what's new in indusoft web studio 8.0 +sp1

Download What's New In InduSoft Web Studio 8.0 +SP1

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What is New and Advanced Features

InduSoft Web Studio v8.0+SP1


IDE - ProductivityGlobal Text-Based

Document Text-Based Find/Replace


High performance when developing, maintaining, and troubleshooting applications. Results displayed immediately, even in large projects.

Ability to look for any references throughout the project and replace terms efficiently and reliably.


IoTView - PortabilitySupport for MATH Task on IoTView


Ability to execute custom logic to manipulate data in background, with execution control.

Support for hundreds of built-in functions to transform data into meaningful information before presenting it.


IoTView - PortabilitySupport for DB/ERP Built-in functionsBenefits

Ability to execute SQL transactions with remote SQL Relational Databases, such as Microsoft SQL Azure, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access MDB, Microsoft Excel XLS/XLSX, Oracle, MySQL, etc.

Modify external databases (Insert, Update, Delete, Create, Drop, etc) and get information from external databases (Select).

StudioDatabase GatewayDatabaseTCP/IP


SMA - MobilitySupport for Trend Control on Studio Mobile Access Thin Clients (HTML5)


Ability to visualize online and history data from tag values on multiple devices based on different platforms and web browsers (HTML5), using a modern and intuitive user interface.


SMA - MobilitySupport for Custom WidgetsBenefits

Ability to integrate third-party web-based controls into the HMI/SCADA project screens.Engineers with HTML/JScript can easily create Custom Widgets and define Properties/Events through the IDE. Users can use the Custom Widgets on the local Viewer and Thin Clients.


Data Input with native virtual keypad/keyboards

Support the mobile devices language

Consistent with the native virtual keyboard provided by the mobile devices operating system

Support for both numeric and alphanumeric inputSMA - Mobility


Migration ToolImport Wizard for FactoryTalk ME/SE (Add-On)Benefits

Minimize cost of migration from FactoryTalk to InduSoft Web Studio by automatically converting FactoryTalk ME/SE applications to InduSoft Web Studio (graphical interface, communication interface, tags, etc).

Note: Manual adjustments can be done after executing the automatic conversion.


InteroperabilityNew and Updated Communication Drivers and Tag IntegrationBenefits

Enable integration of multiple devices and systems from the plant-floor to the ERP/Cloud in a seamless manner.

Increase productivity and quality through native tag integration for tag-based devices.MQTT IoT / Industry 4.0KAWR RoboticsSNMP ITSITIA PLC + Tag Integration20+ Updated drivers


InduSoft Web Studio v8.0


Platforms: AgnosticHost: Web Browser agnosticTechnology: HTML5Studio Mobile Access (SMA) Thin Clients

Support for Screen Groups(e.g.: Header, Footer, Menu, etc.)Support for Popup and Dialog Screen StylesMultiple Screens Support on SMA Thin Clients


NewThe Power of choice!Use the Web Server (HTTP Server) you want.Support for Web Servers using CGI interfaces



GlobalProject TagsClassesSystem TagsSecurity System (local mode)

Graphics (SMA Thin Client)ScreensScreen GroupsProject/Library SymbolsTasksAlarm OnlineTrend (remote database)

DriversMOTCPABTCPSOFTPIoTView Platform Agnostic Runtime Edition


OPC Server Hot/Stand-by swap

Cascading Redundancy

Dynamic control per connection

Dynamic monitoring of the statusEasy configuration >> High reliability

DA | XML | UANative OPC Redundancy


1000+ Linked Symbolsfree-of-chargeOptimized for higher performanceEnhanced Symbols


Capability to compare any configuration file, merge changes from multiple application engineers and support for Revision Control. Also interact with the Team Foundation Server, allowing Application Lifecycle Management (ALM).

