while an estimation of the size of a priority populations will assist services in identifying...

Priority Populations Calculator Estimating the Size of Priority Populations and Setting Service Access Targets for Sexual Health Services (Part Two)

Upload: kathleen-sharp

Post on 22-Dec-2015




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Priority Populations Calculator

Estimating the Size of Priority Populationsand

Setting Service Access Targetsfor

Sexual Health Services (Part Two)

Priority Populations Calculator

Part TwoAdditional Information

Priority Populations Calculator

While an estimation of the size of a priority populations will assist services in identifying targets, the following additional information is also required to inform decision making.

Priority Populations Calculator

Additional Information Key Questions

Geographic boundaries of service provision

• What geographic area does the service cover?• Are services being provided in towns/suburbs with large indigenous populations or other priority populations?• What is the population size and known demographic of the population or sub- populations?• Do the geographic boundaries enhance or limit service provision?• If there are no specific services actively targeting priority populations is this related to capacity?

Priority Populations Calculator

Additional Information Key Questions

Sexual health service usage data

• What proportions of priority groups are currently accessing the service?• How are the targets set by the Area Health Service Strategy measured against the sexual health service data?• How does service provision compare to other sexual health services?• Has service provision changed over time?• Do service users reflect state and local priorities?• What is the service’s capacity to meet the needs of priority populations?

Priority Populations Calculator

Additional Information Key Questions

Sexual Health Service Usage Data

• What proportions of clients are seen from identified high priority populations in the geographic boundaries of the SHS?• Is this proportion appropriate?• Is there an identified gap? If so can the service alter its activities to address the gap?• Do the demographics of service attendees tally with the identified populations?

Priority Populations Calculator

Additional Information Key Questions

Identification of other service providers

• Who else is providing services to priority populations?• Are they meeting their sexual health needs?• Can we build their capacity to address sexual health?• How should we collaborate with them? • What level of GP service is available?• What level of training / experience in STI & HIV is available within the GP populations?• Other than direct service provision how can we increase access to services for those clients we are unable to service?

Priority Populations Calculator

Additional Information Key Questions

Surveillance Data • What does surveillance data tell us about local priorities?• What are the demographics of those most at risk?• What trends are there in notifications?• Is surveillance data sufficiently detailed to allow identification of sub populations? Example: within SESIAHS there would be no way of identifying trends in Illawarra / Shoalhaven due to the very high numbers in NHN but as the populations are very different it is important to be able to identify these trends. The same may apply to other metro AHS.

Priority Populations Calculator

Additional Information Key Questions

Professional knowledge and experience

• From their professional experience, have staff identified other factors that need to be considered?• Are there local projects, evaluations and research that can provide further information on the priority populations?• Are there NGOs in the AHS who are already providing some of the services?• Do we have access to the data regarding priority populations from these NGOs? If not, is it possible to negotiate access to the data as this may provide valuable information about our service delivery targets?

Priority Populations Calculator

Additional Information Key Questions

State-wide and area health service strategies and policies

• What are the state-wide and area health priorities?• Are these reflected in our local priorities?• Have we ensured Aboriginal people are a priority for our sexual health service?• What strategies have been used to increase access for priority populations?• Are any of the strategies applicable to more than one population?• Are there multiple services available within the AHS and if so how does each one prioritise its targets without duplication and the risk of gaps in service provision?

Priority Populations Calculator

Additional Information Key Questions

Consideration of local priority CALD communities, risks and service access

• What are the local priority CALD communities?• Which of these CALD communities are at increased HIV (analyse local HIV notifications by ‘reported’ country of birth and / or ‘language spoken at home’)?• Are these local CALD communities with high numbers of HIV notifications drawn from a country with a high prevalence of HIV and / or other STIs (use UNAIDS data or general knowledge?• Do these local CALD communities have high number of other priority populations?• Which of these local priority CALD populations require prioritised access to publicly funded services?

Priority Populations Calculator

Additional Information Key Questions

Consideration of local priority CALD communities, risks and service access

• Is there epidemiological or social research which indicates later presentation or anecdotal evidence that they poorly access general practice for HIV/STI- related health issues? • What links do Sexual Health and HIV services have with refugee health services?• What links do Sexual Health and HIV services have to Divisions of GPs with multilingual doctors?• What education and training in culturally appropriate STI and HIV testing services are available and / or could be developed?

Priority Populations Calculator

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