what the future holds for nuclear energy? · akira omoto, tokyo institute of technology...

akira OMOTO, Tokyo Institute of Technology [email protected] , [email protected] What the future holds for nuclear energy?

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  • akira OMOTO, Tokyo Institute of Technology

    [email protected], [email protected]

    What the future holds for nuclear energy?

    mailto:[email protected]

  • Outline

    2A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

    1. Introduction

    2. Projection of energy to 2050 and the role of Nuclear Energy

    3. Paradigm shift in power sector

    4. Complementary use Nuclear Energy and Intermittent Renewables in Carbon-Constrained World

    5. Take-aways

  • Global trend on energyResources availability, Demand, Public aspiration on sustainability, Technological innovations…. Projection of energy represents results of model

    calculation considering these factors

    Public perception on nuclear safety and waste

    Cost of NNB (New Nuclear Build)

    Role of nuclear energy in carbon-constrained world

    Yet unknows….

    Factors that would influence the future of NE….

    3A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • IAEA Scientific Forum 2018: “Nuclear Technologies for Climate: Mitigation, Monitoring and Adaptation”

    Use of low carbon energy: helps mitigate GHG emission and its adverse effect

    Use of isotopes and radiation:monitor environmental changes and enable adaptations

    [source] J. Orr, Laboratory for Sciences of Climate and Environment (LSCE), France

    4A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • However, be prepared to avoid loss of credibility in discussion..

    Many factors involved inGlobal Warming…volcano eruption, solar activity, earth’s magnetic field, Milankovitch cycle (10(5) yr) etc.

    Also ocean surface pH change: may not simply attribute its trend to equilibration with atmospheric CO2


    [SOURCE] Vostok Ice Core Data Graph

    5A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

    [Ex.] Dr. A. Tsuchida’s argument:Heat from Sun temp. changeatmospheric CO2 level change by supply from ocean (Henry’s law)

  • [SOURCE] Kevin Loria, “The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere just hit its highest level in 800,000 years”, 2018June

    6A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

    Nevertheless, recent sharp rise in atmospheric CO2 level by human activity is worrisome….

  • 1. Introduction

    2. Projection of energy to 2050 and the role of Nuclear Energy

    3. Paradigm shift in power sector

    4. Complementary use Nuclear Energy and Intermittent Renewables in Carbon-Constrained World

    5. Take-aways

    7A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • [SOURCE] World Energy Outlook 2009, Fig 5.8, primary energy

    End use


    To achieve 450ppm (2DC) goal

    Projections of demand/supply of primary energy




    World Energy Outlook 2009

    8A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • [SOURCE] Priyadarshi R. Shukla, IPCC, WGIII Co-Chair, “The Paris Agreement and Global Low Carbon Transition Towards 1.5DC” , 2017, based on Sterner and Bauer, WBGU2016

    WBGU(German Advisory Council on Global Change) 2016

    Global primary energy

    9A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • Global primary energy supply by sources in detail

    The Jü rgen Schmid scenario: a vision of a global renewable energy system by 2050[SOURCE] WBGU (German Advisory Council on Global Changes) 2016




    WBGU 2016

    10A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • Primary energy supply in Japan

    [SOURCE] IAE, 2018


    Liq. Hydrogen



    Natural gas






    IAE (Institute of Applied Energy) 2018

    11A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • [SOURCE] Komiyama, UT, year-2050 projection, 2017

    UT (University of Tokyo) 2017

    12A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • Nuclear share of 20%~22%@2030 in Basic Energy Plan 2014

    as near-term goal in Japan (Basic Energy Strategy 2018)(10(8)kWh)







    Capacity factor:70%

    Nuclear share:20~22%




    60 years operation

    40 years operation

    To secure nuclear share of 20%~22%@2030①Restart ②Life extension beyond 40 years ③NNB

    De-fact phase-out in case limited restart, no 60 years, no NNB

    15 years necessary for replacement

    [Source] FEPC

    13A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • For example: How SMR may change NNB How digitalization impact energy

    • NEA report: efficiency focus• Energy-hungry cloud

    computing and Data center• Power consumption by use

    of blockchain technology is ever increasing









    Yet, unknowns…..

