what does this powerpoint presentation wants to say? this powerpoint presentation is not only...


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Post on 04-Jan-2016




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Page 1: What does this PowerPoint presentation wants to say? This PowerPoint presentation is not only telling HOW it’s happening. These actions (pollutions) are



Page 2: What does this PowerPoint presentation wants to say? This PowerPoint presentation is not only telling HOW it’s happening. These actions (pollutions) are

What does this PowerPoint presentation wants to say?

• This PowerPoint presentation is not only telling HOW it’s happening.

• These actions (pollutions) are happening BECAUSE of people, throwing away the wastes in UNACCPTIBLE way.

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Page 3: What does this PowerPoint presentation wants to say? This PowerPoint presentation is not only telling HOW it’s happening. These actions (pollutions) are

What’s the connection of Human and Marine Organisms?

• The connection means “Affect each other.” The marine organisms are good for food and sightseeing and others, like averaging the temperatures by absorbing the temperature (like putting a can of juice in a sunray

and the place where you put the can is cold, and the other place is warm…). The bad effects are the natural disasters… that is NOT marine organisms actually. Human affects… In a bad way, which is POLLUTION. Let’s take a look at the major pollutions that humans are doing to marine organisms. ARE YOU READY???

Page 4: What does this PowerPoint presentation wants to say? This PowerPoint presentation is not only telling HOW it’s happening. These actions (pollutions) are















The process of how sea water will be nutrition-full.. .. .. .

1. Ocean absorbs the nutrition washed away from the paddies and fields.2. The planktons will increase and breaks down the sludge at the bottom of the ocean. This produces a oxygen-less water.3. Fishes will not be able to breathe properly because of the oxygen less water.

Page 5: What does this PowerPoint presentation wants to say? This PowerPoint presentation is not only telling HOW it’s happening. These actions (pollutions) are



The fishes go into the nutrition-rich place, the fish

won’t be able to breathe. The oxygen-less water will choke


Page 6: What does this PowerPoint presentation wants to say? This PowerPoint presentation is not only telling HOW it’s happening. These actions (pollutions) are

How small plastics affect marine organisms

1. The plastics will be eaten by the fish, which thinks that it’s a plankton.2. The fishes will have in-digestion and dies.

Page 7: What does this PowerPoint presentation wants to say? This PowerPoint presentation is not only telling HOW it’s happening. These actions (pollutions) are

The fishes swallows the plastic, thinking that it’s a plankton, the plastic will choke the fish

and kills it.

Page 8: What does this PowerPoint presentation wants to say? This PowerPoint presentation is not only telling HOW it’s happening. These actions (pollutions) are

How people catch too many fishes and stuff…

When humans catch too many fishes, as you can guess, the number of fishes will decrease and decrease. We need to calculate and keep the number of the fishes the same. We need to think about the fishes also…

Page 9: What does this PowerPoint presentation wants to say? This PowerPoint presentation is not only telling HOW it’s happening. These actions (pollutions) are

The more we catch marine organisms, the less the fishes

will be.

Page 10: What does this PowerPoint presentation wants to say? This PowerPoint presentation is not only telling HOW it’s happening. These actions (pollutions) are

How oil pollution affect the marine organisms

There are 2 affects…Usually, the animals that uses the sunlight for nutrition collects sunlight.2. Because of the oil layer, those animals won’t be able to collect sunlight, so they die.When fishes touch the oil, the oil sticks to the fish, so they die because they can't get the oil off.

Corals:The corals get the plankton, but when the oils covers the ocean, the plankton dies off. When the plankton dies off, and the sunlight cannot be reached the corals, the corals will be starved and chokes, because of releasing too much CO2.

Page 11: What does this PowerPoint presentation wants to say? This PowerPoint presentation is not only telling HOW it’s happening. These actions (pollutions) are

The process on how sea water acidifies.. .. .. .

1. Ocean absorbs the CO2 produced from the factories.2. The CO2 and H2O combines and become H2O3C, which is a kind of acid.3. The acid affects or melts the marine organisms that live undersea.






Page 12: What does this PowerPoint presentation wants to say? This PowerPoint presentation is not only telling HOW it’s happening. These actions (pollutions) are

The pH now is 8.1, but at the end of 2100, The pH is

estimated to be dropped to 7.8.


At year 2100

Page 13: What does this PowerPoint presentation wants to say? This PowerPoint presentation is not only telling HOW it’s happening. These actions (pollutions) are



Radio Active Wastes



When humans throw away the wastes from the factories, it will be accumulated in the organisms under water. Those wastes will

come back to humans because we eat fishes. This is called BIO-

CONCENTRATION. When we eat too much, we will get cancer or catch very scary

diseases like “Minamata Disease”.

Page 14: What does this PowerPoint presentation wants to say? This PowerPoint presentation is not only telling HOW it’s happening. These actions (pollutions) are




Very SmallFish





10000 1000

10 1001







Small Fishes eats 10 of Very Small Fishes


Animal Plankton eats 10 of the Plant Planktons.