Integrated Interface for Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation ServerNative revision controlMulti-user collaborationHistory of changes traceabilitySecurity System access controlBackup/restore built-in controlMulti-version comparison and merging options

Offline Mode SupportedHigher Performance and Reliability!Optimized Collaboration ServerNew


100% Compatibility with applications designed in previous versionsEvolve protecting your investment!

1997InduSoft v1.0Windows NTWindows 95Windows CE v1.02015InduSoft Web Studio v8.0Windows 10 / 8 / 7Windows Server 2012 / 2008Windows Embedded Standard 7Windows Embedded Compact 7 / 6 / 5Linux / Vxworks

Support for Windows 10


InduSoft Web Studio v7.1+SP3 (and newer)


Optimized Tag Integration


Native interface to save/ retrieve data to/from the Wonderware Historian

Built-in store and forward feature

Layer of abstraction based on the History Format for each Trend Worksheet.

Support for Wonderware Historian locally or remotely (via TCP/IP), even from embedded devices.

TCP/IPInduSoft Web StudioWonderware HistorianNative integration with Wonderware Historian


Native tag integration support for Schneider Unity Modbus (Schneider M340 and Premium Devices).Native tag integration support for CodeSys 3.x (in addition to CodeSys 2.x)Tag Integration Enhancements


Support for scripting on the Studio Mobile Access (SMA) Thin Client, based on platform independent HTML5 technology.

Enhanced the development environment, allowing the user to configure common properties from multiple objects selected on the screen editor.

Created built-in functions GetAlarmCount and GetAlarmInfo, allowing the user to access information about the online alarms during the runtime, via script.

Enhanced CEView (runtime for Windows Embedded Compact) to support pictures in additional formats, such as PNG, GIF, TIFF, and EXIF (in addition to BMP and JPG that were already supported). The operating system image must provide the required libraries to support such formats.

Add support for Chinese-Simplified MUI (in addition to Chinese-Traditional) in the development environment of InduSoft Web Studio.



InduSoft Web Studio v7.1+SP2 (and newer)


Any Device

Any Browser

Any Platform











SMAStudio Mobile Access

Graphic Custom Screens in HTML5


License Server


Native support for debugging tools integrated in the development environmentAdd break pointsto scriptsSimply move the mouse over variables to monitor their current valueMonitor variables in the integratedWatch the sequence of executionAnalyze the status of each runtime taskImproved Database Spy

Native Debugging tools for Scripts


InduSoft Web Studio v7.1+SP1 (and newer)


Zoom In / Zoom out screensPan screensGrow & Shrink objects (Size animation)Drag objects (Position animation)Rotate objects (Rotation animation)Dual or Multi-touch command (Command animation)Touch events (Command animation)Built-in Inertia effect

Watch the video demonstrationMulti-touch Interface


Tags Database Built-in FunctionsCreate, Modify, Delete tags and its properties during the runtime

Screen XML API Add-OnCreate screens in XML and convert them to binary format during the runtime

$ImportXML()Create Templates that can be configured during the runtime.Ideal for OEMs and Machine Builders!Dynamic Configuration


InduSoft Web Studio v7.1 (and newer)


Capability to compare any configuration file, merge changes from multiple application engineers and support for Revision Control. Also interact with the Team Foundation Server, allowing Application Lifecycle Management (ALM).

Integrated Interface for Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation ServerNative revision controlMulti-user collaborationHistory of changes traceabilitySecurity System access controlBackup/restore built-in controlMulti-version comparison and merging options

Collaboration Server


SMA Thin Client (HTML5)Tabular SMA Thin Client (HTML1)New

SMA Thin Client (HTML5)


First HMI/SCADA software in the market to support OPC UA on the Microsoft Windows Embedded CE operating system (in addition to other Windows platforms).Increased security (built-in authentication), flexibility, and control.OPC UA Client for Windows CE


Performance EnhancementsThe screen switch greatly improved, especially on devices powered with slower processors (e.g.: ARM processors with low CPU power). Benchmark tests indicated that, in average, screen switch time is twice as fast on this version.

