4-H. I would have such a hole in my life and heart if I were not in 4-H. I have learned so many life lessons that I will carry with me into the future. 4-H is more than an organization, it’s a family that I will always have dear to my heart. Stephanie, Madison County 4-H consists of projects and competitions, but at the root of it, there are friends. 4-H does a better job of bringing together a diverse group of people and giving them a common thread in which to bond. Matthew, Woodford County 4-H has been an awesome experience for me. I have learned many skills I will use for the rest of my life as well as made lifelong friends. Even though I was involved in 4-H when I was younger, I didn’t really stay involved during middle school and part of high school. But after Lois, my 4-H agent, convinced me to go to a District 4 meeting, 4-H became much more important to me and I wanted to share this feeling with everyone else. It was because people believed in me that I have become the person I am today and I am truly grateful. Lucy Ann, Bourbon County 4-H gives me the chance to push myself and discover who I am and what I am capable of. The ham project makes me face something I would never touch before- raw meat. The ham project, presiding over meetings and many other activities make me face my fear of public speaking. I also have found I am

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capable of making friends when I go to conferences where I knew no one. It has given me confidence I never expected. Lesley, Woodford County 4-H to me is a chance to be myself. It gives me an opportunity to come out of my shell and not be judged. 4-H has really shaped me into who I am today. I don’t know where I’d be without it. 4-H has showed me that adults, besides my family want me to be successful. 4-H has made me want to be an influence on teenagers on day as an agent of teacher. It has allowed me to dream and dream big, 4-H has helped me achieve those dreams as well. Thanks to everyone involved in helping me grow! Gretta, Boyle County I could easily fill up an entire page front and back of what 4-H means to me. Being in 4-H is where I met all of my best friends, it’s taken me across the state and across the country meeting new people, laughing until I cry, and having unforgettable experiences. 4-H means friendship, camp, late nights and productive days with creative and diverse people. I have grown up with some people since I was 9, growing as a leader, a communicator, and a person with the support and love of amazing 4-H agents and friends who will last for a lifetime and are unforgettable. 4-H has become part of me, made me who I am, and is what I love. My heart will always be in the shape of a clover. Sabrina, Fayette County Growth. We all grow, we can’t help it, and if we could then we would not. Inside of every person there is some unique ability to learn and grow, however this growth is often effected by the environment that we are placed in or which we place ourselves. For me, 4-H has been a great place to grow, like rain and sun, on a plant in a garden. 4-H has given me opportunities, strength, and skills to grow, prosper, and to succeed. Everyone will try to grow, some on rock, some with no encouragement, but 4-H has been a clean rich piece of ground where I have grown. That is what 4-H means to me. Jonathan, Jessamine County What 4-H means to me: Some of the most amazing people I know and will ever meet. My best friends who truly understand me and who I don’t think I would have survived without. These people mean the world to me and I don’t know what I would do without them. The agents who helped me through my 4-H career are more than just employees of a program; they are closer to me then some of my relatives. I know that each success I have in 4-H and in life makes them proud and that inspires me to achieve more. 4-H has changed my life. It has shaped who I am and made me the person I am today. I don’t know who or where I would be without these experiences and people. I am so glad that I went to camp all those years ago and became a part of this amazing organization. Katy, Fayette County 4-H gives me some way to connect with my family. With so many outrageous experiences, I can relate to my family but extend to make friends. Matthew, Woodford County 4-H makes me different than just the average young person. 4-H has taught me life lessons that no person or other organization could teach me. Leadership, responsibility, citizenship are not even the beginning. 4-H changes children’s lives for the better. It makes that very shy child outgoing and that lonely child feel loved. 4-H is a family away from home. It can become a safe haven if you only open up to it. That is why I love 4-H! Rachel, Madison County

District Five 4-H is many things. It encompasses Aerospace and Shooting Sports, and Livestock showing and Robotics. Anyone can find their place in 4-H, and I have found mine. I have been a member of 4-H for a decade, and it has changed me, especially recently. I have always been a shy person, preferring to keep quiet and to myself. Recently, however, that has changed. I have found myself to be involved in even more activities than before, even making my way onto a state board. In 4-H, I have made friend, but they aren’t just friends. They’re family.

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Brandon, Nelson County 4-H is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Its way more than just a club, it’s a family. It has have me so many friends from all over Kentucky, and other states, that I would’ve never had the chance to meet if it weren’t for 4-H. I have learned so many things about the world, my community, leadership, and mostly myself. Most of my favorite memories are from 4-H, and there’s never a time when it’s not fun. That is what 4-H means to me. Presley, Casey County 4-H means so much to me. I feel at home when I’m with 4-Hers. No matter how I act, I am always accepted. I can be myself around everyone and still have friends. I have made so many friends and memories in 4-H. I have learned so much during 4-H. I truly love everyone that I have met at any 4-H events. Everyone is a big family and I am very thankful for 4-H. Olivia, Casey County 4-H means so much to me. 4-H is and has been a very big impact on my life that I will never forget. Ever since I was little I was always in 4-H even if it was showing livestock at county fairs, riding contest horses, sewing club, STC or even being in the Ham Curing process. 4-H has made me the person that I am today and I will never forget that. Without 4-H I would not know where I would be at today in my life. Sadly to say that this is my last year in 4-H and I don’t know what I will do in my spare time when I’m not busy. 4-H is my life! Briann, Hardin County To me 4-H means acceptance. It doesn’t matter who you are, you are accepted. I’m shy and quiet so I’m usually left out of groups, but in 4-H there is always an effort to include everyone. We are taught to always be a leader, and sometimes being a leader means “working behind the scenes”. So even if public speaking isn’t your thing, you’re still important and appreciated. 4-H is a mix of people, all with different backgrounds and social statuses, but it doesn’t matter because we are all together in 4-H. Amber, Marion County What 4-H means to me will never be a finished story. 4-H is the best thing that has ever happened to me. 4-H is my passion and my love. There is nothing that would ever make me change my mind. 4-H has helped me out in so many ways. I have made so many friends that have become my second family. 4-H has helped me find jobs that I am good at and will keep helping me throughout life. 4-H has kept me out of trouble and kept my mind on track. If it was not for my parents, family, and friends supporting me all the way, then I would not be sitting here today writing this. I first started out as a little girl when I was three showing sheep and goats that I loved so much. As time went on, I got more involved and now I show sheep, goats, cattle, hogs, and I show contest horses. Now today, I also added throughout my life teen activities and STC and lots more. As I keep going on throughout life this will never fade away. I have a little sister and I will just tag along with her and make sure she will be able to do this. 4-H is a big part of my life as you can tell. Brianna, Hardin County To me, 4-H means my future. 4-H has taught me skills that I will use for the rest of my life. 4-H has shaped me into the person who is encouraging, helpful, and above all, a leader. Without 4-H, I might not be a person who doesn’t have their life planned out and isn’t sociable. Without 4-H, I wouldn’t be prepared for my future. That’s why, to me, 4-H means my future. Alicia, Meade County 4-H is meaningful to me in more ways than one. I began my 4-H career by participating in small engines and electricity clubs in my county. My big “4-H break-through” occurred when I was invited to join my county’s Shooting Sports club. I have developed so much through Shooting Sports club. Shooting Sports molded me from the shy boy in the back of the crowd to the one leading the meetings up front. Chandler, Nelson County

