what old media can teach new media: media convergence & integration, social media, and...

MEDIA CONVERGENCE & INTEGRATION SOCIAL MEDIA PROFESSIONALISM Presented by: Dean Landsman, Landsman Communications Group Howard Greenstein, The Harbrooke Group

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Page 1: What Old Media can teach New Media: Media Convergence & Integration, Social Media, and Professionalism




Presented by:

Dean Landsman, Landsman Communications Group

Howard Greenstein, The Harbrooke Group

Page 2: What Old Media can teach New Media: Media Convergence & Integration, Social Media, and Professionalism



ote: they’re not the same thing!

How can we take this convergence trend and add SOCIAL MEDIA and Social Networks to support (your) Media?


….as in, the critical value thereof.

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Quick Question: How many in the room know what this is?

A Typewriter eraser

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Early Blogs

Cave Drawings annotated life, kept a record, served to inform future visitors (and “the future” was a much shorter time span back then when life span was shorter).

This was the recording, reporting, and distribution of news. Pretty primitive, but those were primitive times.

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Early News Site

And there’s always been word of mouth and the oral tradition. Even if it may once have been limited to “… ug booga booga.”

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Someday our tools will probably seem equally


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Printing Press, Telegraph, Newsweeklies

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Billboards/out of home media

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Billboards integrating into Real Life

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Radio – kind of ended the telegraph role for news


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Death Of JFK

The Assassination of John F. Kennedy was a defining moment in television.

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People said movies were dead, and newsreels were dead…

Newsreels went away in the US (not elsewhere so fast)…

TV forced radio to create niche markets.

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News Radio, Talk Radio, News and Sports radio

Radio was supposed to die when TV took over. But only the Radio Soap Operas fell victim - radio retrenched and a new variety of formats arose.

Top 40, MOR, Beautiful Music, Lite, Hip Hop, Ethnic

All News, All Sports, NPR

Talk Radio

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News TV channels

The proliferation of cable channels brought about all-news channels

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The 3-Screen world


Computer Monitor


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“How to Dial a Telephone” (1927)

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Discussion of the 3 screens, what they are and how they

can be used

User attention is now divided between three screens.

TIME SPENT with each medium is different.

User retention and inclination are different.

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Integration Issue

There was a time when advertisers wanted to reach certain demographics, there were standard targets

With thousands of fragmented media channels, now it’s not so easy, and yet, there are new opportunities for targeting advertising or content

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What works on TV doesn’t always work on computer

There will always be appointment media, but the water cooler discussion will always exist, even if it moves to Twitter, social networks, etc.

TV is a lean back experience

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What works on TV doesn’t always work on computer

PC Viewing is a “lean forward” experience. Users lean toward the screen. A more active and engaged setting.

Handheld Usage is a “multitasking experience.” A more rapid, hit-and-run, in-the-moment and transient action.

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IBM Online Media Usage Study

Conducted exactly a year ago, released 9 months ago

Reference: http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/22206.wss

Consumer Digital Media and Entertainment Habits Key Findings:

Internet Time Rivals TV Time Marketers in turn are being forced to experiment and make

advertising more compelling, or risk being ignored.


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Consumers dwell in an increasing Multiscreen


TV and the Internet are on equal footing as entertainment sources.

66 percent reported viewing from 1 to 4 hours of TV per day, vs. 60 percent who reported the same levels of personal Internet usage.

Consumers are increasingly turning to online destinations like YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, games, or mobile entertainment vs. traditional television.

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This just in…TV not dead yet!

But Let’s not declare legacy TV dead just yet. Nielson’s NTI Annual Averages tell a different story:

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US Mobile Lag

The US lags behind Europe, Asia, and Australia in adoption of Mobile applications and so usage here is of less impact. Ofcon (UK’s Office of Communications,) issued a report in 2007 analyzing usage over a four year period. Source:


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As handhelds take on different styles (iPhone and iTouch) and as competition increases (provided the FCC takes an aggressive stance on opening bandwidth usage and allowing for an increase in operators in the handheld radio spectrum) we should see a rapid increase in usage of handhelds.

Program & service offerings will rise, adoption will follow. And prices may come down as units proliferate.

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Smart Phones

The Blackberry, The Treo and certain Palm products opened up portable e-mail and net connectivity. The significant change in the game came with the iPhone.

But in much the same way that Apple has less than a 10% share of the PC market – and that share is jam packed with tech savvy types and graphics pros - the iPhone user base is also different from their predecessor hand-held brethren. This is a case of legacy versus new paradigm.

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iPhone Usage Study…

Another recent study found that iPhone users were among the top Google Search users in the mobile space. 

Again: the US is still in the early stages of adapting to mobile use and applications, It can be construed as an area of major opportunity.  Source:


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Net Growth Projections

It might be wise at this point to note that each investment house and forecasting or research firm has a slightly different estimate. And they all seem to be increasing their forecast on the growth of net use. Here’s how Oppenheimer saw the market in their Trends in Digital Media Report, released in early 2007, based on analysis of available 2006 and prior data.

