what jesus has to say during the 21st century

What Jesus Has to Say... ...during the 21 st  Century about… 1

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...during the 21 st  Century about…
...Holy Spirit, The
...0et %o & 0et %o
...2ercy" $orgiveness & %race
...Seeing vs. Believing
Angels & Spirit Helpers
Angels have been 8or'ing overtime1 to get you here you are" innumerable battles ha to be on" an the enemy has fought long an har an furious. 7ou1ve finally gaine enough e9perience to recognize his traps. (I:10)
Call on the help of your other team members" your Spirit helpers an angels" as they1re going to be a big help in 'eeping the opposing team at bay. (I:61)
/magine oler brothers an sisters on Earth oul not be riven by their on selfish esires" interests an motivations of usually only anting to impress their peers or oler ones than themselves (not the 8real ol ones1" you 'no" it alays has to be :ust the right age group to be consiere 8orthhile1 impressing); #hey oul fin their greatest :oy in helping" tutoring" atching" an playing ith their younger brothers an sisters" or those of their friens. *ell" that1s ho your many helpers on this sie care for  you" ta'e their interest an :oy in you" their younger brothers an sisters on Earth. #hey on1t spen their time on selfish pleasures" nor loo' on on anyone they on1t eem 8cool1 or orthy" they are riven by 4ur great 0ove" the riving $orce of our celestial ealm to ant to o anything they can to be a blessing an a help to anyone" great or small" loly or great. All you nee to o is see' to listen to their hispers" hear'en for their voices" an you ill hear many thrilling stories" revelations" an you1ll be given insight into all the mysterious hien intricacies that ma'e life so seemingly complicate ithout their help. 0ife coul be so much easier for Earth1s little boys an girls" if" instea of running aroun in a blin frenzy to get hat they ant" or even hat the Devil tol them they shoul run for" they oul ac'nolege their heavenly brothers" sisters an Parents" ho are ever atching" ever caring" ever loving" ever illing to share" to apply all their might to lighten their young charges1 loa" to ease their path" to ma'e their lives more en:oyable. (I:65)
Cooperate more ith your spirit helpers< Don1t let them feel left out< Counsel ith them about every move< As' them for chec's before every little thing you o< 8/n the multitue of counselors" there is safety<1 7ou ant safety= Counsel ith the multitue /1ve surroune you ith< #hey1re aiting for you to let them ta'e over the heel an rive. (I:76)
+ust because you can1t see 2y millions of angels an spirit helpers oesn1t mean they1re not there. #here1s more to life than hat meets the eye. (I:120)
2y protective force fiel aroun you" the hege of 2y angels an helpers aroun you" protect you from the attac's of the ic'e ones. (I:141)
4ne of the first steps to get something one for 2e is to pray for them to happen" charging 2y angels to go before you an clear  the ay of any obstacles. (I:232)
Praise angels are those ho recor all the things to be than'ful for" they help recollect all those things> they1re the 'eepers of the recor of the manifestation of 2y poer in your life.  7our angels of praise help you hen you 'no not hat you shoul praise 2e for. Be minful of them an their presence" tune in to their leaings. #hey can also help you to aim at the Enemy an to hit him here it really hurts the most" to shoot off a loa of praise in :ust the right irection. (I:278)
2y Spiritual ealm seems so far aay to you" an you oner hy you can1t feel the presence of your angels an spirit helpers" an all you1ve got to cling to is 2y *or. (I:283)
*e1re unmovable li'e mountains" li'e a hege of giants to protect you" an yet you so often aner through this life an through your ays as if you ere utterly helpless" forsa'en an all alone" only observe from a far istance by a scarcely intereste" barely caring" obscure %o an a fe angels an spirit helpers. (I:386)
 7our initial ieal reaction to every problem you encounter in life shoul be to give it to 2e an trust< 7our spirit helpers an angels of the clou of itnesses aroun you in the Spirit *orl are aiting for that outcome hen you face a ifficult situation; hether  you ill give it to 2e an trust" or try to o it yourself an in up in ismay an orry an frustration. (I:398)
emember that /?m right there ith you" 2y angels are right by your sie" an the greatest force in the universe" so" it?s impossible for you not to in< (I:428)
/?m alays there" li'e / promise (t.29:19). / am permanently connecte to 2y angels an spirit helpers ho are permanently by your sie. (I:561)
*hen you brea' through by faith" an you touch 2e" or get in touch ith your helpers" then you?ll be reare ith the comfort of  'noing you?re not alone. But first you have to ma'e the effort of faith.  7ou?ll be reare ith unerstaning" assurance" an 2y heavenly gifts of the Spirit" brought to you by 2y heavenly company an host of angels an helpers" after  you have reache out by faith an mae the connection. (II:80)
/ allo people to learn from their mista'es by having them accompany their escenants as spirit helpers" to see hat the late ricochets an repercussions of their actions are over time. (II:145)
4ne e9ercise to activate an e9perience greater interaction ith your spirit helpers is witnessin' . (II:155)
 7ou have to go through certain phases alone. #hat?s hen / ra you to 2e or get you to focus more on your helpers.(III:57)
/?ve given you helpers along your roa to help you 'eep your eye on the goal an remin you of your @uest" helping you 'eep your  focus on the straight an narro. (III:92)
4ne reason hy relationships ith your spirit helpers are important; a relationship ith a spirit helper ill alays be one ithout any such games involve. #here ill never be any ulterior motives" no hien agenas" no cover,ups" shos an pretenses. /t ill alays be about that hich is releant ; the Cause of the -ingom. A conversation ith a spirit helper ill alays be eucational" avocating an furthering your spiritual groth.  7ou?ve got a hole lot to learn from your spirit helpers" an the more you hang ith them" the more their spiritual maturity is going to rub off on you. Some of 2y prophets of ol appeare to be so superior to others" so unavering" loo'ing through any schemes an refusing to be bribe by any tempting offers; they ere so in tune ith their angelic helpers" since they spent a lot of time on their on" or  rather" not in human company" but in the company of their spiritual ais an assistants an tutors. (III:115)
 7ou1re not :ust ealing ith one single /niviual here" but a large company hich constitutes much better company than is available to you on Earth right no. (III:116)
 7ou1ve got e" not only fighting by your sie" supporting an helping you" but even fightingfor  you" an ith millions of poerful co,fighters on our sie in the spiritual realm.  nd you 'no ho this ar ill en" an you on1t have to oner about ho ill be the victor" even if right no it may seem as though you1re vastly outnumbere. (IV:90)
/1m not  alone or'ing on your behalf" but there are countless saints or'ing aroun the cloc' on your behalf an your situation as ell" fighting har to bring about the best possible outcome in each of the things you have to go through. (IV:93)
Spirit helpers ill be a greater an more stable source of genuine inspiration to you than any frail an flae physical human ever  coul #he egree to hich the army of spirit helpers that1s available to you have overcome evil is une@ualle by anyone currently on Earth" because they have run the race an finishe the course" they have reache their goal an can tell an sho you ho you can best reach yours. / i not choose to stay on Earth in 2y boy after 2y resurrection" but sent the Holy Spirit instea" an" as you 'no" that1s precisely hat your spirit helpers are; they are the iniviuals that hat is conceive as the Holy Spirit consists of. #hrough them / can live ithin you" an not :ust be perceive by you from the outsie" so to spea'" as :ust another iniviual" but you can hear 2e" feel 2e" get 2y thoughts on a matter" an / can be a greater Source of Strength to you from ithin than / ever coul have been as :ust another fello human being to 2y isciples #hey that fight on 4ur sie in the spirit orl are more" are greater an mightier than they that fight for the ic'e one" even if it may temporarily seem as if he1s con@uering the orl. #here are millions at your isposal" of hich each one has got more to give to you than any human living on Earth ever coul. #hey are the source an origin of everything goo that1s ever happening on Earth" because even the greatest saints on Earth on1t fin it ithin them to o goo ithout them , their helpers on this sie. $elloship ith 2y spirits" an let them guie you an strengthen you an empoer you to o that hich you ill fin otherise humanly impossible< (IV:127)
Being attune to the Spirit *orl has many avantages. /t helps you to be more sensitive to the nees of your present situation" an helps you to tune in to others an their nees better" to have greater unerstaning for them" since your spirit helpers are in touch ith theirs" an they can help each of you to fin common groun. (IV:145)
 7ou1ve got friens in high places" an once the spirit orl can see that you1ve been ith 2e an you1ve ha your aily tal' an session ith the Boss" you1re pretty much free to travel an go anyhere you li'e" an o pretty much hatever you have the faith for. (11:4)
/1m here to help you ma'e it through ith all 4ur angels an saints" so :ust use an epen on that help< (2015:150)
+ust as #our  chilren sometimes nee #our  help" so the $ather an 2other 'no that you nee "heirs" along ith that of all the an'els" spirit helpers" anine" your 4ler Brother1s an Savior1s< An :ust as earthly parents are there for their  'is" so are your Heaenl#  4nes there for #ou " an along ith a bunch of helpers" friens an relatives< (2015:163)