    14A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • Projections imply high expectations on 1) GHG emission reduction and 2) renewables:

    What is the role of nuclear energy in carbon-constrained world?

    How Nuclear co-exist with Intermittent Renewables?

    Major constraintsA) Achieving deep decarbonization with minimum societal burdenB) Current role of Nuclear is limited only to power…need to expand to other sectors

    15A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • The role of nuclear energy in carbon-constrained world

    1) Supply of affordable, clean & reliable energy (electricity, heat, energy carrier)

    2) Power supply to NETs, if conservation fails

    Ex. BECCS (Biomass with CCS)

    3) Radiation & Isotope: Monitoring, adaptation…

    4) Complementary use with intermittent renewables & address intermittency-related problems in the grid etc……

    [SOURCE] US-EPA, based on IPCC2014 16A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • 17A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

    1. Introduction

    2. Projection of energy to 2050 and the role of Nuclear Energy

    3. Paradigm shift in power sector

    4. Complementary use Nuclear Energy and Intermittent Renewables in Carbon-Constrained World

    5. Take-aways

  • Comparison of unsubsidized levelized cost of electricity, not including social/environmental externalities nor intermittency-related cost

    “Solar becomes the cheapest source of electricity generation in many places including China and India”

    (F. Birol, IEA OECD, 2017 World Energy Outlook)

    [source] Lazard’s levelized cost of energy analysis (2016)


    18A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

    Paradigm shift to Renewables

  • Changes in the share of renewables (2004-2014)(including dispatchable renewables)

    [SOURCE] Liebreich, BNEF, 2016

    19A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • China Annual investment on capacity: Wind & PV >> Nuclear FIT for Wind & PV

    [SOURCE] Lu Zheng, Energy Data and Modelling Center, China

    20A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • [SOURCE] Renewable Energy Foundation

    Kyushu’s daily load curve and the share of solar power on sunny weekend

    [source] Kyushu’s electricity forecast 2017.4.24

    Coping strategies by Kyushu Electric• Pumped storage• Large scale batteries(300,000kWh)• Curtailment as necessary


    Installed solar power> Nuclear (2016.12)• Due to a) reduced nuclear plants and

    b) increased PV• Qualified solar ~80GWe

    Solar power



    Installed capacity



    Estimation using JAIF and IEA data

    21A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • Abandoned golf course to PV site

    [SOURCE] BusinessInsider.com

    22A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • Deep penetration of Intermittent Renewables(Hypothetical curve in Germany 2030)



    [SOURCE] Universität Stuttgart, “Compatibility of renewable energies and nuclear power in the generation portfolio”, 2009

    23A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • 2/3 of US NPP are not profitable (MIT, March2017) now;

    ….. shale gas and IRs

    24A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • [SOURCE] Negative Electricity Prices and the Production Tax Credit, The NorthBridge Group, 2012

    Negative price

    “Must-run” nuclear (capital-intensive and no quick reaction to demand change)

    WIND: Negative price bidding by wind down to PTC($34/MWh)

    THERMAL: Bidding to recover fuel cost

    Iowa state in windy and low demand time

    High demand period

    Low demand period



    25A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • Paradigm shift to supply-contingent utilization system

    [SOURCE] J. Specht, E.ON, 2014August

    26A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • Electricity transaction by Energy Resource* Aggregation business (ERAB) and Peer-to-Peer business in microgrid using blockchain

    Forecast in J (Gwe)2020 2030 x 0.1=ERAB

    HEMS 21 47 4.7BEMS 16 31 3.1FEMS 5.3 10 1EV/PHV 4.5 44 4.5

    SUM=13.2GWe(4% out of 300 Gwe@2030?)