Graphical Editor EnhancementsTab order editor and Textbox Active Object

Graphical Enhancements


Browse tags directly from RSLogix programming software.

Tag Integration with RSLogix5000


Drag and drop for Tag/Expression fields in the development environment.

Color customization based on user-defined criteria on the Alarm/Event control.

Resizable dialog for the Command dynamic.

Configurable scale for built-in dialogs (Project Settings > Viewer and Web).

Enhanced support for BACNET protocol (Master and Slave).Miscellaneous


InduSoft Web Studio v7.0 (and newer)


Entwickeln Sie Ihr Projekt in Ihrer Sprache!Develop your project in your language!Dveloppez votre projet dans votre langue!Desenvolva seu projeto em seu idioma!

Localization for the Development Environment

Statistical Process Control (SPC) information one click away!Native SPC for the Trend Control

Optimized trend history module, designed to load millions of values from SQL Relational Databases with high performance! Built-in data decimation in the Trend Control.Database Data Retrieval Performance Optimization

Native support for Security Socket Layer (SSL), made it easier and securer than ever to send emails from InduSoft Web Studio!

SSL Support for Emails

LDAPSupport for ADAM Server in addition to standard LDAP Servers.Integrate your project to the Active Directory (Users and Groups).Native LDAP support

New built-in language scripting functions:

- Ability to run procedures asynchronously RunGlobalProcedureAsync() RunGlobalProcedureAsyncStatus()

- Ability to show message boxes or confirmation dialog on the client ShowMessageBox()New Built-in Functions

OPC DA 2.05OPC UAOPC .NETOPC XML/DA (2.x,3.0)* Add-on license requiredOPC XML and Multi-thread OPC DA 2.XX-3.00

* Add-on license requiredIEC-60870-5-104(IE104 driver)

DNP3(DNP driver)Native drivers for standard protocols used in the Electrical Industry.Native Communication Drivers (IEC104 and DNP)

Modern look-and-feel, increased productivityRibbon interface

Open more than one document (tab) simultaneously Dock interfaces Larger Object Properties dialog Create custom pallets of colors

Modern development Environment

New 3D button styles Link icons (.ico, .bmp, .jpg, .gif, .png) to buttons Apply dynamic rotation to imported graphics during runtime

Graphic Enhancements

Fill area below each pen (optional transparency 0-100%) Color Pictures or Patterns (.bmp)

Add pictures or text (notation) on top of the trend control

Trend Control Enhancements

Do you or your customers have custom scripts?

What about graphics or other functionality you would like to protect?

Native Intellectual Property Protection

Integrate the project with Microsoft Active Directory domain security system using the LDAP protocol Share security system settings among several stations Import/Export security system settings Cache security system authentication information Associate users with multiple groups New security systemconfiguration wizard

Security Enhancements

Reduce errors, eliminate misunderstandings.No longer a manual fill out the table process Now a one-click online translation New easy-to-use interface

Runtime Localization

Instead of scripting, easy-to-use configuration forms for: SMTP FTP

User-friendly configuration interface

No extra charge, built-in, installed

CAN/CANopen (master or slave) Eaton ELC (PLCs) Opto 22 Siemens (SIEME, SIETH, SIPPI) BACnetNew and Updated Native Communication Drivers

In addition to OPC Classic (client and server)

OPC UA (Unified Architecture) client Platform Independent

OPC.NET (Express Interface) client Based on Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) a component of .NET Security inherent in WCF


Included on DVD, not installed (60 day evaluation license)

OPC Server for DCSOPC Server for ABB GCOMOPC Server for Apacs DirectOPC Server for Bailey DirectOPC Server for Fisher Provox DirectOPC Server for FoxboroOPC Server for Mark V & VI (GSM)OPC Server for Mark V DirectOPC Server for Honeywell TPS (TDC 3000)OPC Server for RS3 RNIOPC Server for TriconexOPC Server for YokogawaStandard OPC ServerOPC Server for Johnson Controls N1OPC Server for Johnson Controls N2OPC Server for LonworksOPC Server for Powerlogic SMSSCADA OPC ServerOPC Server for DNP3OPC Server for Roc/Roc+OPC Server for IEC 60870OPC Server for IEC 61850OPC Server for ModbusOPC Server for Omni Flow Computers