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4-H always seemed to be about the fairs, ribbons, and competitions. However, one day I found out that 4-H is about the people who make your life mean something. This is now a thought that follows me daily as I see old 4-H friends, agents, adults, and other youth. To me, 4-H is always safe place I could take my voice and concerns to make an impact. It has allowed me to blossom into a person so confident that I convinced myself to run for a state office; a dream I never knew I could reach. I found a time in my life when 4-H was a chore and I had to force myself to shows and meetings. But when I understood that someone had inspired me to join 4-H, and I could inspire someone else, I found a new drive. If 4-H is about people who make your life mean something, then my life must mean a lot, because every day I am surrounded by unconditional love and support. And to me…this is what 4-H is about. Lileann, Adair County 4-H means an opportunity to excel as a well-rounded person. From learning hands on skills to communication and everything between. 4-H has given children chances to attend events that may normally be out of their comfort zones or occasionally outside of their financial range and has made those youth feel accepted and needed in such situations. This organization creates purpose in the lives of many youth as well as in the lives of volunteers, adults, and extension staff. It is an organization that truly leaves the world better than we found it, which completely reflects the motto, “To Make the Best Better.” Nicole, Nelson County 4-H is more than just a youth organization to me. 4-H is my family. I have learned many life skills and have made life-long friends. 4-H has given me so many opportunities that I would not have otherwise had. I am very thankful for all that 4-H has given me. Chandler, Nelson County 4-H means family to me. It is so rare that you find a group of teenagers that care so much about each other and an organization. We have so much fun just hanging out and playing silly games. I’ve met so many amazing people that I am blessed to call my friends. 4-H has truly changed my life. Alison, Hardin County 4-H has been a lot to me. At a younger age, I was in 4-H Shooting Sports until it became too expensive and I had to drop out. I was not in 4-H again until 2011 when my 4-H agent got me back in 4-H. 4-H is now a major part in helping me with leadership skills and volunteering. Logan, Casey County 4-H means everything to me. It’s happiness, joy, fulfilling, empowering, and inspiring in every aspect. It’s wonderful and amazing. 4-H is Mark Mains. 4-H is my life. 4-H is everything. Alicia, Meade County To me, 4-H means family and friendships. Bonds have been created in my life that will be with me forever. Everyone that I have met will, and has, made an impact on my life. The ability to come together and accomplish goals is something that is imbedded in every participant of the program. Savhanna, Adair County 4-H…It is hard to take something that is already the best, then try to make it better; For years, however, that is what all participants have been doing, taking perfection and making it bliss. To me 4-H is a safe haven away from judgment, hate, and discrimination. It is a place where family and friends make lifelong connections, memories, and can learn to become the person this world so fiercely demands. 4-H has been a lifestyle for me, and for that I am beyond grateful. Lileana, Adair County 4-H has meant many things to me. I have made many friends, some of which I consider my “4-H Family.” 4-H has taught me valuable communication and leadership skills. Before my involvement with 4-H I was a very shy child with a speech impediment. 4-H helped me to overcome my impediment and make me a more outgoing person. 4-H means great times at camp and the “lightbulb” moment that shows what 4-H’ers feel when they learn something new.

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Chandler, Nelson County 4-H means the world to me! It has opened so many doors and opportunities. 4-H is a great youth program that has helped me grow so much as a speaker, leader and person. I have met so many amazing people that I look up to and admire. I honestly don’t know where I’d be without 4-H! Alison, Hardin County 4-H, not only STC, has opened so many doors for me. It has led me to so many opportunities and expanded my leadership skills. I have developed into a patient, loyal, and diligent person because of this program. 4-H has led me away from the pressure of conforming to temptations and pushed me to do my best. McKenzie, Taylor County To me 4-H is an escape. It’s a place to be with the best people you will ever meet. 4-H provides so many opportunities and wonderful memories for every single participant; it is a program that breeds leaders. Hannah, Taylor County

To me 4-H means family, whether that is someone in the next county or across the country. I know that the people I have met will be in my life forever. I love 4-H and the people in it. Savhanna, Adair County 4-H is something different to everyone but some aspects every one shares is in family. Everyone comes with open arms and wants to make friends. People involved do it because they love helping and are interested in helping youth. It means the world to me and there are no other words for it. Whitney, Nelson County To me 4-H means a chance to learn and grow in a positive environment. It means fun, new friends, old friends, opportunities, everything. 4-H has made me who I am and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. 4-H means learning, love, laughter and life…my life. Courtney, Nelson County

4-H is my family. It’s about gaining friends and learning. We come in as these scared little 4th graders and we become responsible adults. There is no other organization that comes close to 4-H. 4-H encourages youth to reach beyond their comfort zones. For me. I have learned how to be the best person I can be. 4-H people are my friends, family, role models. Shoulders to cry on and the people I love. Whitney, Nelson County There really aren’t words to describe what 4-H means to me. Just a few would be: family, friends, leadership, Jabez. But if you add all of these together I think of one thing, STC. That is what 4-H is, a group of people working together to make the best better, and ready the people of today for be the leaders of tomorrow. 4-H has changed my life forever. I have made the best friends, and have been surrounded by great people. So I suppose that is what 4-H means to me: Amazing people. Savhanna, Adair County The word 4-H helped me to find myself and define who I am. My world revolves around 4-H. Without it I would have been so shy and quiet. I love everything about it. It has touched my life in so many positive ways. I love you. Whitney, Nelson County 4-H is a place where you can be yourself. You make so many friends and memories. You learn valuable skills and there are so many opportunities. It makes the best better 4-H helps you grow into the person you are meant to be. Mary, Washington County

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4-H is more than half of my life. I live, sleep and breathe it. I love 4-H. 4-H is friends, family, and memories Amelia, Pike County 4-H means a chance to learn, grow, lead, make new friends, and give back to others by using my head, heart, hands and health to make the best better Courtney, Nelson County 4-H is a blend of all kinds of different people with different skills, interests, and personalities working to make the same thing work. On the surface, we’re one whole organization, but if you dig a little deeper, the whole is made up of many small, close knit pieces. In 4-H, all colors mix to make green. Charlotte, Washington County 4-H is an organization that not only helps you learn to work in a team, but also how to be the best individual you can be. You are never judged; you receive support in your successes, guidance in your difficulties and encouragement in your failures. 4-H is the best thing to ever happen to me. Rachel, Hardin County 4-H means a world of opportunities that I wouldn’t get the chance to experience if it wasn’t for people who care about youth. 4-H means that I will get a chance to make a difference. Faith, Breckinridge County 4-H means more than clubs and fun events. It’s a group of young people with the skills and power to change their community, country, and world. Meagan, Hardin County Family. Because no matter what group or organization you’re in, you’re going to bond. And that bond is not only unbreakable, but it is also truly memorable. The friends, memories, and good times together make for one great BIG 4-H Family. Cindy, Marion County

