where social media and traditional marketing intersect

Where Social Media and Tradi0onal Marke0ng Intersect Modern Marke0ng for CPAs By Michelle Golden

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Post on 22-Jun-2015




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Leading Edge Alliance Young Professionals session covering basics of social media, how to weave it into individual marketing efforts, and where/how to begin.


Page 1: Where Social Media and Traditional Marketing Intersect

Where  Social  Media  and    Tradi0onal  Marke0ng  Intersect    

Modern  Marke0ng  for  CPAs  

By  Michelle  Golden  

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•  WHAT  •  What  is  this?  •  What  has  changed?  

•  WHY  •  Why  do  this  stuff?  •  Why  does  it  maDer?  

•  HOW  •  How  do  we  begin  prac0cal  applica0on?  •  How  do  we  manage  concerns?  

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WHAT  ARE            SOCIAL  MEDIA?  

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A  con(nually  changing  set  of  tools    and  their  users(!)  that  facilitate  informa(on  sharing  and  rela(onships.  Online.  

Image:  ironrodart  (flickr)  

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Image:  thomaschung  (flickr)  

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Effec0ve  online  presence  means:  

•  You’re  findable  •  Illustrates  your  uniqueness  &  character  •  Supports  your  claims  of  exper0se  

•  Demonstrates  you’re  a  thinker  &  up-­‐to-­‐date  

•  Conveys  you’re  accessible  •  From  stodgy  back  to  “grassroots”  marke0ng  

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What’s  content  marke0ng?  

Image:  iang  (flickr)  

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Social  Media    

1.  Engagement  

2.  Self-­‐publishing  

•  Can  just  engage  •  Can  just  publish  •  But  publishing  w/out  engaging  is  merely  passive  marke0ng  

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Pick  Your  Purpose  

1.  Business  development  •  Build/strengthen  business  rela0onships  •  Interact,  share  •  Credibility  •  Build  team,  recrui0ng  

2.  Customer  service/reputa0on  enhancement  •  Create  proac0ve  fan  base  •  Monitor  •  Make  problems  right  

3.  Just  to  learn  (passive,  but  OK  place  to  start)  

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Personal  >  Corporate  >  Personal  

1977   1999  

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Visibility  +  Credibility  =  KEY  


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Current  Clients  


New  Biz  


Skill/Svc  Dev  

Expecta(on  Management  Conversa(ons/Listening  Debriefs  (BARs/AARs)  Delega(on  Face  Time  Industry/Org  Par(cipa(on  Succession/Transi(on  Service  Grid  

Conversa(ons/Listening  Clarify  Messages  (educate)  Face  Time/Follow-­‐up  Reciprocity/Reward  (track)  Target  

Innova(on  (new  solu0ons/  products,  dev  processes,  improve  effec0veness)  

Con(nuing  Ed  (new,  advanced)  

Apply  Industry  Knowledge  (id  KPIs/sector,  studies,  surveys)  

Worthiness  of  Trust    (behavior,  impression,  respectable  ext/int)  

Competence    (write,  speak,  lead)  

Capability  Evidence    (case  studies,  tes0monials,  representa0ve  clients,)  

Involvement    (visible  in  core  markets)   ID/Study/Refine  

Conversa(ons/Listening  Face  Time/Follow-­‐up  Demonstrate  Relevance,  Credibility,  Trustworthiness  

goldenprac0ces.com   16  

Personal  Marke0ng  Plans  

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Current  Clients  


New  Biz  


Skill/Svc  Dev  

Expecta(on  Management  Conversa(ons/Listening  Debriefs  (BARs/AARs)  Delega(on  Face  Time  Industry/Org  Par(cipa(on  Succession/Transi(on  Service  Grid  

Conversa(ons/Listening  Clarify  Messages  (educate)  Face  Time/Follow-­‐up  Reciprocity/Reward  (track)  Target  

Innova(on  (new  solu0ons/  products,  dev  processes,  improve  effec0veness)  

Con(nuing  Ed  (new,  advanced)  

Apply  Industry  Knowledge  (id  KPIs/sector,  studies,  surveys)  

Worthiness  of  Trust    (behavior,  impression,  respectable  ext/int)  

Competence    (write,  speak,  lead)  

Capability  Evidence    (case  studies,  tes0monials,  representa0ve  clients,)  

Involvement    (visible  in  core  markets)   ID/Study/Refine  

Conversa(ons/Listening  Face  Time/Follow-­‐up  Demonstrate  Relevance,  Credibility,  Trustworthiness  

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Personal  Marke0ng  Plans  

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Levels  of  Marke0ng  




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WHY  DEAL  WITH                    SOCIAL  MEDIA?  


