when you worship you move mountains mark 11:12-24

When you worship you move Mountains Mark 11:12-24

Upload: adrian-byrd

Post on 17-Dec-2015




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Page 1: When you worship you move Mountains Mark 11:12-24

When you worship you move Mountains

Mark 11:12-24

Page 2: When you worship you move Mountains Mark 11:12-24

When you worship you move Mountains

We where created to worship God

with every aspect of our lives.

Page 3: When you worship you move Mountains Mark 11:12-24

When you worship you move Mountains

John 4:24God is spirit, and those

who worship him must worship in spirit and truth

Page 4: When you worship you move Mountains Mark 11:12-24

When you worship you move Mountains

The deeper the roots of a believer the more

powerful their faith and their roots can alone go as deep as their prayer

life is.

Page 5: When you worship you move Mountains Mark 11:12-24

When you worship you move Mountains

John 15:17If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for


Page 6: When you worship you move Mountains Mark 11:12-24

When you worship you move Mountains

The more emphasis place on prayer and the study of the word

the less we move in our own strength.

Because if you set the course, do the work, make the decision you

limit your life and the Work of Christ.