Big Fishes eat 10 of Small Fishes.

Very Small Fish eats 10 of the Animal Planktons.

Human eats 10 of the Big Fishes.

Bio Concentration(生物濃縮 )

Page 15: What does this PowerPoint presentation wants to say? This PowerPoint presentation is not only telling HOW it’s happening. These actions (pollutions) are

ReferencesAll Pictures are searched in Google pictures. These are the link to the pictures I have used in this presentation.Fa c t o r i e sh t t p : / / m o v i e s p i c s . w c g a m e . r u / p i c t u re s - o f- f a c t o r i e s . h t m lh t t p : / / i n t e re s t i n g f a c t s 1 2 . b l o g s p o t . c o m / 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 / f a c t o r i e s -t ox i c - p o l u t i o n . h t m lO c e a nh t t p : / / w w w. h i t e c h - d o l p h i n . c o m / o c e a n - p i c t u re . h t m lh t t p : / / w w w. f re a k i n g n e w s . c o m / G re e n - o c e a n - P i c s - 5 5 2 2 5 . a s p H 2 Oh t t p : / / w w w. w a l l p a p e r s - h d . n e t / 2 0 1 0 / 0 8 / h 2 o - l o g o - exc l u s i v e -1 0 8 0 p - 7 2 0 p - h d . h t m lC O 2h t t p : / / w w w. i n q u i s i t r. c o m / 1 7 8 7 2 2 / c o 2 - e m i s s i o n s - w i l l - h e l p -fi g h t - o ff - i c e - a g e - re s e a rc h /AC I Dh t t p : / / w w w. x a r j . n e t / 2 0 0 9 / b a c k - o n - a c i d - m u s i c - m p 3 /S e a a n i m a l sh t t p : / / w w w. fi l e t r a n s i t . c o m / d o w n l o a d . p h p ? i d = 2 2 6 8 5h t t p : / / w w w. d e e p s e a w a t e r s . c o m / g re e n - s e a - t u r t l e . h t mh t t p : / / w w w. a r t i c l e s w e b . o rg / n e w s / o c e a n - a n i m a l s

Page 16: What does this PowerPoint presentation wants to say? This PowerPoint presentation is not only telling HOW it’s happening. These actions (pollutions) are

ReferencesAll Pictures are searched in Google pictures. These are the link to the pictures I have used in this presentation.pH meterh t t p : / / s t a ff . j c c c . n e t / p d e c e l l / c h e m i s t r y / p h s c a l e . h t m lC o r a l sht tp : / / i an .umces .edu / image l ib ra ry /d i sp lay image -4118 .h tm lh t tp : / / i an .umces .edu / image l ib ra ry /d i sp lay image -4112 .h tm lP lank tonsh t tp : / /www.mind fu l l y. o rg /Wate r /2005 /P lank ton -Van i sh ing12 ju l05 .h tmPower P lan th t tp : / / s impsons .w ik ia . com/w ik i /Sp r ingfi e ld_Nuc lea r _Power_P lan th t tp : / /www.sc ien t ifi camer i can . com/a r t i c l e . c fm?id=coa l -ash - i s -more - rad ioac t i ve - than -nuc lea r-was teNewc lea r Markh t tp : / /www.eyezopen .com/2011 /no r th -ca ro l i na -nuc lea r- f ac i l i t y -w i th - superhea ted -u ran ium- leak ing -ten -ga l l ons - o f- rad ioac t i ve -coo l i ng -wate r-pe r-hour /h t tp : / / hea l thy l i f eca renews .com/hea l th -haza rds -when -exposed - to -nuc lea r- rad ia t i on /

Page 17: What does this PowerPoint presentation wants to say? This PowerPoint presentation is not only telling HOW it’s happening. These actions (pollutions) are

ReferencesAll Pictures are searched in Google pictures. These are the link to the pictures I have used in this presentation.Sharkh t tp : / / s c ience .hows tuff works . com/env i ronmenta l / l i f e /zoo logy /mar ine - l i f e /g rea t -wh i te .h tm

In fo rmat ion f rom:Kawasak i , Tsuyosh i . " 海洋の汚染 . " Umi No Kankyougaku . Toukyou : Sh inn ihon Shuppansha , 1993 . 61 -134 . Pr in t . I ch inohe , Yosh iyuk i . “ 環境と生態” : N ingen to Ch ikyuu . Toukyou : Ba i fuukan , 1998 . 71 . Pr in t . I n te rv iew to Mr. Re imer J ames Dav i sEOT to :

GodacChuraumi Aquar iumRyu -kyu - Un ive r s i t yCora l Fa rm In te rv iew to D r. J ames Dav i s Re imer

Page 18: What does this PowerPoint presentation wants to say? This PowerPoint presentation is not only telling HOW it’s happening. These actions (pollutions) are