what's in a name part 2

1 Science fiction Protagonist Half man/ half draconic, in his 20’s. Was very powerful, but recently inexplicably lost a lot of draconic ability, and thus his draconic appearance. Generally fights only for himself, but is willing to help others if he’s having a really bad day. It gives him a chance to kill something. Lives in an abandoned mall from the 20 th century. It is the year 4007. His father named him Blaze. Blaze Caden. Sure, the name is very last-century, but it follows tradition in his family to name children as an attempt to shape the child’s personality. Name meaning: Blaze means fire, and Caden means fighter. Image from Google images. Antagonist An adorable 6 year old little girl, don’t let Brendy Delora fool you. Having lost all of her family with the hostile takeover of the military, she’s angry, and looking to kill as many people she thinks responsible as she can. With her trusty knives, her ability to separate her body and consciousness into multiple people, and her less than sane personality, Brendy is willing and fully capable of killing off everyone in the chain of power. Too bad that her goal will bring her into Blaze’s path. Name meaning:Brendy means sword, and Delora means of sorrow. Image from Google images.

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Post on 22-Jan-2015




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Page 1: What's in a name part 2

1 Science fictionProtagonistHalf man/ half draconic, in his 20’s. Was very powerful, but recently inexplicably lost a lot of draconic ability, and thus his draconic appearance. Generally fights only for himself, but is willing to help others if he’s having a really bad day. It gives him a chance to kill something. Lives in an abandoned mall from the 20th century. It is the year 4007. His father named him Blaze. Blaze Caden. Sure, the name is very last-century, but it follows tradition in his family to name children as an attempt to shape the child’s personality.

Name meaning: Blaze means fire, and Caden means fighter.Image from Google images.

AntagonistAn adorable 6 year old little girl, don’t let Brendy Delora fool you. Having lost all of her family with the hostile takeover of the military, she’s angry, and looking to kill as many people she thinks responsible as she can. With her trusty knives, her ability to separate her body and consciousness into multiple people, and her less than sane personality, Brendy is willing and fully capable of killing off everyone in the chain of power. Too bad that her goal will bring her into Blaze’s path.

Name meaning:Brendy means sword, and Delora means of sorrow.Image from Google images.

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2 HorrorProtagonistShy, caring, and scary enough to keep people from walking within ten feet of her, 17 year old Leola Nico doesn’t understand why people avoid her, and often wonders if she should just be trying to talk to them. The problem is, she can’t get over her fear of people after the recurring nightmares. In hopes that another change of scenery will help (she tends to move around a lot, she hops in her van and drives north, until she gets to Edmonton. She gets settled quickly, and goes in search of people to meet. So when she gets trapped in a grocery store with a dozen other people, Leola is ecstatic. Until they start dying off before her very eyes. Can Leola gather her wits in time?

Name meaning: Leola means lioness, and Nico means victorious people.Image from Google images.

AntagonistLoring White, a 30- something inventor, has finally achieved his dream. The physical manifestation of his thoughts. Now he just needs to test his creations. His testing ground? A grocery store on the outskirts of Edmonton. The manifestations perform perfectly, but now there are witnesses. Loring has to silence them all, and get in contact with the government about his new super weapon. However, what he didn’t plan for was his own inner demons to surface with the prolonged control of the manifestations. Soon, Loring isn’t just killing people, he’s torturing them, playing games with them, and listening to their screams.

Name meaning: Loring means famous in war, and White refers to the color.Image from Google images.

3 MysteryProtagonist19 year old Donovan Fortesque often found himself looking for clues in the woods when he was a child. Now, he has made himself irreplaceable as the local police force’s best tracker. He has come to value solitude, and no longer wastes his time trying to get close to people who won’t give him the time of day.

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Really, all Donovan wants is to quietly live his life, and maybe get to see France one day. However, when a federal criminal escapes with help and kills most- if not all- the big time trackers, Donovan will be forced to follow the trail, and hope that he won’t be next.

Name meaning: Donovan means dark warrior, and Fortesque means like a fortress.Image from Google images.

AntagonistRyu Kurosawa has never liked the eyes that look at him, judging his every move. When his mother finally started looking at him like he was a lost cause, with eyes like his father’s, he couldn’t help but scrape those eyes out of her head. In doing this, Ryu realized that nothing could stop him from making all those disgusting eyes glass over. So he went on a rampage. Now, on his 35th birthday, he’s free, and he can still see the eyes. This time, they ALL have to go.

Name meaning: Ryu means dragon, Kurosawa means black swamp.Image found at Google images, on a blocked site

4 CrimeProtagonist39 years old and entirely happy with his life involved in the underground, Dru Burns is quickly gaining a very fat wallet and a love for illegal adventures. But when a cop shows up on his doorstep, he will have to leave everything behind and run. And why on earth is a cop after him, anyways? He’s never been caught, and driving a car through a mall and multiple stores can’t be that bad, right? As he runs, he will fulfill old dreams, such as skydiving, singing, and dumpster diving.

Name meaning: Dru means manly or courageous. Burns is derived from old English, meaning stream. Image taken from Google images.