-eep your min irecte at e" believing that / can help" along ith the large list of helpers 5p Here" available from the Spirit . emember the Spirit Helpers< 3oaays it might be somehat tou'her  to get ahol of their help" ith the enemy1s groing an increasing counter,acts" but :ust ma'e your faith gro accoring to the need " an hatever nees an ought to be one< (2015:194)
/f things aren?t or'ing out e9actly the ay you? ant the to" or a bit too tough for you to hanle" that?s hat / an your spirit helpers are there for" strengths" poers an forces you ought to learn to avail yourself of a lot more in sight of the fact that things are still eveloping to become a lot harer an tougher" an thus you nee to learn to avail yourself of that help from *oe< (2015:230)
Sometimes" hen life1s been a bit too easy for some" an it hasn1t been too goo for your character" the helpers 5p Here recommen something that might turn things aroun in favor of a bit more positive personality" not :ust hat they call on there another spoile *rat . (2016:137)
#he closer you stic' to 2e an your heavenly helpers an angels" the better. (2016:160)
Some of 2y prophets ha to ma'e it ith nothing an no one aroun them to help or assist them but 2e an their though unseen heavenly helpers an angels. Can you try to learn that for right no" in orer to get use to the fact of having to cling to an epen on 2e absolutely in times to come= (2016:177)
Being le an guie by 2e an your spirit helpers is the general trac' that fol's ill stan a chance to ma'e it through hat1s to come. /f you1re feeling li'e you can1t ma'e it ithout 2e an 2y Help an the angels1 from Heaven" ta'e it as the best step of  preparation for the times to come soon< (17:30)
#o efen yourselves against the evil attac's of our enemy is one of the main purposes you1ve got heavenly helpers for.(17:94)
emember the hosts of Heaven at your sie< emember your heavenly Helpers< (17:123)
4ne of the main causes for things getting orse is man1s lac' of appreciation for the goo things. #he isability to ever be 8content in hatsoever state1 they are... An hen they on1t appreciate hat they1ve got" / might have to ta'e it aay from them an let them fall into a situation that ma'es them a little more esperate" a little more appreciative. (I:67)
#he ability to love unconditionall# " even hen that love isn1t re@uite or even appreciate" to give hen you apparently receive nothing in return" that  is love that overcometh all things. 0ove that rises above the circumstances. 0ove that sees beyon that hich meets the eye" into a istant future" here even the most seemingly futile efforts of love are richly reare" an" oh" ill they be appreciate then. (I:121)
/f / oul :ust give you the rear ithout you having to fight for it" you oul never appreciate it as much as once you ill have ble an fought for ear life over it< (I:127)
People are too narro,mine to fully appreciate revolutionary" raical ne gifts that seem strange to them. (I:154)
*ithout a comparison to the imperfect" that hich is perfect oul never be as fully appreciate... 7ou1ll appreciate not having to go to the bathroom anymore in Heaven" a pain,free *orl" ithout irt an pollution... /t illustrates ell the filth / have save you from" through 2y sacrifice. (I:183)
0ove is respect" not ta'ing someone for grante" shoing appreciation. (I:248)
Sometimes blessings can be ta'en aay rapily" hen not appreciate an fought for li'e they ought. (I:273)
Appreciate an count your blessings" be than'ful" praise 2e more" an :ust let the light in more" so that there on1t be any room for all that ar'ness hich oul li'e to ta'e hol of your life an soul an min< (I:300)
/ ant you to appreciate those / have given you to live ith. (I:378)
#hose ho are not faithful in the little things" often first have to learn to appreciate hat they?ve 'ot " hich they sometimes only learn by losing all they?ve ha an in?t appreciate... /f you on?t appreciate hat /?ve given you" you might lose it any time. #he imperfections are part of the plan to help you one ay really appreciate 2y perfection. (I:411)
/ ant you to learn 'ratitude... to appreciate 2y supply for you" instea of ta'ing everything for grante. Don?t ta'e it for grante" but as  2e for it" an than  2e for it< (I:467)
4pen your eyes an see all the goo an the oners an many benefits an blessings /?ve given an am giving you" an will  continue to give" if you ill appreciate an ma'e use of them an than' 2e for them< (I:492)
4ne ill never appreciate the freeom / give until they have been the evil?s fool. (I:557)
 7ou ill yet appreciate 2e as the greatest treasure you?ve got" a very present Help in trouble an faithful Provier. (I:562)
/f you on?t continually appreciate the fact that things coul be orse" / might have to allo them to *ecome orse" :ust in orer  to prove it to you" that you i have a lot of reasons to be than'ful. (II:42)
#hose ho appreciate hat they?ve got an are than'ful for it" also love to share it an thus are able to receive more. *hile those ho complain an murmur an ait for the perfect thing to come aroun until they?re going to start sharing" lose hat they thin  they ha an get less an less. He that ithholeth it teneth to poverty. (II:103)
 7ou must learn to appreciate an praise 2e for the little things" even if they?re not perfect" in orer to really learn to appreciate the *etter  an eventually the *est  an perfect  things< (II:136)
Appreciate hat you?ve got" employ your elbo grease in it an give it all you got in orer to ma'e it or'< (II:144)
emember the importance of shoing appreciation< #he evil sees here #ou+re forgetting about the important etail of applying your spiritual  ealth an riches of shoing love an appreciation" an he hols on to it" ma'es it impossible for you to sho any more. /t1s so much harer to ma'e a ha*it  out of shoing praise an appreciation" but it oul ma'e life so much easier for everyboy. So if you ant to 'no the simple solution; sho more appreciation" praise more" be content ith such things that ye have" an encourage others more< (II:164)
 7our troubles an trials ma'e you hat you?re suppose to be< #hey change you from something / can?t use into useful tools an instruments in 2y service. #hey may be the things you least ant nor appreciate in your life" but / say" appreciate them" because you need  them< (II:199)
Sometimes you only appreciate hat you?ve ha after you lose it.
/f someone oesn?t appreciate their :ob an starts murmuring about it" / might as ell give it to someboy else. (II:211)
#urn to those ho appreciate hat you?ve got to give< (II:326)
Sho more appreciation" not a critical or self,righteous attitue< (II:329)
#he anger about feeing yourself the input from the meia is that you?re not content ith hat you?ve 'ot  anymore" you on?t appreciate it anymore. (II:338)
5sually an anser is more appreciate hen it doesn+t come right aay. /t gets people a bit more esperate an ma'es them appreciate the anser all the more hen it comes" an ma'es them more than'ful for it. (II:426)
Ba times ra you closer to 2e ma'e you realize you can?t o it ithout 2e" an ma'e you appreciate 2e an the fact that /?m aroun. 5ner circumstances in hich you simply nee 2e for your bare survival" you also learn to appreciate 2e more. (II:440)
#here is a big avantage in not being so spoile that you can?t appreciate the little things in life. #he evil realize that it?s much easier to corrupt people by that constant flo of ealth" than by poverty. Poverty ill ma'e them esperate" ill ma'e them return to 2e an pray" ill ma'e them appreciate hatever little thing they?ve got. (II:469)
4ne of the big problems of the times is the lac' of appreciation for hat?s alreay there. (II:539)
0earning to see the goo an appreciation seem to be forgotten s'ills that have to be regaine by conscious efforts. (II:583)
/f it costs you some effort  to fin 2e an to be able to hear 2y voice an receive 2y personal ors" then you ill appreciate them more an on?t run the ris' of ta'ing them for grante. 4ne of the greatest failures of man'in is their lac' of appreciation for each other" the sheer inability to appreciate another human being" to see them in their hole beauty" to really hear hat they have to say" to perceive them" ta'e them in an accept them for  hat they are. (II:622)
Being a goo stear over the things / have given you shos that you appreciate them" that you1re than'ful for them. 4f course" the enemy ill fight that. He alays ma'es hat you1ve alreay got loo' li'e nothin' " compare to all the elusive things he oul offer you" ever since Aam an Eve in the %aren.  7ou on1t 'no hat you1ve got till it1s gone" but /1m helping you to learn to appreciate hat you1ve got a bit more hile youhae it< (II:642)
#he greater the emptiness" the greater the appreciation of the filling. (III:48)
Consumer moe is the isease that has befallen the people an nearly every nation in the orl. 3oboy loo's at or appreciates hat they?ve 'ot " everyboy constantly ants more or something else. (III:111)
0ife ta'es you to the realization that happiness as hat you coul have ha all along" ha you appreciate those things right at your finger tips. (III:180)
/ ill honor you ith responsibilities accoring to the levels of progress you?re reaching. #he art consists in recognizing an appreciating the privilege of hat /?ve hane you alreay" instea of anting more" or ishing the circumstances ere better. (III:238)
4nly if you realize that all things come from 2y han an are , contrary to hat may seem at first glance , carefully planne" are you able to appreciate all the factors in your life for hat they really are" the tremenous blessings in isguise you so often ta'e for grante. (III:248)
+ust as you see' confirmation that hat you?re oing is o'ay" an you nee those nos from 2e an to'ens of encouragement from others that hat you?re oing is not :ust useless nonsense" so others nee those to'ens an affirmations as ell. 0et them 'no they?re neee" appreciate" ante" an not ta'en for grante< (III:284)
Appreciating hat you have an being than'ful for hat you?re given is a matter of trust in 2e. #he evil?s eapon to stop you from appreciating hat you?ve got an putting your hole heart into it is creating an enless array of ne shiny things to 'eep you istracte" to 'eep you too busy for hat /?m giving you. (III:289)