Support for Matrikon OPC Servers

New built-in language scripting functions: SaveScreenShot() ShowInPlaceInput() RunGlobalProcedureOnTrue() RunGlobalProcedureOnFalse() RunGlobalProcedureOnTrigger()

New Built-in Functions

InduSoft Web Studio(Server)

SMA (Studio Mobile Access)Studio Mobile Access (SMA) allows browsers on any device, to display alarms and process variables. SMA allows any web enabled mobile device, not only those running Microsoft operating systems, but also BlackBerry, iPhone Motorola RAZR phones, or other devices with built-in browsers to display necessary information. You can even monitor the active alarms and acknowledge them from the mobile device. SMA allows operators to be more efficient and keep the process/machine running at its top performance without the need to be at the immediate location.

Studio Mobile Access (SMA)

Tabular Studio Mobile Access (HTML)

Run IWS as a ServiceInduSoft Web Studio can run as a Windows service. This virtually eliminates accidental shutdown of critical applications by operators.

Because increased uptime is mandatory in today's facilities, running as a service also allows IWS to start even when no users are logged on to the computer. This is perfect for remote installations or recovery from power failures.

Running IWS runtime as a service increases the security of the system, blocking unauthorized users from slipping in and making any changes before launching the graphic interface.

Run as a Service

Simultaneous Request for Communication Drivers

Asynchronous communication allows execution of several commands in parallel, increasing significantly the overall communication performance. Simultaneous requests for different devices (e.g.: PLCs) increases the robustness of the system, because the communication with one device does not affect the performance of the others.Available for protocols based on TCP/IP or libraries that support simultaneous connections.Simultaneous Requests for Native Comm. Drivers

SNMP Interface InduSoft Web Studio embedded SNMP Agent provides Alarm Status, Real-time data Value/Status (tags) and System Information to local/remote SNMP Managers, such as Microsoft MOM or HP OpenView.

SNMP Agent available for all platforms supported by InduSoft, including Windows CE.

Ability to send traps based on events.

Built-in functions allow InduSoft Web Studio to request data from third-party SNMP Agents too.

MachinesControllersField Equipment

InduSoft Web StudioSNMP Agent

SNMP Manager(e.g.: Microsoft MOM;HP OpenView, etc)

Alarm StatusReal-time data Value/StatusSystem InformationInduSoft Web Studio SNMP Interface allows you to monitor data from SNMP Clients (hubs, routers, etc) and also leverage diagnostic information and real-time status from the plant-floor to the ERP (SNMP Managers).SNMP Agent and SNMP Manager Interfaces

Container for .NET ControlsSupport for .NET Controls under Windows XP includes:

Support for Properties, Methods and Events.

Embedded user-friendly interface allowing the user to link tags to Properties and Methods, and to link expressions to Events. Does not require scripting to integrate the object in the project.

.NET Controls Browsing.NET Control PropertiesBuilt-in interface for Properties, Methods and Events(Just link tags to the interfaces no scripting required)

Support for third-party .NET Controls

Studio Web ServiceStandard technologies widely adopted, such as XML, SOAP and HTTP increases the connectivity and flexibility of your system.InduSoft Web Studio Tags Database Web Service for Microsoft IIS allows you to exchange data (tag values) between your SCADA/HMI application and any third-party system which is able to consume Web Services, such as the Microsoft Biztalk.

InduSoft Web StudioTags DatabaseWeb Servicefor Microsoft IISThird-PartyWeb Service Consumer(e.g.: Microsoft Biztalk)

InduSoft Web Studio Web Service empowers you to implement Business-to-Business solutions, integrating relevant information from the ERP with the process level.Support for Web Services

Linked SymbolsUsing Linked Symbols, the user can create, modify and customize his/her own library of symbols and re-use them in many different projects. After editing the MASTER SYMBOL once, the changes are replicated to all instances of this symbol in the application, improving productivity during application development.

