what is a seismic survey

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  • 7/27/2019 What is a Seismic Survey


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    A seismic survey is used to investigate Earths subterranean structure

    and is mainly used for oil and gas exploration. This method uses the

    principles of reflective seismologyto acquire and interpret seismic

    data, which permits the estimation of the Earths composition. The

    technique is similar to that used by computerized axial tomography

    (CAT) scans, involving the analysis of seismic waves that travel

    through the Earth.

    When a seismic survey is conducted, seismic waves are usually

    generated by dynamite or by special vibrators mounted on trucks.

    These vibroseis trucks, as they are known, are often used if the use of

    dynamite could cause serious damage to the surroundings, such as in

    cavernous areas. The trucks use heavy metal plates weighing in at

    over 3 tons (2.72 metric tons) that are placed in contact with the

    ground, and which are then struck with heavy hammers.

    As the seismic waves pass through the Earth and encounter different

    materials, some of their energy is reflected off the boundaries

    between the different strata while other waves will pass through. Thereflected energy returns to the surface, where its speed and strength

    is measured by special detectors, known as geophones. The

    geophones convert the movement of the ground into electrical

    signals, which are then digitized by seismometers. These signals are

    then processed by computers; the more complex the geologyof the

    area being studied, the more computing power required to process

    the massive quantities of data.


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    Is a Seismic Survey? http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-seismic-s

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