when a girl says she's not ready for a relationship

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When a Girl Says She's Not Ready For a Relationship

By: Frankie Cola


A Clear Plan of EXACTLY What to do When She Gives You the Not Ready For a Relationship Talk and 1 BIG MISTAKE to Avoid

When a girl says she likes you, but isn't ready for a relationship, it can REALLY
drive you crazy.

Her mixed signals eat at your brain like
a parasite, making you anguish about losing her.

You start wondering...

Is there something I did wrong?

What is the "move" or "strategy" I need to DO to get her to want me as her boyfriend?

Is there another guy in the picture who she also likes besides me?

If you allow this fear to frustrate you, you'll get needy and push the girl away.

Her attraction for you will fade and you will LOSE HER.

Or... you can learn how to deal with a girl who isn't ready to be "official" in a way that ramps up the attraction she feels for you and launches the "relationship" to the next level.

Read on to find out how.

When a woman isn't ready to be "official"... most men get smacked in the face with a curveball.

They feel confused.

It's something they don't have a clear strategy of how to navigate, so the uncertainty wrecks them.

Then they freak out, get needy, and the woman loses attraction.

But when you have a clear plan of exactly what to do... you can move forward with CERTAINTY.

And you wipe out all the weak, attraction-killing behaviors you don't want to have.

Pay Close Attention:

In the following question and answer case studies I give you a clear plan of EXACTLY what to do when a girl says she's not ready for a relationship.

>>>My Comments

Look Juanton, she likes you, but it seems like youre pushing too much for an official relationship and she feels SMOTHERED by it.

Now here's the tricky part:

Most people will say that to win a girl's heart, you have to earn it by being really nice, by giving her lots of attention, by showing her that you care... blah blah blah.

But I call bullshit on all of that.

Yes, you have to "earn" it. Not by smothering her with attention like every other chump chasing her... but by raising her attraction level so much that she fantasizes about being your "official" girlfriend and starts asking you questions such as "so... what are we?"

This is exactly what you want.

Now, you can create attraction with the behaviors that you do, but you can also destroy it.

And when a girl says she's not ready for
a relationship, what she REALLY means
is: "I don't feel enough attraction for you yet."

Chances are, you've been doing attraction-destroying behaviors that are stopping this girl from falling in love with you.

So before we talk about how to raise her attraction level, let's first let's talk about the behaviors that KILL attraction.

For one, giving her too much attention lowers her attraction level, and that seems to be your problem right now.

Juanton, I can tell this girl really likes you, man!

But if you do things like...

blowing up her phone with texts

revealing your "feelings" for her

pummeling her with questions about when she's ready to be "boyfriend and girlfriend" with you

constantly asking her what she's doing

getting worried about other guys she's hanging out with

...then her attraction for you will PLUMMET faster than a lead balloon.

Now here's something you need to know:

For a woman's attraction to grow for you, she has to spend time AWAY from youto sort her feelings out.

And when a girl says she's not ready for a relationship, then her feelings haven't grown enough yet to make her desire you as her boyfriend.

And let me tell you, being too available and texting her 24/7 will not allow her feelings to grow like that.

Instead, here's exactly what you need to do...

1. Cut Back on Your Texting

The purpose of texting is to make a date.

Nothing derails your path to attraction like getting into long text conversations that don't go anywhere.

So use the phone only to send a few texts that eventually aim for the meet up

Save "getting to know her" for when you are face to face.

If you waste too much time, the girl's initial attraction will fade and you will lose your chance.

2. Dont Bring Up the Label or Status of Your Relationship, EVER

Relationships, bonding, wanting to know the meaning of us thats all feminine energy.

Let HER take care of that

If you are pushing for things to get "official"... then stop it right now.

Acting like the woman by talking about your "feelings" and wanting to lock her down as your girlfriend can lead to a very serious loss of attraction.


3. Only focus on Creating Romantic, Fun-Filled Opportunities for Getting Physical to Happen

Our tasks as men are very simple: Make fun dates that lead to sex.

If you properly do this over time, the woman's attraction level will slowly go up as the weeks go by.

Once her attraction level gets high enough, she will fall in love and start asking you questions about the "relationship label" of you+her.

If you want to learn more about how to create an intense desire in a woman to chase you to be your girlfriend, then learn the 4 Horsemen of the Chase four things that trigger a girl to chase you

(it's revealed in this video at around the 11th minute mark)

>>>My Comments

Hey Cam, great job getting back on the horse by investing in yourself to become a better man.

When you love, respect, and invest in yourself like this... other people will also love, respect, and invest in you as well.

If you want to get your ex back, doing this puts you on the right track.

She reached out, and this is VERY IMPORTANT.

When a girl reaches out after a long period of no contact, it means she is missing you and you are on her mind.

That's why she puts herself in your orbit.

Therefore, you should assume she wants to see you, and you should make a date.

Which you did, so good job.

But here's something to keep in mind if you want to increase your chance of having sex...

Instead of day-time coffee dates, go for night dates.

Why? Because you want to create a romantic fun-filled opportunity for sex to happen.

Day dates are for friends. Those meet-ups are more likely to end with a hug.

But go for night dates, and you stack
the odds in your favor.

To make it even easier, make the date venue close to your apartment or her's.

Logistics Logistics Logistics


If you start seeing your ex again, you have to avoid the mistake most guys do.

If she's on the fence on whether to take you back...

...making this mistake is like swinging a wrecking ball through your chances of ever getting her back.

What is it?

The mistake is to bring up the topic of "getting back together" and being official again.

Just don't do it!

Instead, let HER bring it up.

And she will, if you raise her
attraction level enough.


By hanging out, having fun, and hooking up in a non-needy, non-attached, and no-pressure manner.

Because once you start asking about her feelings and wanting to get back together, that's when you kill the attraction you've created that you've worked so hard for.


Because this is feminine behavior that reduces her attraction level when you do it.

You see, getting fearful, talking about your feelings, emotional bonding

...these are all things the woman does to lock you down as her boyfriend.

It's how nature made "Feminine Energy"
out to be.

So if you hammer her with questions about becoming "official" again


Its more like your inner little girl coming out.

Which is not attractive at all because it reduces the masculine-feminine polarity of the interaction.


Make plans to create a fun-filled, romantic opportunity for sex to happen...

Dont bring up feelings, relationship labels, or what you did wrong in the past relationship...

Let HER be the one to bring up feelings, getting serious, and relationship labels...

Now, if you're struggling to change your ex's mind

Heres a technique that makes your "hard to get" ex girlfriend CHASE YOU to be her boyfriend again.