4-H has meant a lot to me; it’s more than I can put into words really. I have made lifelong friends that I hope never to forget. I have gained many skills, and have become a more developed and better person… I do truly love, support, and enjoy 4-H with all I have done thanks to everyone who has made it possible. John, Washington County 4-H means friends who last a lifetime, memories that will be taken to the grave, and fun times that won’t be fun anywhere else. Without 4-H I wouldn’t be as outgoing as I am now. $-H brings out the best in me and nothing can take the experiences away from me. Jessica Wells, LaRue County I was always really shy until I started doing demos in 4-H. speaking in public was something I learned very well from watching older 4-Hers. If it hadn’t been for 4-H, I wouldn’t know how to speak in front of others, scoop ice cream like a pro, (selling ice cream is BIG in Hardin County), or why it’s important to keep a look out for fake spiders in the dairy barn at the fair. Meagan, Hardin County The pledge of 4-H is pretty much self explanatory. I give my head, heart, hands, and health to this club. All 4-H events are useful to making a difference in people’s lives and changing them for the better. It is a great opportunity to make new friends. Dominque, Nelson County 4-H has been my life. It has given me everything I need and prepared me for my future. It has provided me with friends, family, and experiences I’ll never forget

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Thomas, Adair County 4-H has made me realize all of which I am capable. I never would have known how much I could grow and develop if it hadn’t been for all these opportunities. Mary, Nelson County 4-H means everything to me. It is the reason for all of my success in my competitions. It has brought me out of my shell. Before 4-H I was a quiet, shy kid. Because of 4-H I have grown and am now able to speak in front of people. It is why I am running for State Secretary. 4-H is my life. Courtney, Nelson County To me, 4-H is about making friends and having a good time while working. We try our best to make our state and 4-H Program as good as it can get. I love 4-H and will miss it. I have had an amazing past 4 years especially the last 2 on STC John, Washington County 4-H means friends that will last a lifetime, memories I’ll never forget and hardworking people who never stop. 4-H has had a tremendous effect on my life. Without 4-H I wouldn’t have nothing else to do nor have as many friends as I do. Jessica, LaRue County

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District Six 4-H to me is a way to meet new people and create friendships that will last a lifetime. 4-H is my family away from my actual family. Through 4-H, I have had to branch out of what I am comfortable with in a positive way, facing my fear of talking to strangers and public speaking in front of other peers and adults. 4-H has impacted my life in so many positive ways and it truly has blessed me. Jerrica, Webster County 4-H for me is to learn how to exert a positive influence on my community. I have learned how to be a role model for younger 4-H members. 4-H has also influenced me to want to become a 4-H agent. Amanda, Webster County Going to a 4-H event makes me feel like I am going to a family reunion. My 4-H leaders and peers have shaped me into who I am today. Having great peers to encourage you to be yourself makes it so much better. I love my 4-H family! Noah, Hart County

4-H to me means family. I have made so many friends and met so many incredible people through 4-H. It always confused me when people would say that 4-H was their family… Until I met my 4-H family. The friends I have made through 4-H have impacted my life so much in the last year. I love traveling through Kentucky and trying to think if I know anybody from the county that I’m traveling through. 4-H means so much to me, it has changed me for the better and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Hannah, Monroe County 4-H is a means to strengthen bonds in several aspects. 4-H helps the participant to love himself, which improves family, community, and friendship bonds in his life. Families work together to complete projects, and students serve others in their club, communities, country, and world to establish a better tomorrow. 4-H is growth and development. Julia, Hart County 4-H is my life! While this may seem cliché, I truly love 4-H and look forward to a continuous association with the program for the remainder of my life. I am the person I am today, because of the many experiences and friendships I’ve made through 4-H. My 4-H road is no short one, having begun at the age of four; there is not one moment I regret. While I’ve been blessed with fifteen amazing years of participation with 4-H, I look forward to a future as a 4-H Extension Agent. 4-H provides its members with endless opportunities that no doubt further prepare its members for bright futures, by making the “Best Better.” As a future agent, I desire the chance to give hopefully even a fraction of the opportunities that 4-H provided me, to you and new members. I have found my passion and love for 4-H, and 4-H is where my life is. I owe my life to the 4-H organization. Anna, Simpson County If you had asked me what 4-H means to me when I was a Junior or novice showman, I may have said “sheep shows,” or “cattle shoes.” As I have grown, I have a deeper understanding of what 4-H means to me. To me, 4-H means “building.” I have built communication skills, but I will never be finished building. I have built leadership skills, such as integrity, responsibility, and resourcefulness, but I will never stop building. Livestock shows, speech competitions, sewing projects, and many other 4-H events can teach youth various skills, but we also have youth to understand that they can always improve. Julia, Hart County My 4-H experience has molded me into the man I am today. This group to me is family, a place of acceptance, a place to grow. This organization is a positive influence in the lives of so many youth, teaching them real-life skills. Also though this place is a place of support where you always have friends to relate and talk with. Overall this program provides such a great guidance for this nation’s youth, molding us to be better people and the leaders of the future. Nolan, Webster County

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4-H is where you learn what’s important in life. It doesn’t matter how other people are different form you; what matters is how you’re alike and how we’re all alike at heart. 4-H is a family of loving, genuine people who help you to bring out the best in yourself. You learn about yourself and your own capabilities. While in 4-H, you grow into the person you’re meant to be and it prepares you or your future. It equips you with real-world skills, but also an invaluable amount of emotional and self-awareness that will help you throughout everyday of your life and “To Make the Best Better.” Haley, Ohio County Head, heart, hands, health. These four simple words began to play a major part in my life before I was even born and they continue to do so today. 4-H has meant never giving up, and always trying to make the best better. It’s meant learning new things, whether it be sewing on a button or how to judge livestock. It has taught me about leadership and citizenship, followership and friendship. 4-H has given me the opportunity to meet so many amazing people and experience so many wonderful things. 4-H has had such a positive impact on my life, and I am truly blessed to be a part of such a wonderful organization. Sarah, Webster County 4-H means everything to me, these people are life family and without them I would be nothing. 4-H gives me inspiration and has taken me further than I ever imagined, and I know that there is much more to be done. Caleb, Butler County 4-H can be expressed as many words: fun, family, awesome, incredible, and possibly the best experience of my life. The leadership experience is unbelievable. I don’t know where I would be as a person. Between stock shows, blackberry cobbler contests, shooting sports practices, and sewing club meetings, I’ve learned skills that will help me, but I’ve also learned leadership, social, and communication skills that will help me for a lifetime. Julia, Hart County 4-H is my past, present, and future. It is anything from cooking and sewing projects to being a state-level leader. 4-H has taught me so much about life, learning, and leadership. For all of my life, 4-H has had a huge impact on me and it is the reason that I am the person I am today. Sarah, Webster County When you go to a 4-H event it’s like a family reunion. You reunite with old friends and make new ones but what unites you all is a passion for 4-H. Everyone who is in 4-H is making themselves a better person through 4-H. Whether it is skills, confidence, or friends, 4-H makes a huge impact on a person’s life. My 4-H family is an exceptional group of people who accept everyone’s differences and love unconditionally because 4-H unties us. Haley, Ohio County 4-H means so much to me: It means being a positive role model, enjoying meeting new people and appreciating all our differences. It means friends and fun while still getting things done! It means experiences and confidence. 4-H is an amazing program and helping others to realize this as well by promoting 4-H activities and all the many benefits I have come to treasure such as leadership opportunities, friendships, room to grow in a caring atmosphere, acceptance, and making wonderful memories with one of the best groups of people in the world.\ McKenna, Hart County 4-H means a lot to me. It’s a great way to do different things. 4-H has also given me a lot of new friends and responsibilities. I am happy to be in 4-H. Allison, Metcalfe County 4-H is my life. Ever since I was younger, my summers were dominated by washing, clipping and showing stock. However, being accepted to STC has helped me realize 4-H is about leadership and family.

