what is subsistence farming?

Regional Facts Colonial Founders Colonial Governmen t Conflict in the Colonies Life in the Colonies Hodge Podge 20 30 20 20 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 40 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 30 30 30 30 30

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10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. Due to a short growing season and rocky, sandy soil, New Englanders mainly practiced this type of farming. What is subsistence farming?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: What is subsistence farming?

Regional Facts

Colonial Founders


Conflict in the Colonies

Life in the Colonies

Hodge Podge



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Page 2: What is subsistence farming?

Due to a short growing season and rocky, sandy soil, New Englanders

mainly practiced this type of farming.

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What is subsistence farming?

Page 4: What is subsistence farming?

A nearly year-round growing season and plantation farming allowed this

class of people in the Southern colonies to grow wealthy and


Page 5: What is subsistence farming?

What is the Planter Class?

Page 6: What is subsistence farming?

Cash crop farming in this region led to the growth of grist mills, which were

used to crush grain into flour or meal.

Page 7: What is subsistence farming?

What is the Middle colony region?

Page 8: What is subsistence farming?

The growth of New England was based partly on the demand for the oil from

this mammal.

Page 9: What is subsistence farming?

What is a whale?

Page 10: What is subsistence farming?

Shipbuilding was a successful trade in the New England colonies

because of this abundant resource.

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What is timber?

Page 12: What is subsistence farming?

He is credited with founding both Pennsylvania and Delaware.

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Who is William Penn?

Page 14: What is subsistence farming?

The English king allowed this man to startthe colony of Georgia in order to create a buffer zone between Spanish Florida and

British territory.

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Who is James Oglethorpe?

Page 16: What is subsistence farming?

He founded Rhode Island due to disagreements with Puritan leaders.

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Who is Roger Williams?

Page 18: What is subsistence farming?

Lord Baltimore founded Maryland as a haven for this religious group.

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What is Maryland?

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Sir George Carteret and this man startedthe colony of New Jersey when given land

by their friend, the Duke of York.

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Who is Lord John Berkley?

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This was the name of the first representative assembly in the American


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What is the House of Burgesses?

Page 24: What is subsistence farming?

The Exeter Compact and this document, created by the Pilgrims, put in writing sets

of laws to govern their colonies.

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What is the Mayflower Compact?

Page 26: What is subsistence farming?

Royal colonies were controlled by theking while proprietaries were controlled

by these.

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What are private owners?

Page 28: What is subsistence farming?

In Maryland, this was passed in order to guarantee that religious freedom was

not only promised but enforced as well.

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What is the Toleration Act?

Page 30: What is subsistence farming?

Thomas Hooker created this document to guarantee individual rights to

people living within the colony he founded.

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What are the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut?

Page 32: What is subsistence farming?

This became the colony of New Yorkwhen the Duke of York forced the

Dutch to give it up.

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What New Netherland?

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Rebellious slaves killed severalplanter families in this bloody conflict.

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What is the Stono Rebellion?

Page 36: What is subsistence farming?

Traditional Puritan beliefs and ideasfrom the New World clashed when several

men and women were executed duringthis strange event.

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What are the Salem Witchcraft Trials?

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Colonists engaged in war with the Wampoanog in order to gain more


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What King Phillip’s War?

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Landless colonists staged an uprising against the Virginia colonial

government in this conflict.

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What is Bacon’s Rebellion?

Page 42: What is subsistence farming?

Nine out of ten colonists lived on these.

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What are farms?

Page 44: What is subsistence farming?

Being locked in these was a commonform of public humiliation in the colonies.

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What are the town stocks?

Page 46: What is subsistence farming?

Colonists living in cities usually kept these beside their doors due

to the constant danger of fire.

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What are buckets?

Page 48: What is subsistence farming?

This was considered the mostdangerous job on colonial farms.

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What is cooking?

Page 50: What is subsistence farming?

This movement helped to spreadideas that would spark the

American Revolution.

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What is the First Great Awakening?

Page 52: What is subsistence farming?

The success of Jamestown was duein large part to the growth and sale

of this cash crop.

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What is tobacco?

Page 54: What is subsistence farming?

This is the name given to the areain and around the Appalachian


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What is the Backcountry?

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This describes the movement of Puritans to the Americas.

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What is the Great Migration?

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She fled to Rhode Island whenher ideas challenged the beliefs of the Puritans.

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Who is Anne Hutchinson?

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These are three reasons why early English colonies such as Roanoke

and Virginia failed.

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What are lack of food, landing too late to plant crops, and problems

with Native Americans?