whipton barton · web viewthe word 'terrible' is an adjective. it tells us what the book (the noun)...

Pack B Day 1 Maths We have learnt about partitioning numbers in Maths. A 4 digit number can be partitioned into thousands, hundreds, tens and ones. Have a go at partitioning the following numbers: 4521 7856 2314 Challenge – Can you think of more than 1 way to partition these numbers?

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We have learnt about partitioning numbers in Maths. A 4 digit number can be partitioned into thousands, hundreds, tens and ones.
Have a go at partitioning the following numbers:
Challenge – Can you think of more than 1 way to partition these numbers?
Every sentence that we write in English must be punctuated properly.
Correct the below sentences by adding in capital letters, full stops and question marks.
Geography - Biomes
We have been learning about biomes in Geography. A biome is a community of animals and plants which are adapted to live in a particular environment. Choose one of your favourite biomes from this topic and draw a picture of it. Remember to include animals, plants, landscape and the climate.
· Desert
Challenge - Carry out research to find out more about the plants and animals which could be included in your picture.
Day 2
You will be learning about number lines today.
1) Follow the below link to watch the teaching video on number lines:
vimeo.com/452198131 – watch until 4min 10secs.
2) Complete the below questions by drawing the number lines in your home learning book.
1) A noun is a word that identifies a name, place, object or idea. 
· People Nouns - Steven, Amy, Jim
· Place Nouns - School, Bus Stop, Home
· Thing Nouns - Jacket, Seat, Money
Read through the below text and write down the nouns you can find in your home learning book.
Can you use the nouns you find in your own sentences?
We have been learning about our mental health and wellbeing in PSHE. Think about all of the things that make you happy. Draw a picture of yourself and show all of the things that make you happy. You can draw them or describe them.
Day 3
'It was a terrible book.'
The word 'terrible' is an adjective. It tells us what the book (the noun) was like.
2) Write the below sentences in your book and underline the adjective in each one.
1. The cat had beautiful, green eyes.
2. Mark the spider has eight long legs.
3. She laughed excitedly at the funny, foolish clown.
4. The shiny diamond glistened in the bright sun.
5. The black and white penguin waddled calmly around the pebbly beach.
6. The furry, adorable dog wagged his stubby tail at the postman.
7. She won an impressive prize for being an inspiring, remarkable scientist.
8. She won a prize for being an extremely clever scientist
Challenge - Rewrite all of the sentences and add more detail by extending the sentences or adding in another adjective to make them more exciting.
For example: The cat had beautiful, green eyes and a gorgeous tail.
1) Watch the below video on rounding to the nearest 1000.
2) Complete the below questions in your home learning book.
Art – Landscapes
You have been looking at drawing landscapes in Art, particularly focusing on the difference between objects that are up close and ones that are far away. Grab your self some paper and a pencil and take a look out a window. Draw what you can see.
Sketch the outline of the landscape first, then go in and add the details. Look back and forth from the landscape to your paper, as you translate what you see to what you are drawing.
You can add some colours once you have finished your sketch.
Day 4
A noun phrase is a group of words that is added to a noun for description.
Watch the clip about noun phrases:
Now create your own examples about ‘Cinderella of the Nile’
Which noun phrases could use to describe this picture?
Follow the below link to watch the teaching video on rounding to the nearest 100.
Here are some examples:
Now have a go at rounding:
We have 4 different sets of teeth:
Can you now complete the diagram below? You don’t need to print the diagram.
Day 5
2. Now read the beginning of the story and discuss it with someone at home.
What did you enjoy about it? Why?
Mufaro Beginning
A long time ago, in a certain place in Africa, a small village lay across a river and half a day’s journey from a city where a great king lived. A man named Mufaro lived in this village with his two daughters, who were called Manyara and Nyasha. Everyone agreed that Manyara and Nyasha were very beautiful.
Manyara was almost always in a bad temper. She teased her sister whenever their father’s back was turned, and she had been heard to say, “Someday, Nyasha, I will be a queen, and you will be a servant in my household.”
“If that should come to pass,” Nyasha responded, “I will be pleased to serve you. But why do you say such things? You are clever and strong and beautiful. Why are you so unhappy?”
“Because everyone talks about how kind you are, and they praise everything you do,” Manyara replied. “I’m certain that Father loves you best. But when I am a queen, everyone will know that your silly kindness is only weakness.”
Nyasha was sad that Manyara felt this way, but she ignored her sister’s words and went about her chores. Nyasha kept a small plot of land, on which she grew millet, sunflowers, yams, and vegetables. She always sang as she worked, and some said it was her singing that made her crops more bountiful than anyone else’s.
