what turns others on-p

What Turns Others On--and Off? by Elbert Wade WHAT turns you on? What turns you off? You probably already know the answers to these questions, so they are not really that important. However, do you know what, in essence, turns on (interests, excites, inspires, motivates, thrills) others with whom you associate? Further, do you know what, in essence, turns off (bores, tires, upsets, hurts) these same individuals? You should know both the "turn-on's" and the "turn-off's" of all signs if you aspire to improve and smooth out your interpersonal relationships generally. That's the purpose of this article--to give you insight into all of the signs of the zodiac relative to the types of motivations, actions, and approaches which work well and those which may not. Apply the information which follows as far as you have astrological information about the individuals with whom you wish to or have to relate for whatever reason or reasons--and to the degree that you feel the relationship merits the effort. If you know only the Sun-Sign, then work with this, as it connects very directly with the inner self of that person; if you also know the ascendant, all the better, as this relates to that individual's outer self and how he or she communicates with the immediate environment. Further usefulness and application can be gained if you also know which other signs are accented by planetary placements and concentrations in the native's individual birth-chart. Aries Turn-ON'S: Arians, being aggressive, action-oriented, often impatient, and at times even a bit impulsive, find any sort of delay or postponement almost impossible to bear--at least, it is safe to say that they do not like to wait. So do what you promise when you promise if you want to please them. You should never stand too firmly in their way as they move headlong through life. They are normally regarded as being rather combative or even scrappy, as they seem to relish a challenge or dare; but it must be remembered that they enjoy only those contests and battles in which they win or are relatively certain that the odds are stacked in their favor. If they suspect that challengers are more expert then they, no contest will be held. They will simply not find the time or make up another excuse, but will never admit the real reason for the decline--that they are afraid they might lose. Keep them turned on by allowing them to win often, and never force them to compete when it is obvious that they do not want to "fight." Allow them to save face. Aries Turn-OFF'S: Arians are very turned off if they can't be "firstest with the mostest." They lose interest when you see and then talk about movies first, when you get in front of them in any way--whether it be financially, educationally, or emotionally---or when you get in front of them in a line or even while out walking. Of course, there is no reason to keep you from forging ahead of them in some areas of life; but it is most important that you don't boast or brag too much about your greater achievements and successes around them if you want to remain close friends. Remember, even though they do tend to forgive quickly, seldom do they forget any type of put-down or the fact that you do not regard them praiseworthy enough to be at the very top of your "admiration list." 1

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What Turns Others On--and Off?by Elbert WadeWHAT turns you on? What turns you off? You probably already know the answers to these questions, so they are not really that important. However, do you know what, in essene, turns on !interests, e"ites, inspires, motivates, thrills# others with whom you assoiate? $urther, do you know what, in essene, turns off !bores, tires, upsets, hurts# these same individuals? You should know both the %turn&on's% and the %turn&off's% of all si(nsif you aspire to improve and smooth out your interpersonal relationships (enerally. That's the purpose of this artile&&to (ive you insi(ht into all of the si(ns of the )odia relative to the types of motivations, ations, and approahes whih work well and those whih may not.Apply the information whih follows as far as you have astrolo(ial information about the individuals with whom you wish to or have to relate for whatever reason or reasons&&and to the de(ree that you feel the relationship merits the effort.*f you know only the +un&+i(n, then work with this, as it onnets very diretly with the inner self of that person, if you also know the asendant, all the better, as this relates to that individual's outer self and how he or she ommuniates with the immediate environment. $urther usefulness and appliation an be (ained if you also know whih other si(ns are aented by planetary plaements and onentrations in the native's individual birth&hart.Aries Turn&-.'+/ Arians, bein( a((ressive, ation&oriented, often impatient, and at times even a bit impulsive, find any sort of delay or postponement almost impossible to bear&&at least, it is safe to say that they do not like to wait. +o do what you promise when you promise if you want to please them. You should never stand too firmly in their way as they move headlon( throu(h life. They are normally re(arded as bein( rather ombative oreven srappy, as they seem to relish a hallen(e or dare, but it must be remembered that they en0oy only those ontests and battles in whih they win or are relatively ertain that the odds are staked in their favor. *f they suspet that hallen(ers are more e"pert then they, no ontest will be held. They will simply not find the time or make up another e"use, but will never admit the real reason for the deline&&that they are afraid they mi(ht lose. 1eep them turned on by allowin( them to win often, and never fore them to ompete when it is obvious that they do not want to %fi(ht.