what google wants


Upload: nashrahman

Post on 27-May-2015




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Like any business Google needs to survive any changes in the business climate. Google is a search engine that provides the user a facility by which to search the internet. Google had a huge impact on how search engines worked and provided a solution to change its strategy to give its customer want they wanted and what they were looking for. They changed their front end interface to the public by removing all the clutter and just focusing on searching the internet using a singular place to enter search texts. This provided a more streamlined and friendlier experience to the user. At the time this was quite revolutionary because none of the other search engines at that time provided this user experience, most search engines such as Altavista, Yahoo and MSN cluttered their search front end with various news items. This culminated in user frustrations and unwelcomed distractions. All the searcher is interested in is the specific piece of information they were looking for.


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What Google wants

Like any business Google needs to survive any changes in the business climate. Google is a search

engine that provides the user a facility by which to search the internet. Google had a huge impact on

how search engines worked and provided a solution to change its strategy to give its customer want

they wanted and what they were looking for. They changed their front end interface to the public by

removing all the clutter and just focusing on searching the internet using a singular place to enter

search texts. This provided a more streamlined and friendlier experience to the user. At the time this

was quite revolutionary because none of the other search engines at that time provided this user

experience, most search engines such as Altavista, Yahoo and MSN cluttered their search front end

with various news items. This culminated in user frustrations and unwelcomed distractions. All the

searcher is interested in is the specific piece of information they were looking for.

This had such a huge impact on the market that Google overtook yahoo as the main search engine

and the search engine of choice for the public in general. So ingrained is Google in society that the

word Google itself has become synonymous with searching the internet. We often hear people say

“I’ll Google that or this” and people automatically know that they are referring to searching the


Google wants relevant information related to the search keyword

Google have realised that to remain competitive in a saturated market it must give the user the best

experience and when a user types in a search term the most relevant information to the search

keyword must be returned. This is one of the reasons why so many websites have been penalised

because they were to deem not to be relevant or have relevant content that the users will find


If Google stopped delivering relevant content that people are looking for then it would die and be

taken over by another search engine which gives the searcher what he or she is looking for.

Stop trying to game the Google system

Some if not all marketers try and game the Google system. What I mean by this is they try to

manipulate the Google ranking system by using various methods to try and manipulate Google into

giving them higher rankings. In some cases many blackhat methods were used to accelerate their

SERPS rankings. Google has been clamping down hard on these loopholes being exploited within the

Google algorithms.

Many marketers were caught due to over manipulation of the Google system and this became very

apparent from the Google Panda and Penguin updates. For example when a website gets thousand

backlinks overnight. This triggered the alarm bells for Google who realised that this could not

possibly happen naturally. By exploiting these loopholes marketers risked the chance of being

deindexed by Google and completely disappearing from the search results.

Google is looking for natural growth in a website

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Google are looking for relevant sites that have not been manipulated purely to gain high rankings

within the search results, but offer natural relevant information to the searcher. Google wants

relevant and useful information for its searchers so the searchers remain happy and content with

the service offered by Google.

In reality nobody really knows how Google algorithms work, but we can make inferences based on

Googles strategy to provide the best information possible for the searcher. Having a high keyword

density of 10% will no longer help you rank your website. But a piece of content that has a lower

keyword density of 2%-3% is more likely not to be penalised by Google because it appears natural to

the Google bots.

Websites should look to providing valuable information to the searcher instead of providing reams

of irrelevant information which may be verbose in nature or not make sense to human readers, but

created for the sole purpose of Google fodder. Fortunately Google has wised up to this and no

longer consume quantity foods but looks for quality food that will keep their system healthy.

Social triggers

Because of the ease of the way Google can be manipulated. Google are focusing more on social

proof such as Google +, Facebook and twitter. This gives the website some external validation that

the content is valuable and will be of some use to the searcher if they are looking for that specific

type of information.

Social proof has now become a major factor in determining the authenticity of a websites Vs a

website created by a marketer purely for monetisation purposes. The reason is that social triggers

are a lot more harder to manipulate then search engines. Social proof tells Google that real human

beings find your website of value, so valuable in fact that they are willing to share the information

with other people using the various social media sites as a vehicle for distribution.


Being reliant solely on Google rankings as the prime source of generating leads is an unstable

platform for business growth. Because of the unpredictable results that may occur as a result of

future Google algorithm changes. Businesses should look to brand themselves on the internet and

become or at least attempt to become synonymous with the product or service that they are

offering. By creating a brand, people will always be able to find your website because you are no

longer relying on related keywords that people search by but your company name or your personal

name and that will lead to more traffic and in turn lead to generating more qualified leads.

Branding is a way of bypassing Google search engines and positioning yourself at the forefront of

your potential customers mind. So branding is a very powerful way of establishing your service or

product within the virtual world as well as the bricks and mortar world.

By branding yourself or your business you will have less reliance on search engine rankings and more

reliance on your reputation and your brand, which is a stronger vehicle of relaying the perception of

value to your potential customers.

Get their email and contact details of your potential customer

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Google search engines is a great method of customer acquisition, but business owners should focus

on extracting their potential customers contact details so they have a way of contacting them.

Otherwise the potential customers are lost and may never come back to your website. By getting

their contact details you will have the ability to contact them at anytime, your communication will

not be limited to being found on search engines.

This is a very powerful method that most marketers use to communicate on mass to either existing

customers or potential customers.

Communicating directly to your customers also eliminates any distractions offered by the internet

and allows the reader to fully focus and engage in the message that your business is trying to convey

to them.

I would be interested in your opinions on what Google wants and how to be less reliant in your

online business on Google.

Nash Rahman – Freelance Writer|Blogger|SEO Copywriter “Helping Your Business To Grow and Profit”

Contact: [email protected]