what our clients say

© 2008 MyLongLunch LLP presents What Our Clients Say….

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Page 1: What Our Clients Say

© 2008 MyLongLunch LLP


What Our Clients Say….

Page 2: What Our Clients Say

© 2008 MyLongLunch LLP


“Thank you for putting on the first MyWorkingLunch event. It was a great opportunity to get in front of potential clients and generate leads.” Greig Dowling – Sales Manager

"I've already placed an order with one the attendees, have arrange a follow up meeting with another and am awaiting a detailed proposal from a third.“ George Shaw – Chief Executive

“The format was totally unexpected and if I had known I may not have come. That said - it really worked, was totally different and I'd come again!” John Thurston – Managing Director

“I would just like to say what a success I felt the first MyWorkingLunch event was on innovation. Not only did it give fish4 the perfect opportunity to discuss our new expandable flash skyscraper, it also enabled us to get in front of some agencies that we would not usually get to see. I look forward to the next event on diversity.” Matt Wisniewski - Sales Manager

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© 2008 MyLongLunch LLP


“Retail Options www.retailoptions.co.uk attended the first Retail MyLongLunch event in Farringdon, London this week and are pleased to report the event as a business success. It was a fantastic opportunity for us to meet the media buyers from the advertising agencies and for us to present our business.

The organisation of the event was slick and we were delighted with our hosts. We created some very positive leads from the event that are converting to hard business, therefore I would like to thank you for your invitation and look forward to the next one.” Steve Fisher - Owner

“You might also me interested to know - that when I popped along to your Graduate one, I meet the guy from ***** and on the back of that meeting have just booked a campaign for a client. Shows the whole concept works.” Graeme Wright – Media Director

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© 2008 MyLongLunch LLP


"I wanted to write and say a big thanks from the Advertising Agency team at totaljobs.com for inviting us to be part in My Working Lunch events. Although sceptical at first when we arrived at the Innovation Event it proved not only to be a great showcase for all the new and exciting things coming up from totaljobs.com to all levels of people from our biggest and busiest agencies but also a great opportunity to spend time with familiar agency faces and to meet new contacts.

The Graduate Event was also fantastic and beneficial to us as a team.

I am so pleased to confirm that totaljobs.com will be attending all of the My Working Lunch events throughout the year and very much look forward to continuing to work with you and Matt in 2008.“ Charlotte Turner - Agency Sales Manager

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© 2008 MyLongLunch LLP


“Hello JamieGood to see you again in Manchester yesterday. Another well organised event and it looks like we have a couple of things to follow up on. As a result of the vast amount of contacts that we have made at the My Working Lunches, I think we are going to have to take on another Ad Agency rep.” Mark Asten - Sales Director

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© 2008 MyLongLunch LLP


“Just a quick e-mail to say thanks for a most useful afternoon yesterday.

The format is excellent, and allowed me to increase my media knowledge without taking too much time out of the day. I even made it back in time to JT’s presentation, so managed to avoid getting a ‘L’ for late in his register.

A couple of the media were very relevant and, until yesterday, unknown to me, so I found it very worthwhile.

I plan to arrange a couple of follow-up presentations in BZO once I’m back from leave in the middle of August.”

Paul Hooper - Barkers

“Just wanted to say “thanks” for organising the MyWorkingLunch event yesterday. It was really well run (I wouldn’t expect anything less!), and a great way to meet the media. I’ve already got follow-up meetings booked in off the back of it, and it kick-started some genuinely useful conversations.

Toby Boon - TMP

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© 2008 MyLongLunch LLP


"Very well organised , good turn out, and the agencies were very interested in seeing the media for a quick burst of information. Will definitely look to attend another event in the future." Karen William - Sales Manager

“The new starter event proved to be incredibly useful for those who have recently joined the industry. The afternoon proved to be informative, confidence building and essentially facilitated the establishment of key relationships between agency staff and their points of contact for key media titles (a process that would typically take months to achieve in a new role). The buzzing atmosphere at The Gate also induced an element of fun, showing us what a great industry we have joined!” - Charlotte Hogg - Account Co-ordinator

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© 2008 MyLongLunch LLP


“Just wanted to say what a great afternoon I had yesterday at MyWorkingLunch/Engineering. I thought the whole set up was a fantastic idea, I met some really good people and learnt more about sites I already knew of and some about sites I didn't even know existed. I thought the time at each "date" was perfect and, of course, you could always chat more afterwards over a drink...or five! I'll definitely be trying to come to all the MWL's that are appropriate for me and the clients I work on. Oh...and Matt, your waiter skills are second to none!” Lisa Jewell - Digital Media Producer

“Nichole and I found the Public Sector event the perfect platform to launch our new product. We met a few ad agency's contacts that we have previously never been able to get in contact with and even got an ATP signed!! I would not hesitate in recommending these events to promote your brand/ company/ products which is even more important for us in the current economic climate!! Thank you MyLongLunch!” Hannah Peet – Agency Sales Manager

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© 2008 MyLongLunch LLP


“Last week Workingmums.co.uk attended our first public sector MyLongLunch and had the opportunity to speak to relevant agency contacts, Account Execs, Managers and Directors all of whom have a vested interested in using the right medium for the public sector. The following day we reacted to 4 briefs and put out 4 proposals to agencies that had they not attended would not have thought about including us on the schedule.” Dionne White, Sales Director - WorkingMums

“I’ve been to three of your LongLunch presentations: public sector; graduates, and innovation. I found the format of 5 - 10 minutes with a dozen different media owners gave me a good overview of a wide range of possibilities in the two hour sessions.

The content was also interesting, and my eyes have been opened to lots of new possibilities in ‘non-traditional’ media at the sessions that I would not normally have discovered through my day to day routine.

All events have been very relaxed, good humoured and enjoyable, and all in all I believe I’ve gained in knowledge and professionalism from attending.

On another note, your weekly newsletter is a great read – honest, opinionated and blunt” – Lesley Whiley, Account Manager - Tribal

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© 2008 MyLongLunch LLP


“We have attended various key events in which MLL have hosted. Each event has provided us with an opportunity to meet, discuss and inform within a scheduled time frame. As media we often find it difficult to secure agency meetings and this environment permits us to meet and see opportunities in which both parties can benefit from. We have seen over the last 12 months more developed relationships emerging with the agency people we have meet. We have also seen an increase in proposals and thus a increase in revenue. In part, I believe this is an effective environment for both agencies and media to come together and seek revenue generating opportunities.” Jennie Ames, Head of Agency Sales - JobsGoPublic

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© 2008 MyLongLunch LLP


“I think they’re a great time efficient way of either learning about media in a sector which you are new to, or putting a brief out for a campaign when you’re pushed for time. Because the time was limited with each media, it enabled me to see their key USP’s, whether they were relevant and deliver my brief, leaving approx 10 media reps going away to start work on proposals. Had I had them all into the office, they would have brought full presentations and this would’ve taken loads more time which I just did not have.

The events also give opportunities to smaller and newer media who possibly can’t afford to compete with their rivals’ marketing budgets and need to start getting their name out there. Smaller and newer media generally go direct when they are new to the recruitment advertising industry, don’t understand agencies and the role that they play. The events help to introduce the newer/smaller media to agencies and minimize the risk of this happening, helping the media and agencies form better relationships and provide a better service for the client. “ – Clare Bailey, Account Manager – Tribal

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© 2008 MyLongLunch LLP