Create the Linked SymbolEdit your own Custom PropertiesSave the MASTER SYMBOL in the library.Insert the Linked Symbol into the application screens and assign tags and/or values to it.After inserting the symbol, the user can determine whether to keep the link with the MASTER Symbol or not.Linked Symbols

Script Built-in VBScript interfaceMicrosoft Visual Script Language (VBScript) is a simple, standard and flexible scripting language that allows you to implement logics and algorithms within the IWS application. - Built-in VBScript editor with IntelliSense.- Support for syntax, operators, functions and standards from VBScript, integrated to the Studio tags and functions database.- Ability to create your own variables and procedures (functions and/or sub-routines).- Easy interface to access to properties, methods and/or events from COM objects, including ActiveX controls.-Ability to execute the logics in any platform that supports VBScript, including MS Windows NT/2K/XP (IWS Server station), MS Windows CE (CEView) and MS Internet Explorer - Web Thin Client.

ActiveXEventsGlobalProceduresScript 002CommandDynamicScreenScriptGraphicsScript



State-of-Art Trend Control objectDisplay of multiple pens simultaneouslySupport for different Data Sources, such as Tag, Batch, Database and Text FileSimultaneous display of an unlimited number of data points. This feature might be limited by the hardware used since available memory and performance will vary. Built-in toolbar, which provides interfaces for the user to interact with the Trend Control object during the runtimeBuilt-in legend, which displays the main information associated to each pen linked to the objectZooming and auto-scaling toolsHorizontal and vertical orientation

Trend Control

User-friendly development interface

Microsoft Excel compatible (copy/paste data and follow the same standards)Tab-based interface increases productivityNative Configuration integration with Excel

MDI Interface for Web Thin Clients and for CEView


Group of Screens

Pop-Up ScreensDialog ScreensSupport for Indirect tags and Array tags.

Support for Screen Logics (On Open, While Open and On Close scripts).

Retentiveness for the Local Tags.

Support for the Always/Screen option (OPC and Comm. Driver interface).Support for MDI (Multiple Documents Interface)

Intuitive and flexible ActiveX InterfaceActiveX Interface Enhancements:

Support for Events in addition to Properties and Methods.

Embedded user-friendly interface allowing the user to link tags to Properties and Methods, and to link expressions to Events. Does not require scripting to integrate the object in the project.


Support for ActiveX controls

FDA 21 CFR Part 11

Security System

Password SizePassword AgingE-signatureAuto Lock-up user

Event Logger

System EventsProcess EventsUser EventsRead-Only signed reports

Tools for FDA21 CFR Part 11

ADO.NET Interface for History Tasks and Grid ObjectSupport for third-party SQL Relational Databases such as SQL Server, MS Access, Oracle, Sybase and others, via standard ADO.NET providers. Embedded ADO.NET interface for all history tasks (Alarms, Events and Trends) as well as for the native Grid object. Database connectivity from any platform supported by IWS or CEView (including Windows CE and PocketPC), through the unique Studio Database Gateway, which provides connection to the database through a standard TCP/IP link. User-friendly interface which does not require scripting or SQL knowledge to configure the database interface. Support for Secondary Database in the modes Redundancy or Store and Forward, increasing the reliability of the system and avoiding loss of data.