    * Energy Resource post-FIT surplus electricity, Demand-side management, EV, Battery

    EnergyResource Aggregator


    Power suppliers


    Peer to Peer transaction

    EMS: Energy Management System

  • Sweden France Denmark GermanygCO2/kWh 11 46 174 450cent/kWh 20 22 41 40Intermittent Renewables 10% 5% 51% 18%Dispatchable clean energy 88% 88% 15% 25%

    [source] METI based on IEA “CO2 Emission from combustion” 2017

    However, mere increase of IR does not lead to GHG emission reduction/ affordable price

    28A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

    • The target of UK Climate Change Committee is 50gCO2/kWh.

    • MIT’s recent report says around 10–25 gCO2/kW is a target to meet 2DC goal. The global current average stays at around 500gCO2/kWh.

  • [SOURCE] Energy Matters

    Europe: Per capita installed capacity of Wind & PV vs. tariff

    29A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • Market values Nuclear/Thermal IR [note]

    kWh value Yes Well fitted merit-of order of marginal cost


    kW value (capability to cover peak &

    anytime demand)

    Yes (dispatchable)

    No (Availability depends on


    Capacity marketBattery storage

    DkW value (flexibility to

    demand changes)

    Load following orComplementary


    No (Availability depends on


    Battery storage Complementary use

    Intermittent Renewables (IR) : Power System Adequacy & burden

    30A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

    Public burden by FIT/PTC:Reduction of oil/gas import offset by increase of FIT by 2030 (Japan)

  • 1. Introduction

    2. Projection of energy to 2050 and the role of Nuclear Energy

    3. Paradigm shift in power sector

    4. Complementary use Nuclear Energy and Intermittent Renewables in Carbon-Constrained World

    5. Take-aways

    31A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • Japanese rule for Curtailment of IRs to avoid grid stability/reliability issue while allowing grid connection of IRs as much as possible (since 2014)

    1. Curtail thermal power to its lowest possible level2. Absorb excess electricity by pumped storage (hydro)3. If still surplus exists, curtailment is possible up to 30 days without compensation

    On the premise that all the above three are satisfied, decide maximum IR capacity for grid connection [for each grid (Utility) for each year].

    (example) 7.3GWe of solar power against 8.2GWe lowest demand for Kyushu for 2017

    Demand curve

    32A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • https://www.vox.com/2018/5/9/17336330/duck-curve-solar-energy-supply-demand-problem-caiso-nrel

    Drop of demand as PV increases in California (duck curve)

    33A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • Nuclear & Intermittent Renewables: Considered as conflicting with each otherNuclear: IR is distorting market by FIT/PTC IR: N is destroying environment

    34A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

    Why complementary use?Because,• Both contribute to security (GHG emission, domestic energy

    supply)• Both are capital-intensive; high capacity factor is required for

    economics no curtailment of IR, no load-following of NPP

    Principle of complementarity:

    Bohr and Heisenberg, 1937 (Source: Heisenberg Society)


  • Nuclear Power’s production of electricityLess when price is low, more when price is high revenue

    Industrial heat/Hydrogen

    Partial heat storageStored heat used for

    power generation

    Store partial heat in Nuclear, when Sun is shining or Wind is strong Use stored heat for electricity generation when Sunshine/Wind is weak

    Nuclear Hybrid Production by switching productdepending on supply from IR

    Heat storage

    Examples of technologies for complementary use

    [source] C. Forsberg, MIT

    35A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018


  • Nuclear solution in response to load demand in the grid: Heat Storage

    36A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • Storage by steam accumulatorother options available: CAES, Firebrick, Hot rocks…

    Charlottenberg Power Station, BerlinSteam Accumulator since 192950MWe separate turbine from67 MWh tanks : 16x4.3m(D) x 20m (H)

    Khi Solar I (South Africa) Steam Accumulator19 accumulators, 130 kWh/m3

    37A. Omoto, Titech, IAEA CS 12-15Nov2018

  • Many Heat Storage Technologies can produce peak power

    Steam Accumulators

    Sensible Heat

    Cryogenic Air

    Packed Beds


    Hot Rock

    Pilot Plant

    Thermal storage for LWR retrofit: installation of steam accumulator and oversized turbine-generator

