what stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits adriana válio roque da silva...

What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie

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Page 1: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie

What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits

Adriana Válio Roque da SilvaCRAAM/Mackenzie

Page 2: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie

Sumary Star:

– Atmospheric structure– Spots: size, temperature, latitude of occurrence– Mass– Radius

Planet:– Radius– Distance to the star– Orbit inclination angle– Orbital period

Simple test: secondary is a planet or a star?

Page 3: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie

Mercury transits

Mercury transit on November 15, 1999, that lasted about 1 hour.

Page 4: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie

Vênus transit – 8 June 2004

Page 5: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie


133 planets detected by radial velocities

4 planets first detected by transits

Data:– HD 209458: high resolution data from HST– OGLE: over a hundred candidates, 4

confirmed by radial velocities (56,111,113,132)

Page 6: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie

Model Star white light image

of the Sun Planet opaque disk of

radius r/Rs

Transit: at each time the planet is centered at a given position in its orbit (aorb/Rs and i) calculate the integrated flux

Search in parameter space for the best values of r, aorb, and i (minimum 2)

Page 7: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie

Transit Simulation

Page 8: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie

Property 1: Limb darkening(Atmosphere)

Page 9: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie

Atmospheric profile

HST data for HD209458 (Brown et al. 2001) not well fit by the solar limb darkening, which is a linear function of =cos.instead it is best described by a quadratic function of ;

HD 209458



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Page 10: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie

Limb darkening

Temperature gradient not as steep as in the solar photosphere



Page 11: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie

Property 2: Spots – size, temperature, and latitude

(indicator of stellar activity)

Silva ApJLetters, 585, 147, 2004

Page 12: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie


Regions of high concentration of magnetic fields; Indicators of magnetic activity cycle; Understanding of solar activity:

– solar flares, coronal mass ejections, etc; Currently it is not possible to detect, let alone

monitor the behavior of solar like spots on other stars due to their very small sizes.

Page 13: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie

Solar Transit Simulation



A white light image of the Sun is used to simulate the transit of a planet in front of a group of sunspots, that is, an active region. Two simulations are performed: one for an Earth sized planet and another the size of HD 209458b (1,347 RJup).

Page 14: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie

Simulation results

sunspot eclipse

Small variations in the lightcurve during the planetary transit can be seen when the planet occults dark regions on the solar disk, i.e., sunspots.

Page 15: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie

Model star Star represented by a

quadratic limb darkening with w1=0.2925 and w2=0.3475 (Brown et al. 2001).

Spot modeled by three parameters:– Intensity, as a function

of stellar intensity at disk center (max);

– Size, as a function of planet radius;

– Position, as a distance to the transit line in units of planet radius.

Page 16: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie

The Model

Planet in a circular orbit around HD 209458 with a period of 3.5247 days, major semi-axis of 0.0467 AU, and inclination angle, i=86,68.

Planet radius = 1.347 RJup, and stellar radius = 1.146 RSun.

The planet is represented by an opaque disk that crosses the stellar disk at 30.45° latitude (corresponding to i=86,68).

The planet position is calculated every two minutes.

Lightcurve intensity at every two minutes is the sum of all the pixels values in the image.

Page 17: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie


Two observations with “bumps” in the light curve were used: Deeg et al. (2001) Brown et al. (2001) -


Page 18: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie

HD209458 (Deeg et al. 2001)

Transit with spots without spots

Page 19: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie

HD209458 (Brown et al. 2001)

Transit with spots without spots

Page 20: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie


Starspot temperature, T0, estimated from blackbody emission, where Te is the stellar surface temperature assumed to be 6000+50 K (Mazeh et al. 2000):

Starspot temperatures between 4900-5000 K.

SPOTS 26-jul-2000 25-apr-2000

Radius (Rp) 0.4-0.6 0.3-0.4

Intensity (Istar) 0.4-0.6 0.5-0.7

Distance to transit line (Rp)

0.5-0.8 0.7-0.9

Rp=9.4 104 km











Page 21: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie


This method enables us to estimate the starspots physical parameters.

From modeling HD208458 data, we obtained the starspots characteristics:

sizes of 3-6 104 km, being larger than regular sunspots, usually of the order of 11000 km (probably a group of starspots, similar to solar active regions).

temperatures of 4900 - 5500 K, being hotter than regular sunspots (3800-4400K), however the surface temperature of HD 209458, 6000K, is also hotter than that of the Sun (5770K).

Page 22: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie

Property 3: Mass and Radius (distinguish between planetary

and stellar companions)

Page 23: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie

OLGE transits

Data from OGLE project

Orbital period taken as the published value

Fit to the data yields:– r/Rs (planet radius)

– Aorb/Rs (orbit radius – assumed circular)

– i (inclination angle)

Page 24: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie

Lightcurve: planet radius

Planets with larger radius have deeper transits.

For Jupiter size planets, r=RJ, 2% decrease in intensity for a star with 1 solar radius


Page 25: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie

Lightcurve: orbital radius

Circular orbitLarger

orbital radius shorter transit phase interval


Page 26: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie

Lightcurve: orbit inclination

Orbit inclination angle close to 90o (a transit is seen)

Smaller inclination angle shorter transit phase interval


Page 27: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie


For circular orbits:

Determine aorb/Rs from best fit of transit phase interval (f) from the data











Page 28: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie

Kepler’s 3rd lawAssuming that the secondary is a planet:

Mp << Ms

The ratio Ms1/3/Rs is determined once

aorb/Rs has been obtained.Determine Ms supposing the relation for

main sequence stars (Mihalas 1980):







a sorb










Page 29: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie

Stellar Mass and Radius

From fit to the data obtain:– aorb//Rs (orbit radius – assumed

circular)Period is knownFrom Kepler’s law and mass-radius





2 )/(4

sorbs Ra


Page 30: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie

Simple test: Planet?

Compare stellar mass obtained from the data fit, Mfit=Ms+Mp, with mass from direct observation of star, Ms

If Mfit>>Ms it is NOT a planet In this case the mass is actually the

sum of the mass of both stars, or the mass-radius relationship is not valid

Page 31: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie


OGLE Ms (Msun) r (RJ) a (A.U.) I (o)

3 (*) 2.50 2.40 0.030 89.5

1.00 1.4 0.025 90

10 1.10 1.29 0.043 88.1


1.52 0.04 87-90

33 (*) 2.00 2.31 0.038 90.0

56 0.90 0.94 0.021 85.4

1.04+0.05 1.23+0.16 0.0225+0.0004


111 0.91 1.13 0.048 89.3

0.82+0.15 1.00+0.13 0.047+0.001

113 0.70 1.07 0.022 88.0

0.77+0.06 1.08+0.07 0.0228+0.0006


Radial velocitytransit

Page 32: What stellar properties can be learnt from planetary transits Adriana Válio Roque da Silva CRAAM/Mackenzie


From transit observation of secondary objects in front of a star, it is possible to measure:– Ratio of companion to star radii: r/Rs;– Orbital radius (assuming circular orbit) in units

of star radius: aorb/Rs;– Orbital inclination angle, i, and period, P.

Combining Kepler’s 3rd law with a mass-radius relationship (RM0.7) it is possible to infer the mass and radius of the star.

Test: comparing this mass with stellar mass obtained from other observations can infer if companion is a PLANET or not.