SQL ServerMS AccessMS ExcelOracleSybaseMy SQL.Any SQL-Relational DBTrendsAlarmsEvents+GridNative interface to SQL Relational Databases

Grid Control Active Object

Easy and flexible interface with differente data sources!Text File(e.g.: *.CSV)Database(e.g.: SQL Server)Array Class Tags

Grid Control

Mobile support


SCADA StationInduSoft Web StudioPlant FloorPLC, Remote I/OMobile Web Thin Clients

(Web-browser)Monitor the Process(Online and History data)Manage Events and Alarms(Visualization and acknowledgement)Support for:- Infra-Red (IR)Bluetooth Wireless Ethernet IEC802.11

Support for Windows Mobile

Serial to Modem, TPC/IP, UDP/IP Encapsulation

Phone Line

Communication Drivers Enhancements:

Option to dial to a remote site automatically and connect a remote device (e.g. PLC) through modems connected with the standard phone line.

Option to encapsulate the protocol from any serial communication driver available in IWS (or CEView) under TCP/IP or UPD/IP, to exchange data with remote devices (e.g. PLCs) through an Ethernet to Serial converter.

ModemModemIWSPLCEthernetto SerialConverterIWSPLCTCP/IP or UDP/IP

Native Encapsulation for Serial Comm. Drivers

Remote Management Tools Connect to remote runtime stations from the Development Station (IWS) through any valid TCP/IP link, such as Ethernet, Wireless Ethernet (IEC 802.11), Internet, Dial-Up connection.

Download the local application to the target station; Import the application from the target station; Install or upgrade the System Files (e.g.: CEView runtime software); License remotely; and Start or Stop the application remotely.

Implement changes on the screens from the development station and download them as soon as the changes are saved (On-line Remote Configuration).

Development Station (IWS)Runtime Stations

(IWS or CEView)TCP/IP or SerialProtect the target stations configuring the Remote Agent built-in security system.Remote Management

Remote Debugging Tools Debug the application running in the remote target stations from the development station.

Monitor tags, Force tags or execute Expressions remotely.

Monitor events and log the protocol communication remotely.

Development Station (IWS)Runtime Stations


Remote Database SpyRemote LogWinRemote Trobleshooting

Web Solution What is the Web Thin Client Uses a regular WEB Browser (Internet Explorer) to host the application. Does not require the installation to the runtime software nor the application, remaining THIN as far as software installation is concerned. Requests online and history data from the Server where InduSoft Web Studio is running, becoming a CLIENT for the data.


Develop the application just once and access the screens from the Server station or from any remote Web Thin Client during the runtime (any station or device with Internet Explorer).

Visualize data from the Web Thin Client stations and send commands or change set-points from them (bi-directional communication).

Do not worry about the resolution (auto screen scaling) or the operating system of the web thin client station (support to Windows CE up to Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, and Server Editions).

Implement changes in the Server just once and make the changes available for all Web Thin Clients automatically (save maintenance cost).

Data Server Redundancy

Built-In Redundancy:

Data Server

Web Server

IWS Web Gateway

Web Server Redundancy

Web Solution - Security

Traditional Features:

Server controls the client access

Data encryption (RC6)Enhanced Features:

Support for standard firewall configuration (web tunneling)

Support for HTTPS (SSL - Security Socket Layer) and routing capabilitiesCyber Security

Web Thin Clients can access the Server through the standard HTTP or HTTPS protocols, providing compatibility with firewalls. Support for SSL (Security Socket Layer) from Microsoft IIS Web Server. Embedded routing capabilities through the Studio Web Gateway for Microsoft IIS Web Server. Support for Secondary Server, increasing the reliability of the system the Web Thin Client switches automatically to the Secondary Server when the Primary Server is not available. Compatibility with any platform supported by IWS or CEView.

Studio TCP/IP(Port 1234)

HTTP(Port 80)Firewall Support

Panel Builder Report

Closed Platform(Black Box)Open Architecture Flexibility Expansibility Connectivity

Over 150DriversTCP/IPOPC ServerGatewayADOOPCClientWeb(HTML &XML)

PanelBuilder32Import Wizard

Panel MateApplicationFiles

Closed Platform(Black Box)Open Architecture Flexibility Expansibility Connectivity

Over 150DriversTCP/IPOPC ServerGatewayADOOPCClientWeb(HTML &XML)

PanelMateImport Wizard

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