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Julia, Hart County 4-H is a great leadership organization. It has made me the leader I am today. Unknown, Webster County 4-H has been a home to me with friends I can always talk to . I love being able to go to almost any county and say, “I have a friend from here.” I can relate to any one I meet at 4-H because we both have a passion for this great organization. I couldn’t imagine my life, past, present or future without 4-H. Haley, Ohio County 4-H means to me a lot of experience, and opportunity. Some experiences are fun, some not as much. But you learn from everything you do through 4-H. it gives you so many opportunities to meet new people and do new things. It’s just a great program. McKenna, Hart County In the ten years I have been a 4-H member, it has changed me so much. I have learned so many skills that I will use for the rest of my life such as leadership, organization, and friends I will keep for a lifetime. Samuel, Warren County 4-H to me is an amazing group of people coming together to do the best at making Kentucky better. 4-H isn’t like any other organization out there; we care about every single member and have an instant connection. To say that 4-H is changing lives is an understatement. 4-H is shaping people for their futures in a unique and loving way. 4-H is love. Jacob, Ohio County 4-H to me is family. No matter who you are outside of 4-H you are always accepted. STC has helped me come out of my shell and become a more open and loud. I have met the most wonderful people in 4-H and have been able to build lifelong friendships. I love 4-H Laura, Barren County 4-H is a group of people coming together who only have 4-H in common, but they still connect and become friends. It’s becoming a better person by learning from others and appreciating their differences. You learn skills that make you a better leader and can take you out of your shell. Haley, Ohio County It means leadership. 4-H has taught me responsibilities. I help others. 4-H has really helped. Allison, Metcalf County 4-H is a place to learn. During my term at STC, I served as liaison to D6 Mammoth Cave Area & Simpson Co. 4-H has so many things for everyone to try, and that’s why I love our program. 4-H is power and potential. Every member of the 250,000 4-H participants have the power and potential to be the great leaders of the world. Allyson, Simpson County I have been in 4-H since I was born, It has always been a part of my life. 4-H has always been there when nothing else was. I have met so many amazing people that I know would help me in a second if I needed it. STC has become my family and I don’t know what I would do without them 4-H is the one place that you can be anything you want and you escape all the outside pressures. 4-H is my life and I love every minute of it. Laura, Barren County 4-H has become my life. I am currently 17 years old. I have been in 4-H since I was nine. I’ve grown throughout these years in 4-H and have become to love it more and more. Now looking back, I see how far I have come to be an STC representative. Josh, Monroe County

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To me, 4-H means this huge group of people who are different from me that still accept me into their family. No matter what, I can always count on my 4-H friends to support me and be there for me. 4-H has been, and will always be a huge part of my life. 4-H has changed my life and it has truly changed me for the better. Jasmine, Simpson County You can’t put a tag on greatness and for that reason; 4-H is priceless, completely priceless. Yes, this program will change your life, you can learn how to do anything, change the world, and be anything. But then again you can’t tag greatness, only remember it. Wil, Union County To me, 4-H is a huge part of my life and always will be. 4-H has made me the person I am today. I have grown in so many ways, from the first time I presented a speech (I was so nervous!) to joining STC, my eleven years in 4-H have been absolutely amazing. I look forward to another 20 + years in the 4-H program. Kaile, Hart County

4-H means everything to me. If it weren’t for 4-H I would be more shy. It has taught me how to be myself and to never give up. STC is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I hope to be on it again. Jenna, Monroe County 4-H is the opportunity to pursue my dreams with help and direction from others. 4-H is improving myself so that I can help others improve themselves. To me, 4-H truly is making the best better. Anonymous 4-H means family, friends, free time. It means everything to me. It has given me strength, courage, leadership, and the ability to learn amazing things with lifelong friends. Kala, Monroe County 4-H to me means the world. It gives me a sense of responsibility and acceptance. I have the most amazing fellow STC members anyone could ever begin to wish for. They honestly are my family, and Mark is a second father. I thank God for allowing me to experience relationships with these people across the state. I bleed green. I know that without a shadow of doubt that even after I age from 4-H that I will still remain active. Teens today are faced with many hard burdens. 4-H teens are an example for the US. I can only hope to become as great as some of the people I’ve met through 4-H. Josh, Monroe County 4-H means the world to me; let me explain: I have been in 4-H since I was about 6 years old. Sitting in my first meeting, I had no idea how much 4-H would come to mean to me! I have transformed from a shy, quiet little girl to an outgoing teen who got voted ‘friendliest in STC superlatives. The friendships I have made and the obstacles I have overcome have made me into the person I am today! 4-H means sooo much to me and has opened sooo many doors, it is impossible for me to express it in one simple page—I love 4-H! Kaile, Hart County 4-H is a brick. It is a brick that will be with me for the rest of my life. And life itself is a road that happens to be made of bricks. Life has many paths but the brick that I have acquired will set me in the right direction. And when I look back at life I can see that 4-H started it. Wil, Union County 4-H has been an eye-opening adventure. It has taught me about other people but, more importantly, about myself. 4-H equals friends, friends equal family… 4-H is my family. Davis, Allen County I really don’t know how to explain what 4-H means to me, but I’m going to try the best I can! 4-H has been a part of my life for 16 years. Through these 16 years I’ve met a lot of people that will be lifelong friends!