% Allow them to save fae.Aries Turn&-$$'+/ Arians are very turned off if they an't be %firstest with the mostest.% They lose interest when you see and then talk about movies first, when you (et in front of them in any way&&whether it be finanially, eduationally, or emotionally&&&or when you (et in front of them in a line or even while out walkin(. -f ourse, there is no reason to keep you from for(in( ahead of them in some areas of life, but it is most important that youdon't boast or bra( too muh about your (reater ahievements and suesses around them if you want to remain lose friends. 2emember, even thou(h they do tend to for(ive quikly, seldom do they for(et any type of put&down or the fat that you do not re(ard them praiseworthy enou(h to be at the very top of your %admiration list.%Taurus Turn&-.'+/ Whether it be (old, ash, other ob0ets of real and tan(ible value, servies atually performed, or whatever else represents atual wealth, quality and worthwhile servies, you'll very likely find that Taurus natives are hi(hly pleased !turned on, if you will# by the ob0et, artile, or servie, or the prospet of makin( it theirs. Turn the seond&house si(n on with a (ift, promises mean little to them. *f you doubt this, try this simple e"periment/ -ffer to reward a very youn( Taurus hild either with a oin !re(ardless of its value# or the offer of a kiss and a hu( in e"han(e for doin( a simple task. You will most likely find that the hild will seletthe oin in preferene to the promise of the less tan(ible representations of affetion. The si(n Taurus has an affinity with the throat and with the appetites, therefore, Taureans are very muh turned on by the promise and offer of appetite satisfation, whether it is (ood food, fine wine, se"ual pleasure, or whatever else is pleasin( to the %tastes.% 3repare a (ood meal, serve a (ood oktail, and dress in an allurin( manner if you really want to turn Taurus friends on.Taurus Turn&-$$'+/ These seond&house natives are very muh turned off by 0ust about anythin( that is poorly made, of inferior quality, or shoddy and lakin( in any way&&this applies to material thin(s, of ourse, but also to less tan(ible thin(s, suh as love, friendship, and ooperation. To keep their interest, all thin(s&&both tan(ible and intan(ible&&&must, aordin( to their possibilities, look, sound, smell, feel, and taste (ood. Always use your best hina when Taureans ome to dinner. 4iterally, (ive these natives the most omfortable hair, out of drafts, the one with the best view. *n short, if you want to (et on famously with them, make them feel omfortable&&this demonstrates your love.15emini Turn&-.'+/ 1eep 6erurial 5eminians totally involved, ompletely busy and they are likely to be or to remain turned on. This is not always an easy 0ob, but if you an do it, it may prove quite worthwhile if they mean that muh to you. 7ommuniation also turns on these natives, but it is perhaps better if you allow them to do most of the talkin(. 4ively onversation, re(ardless of whether or not it really leads anywhere, is very appealin( to members of this third&house si(n. However, the new and most urrent sub0ets, even a bit of (ossip now and then, normally fasinate these naturally urious natives. 5eminian are also quite pleased if you will su((est plaes to (o and will aompany them on these e"ursions. Always be on the lookout and point out anythin( interestin( alon( the way whih perhane they mi(ht not notie.5emini Turn&-$$'+/ *f you would avoid turnin( off 5emini friends, whatever your relationship, you will make ertain that the relationship is never lakin( in newness and variety, for a repeat of the same old thin(s and approahes&&the same (reetin(s, same onversation topis, (oin( to the same plaes, seein( the same friends,playin( the same (ames&&tends to bore them to the point of atually (ettin( on their nerves. *n essene, sameness and routine are 5emini people's really bi( turn& offs.7aner Turn&-.'+/ The feelin( and obvious presene of seurity really turns on these fourth&house and water&si(n natives. Havin( a plae whih is, in the lassial sense, a home is most important to 7anerians. *f you would please them, keep this most important fat in mind. Help them to find, maintain, or improve their %nest%, make them feel most welome, omfortable, and at home in your own residene when they ame to visit. You an keep 7aner natives turned on forever if you never lose si(ht of the messa(e ontained in any variation on an old sayin(/ The way to a 7aner native's heart is throu(h the stomah. 3repare and serve a (ood meal or allow 7anerian friends the pleasure of preparin( somethin( to please your palate. 