what is mystical motherhood?...what is mystical motherhood? i work with women around the globe who...


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Page 1: What is Mystical Motherhood?...What is Mystical Motherhood? I work with women around the globe who are ready to become conscious mothers. By looking at all the aspects of these women’s
Page 2: What is Mystical Motherhood?...What is Mystical Motherhood? I work with women around the globe who are ready to become conscious mothers. By looking at all the aspects of these women’s

What is Mystical Motherhood?

I work with women around the globe who are ready to become conscious mothers. By

looking at all the aspects of these women’s lives, which affect their health and

wellbeing, I help to create a great amount of healing and change within their worlds.

Source works through me to heal beyond what the mind can understand, which is

why this work is so powerful and long lasting.

My intention is to awaken all of the women I work with to their greatest potential so

that they can conceive, birth and raise brilliant and enlightened children. I believe

that these children (your children) will alter our planet in profound ways. In order for

this to happen your mind, body and spirit must be aligned before you conceive.

When we work together, we will dive deep into the various parts of your life. I

guarantee that aspects of your subconscious, that have been holding you back or could

be transferred to your child, will be healed. I have studied Western medicine, Eastern

medicine, and ancient Kundalini Yoga and Meditation. Though I am not providing

medical advice, I will combine my extensive background to serve your needs in a

unique way. You will be provided with many resources and healing methodologies that

will alter your life forever.

My goal is to help you improve your thoughts, emotions, environment and diet

because these aspects program your child, especially during pregnancy. This is an

emerging field of science called behavioral epigenetics… If you set up a free 20-

minute consult I can explain more, but first I want to answer some of your most

compelling questions. Whether you are working with me on an individual or group

level I want to make sure all of your concerns are addressed.

Page 3: What is Mystical Motherhood?...What is Mystical Motherhood? I work with women around the globe who are ready to become conscious mothers. By looking at all the aspects of these women’s

How do I know if I am right for this process?

Some of the following may apply to you:

-You are ready to stop the generational patterns and know in your heart that there

is a better way to do things.

-You have been trying to become pregnant and may be frustrated by the process. It

is hard for you to watch everyone around you become pregnant and every part of

your soul is exhausted.

-You are ready to have a baby or want to become a better mother now.

-You know that you want to bring down a powerful soul to earth who can help

change this planet, but don’t know where to start.

-You want to heal the trauma from your past that keeps creeping into the present.

-You do not want to repeat the same problems your parents had.

-You don’t want to be your mother or are ready to heal all wounds around this


- You are sick and tired of being stressed, feeling constricted in your life and feel

committed to creating a safe and loving foundation for your family.

Mystical Motherhood will alter the way you experience yourself and your world. You

will increase your vibration and attract what you need and want. You will leave as a

better person and mother. Expect to have more clarity, balance, honesty, creativity,

transparency, heart, and space in your life. When you are functioning at this level you

will birth and raise higher functioning children.

How will I know if this is the wrong program for me?

Mystical Motherhood will be difficult for individuals who aren’t ready to believe in

Spirit, Source or God. Once you start this work a higher power becomes very apparent

in your life and will pour through you if you allow. This work may be difficult for

Page 4: What is Mystical Motherhood?...What is Mystical Motherhood? I work with women around the globe who are ready to become conscious mothers. By looking at all the aspects of these women’s

individuals who don’t want to face themselves: issues around self-sabotage,

insecurities, guilt, shame, control, jealousy, or hate may come up to be eliminated.

Can I afford this and is it worth the money?

1) I don’t think it is possible to quantify the value of your child’s future. You are going

to be the person within your family tree that changes everything. Epigenetics is

proving that we don’t have to be victims to our DNA line and that we can actually alter

our genes through our beliefs and environment. This process will teach you how to

apply these scientific concepts to pregnancy. Mystical Motherhood merges the best of

science and Spirit.

2) Therapy is really expensive. I will give you tools that you can use every single day so

that this will no longer be needed.

3) Was there anything about your childhood that you wish was better? Do you wish

that your mother would have done this before you were born? Enough said.

4) Birthing classes are expensive. So are parenting classes. This combines both.

What if it doesn’t work?

Everyone’s changes will be different. What really matters is your level of commitment

to change your life and become happier. I can only refer you back to list of verbal and

written testimonials to answer this concern. Trust your intuition.

“The things that I have gotten out of this are: Peace, understanding, unconditional love, the ability to see the beauty in everything even when certain statements or people triggered my past

experiences causing hurt for me. Truly understanding the connection in body and spirit, creating space for myself in order to truly bring in something greater than I can imagine.