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And well, 4-H has just helped me get ready for the real life, and being on “STC” this year has been great. Jenna, Monroe County 4-H is a metaphorical well of opportunity. It is a place where old friends get to know each other, and a place to make new best friends. Everybody should experience what 4-H has to offer. Davis, Union County To me 4-H gives kids opportunities to do things they have never done before. You make many great lifelong friends. Many of those friends are from other parts of the state or country, so when you visit one of those places it’s nice to know that you already know someone. It’s something that I really believe helps make a difference. Molly, Union County What 4-H means to me is friendship that will last forever. Something pushes me to better and excel at everything I do. The people come and go but the memories will never leave. It also has provided me with the confidence to try new things and meet new people. Jared, Ohio County 4-H is fun. You get to meet a lot of people and see many things. Thanks to 4-H I have friends all around the state and even in other states across the country. 4-H has allowed me to culturally expand myself. Brennan, Hart County 4-H has made such a difference in my life. It has helped me with different challenges, along with gaining leadership skills, having fun, meeting new people, and having friendships and memories that will last a life time. Toni, Hancock County 4-H has made a major impact in my life. It has made me the young woman I am today. It has also taught me about leadership responsibility, and self-confidence. I feel 4-H gives me the opportunity to give back to my community. Heather, Hancock County To me, 4-H is a chance for me to let myself go and just be myself. It allows me to release my inner child and not suppress it. Ecil, Hart County 4-H has become my life. It has given me so much, and it has led me to my future-my college and my job. The feeling I get from helping children to do new things is irreplaceable. Kelli, Monroe County 4-H is everything to me, it is my world. It has made me who I am. After my mom died, Susan (agent) & 4-H became my family. They are always there and push me to do more than I ever thought I could. I like to watch 4-H change the life of kids and make them change just like it has changed me. Kala, Monroe County 4-H is a chance for me to see the immediate effects of my actions. Whether it’s the smile on a kids’ face after I try to cheer them up, or seeing my cabin with the cleanest cabin award after I explain proper cleaning techniques. Brennan, Hart County To me 4-H is a refuge with new and enriching events. It has taught me to be outgoing and brave enough to try anything. I have learned countless skills and made life-long friendships. Lelia, Ohio County

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District Seven 4-H has made me into the person that I am. I have met my closest friends through the 4-H program. I have been so blessed with incredible opportunities to better myself while meeting others and experiencing new things. 4-H has enabled me to discover who I want to be and what I want to do when I am an adult. Audree, Calloway County 4-H is the thing that has defined and shaped me. 4-H is my family. A lot of people in 4-H say that 4-H is their family, but I do more than just talk the talk. I walk the walk. I have traveled halfway across the state to attend graduations where I sit in crappy bleachers for an hour just to take a picture and drive back home. This is the family I choose, because 4-H is more than just an organization, it’s a lifestyle. It is my lifestyle, whether I’m driving to a graduation or going fishing, or housing an old friend at my house just because they are passing by. 4-H is my lifestyle and I will always make time for my 4-H family. Landon, Hopkins County 4-H has become my life. It is my passion and it is where I can always go to find my closest friends. No matter where I go in the world, there is always someone I will know that is near that I met through 4-H. Austin, Lyon County 4-H to me has always meant bettering myself and striving to be the best person I can possibly be. 4-H means working my hardest to achieve all the high goals I have set for myself in order to turn my dreams into realities. 4-H means making friends that soon turn into family and become the biggest and best support system possible. 4-H means being yourself and positively influencing others to stay true to themselves. 4-H means finding yourself in the people around you. 4-H means being changed for the better by those around you and discovering how you can change others. Emily, McCracken County 4-H to me is home. It’s that breath of fresh air from a long day, or a tough week. Going to Council, or any event for that matter is like coming back home. I never have to worry about what people think of me or how I’m going to survive the weekend, because honestly sometimes I love these people more than my family. 4-H is something we all take for granted, and STC has changed my life in ways I will never be able to express. I will never forget this amazing organization and the family I’ve found through it. Amelia, Hopkins County 4-H means family. 4-H has had a tremendous impact on my life. It has allowed me to create relationships with new people who became like a family to me. These friendships will last a lifetime and I cannot think of my life without them. 4-H will forever hold a special place in my heart and I will always be grateful for my time in 4-H. Abby, Carlisle County 4-H to me is home. Growing up in a home with parents who fought a lot, 4-H was where I went to escape. I knew for a fact that no matter where I was, even if I didn’t know a soul, my 4-H family would be warm and loving. I would be at my home away from home. Jordan, Lyon County To me 4-H is indescribable. Summing up everything 4-H means to me is a mere impossible task. I joined 4-H at the age of four. My life without 4-H isn’t even a vague memory for me. Amanda, Hopkins County Unbreakable Bond. These two words fully define 4-H as a whole. 4-H is as an amazing organization that truly changes the lives of those who participate. When I think of 4-H, I think of the lasting friendships I have made. The friends I have made have become family. 4-H always has the best people our nation has to offer. They are always supportive, friendly, and caring. Joining 4-H has been one of the best decisions I have done in my life. I am so grateful for my friends who I now call my family. I cannot express the gratitude of blessings I have received in 4-H. 4-H is an unbreakable bond of hearts who

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share common interests and ideas. I will be forever grateful for my friendships I have received through 4-H. Abby, Carlisle County What does 4-H me to me? This is a question I find hard to answer, because 4-H has been my life for so long, but the first thing that comes to mind is home. Being a part of 4-H means having a place where you belong-forever. It means having someone to cry to, to laugh with, to argue and bicker with. It means eternal love, without judgment. 4-H is holding hands with your best friend backstage, waiting to hear who won. It is laying on the dock, filled with joy, surrounded in peace, sunshine, and friendship. It is late nights and early mornings, a million I.D. tags and tee shirts, and endless adventures. And like every home, 4-H, the people in it, push each other to strive for better, to work harder, to fight longer for dreams and achievements. It means there are people there to call you out when you do something unkind or inappropriate. They don’t cut you slack when you’re unprepared. They expect the best from you-and inspire you to be better. 4-H is a million favorite memories and great friends. 4-H was there when I tried my first Ale-8, took my first plane ride, turned 16, drove for the first time, learned to skate, my first kiss, my family’s life, my high school graduation-my future. In my future, 4-H is all I see. What does 4-H mean to me? Absolutely everything. Megan, Muhlenberg County 4-H means the absolute world to me. 4-H was my childhood and I loved every minute of it. My parents raised me, but 4-H has developed me into the person I am today. I wouldn’t have my leadership skills, communication skills, or confidence if I wasn’t in 4-H. I have made my best friends and memories that I hold dear while in 4-H. I am thankful for all the opportunities I have experienced that I would not have, if I wasn’t in 4-H. Every kid can find a place in this organization, grow as a person, and love every minute of it. Paige, Caldwell County 4-H in one word to me is, home. I have dedicated the last 10 years of my life to this organization, because of the people I have met. My 4-H family is the one group of people I hold nearest to my heart. The lifelong friendships I have made are absolutely indescribable to me. The way 4-H makes me feel is why I call it home. In high school 4-H became more than just something to do with my time. In the midst of a personal crisis 4-H became my escape. If not for my agent and 4-H family, I wouldn’t be anywhere I am today. 4-H has taught me to take what I am given, make it positive, and move on. Family, friends, and self-worth, are what 4-H means to me. Jordan, Lyon County Growing up as an agent’s kid, I have been exposed to4-H for all of my life. I felt the anticipation of waiting for my ninth birthday so that I could be officially a 4-H’er, though I thought it would never come. I am now meeting the end of my 4-H career and I feel incredibly blessed for the opportunities the Lord has provided me with through this organization. Audree, Calloway County 4-H to me means LIFE! 4-H is not only a way of life it is life. Just like in life you learn lessons, meet new people, have heartbreaks and disappointments, but there is also happiness and joy. When I joined thirteen years ago as a cloverbud, my life truly began. I have learned so much that will help me not only now, but in the future as well. I have made a family in 4-H, not just friends, but a family. Amanda, Hopkins County To me, 4-H means belonging. 4-H is a family, a home away from home. 4-H is a way of life. Being a member of 4-H means always upholding our pledge and motto- and taking it a step above and beyond. For me, 4-H was a saving grace, for lack of better term. As a child I was often bullied (for example, my classmates and teachers called me a ghost because I’m so pale and ignored me for weeks at a time). 4-H camp was the only place I felt like I could come out of my shell and be myself. It helped me to

