what makes a child vulnerable? poor living conditions that threaten normal, healthy development

What Makes a Child Vulnerable?

Upload: clyde-simpson

Post on 02-Jan-2016




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Page 1: What Makes a Child Vulnerable? Poor living conditions that threaten normal, healthy development

What Makes a

Child Vulnerable?

Page 2: What Makes a Child Vulnerable? Poor living conditions that threaten normal, healthy development

Poor living conditions

that threaten normal, healthy development

Page 3: What Makes a Child Vulnerable? Poor living conditions that threaten normal, healthy development

Long working hours

that delay a child’s social development

Page 4: What Makes a Child Vulnerable? Poor living conditions that threaten normal, healthy development

which threatena child’s health

and safety

Disease,poor nutrition,

and abuse

Page 5: What Makes a Child Vulnerable? Poor living conditions that threaten normal, healthy development

Lack of opportunities to attend school

Page 6: What Makes a Child Vulnerable? Poor living conditions that threaten normal, healthy development


which can damage

emotional development

from caring adults

Page 7: What Makes a Child Vulnerable? Poor living conditions that threaten normal, healthy development

There are 143 million orphans across the globe. Every day an estimated

42,000 children are added to their ranks.

Page 8: What Makes a Child Vulnerable? Poor living conditions that threaten normal, healthy development

Orphans and other

vulnerable children are

often forced into child

labor, trafficked into the sex trade, or recruited

as child soldiers.

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These are the challenges that stand between vulnerable children and

a healthy, empowered future

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Voices for Vulnerable Children is working to give these children a better

and brighter future

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To give them education

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To give them skills

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To give them hope

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and YOU can help


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Join us today!

By supporting Voices for Vulnerable Children, you are helping children who are suffering, and showing the world that our generation can and will make a


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