0ac' of appreciation usually causes one to lose hat they have" not to gain more. /n orer to be given more" you?ve first got to be faithful ith hat you?ve got" an in orer to be faithful ith it" you?ve got to appreciate it first. (III:306)
Sufferings are precisely the factors that ma'e you appreciate 2e an all / am for you" an they ra you to 2e in a ay that all the goo times in the orl never coul. (III:316)
Appreciate the goo ays" but on1t ta'e them for grante> an the not,so,goo ones" appreciate them" too< #hey1re more li'ely to be the ays hen / can reall#  use you< (III:401)
#he present life on Earth is in many aspects the contrast  to heaenl#  0ife Here in 2y heavenly an eternal ealm. But you nee to get to 'no this contrast in orer to e9perience greater appreciation for hat / have one. (III:485)
/sn1t it orth it having to e9perience the ar'ness every no an then in orer to fully come to appreciate the light= (III:564)
People ith unrealistic e9pectations from others can often become the cruelest tas'masters> a classic e9ample of hat lac' of  appreciation can o in people1s lives. (III:568)
0ife is all about learning to appreciate hat /1m giving you> most of all the people / have given you to live ith an to learn to cherish. (III:571)
/nstea of loo'ing at the hole in the oughnut an all you thin' you1re missing out on" it oul be better to appreciate anything you1re given at all" an not ta'e everything for grante. (III:583)
4thers on1t alays seem to be e9actly appreciative of your efforts to bring them the message that coul save them" but /1m trying to get you to shift your vision from hat you can immediatel#  see" the ay people apparentl#  are on the surface" to that hich is *elow  the surface" an their true nee. (IV:27)
/t1s appreciating hat you1ve alreay got an ma'ing the best of it" an investing the talents / i give you isely that ill bring you more" greater rears an iviens. But criticizing 2e for hat /1ve given you" murmuring in your heart about it" an failing to appreciate it" on1t get you the perfect orl you1 li'e to be living in. (IV:114)
0ess is sometimes more" an the secret lies in the empty spaces that / choose to create here an there" in fact" largely everyhere" ith :ust a relatively little bit of matter aroun in it for you to appreciate. /t1s the lean times in,beteen the blessings that ma'e you truly appreciate them as you shoul hen they are there  7ou ought to appreciate those times of leanness" of lac'" of anting something that you haven1t got" so that you ill appreciate it all the more again hen you get it" even if you have to ait a little hile. (IV:164)
#he thing that 'eeps from happiness is the failure to realize an appreciate hat you1ve 'ot  an ma'e the best out of it< (IV:178)
#here may be fe ho appreciate hat you1ve got to give" but they are there. (IV:194)
/ ant you to appreciate hat you1ve got. #o appreciate something means you 'no itsworth. (IV:200)
4nce you realize ho terribly eceive some people are" the truth as shabby as it may loo' at times suenly receives a ne value" an you start appreciating it a lot more for the rare treasure it is. (IV:228)
Sometimes hat1s necessary in orer to restore happiness an appreciation of your previous or current situation is a new  situation that isn1t @uite as easy. (IV:253)
#he truly humble on1t nee that constant visible an auible affirmation of people neeing" anting an appreciating them (although it oul obviously be preferable to be able to en:oy that)> they can live ithout it" because they 'no that ,  appreciate hat they1re oing an ill rear them accoringly" an that1s enough for them. / am enough for them. (IV:269)
0earning to appreciate hat you1ve had  an the loss of it is an important an necessary lesson in gratitue #here1s nothing li'e losing hat you1ve got in orer to learn appreciation an gratitue for it. (IV:344)
*hen you have less" it1s easier to appreciate it. (IV:345)
/t1s one of the saest testimonies to human'in ho @uic'ly an easily they can ta'e each other for grante an on1t appreciate each other as they shoul. (IV:383)
/ li'e to pour 2y healing balm of heavenly an true 0ove upon bro'en an oune hearts ho reallyappreciate it. (IV:406)
History is all about creating in you an appreciative heart. (IV:425)
*hen things are attaine an obtaine too easily" you simply cannot appreciate them in the same ay as something that you1ve ha to pay a price for an ha to enure some suffering for. (IV:471)
All in all" you might say" if nothing else" life is a school in gratefulness an appreciation" thelac  of hich has basically brought upon this orl all its curses. /t1s true that it as a loyalty issue" but hat brought about the failure in loyalty= A lac' of gratitue an appreciation for hat as there" an anting something different  instea" their own thing" instea of #  #hing. (IV:510)
Do you regret being in a situation here you esperately nee 2y Help an are utterly epenent on 2e" or o you appreciate it as a means to come closer to 2e than you ever coul if / oul :ust let you live a carefree life= *hat oul you prefer= #he easy" carefree" superficial ay that the ma:ority obviously choose" or this har an painful roa that rives you closer to 2e= An hich of the to ill enable you to truly give more to the ones you love= *hich ill ma'e you eeper" more profoun" an
also more appreciative of hat the#e got to give= (IV:518)
#here1s nothing that ma'es you appreciate the light li'e a little hile in the ar'ness. 3othing that ill ma'e you appreciate company" felloship" frienship an love" li'e some time of loneliness. (11:6)
Sometimes / li'e to wait  before / give you ne things until you have availe yourself of some of hich /1ve alreay given you. / nee you to sho that you appreciate hat /1ve alreay given you" an not ta'e it for grante. (11:16)
Happiness couln1t possibly be foun in hat you1ve alreay got" accoring to the enemy" an the painful lesson that ill usually result from that is" that fol's ill eventually in up losin'  hat they ha an werent  happy ith" in orer to learn to appreciate it (11:59)
2ore often than not" people ten to e9pect a little too much from their lives an ten to rather fail to appreciate an ma'e the best out of hat they1ve got. (11:65)
Perfection is only ac@uire via the path of imperfection. 7ou can?t get there e9cept by this uncomfortable" painful roa of suffering an putting up ith the munane things of life to help you appreciate the perfect once it?s there (11:66)
#here are very fe people actually reay to lay on their lives for another" an perhaps the scarcity of that phenomenon ill help you appreciate a little more the fact that ,  i. (11:70)
0earn to be than'ful for hat you have" to appreciate it an ma'e the best out of it< (11:120)
People alays focus on the *etter  thing they coul , an figure" ou'ht  to , have yet" instea of appreciating all the @ualities of  hat they1ve got. emember the lesson about not appreciating hat you1ve got until you lose it all< (11:146)
/f you appreciate hat you1ve 'ot " an focus on sharin'  that" it1s boun to enhance your relationship ith people an the orl aroun you" in more friens" an thus generate greater contentment" an accoringly"success. (2012:93)
Sometimes it1s best to simply stic' to an appreciate hat you1ve 'ot " hich brings us bac' to the @uality of gratefulness (2012:94)
2illions of people aroun the globe have nothing an no one to turn to" to help them out" hich shoul ma'e you appreciate 2y Presence an help in your life all the more. /1m here for you" as / oul be for them" if they ere aware of 2e" but unfortunately no one has been able to successfully convey that truth to them. So" al'ing a mile in their shoes is efinitely going to help broaen your horizon" ma'e you appreciate hat you1ve got on one han" an maybe give you more of a heart for those ho haent  got hat you1ve got #he e9periences that ma'e you nee 2y help an 2y coming through for you yet again ill remin you of 2y faithfulness an strengthen your  appreciation of that factor that ma'es you so ifferent from the rest of them (2013:9)
0earn ho to truly appreciate hat you do have" an they on1t; your faith in eternal alues" your 'nolege of these spiritual  things" the resulting peace" freeom from fear" an a greater capacity to love" simply because you ta'e more time for love than those ho spen most of their time chasing after money< (2013:19)
/t1s not 'ood   things" but those suppose ba things that bring about those changes an cultivate gratitue #hose e9periences that ma'e you appreciate the goo you1ve ha" or ma'e you than'ful hen it gets better again. /t1s easy to ta'e things for grante" until the moment you lose them. (2013:21)
-noing one,self is a virtue" s'ill or value that may have been appreciate by certain ancient philosophers" but in this age of lies" it1s about as popular as opera among youngsters. #hey on1t anna hear it. 0i'e most of the things of eternal value that / have to offer" it remains largely unappreciate in this orl of temporary values offering momentary satisfaction. (2013:34)
4nce goo people become so rare that you can count them on the fingers of one han among all your ac@uaintances" it might help you to remember them" 'no ho they are" appreciate them better an not forget about them or lose trac' of them (2013:52)
#he hole ilemma of man'in began over an issue of lac' of gratefulness an appreciation for hat the first to human beings ha" an so they lost  it.  7ou ought to 'no ho easy it is to lose hat you1ve got if you on1tappreciate it. Appreciate hat you1ve got hile you have it< 7ou never 'no hen you might have to o ithout it again" especially if youdont < (2013:53)
Another funamental lesson is that of shoing appreciation for the people aroun you an being grateful for hat you have. (2013:95)
/f you feel neglecte an unappreciate" it may very ell be that #ou  happen to fail to appreciate hat shoul be the most important $actor in your life to the egree you ought to.
