what is righteousness?

True Righteousness Surah Al - Baqarah [The Cow] Verse:177 Group 'Aaisha

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True RighteousnessSurah Al-Baqarah [The Cow] Verse:177

Group 'Aaisha

Ayat Al-Birr (Righteousness) [Al-Baqarah Verse 177]

• It is not righteousness that you turn your faces towards East or West;

• but it is righteousness to believe in:

• Allah, the Last Day, the Angels, the Book, the Messengers

• and to spend of your substance, out of love for Him,

• for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, for the ransom of slaves;

• to be steadfast in prayer, and practice regular charity, to fulfil the contracts which you have made; and to be firm and patient, in pain (or suffering) and adversity, and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth, the God-fearing

ق وهكم قبل المشر ليس البر أن تولوا وج م آمن بالله واليو والمغرب ولـكن البر من

النبيهين وآتىاآلخر والمآلئكة والكتاب و ى واليتامى المال على حبهه ذوي القرب بيل و آئلين وفي والمساكين وابن الس الس

الة وآتى الزكاة الرهقاب وأقام الصابرين والموفون بعهدهم إذا عاه دوا والصالبأس أولـئك في البأساء والضراء وحين

(177)المتقون الذين صدقوا وأولـئك هم

"..and gives wealth, in spite of love for it,

to relatives.."

• The Kinfolk: a person'sذوى القربى blood relations

• more rights than anyone else to one's charity

• Salman Ibn Amir Ad-Dabbi said, "Allah's Messenger said, “Charity given to a poor person is charity, while charity given to a relative is both charity and dutifulness to kinship)”

Related by Imam Ahmad, An-Nasaa'I, Ibn Majah& Ad- Darami

Spend by using all forms of






The primary [goal]: Implementation

Acts of Birr towards:

Parents (closest in relation)

not blood related


4 generations above & 4

belowdistant kin

"Verily, Allah commands justice, the doing of good

and giving to kith and kin."

[ An Nahl:90]

“… and whatsoever you spend of anything (in

Allaah’s cause) He will replace it. And He is the Best

of providers.” [Saba’:34:39]

Our Group Members : Projects @ Hand

• Nabila Elahi• Misham


• Zara Butt• Khudaija


• Jamila Elahi


• Rayhana BasidohlaSiblings

• Taha AzizGrandmother

• Nabila Kiyani

Husband Aunts Cousin

• Misham Chaudhry

• Saba Beg

Nephews & nieces

• Saba Beg Aunt's family

"Those who break the covenant of Allah after contracting it and sever that which Allah has ordered to be joined and cause

corruption on earth. It is those who are the losers."


Our Motivation!

Beneficial Knowledge• Took advantage of social

media to reach out to relatives.

• Shared a hadith weekly with aunts, nieces & daughters in law

• Used every opportunity to share an ayah during family gatherings, dinner parties

"When a man passes away, his good deeds will come to an end

except for Three: 1. Sadaqah Jariyah (Continuous Charity)

2. Beneficial Knowledge3. Virtuous descendant

who prays for him."[Narrated by Abu Hurairah, Sahih



Spent Wealth• Sent money to Karachi for

disabled relative

• Saved money to surprise mother with a beautiful gift

• Did groceries for both parents living in the area

• Planning to send gifts for cousins, and nieces/nephews in Pakistan, next month

• Once every 2 weeks, deliver groceries to uncle who lives alone

نفقون يسألونك ماذا ي من خير أنفقتم قل ما

قربين فللوالدين وال اكين واليتامى والمس

بيل و ا ما تفعلووابن الس به من خير فإن الل


“They ask you

(O Muhammad, PBUH) what they should spend.

Say: Whatever you spend of good must be for

parents and kindred and orphans and Al-Masakin

(the poor) and the wayfarer; and whatever

you do of good deeds, truly, Allah knows it well.”


Spent Health & Time • spent spare time in hosting guests

rather than relaxing

• sacrificed time for attending to our class ones in need (clinics/hospital)

• gave away leisure time to host guests generously

• spent time in making calligraphic gifts for relatives

• spent time in cooking food for family and helping mom out

• gave up time to sleep and rest in covering up studies

• Despite health issues, sacrificed physical limitations and spent time taking care of loved ones

Ibn Abbas narrated that Prophet

Mohammad (PBUH) said:

"There are two blessings which many

people lose:Health and Free time

for doing good."[Bukhari 8/421]

Used Skill/Talents

• Gifted Arabic calligraphy piece to non-practicing cousins as a reminder to say [Allah u Akbar]

• Baked& cooked for family members and cousins

• Cooked for uncle who lives alone and delivered the food to him once every 2 weeks

Lessons Drawn From this Experience

• The Qur'an and Sunnah teaches us to be the best towards those who are closest in relationships

• Turn a simple act of kindness into an act of worship

• An act of selfless charity/sadaqa brings immense peace to one's heart

• Tawakkal and Trust in Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala

• Set an example

• Worldly gains will all remain here in this Dunya

• Most importantly, one's situation can change by Allah's Will whenever He wants

• Last but not the least, the meaning of genuine Happiness and true Success

Rabbana taqabbal minna innaka antas Samee'ul 'Aleem

ربنا تقبل منا

ت إنك أن



"Our Lord! Accept (this service) from

us: For Thou art the

All-Hearing, the All-knowing"

[Surah Al Baqarah:2:127]