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overcome the obstacles in my life and to find myself. I am so blessed to be a part of this amazing program. I thank God every day. This program touches and changes lives daily. It gives people a place to belong, a second family, and a home away from home. My 4-H family is both my biggest supporter and my worst critic, because they expect more from me. They expect me to make the best better. To me, 4-H means letting loose, growing up, being myself, overcoming challenges, and family. But most importantly, 4-H means love. Megan, Muhlenberg County 4-H means everything to me. My parents raised me, but 4-H has developed me. I am the person I am today because of 4-H. I have learned so many lessons, made friendships and been unconditionally loved. I couldn’t have asked to be in a better organization that develops today’s youth into tomorrow’s leaders. Paige, Caldwell County 4-H has allowed me to grow as a person and has helped me come out of my shell. It has allowed me to meet and form bonds with people I probably would have never met. 4-H means the world to me. It means I can be myself knowing my friends won’t judge me because they are just as silly as I am. <3 Joia, Calloway County I have been in 4-H practically all of my life as an agents kid and it has had such an impact on my life. To me it has been relationships and lifelong friendships that have made an impact on me. Through 4-H I have done such a variety of activities such as needlework, archery, and found my passion for showing livestock. This has taught me dedication, responsibility, and communication skills. I would not trade the experiences I have had for anything in the world. Audree, Calloway County Home- it rolls off the tongue when talking about where a 4-H event is held. To me, it’s an extension of what 4-H becomes to you when you place your head, heart, hands, and health in everything you do. The people, the places, and the experiences are all once in a lifetime, but the memories are endless. The people become your family, the places become your “home” and the experiences shape you into the person you want to be. 4-H really does “Make the Best Better.” I know I wouldn’t be who I am had I not been a 4-Her and I will forever be grateful for dedicating 13 years of my life to the Kentucky 4-H program. What it has given and taught me is tenfold to what I could ever give back, but I will forever be a supporter of the 4-H program. Brittany, McCracken County 4-H means family. STC, Mark, Trevor, Jacob, Kelsey, my office team and my STC means the world to me. 4-H is love. Greg, Calloway County 4-H means an opportunity to grow. It gives you a chance to develop needed life-long skills all while having fun. 4-H also means family. It is a place where we come from vast backgrounds but all have the common love for 4-H which makes us family. Paige, Caldwell County Fun, friends, and memories that will last a lifetime. Mark, Trigg County 4-H means the opportunity to meet new people and make life-long friendships. It helps you grow as a person and become a better leader. It means you have the chance to make your county the best it can be by being exposed to people from all across the state. Alex, Carlisle County Continual development of leadership, character, and knowledge are embedded into everything we do here in 4-H. To me 4-H means development and growth through the ages of 9-19, that correlates to make

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the best better. It is vital that students experience something with such significant opportunities and 4-H does that better than any organization. Megan, D7 4-H means a lot to me. It has allowed me to make new friends, see new places, and to better my horse showing ability. I have been able to be mentored by other 4-H members on many different levels, from public speaking to proper horse training. I have also been able to mentor other 4-H members and be a role model for other 4-H members. Kathryn, Livingston County It’s hard to describe in words exactly what 4-H means to me. Any conference, meeting, camp or event has become my home and the people I have met have become my family. The people, the places, the experiences are all once in a lifetime, but the memories are endless. I know no matter where I go in life 4-H will always be my heart. Brittany, McCracken County It means everything. The programs and activities that I have participated in have helped to shape me in the person and leader I am. And I give back to give that experience in someone else’s life. Paige, Caldwell County 4-H means a chance to hang out with my friends across the state. To be a leader to those younger and help them reach their full potential. John Mark, McCracken County 4-H is a way for me to step out of my boundaries. It is a way to meet people from everywhere that will be friends for a lifetime. 4-H is everything. Mark, Trigg County 4-H has meant continual, never changing personal relationships. It has meant personal leadership development through core curriculum, 4-H has been one constant in my life who has helped me to be their person I am today 4-H has a way of impacting not only ourselves, our community and our world! Megan, Calloway County Diversity, leadership, teamwork, family, continental breakfast, opportunities. James, Trigg County 4-H means everything to me. Family, friends, love, Jabez, committees. Every emotion you can feel is STC. Greg, Calloway County 4-H means getting away from the hassles of the world, and spending time with friends. Mason, Caldwell County 4-H means life to me. It allows me to show emotion and no other part of my life does that. I do not smile, but I am happy. I love Mark, Jeremy and D7 and STC. Dylan, Marshall County To me, 4-H means friendship. 4-H means waking up in the morning and not being grumpy about it. 4-H means hugs so long and hard that you’re out of breath after. 4-H means jokes that no one else could possibly understand. 4-H means the love of a family too big to fit under one roof. 4-H means memories to last a lifetime. Derek, McCracken County 4-H means Jabez, STC, Friends, Love, Fun, Family Greg, Calloway County

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To me 4-H means time with friends, away from the stresses of life. 4-H is not just a club, but a huge clique and group of friends Mason, Caldwell County 4-H is not my home away from home. It is the place I look forward to when I’m where everybody else calls home. 4-H is a group of dorks taking over all of the world James, Trigg County 4-H to me, is the long weekends looked forward to, thousands of laughs, hundreds of miles together, so many familiar faces, so many memories with lifelong friends only seen a few times a year, and teens making a difference. James, Trigg County 4-H means making new friends from all over Kentucky. 4-H teaches people leadership and teambuilding skills. You learn to work and learn from fellow 4-Hers. By being in 4-H I learn something new and amazing all the time. LouNet, Graves County 4-H means to me true love and friendship. When I first joined this amazing organization at the age of 9 I hardly knew 10 people but as I continued to grow and participate in 4-H, everyone I met always welcomed me with open arms and with a warm smile. It has always been these friends I have made that I could count on to be there for me no matter what I needed. I truly believe that it is these friendships made that keep people involved in 4-H because they can’t wait till the next time they see all of their 4-H friends again. I have always made it an initiative of mine to continue the chain of love that 4-H started over 100 years ago. Josh, Hopkins County 4-H is a truly amazing organization that has taught me so much –everything from leadership skills to how to make new friends. I am truly blessed to be a part of an organization that cares about its members and their thoughts. I view 4-H as my second family and am proud to say they are my second family. Matt, Trigg County