 7ou reap hat you so. /f you so appreciation an praise" that1s also hat you1ll get in return. (2013:107)
#a'ing things for grante depreciates them. #he right thing to o hen you feel unappreciate is to turn aroun an give an sho some appreciation to others" even to 2e" an see hat oners that ill o. .antin'  all the appreciation an praise is the natural" chilish thing to o" but passing some on to others has become @uite unusual. Sho appreciation here it1s ue< Shoing praise an appreciation is the special an e9traorinary thing to o> an if you can1t fin anyone else you eem orthy of it" hey" /1m alays reay an open for some. emember that it1s a force an poer that ill reflect bac' on you. (2013:123)
/t helps to be appreciative an less critical of others. (2014:49)
#he tou'h times are suppose to teach you appreciation for the much softer  times you ha. (2014:60)
Eventually /1ll overcome the ic'e one an ill appreciate you for hatever help you gave on Earth to ma'e 2y $orce" 0ight an Spirit shine. (2014:68)
Sometimes you only start appreciating persons or countries an things in them hile you1re apart from them. *hat / trie to ma'e clear to you as that your mista'e an fault as that you han1t appreciate some as much as you shoul have" an sometimes hen you on1t appreciate hat you1ve got" you1ll lose it for a hile. (2014:73)
*hen there1s a lac' of gratefulness going on" that 'in of person must sometimes go through things toteach them gratefulness an to appreciate the blessings they in1t appreciate as much as they coul have. $ining out ho baly the orlly systems can fail ill help you appreciate Heaven a lot more< Sorry about all the ugly things going on> but it shoul still be something you ought to 'no" that this isn1t heaven on earth yet. /t1s something going on that ill ma'e people an fol's appreciate the heaven on earth that1s to come (2014:85)
Be happy that 2y -ingom ill be very ifferent an much more pleasant< #hat1s one reason this current orl is there for; to help you appreciate 2y -ingom" hich lasts eternally. 7ou1ll be pretty fe up ith the evil1s vibes by then" an ill nothing but appreciate the ues of Heaven. (2014:87)
/f you can1t appreciate blessings in your life" an can1t o much to bless others in return" then you1ll have to learn hat it1s li'e to have to go through life ithout many blessings. He that isn1t grateful for hat he has receive has got to be taught ho to appreciate gifts an blessings first often" by having to o without  them for some time. (2014:105)
#hat life asn1t :ust a ream of happiness altogether ill help you eventually to appreciate hat1s coming thereafter. (2014:125)
Appreciating 2e an 2y *or an Presence / give to you is about the best you can or evenshould  o. *hat meant to you a lot before has someho isappeare" an the one thing an highest thing that1s truly left is 2y continuing output to you 2aybe their loss asn1t such sorro an isaster after all" but more something to appreciate as a reminer of the things of truly more an greater value in your life (2014:131)
3o is a special time preparing you for the Hereafter ight no you may not e9actly appreciate it" but then you will < (2014:135)
"reasure an appreciate your times ith 2e learning that they1re better" more valuable an orth more than hat you can get out of the world < 0earn to appreciate the spiritual  values more than the physical or material ones" because you1re getting closer to that spiritual point here you1ll actually lie in the spirit " an things ill turn out @uite a bit ifferent than they1ve been in the physical an material orl (2014:136)
Count your blessings< Don1t ignore them<  7ou shoul appreciate them more! (2014:139)
#here is that 'in of a ifference beteen 2y voice" input an truth" an the oubts an ugly thoughts the evil tries to thro at you beforehan 2aybe you1re learning to appreciate the difference beteen the effect of 2y truth an his lies. *oul be worth it" on1t you thin'= (2014:145)
4ne of the reasons for hich e9periencing some negative vibes an times right no are there for; /t1ll efinitely help you appreciate the Hereafter a lot . /t1s a faith,thing" hether you can appreciate humility or not . But blesse an iser are those ho do. (2014:147)
ecognizing the ifference beteen hat it is that man prouces" an hat God  prouces through His *or" eventually ill ma'e you appreciate the *or more (2014:151)
A heavenly min is one that truly 'nos ho to appreciate hat1s e9pecting you Here. #he 'in of a stage you1re going through ought to ma'e you appreciate Heaven a lot more" an thus turn you on" inspire you an motivate you to in others to their future in Heaven by ma'ing them receie 2e. (2014:154)
0et1s hope you can appreciate a bit more the place an area here it1s 2ywill  for you to be. (2014:157)
 7ou can learn some things that ill serve you a lot an help you appreciate hat1s to come" an maybe help others o thesame.  7ou shoul appreciate it as a great honour an gift that you can hear from 2e li'e this<(2014:171)
4nce you can believe in the things *e#ond  the life an things you can see no" that means your faith is 'rowin' " an ma'ing you value an appreciate #  ominion more than the one that1s currently occupie by the enemy (hich *e1re allowin'  in orer to teach a big lesson on that type of human behavior an temporal preference). Sorry the best part of life only comes after  it" but it shoul also help an ma'e you appreciate the mas allF or *e#ond here a bit more. (2014:173)
Better 'eep praising %o" than murmuring< Praising Him means" you 'no an appreciate His Strength< (2014:174)
0ife is something li'e a gift of the $ather" an you shoul appreciate it as such" an not :ust rely on yourself to 'eep it going< (2014:176)
Appreciation1s a goo thing hich pays to 'eep in min. Don1t :ust 'eep ta'ing goo things an blessings for grante< 7ou1ve got a lot to be than'ful for" an hen you1re not" it coul easily be that there1ll be less of them aroun" to appreciate them a bit more. (2014:178)
A lot of sincere believers ha to suffer a bit in life. But the more one oes" the more is Heaven appreciate. /f life1s a bit of a toughie" :ust appreciate that it on1t last foreer  on there" but there1s a much better part e9pecting you 5p Here< / 'no life1s a lot rougher for you no than it use to be" but it might have a goo reason; #o train you an ma'e you a better  fi'hter  on there" as ell as ma'e you appreciate the fact that Heaven1s comin' " a lot more #here1s something *etter  aaiting you 5p Here< So" thin  about it a bit more" an let it ma'e you appreciate all things a bit more" li'e Salvation" an hat / did  for you< As long as life on Earth is ros#  for you" you might not appreciate it so much. So" maybe no oner you1re learning to appreciate the Hereafter  a bit more< An how " an hich other wa# " than :ust shoing you that life on there isn1t all that cool an hot" after all" not all that spleni= Sho some appreciation for the 'ood  things" even if they1re not @uite as numerous as they1ve been or they ere bac' then Sho some appreciation< Alright= #hin' about Heaen" an sho some appreciation that there1s a *etter  Place for you to in up than this planet on there right no an the state it1s in. (2014:186)
 7ou have to go through some tough an rough stuff" so that you can learn to appreciate more the goo things / put in your life. (2014:189)
/t :ust couln1t stay as easy in your life as it as" in orer for you to have a positive change. An hile it may still seem very ifficult for you to hanle an accept that change" one ay you1ll learn to appreciate it an realize wh#  it ha to come. (2014:197)
Count the blessings" appreciate them an praise 2e for them< +ust 'eep noticing an appreciating the 'ood stuff< Sometimes the tough sies of life also have their purpose. Even if it1s :ust to ma'e you appreciate the Hereafter more. #hat1s efinitely one of the 'ood  sies of the rou'h sie; Helps you appreciate the Hereafter< (2014:202)
See the positie sie; that you1re probably learning the largest part uring these times" an some ay" you ill appreciate them for  it. At the moment it might be tough for you" but some ay you1ll be able to appreciate it. *hen you1ll see it all as vali preparation for the Hereafter. (2015:8)
Being aare of the fact that life on Earth isn1t too far aay from hell  on Earth shoul help you appreciate the 'ood  sie of things in the Hereafter for you a bit more (2015:9)
Sometimes the rough times ma'e you appreciate the better ones" an they also ma'e you lon'  for them" along ith better places to be. (2015:13)
Sometimes you have to learn that complaining oesn1t help at all an oesn1t bring any avantage. +ust learn to appreciate an cope ith hat you1ve 'ot  an hat you have left " instea of murmuring about hat1s not perfect or missing< Ho about letting your life get a more ictorious rift by appreciating hat you have left= (2015:18)
#hey come up ith so many things to spoil fol's ith their earthly lives but hen you have to go through adifferent  an less spoile stretch of life" that1s hen you realize that there must be a better Hereafter coming" an you start appreciating that a bit more than uring times the enemy tries to get you hypnotize ith" an spoile by earthly current times (2015:27)
#ry to 'eep appreciating the 'ood  things hile they last an count your blessings< (2015:34)
/ figure you1re orthy of an oul appreciate being prepare for that hich is coming" even if this ay may principally teach you ho to get desperate an apply esperation as the most helpful ay to get ahol of Heaven1s Poer to ai you. (2015:36)
