what is sefi?

What is SEFI? European Society for Engineering Education S ociété E uropéenne pour la F ormation des I ngénieurs Europäische Gesellschaft für Ingenieurausbildung •August 2008 •SEFI 2008 •1 SEFI is nothing but its members and the contributions from its members 380 (180 institutions) in 42 countries Founded in 1973: 35 years already !!!!!

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What is SEFI?. European Society for Engineering Education S ociété E uropéenne pour la F ormation des I ngénieurs Europäische Ge s ellschaft für Ingenieurausbildung. Founded in 1973: 35 years already !!!!!. SEFI is nothing but its members. 380 (180 institutions). in 42 countries. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: What is SEFI?

What is SEFI?European Society for Engineering Education

Société Européenne pour la Formation des IngénieursEuropäische Gesellschaft für Ingenieurausbildung

•August 2008 •SEFI 2008 •1

SEFI is nothing but its members

and the contributions from its members

380 (180 institutions) in 42 countries

Founded in 1973: 35 years already !!!!!

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•SEFI 2008

Institutional members Institutions of a high level (post secondary) that offer a complete curriculum

leading to an academic engineering degree.

Individual members Typically teachers of science or engineering or science. People engaged in

international relations. Students.

Industrial members Any industrial company, public administration or other organisation having an

interest in supporting European Engineering Education.

Associate members Professional societies or other organisations interested in initial or continuing

education of engineers. Student organisations.


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• by linking Engineering Education institutions and educators,

• by providing services to its members,• by serving as an international forum and,• by representing the European Engineering

Education Community.•SEFI 2008 •3

To support and promote European Engineering Education

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Objectives• to contribute to the development and to the improvement of EE;• to provide appropriate services and information about EEE;• to improve communication and exchanges between teachers, researchers

and students; • to promote cooperation between industry and those engaged in EE;• to act as a link between its members and other societies or international

organisations;• to promote the European Dimension in EE;• to contribute to the recruitment of good students in EE;• to promote the position of EE and engineering professionals in society.

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Working Groups/Committees• Curriculum Development• Continuing Engineering Education• Engineering Education and Mathematics• Engineering Education and Physics• ICT and Engineering Education• Women in Engineering• Ethics and Engineering Education• Web Commitee• EJEE Committee• Task Forces on Accreditation / Bologna Implementation

And established this year:

Engineering Education Research

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Specific topics studiedby ad hoc groups

The impact and implementation of the Bologna Process (Ad hoc position papers on www.sefi.be)

The development of a European System for Engineering Education Accreditation (SEFI participates in the « EUR ACE II » EU project and is a founding member of ENAEE – European Network for the Accrediation of EE

Globalisation of Engineering education: SEFI is a founding member of IFEES

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Annual Conferences … Achieving and Assessing Quality of EE (Luleå, 1993) The First Five Years of the New East-West Partnership (Prague 1994) EE for Innovation (Compiègne, 1995) Educating the Engineer for Lifelong Learning (Vienna, 1996) Humanities and Arts in a Balanced EE (Cracow, 1997) Entrepreneurship, Management and EE (Helsinki, 1998) Re-discovering the Centre (Winterthur/Zürich, 1999) The International Education of Engineers (Paris 2000) New Engineering Competences - Changing the Paradigm (Copenhagen2001) The Engineer of the Renaissance (Florence 2002) The Global Engineer: Education and Training for Mobility (Porto 2003) The Golden Opportunity for Engineering Education? (Valencia 2004) The Engineering Education at the Cross Roads of Civilzations (Ankara 2005) Engineering Education and Active Students (Uppsala, 2006) Joining Forces in Engineering Education towards Excellence (Miskolc 2007) Quality Assurance, Employability and Innovation (Aalborg 2008)


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“Attracting Young People in Engineering

Engineering is fun!”37th Annual SEFI Conference

Rotterdam (NL)1-4 July 2009

See www.sefi.be

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… and a monthly electronic newsletter: news@sefi containing a press review and the last stories

in HEE in Europe and the World….(for members only)

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•August 2008 •SEFI 2008 •10

Projects• EUThematic Networks

• Accompanying measures of SOCRATES/LLP • TEMPUS

International relations• Official relationships with UNESCO• Regular contacts with the European Commission• Founding member of EuroPace, ENAEE, IFEES• Cooperation agreement with IGIP, ASIBEI, JSEE• Regular contacts with CLAIU, CESAEER, FEANI, EUA, CEFI/CNISF, ASEE, RAEE, WFEO …

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Why join SEFI?-Get information and new ideas


-Get certain services

-Take advantage of excellent opportunities for professiona pedagogical development in an international context

-Contribute to the development of European EE and of its Accreditation

-European Engineering Education needs a society like

SEFI to represent it

•August 2008 •SEFI 2008

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How shall we best educate engineers for the future!

SEFI mission can be summarised as follows …..

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SEFI New Action Plan (2005-2009)

- improve and develop the services to our members

- work on the visibility of the Society and on the reinforcement of its role as communication and

dialogue tools for all those involved in EE

- reinforce the cooperation with the students

- continue and develop quality assurance and accreditation activities

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- develop actions in the field of academic activities

- facilitate policy developments relating to EE, research and industry

- contribute to the widening of the horizon of European EE beyond the European borders

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Position Papers

On the Bologna Process, prepared jointly with CESAEER (2005)

On the creation of the European Institute of Technology by the European Union (2006)

On the Doctorate in the Bologna Process (2007)

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To contact us

Secretary GeneralMrs. Françoise CÔME

Membership OfficerMrs. Trine Riva

119, rue de StassartB-1050 Brussels

Telephone: + 32 2 502 36 09Telefax: + 32 2 502 96 11

[email protected]


•August 2008