When asked this question I first think family, dedication, and love. 4-H ends up being a girl’s closest family. 4-H is the people I go to when I need help, when I need a friendly shoulder to cry on. 4-H is a group of people who have an amazing sense of dedication. When these people say they’re going to do something, no matter the cost, it gets done. And love; 4-H has an amazing sense of love that no person can ever understand. It’s the kind of love that a family can provide. That’s the kind of love and family that this girl feels. Amanda, Livingston County 4-H means friendship. This has only been my 2nd STC meeting ever. Last year, knowing very few people, I came into the meeting room and sat by myself. That weekend, I met a few people and planted some friendship seeds, but that doesn’t even compare to this year. The last two days I have spoken with everyone, participated as a secret pal, and have even been invited to all night “pow-wows”! So thanks, STC, for making this such a memorable experience. I hope that there are many more to come! Alex, Hopkins County

4-H means love. It means the Power of Youth. I love 4-H forever. Before 4-H, I didn’t have a lot of friends. I joined it and now I have some of the best friends for the rest of my life. Dylan, Marshall County 4-H means everything to me without it I would have nothing. I have made 4-H friendships that I will never lose no matter how old I am. The leaders in 4-H inspire me to make the best better when it comes to 4-H and my life. Dylan, Marshall County

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Many people think of 4-H as strictly agriculture, others view it as a leadership and volunteerism. However, through my eyes 4-H means all of this and more! 4-H has provided me with so many experiences and friendships. This organization has given me closer friends in the last 3 years than friends I’ve known my whole life. My agents have taught me honesty, loyalty, and trust. For all this, I am thankful! Alex, Hopkins County 4-H means so much to me because it has given me so many opportunities. 4-H has taught me several life skills and has set me on the path for success. I have been able to improve my public speaking skills, leadership abilities, and made so many friends and memories that I will never be able to forget. 4-H is like a family to me, it has given me a place to belong and work with others that I know will remain in contact with. Josh, Hopkins County To me 4-H is friendships that last a lifetime, more opportunities then I can count and an amazing learning experience. The people I have met through 4-H, I consider to an extension of my family. I love being involved in 4-H. It is an amazing organization! Kellsey, Caldwell County 4-H means the world to me. There are so many words that I can use to describe 4-H and I am going to tell you right now. Scrumtrelescent, baby chicky,vomit,tanlines,dancing,cheesy,ski,mafia,cornhole,chalupa,listen to your heart, memories, laughs, stories, love, tears, and last but not least…goodbye! Colton, Lyon County 4-H means the world to me. I love being a role model for younger kids, and having the opportunity to meet new people and the chance to see them. 4-H is great! Kellsey, Caldwell County 4-H is a unique opportunity to better yourself and your community. 4-H is the one place that lets me meet unique people and display leadership. The community seems to appreciate the hard work that 4-H displays in everything they do. Jessenia, Crittenden County 4-H means learning new things and having wonderful experiences. I like helping the community. I like that I make a difference in people’s lives, it is great to see a smile on a child’s face knowing you made their life better. Lounet, Graves County 4-H has done so much for me. It has prepared me for life and given me skills that I could use later on in life that are priceless to have. Josh, Hopkins County 4- H means the world to me. It has for the past year been my life. Kentucky’s 4-H members are the best of the BEST in the entire world. 4-H has taught me to focus. Focus on where I’m at and where I want to be. It has taught me not only to focus on myself but focus on others. Don’t just talk about making a change. One day if I don’t realize it now 4-H has impacted me more than anything else. Matt, Trigg County 4-H, to me, means life-long friends, long-lasting memories, and life-changing events. 4-H is what made me who I am today and it is one of my defining qualities. That is what 4-H means to me. Derek, McCracken County 4-H is a group of people and an organization that cannot be described easily at all. 4-H, for me, means friendship, understanding, cooperation, and acceptance. The friendships I have developed in my 10 years of 4-H have been vastly different. However, my 4-H friends range from all-star athletes to “band geeks” to

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“mathletes”. Each friendship is a great example of the boundaries that are crossed through cooperation and acceptance. Alex, Hopkins County

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Others For half of my life I have been involved in 4-H. I have experienced all different aspects and combined into one 4-H has meant the world to me. 4-H first and foremost became my family. Whether on a club, county, or state level I know if I needed something or just needed someone to talk to I can talk. When my family was ever unable to be there, I knew my 4-H family would. 4-H has also given me opportunities I could have never imagined. From showing my beef cows (where my county’s only farm is the 4-H barn) or getting to go down south, 4-H has given me opportunities I could have never dreamed receiving from anywhere else, which is why at any 4-H event I pledge myself to them. Alex, Pennsylvania To me, 4-H means acceptance and a future. When I was younger and in elementary school, I didn’t really have many friends and I was bullied. I just wanted a place where I felt accepted. 4-H became that place for me. Even as I have gotten older, I still feel most accepted at 4-H events, especially at the larger scale and more selective events, like National Conference, because the people at those events are the people with the real heart of 4-H. 4-H also means a future to me, because it has prepared me for my future. It helped to bring me out of my shell and into the confident Pennsylvania State Vice President of Operations that I am today. I no longer feel afraid to speak in front of people and to step up and be a leader. So as a result of 4-H, I found another family (other than my biological one), and I am prepared to be a leader for today and tomorrow. Jesse, Pennsylvania 4-H to me is a safe place where I can go and be with people who care about me as a person. It also is a great source of education, because it teaches important life skills and qualities important to our future. 4-H is the best youth development organization in the country, because of all of the different things you can learn, such as citizenship and leadership. 4-Her’s are our future! We are the leaders of an up and coming great generation. That is what 4-H is to me. Dylan, Pennsylvania About 9 years ago, I started doing 4-H. I would have to say that being in 4-H for 9 years has taught me a lot about teamwork, leadership, skills, and working with others. I think 4-H means to me is how to become a better in my life, because I know I became a better leader for myself. Without 4-H, I don’t think that I get enough experience that I have today. Divya, Pennsylvania For me, 4-H is where I always felt like I fit in. That feeling of acceptance led me to be more and more involved in the organization. Now, I am starting a successful career path and I can’t think of one skill I can’t trace back to 4-H. I thank 4-H for making my life what it is today. Nate, Pennsylvania 4-H for me, is one of the hardest things to explain. In 4-H I learn so much that I would not have anywhere else. 4-H has made me push myself to be the best I can be. 4-H taught me how important it is to need records of everything. My public speaking has improved. That is why 4-H is important. Hwyett, Pennsylvania 4-H is a great opportunity. 4-H developed my agriculture skills. It showed me how to raise livestock in the right way for my future Ag career. 4-H helps to develop and mold youth into strong working individuals. It causes many youth to be driven individuals. The more kids are involved in 4-H in PA, increase high school graduation rates. 4-H caused me to be the man I am today. Brendin, Pennsylvania 4-H has been an instrumental part of my life since 4th grade. 4-H has given me so many lifelong friends and events to look forward to all throughout high school. Because of 4-H I have had the opportunity to travel to many places I never would have otherwise, including Washington D.C., Denver Co., and Kentucky. I do 4-H continuously because it is a place where I feel that I belong and be completely myself. I choose to be involved in 4-H because I believe in its legacy and the power it has to impact the future. Kelly, Tennessee