Even though this life is tough" :ust appreciate the lessons you can learn from an fight for it" that you1ll be able to ma'e some goo graes an have some success hile it lasts< /t1ll be a goo" happy ening of this earthly life" an you1ll :ust appreciate having been a bit more prepare for it. (15:49)
Being really in touch ith 2e inspires an encoura'es you" an you1re sloly recognizing the importance of it. , Something to be grateful for" to appreciate" an not get into any groove that causes you to neglect our connection.(15:52)
Easy living may be hat fol's might be aiming for in this life" but in the en" it1s efinitely not the most valuable life,style" nor the one hich most of hat can be gaine of it ill be share the most in the time an space here the trulyalua*le things ill be appreciate an value much more. /alue these times" an learn to appreciate them in the future" even if they may seem to be @uite rough an tough for you right no< (15:59)
#he harer an tougher times ill ma'e you turn out more appreciatie" hich" in general" means" ith a more positive an li'eable character<  7ou1ll see that those harer times ill have ha something positie about them" after all" an in the en you1re going to appreciate them" loo'ing bac' at hat they cause in you an mae you turn out to be li'e. (15:67)
 7es" life on there can be tou'h. But all the more you1ll appreciate it hen you1ll ma'e it Home 5p Here< 0earning to appreciate your $uture Home a bit better an forever ell" it ta'es some time an a bit of effort an pain on there" but it ill be orth it. (15:68)
$un is o'ay" but isom an learning from life have greater values< So" appreciate an value those  things" an on1t be so isappointe if you1re not having loas of fun in the sun right no. Some things are more important than having fun" an learning hat life has to teach you is one of them. ppreciate hat /1m haning you to learn< Humility an appreciation or' together> hereas constant complaints instea are more li'ely representing pride. (15:72)
#he rough times ra you closer  to 2e" an thus ill result in positie force in your life. /t1ll help you appreciate 2y strength an poer" as it ill ma'e you realize its superiority over the negative forces in life. (15:84)
Sometimes it ta'es certain e9periences to appreciate former things" or avantages of other places. /n general" you 'no that this orl isn1t e9actly a perfect place" an /1m or'ing on ma'ing you appreciate an long for the Hereafter more So" it1s goo you1re e9periencing a bit more preparation for the Hereafter" incluing learning to have some more appreciation for  having Something to e9pect that ill be orth it all. (15:85)
0et those present rough times help you to appreciate the easier times of the past  an recognize the blessings of them you ere able to en:oy< 3ot being alloe to apply the former methos to teach your chil some manners might help you appreciate the $ather1s ays a little more" *ho1s not boun to or brainashe by moern octrines of fol's on there that you1re having to e9perience the results of right no /t might ma'e you appreciate iscipline. An it might even cause you to appreciate the one *e ha to use on#ou . Having to eal ith rotten 'is certainly helps you appreciate the avantages of iscipline an castigation So" on1t be too shoc'e anymore by har times to go through" but appreciate them as more valuable teachers than the easy ones spoiling you< (15:86)
Something to teach you to appreciate the $ather1s an#  traits an avantages; having to eal ith hat 4ur enem#  is ma'ing out of the orl Sometimes" hen things get orse" they teach you to appreciate the *etter  times you ha. (15:91)
/f you can tell there1s a difference hen you1re not receiving any input from e" ell you shoul appreciate hat you1re getting< Appreciating more hat1s coming hereafter ill ma'e some sense to you the ability to appreciate /t all the more ue to having live in a orl ta'en over by the enemy because of people1s ba choices. (15:94)
A life in a orl pretty much ta'en over by the enemy at least ill help you appreciate the Hereafter more an teach you a lot of  lessons about hat1s goo or ba" better or orse So" being able to iscern beteen those to is alreay orth @uite a lot" an you shoul appreciate it an go through it ithout complaining about it" if you can. +ust accept it ithout complaining" an go through it as than'fully an appreciative as you can" remembering that itcould  have been even worse /f life represents somehat of a ni'htmare to you" ell it1s something that shoul help you appreciate the Hereafter the life in Heaen that / promise. 0earn ho to hanle" manage an cope ith hat life has to give you" an let it all strengthen your trust in 2e by as'ing 2e for  help an appreciating it hen it comes< (15:111)
 7ou1ll :ust have to go through the times on there that ought to ma'e you appreciate the Hereafter for'ood < (2015:113)
3o appreciation for blessings may result in fewer  blessings or even none at all" until you get that point< #here1s efinitely an avantage connecte to giving praise to Him that blesses you< So" do it< Amen= (2015:123)
Being than'ful an grateful for the 'ood  things you go through is @uite an important lesson" an to appreciate hat you1ve 'ot " so that you on1t have to go through the harder  lesson of having to ma'e it without  those blessings you might not fully appreciate. Guite a fe positie traits an factors li'e appreciation an than'fulness" fol's on1t learn too easily throughout their positie times an circumstances" but rather learn ho to treasure more hen things gro ar'er an tougher upon them. *hen you1ve ha a 'ood  part of life you in1t appreciate all that much" ell" / guess you can tell by no hy it is that that ol 'ood  part has been trae for a not,so,goo one" ma'ing you appreciate that past. #han'fulness an appreciation help to 'eep the goo times an blessings floing. /f the goo times come to an en" that might easily be ue to that lac' of appreciation an gratefulness never being happy or  satisfie ith hat life as giving you" an ue to that lac' of than'fulness" some tou'her  times set in" teaching you that things can easily be worse than the much more appreciable times you in1t vie as such until they ere 'one. Sometimes it1s the ne'atie happenings that ma'e the former times loo' a lot more valuable" an ma'e fol's realize ho foolish it as to murmur   about them or ta'e them for grante" instea of ta'ing full avantage of them an valuing them for the unappreciate blessings of the past So let that lesson about aluin'  blessings as you should " sin' in" so that you on1t espise them or ta'e them for grante in the future" having learne that such action can ra much worse situations upon you than those harly appreciate an value former  ones. (2015:127)
Even though it may seem to you that things you1ve been given are getting lost" an#thin'  that has the values from *oe on1t perish" but last foreer .  7ou may see the nee for these things as so much greater no than it may be in the Hereafter" but also 'no that they1ll be much more appreciate an treasure then" here the values largely governing fol's on1t be rule by the materialism that runs your  orl noaays. (15:129)
Applying for help from *oe is a wise movement an preparation for hat1s to come" hich you might not appreciate so much right no" but you will  hen those times arrive you1re being prepare for< (15:130)
*hen things get tough" or har those are even the times you can count on 4ur help the most " an .e 'no" they1re the times you appreciate it the most. (15:141)
0ife may be tough" having to go through it ith so much evil aroun an yourself not ever really managing to become perfect  on there" but maybe it1ll help you to appreciate #hose *hoare" an thus" all the more illing to help fol's li'e you" as soon as they realize they still need  help< (15:161)
Humbling situations o have their assets an avantages 3ot easy to appreciate" but eentuall# = (15:167)
Don1t feel too ba about those current" unpleasant  times< #hey shoul certainly help you appreciate more hat1s there to come. (15:184)
#ry an appreciate the har times as preparation for hat1s to come an hy you1ll mae it in the future< (15:190)
Having to eal ith life on Earth" the fragility an temporal states of it all" shoul efinitely help to appreciate hat1s e9pecting you in the other Dimension %roing oler teaches believers to appreciate hat accoring to their faith comes after  that life uring hich things :ust fae aay. /t1s efinitely more positie things to prepare for an loo' forar to 5p Here" after that temporal life on there" an it1s efinitely something to focus on an ma'e you appreciate the change that1s coming. An" ell if you can appreciate it *eforehand " it ill ma'e your presence aroun others more appreciable someho ith the vies of something more positie aaiting that ma'es you more special  someho than those ho can only appreciate hat1s to be e9pecte on there (15:191)
*hile there1s a nee an necessity for chan'e" there1s also one for gratitue an appreciation< *hat believers an chilren of %o hae" ought to be appreciated . $in out hat nees to be change" an hat on the other han ought to be appreciate ith gratitue< (15:195)
Sometimes you1ve :ust got to go through some har an tough lessons to help you appreciate both" the goo things you1vehad " an the goo an even far *etter   ones to come to loo' forar to the future a bit" an the better Hereafter. /f life is har an rough" on1t ell too much in self,pity about it" but appreciate the lessons to learn from it an eventually ma'e a bit of a wiser  person out of you< (15:201)