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Projection analysis

This offers a far less rosy projection of internet usage although the 10% annual Compound Average Growth Rate far surpasses all others. Notice, also, that mobile data is nowhere to be found on the chart. These are US-only forecasts, and mobile, as of January 2007, wasn’t deemed worthy of consideration, much less measurement or projection.

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Paradigm shift alert!

In the Three Screen World, effective delivery and impact of getting the message across (and this is not just advertising) goes from the old paradigm of impression count to a blend of impressions and impact. Measurement methodology evolves. 

Delivery System Ubiquity and the variety of Media (the different screens) offer new opportunities. 

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Ubiquity is omnipresent

Location-based reach and impact of message delivery converge.  

GPS and RFID will allow opt-in opportunity as we’ve never seen before.

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Outdoor Interactive Voting:

“Develop a Point of View”

Billboard for BBC World and BBDOGoal: Promote launch of BBC America with an interactive billboard

The Billboard Located at gateway to NYC’s Times Square (Broadway & 50th) Pedestrian and automotive traffic text their vote and watch the display change in real time One month event with a new interactive poll each week

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Outdoor Interactive “Develop a Point of View”


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New Scenarios

Jane & Joe Quepublic (and the kids) watch a TV program.

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What have we learned?

The TV show or ad: Passive message introduction // introductory impressions. 

The Website: Active engagement and reinforcement of the message - call to action (buy our product, entice with coupon) and enable and encourage the benefit. 

The Handheld: Transactive (and paperless!) reminder, coupon manifestation (via SMS or wireless or interactive RFID). Portability.

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Social Media Discussion

Revisiting our agenda, let’s turn to:

Social Networking and Social Media

How they can support other media – YOUR media

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So, now that we’ve seen a bit about the 3 Screen


Who is doing a good job connecting to their viewers, bridging the gap between screens, and connecting content and people?

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Trans-Media and the Heroes Phenomenon

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Not Just a TV Show

Intended as a mixed media property

Writers from properties such as Alias and Lost, which gained huge Internet followings

From the beginning, a strategy to generate content for the Net that would draw fans into the show

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Additional information that matched the storyline, available online only, but in a way that didn’t subtract from the show for non-net viewing TV viewers

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Sponsorship built into the plot

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Sprint-sponsored content/contest for next

season Hero

All “heroes” carrySprint phones…

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Additional stories expand the universe of the show

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Extra content from website becomes a Graphic Novel in paperback

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An official unofficial fan site!

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User Generated Encyclopedia of Heroes -

Heroes “wikipedia”

Many shows have asked fans to take down images, fan fiction, show plot line information ect.

Heroes was different. They encouraged the content creation.

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If you’re creating content: How quickly and easily can you let your fans take

your content and remix it? How easy is it for them to share with their friends

Who owns your brand? You manage your brand Your customers decide what it means to them, every

time they interact with you If you don’t interact with them…how will they know?

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RockYou-Sweeney Todd

Newsfeed Promotion

On-page Click-thru to Learn More About Movie

Results:•186k quizzes taken in 1 month, generating 2MM impressions

•7MM additional impressions on matches page, with 46K click-thrus to movie site

Created co-branded quiz within the Likeness application titled “Best Johnny Depp Characters” to promote Sweeney Todd debut.

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The brand that is Chris Brogan or Robert Scoble




Audio utterz etc


Ever present at conferences

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Take-Aways – What Old Media can teach new


1. Repetition can be a good thing. (You can say that again) 2 all beef patties… I’m a… he’s a….wouldn’t you like to be a… Whatzzzzuppp??? Ahhhhh….Ahhhh.

Put Content with your Ads Radio announcer endorsements in the 40s, Dancing Cigarette

boxes in 50’s variety shows Podcast hosts doing direct product mentions: ex: Brian Ibbot

on Coverville, Mevio/Podshow model

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…More takeaways

Reach and Frequency still important to many advertisers Even if you can show Social Influence and Return on

Influence, many will still want to know how many hits their page got, and how many eyeballs were ‘reached’

It’s your job to explain it both ways

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In December 2007, 77.6 Million

Viewers were watching

2.3 Billion Videos

In March 2008 – 84.8 million viewers watched 4.3 billion videos (50.4 videos per viewer)http://www.comscore.com/press/release.asp?press=2223

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In December 2007

40.5 Million Viewers were watching 334 Million videos

In March 08, 47.7 million viewers watched

400 million videos (8.4 videos/viewer) Comscore studies


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Nielsen Ratings from 2/4/2008

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What can New Media teach the Old Media Companies?

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Professionalism Discussion

Your media represents you to the rest of the world

Once it is on the web, it can almost always resurface

Old adage: “Once written, twice read” morphs into

“Once Published, Twice Clicked” (or viewed, played, shared)

Good Production Values doesn’t mean slick, or selling out

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Products cant have erorrs

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Dear Highering Manager:

Thank u 4 seeing me yesterday. Your company was 2 kewl. I know I can make a big diff in your workplace. Did you see my tweet on your awesome office? I can haz job?

Kthxbye + Peace out,


P.S Can’t start till after Brng man, K?

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More Info: http://www.land-com.net http://www.howardgreenstein.com/blog