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4-H is more than just an organization. It is where I met friends, role models, and myself. 4-H has made me the person I am today, and I couldn’t imagine my life without it. This organization is by far the best thing that has happened to my life. I had no clue what I was getting myself into when I joined a club called 4-H in the 4th grade. But I wouldn’t change a thing. <3 Nicole, Tennessee 4-H means a world of opportunities to improve who I am. I have learned a lot about leadership, communication, and other life skills through 4-H. 4-H has also given me many contacts for my future. 4-H means the world to me. Sarah, Pennsylvania 4-H means I am able to excel in areas I have a passion for. I have the opportunity to lead my peers to the next level. Being a member of this organization, I am allowed to show my animals. 4-H has many opportunities to let our members shine. Pennsylvania Delegate

4-H means a lot to me because it has been a large part of my life. It has taught me everything I know about leadership, and has taught me public speaking and life skills. I would not be where I am today. Thank you 4-H, you mean a lot to me. Grant, Pennsylvania 4-H means a lot to me. I has made me who I am. It has given me leadership and citizenship skills. It has made me hundreds of friends. It has given me the opportunity to explore the U.S. and to explore future careers. 4-H means a lot me. Will, Tennessee To me, 4-H means what it says: Head, Heart, Hands, Health. It encompasses all of these areas, and frankly has taken them over. Unknown 4-H means a lot to me! There is not another organization I would want to be a part of. 4-H has given me opportunities that I would have never gotten anywhere else. I also have met people that I will always remember and be friends with for the rest of my life! Without 4-H, I would not be the person I am today! Pennsylvania Delegate 4-H to me means meeting new friends, traveling around the world through 4-H, and learning so many life skills to become the person I am today. Through 4-H I have made so many friends and memories for lifetime. Courtney, Missouri 4-H means everything to me. I don’t know where I would be without it. I would not be the person I am today without the 4-H program. I wouldn’t have had as many experiences that I have. I would not know so man incredible people if I wasn’t in 4-H. I cannot imagine my life without 4-H. 4-H means the world to me. Danielle, PA State Council 2012 4-H is a program full of endless opportunity and I have learned so much. Through 4-H, I have gained leadership skills and it has helped me decide on a future career. 4-H also offers the opportunity to travel and meet tons of people. Without 4-H I would not know as many people across the nation or even my best friends. To me, 4-H means a program that offers so many things and everyone fits in. Hannah, Missouri To me, 4-H means the opportunity to be a leader and to set example. The opportunity to network and meet new people from other places. The opportunity to make a difference in my world and to become a productive citizen of society. Jared, Florida

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4-H has been one of the best programs of my life. It has given me friends for life and so many memories. I wouldn’t’ trade my friends or memories for anything. Daniel, Tennessee 4-H is a great program that develops youth into America’s future leaders. It develops friendships and relationships that last a lifetime. People wonder why we should keep 4-H and it’s obvious, just look at youth before they enter 4-H and after their 4-H Career has closed and that is the reason it is so essential to the future of this great nation. Billy, Tennessee For me it is really hard to put 4-H into words. A person can’t describe 4-H and do it any justice. 4-H is meant to be hands on and not be spoken about. 4-H allows me to unwind and let loose from my everyday life. 4-H allows me to work with the next generation of leaders and have an impact on their lives. If it wasn’t for 4-H, I would probably be in jail now. Anonymous

I look back on my past 9 years and without 4-H I would have been a boring teenager. I cannot tell you how thankful I am to be in 4-H. 4-H has opened the door to my life. 4-H means everything to me. In 4-H, I have met people across not only the state of Tennessee but everywhere. 4-H has given me best friends that will last forever. 4-H means lifetime of friendships. I have also learned that 4-H teaches us to lose so that we have people to teach us, before we enter the real world. Amber, Tennessee 4-H means that there is never a boring moment in my life, from the crazy car rides to the stress of getting ready for a completion. It’s finding a voice within a crowd and being able to speak up and stand out. It’s about learning to get back up after you fall. It’s no one understanding a single story from an entire week. It’s about becoming a part of a timeless tradition and being wired for success. It’s being part of a council family. It’s about having friends all over the place. It’s about winning and losing. It’s my life... and as I move forward in my life I will remember all the memories. Jaime, Tennessee

4-H means finding confidence. Finding confidence to speak, confidence to lead, confidence to trust others, confidence to be myself, confidence to organize, prepare, and conduct. Most importantly, I’m confident that when I fall, my 4-H friends will ALWAYS be there to catch me. Alaina, Tennessee 4-H has been the biggest impact on my life. The people you meet and the times you have are unmatched my any other programs. 4-H is a great influence on young people. Kyle, Tennessee 4-H is basically my life! It has made a huge impact in my life. It has given me my best friends and life skills you wouldn’t learn anywhere else! 4-H has left me memories I will never forget. 4-H has made me who I am today. April, Tennessee

The person I am today is in a large part because of 4-H. 4-H has taken me places I never could have imagined, helped make me the person I dreamed of being, but thought I would never be. I am blessed to be part of 4-H and for 4-H to be part of me. Elizabeth, Tennessee 4-H means meeting new people from all over the state and country! 4-H also provides leadership skills. Scott, Missouri

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4-H has meant the world to me! I know that a lot of people say that 4-H is a big family and it’s true! 4-H instills in its members’ the ability to be productive, intelligent, loving and awesome people. I love 4-H and my 4-H family and I will never forget them. Anonymous 4-H is a place I can find all my best friends. It always amazes me when I see so many diverse people from all over America becoming the best of friends in such a small amount of time. What can be better than having fun and learning all at the same time? Jordan, Missouri The world. 4-H means the world. 4-H means the opportunity to write this note, it means the opportunity to get out of my shell, and it means the opportunity to live like I was meant to live. It means the world. Anonymous

____________________ Compiled from State Teen Council members during the 2006 - 2014 STC Terms. Modifications have been made to spelling and grammar when necessary for clarification. G:\MyDocuments\State Teen Council\What Does 4-H Mean To Me\What Does 4-H Mean To Me_2006 through 2014.docx