what does it mean to be intimate?

English \ Português

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Page 1: What does it mean to be intimate?

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English \ Português

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On a beautiful morning,

the Prince awoke feeling a

little bit strange, because he

had dreamed about a new

word - "intimacy".

Numa linda manhã, o

Principezinho acordou um

bocadinho estranho, pois tinha

sonhado com uma nova palavra

- “intimidade”.

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The Rose decided to ask him the

meaning of that word.

The Rose told him that she didn't know

the meaning very well and that he could

only find the meaning on a planet called


E decidiu perguntar Rosa o

significado dessa palavra.

A Rosa disse-lhe que não

sabia muito bem o significado e que

só o encontraria num planeta

chamado “Terra”.

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When he arrived on Earth he saw wonderful


Things that he had never seen in his whole life.

By chance he saw a boy who was a little sad.

The prince went to him and asked him what had

happened to make him feel so sad. The boy replied

that his parents had recently died and he felt sad.

Quando lá chegou viu coisas imagináveis!

Coisas que nunca tinha visto na sua vida.

Por coincidência viu um rapaz que estava umpouco triste.

O Principezinho foi ter com ele e perguntou-lhe o

que se tinha passado para estar assim tão triste.

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Then the Prince told him to remember the good

times he had spent with his parents because it would

make him feel much better.

Then the Prince asked him if he knew someone

who could help with the meaning of a word.

The boy told him that his grandfather was a great

wise man and that he could help him.

O rapaz respondeu-lhe que os pais tinham morrido

há pouco tempo e por isso se sentia um pouco triste.

Então, o Principezinho disse-lhe para se lembrar

dos bons momentos que tinha passado com os seus

pais, pois sentir-se-ia melhor.

De seguida, o Principezinho perguntou-lhe se sabia

de alguém que o pudesse ajudar com o significado de

uma palavra.

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The boy took the Prince to his

grandfather and asked him if he couldhelp him with the meaning of a word.

The grandfather said yes and

immediately asked the Prince what the

word was.

The Prince said it was "intimacy."

O rapaz disse-lhe que o avô era um

grande sábio e que o poderia ajudar.

O rapaz levou o Principezinho até ao

avô e perguntou-lhe se o podia ajudar com osignificado de uma palavra.

O avô declarou logo que sim e

perguntou ao Principezinho qual era o termo

e o Principezinho disse que era “intimidade”.

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The boy's grandfather, because he was a

man with great wisdom, said that once intimacy

meant to have "privacy", "trust" and "fellowship"

with our friends or someone else.

Otherwise we would not have or feel


Intimacy is to have all this without other

people to meddle in our private life.

O avô do rapaz, como era grande sábio,

imediatamente disse que intimidade significa ter

privacidade, confiança e convivência, com os nossos

amigos ou com alguém que nós gostamos de outramaneira sem ser amizade.

Intimidade é ter isso tudo sem que as outras

pessoas se intrometam na nossa vida privada.

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The Prince thanked the boy's help and

his grandfather's help, too.

But he had to leave because he did

not want to leave the Rose alone.

He promised he would visit them as

soon as he could.

O Principezinho agradeceu a ajuda do

rapaz e do avô, mas tinha de ir embora pois

não queria deixar a Rosa sozinha.

Prometeu que os visitaria assim que


Quando chegou ao seu planeta o

Principezinho contou tudo à Rosa e ela ficou

muito contente por ele ter conseguido o queria.

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When he returned his planet,

the Little Prince told everything to

the Rose and she was very glad

he got what he wanted.

And of course, the Prince

thanked the Rose's help, too.

E, claro, o Principezinho

agradeceu a ajuda da Rosa.

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The end!
