white texasenergy dcw savingenergyfractionation 06126

8/10/2019 White TexasEnergy DCW SavingEnergyFractionation 06126 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/white-texasenergy-dcw-savingenergyfractionation-06126 1/30 Saving Energy in Saving Energy in Fractionation Operation Fractionation Operation Texas Technology Showcase 2006

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S av i n g E n er g y i n  S av i n g E n er g y i n  F r a c t i o n a t i o n O p e r a t i o n  F r a c t i o n a t i o n O p e r a t i o n  


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2006 Texas Technology Showcase

Presenter Presenter Presenter 

Doug White

Principal Consultantand Vice President,APC Services

Process Systems andSolutions

Emerson Process


Houston, Texas

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2006 Texas Technology Showcase

F r ac t i o n at i o n E n e r g y  F r ac t i o n at i o n E n e r g y  F r ac t i o n at i o n E n e r g y  

  Over 40000 distillation/ fractionation columns in the USalone

  Consume 40% - 60% of the total energy used inchemical and refining plants

  Consume 19% of the total energy used inmanufacturing plants in the US

Reference: Office of Industrial Technology:

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy;

US Department of Energy

Washington, DC

“Distillation Column Modeling Tools”

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2006 Texas Technology Showcase

Pr esentation O bjectives Pr esentation O bjectives Pr esentation O bjectives 

 Present general approaches to saving energyin fractionation/ distillation through improvedcontrol

 Present techniques for economic analysis thatrecognize non-linear character of distillationoperation and effects of product blending

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2006 Texas Technology Showcase







Feed, F

20,000 BPD$60/ Bbl

Bottoms, B  5%C4; $80/ Bbl> 5%C4; $60/ Bbl

Distillate, D  3%C5 ;$60/ Bbl>

%C5; $40/ Bbl






C as e S t u d y  C as e S t u d y  C as e S t u d y  


C3   – 25%nC4  – 25%nC5  – 25%nC6  – 25%



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2006 Texas Technology Showcase

S av i n g E n e r g y i n F r ac t i o n at i o n  S av i n g E n e r g y i n F r ac t i o n at i o n  S av i n g E n e r g y i n F r ac t i o n at i o n  

 Closer Control to Specifications

 Optimize Energy Usage versus Recovery

  Minimize Pressure

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2006 Texas Technology Showcase

D is t i l lat i o n C o l u m n C o n t r o l S av i n g s  D is t i l lat i o n C o l u m n C o n t r o l S av i n g s  D i s t il l at i o n C o l u m n C o n t r o l S av i n g s  

Cost Per Year 

Excess Reflux

20000 BPD Stabilizer Column

$10/ MM BTU Steam








5 10 25 50

% Excess Reflux

$/ Yr 

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Mat erial B alanc e Mat erial B alanc e 

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2006 Texas Technology Showcase

P r o d u c t V al u e  P r o d u c t V al u e  P r o d u c t V al u e  

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5



Value;$/ Day

Bottom Product Composition; %

Assumptions:ConstantReflux; NoVariability in


Optimum is to operateas close to the specas possible

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2006 Texas Technology Showcase

Debut anizer   –  Mat er ial B alanc e Ef f ect s Debut anizer  Debut anizer   – –   Mat er ial Balanc e Ef f ect s Mat er ial Balance Ef f ect s 


20000 BPD

Constant B/F







3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 4.2 4.4

R/D Ratio

     C    o    m    p    o    s

     i     t    o    n

 ,     %




20000 BPD

Constant R/D








9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5


     C    o    m    p    o    s

     i     t     i    o    n ,




Material Balance Control Has Strongest Effecton Composition

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2006 Texas Technology Showcase

Effec t of Variabi l i ty  Effec t of Variabi l i ty   – –  S t an d ar d A n al y s i s  S t an d ar d A n a ly s i s  






y(x)=  1








 x mean




     1     %

    o     f    p    e    a     k     h    e     i    g     h     t

     1     4     %

16% of area

2% of area





1 SD

2 SD

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2006 Texas Technology Showcase

Effect of Reduced Var iabi l i ty  Effect of Reduced Var iabi l i ty  







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2006 Texas Technology Showcase

R ed u c e d V ar i ab i l i t y O p t i o n s  

2-Sigma   2-Sigma

NewSet Point

OriginalSet Point

2-Sigma 2-Sigma

Upper LimitPV distribution for original control

PV distribution for improved control

Extra margin withoutimproved control


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2006 Texas Technology Showcase

P r o d u c t V al u e w i t h V a r iab i l i t y  P r o d u c t V a lu e w i t h V ar i ab i l i t y  P r o d u c t V al u e w i t h V a r iab i l i t y  

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

SpecProductValue;$/ Day

Bottom Product Composition; %




Initial OperatingTarget

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2006 Texas Technology Showcase

P r o d u c t V al u e w i t h V a r iab i l i t y  R e d u c e d   –  S am e S et p o i n t  P r o d u c t V a lu e w i t h V ar i ab i l i t y  P r o d u c t V al u e w i t h V a r iab i l i t y  

Reduced R e d u c e d    – –  S am e S et p o i n t  S am e S et p o i n t  

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

SpecProductValue;$/ Day

Bottom Product Composition; %


Mean Value



Initial OperatingTargetOld Mean


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2006 Texas Technology Showcase

P r o d u c t V al u e w i t h V a r iab i l i t y  P r o d u c t V a lu e w i t h V ar i ab i l i t y  P r o d u c t V al u e w i t h V a r iab i l i t y  

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

SpecProductValue;$/ Day

Bottom Product Composition; %





For any givenstandard deviationit is possible tocalculate the

optimum setpoint.