8e ertain that you are not remiss in offerin( your sinere ompliments about their ulinary e"pertise. *n addition, you an earn %points% by sayin( nie thin(s, even bra((in( about their family and home as well.7aner Turn&-$$'+/ *f you&would avoid turnin( off members of this sensitive si(n, you must never take away anythin( either emotionally or materially meanin(ful, even temporarily. To do so is omparable to removin( a stone from the foundation of a buildin(&&everythin( may fall in. 8e (uardful in what you say beause your words,however unintentionally, mi(ht be nearly as painful as flamin( arrows. You should reali)e that 7anerians normally must work very hard at maintainin( their overall sense of seurity, and unkind or thou(htless omments an ause them to withdraw quikly into their protetive %shell% for fear that some additional %dama(e% will be done to their self&ima(e !seurity#. .ever ritii)e their mother or other members of their family.4eo Turn&-.'+/ 3erhaps the key tehnique to turnin( 4eo people on is praise, praise, and more praise. There islittle else that natives of this fifth&house si(n appreiate more. While it is true that you may tire of lookin( for thin(s about 4eo aquaintanes to ompliment, findin( them an pay (reat dividends if you aspire to have theseindividuals in your orner when you need them. 4eo folks are turned on by pleasure and by pleasant people, so it may be best not to plan ativities with them if you are in a bad mood, ne(ative, or not up to par (enerally. They are very appreiative of youth and onepts of youthfulness. You are dear to them when you think, at, and feel as youn( as you possibly an. .ot only will you please these fire&si(n people, but you will also do yourself a favor when you enompass youn( thou(hts and ideas re(ardless o9 your hronolo(ial a(e. 2emember, too, that your 4eo assoiates are also turned on by reativity, whether it is your own or someone's you both know. Your notie of their reativity and ima(ination is always appreiated.4eo Turn&-$$'+/ *n essene, the term turn&off quite vividly desribes what 4eo natives an hardly tolerate&&&that's turnin( off the spotli(ht when they are baskin( in its warm rays, somethin( you must never do if you wouldavoid their wrath. 6embers of this fifth&house si(n annot lon( tolerate those who onstantly or repeatedly attempt to upsta(e them. 4eo, %the 4ion,% kin( of the 0un(le !house, shop, offie, et.#, will surely roar in stron( defiane if anyone seriously threatens their ri(ht to rulership of their kin(dom. *n short, if you would (et alon( famously with 4eo people, (ive them the leadin( role, at best, you may not (et more than a (ood supportin( part.:ir(o Turn&-.'+/ You will turn :ir(oans on if you are neat, lean, puntual, trustworthy, a hard worker, and as nearly perfet as you an be. *t is a tall order, but members of this si"th&house si(n are normally not askin( you for one whit more than they are willin( to try to (ive or do for you. :ir(o natives find it ne"t to impossible either to understand or tolerate anythin( or anybody who is not livin( up to their potential&&or, at least, strivin( very hard to do so. They will assist you, but you must be willin( to follow their su((estions and teahin(s whih oftensound more like ritiism than helpful, lovin( advie and onstrutive (uidane. Your :ir(o assoiates are also 2quite pleased when you notie and omment favorably on their work, but you must be ertain that your ompliments are not made up or you will do more harm than (ood.:ir(o Turn&-$$'+/ Avoid any ritiism of your :ir(o assoiates if you wish to keep from turnin( them off totally. *tmay seem unfair not to be able to ritii)e the si(n known for ritiism, but you must remember that people bornunder this 6erurial si(n in no serious way re(ard themselves as lakin( in faults. As a matter of fat, they are inlined to be so totally aware of their own lak of perfetion that they an stand very little ritiism from others and still maintain any satisfatory de(ree of self&respet. 4et :ir(oans be of servie to you or they will likely be very disappointed indeed, as people of this si"th&house si(n like to work and to serve others in a onstrutive and meanin(ful way. .ever allow :ir(oans to feel unneeded or unneessary, for this will ertainly turn them off in a hurry.4ibra Turn&-.'+/ +urround your 4ibra assoiates with beauty&&beautiful ob0ets in (ood taste, beautiful thou(hts, ideas, statements, beautiful proposals and pro0ets&& and you will keep them (enerally turned on mostof the time. 4ibra natives are also very muh into the onepts of fairness and equality, so you are wise to keep this fat in mind and to make ertain that you employ balane and (ive&and&take when dealin( with them. $urther, 4ibrans are espeially pleased when friends lend an ear to their problems and then offer su((estions and omments as to how they may make better deisions, for makin( up their mind is not always easy for this %in&the& balane% seventh&house si(n. 4ibra people are also quite thrilled when beloved assoiates like, approve,and (et alon( well with other dear assoiates of theirs. 2emember, you should be willin( to %share% 4ibrans with their other loser ties.4ibra Turn&-$$'+/ +trive always to be definite and deisive when dealin( with those who are 4ibra&born, sine hardly anythin( frustrates them more than to sense a pronouned indeisiveness in their friends. They do not want to be troubled with havin( to make your deisions for you, as they have too muh diffiulty in tryin( to make their own. .ever be (ross or vul(ar with or when around members of this :enus&ruled si(n or its ardinal nature may e"press itself with a rather sharp and pronouned disapproval whih may seem somewhat out of haraer for these normally easy&(oin( natives of the si(n of %peae.