#he rarer  things get" the more precious  they become for fol's" an the more they1ll appreciate the privileges an opportunities they previously may have ta'en for 'ranted . #he more you appreciate hat /1m 'iin'  you" the more ,  appreciate the 'iin' . 2y input  has become more precious  an alua*le to you" an you appreciate it more" hich ill also help you appreciate its *enefits more. (15:211)
Having to go through hard  times" :ust appreciate it as a process of ma'ing you stron'er < (15:227)
3ot e9actly gratefulness or  positieness" to be complaining about life1s tou'hness" hen you actually should  be 'rateful  an appreciative of the *lessin's / besto on you. (15:233)
 7ou1re :ust going to have to ma'e it through the har times" teaching you about the negative things of the orl" an thus" hopefully" ma'ing you a lot more appreciative of hat1s to comeafterwards. (15:239)
0earning to hanle roughness is not a isavantage" but something that ma'es you stron'er  in the spirit   in other ors" the ay that lasts< So" on1t unerestimate or fail to appreciate it< Preparation for the rough times coming ill be the thing you1ll appreciate most  hen those times are there. (2016:15)
*hen you on1t appreciate your boy (or your life) as much as you shoul" some blessings isappearing shoul teach you a bit about the goo times you ha" hich can come to an en hen not appreciate as they shoul. emember the attitue of than'fulness an appreciation< 3ot loo'ing at the negative but shoing appreciation for the positie parts of your life is efinitely the proper ay an attitue. (2016:21)
%oing through a rou'h life in orer to appreciate the Hereafter an learn important lessons may not seem so rosy to you at the moment" but trust 2e that you1ll appreciate it all some ay< /t1ll help to someay ma'e the ri'ht  'in of choices an follo the right irections. Sometimes orse circumstances eventually help to appreciate the *etter . An if situations seem too tough for you to ma'e it through them by yourself" let it teach you to apply for an epen on 2y help an all the help from Above you can get" hich" trust 2e is the only ay to ma'e it through hat1s before you. Don1t miss the goo an easy times< +ust appreciate them" even if they eren1t mae to stay permanently< (2016:27)
/f you1re going through har an col times on there" they shoul ma'e youappreciate an loo' forward  at hat1s to come for  those ho have chosen to believe in an receive 2e as their Savior. (2016:34)
Don1t forget to appreciate your blessings" an sho some than'fulness for hat you1ve got" instea of complaining about the current state of things an your situation< (2016:35)
#he rougher times on there ill efinitely ma'e you appreciate hat *e1ve got in store for you< (2016:43)
#roubles have their purpose> that1s hy they1re allowed . /ncluing appreciatin'  the times or rather" 0in'dom , without  trouble" 5p Here. (2016:47)
0earning hat ba an evil can lea to ma'es the ise fol's appreciate an prefer the 'ood . / on1t blame you for not appreciating the ba state of the orl you1re in" :ust try to ma'e the best you canout  of it< (2016:58)
Even if the lesson of than'fulness an appreciation may not ma'e that much sense to you right no" trust 2e that itwill < /f you1ve been prou of your own abilities" trust 2e that you1ll appreciate an be more than'ful for 2ine to help see you through it all< (2016:63)
/n orer to fully appreciate the *etter " fol's unfortunately usually have to go through the worse first. (2016:69)
/1m teaching you to appreciate the lastin'  6alues more than the earthly" escening ones. (2016:73)
Even if you1re eating pieces of ca'e right no" you1ve got to get use to the fact that life is not  a piece of ca'e" an ith hat1s coming up ahea" you1ll have to learn to appreciate hatever sorts of foo you1ll get ahol of< *hat life has got to offer right no isn1t much more than the appreciation for a *etter  one coming thereafter but remember" there are still @uite a fe fol's ho might appreciate it" too" if someone lets them now  about it" an ho easily to receive it is< (2016:76)
#he times before trouble hits ought to be appreciated . An hen they1re not " ell trouble1s up ahea" an much harer to cope ith than the eas#  times that ere espise. So" life1s a rou'h# " but mainly hen not appreciated  before" hen times ere much rosier. (2016:77)
#here1ll come a time hen faith ill ma'e all the difference" an the physically stronger an fitter ones ill appreciate then hat you can offer them. (16:80)
Sometimes the only ay to appreciate things formerly espise is through losin'  them an having to o without  them. (2016:84)
Sometimes it1s :ust goo an necessary to learn not to ta'e goo things for grante to learn to sho a bit ofappreciation for them. #hat1s one reason hy ba things can happen; lac' of appreciation an gratitue. Easy times ta'en for grante can lea to tou'h times. #here1s :ust nothing none of the blessings that shoul be ta'en for  'ranted . /f you do" situations ill come up hat ill ma'e you miss them an appreciate them. (2016:91)
Be than'ful for 2y preparation of you to mae it through hat1s to come" an try to appreciate it< *onering ho you1re gonna ma'e it through each ay is basically hat it1ll be li'e uring those ar'est ays of history tocome> so on1t *lame 2e for these harder  times" but try to appreciate that preparation for the hardest  ones to come< (2016:92)
As the earthly life gets tougher" oesn1t it raise your appreciation an hopes for the #hereafter= (2016:102)
Don1t be iscourage by the rough times that ra you closer to e< See them as  positie preparation to help you ma'e it through the roughest times to come< Something fol's aroun you may not be able to appreciate right now " but they :ust mi'ht  in the ays to come. /f /1m helping you ma'e it through the rough times now " it1ll strengthen your faith that /1ll help you ma'e it through the rougher  ones coming. An even if fol's aroun you might not appreciate it now  chances are" they ill then. if our communication is hat cheers you up" see the positie in it" even if you have oubts about the ability of others aroun you to appreciate it right no< #hey will  then< (2016:107)
*hen you1re stuc' in a place you1re not please ith an not happy at" there1s a reason for it> an most of the times" a lac' of  gratitue an appreciation can be one of the main ones for it. So" ta'e gratitue an appreciation as a part of heavenly wisdom< An since you1re not the onl#  one lac'ing appreciation" you may be able to unerstan hy such tough :ugment is heaing toar your planet. +ust as Eve learne to appreciate Een after having to leave it" so ill many fol's only begin to appreciate hat they too' for  grante once it1s 'one. 4ne of the avantages of loss; #eaching you to appreciate hat formerly you too' for 'ranted . #o appreciate means to treasure things ith a grateful attitue" not ta'ing them for grante. Appreciating hat you in1t" before" is a ma:or purpose of the 0essons of 0ife. (2016:108)
#he meals you1ve been en:oying three times a ay all your life soon on1t be aroun anymore. An hile they1re still there" sho some appreciation an gratitue< So time to ma'e it through the current times ith a bit of appreciation for hat you can stillen1o# " on1t you thin'= Earthly circumstances are something to learn ho to eal ith to ma'e you appreciate your perfect Home tocome< #he pains an oes through the curse ill teach 2y sheep appreciation of hat1s to come; their true an eerlastin' Home" ith no pains" nor painful ening to come. A history of evil reining the orl shoul teach man'in the lesson of appreciating the'ood . (2016:112)
Hell on Earth is suppose to ma'e you appreciate Heaen aaiting you afterars. Sometimes it ta'es a bit of the u'l#  things in life to ma'e fol's appreciate the coming Hereafter promise to them" an that / came on there to ma'e accessible for fol's. So" hell on Earth= +ust let it ma'e you appreciate Heaven thereafter< (2016:119)
/f you on1t have enough love an appreciation for hat you yourself ere mae" it1s unli'ely that loving others as you o yourself  comes up ith the @uality of love neee" e9pecte an appreciate. (2016:124)
/f circumstances ma'e it tough for you" if nothing else" let it be a process to ma'e you appreciate the Hereafter< Even if you on1t feel orthy of /t" let it ma'e you appreciate the $ather1s mercy an forgiveness< (2016:140)
Sometimes appreciation comes by seeing e9ceptionally helpful factors of imperfect circumstances. (2016:152)
/t may be tough to instill faith an hope in others hen you 'no there1s a ar' future coming ahea of all of you" but hat hen that ar' future1s there= #rust 2e that they1ll appreciate hat you have to offer then more than ever< #here1s a price to pay for eer#thin' " especially the 'ood  things an even :ust learning a bit of appreciation in the process isn1t a loss. (2016:156)
2a'ing it through hell on Earth ill help many to appreciate an yearn for Heaen on Earth see' for something *etter  than hat this orl has to offer uner its current master" hose temptations so many have fallen for. (16:162)
/t1s efinitely best not to ta'e anything for grante. #a'ing things for grante in the state the orl is heaing for oul be a serious mista'e (2016:164)