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Antagonist25 years old and at the top of her game, Caine Aarden is certain that today is the day that something great happens. Too bad she gets hit by a car on its way through the wall of a house full of illegal items. Caine likes her few friends (coworkers), and wants to fit in with them. So in an attempt to better fit in with her coworkers, she goes after the occupant, and ends up going cross country to the ‘bad guy’.

Name meaning: Caine means spear huntress, and Aarden means clay stone and earth.Image from Google images.

5 ComedyProtagonist22 year old Arawn Couch’s parents always wanted a boy. But really, living like a man isn’t all that bad, at least people take her seriously. And hey, there’s no issue with guys getting fresh with her. But who is this crazy girl who has suddenly taken an interest? Wait – what? Arawn doesn’t look THAT much like a guy, does she?

Name meaning: Arawn means king of the otherworld, and Couch means red.Image taken from Google images.

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Antagonist24 year old Cady Falk can’t believe her luck when she runs into a kind- and available- man. Granted he’s not the most attractive, but how else is she supposed t o prove her maturity to her parents, who STILL won’t let her move out? But why is this guy suddenly running away?

Name meaning: Cady means simple happiness, and Falk means Falcon. Image from Google images.

6 FantasyProtagonist142 years old and still quite young, Breena Alvey has been looking to enroll in magic academy, but doesn’t have the money for the tuition. So, she leaves on a mystical journey to do odd jobs all over the world, and learn to use magic in a practical way until she can earn the tuition. But who’s this jerk who keeps trying to steal her hard earned money?

Name meaning: Breena means fairy land, and Alvey means elven war.Image from Google images.

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AntagonistBrendan Arrington has never worked an honest job a day in his life, and doesn’t intend to start. When he comes across a young magically gifted girl, he knows that following her will greatly benefit his wallet. It’s just too bad that this girl always seems to know when he’s around. No way will he lose to some girl 50 years his junior!

Name meaning: Brendan means little raven, and Arrington means from the eagle’s settlement.Image from Google images.

7 TragedyProtagonistAisling Brady is 27 years old, living in China with her parents, and can’t help but hate the way that the government works, all around. So she protests. Loudly. Very loudly. And is put in prison. Well excuse her for stating her opinions! And seriously, would it KILL them to give her some lunch? Food is important you know! Wait, what do you mean, last meal?

Name meaning: Aisling means dream, and Brady means spirited.Image from Google images.

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Antagonist50 year old Kana Guo has seen a lot in his time working as a prison guard, but a large white woman dancing around her cell and asking for all kinds of food was not one of them. Really, must she be so annoying? When he was that young, he knew that you had to respect your elders, and your government. Both of which she avoided. What was WRONG with the youth today?

Name meaning: Kana means powerful, and Guo means town wall.Image from Google images.

8 Historical fictionProtagonistAvalbane Cooney is 18 years old and ready to make her mark on the world. Maybe she can go off to the new world, and start a homestead there? It’s worth a shot. After all, with her mother dead and her father constantly drunk, no one can stop her. Yeah. Sounds good.

Name meaning: Avalbane means white orchard, and Cooney means wolf pup.Image from Google images.

AntagonistWhy is his darling daughter, all that he has left, trying to leave him? Through his drunken haze, Brady Cooney can only catch that his daughter means to leave, and instantly begins to plot ways to stop her, in ways that only a drunken man can. It’s not that he’s a bad man, he just wants what’s best for his daughter, right?

Name meaning: Brady means broad shouldered, and Cooney still means wolf pup.Image from Google images.

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9 AdventureProtagonistArnaud Bonheur is stuck living underground when the animals attack, ripping everyone he ever knew to shreds. Living in his quiet sorrow, the ex army- operative finds his day interrupted when a crazed man literally falls through his ceiling, and tells him that on his 29th birthday, he will lead an army against the beasts that now roam the earth. Well, He’s got 2 weeks.

Name meaning: Arnaud means ruler of eagles, and Bonheur means good luck.Image from Google images.

AntagonistThe ruler of the beasts has only one name: Agamemnon. His only goal is to destroy the humans, and rule the world. He merely wants the very best for his darling cub. The only clue as to the reason of his insanity is that his mate was killed by a human. This lion has it out for revenge.

Name meaning: Resolute. Image from Google images.

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10 WesternProtagonistHe’s wanted in every state, but not at all solitary. In fact, this 19 year old man is followed by 6 of the most notorious criminals in the world. It is unknown why he is the one in charge, when he’s clearly the youngest, but no one has really seen him in action, so it’s understandable. When he gets caught by the sheriff of a small town and the man catches him escaping by way of a file hidden in his FAKE leg, Kesler Laukkanen has no choice but to wait for his second in command to bring him a spare leg.

Name meaning: Kesler means independent and energetic, and Laukkanen means he who takes big strides. Picture from Google images.

Antagonist24 year old Terrian Bakema is well liked, which is quite an achievement for a sheriff in a town like this. But Kesler and his gang keeps causing trouble, and always during his time at the saloon. Is the entire world against his healthy respect for alcohol? Excuse him for liking to drink. So, while his twin sister and

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deputy takes care of business, he cleans up and gets ready for a long night shift. Wait, this kid has a fake leg? Is that how he always escapes?

Name meaning: Terrian means strong, ambitious. Bakema means son of the struggle.Image from Google images.