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Image:  fuzzyscalyman  (flickr)  

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Integrated  marke0ng.  

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Overlay.    New  Sales    Per  Month  

                             2003                  2004              2005                2006                2007                2008              2009    

Begin  SEO  

Teach  team  about  SM  

Launch  new  website  

Integrate  website  into    all  marke0ng  

Begin  Twee0ng  

Launch  Facebook  Page  

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image:  niclindh  (flickr)  

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Or  Alltop.  

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Google  Reader.  

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Get  Found.  

•  LinkedIn  profile  (solid)  •  Google  profile  (claim)  

•  Bio  on  your  website?  •  TwiDer?    •  Facebook?  

When  they  find  you,  what  do  people  see?  

©  2010  Golden  Prac0ces  Inc  

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Image:  lydiaboote  (flickr)  

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Why  posi0on  a  specialty?  

1.  Stand  apart    more  appealing  +  easier  to  find  +  compelling  to    buy  from  =  higher  close  rate    

2.  Develop  ‘GO-­‐TO’  status  step  to  front  of  line  for  quality  referrals  &  publicity  opportuni(es  

3.  People  pay  more  for  specialists  

4.  ADract  recruits  to  a  solid  clientele  5.  Create  a  more  valuable  prac0ce  

©  2010  Golden  Prac0ces  Inc   29

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Build  YOUR  house  

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File  Sharing  Sites  -­‐  Slideshare  Subscrip0ons:  goldenm  

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File  Sharing  Sites:  YouTube  Subscrip0ons:  cpatrendlines  

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Which  tool  for  what?  


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LI  for  research  &  mee0ng  prep.  

•  Search  prospects  &  referral  sources  •  Load  up  and  look  up!  •  Ask  mutual  contact  for  recommenda0on  or  introduc0on  

•  Spot  employees  with  #  contacts  (sign  helpful)  

•  Study  compe00on  •  Do  they  link  to  your  customers?  

•  Where  do  they  hang?  

•  Research  customers  


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Who’s  Cut  Out    for  Blogging?  

©  2011  Golden  Prac0ces  Inc   36  

hDp://www.slideshare.net/goldenm/anatomy-­‐blog  hDp://www.slideshare.net/goldenm/new-­‐blog-­‐process-­‐chart  

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Blog  Fodder  

•  Outbound  emails  •  Search:  TwiDer,  YouTube,  Slideshare,  other  •  Skim  Feeds  (Google  Reader,  Stumble  Upon,  TwiDer  –  Flipboard)  

•  Feature  guests:  clients,  referral  sources,  prospects  (ScoD  H),  academics,  industry  gurus,  media  commentators  &  journalists,  other  bloggers  or  would-­‐be  bloggers  w/no  plavorm  yet  

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Presen0ng  yourself.  

•  People  are  ALWAYS  beDer  than  logos  •  E.g.  TwiDer:  other  than  for  marke0ng  or  cust  svc  rep,  all  CPAs  s/tweet  under  their  own  name  

•  Humanize  yourselves  because  it’s  “grassroots”  



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Friends  &  followers.  

•  Peers,  colleagues  •  Industry  experts,  associa0on  reps  •  Local  and  na0onal  media  

•  Thought  leaders  •  Customers  

•  Strangers  who  ask  

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Dos  and  Don’ts.  

•  Be  conversa0onal  &  friendly  •  Be  authen0c  &  truthful—even  fallible!  (creates  trust)  

•  Add  value,  don’t  just  make  noise  

•  Promote  (men0on,  praise)  others,  don’t  talk  much  about  you  or  your  firm  (spam)  

•  Remember  your  purpose—probably  connec0on  and  impression  

40  ©  2010  Golden  Prac0ces  Inc   40

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Policy  components  

•  Liability disclaimers*

•  General communications/behavior*

•  Internet & email policies*

•  Specific social media tool policies

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When  SM  works.  

•  Grassroots  marke0ng  builds  rela0onships  •  Expect  lead  results  only  when  engaged  •  Be  a  reliable,  credible  source  •  People  do  more  business  w/people    they  know,  like  &  trust  

•  Have  content  strategies  to  keep  it  alive!  


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[email protected]  goldenprac0cesinc.com  goldenprac0ces.com  (blog)  @michellegolden  (twiDer)  

More  Info:  slideshare.net/goldenm