what makes jesus so special

religions basically the same?

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Post on 30-Jun-2015




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Are all religions the same? Do they all lead to the same destination? Are the religions of the world superficially different and fundamentally identical OR is it vice versa. Go thru this presentation to understand the uniqueness and supremacy of Jesus. You will know what makes Jesus so special. He is the King and He reigns! Hope you don't have a rival throne in your hearts.


Page 1: What makes Jesus so special

Are not all religions basically the same?

Page 2: What makes Jesus so special

• G.B.Shaw: There is only one religion, though there are hundred versions of it

• Mahatma Gandhi: The soul of religion is one, but it is encased in a multitude of forms

Page 3: What makes Jesus so special

• Simply religion (‘What does it matter whether it’s X you worship or some Y? It’s all worship’)– That’s equivalent to asking a mother, who

is waiting for her child returning from school, ‘What does it matter if it’s your home that your child comes to, or some other home? It’s all home!’

Page 4: What makes Jesus so special

• Matter of sincerity (‘It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you are sincere’)– What if you sincerely belief that red signal

means ‘go’ and ‘all you need for sky diving is a good umbrella’?

– Sincerity is absolutely essential but by itself, absolutely insufficient

Page 5: What makes Jesus so special

Postmodernism <‘Okay if it works for you’>

Page 6: What makes Jesus so special

The Blind Men and the Elephant

John Godfrey Saxe (1816-1887)

But in matters of faith, how come the outsider knows more than the actual believer and worshipper?


Page 7: What makes Jesus so special

The pluralist believes

everyone is blind but


Page 8: What makes Jesus so special

• Are they not merely different ways of understanding the same God? (God behind God)– Very attractive idea, common-sense view,

tolerance is in-built, common ethical convictions are cited

– BUT …• It’s quite academic! Practitioners on the ground

think differently• The different ways hold diametrically opposing

views of what God is like!

Page 9: What makes Jesus so special

5 Areas of contradiction:1. The nature of the ultimate reality (such as God)

2. The fate of individuals at death (view of history)

3. The view of reality

4. The universal problem that afflicts humanity

5. The answers for life

Page 10: What makes Jesus so special

• Areas of contradiction#1 The nature of the ultimate reality (such as God)

• Self Vs. Deity• Mono-theistic Vs. Poly-theistic• Monism Vs. Dualism• Personal Vs. Impersonal• Supernatural aid Vs. Orchestration Vs. Observation• Judgment Vs. Karma Vs. Grace

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• Areas of contradiction

#2 The fate of individuals at death (view of history)• Wheel Vs. Road; Cyclical Vs. Linear• One life Vs. Re-births Vs. Reincarnation Vs. Resurrection

#3 The view of reality• Matter (material/money) Vs. Maya• Illusion Vs. Real; Pragmatism Vs. Mysticism

#4 The universal problem that afflicts humanity• Samsara (endless cycle) Vs. Sin Vs. Desire Vs. Ignorance

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• Areas of contradiction

#5 The answers for life• Look within Vs. Look outside• Do-it-yourself Vs. Seek help; swimming instructions Vs.

Life saver/preserver; reach Vs. receive• Good works Vs. Faith (followed by works); in-order-to

Vs. therefore; Pre-paid Vs. Post-paid• Live in suspense Vs. Live in assurance• Exclusive Vs. (all) Inclusive

Page 13: What makes Jesus so special

How can all religions lead to God when they have such different beliefs?

Whether we like it or not, we have to admit that all religions are NOT the same

Page 14: What makes Jesus so special

What makes Christianityso special?

Page 15: What makes Jesus so special

• NothingNothing

• It’s not special at all• It’s history has been marred by

scandal and scam, lies and greed, caste and racism

• As an institution, it is contaminated by greed, hypocrisy and secular outlook

• Moreover, it is frequently boring, moralistic and authoritarian

Page 16: What makes Jesus so special

It is Jesus who is so special!

Page 17: What makes Jesus so special

Christ Vs.



Page 18: What makes Jesus so special

• C: It’s WHOM you know/follow - personal

• Others: It’s WHAT you know/do – ritual

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• C: You sin; I pay• Others: You sin; you pay

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• C: Take it or lose it • O: Take it or leave it

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• C: Follow Me• O: Go this way

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• C: Mirror and Cleanser• O: Only mirror

Page 23: What makes Jesus so special

Character comparison– Compare that with …

• Buddha – a pampered early life, self-inflicted suffering later; detached from reality (imagine a whole world of bodhisattvas!);’

• Confucius – his marriage was a disaster and ended in divorce

• Socrates – his only similarity with Michael Jackson – both were unduly fond of young boys

• Prophet Mohd. – 11 wives, numerous concubines, although claimed divine revelation for max. 4 wives

• Krishna – very romantic, flirty, peeping tom, but his followers are not supposed to be romantic; do your duty and don’t worry abt. Consequences, yet he himself was cunning and manipulative to get the desired results

• Sankara – Maya/illusion, but took a wild elephant for real and ran for his life

Page 24: What makes Jesus so special

Faith is reason gone courageous, not the opposite of