% 4ibrans are very muh turned off by thoseassoiates who ne(let basi neatness in personal appearane and in other areas of their lives as well. 4ibrans':enus rulership is inlined to disapprove untidiness of all types.+orpio Turn&-.'+/ $ind out what it is that they really want and help to (et it for +orpio people, you will really turn on members of this ei(hth&house si(n in that way. *t is quite ordinary for +orpio natives to e"pet measurable results and benefits from any and all partnerships and assoiations. At times, you may not like the rather demandin( nature of +orpio friends, but only you an deide if what you (et from these relationships is worth all the effort and trouble. +orpio individuals are quite pleased if you understand, approve, and perhaps even appreiate the fat that they do have rather fi"ed ideas and opinions about most matters. Also appreiatedis your further reali)ation that they an't lon( tolerate anyone houndin( them to han(e. *n fat, they adore it when you are patient with them. *f your relationship is in any way se"ual, don't for(et that se" is one of +orpio'sreally bi( turn&ons.+orpio Turn&-$$'+/ +orpio natives are turned way off by any assoiates who are %floatin(%&&lakin( in determination and diretion as to where they are (oin( and what they really want out of life. +orpio people believe that one should make up his mind as to what he wants, make his (oals definite and lear&ut, take those(oals and turn them into burnin( desires, and then fan those desires until they beome a part of one's inner bein( so that, in time, they will be reali)ed. +orpio natives are stron(ly desire&motivated and are quite put out by anyone who ritii)es them for seekin( the fulfillment of those desires&espeially those whih are se"ual in nature.+a(ittarius Turn&-.'+/ Help +a(ittarius friends to (row, to over more (round, to e"pand and you will be in ontrol of the key whih turns these fire&si(n members on. They really appreiate it very muh if you will trouble yourself enou(h to look after what they would all the %small details% many of whih are not really that small, in fat. Another bi( turn&on for +a(ittarius persons is disussin( various reli(ious beliefs, philosophial onepts and outlooks with lose assoiates. They will appreiate it very muh if you are knowled(eable in these areas and are prepared to have a little verbal ontest to defend your position and beliefs now and a(ain. *f possible, aid +a(ittarians in (ettin( out of town, in travelin( often either by helpin( in the plannin( or (oin( with them and lookin( after thin(s for them. 3eople of this ninth&house si(n are also turned on by talk about your travels. They also love tellin( you about their lon(er trips&&if you will listen.3+a(ittarius Turn&-$$'+/ 3ossibly nothin( turns +a(ittarius people off faster than havin( to deal with those who are dull and (lum, lakin( in a sense of humor. You will have to smile at times when you may not want to, even when it %hurts% a little. Try smilin( more often, you mi(ht (et to like it. .either do +a(ittarian friends partiularly are for those who are small thinkers, those who limit their hori)ons and prospets. Think bi(, (et the bi( piture, delve into the overall dream, envision the broad prospets and you'll avoid turnin( off members of this ;upiter&ruled si(n. You'll run the risk of displeasin( those of this lon(&distane si(n if you are not willin( to drop everythin( and (o with them on an out&of&town trip when the notion strikes them. .ever say you an't afford the trip, as this si(n 0ust doesn't like to be bothered with suh %trivia% as this.7apriorn Turn&-.'+/ These natives are turned on by anyone who will atually aid them in any pratial way to limb the ladder of suess, to (et ahead in realisti ways. You may do this by offerin( advie, by doin( business with them, and throu(h proper introdutions to others who an help. 7apriornians also appreiate those who understand their propensity to be too ne(ative at times and those who are ea(er to assist in helpin( to motivate, to enoura(e, and to offer positive su((estions and hope to 7apriorn people's onsiousness to hi(her and more onstrutive levels. These tenth&house natives appreiate, even demand in their own quiet way, that you show them respet and honor, espeially if they hold a hi(h position.7apriorn Turn&-$$'+/ 7apriornians are definitely turned off by anyone who laks the motivation neessary in order to work toward improvin( his position in life.This is espeially true as it relates to business and reputation. 8asially, 7apriorn natives are the %salt of the earth% and believe that they and everyone else ou(ht to be %worth their salt.% These earth&si(n people are turned off if and when those in lose assoiation are too open, overt, and a((ressive in showin( their emotions, espeially those that relate to love, sympathy, and se"ual interest. These natives often are somewhat old or slow in showin( suh feelin(s and do so only at the %proper% time and plae.Aquarius Turn&-.'+/ These eleventh&house natives are turned on by those who dare to be individuals, those who voie their opinions, those who have the oura(e to be themselves re(ardless of what the world in (eneral thinks about them. Therefore, Aquarians like you more if you are not a member of the army of the ordinary. -ri(inality, uniqueness, and aptness of thou(ht all are appreiated by these