Working with you is very easy, and I mentioned this before to you. You cut right to the chase

Page 5: What is Mystical Motherhood?...What is Mystical Motherhood? I work with women around the globe who are ready to become conscious mothers. By looking at all the aspects of these women’s

and know exactly what needs to worked on at the moment Each session I leave more positive, trust myself, and at harmony with myself. You bring harmony to a person life at a state when they are at their most vulnerable and think that every possibility is against them, you brought reassurance and confidence back into my thoughts to trust that everything is being formed at exactly the time that it needs to happen. Your teachings show up to people at the moment that

they need to find you. Even if one doesn’t believe in spirits/guides the universe working its ways it doesn’t matter your information will be presented to the person at their time of need when

they truly admitted to themselves they need guidance.” – Kateryna

Will this process get me pregnant?

I cannot promise that Mystical Motherhood will get you pregnant. I can promise that

you will let go and trust more in the process of becoming a mother. If you commit to

making changes in your life: your health will improve, your nutrition will be boosted

and your level of patience will increase. As these changes occur your conception and

pregnancy will be a natural transition rather than a controlled and stressful

experience. You will begin to relax around a larger Universal plan of how and when

your baby will come to earth.

I am afraid my partner won’t support this. How am I going to tell him or her?

Do you want a happy and secure marriage or partnership? Don’t you think that your

partner would love a less needy, more secure, and less neurotic wife or girlfriend? I

think so.

When I work with clients one of the greatest benefits I hear is that the intimacy

between the two significantly increases. This is because the woman becomes happier,

less stressed and more confident. This affects all aspects of her life. Do you know what

this means? Sex becomes a time of intimate connection again (you can tell him that).

The couples learn to communicate and most importantly they start to plan for

parenthood together! Which is awesome!

Page 6: What is Mystical Motherhood?...What is Mystical Motherhood? I work with women around the globe who are ready to become conscious mothers. By looking at all the aspects of these women’s

I have seen the work significantly benefit individuals that have been in fertility

treatments for a period of time and are exhausted by their experience. These couples

begin to enjoy each other’s company again, work even more as a team or learn when to

take a break in order to create the right plan for their family.

Most people don’t invest in parenting classes. If they do it is long after the child is

born and they realize they are in an absolute mess. This is going to save you both a lot

of fights, time and energy because you will be prepared to parent consciously, which is


Am I wasting my time?

Is your health, happiness, state of abundance, level of gratitude, creativity, expansion,

or healing a waste of time? No. Never. If your level of joy increases you will change

your life. The frequency or vibration of the woman at the time of conception and

pregnancy will determine the type of child she creates.

Yogi Bhajan said that if women work through their neurotic tendencies there could be

world peace in just two generations. The frequency and vibration of women matters

because they birth the children on to this planet. You have the power to make huge

shifts through motherhood.

How can I fit this into my schedule?

This experience is designed to stretch you, but it can also be customized to your

schedule. It takes time and commitment to change yourself, but I promise you that the

growth will shift your entire life.

Page 7: What is Mystical Motherhood?...What is Mystical Motherhood? I work with women around the globe who are ready to become conscious mothers. By looking at all the aspects of these women’s

If you are working with me individually we work through issues very specific to you

and your history. Together we make a plan on the specific meditations to complete, diet

or health changes that are needed, and overall results we want. We work at your pace,

but the more commitment you put in the more you will get out of it.

If you are working with me in a larger group setting I will read what the group needs

as a whole. We will cover broader topics applicable to everyone coinciding with

fertility, conscious conception, pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and the early childhood

years. You always have access to the videos and the downloads. You can work at your

own pace if you need to.

Am I ready to be open to all these teachings that will guide me?

I would think so if you have gotten this far through the website, down this page and

you are now reading this sentence. Obviously, you are open to suggestion and are

ready for a shift.

Am I ready to let go of fear and live a better life?

Change is hard. Feeling miserable is harder. I wish I would have had this when I had

my first baby. I didn’t have anyone to guide me, and I felt completely isolated as a

mother. I don’t want anyone else to feel like that. Mystical Motherhood will leave you

with the internal tools to become a centered and graceful woman who is prepared for

motherhood and all its ups and downs.

Do you have more questions? Let me know and I will answer them.

Love. With All My Heart,


Page 8: What is Mystical Motherhood?...What is Mystical Motherhood? I work with women around the globe who are ready to become conscious mothers. By looking at all the aspects of these women’s