#he rut of getting use to things pretty much floing by themselves is coming to an en 0argely because people haven1t been appreciating them as they ought to" an mainly relying on their on strengths" efforts an abilities to provie for them> an a universal lesson :ust has to be taught that things of creation shouln1t be ta'en for grante. (2016:167)
2an'in not having been able to appreciate the perfection of Een shoe that they oul have to go through some other  lessons first. Sometimes the goo isn1t appreciate until ba an evil have been there to confront an eal ith. (2016:172)
#he avantage of tough times; aising your appreciation of heavenly Help. #imes of trouble raise the level of appreciation an than'fulness of 4ur fol's for the protection an miraculous Help they receive from 5s uring those times. (2016:178)
*hen the trouble arises" it1s time to get out of that eas#  gear" an get into a more serious one< Even if fol's aroun you might not appreciate it yet. 3ot until they see the trouble themselves you felt impening. (2016:184)
Can you *lame 2e for ithholing the abunant blessings you1 been use to for so long" in orer for you to appreciate them" learn hat others have to go through" so that you evelop a greater incentive to share hat you1ve got ith others= (2016:185)
#he choices of man have le the globe into a fairly isastrous state" in orer to help fol's to eventually appreciate the non, isastrous" heaenl#  Host. Sorry that in orer to be able to appreciate Heaen" it turns out that most fol's nee to e9perience an get a bit of a taste of hell  on Earth first< (2016:190)
#hose :ust constantly see'ing fun an entertainment ill have a shoc' coming at them in their nearby future an any preparation for ifficult an har times ill finally be appreciate an unerstoo.(2016:194)
#he ays coming ill be more unpleasant" an fol's ill appreciate then that there1s been someone getting prepare by tuning into 2y moe of leaership" guiance an protection" the only glimpse of hope that ill see them through. (2016:196)
#ough situations ma'e you appreciate a bit more hat ,  ent through for #ou . (2016:199) 
Appreciate those relatively easy times an means of survival" compare to hat1s up ahea of you an the orl per se" even if  they1re alreay tougher than they used  to be< (17:5)
2y faithfulness to you is hat shall bring about #our  faithfulness to e" an that appreciation for Someone never leaving your  sie" an alays capable of helping you to ma'e it through hatever it is you1re having to 'o through. (17:8)
3ot ta'ing things for grante but appreciatin'  them can be a healthy change of attitude an sometimes it1s the tou'h situations to eal ith causin'  that. #he freeom of not having to be in a rut in orer to manage mere survival ill one ay again be appreciated . (17:10)
Sorry that most of hat you1re having to learn is ealing ith an hanling the tough times but they1re to get people to appreciate the better ones thereafter. Sometimes the not en:oyable moments an times in the present ma'e you appreciate those you in1t in the past " even though bac' then you in1t consier them en:oyable" either. (17:13)
3ot orrying too much about the opinions of others about hat you1re oing hen hearing from 2e is part of a sign of  appreciation for 2y counsel /1m giving you. (17:14)
Doesn1t it ma'e you more than'ful an appreciative hen *e help you to mana'e to ma'e it through the ays as they get tougher= #hat1s one of the positive aspects of things an circumstances becoming tougher; you start appreciating the ma'ing it through them more than hen you ere ta'ing it for grante. As times get tougher" the appreciation level for ma'ing it through them rises. Appreciating heavenly Help is somehat of a must . Difficult situations an circumstances shoul raise your appreciation level hen you can1t ma'e it through them on your on" but nee that Help from Above to ma'e it through them. #a'ing things for grante is a negative human habit" hich is hy appreciation is one of the ma:or 3*4s. #o ta'e for grante hat one is use to is one of the typical human character traits" an unfortunately the only things that help fol's to snap out of it an sho more appreciation an gratefulness are the incients that ma'e them snap out of the positive,for, grante,rut. 0ife1s a potential fountain or river of blessings that shouln1t be ta'en for grante. 4therise :ust li'e rivers sometimes ry up you might have to get use to learning hat life can become without  them. So" in orer to 'eep the blessing floing" appreciate them" an sho some thanfulness< (17:19)
0earning to appreciate fol's that aren1t perfect might be one of those ma:or challenges for someone ith a craving for perfection. An having to eal ith the fact that he1s not prefect" either ell"should  ma'e that lesson an e9perience a little easier to hanle. (17:25)
*ith 'is hining aroun for no visible reason" it might sho you ho it ma'es 5s feel hen you1re in a negative an unthan'ful moe" not appreciating our blessings" supply an protection. (17:26)
#imes getting orse is often part of the result of not having appreciate hat as there *efore. *ith hell on Earth approaching" at least some fol's ill learn to appreciate their former Heaen on Earth. An appreciation is :ust another e9pression for a grateful attitue. (17:31)
$ining yourself in a more ifficult situation is not hat you personally appreciate" but let 2e assure you that it1s the better option of preparation for hat1s up ahea< (17:42)
*e1ll create orer out of that chaos" eventually< An the appreciation for the ifference ill ma'e it orth it.(17:55)
 7ou1re getting closer  to that Place you1re boun for" an ith the groing state of hell aroun you" you manage to appreciate /t all a lot more. See" as long as things in life on Earth go smoothly" it1s 'in of har to appreciate 2y better *orl to come. But once the prophecies of hat this orl is heaing for are starting to be fulfille" you get more of a Home,boun sense" an more of a vision in 4ur irection.(17:56)
 ppreciate the gifts you get an ma'e the effort to ma'e the best you can out of them< (17:86)
Avantages you learn to appreciate after e9periencing disavantages. So" even isavantages have their assets" even if :ust to ma'e fol's appreciate hat they in1t *efore them. #o ma'e a humbler" more appreciative an grateful man out of you means to ma'e a better man out of you" an learning to hanle the rough circumstances an conitions are :ust part of that ma'ing. Appreciating things the ay they come an are" ell" that1s one thing to learn from the e9periences of life. (17:101)
-eep trusting 5s that *e new   hat *e mae an permitte" an that it ill have a happy ening in spite of the ar' circumstances that path ill have to lea through" in orer for man'in to learn to appreciate the positive ifference< (17:106)
0ac' of appreciation an than'fulness :ust is something har to bless. /t1s the worse situations an conitions that ma'e you appreciate the former" better ones. (17:107)
#han'ing the Creator for creation shos the rare gift of appreciation. So" ma'e appreciation for hatever / besto upon you one of your lasting values an constant attitues< (17:110)
 7ou1ll appreciate perfection 5p Here to an e9tent you might not have otherise" if life on there ha been so perfect. (17:113)
0earning to appreciate your blessings is one step of maturation. (17:115)
Blessings getting rarer helps to appreciate them more" oesn1t it= See that moe of appreciation an gratitue as an important  one< Can you see hy the tough times have to be alloe in orer to help fol's appreciate their blessings they in1t sho much appreciation for previously" but rather" too' largely for grante= *ith the Creator1s blessings isappearing from the lanscape an the mess of the impostor ta'ing over that shoul be a ma:or  lesson of learning to appreciate the Creator" instea of ignoring Him" refusing to believe in His e9istence an ta'ing it all for  grante. (17:124)
#o appreciate your blessings is one purpose they1re all about; %oing through life ithappreciation" instea of ta'ing them for  'ranted . So" remember your blessings as a teacher of appreciation< 4therise" the teacher might @uit her :ob an refuse the blessings ue to lac' of the supposely taught trait of appreciation. An remember here an hose sie the lac' of appreciation must be coming from" an 'eep resisting that moe" accoringly< Seeing lac' of appreciation in others shoul be a reminer of the importance of appreciation to you< (17:129)
#ry to ma'e an effort to appreciate your blessings< Even if there are some trials an tests aroun tests to sho ho much appreciation an than'fulness you1ve got. (17:132)
 ppreciate 2y gift of prophecy" even if those aroun you seem as if they1 prefer you oing somethingelse instea< Even if some of those aroun you may not appreciate you investing your time in that receiving the *or activity an ministry" see it as 2y :ob for you right no" re'ardless of hether anyone else aroun you appreciates it or not< Hopefully" eventually they ill. An even if not  #ou  shoul definitel#  'eep appreciating /t , through faith< /f faith comes through the *or" an faith ill be hat you1ll nee most of all to see you through hat1s coming here coul any lac' of appreciation for that gift come from" e9cept from our enemy= Can you manage to appreciate hat you1ve got" even if it1s not perfect = (17:134)
#he enormously rising level of evil ithin your fello,humans shoul help you appreciate the e2ceptions a bit more" even if not perfect. (17:139)