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2006 Texas Technology Showcase

Debu tanizer - Net Pr ofi t Cur v e Debutanizer Debutanizer   - -   N et P r o f i t C u r v e  N et P r o f i t C u r v e  

D e b u t a n i z e r  

2 0 0 00 B P D

5 % B t m C o m p


5 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0 0

1 5 0 0 0 0

2 0 0 0 0 0

2 5 0 0 0 0

0 .0 0 1 .0 0 2 .0 0 3 .0 0 4 .0 0 5 .0 0 6 .0 0

D i s t il la t e C o m p o s i t io n s , %


    e     t     P    r    o

     f     i     t ,     $     /     D    a    y

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2006 Texas Technology Showcase

Debutanizer  –  O p t i m u m S et p o i n t W i t h  Variabil i ty  Debutanizer Debutanizer  – –   Op t i m u m S et p o i n t W i t h  O p t i m u m S et p o i n t W i th  

Variabil i ty  Variabil i ty  


20000 BPD

5% Btm Comp

Variability Effect on Optimum Setpoint






0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

Distillate Compositon, %

     P    r    o     f     i     t ,     $     /     D    a    y






Optimum Setpoint Depends on Variability

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2006 Texas Technology Showcase

E ff ec t o f B l en d i n g  E ff ec t o f B l en d i n g  E f fec t o f B l en d i n g  

Column Product

Shipped Product

Proposition: Since actual specification is on shippedproduct rather than column product directly, smallexcursions over the specification don’t matter andcan be handled by blending.Is this correct?

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2006 Texas Technology Showcase

Non -Lin ear Effects No n No n - - Lin ear Effects L inear Effects 



For nonlinear relationship, theexpected value of the energy cost isNOT at the value equivalent to themedian of the composition; It’svalue depends on the standarddeviation of the composition

Less PureMore Pure



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2006 Texas Technology Showcase

Var iabi l i ty Vs Ener gy Var iabi l i ty Vs Ener gy Var iabi l i ty Vs Ener gy 

Debutanizer 20000 BPD

5% Btm Co mp; 3% Distil Com p

Variability Effect on Energy Usage











0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Distillate Composition Standard Deviation, %


    n    e    r    g    y

     C    o    s

     t ,     $     /     D    a    y

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E n er g y B al an c e  E n er g y B al an c e  C o n t r o l  C o n t r o l  

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2006 Texas Technology Showcase


Profi tabi l i ty  Prof i tabi l i ty  Prof i tabi l i ty  


$/ Day

Low Energy Cost,$/day

Product Value,$/day

Low EnergyCost Profit$/day

High EnergyCost, $/day

High EnergyCost Profit$/day


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2006 Texas Technology Showcase

P r o f i t ab i l i t y w i t h v ar i ab i l i t y  P r o f i t ab i l i t y w i t h v a ri ab i l i t y  P r o f i t ab i l i t y w i t h v ar i ab i l i t y  


$/ Day








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2006 Texas Technology Showcase

P r o f i t ab i l i t y w i t h v ar i ab i l i t y  P r o f i t ab i l i t y w i t h v a ri ab i l i t y  P r o f i t ab i l i t y w i t h v ar i ab i l i t y  


$/ Day





OldValue   Reduced


Same Mean



For locally quadraticobjective functionthe benefits of reduced variabilitycan be calculatedanalytically

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P r es s u r e E f f ec t s  P r es s u r e E f f ec t s  

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2006 Texas Technology Showcase

C o l u m n P r es s u r e E ff ec t  C o l u m n P r es s u r e E ff ec t  C o l u m n P res s u r e E ff ec t  

Relative Reboiler Cost Per Year 

Column Pressure Effect

Constant Separation

20000 BPD Stabilizer 








100 120 140 160 180 200

Pressure, PSIA

$ MM/ Yr 

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2006 Texas Technology Showcase

S u m m ar y - Sa v i n g E n e r g y i n F r ac t i o n a t i o n  S u m m a r y  S u m m a r y    - -   S a v i n g E n e r g y i n F r a c t i o n a t i o n  S a v i n g E n e r g y i n F r a c t i o n a t i o n  

 Closer Control to Specifications

 Optimize Energy Usage

  Minimize Pressure

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2006 Texas Technology Showcase

Q u e s t i o n s ? C o m m e n t s ?  Q u e s t i o n s ? C o m m e n t s ?  Q u e s t i o n s ? C o m m e n t s ?  

[email protected]

More material on subject:http://www.emersonprocess.com/solutions/services/aat