    [source] C. Forsberg, MIT

    38A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • Compatibility with increased share of intermittent renewables requires system flexibilities to deal with Intermittency (variability & uncertainty) : flexible generation: such as load following of NPP and curtailment of renewable storage and/or hybrid production of energy carriers: such as by

    battery or Power2Gas on renewables side

    smart grid management including Demand side

    Electricity storage cost: MIT “Future of Nuclear Power in Carbon-Constrained World”, 2018

    39A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

    Use of rare elements (Li/Co)

    in the earth’s crust

  • [source] Forsberg, Omoto et al, MIT-Japan Study “Future of Nuclear Power in a Low-Carbon World: The Need for Dispatchable Energy”, MIT-ANP-TR-171, Nov. 2017

    RN&S: natural gas, solar, wind,

    pumped hydro and battery


    +DMS1: all of the above RN&S

    plus demand side management

    +DR1: all of the above plus

    demand response (curtailment)

    RN&S & LWR: RN&S plus LWR

    +DMS2: all of the above RN&S

    & LWR plus demand side


    +DR2: all of the above plus

    demand response

    CHP: all of the above plus heat

    storage and combined heat and

    power systems

    NACC: Nuclear Air-Brayton

    Combined Cycle

    Cost of decarbonized electricity

    40A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • In the long run…Nuclear hybrid production: Industrial heat/Energy carrier

    Using HTGR, SFR, Molten Salt Reactor….HTTR (JAEA, Japan)

    Operated at 950 deg C

    Hydrogen production by

    thermochemical water

    splitting on lab. Scale

    While reactor is kept at

    rated power, use of

    control valves and bypass

    valves enables automatic

    response (in production of

    electricity and hydrogen)

    following grid demand


    41A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • [source] C. Forsberg, MIT

    Candidate reactor technologies for hybrid production and nuclear topping cycle

    42A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • Coal-fired plants reaching 610 deg. C steam condition Gas turbine reaching 1800 deg. C by blade cooling and resistant material

    [SOURCE] Univ. of Virginia

    43A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • [source] Shannon Bragg-Sitton, Light Water and High Temperature Reactor Opportunities, June 2016 Golden WS

    44A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • Hybrid production by intermittent renewables: P2G

    Power to gas project (Germany)

    45A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • (Existing)FIT-CfD, Curtailment of intermittent renewables etc.

    • Use of MAC (Marginal Abatement Cost) curve for policy making • Carbon tax• FIT for all low carbon sources (technology-neutral)• Low-carbon Portfolio Standards• Subsidies to all storage as

    infrastructure (tech-neutral)

    What changes in market rules are required for both to stand?

    46A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018[Photo] Forbes, 2016 August, Albany NY

    Key is “clean energy equality”

  • 47A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

    Published papers and webinar

    1) MIT-J study reports, 2016 April & 2017 Sept

    2) AESJ, 2016 April & 2018 April3) CEM webinar, 1/2Nov2018https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-a-axHsnGUA&index=6&t=0s&list=PLKRmGa9s99JU9y8VL7Fjn812Wv0vr_m2f

    4) IFNEC/NICE FUTURE meting, Nov2018

  • 1. Renewable energy aspiration & realitymay coincide with valuation on decentralization, “nature knows best”, “small is beautiful”

    2. Role of nuclear energy in carbon-constrained world

    3. Complementary use of Nuclear and Intermittent Renewables for deep decarbonization with minimum burden to the Society

    4. High temperature reactors (HTGR, SFR, MSR…) for hybrid production

    5. Uncertaintieswarming by atmospheric CO2, energy saving, future price of battery, renewable power smoothing (EV, P2G…), PV in the market (J: Year 2019, 2022, 2032) etc. etc.


    48A. Omoto, AESJ-NDD, 30November2018

  • ….Thank you for your attention