Drastic changes are ta'ing place" an the sooner you get used  to it" the better. #he goo part about it ill be 2y ta'eover" an a bunch of positie changes coming" but in orer to get there" first there1ll have to be some tough conitions to be ealt ith perhaps the only ay to get people to appreciate that coming change *ithout the evil1s complete ta'eover en persona" not too many fol's oul appreciate 2y return to save the orl from the mess he1ll leave it in. (17:141)
*hy not :ust appreciate the goo times you ha" an be open for ne golen opportunities of hat / might have in store for you= (17:143)
#a'e all things before you ith a heart,set of gratitue an appreciation< (17:146)
/ ant to be your focal point an your main Center of attention in any circumstance. (I:189)
/t1s paying attention to the details that allos you to iscover some of the nicest secrets about the universe. (I:477)
/t?s a challen'e to rise above la3iness" the inability to see the nee belo the surface" an the temptations of the enemy to ra the attention aay from the focus on others? nees. (I:490)
Paying attention to the details ill help you not to overloo' important factors> it ill teach you patience an the importance of  little thin's. /t ill help you to not so easily mis:uge or misunerstan things" not to ma'e snap :ugments. (I:494)
%ive 2e your time" your attention" your heart" your min" an soon / ill be able to rule an etermine your actions" causing you to accomplish more than you ever coul ithout having ac@uire 2y 0ove an Poer first. (II:276)
/ long for your company an attention even more than any goowors you might accomplish for 2e< (II:299)
Situations throughout your life helpe 2e get #our  attention. Hoever" the e9tent to hich a person is illing to give 2e their  attention at all is so much up to each one?s personal ma'e,up an ma:esty of choice. (III:21)
Discover an e9plore is the inner space of your fello human beings<  7ou?re going to have to focus" tune in an zoom in on them" really perceie them" absorb an feel them out" hear them out" pay attention to them. Can you blame people for being attention :un'ies hen there?s so little they get of that stuff= Everything else seems to be so much more eserving of attention; ma'ing money" shopping" car maintenance" success at or'" etc. An hat aboutme4  the inner soul of so many cries. 3oboy?s paying any attention to me. Am / really not orth anything= +uging by the amount of attention some people are illing to pay to their spouses" their chilren an other love ones" is it any oner that so many thin' of themselves as absolutely orthless= $ocus on people an their needs< ecognize them for hat they are" pay attention to them< %ive them your time< %ive them your  full attention" as if nothing else as more important" an , hen it all comes on to it , nothing really is. (III:45)
Everyboy is ay too busy playing ith their toys" the blessings life hans them" than to pay attention to the nees of others" to pay attention to e... (III:110)
Some fol's consier the blessings more important than the Blesser" an they?re eicating a lot more attention an time to hat they?re 'ien than to the Gier . (III:112)
/t?s important to truly mature into true helpfulness" reall#  being intereste in fining out hat the people you love reall#  nee the most" even if that ill mean less attention for #ou . Blesse is the one ho can silently ta'e the bac'seat to 2e" an let 2e sit there in the front seat ith their love one" ho can :ust en:oy hat?s going on an learn from it" an on?t insist on being the center of attention. (III:115)
As long as everything?s going alright" people :ust on?t pay enough attention. *hen things start going rong" that?s the point here they?ll start to listen up. (III:126)
Sometimes / ra your attention to a neee change or improvement by shoing you something better than hat you have> a nee to learn from someone else ho has gone further than you. /t?s a ay / use to spur you on to groth an progress. (III:220)
*hen / apply :ugment to people" /?m trying to finally get their attention. *hat e ant most of all is that fol's pay more attention to 2e" right=5ou+ll  be better off if they o" the#+ll  be better off" an /?ll efinitely be happier" too< Pray for something that?s going to get their attention an ill ma'e them listen up< /t?s goo that you ant people to pay more attention to 2e. #hat?s #our  :ob< (III:256)
+ust as every chain is only as strong as its ea'est lin'" your status as attentive is only as vali as the attention you are paying to the least of 2y brethren. /t1s relatively easy to be attentive an polite ith people that aren?t constantly aroun you. #he real aci test comes ith the people you see every ay. /f you can still really pay attention to them" an sho interest in them" no matter hat they?ve got to say" then you?re shoing interest an paying attention. /t?s no coincience that paying is the thing you must o in orer to sho or give someone your attention" sho you care an  pa#  them ue respect. /t?s one of those things that money theoretically can?t buy. #he sa thing is" a lot of people are being respecte more for their  money than for their character or personal attributes. So" shoing an paying attention to someone for :ust being themselves shos that you on?t :uge or go by the stanars of the orl. #he people you spen most of your time ith" you on1t oe the least  respect an attention" but the most . (III:282)
/f 2y e9ample that / have given humanity inclue ta'ing time for children" then ho much more shoul you ta'e time for your  gron up brothers an sisters aroun you" ho might nee your attention an care even more.
*hen you?re face to face ith another person" / oul li'e you to evote an eicate your attention fully to them. /f you?re in the mile of something else" it may be a test of your love" but /? li'e you to ma'e an effort to tear yourself loose from hat you ere oing an evote your full attention to that person. (III:284)
*hat really attracts people an gets their attention is unity an harmony. (III:326)
/ can?t have you running aroun being really busy ith little pro:ects here an there hile /?m restling for your attention in orer  to convey to you 2y latest battle instructions. Something new  is happening" an / ant you to pay attention. /? li'e to get your full attention" an the 'in of reverence that shos 2e that nothing else matters to you than hat / ant from you. /t ta'es time to pause from your actions an activities to pay special attention to hat / ant from you ne2t . (III:355)
 7ou1re incline to pay so much more attention to that hich is of #our own 'in" namely ph#sical " an especially fello human" tangible" physically auible an visible li'e you" that / ouln1t stan a chance to ever be notice or ac'nolege by you" ha / mae your fello humans more perfectly suite to your nees an esires. #he flas are 2y personal built,in safety evice to ma'e sure you1 pay a little bit of attention toe every no an then. Can you blame 2e for having to resort to hat you oul call rastic measures in orer to get a sufficient amount of your  attention= (III:469)
Sometimes it1s the very loneliness that each of you rea so much" that first causes you to pay the attention to 2e that is truly 2y ue. /f it ouln1t be so important for you to pay sufficient attention to 2e" / oul :ust let you get aay ith it" but there are things that are so severely rong ith this orl that you1re in for one big ba surprise if / on1t someho prepare you for hat1s ahea by raing your attention to 2e even if it has to be by means of somehat rastic measures. (IV:364)
4nly hen /1m the main Center of your focus an attention" oes 2y Presence in your life really become relevant.(IV:509)
#he thing about 'is is that they ill 'eep trying an testing you" perhaps teasing you a little bit an probing you" to see if  perhaps they can1t e'e out a little more of your attention than they previously ere able to. (11:28)
0ife coul be a lot less mess#  if fol's oul pay more attention to e. (11:64)
/ pay a lot of attention to the details" also the ones hien beneath the surface. #here1s a lot more to life an the universe than meets the na'e eye" as people have begun to fin out" an this fact is testimony of the ay / or'. (11:77)
Ho much o #ou  pay attention to hat1s reall# going on= (12:44)
+oin 2e in the challenge of the century; ho to get their attention< (12:46)
,  'no ho to get your attention" eventually. (12:61)
#hose times hen you1re running out of steam an strength to cope ith it all are 2y only chance to get your attention. (13:46)
/f you oul ra close to 2e the ay you shoul" you oul also learn ho to love 2e an to be love by 2e the ay you shoul. /t1s a matter of ta'ing the time an letting all other matters an affairs fae into the bac'groun" forsa'ing them all for 2e an letting 2e become the paramount 4b:ect of your focus an attention. / can really an truly ma'e you happy. 7ou1ve :ust got to give 2e a chance an sufficient of your time an attention to ma'e it happen. (13:59)
%iving more attention to Heaven ill put some magic on your life that as missing previously" an that others ill appreciate. (2014:55)
Pay the most important time frames to e an give e that most important attention; the Spirit  of %o in your life" instea of @uite orlly or' an not part of your testimony an itness< (2014:59)
/t1s a difficult  orl" an the enemy tries to istract people from paying their attention to 2e by faith. (2014:70)
/t1s becoming more important for you to pay more attention to the Spirit