One day, Nyasha noticed a small garden snake resting beneath a yam vine. “Good day, little Nyoka,” she called to him. “You are welcome here. You will keep away any creatures who might spoil my vegetables.” She bent forward, gave the little snake a loving pat on the head, and then returned to her world.
From that day on, Nyoka was always at Nyasha’s side when she tended her garden. It was said that she sang all the more sweetly when he was there.
Mufaro knew nothing of how Manyara treated Nyasha. Nyasha was too considerate of her father’s feelings to complain, and Manyara was always careful to behave herself when Mufaro was around.
Follow the link to watch the teaching video on rounding to the nearest 10.
Now have a go at the following questions:
Here are some examples of food chains:
Now create your own food chains using some of the pictures below:
Day 6
listen to the story of ‘Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters’ and answer the following questions about the beginning of the story.
2. What was special about Mufaro’s daughters?
3. What did Manyara do to her sister?
4. How did Nyasha respond to her?
5. What did Nyasha grow?
6. Why did people say that her crops grew so well?
7. What did Nyasha spot underneath a yam vine?
8. Why did she decide to be kind to the snake?
9. What name did she give it?
10. Why didn’t Mufaro do anything about the way that Manyara treated Nyasha?
Follow the below link to watch the teaching video on ‘Add and Subtract 1s,10s,100s and 100s.
Now answer the following questions:
In Science, we have made some electrical circuits.
For a circuit to be complete, electricity must flow from the battery through a complete circuit that has no gaps and back to the battery.
Look at the circuits and decide if the circuits are complete or incomplete.
1. Explain to someone or write a short explanation for each picture to explain why they are complete or incomplete.
Day 7
In class, we have looked at joining two sentences together using conjunctions.
Conjunctions include:
We have spent a lot of time mastering the column method for addition.
Remember to line up the place value and show exchanges! See example below.
Now have a go at these….
Other curriculum: Biomes
In geography, we learnt about lots of Biomes. Now have a go at a rucksack challenge. Choose a biome you remember well (deciduous forest/desert/rainforest/tundra).
You have a rucksack but can only take with you 10 items. What would they be and why?
e.g. Desert. I may choose water as it is hot and dry and sunglasses as there is little shade. I might want some binoculars to view the poisonous snakes from a distance.
Talk this through with someone and then draw your items in a bag.
Day 8
In class we have looked at comparing animals in the Book of Bones.
Comparatives include: bigger, smaller, lighter, darker, heavier, lighter, more intelligent, and more precious
Pick some items in your house and write a sentence that compares them
My bath is deeper than the sink.
Under the stairs is darker than my bedroom.
My pokemon cards are more precious than the TV.
Try to do at least 8 sentences.
Play this addition game. If you have no one to play with make both the numbers yourself and see if Player A or Player B wins
Use a 6 or 10 sided dice. (you can find interactive dice here dice.virtuworld.net )
As you roll a number place it in your grid (wherever you like)
Once all spaces are full, add up and see who has won.
To make it easier make 3 digit numbers
To make it harder try and make each example have a boundary crossing!
Other activity: French
In class, we have practiced introducing our family.
Use the cards to match up the pictures and the phrases.
VOCAB: Mere = mother, Soeur = sister, Pere = dad, Frere = brother
If you feel confident, have a go at talking about your family using similar vocab.
Day 9
When we looked at comparatives, we also looked at superlatives (THE BEST!)
For example: fastest, tallest, slowest, cleverest, most intelligent, most beautiful
Again, use examples to hand in your house to make sentences or animals you can remember from the Book of Bones. These can be about objects people or pets.
e.g. Rowan (Mrs’s Martin’s cat) is the fiercest on the street.
Mr Martin is the tallest in our house.
Try to do at least 8 sentences.
Column subtraction. Watch the video up to 4min 35 sec then STOP and have a go at the following questions.
Other curriculum: Art
Today we will be looking at textures and how to draw them.
Different textures are all around us. Find objects or materials within the room that have an interesting texture. Feel and describe them. Split an A4 sheet into 6 or 8 smaller boxes (either by folding or using a ruler) and try to draw some of the textures using different patterns. See the picture below for some examples.
Day 10
Listen to the story of Ananse and the Pot of Wisdom.
How would you describe the character of Ananse? Can you think of 3 sentences to describe him? Do you think what happened to him was fair? Why?
Use words and pictures to make a story board summary of the story (6-8 pictures). Try using this to help you to retell the story.
Fun time extras
Watch some more stories about Ananse. He appears in lots of stories. Try these to begin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D25eKPWa-j0
We have looked at negative numbers in class.
Use a numberline to work out the next 3 numbers in these sequences. Work out the step it is going in first.